private void Employee_UpdateBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Validation_Class v = new Validation_Class(); if (v.Check_Name(EName_Update_Texbox.Text) && v.IsPositiveNumber(ESalary_Update_Texbox.Text) && v.IsValidEmail(EEmail_Update_Texbox.Text)) { if (EPass_Update_Texbox.Text.Length < 8) { MessageBox.Show("PassWord cannot be less than 8 Characters"); return; } // It Should me before 18 years from today else if (v.NationalID(EID_Update_Texbox.Text) && v.Is_Empty(EAdress_Update_Texbox.Text) && v.Two_Dates(BD_DatePicker.Value, DateTime.Today.AddYears(-18))) { string name = EName_Update_Texbox.Text; string email = EEmail_Update_Texbox.Text; string pass = v.Encrypt_PassWord(EPass_Update_Texbox.Text); int salary = Convert.ToInt32(ESalary_Update_Texbox.Text); string NID = EID_Update_Texbox.Text; DateTime BD = BD_DatePicker.Value; string address = EAdress_Update_Texbox.Text; string type = Type_CBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); int result = controller.Update_Employee(name, salary, email, pass, type, NID, BD, address); if (result == 0) { Message_Form message = new Message_Form(); message.Title("There was an Error Updating this Employee"); message.Title_Color(Color.Red); message.Show(); } else { Message_Form message = new Message_Form(); message.Title("The Employee is Updated Successfully"); message.Show(); } } } }
private void Employee_AddBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Validation_Class v = new Validation_Class(); if (v.Check_Name(EmployeeName_Insert_Texbox.Text) && v.IsPositiveNumber(EmployeeSalary_Insert_Texbox.Text) && v.IsValidEmail(EmployeeEmail_Insert_Texbox.Text)) { if (EPassword_TB.Text.Length < 8) { MessageBox.Show("PassWord cannot be less than 8 Characters"); return; } // It Should me before 18 years from today else if (v.NationalID(EmployeeID_Insert_Texbox.Text) && v.Is_Empty(EmployeeAdress_Insert_Texbox.Text) && v.Two_Dates(BD_DatePicker.Value, DateTime.Today.AddYears(-18))) { if (EPassword_TB.Text.Length < 8) { MessageBox.Show("PassWord cannot be less than 8 Characters"); return; } string name = EmployeeName_Insert_Texbox.Text; int salary = Convert.ToInt32(EmployeeSalary_Insert_Texbox.Text); string email = EmployeeEmail_Insert_Texbox.Text; string pass = v.Encrypt_PassWord(EPassword_TB.Text); string type = Type_CBox.Text; string NID = EmployeeID_Insert_Texbox.Text; DateTime BOD = BD_DatePicker.Value; string adress = EmployeeAdress_Insert_Texbox.Text; string gender = Gender_CBox.Text; if (controller.Insert_Employee(name, salary, email, pass, type, NID, BOD, adress, gender) == 1) { Message_Form message = new Message_Form(); Object id = controller.Last_Emplopyee_ID(); message.Title("Employee was added with ID = " + id.ToString()); message.Show(); } else { Message_Form message = new Message_Form(); message.Title("There was an Error inserting this Emoployee"); message.Title_Color(Color.Red); message.Show(); } } } }