public void Good_Url(string url) { var data = new ApiKeyData { Ip = "", UrlPattern = url, AppStatus = ApiKey.ApplicationStatus.Production }; var command = new ValidateAndGetKeyTypeCommand(data); var type = CommandExecutor.ExecuteCommand(command); Assert.That(type, Is.EqualTo(ApiKey.ApplicationType.Browser)); Assert.That(command.ErrorMessage, Is.Null); }
public void Empty_Parameters_Returns_None_with_Message() { var data = new ApiKeyData { Ip = "", UrlPattern = "", AppStatus = ApiKey.ApplicationStatus.Production }; var command = new ValidateAndGetKeyTypeCommand(data); var type = CommandExecutor.ExecuteCommand(command); Assert.That(type, Is.EqualTo(ApiKey.ApplicationType.None)); Assert.That(command.ErrorMessage, Is.Not.Null); }
public ActionResult Generate(ApiKeyData data) { var account = Account; if (account.KeyQuota.KeysAllowed - account.KeyQuota.KeysUsed <= 0) { ErrorMessage = "You have reached the API key quota. Please delete or deactivate keys that aren't in use or contact UGRC to increase your quota."; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "KeyManagement")); } ApiKey.ApplicationType type; var command = new ValidateAndGetKeyTypeCommand(data); try { type = CommandExecutor.ExecuteCommand(command); } catch (CommandValidationException e) { ErrorMessage = e.Message; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "KeyManagement")); } if (type == ApiKey.ApplicationType.None) { ErrorMessage = command.ErrorMessage; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Ip)) { TempData["ip"] = data.Ip; } else { TempData["url"] = data.UrlPattern; } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "GenerateKey")); } if (type == ApiKey.ApplicationType.Server) { if (LocalIp.IsMatch(data.Ip)) { Message = "The key you created looks like an internal IP address and will most likely not authenticate. " + "Please visit <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and use your public " + "IP address. If you receive a 400 status code, be sure to read the response body as it will detail " + "the reasons. "; } } var key = CommandExecutor.ExecuteCommand(new GenerateUniqueApiKeyCommand(Session)); var pattern = CommandExecutor.ExecuteCommand(new FormatKeyPatternCommand(type, data)); var apiKey = new ApiKey(key) { AccountId = account.Id, ApiKeyStatus = ApiKey.KeyStatus.Active, Type = type, AppStatus = data.AppStatus, Pattern = data.UrlPattern ?? data.Ip, RegexPattern = pattern, CreatedAtTicks = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks, Deleted = false, Key = key }; Session.Store(apiKey); Session.SaveChanges(); Account.KeyQuota.KeysUsed = CommandExecutor.ExecuteCommand(new CountApiInfosForUserQuery(Session, account)); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => CommandExecutor.ExecuteCommand(new KeyCreatedEmailCommand(account, apiKey))); Message += "Key created successfully."; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "KeyManagement")); }