public int WriteParameterAttributes(ParameterDefinition parameter, bool isWinRTMethodImplementation) { if (isWinRTMethodImplementation) { stackVariable1 = null; } else { stackVariable1 = this.GetInAttribute(parameter); } V_0 = stackVariable1; if (isWinRTMethodImplementation) { stackVariable3 = null; } else { stackVariable3 = this.GetOutAttribute(parameter); } V_1 = stackVariable3; V_2 = new List <CustomAttribute>(); if (V_0 != null) { V_2.Add(V_0); } if (V_1 != null) { V_2.Add(V_1); } V_2.AddRange(parameter.get_CustomAttributes()); V_3 = 0; V_4 = V_2.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); if (this.attributesNotToShow.Contains(V_5.get_AttributeType().get_FullName())) { continue; } if (V_3 != 0) { this.genericWriter.Write(this.get_ParameterAttributeSeparator()); } this.WriteAttribute(V_5, true, false); V_3 = V_3 + 1; } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } return(V_3); }
protected override string ToString(string constructName, HashSet <CFGBlockLogicalConstruct> printedCFGBlocks, LogicalFlowBuilderContext context) { V_0 = new StringBuilder(this.GetType().get_Name()); dummyVar0 = V_0.AppendLine(); dummyVar1 = V_0.AppendLine("{"); this.IndentAndAppendString(V_0, (this.get_Entry() as LogicalConstructBase).ToString(context)); dummyVar2 = V_0.AppendLine(); if (this.get_DefaultCase() != null) { this.IndentAndAppendString(V_0, this.get_DefaultCase().ToString(context)); } V_1 = this.get_ConditionCases(); V_2 = 0; while (V_2 < (int)V_1.Length) { this.IndentAndAppendString(V_0, V_1[V_2].ToString(context)); V_2 = V_2 + 1; } V_4 = this.get_NonDominatedCFGSuccessors().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); dummyVar3 = V_0.Append("\tCase"); V_6 = V_5.get_Key().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_6.MoveNext()) { V_7 = V_6.get_Current(); dummyVar4 = V_0.Append(" ").Append(V_7); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_6).Dispose(); } dummyVar5 = V_0.Append(": ").AppendLine(this.NodeILOffset(context, V_5.get_Value())); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } if (this.get_DefaultCase() == null) { dummyVar6 = V_0.Append("\tDefault: ").AppendLine(this.NodeILOffset(context, this.get_DefaultCFGSuccessor())); } dummyVar7 = V_0.Append("\tFollowNode: ").AppendLine(this.NodeILOffset(context, this.get_CFGFollowNode())); dummyVar8 = V_0.AppendLine("}"); printedCFGBlocks.UnionWith(this.get_CFGBlocks()); return(V_0.ToString()); }
private void GenerateStackData() { V_0 = new StackUsageData(); V_1 = this.instructionOffsetToUsedInstructionsMap.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = V_1.get_Current(); V_3 = new List<VariableDefinition>(V_2.get_Value().Select<int, VariableDefinition>(new Func<int, VariableDefinition>(this.u003cGenerateStackDatau003eb__25_0))); V_0.get_InstructionOffsetToUsedStackVariablesMap().set_Item(V_2.get_Key(), V_3); V_4 = V_3.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); this.GetDefineUseInfo(V_0, V_5).get_UsedAt().Add(V_2.get_Key()); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_1).Dispose(); } V_6 = this.instructionOffsetToVariableDefinitionMap.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_6.MoveNext()) { V_7 = V_6.get_Current(); if (V_7.get_Key() >= 0) { V_0.get_InstructionOffsetToAssignedVariableMap().Add(V_7.get_Key(), V_7.get_Value()); dummyVar0 = this.GetDefineUseInfo(V_0, V_7.get_Value()).get_DefinedAt().Add(V_7.get_Key()); } else { V_0.get_ExceptionHandlerStartToExceptionVariableMap().Add(-V_7.get_Key(), V_7.get_Value()); } } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_6).Dispose(); } this.methodContext.set_StackData(V_0); return; }
public IEnumerable <ICollection <ClassHierarchyNode> > GetConnectedComponents() { do { V_0 = null; V_2 = this.inferenceGraph.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_2.MoveNext()) { V_3 = V_2.get_Current(); if (this.used.ContainsKey(V_3)) { continue; } V_0 = V_3; goto Label0; } } finally { if (V_2 != null) { V_2.Dispose(); } } Label0: if (V_0 == null) { continue; } this.RecursiveDfs(V_0); }while (V_0 != null); V_1 = new ICollection <ClassHierarchyNode> [this.componentCount]; V_4 = this.nodeToComponent.get_Keys().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); V_6 = this.nodeToComponent.get_Item(V_5); if (V_1[V_6] == null) { V_1[V_6] = new List <ClassHierarchyNode>(); } ((List <ClassHierarchyNode>)V_1[V_6]).Add(V_5); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } return(V_1); }
private Statement FixSwitchingStatement(Statement statement) { if (statement as SwitchStatement == null) { if (statement as IfElseIfStatement != null) { V_4 = (statement as IfElseIfStatement).get_ConditionBlocks().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); this.FixConditionExpression(V_5.get_Key() as BinaryExpression); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } } } else { V_0 = statement as SwitchStatement; if (V_0.get_Condition().Equals(this.theIntVariable)) { V_0.set_Condition(this.theStringVariable.CloneExpressionOnly()); } V_1 = V_0.get_Cases().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = V_1.get_Current(); if (V_2 as ConditionCase == null) { continue; } stackVariable34 = V_2 as ConditionCase; V_3 = (Int32)(stackVariable34.get_Condition() as LiteralExpression).get_Value(); stackVariable34.set_Condition(new LiteralExpression(this.valueDictionary.get_Item(V_3), this.theTypeSystem, null)); } } finally { if (V_1 != null) { V_1.Dispose(); } } } return(statement); }
private Dictionary <string, List <string> > GetModuleCollisionTypesData(ModuleDefinition module, ILanguage language) { V_0 = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(language.get_IdentifierComparer()); V_1 = new Dictionary <string, string>(language.get_IdentifierComparer()); this.UpdateCollisionTypesDataWithTypes(V_0, V_1, module.get_Types()); V_2 = this.GetModuleDependsOnAnalysis(module); if (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolver.Extensions.IsReferenceAssembly(module)) { stackVariable16 = 1; } else { stackVariable16 = 0; } V_3 = stackVariable16; V_4 = V_2.get_Keys().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); V_6 = module.get_AssemblyResolver().Resolve(V_5, "", ModuleDefinitionExtensions.GetModuleArchitecture(module), V_3, true); if (V_6 == null) { this.UpdateCollisionTypesDataWithTypes(V_0, V_1, V_2.get_Item(V_5)); } else { V_7 = V_6.get_Modules().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_7.MoveNext()) { V_8 = V_7.get_Current(); this.UpdateCollisionTypesDataWithTypes(V_0, V_1, V_8.get_Types()); } } finally { V_7.Dispose(); } } } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } return(V_0); }
private void ProcessLogicalConstruct(ILogicalConstruct construct) { V_0 = this.GetDominatorTreeFromContext(construct); V_1 = 0x7fffffff; this.RemoveBackEdgesFromSwitchConstructs(construct); while (V_1 > 1) { V_2 = (new IntervalAnalyzer(construct, this.removedEdges)).ReduceCfg(); stackVariable14 = new List <IntervalConstruct>(V_2); stackVariable14.Reverse(); V_3 = false; V_4 = stackVariable14.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); if (!this.TryMakeLoop(V_5, V_0)) { continue; } V_3 = true; goto Label0; } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } Label0: if (!V_3) { if (V_2.get_Count() == V_1) { this.RemoveBlockingEdges(V_2); } if (V_2.get_Count() > V_1) { throw new Exception("Intervails are more than in the last iteration."); } V_1 = V_2.get_Count(); } else { V_1 = V_2.get_Count(); } } return; }
private List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > MaximumWeightBipartiteGraphMatching() { this.Initialization(); while (true) { this.GenerateExcessMatrixAndEqualitySubgraph(); V_0 = this.FindMaximumCardianlityMatching(); if (V_0.get_Count() == this.size) { break; } V_1 = this.MinimumVertexCover(V_0); V_2 = this.GetMinElement(V_1); V_6 = 0; while (V_6 < this.size) { if (!V_1[V_6]) { stackVariable40 = &this.u[V_6]; stackVariable40 = stackVariable40 - V_2; } if (V_1[V_6 + this.size]) { stackVariable33 = &this.v[V_6]; stackVariable33 = stackVariable33 + V_2; } V_6 = V_6 + 1; } } V_3 = new List <KeyValuePair <int, int> >(); V_4 = V_0.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); if (this.graph[V_5.get_Key(), V_5.get_Value() - this.size] == 0) { continue; } V_3.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(V_5.get_Key(), V_5.get_Value() - this.size)); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } return(V_3); }
private void FindReachableBlocks() { this.GetGuardedBlockToExceptionHandlersMap(); stackVariable3 = new InstructionBlock[1]; stackVariable3[0] = this.theCFG.get_Blocks()[0]; this.GetReachableBlocks(stackVariable3); while (true) { V_0 = new List <InstructionBlock>(); V_1 = new List <InstructionBlock>(); V_2 = this.guardedBlockToExceptionHandler.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_2.MoveNext()) { V_3 = V_2.get_Current(); if (!this.reachableBlocks.Contains(V_3.get_Key())) { continue; } V_0.Add(V_3.get_Key()); V_1.AddRange(V_3.get_Value()); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_2).Dispose(); } if (V_0.get_Count() == 0) { break; } V_4 = V_0.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); dummyVar0 = this.guardedBlockToExceptionHandler.Remove(V_5); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } this.GetReachableBlocks(V_1); } return; }
public static List<TypeDefinition> GetBaseTypes(this TypeDefinition targetType) { V_0 = new List<TypeDefinition>(); if (targetType == null) { return V_0; } V_0.Add(targetType); V_1 = 0; while (V_1 < V_0.get_Count()) { stackVariable10 = V_0.get_Item(V_1); V_2 = stackVariable10.get_BaseType(); if (V_2 != null) { V_3 = V_2.Resolve(); if (V_3 != null) { V_0.Add(V_3); } } V_4 = stackVariable10.get_Interfaces().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); if (V_5 == null) { continue; } V_6 = V_5.Resolve(); if (V_6 == null) { continue; } V_0.Add(V_6); } } finally { V_4.Dispose(); } V_1 = V_1 + 1; } return V_0; }
public List <FileViewModel> GetFiles(string fullPath) { this.CreateDirectoryIfNotExist(fullPath); V_0 = new List <FileViewModel>(); V_1 = Directory.GetDirectories(fullPath, "*", 1); V_2 = 0; while (V_2 < (int)V_1.Length) { stackVariable15 = new DirectoryInfo(V_1[V_2]); V_3 = stackVariable15.get_Name(); stackVariable17 = stackVariable15.GetFiles(); stackVariable18 = FileRepository.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9__30_0; if (stackVariable18 == null) { dummyVar0 = stackVariable18; stackVariable18 = new Func <FileInfo, DateTime>(FileRepository.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9.u003cGetFilesu003eb__30_0); FileRepository.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9__30_0 = stackVariable18; } V_4 = ((IEnumerable <FileInfo>)stackVariable17).OrderByDescending <FileInfo, DateTime>(stackVariable18).GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); V_6 = new FileViewModel(); V_6.set_FolderName(V_3); stackVariable31 = new string[2]; stackVariable31[0] = fullPath; stackVariable31[1] = V_3; V_6.set_FileFolder(CommonHelper.GetFullPath(stackVariable31)); V_6.set_Filename(V_5.get_Name().Substring(0, V_5.get_Name().LastIndexOf('.'))); V_6.set_Extension(V_5.get_Extension()); V_0.Add(V_6); } } finally { if (V_4 != null) { V_4.Dispose(); } } V_2 = V_2 + 1; } return(V_0); }
private void RemoveExcessNodesFromTheTryBlock() { V_0 = new HashSet <ILogicalConstruct>(this.finallyBlocks); V_1 = new Queue <ILogicalConstruct>(this.finallyBlocks); while (V_1.get_Count() > 0) { V_2 = V_1.Dequeue().get_SameParentSuccessors().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_2.MoveNext()) { V_3 = (ILogicalConstruct)V_2.get_Current(); if (V_0.Contains(V_3) || V_3 == this.entryOfTry) { continue; } dummyVar0 = V_0.Add(V_3); V_1.Enqueue(V_3); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_2).Dispose(); } } V_4 = V_0.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); if (V_5 == this.entryOfTry) { continue; } dummyVar1 = this.newTryBody.Remove(V_5); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } return; }
private void CollectVariableNames() { V_0 = new HashSet <string>(this.methodContext.get_VariableNamesCollection(), this.context.get_Language().get_IdentifierComparer()); V_1 = this.methodContext.get_Body().get_Variables().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = V_1.get_Current(); if (!this.methodContext.get_VariableDefinitionToNameMap().TryGetValue(V_2, out V_3)) { V_3 = V_2.get_Name(); } if (V_0.Contains(V_3)) { continue; } dummyVar0 = V_0.Add(V_3); } } finally { V_1.Dispose(); } V_4 = this.methodContext.get_VariableDefinitionToNameMap().get_Values().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); if (V_0.Contains(V_5)) { continue; } dummyVar1 = V_0.Add(V_5); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } this.methodContext.set_VariableNamesCollection(V_0); return; }
public XElement ParseXElement() { dummyVar0 = XNamespace.op_Implicit(""); V_0 = XNamespace.op_Implicit(""); V_1 = XNamespace.op_Implicit(""); V_2 = new XElement(XNamespace.op_Addition(V_0, "url")); stackVariable10 = V_2; stackVariable13 = XNamespace.op_Addition(V_0, "lastmod"); if (this.get_LastMod().get_HasValue()) { stackVariable21 = this.get_LastMod().get_Value(); } else { stackVariable21 = DateTime.get_UtcNow(); } stackVariable10.Add(new XElement(stackVariable13, (object)stackVariable21)); V_2.Add(new XElement(XNamespace.op_Addition(V_0, "changefreq"), this.get_ChangeFreq())); V_2.Add(new XElement(XNamespace.op_Addition(V_0, "priority"), (object)this.get_Priority())); V_2.Add(new XElement(XNamespace.op_Addition(V_0, "loc"), this.get_Loc())); V_4 = this.get_OtherLanguages().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); stackVariable56 = XNamespace.op_Addition(V_1, "link"); stackVariable58 = new object[4]; stackVariable58[0] = new XAttribute(XNamespace.op_Addition(XNamespace.get_Xmlns(), "xhtml"), V_1.get_NamespaceName()); stackVariable58[1] = new XAttribute(XName.op_Implicit("rel"), "alternate"); stackVariable58[2] = new XAttribute(XName.op_Implicit("hreflang"), V_5.get_HrefLang()); stackVariable58[3] = new XAttribute(XName.op_Implicit("href"), V_5.get_Href()); V_2.Add(new XElement(stackVariable56, stackVariable58)); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } return(V_2); }
private bool[,] GeenrateAdjacencyMatrix(Dictionary <ClassHierarchyNode, int> nodeToIndex) { stackVariable2 = this.inferenceGraph.get_Count(); V_0 = new bool[stackVariable2, stackVariable2]; V_1 = this.inferenceGraph.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = V_1.get_Current(); V_3 = nodeToIndex.get_Item(V_2); V_4 = V_2.get_CanAssignTo().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); V_0[V_3, nodeToIndex.get_Item(V_5)] = true; } } finally { if (V_4 != null) { V_4.Dispose(); } } } } finally { if (V_1 != null) { V_1.Dispose(); } } return(V_0); }
protected override bool TryMatchInternal(StatementCollection statements, int startIndex, out Statement result, out int replacedStatementsCount) { result = null; replacedStatementsCount = 0; if (!this.TryGetObjectCreation(statements, startIndex, out V_0, out V_1)) { return(false); } V_2 = new ExpressionCollection(); V_3 = new HashSet <string>(); if (V_0.get_Initializer() != null) { if (V_0.get_Initializer().get_InitializerType() != 1) { return(false); } V_4 = V_0.get_Initializer().get_Expressions().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); V_6 = this.GetName((V_5 as BinaryExpression).get_Left()); dummyVar0 = V_3.Add(V_6); } } finally { if (V_4 != null) { V_4.Dispose(); } } } V_7 = startIndex + 1; while (V_7 < statements.get_Count() && this.TryGetNextExpression(statements.get_Item(V_7), out V_8)) { V_9 = V_8 as BinaryExpression; if (!this.IsObjectPropertyOrFieldAssignment(V_9, V_1)) { break; } V_10 = null; if (V_9.get_Left().get_CodeNodeType() != 42) { if (V_9.get_Left().get_CodeNodeType() == 30) { V_13 = (V_9.get_Left() as FieldReferenceExpression).get_Field().Resolve(); if (!this.Visit(V_13.get_Name(), V_3)) { break; } V_10 = new FieldInitializerExpression(V_13, V_13.get_FieldType(), V_9.get_Left().get_UnderlyingSameMethodInstructions()); } } else { V_12 = (V_9.get_Left() as PropertyReferenceExpression).get_Property(); if (!this.Visit(V_12.get_Name(), V_3)) { break; } V_10 = new PropertyInitializerExpression(V_12, V_12.get_PropertyType(), V_9.get_Left().get_UnderlyingSameMethodInstructions()); } V_11 = new BinaryExpression(26, V_10, V_9.get_Right().Clone(), this.typeSystem, null, false); V_2.Add(V_11); V_7 = V_7 + 1; } if (V_2.get_Count() == 0) { return(false); } if (V_0.get_Initializer() != null) { V_4 = V_2.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_15 = V_4.get_Current(); V_0.get_Initializer().get_Expressions().Add(V_15); } } finally { if (V_4 != null) { V_4.Dispose(); } } } else { V_14 = new InitializerExpression(V_2, 1); V_14.set_IsMultiLine(true); V_0.set_Initializer(V_14); } result = statements.get_Item(startIndex); replacedStatementsCount = V_2.get_Count() + 1; return(true); }
private CFGBlockLogicalConstruct ProcessFinallyNode(CFGBlockLogicalConstruct finallyBlockEntry, CFGBlockLogicalConstruct finallyBlockEnd) { V_1 = finallyBlockEntry.get_SameParentPredecessors().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = (ILogicalConstruct)V_1.get_Current(); if (this.newTryBody.Contains(V_2)) { continue; } throw new Exception("Invalid entry to the finally block"); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_1).Dispose(); } V_3 = finallyBlockEnd.get_CFGSuccessors().GetEnumerator(); try { dummyVar0 = V_3.MoveNext(); V_0 = V_3.get_Current(); if (V_3.MoveNext()) { throw new Exception("Invalid count of successors"); } } finally { if (V_3 != null) { V_3.Dispose(); } } V_4 = (new HashSet <CFGBlockLogicalConstruct>(finallyBlockEntry.get_CFGPredecessors())).GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); if (InstructionBlock.op_Inequality(V_5.get_TheBlock(), finallyBlockEntry.get_TheBlock()) && (int)V_5.get_TheBlock().get_Successors().Length > 1) { this.ProcessMultiWayCFGPredecessor(finallyBlockEntry, V_5.get_TheBlock(), V_0.get_TheBlock()); } V_6 = V_5; while (V_6 != finallyBlockEntry.get_Parent()) { dummyVar1 = V_6.RemoveFromSuccessors(finallyBlockEntry); V_6.AddToSuccessors(V_0); V_6 = V_6.get_Parent() as LogicalConstructBase; } V_0.AddToPredecessors(V_5); dummyVar2 = finallyBlockEntry.RemoveFromPredecessors(V_5); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } dummyVar3 = V_0.RemoveFromPredecessors(finallyBlockEnd); dummyVar4 = finallyBlockEnd.RemoveFromSuccessors(V_0); return(V_0); }
protected virtual ClassHierarchyNode FindLowestCommonAncestor(ICollection <ClassHierarchyNode> typeNodes) { V_0 = 0; V_1 = null; V_4 = typeNodes.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_0 = V_0 + 1; V_1 = V_4.get_Current(); } } finally { if (V_4 != null) { V_4.Dispose(); } } if (V_0 == 1) { return(V_1); } V_2 = new Queue <ClassHierarchyNode>(); V_3 = new HashSet <ClassHierarchyNode>(); V_4 = typeNodes.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); if (V_2.get_Count() != 0) { V_10 = V_5; while (!V_3.Contains(V_10)) { stackVariable28 = V_5.get_CanAssignTo(); stackVariable29 = TypeInferer.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9__18_0; if (stackVariable29 == null) { dummyVar1 = stackVariable29; stackVariable29 = new Func <ClassHierarchyNode, bool>(TypeInferer.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9.u003cFindLowestCommonAncestoru003eb__18_0); TypeInferer.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9__18_0 = stackVariable29; } if (stackVariable28.Count <ClassHierarchyNode>(stackVariable29) <= 1) { stackVariable33 = V_10.get_CanAssignTo(); stackVariable34 = TypeInferer.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9__18_1; if (stackVariable34 == null) { dummyVar2 = stackVariable34; stackVariable34 = new Func <ClassHierarchyNode, bool>(TypeInferer.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9.u003cFindLowestCommonAncestoru003eb__18_1); TypeInferer.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9__18_1 = stackVariable34; } V_10 = stackVariable33.FirstOrDefault <ClassHierarchyNode>(stackVariable34); } else { V_11 = null; goto Label1; } } while (V_2.Peek() != V_10) { dummyVar3 = V_3.Remove(V_2.Dequeue()); } } else { V_6 = V_5; while (V_6 != null) { V_2.Enqueue(V_6); dummyVar0 = V_3.Add(V_6); V_7 = null; V_8 = V_6.get_CanAssignTo().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_8.MoveNext()) { V_9 = V_8.get_Current(); if (!V_9.get_IsHardNode()) { continue; } V_7 = V_9; goto Label2; } } finally { if (V_8 != null) { V_8.Dispose(); } } Label2: V_6 = V_7; } } } goto Label0; } finally { if (V_4 != null) { V_4.Dispose(); } } Label1: return(V_11); Label0: return(V_2.Peek()); }
private bool ChangesAssignedExpression(Expression currentExpression, Expression assignedValue, Expression assignmentRecipient) { if (currentExpression as MethodInvocationExpression != null) { V_1 = currentExpression as MethodInvocationExpression; if (assignedValue.get_ExpressionType().get_IsByReference() && V_1.get_MethodExpression().get_Target() != null) { V_2 = V_1.get_MethodExpression().get_Target(); if (V_2.Equals(assignmentRecipient)) { return(false); } if (V_2 as UnaryExpression != null && (V_2 as UnaryExpression).get_Operator() == 8 && (V_2 as UnaryExpression).get_Operand().Equals(assignmentRecipient)) { return(false); } } return(true); } if (currentExpression as BinaryExpression == null) { return(false); } V_0 = currentExpression as BinaryExpression; if (V_0.get_Left().Equals(assignedValue)) { return(true); } if (assignedValue as ArrayIndexerExpression != null) { V_3 = assignedValue as ArrayIndexerExpression; if (V_0.get_Left().Equals(V_3.get_Target())) { return(true); } V_4 = V_3.get_Indices().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); if (!V_0.get_Left().Equals(V_5)) { continue; } V_6 = true; goto Label1; } goto Label0; } finally { if (V_4 != null) { V_4.Dispose(); } } Label1: return(V_6); } Label0: if (assignedValue as UnaryExpression != null) { return(this.ChangesAssignedExpression(currentExpression, (assignedValue as UnaryExpression).get_Operand(), assignmentRecipient)); } if (assignedValue as ExplicitCastExpression != null) { return(this.ChangesAssignedExpression(currentExpression, (assignedValue as ExplicitCastExpression).get_Expression(), assignmentRecipient)); } if (assignedValue as CanCastExpression == null) { return(false); } return(this.ChangesAssignedExpression(currentExpression, (assignedValue as CanCastExpression).get_Expression(), assignmentRecipient)); }
private void ProcessTypeMembers(TypeDefinition type, MemberRenamingData memberRenamingData) { if (type.get_HasMethods()) { V_0 = type.get_Methods().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_0.MoveNext()) { V_1 = V_0.get_Current(); this.RenameMember(V_1, memberRenamingData); } } finally { V_0.Dispose(); } } if (type.get_HasProperties()) { V_2 = type.get_Properties().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_2.MoveNext()) { V_3 = V_2.get_Current(); this.RenameMember(V_3, memberRenamingData); } } finally { V_2.Dispose(); } } if (type.get_HasFields()) { V_4 = type.get_Fields().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); this.RenameMember(V_5, memberRenamingData); } } finally { V_4.Dispose(); } } if (type.get_HasEvents()) { V_6 = type.get_Events().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_6.MoveNext()) { V_7 = V_6.get_Current(); this.RenameMember(V_7, memberRenamingData); } } finally { V_6.Dispose(); } } return; }
private LoopType DetermineLoopType(HashSet <ILogicalConstruct> loopBody, HashSet <ILogicalConstruct> latchingNodes, IntervalConstruct interval, DominatorTree dominatorTree, out ConditionLogicalConstruct loopCondition) { V_0 = interval.get_Entry() as ILogicalConstruct; V_1 = new HashSet <ILogicalConstruct>(latchingNodes); dummyVar0 = V_1.Add(V_0); V_2 = DFSTBuilder.BuildTree(V_0.get_Parent() as ILogicalConstruct); V_3 = new HashSet <ILogicalConstruct>(); V_4 = loopBody.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); V_6 = dominatorTree.GetDominanceFrontier(V_5).GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_6.MoveNext()) { V_7 = (ILogicalConstruct)V_6.get_Current(); if (!interval.get_Children().Contains(V_7) || loopBody.Contains(V_7)) { continue; } dummyVar1 = V_3.Add(V_7); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_6).Dispose(); } } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } if (V_3.get_Count() == 0) { V_8 = V_2.get_ReversePostOrder().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_8.MoveNext()) { V_9 = V_8.get_Current().get_Construct() as ILogicalConstruct; if (loopBody.Contains(V_9)) { continue; } loopCondition = this.GetLoopConditionWithMaxIndex(V_2, loopBody, V_1, V_9); if (loopCondition == null) { continue; } this.ExpandLoopBody(interval, loopBody, V_9); if (loopCondition != V_0) { V_10 = 2; goto Label1; } else { V_10 = 1; goto Label1; } } goto Label0; } finally { ((IDisposable)V_8).Dispose(); } Label1: return(V_10); } V_11 = V_2.get_ReversePostOrder().get_Count(); V_4 = V_3.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_13 = V_4.get_Current(); V_14 = V_2.get_ConstructToNodeMap().get_Item(V_13).get_ReversePostOrderIndex(); if (V_14 >= V_11) { continue; } V_11 = V_14; } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } V_12 = V_2.get_ReversePostOrder().get_Item(V_11).get_Construct() as ILogicalConstruct; loopCondition = this.GetLoopConditionWithMaxIndex(V_2, loopBody, V_1, V_12); this.ExpandLoopBody(interval, loopBody, V_12); if (loopCondition == null) { return(0); } if (loopCondition == V_0) { return(1); } return(2); Label0: if (!this.CanBeLoopCondition(V_0, loopBody)) { loopCondition = null; return(0); } loopCondition = V_0 as ConditionLogicalConstruct; return(1); }
private DecompiledType GetDecompiledType(IMemberDefinition member, ILanguage language) { V_0 = Utilities.GetDeclaringTypeOrSelf(member); V_1 = new DecompiledType(V_0); V_2 = new Queue <IMemberDefinition>(); V_2.Enqueue(member); Label0: while (V_2.get_Count() > 0) { V_3 = V_2.Dequeue(); if (V_3 as TypeDefinition != null && (object)V_3 == (object)member) { V_4 = Utilities.GetTypeMembers(V_3 as TypeDefinition, language, true, null, null, null, V_1.get_TypeContext().GetFieldToPropertyMap(language).get_Keys()).GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); V_2.Enqueue(V_5); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } } if (V_3 as MethodDefinition != null) { this.DecompileMember(V_3 as MethodDefinition, language, V_1); } if (V_3 as EventDefinition != null) { V_6 = V_3 as EventDefinition; if ((new AutoImplementedEventMatcher(V_6, language)).IsAutoImplemented()) { dummyVar0 = V_1.get_TypeContext().get_AutoImplementedEvents().Add(V_6); } if (V_6.get_AddMethod() != null) { this.DecompileMember(V_6.get_AddMethod(), language, V_1); } if (V_6.get_RemoveMethod() != null) { this.DecompileMember(V_6.get_RemoveMethod(), language, V_1); } if (V_6.get_InvokeMethod() != null) { this.DecompileMember(V_6.get_InvokeMethod(), language, V_1); } } if (V_3 as PropertyDefinition != null) { V_7 = V_3 as PropertyDefinition; stackVariable52 = new PropertyDecompiler(V_7, language, this.renameInvalidMembers, this.cacheService, V_1.get_TypeContext()); stackVariable52.add_ExceptionThrown(new EventHandler <Exception>(this.OnExceptionThrown)); stackVariable52.Decompile(out V_8, out V_9, out V_10); stackVariable52.remove_ExceptionThrown(new EventHandler <Exception>(this.OnExceptionThrown)); if (V_10) { dummyVar1 = V_1.get_TypeContext().get_AutoImplementedProperties().Add(V_7); } if (V_8 != null) { this.AddDecompiledMemberToDecompiledType(V_8, V_1); } if (V_9 != null) { this.AddDecompiledMemberToDecompiledType(V_9, V_1); } V_11 = stackVariable52.get_ExceptionsWhileDecompiling().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_11.MoveNext()) { V_12 = V_11.get_Current(); this.get_ExceptionsWhileDecompiling().Add(V_12); } } finally { if (V_11 != null) { V_11.Dispose(); } } } if (V_3 as FieldDefinition == null) { continue; } V_13 = V_3 as FieldDefinition; V_14 = V_3.get_DeclaringType().get_Methods().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_14.MoveNext()) { V_15 = V_14.get_Current(); if (!V_15.get_IsConstructor() || V_13.get_IsStatic() != V_15.get_IsStatic()) { continue; } this.DecompileConstructorChain(V_15, language, V_1); goto Label0; } } finally { V_14.Dispose(); } } V_1.get_TypeContext().set_ExplicitlyImplementedMembers(this.GetExplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods(V_0, language)); this.AddGeneratedFilterMethodsToDecompiledType(V_1, V_1.get_TypeContext(), language); return(V_1); }
public virtual void WriteAssemblyAttributes(AssemblyDefinition assembly, ICollection <string> attributesToIgnore = null) { V_0 = new List <ICustomAttribute>(); this.securityAttributeToDeclaration = new Dictionary <SecurityAttribute, SecurityDeclaration>(); V_0.Add(AttributesUtilities.GetAssemblyVersionAttribute(assembly)); V_2 = assembly.get_CustomAttributes().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_2.MoveNext()) { V_3 = V_2.get_Current(); V_3.Resolve(); V_0.Add(V_3); } } finally { V_2.Dispose(); } if (assembly.get_HasSecurityDeclarations()) { V_4 = assembly.get_SecurityDeclarations().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); V_0.AddRange(this.GetSecurityDeclaration(V_5)); } } finally { V_4.Dispose(); } } if (assembly.get_MainModule().get_HasExportedTypes()) { V_6 = assembly.get_MainModule().get_ExportedTypes().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_6.MoveNext()) { V_7 = V_6.get_Current(); if (V_7.get_Scope() as ModuleReference != null) { continue; } V_0.Add(AttributesUtilities.GetExportedTypeAttribute(V_7, assembly.get_MainModule())); } } finally { V_6.Dispose(); } } V_0.Sort(new Comparison <ICustomAttribute>(this.u003cWriteAssemblyAttributesu003eb__18_0)); V_8 = V_0.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_8.MoveNext()) { V_9 = V_8.get_Current(); if (attributesToIgnore != null && attributesToIgnore.Contains(V_9.get_AttributeType().get_FullName())) { continue; } if (V_9 as CustomAttribute == null) { if (V_9 as SecurityAttribute == null) { continue; } dummyVar0 = this.WriteSecurityAttribute(assembly.get_MainModule(), true, V_9 as SecurityAttribute, this.securityAttributeToDeclaration.get_Item(V_9 as SecurityAttribute), out V_10, false, false); } else { this.WriteAssemblyAttribute(V_9 as CustomAttribute); } } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_8).Dispose(); } return; }
internal static bool IsAnonymous(this TypeDefinition self) { if (self == null || String.op_Inequality(self.get_Namespace(), String.Empty) || !self.get_IsSealed() || !self.get_IsNotPublic() || String.op_Inequality(self.get_BaseType().get_FullName(), "System.Object") || !self.get_HasGenericParameters() || !self.HasCompilerGeneratedAttribute()) { return false; } V_0 = 0; if (self.get_Interfaces().get_Count() > 1) { return false; } if (self.get_Interfaces().get_Count() == 1) { if (!String.op_Equality(self.get_Interfaces().get_Item(0).get_Name(), "IEquatable`1")) { return false; } V_0 = 1; } V_1 = self.get_Properties().get_Count(); if (V_1 != self.get_GenericParameters().get_Count() || V_1 != self.get_Fields().get_Count()) { return false; } V_2 = 0; V_4 = self.get_Properties().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); if (V_5.get_GetMethod() != null) { stackVariable50 = V_2; if (V_5.get_SetMethod() != null) { stackVariable53 = 2; } else { stackVariable53 = 1; } V_2 = stackVariable50 + stackVariable53; } else { V_6 = false; goto Label1; } } goto Label0; } finally { V_4.Dispose(); } Label1: return V_6; Label0: V_3 = self.get_Methods().get_Count(); if (V_2 + V_0 >= V_3) { return false; } return V_3 <= V_2 + V_0 + 4; }