static void Main(string[] args) { int handle; float[] data; handle = 0; string audFile = "Soundfile Segment and Localize.aud"; audFile = "PoemPhrasesDemo.aud"; audFile = "PoemGraspThrow_11.22.12.aud"; // //if (VSSCSharpClient.BeginSoundServerAt("") != 1) if (VSSCSharpClient.BeginSoundServer() != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Could Not Connect to VSS..."); Console.WriteLine("Please make sure VSS is running on localhost. also make sure the SOUNDS folder with the audio files for demo is in the same folder as VSS.exe"); Console.WriteLine("If BeginSoundServerAt is called VSS must be running on the specified ip address."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } //VSSCSharpClient.SetPrintCommands(1); handle = VSSCSharpClient.AUDinit(audFile); /* * if (handle < 0) * { * Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Failed to load audfile {0}\n", audFile )); * Console.ReadKey(); * return; * * } * */ string command = ""; int index = 0; float fdata = 0.0f; ListCommands(); do { Console.Write("Enter A Command:"); command = Console.ReadLine(); //Parse commands for data if (command.ToLower().StartsWith("set index")) { int.TryParse(command.ToLower().Replace("set index", "").ToString(), out index); Console.WriteLine("index set: " + index); } if (command.StartsWith("aud")) { string AudCommand = command.Replace("aud ", ""); VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, AudCommand, 0, new float[] { 0.0f }); } if (command.ToLower().StartsWith("set pan")) { float.TryParse(command.ToLower().Replace("set pan", "").ToString(), out fdata); Console.WriteLine("data set: " + fdata); command = "set pan"; } if (command.ToLower().StartsWith("set dist")) { float.TryParse(command.ToLower().Replace("set dist", "").ToString(), out fdata); Console.WriteLine("data set: " + fdata); command = "set dist"; } switch (command) { case "PlaySeries": case "ps": VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "PlaySeries", 0, new float[] { 0.0f }); break; case "PlayOne": case "po": VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "PlayOne", index, new float[] { 0.0f }); break; case "JustPause": case "jp": VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "JustPause", 0, new float[] { 0.0f }); break; //Reverse case "none": VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "none", 0, new float[] { 0.0f }); break; case "1": VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "playEvent1", 0, new float[] { 0.0f }); break; case "5": VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "playEvent5", 0, new float[] { 0.0f }); break; case "g1": VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "GraspSound1", 0, new float[] { 0.0f }); break; case "r1": VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "ReleaseSound1", 0, new float[] { 0.0f }); break; case "throw": VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "ThrowSound", 0, new float[] { 0.0f }); break; case "ethrow": VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "EndThrow", 0, new float[] { 0.0f }); break; //SetMyPanning case "set pan": //VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "SetMyPanning", 0, new float[] { fdata }); VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdateMany(1, new int[] { handle }, "SetMyPanning", 1, new float[] { fdata }); break; case "set dist": VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdateMany(1, new int[] { handle }, "SetMyDistance", 1, new float[] { fdata }); break; //SetMyDistance default: Console.WriteLine(ListCommands()); break; } } while (command.ToLower() != "q"); //vss.AUDreset(); //VSSCSharpClient.AUDreset(); //not sure if I need these //VSSCSharpClient.AUDterminate(handle); //not sure if I need these VSSCSharpClient.EndSoundServer(); Console.WriteLine("Finished..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void StopCluster(int index) { VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "stopCluster" + "_" + index, 1, new float[] { 1 }); }
public static void UpdateCluster_1(float numAgents, Vector2 center, float area, float averageAgentEnergy, float clusterVelocity, Vector3 symmetry) { VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "updateCluster_1", 9, new float[] { numAgents, center.X, center.Y, area, averageAgentEnergy, clusterVelocity, symmetry.X, symmetry.Y, symmetry.Z }); }
public static void SendClusterXY(float x, float y) { VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "SendXYposition", 2, new float[] { x, y }); }
public static void StopCluster() { VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "stopCluster", 1, new float[] { 0 }); }
public static void PlayPause(float value) { VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "PlayPause", 1, new float[] { value }); }
public static void TestData() { //VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "test", 0, new float[] { 0.0f }); VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "playSeq", 0, new float[] { 0.0f }); }
public static void AgentDataRefresh(float[] values) { VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "AgentDataRefresh", 1, values); }
public static void SendXYsymmetry(Vector3 symmetry) { VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "SendXYsymmetry", 1, new float[] { symmetry.X, symmetry.Y, symmetry.Z }); }
public static void SendAgentEnergy(float energy) { VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "SendAgentEnergy", 1, new float[] { energy }); }
public static void SendArea(float area) { VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "SendArea", 1, new float[] { area }); }
public static void SendNumAgents(float numAgents) { VSSCSharpClient.AUDupdate(handle, "SendNumAgents", 1, new float[] { numAgents }); }