public int OnQueryRemoveFiles( IVsProject pProject, int cFiles, string[] rgpszMkDocuments, VSQUERYREMOVEFILEFLAGS[] rgFlags, VSQUERYREMOVEFILERESULTS[] pSummaryResult, VSQUERYREMOVEFILERESULTS[] rgResults) { var hr = VSConstants.S_OK; var handler = QueryRemoveFile; if (handler != null) { if (cFiles <= rgpszMkDocuments.Length) { for (var fileCount = 0; fileCount < cFiles; fileCount++) { var args = new ModelChangeEventArgs(); args.OldFileName = rgpszMkDocuments[fileCount]; args.ProjectObj = VSHelpers.GetProject(pProject as IVsHierarchy); if (args.ProjectObj == null) { continue; } hr = handler(this, args); } } } return(hr); }
private void vsEventBroadcaster_OnFontChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_elementHost != null) { _elementHost.Font = VSHelpers.GetVSFont(_package); } }
internal NewInheritanceDialog(ConceptualEntityType baseType, IEnumerable <ConceptualEntityType> entityTypes) { InitializeComponent(); // Set the default font to VS shell font. var vsFont = VSHelpers.GetVSFont(Services.ServiceProvider); if (vsFont != null) { Font = vsFont; } _entityTypes = new SortedSet <ConceptualEntityType>(new EFNameableItemComparer()); foreach (var et in entityTypes) { _entityTypes.Add(et); } baseEntityComboBox.Items.AddRange(_entityTypes.ToArray()); if (baseType != null) { baseEntityComboBox.SelectedItem = baseType; } CheckOkButtonEnabled(); cancelButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; cancelButton.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; okButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; okButton.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; }
private void DispatchLoadToExtensions() { if (Hierarchy != null) { var projectItem = VsUtils.GetProjectItem(Hierarchy, ItemId); if (projectItem != null) { var fileContents = VSHelpers.GetTextFromVsTextLines(VsBuffer); string newBufferContents; List <ExtensionError> extensionErrors; if (StandaloneXmlModelProvider.TryGetBufferViaExtensions( projectItem, fileContents, out newBufferContents, out extensionErrors)) { if (VSHelpers.CheckOutFilesIfEditable(ServiceProvider, new[] { FileName })) { VsUtils.SetTextForVsTextLines(VsBuffer, newBufferContents); } else { ErrorListHelper.LogExtensionErrors( new List <ExtensionError> { new ExtensionError( string.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ExtensionError_SourceControlLock, Path.GetFileName(FileName)), ErrorCodes.ExtensionsError_BufferNotEditable, ExtensionErrorSeverity.Error) }, projectItem); } } } } }
public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary <string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams) { using var _ = LogUserAction(UserTask.CreateFromTemplate, new TemplateInfo(runKind, replacementsDictionary)); Assert(automationObject is DTE2, "Automation Object is wrong kind"); if (automationObject is DTE2 dte) { var replacementDictionaryLookup = replacementsDictionary.TryGetValue("$type$", out var result); Assert(replacementDictionaryLookup, "Invalid replacements dictionary in template file"); if (!replacementDictionaryLookup) { return; } bool isDotnet = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(result, "dotnet") == 0; (bool success, string fileName) = EditorConfigFileGenerator.TryAddFileToSolution(isDotnet); Assert(success, "Unable to add the editorconfig file to the solution"); if (success) { VSHelpers.OpenFile(fileName); } } }
// [TestMethod, HostType("VS IDE")] public void RefactorRenameProperty() { RefactorRenameTest( "RefactorRenameProperty", (artifact, cpc, programDocData) => { var authorType = ModelHelper.FindEntityType(artifact.ConceptualModel, "author"); Assert.IsNotNull(authorType, "Could not find author type in the model"); var idProperty = ModelHelper.FindProperty(authorType, "au_id"); Assert.IsNotNull(idProperty, "Could not find au_id property in the model"); RefactorEFObject.RefactorRenameElement(idProperty, "renamedId", false); var textLines = VSHelpers.GetVsTextLinesFromDocData(programDocData); Assert.IsNotNull(textLines, "Could not get VsTextLines for program DocData"); Assert.AreEqual( RefactorRenamePropertyResult, VSHelpers.GetTextFromVsTextLines(textLines), "Refactor results are incorrect"); authorType = ModelHelper.FindEntityType(artifact.ConceptualModel, "author"); Assert.IsNotNull(authorType, "Could not find author type in the model"); var renamedIdProperty = ModelHelper.FindProperty(authorType, "renamedId"); Assert.IsNotNull(renamedIdProperty, "Could not find renamedId property in the model"); }); }
public override bool CanEditXmlModel() { string moniker = null; // first attempt to extract the file path of this XML Model try { if (Uri != null) { moniker = Uri.LocalPath; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Fail("Could not parse the URI of this XML model because of the exception: " + e.Message); // note we get out of here quickly if this happens as we don't want to allow any cases where somehow documents.Count > 0 return(false); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(moniker)) { return(VSHelpers.CheckOutFilesIfEditable(_serviceProvider, new[] { moniker })); } return(false); }
private void OnInvokeAboutCommand(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (sender is AboutCommand command) { VSHelpers.ShowMessage(this, command.AboutMessage, command.AboutTitle); } }
// virtual for testing public virtual XmlDocument LoadConfig() { var configFilePath = GetConfigPath(); if (configFilePath != null) { // attempt to construct the config xml from the doc data if it is available try { var textLines = _vsHelpers.GetDocData(_serviceProvider, configFilePath) as IVsTextLines; return(textLines != null ? EdmUtils.SafeLoadXmlFromString( VSHelpers.GetTextFromVsTextLines(textLines), preserveWhitespace : true) : EdmUtils.SafeLoadXmlFromPath(configFilePath)); } catch (XmlException e) { VsUtils.LogStandardError( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.VSUtils_ExceptionParsingXml, configFilePath, e.Message), configFilePath, e.LineNumber, e.LinePosition); throw; } } return(null); }
internal ComplexTypePickerDialog(ConceptualEntityModel cModel) { InitializeComponent(); // Set the default font to VS shell font. var vsFont = VSHelpers.GetVSFont(Services.ServiceProvider); if (vsFont != null) { Font = vsFont; } Debug.Assert(cModel != null, "Please specify ConceptualEntityModel"); if (cModel != null) { var complexTypes = new List <ComplexType>(cModel.ComplexTypes()); complexTypes.Sort(EFElement.EFElementDisplayNameComparison); complexTypesListBox.Items.AddRange(complexTypes.ToArray()); ViewUtils.DisplayHScrollOnListBoxIfNecessary(complexTypesListBox); } complexTypesListBox.SelectedIndexChanged += complexTypesListBox_SelectedIndexChanged; complexTypesListBox.MouseDoubleClick += complexTypesListBox_MouseDoubleClick; okButton.Enabled = ComplexType != null; }
private void ProcessErrors(IList <EdmSchemaError> schemaErrors, Uri projectItemUri, EFArtifact artifact) { // since we will inevitably add *all* errors from the artifact set into the error list, we can easily // clear the entire error list here even though we just validate the CSDL. var errorList = ErrorListHelper.GetSingleDocErrorList(projectItemUri); if (errorList != null) { errorList.Clear(); } if (artifact == null) { Debug.Fail("Where is the artifact? We should have created it at least through the temporary model manager"); return; } // we have to remove both the RMV and SFG CSDL errors to prevent duplicates artifact.ArtifactSet.RemoveErrorsForArtifact(artifact, ErrorClass.Runtime_CSDL); // add all CSDL-based SFG errors to the artifact set if (schemaErrors.Count > 0) { foreach (var error in schemaErrors) { // construct an ErrorInfo with correct line/column number and add it to the artifact set. Note that the CodeGen EdmSchemaError line // refers to the line of the error inside the CSDL, so to get the line of the error in the edmx file we have to offset it by the line // number where the conceptual model begins. var edmxErrorLine = error.Line + artifact.ConceptualModel().GetLineNumber(); var efobject = artifact.FindEFObjectForLineAndColumn(edmxErrorLine, error.Column); var errorInfo = new ErrorInfo( GetErrorInfoSeverity(error), error.Message, efobject, error.ErrorCode, ErrorClass.Runtime_CSDL); artifact.ArtifactSet.AddError(errorInfo); } } // get all the ErrorInfos for this artifact and add it to the error list var artifactSet = artifact.ArtifactSet; Debug.Assert(artifactSet != null, "Where is the artifact set for this artifact?"); if (artifactSet != null) { var errors = artifactSet.GetArtifactOnlyErrors(artifact); if (errors.Count > 0) { // resolve the hierarchy and item id for adding to the error list var hierarchy = VSHelpers.GetVsHierarchy(ProjectItem.ContainingProject, Services.ServiceProvider); var itemId = VsUtils.GetProjectItemId(hierarchy, ProjectItem); Debug.Assert(hierarchy != null, "Why isn't there a hierarchy associated with this project item?"); Debug.Assert(itemId != VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL, "There should be an item ID associated with this project item"); if (hierarchy != null && itemId != VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL) { ErrorListHelper.AddErrorInfosToErrorList(errors, hierarchy, itemId); } } } }
public static (bool success, string fileName) TryAddFileToSolution(bool?isDotnet = null) { bool hasDotNetProjects = isDotnet ?? VSHelpers.IsDotnet(); LogEvent(EventId.FoundDotnetProjects, hasDotNetProjects); var(isAtSolutionLevel, path, language, selectedItem) = VSHelpers.TryGetSelectedItemLanguageAndPath(); LogEvent(EventId.FoundDotnetLanguage, language); Assert(path is not null && selectedItem is not null, "Unable to get the selected item"); if (path is null || selectedItem is null) { return(false, null); } using var _ = LogCreateOperation(hasDotNetProjects, isAtSolutionLevel, language); var(success1, fileName) = TryCreateFile(path, hasDotNetProjects, isAtSolutionLevel, language); if (!success1) { Assert(success1, "Unable to create editorconfig file"); return(false, null); } var projectItem = selectedItem.TryAddFileToHierarchy(fileName); if (projectItem is null) { Assert(projectItem is not null, "Unable to add editorconfig file to hierarchy"); return(false, null); } return(true, fileName); }
internal NewEntityDialog(ConceptualEntityModel model) { Debug.Assert(model != null, "model should not be null"); _model = model; InitializeComponent(); // Set the default font to VS shell font. var vsFont = VSHelpers.GetVSFont(Services.ServiceProvider); if (vsFont != null) { Font = vsFont; } keyPropertyCheckBox.Checked = true; propertyTypeComboBox.Items.AddRange(ModelHelper.AllPrimitiveTypesSorted(_model.Artifact.SchemaVersion)); propertyTypeComboBox.SelectedItem = ModelConstants.Int32PropertyType; baseTypeComboBox.Items.Add(Resources.NoneDisplayValueUsedForUX); baseTypeComboBox.Items.AddRange(model.EntityTypes().ToArray()); if (baseTypeComboBox.Items.Count > 0) { baseTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } entityNameTextBox.Text = ModelHelper.GetUniqueNameWithNumber( typeof(EntityType), model, Model.Resources.Model_DefaultEntityTypeName); propertyNameTextBox.Text = Model.Resources.Model_IdPropertyName; cancelButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; cancelButton.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; okButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; okButton.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; }
public int OnBeforeUnloadProject(IVsHierarchy pRealHierarchy, IVsHierarchy pStubHierarchy) { var handler = BeforeCloseProject; if (handler != null) { var args = new ModelChangeEventArgs(); try { args.ProjectObj = VSHelpers.GetProject(pRealHierarchy); } catch (ArgumentException) { return(VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL); } if (args.ProjectObj == null) { return(VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL); } return(handler(this, args)); } return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
internal DeleteStorageEntitySetsDialog(ICollection <StorageEntitySet> storageEntitySets) { InitializeComponent(); // Set the default font to VS shell font. var vsFont = VSHelpers.GetVSFont(Services.ServiceProvider); if (vsFont != null) { Font = vsFont; DescriptionLabel.Font = vsFont; } // default result is to cancel DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; // display StorageEntitySets ordered by name Debug.Assert(null != storageEntitySets, "Constructor requires a Collection of StorageEntitySets"); if (null != storageEntitySets) { var entitySets = new List <StorageEntitySet>(storageEntitySets); entitySets.Sort(EFElement.EFElementDisplayNameComparison); StorageEntitySetsListBox.Items.AddRange(entitySets.ToArray()); ViewUtils.DisplayHScrollOnListBoxIfNecessary(StorageEntitySetsListBox); } YesButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; YesButton.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; NoButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; NoButton.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; DeleteStorageEntitySetsDialogCancelButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; DeleteStorageEntitySetsDialogCancelButton.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; }
private static MicrosoftDataEntityDesignDocData GetDocData(EditingContext editingContext) { Debug.Assert(editingContext != null, "editingContext != null"); var artifactService = editingContext.GetEFArtifactService(); return((MicrosoftDataEntityDesignDocData)VSHelpers.GetDocData(ServiceProvider, artifactService.Artifact.Uri.LocalPath)); }
// <summary> // This will do analysis to determine if a document should be opened // only in the XmlEditor. // </summary> internal override void DetermineIfArtifactIsDesignerSafe() { VsUtils.EnsureProvider(this); base.DetermineIfArtifactIsDesignerSafe(); // // TODO: we need to figure out how to deal with errors from the wizard. // when we clear the error list below, we lose errors that we put into the error // list when running the wizard. // // // Now update the VS error list with all of the errors we want to display, which are now in the EFArtifactSet. // var errorInfos = ArtifactSet.GetAllErrors(); if (errorInfos.Count > 0) { var currentProject = VSHelpers.GetProjectForDocument(Uri.LocalPath, PackageManager.Package); if (currentProject != null) { var hierarchy = VsUtils.GetVsHierarchy(currentProject, Services.ServiceProvider); if (hierarchy != null) { var fileFinder = new VSFileFinder(Uri.LocalPath); fileFinder.FindInProject(hierarchy); Debug.Assert(fileFinder.MatchingFiles.Count <= 1, "Unexpected count of matching files in project"); // if the EDMX file is not part of the project. if (fileFinder.MatchingFiles.Count == 0) { var docData = VSHelpers.GetDocData(PackageManager.Package, Uri.LocalPath) as IEntityDesignDocData; ErrorListHelper.AddErrorInfosToErrorList(errorInfos, docData.Hierarchy, docData.ItemId); } else { foreach (var vsFileInfo in fileFinder.MatchingFiles) { if (vsFileInfo.Hierarchy == VsUtils.GetVsHierarchy(currentProject, Services.ServiceProvider)) { var errorList = ErrorListHelper.GetSingleDocErrorList(vsFileInfo.Hierarchy, vsFileInfo.ItemId); if (errorList != null) { errorList.Clear(); ErrorListHelper.AddErrorInfosToErrorList(errorInfos, vsFileInfo.Hierarchy, vsFileInfo.ItemId); } else { Debug.Fail("errorList is null!"); } } } } } } } }
private void ProcessDependentTTFiles() { // check if template processing was turned off via designer options var processTemplates = true; var artifact = PackageManager.Package.ModelManager.GetArtifact(Utils.FileName2Uri(FileName)); if (artifact != null) { DesignerInfo designerInfo; if (artifact.DesignerInfo().TryGetDesignerInfo(OptionsDesignerInfo.ElementName, out designerInfo)) { var optionsDesignerInfo = designerInfo as OptionsDesignerInfo; Debug.Assert( optionsDesignerInfo != null, "DesignerInfo associated with " + OptionsDesignerInfo.ElementName + "must be of type OptionsDesignerInfo"); if (optionsDesignerInfo != null && optionsDesignerInfo.ProcessDependentTemplatesOnSave != null && optionsDesignerInfo.ProcessDependentTemplatesOnSave.ValueAttr != null) { bool.TryParse(optionsDesignerInfo.ProcessDependentTemplatesOnSave.ValueAttr.Value, out processTemplates); } } } // if template processing was turned off, return if (processTemplates == false) { return; } // Find all .tt files in the project and invoke custom Tool var fileFinder = new VSFileFinder(".tt"); fileFinder.FindInProject(Hierarchy); foreach (var vsFileInfo in fileFinder.MatchingFiles) { if (IsDependentTTFile(vsFileInfo)) { var pi = VsUtils.GetProjectItem(vsFileInfo.Hierarchy, vsFileInfo.ItemId); Debug.Assert(pi != null, "Couldn't find project item, but file was discovered by VSFileFinder"); if (pi != null) { try { VsUtils.RunCustomTool(pi); } catch (Exception e) { // Swallow exceptions here, since we don't want a custom tool to interfere with the file save. var errorMsg = String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ErrorOccurredRunningCustomTool, vsFileInfo.Path, e.Message); VsUtils.LogOutputWindowPaneMessage(VSHelpers.GetProject(Hierarchy), errorMsg); } } } } }
private void LoadDesignerInfoAndDescriptors(EditingContext editingContext, EFArtifact artifact) { if (artifact != null && artifact.DesignerInfo() != null) { DesignerInfo connectionDesignerInfo = null; DesignerInfo optionsDesignerInfo = null; var foundConnectionDesignerInfo = artifact.DesignerInfo() .TryGetDesignerInfo(ConnectionDesignerInfo.ElementName, out connectionDesignerInfo); if (foundConnectionDesignerInfo) { var connectionDesigner = connectionDesignerInfo as ConnectionDesignerInfo; Debug.Assert(connectionDesigner != null, "DesignerInfo with element name 'Connection' must be a ConnectionDesignerInfo"); if (connectionDesigner != null) { // if the owner of the edmx file is a website, then we can // only have one possible value (EmbedInOutputAssembly) for metadata artifact processing // however the item template just adds CopyToOutputDirectory, so we need to fix it var project = VSHelpers.GetProjectForDocument(artifact.Uri.LocalPath, PackageManager.Package); if (project != null) { var appType = VsUtils.GetApplicationType(Services.ServiceProvider, project); if (appType == VisualStudioProjectSystem.Website) { var mapDefault = ConnectionManager.GetMetadataArtifactProcessingDefault(); if (connectionDesigner.MetadataArtifactProcessingProperty != null && connectionDesigner.MetadataArtifactProcessingProperty.ValueAttr.Value != mapDefault) { var cpc = new CommandProcessorContext( editingContext, EfiTransactionOriginator.PropertyWindowOriginatorId, Resources.Tx_ChangeMetadataArtifactProcessing); var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand <string>( connectionDesigner.MetadataArtifactProcessingProperty.ValueAttr, mapDefault); CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd); } } } _EFConnectionDesignerInfoDescriptor = new EFConnectionDesignerInfoDescriptor(); _EFConnectionDesignerInfoDescriptor.Initialize(connectionDesigner, editingContext); } } var foundOptionsDesignerInfo = artifact.DesignerInfo() .TryGetDesignerInfo(OptionsDesignerInfo.ElementName, out optionsDesignerInfo); if (foundOptionsDesignerInfo) { _EFOptionsDesignerInfoDescriptor = new EFOptionsDesignerInfoDescriptor(); _EFOptionsDesignerInfoDescriptor.Initialize(optionsDesignerInfo as OptionsDesignerInfo, editingContext); } } }
public ServerProxy Configure(string eclipsePath) { Telemetry.Client.Get().TrackEvent("App.ConfigureEditor"); // Remove itself from properties TextView.Properties.RemoveProperty(typeof(JavaUnconfiguredEditor)); // Set path in registry Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\JavaPkgSrv", "EclipseInstall", eclipsePath, RegistryValueKind.String); // Reboot editor var fileName = VSHelpers.GetFileName(TextView); var eclipseWorkspace = EclipseWorkspace.FromFilePath(fileName); var javaPkgServer = JavaPkgServerManager.GetProxy(eclipseWorkspace); var javaEditor = new JavaEditor(SubjectBuffers, TextView, javaPkgServer, eclipseWorkspace); Telemetry.Client.Get().TrackEvent("App.EditorOpenConfigured"); javaPkgServer.Send(javaEditor, ProtocolHandlers.CreateOpenTypeRootRequest(fileName)).ContinueWith((System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Protocol.Response> responseTask) => { var openTypeResponse = responseTask.Result; if (openTypeResponse.responseType == Protocol.Response.ResponseType.OpenTypeRoot && openTypeResponse.openTypeRootResponse != null) { javaEditor.TypeRootIdentifier = openTypeResponse.openTypeRootResponse.typeRootIdentifier; } }); TextView.Properties.RemoveProperty(typeof(ServerProxy)); TextView.Properties.AddProperty(typeof(ServerProxy), javaPkgServer); TextView.Properties.RemoveProperty(typeof(JavaEditor)); TextView.Properties.AddProperty(typeof(JavaEditor), javaEditor); foreach (var buffer in SubjectBuffers) { buffer.Properties.RemoveProperty(typeof(JavaUnconfiguredEditor)); buffer.Properties.RemoveProperty(typeof(ServerProxy)); buffer.Properties.AddProperty(typeof(ServerProxy), javaPkgServer); buffer.Properties.RemoveProperty(typeof(JavaEditor)); buffer.Properties.AddProperty(typeof(JavaEditor), javaEditor); JavaOutline outline = null; if (buffer.Properties.TryGetProperty <JavaOutline>(typeof(JavaOutline), out outline)) { outline.JavaEditor = javaEditor; } JavaSquiggles squiggles = null; if (buffer.Properties.TryGetProperty <JavaSquiggles>(typeof(JavaSquiggles), out squiggles)) { squiggles.JavaEditor = javaEditor; } } return(javaPkgServer); }
private void SetFont() { // Set the default font to VS shell font. var vsFont = VSHelpers.GetVSFont(ServiceProvider); if (vsFont != null) { Font = vsFont; } }
private void RefactorRenameTest(string projectName, Action <EntityDesignArtifact, CommandProcessorContext, object> test) { var modelEdmxFilePath = Path.Combine(TestContext.DeploymentDirectory, @"TestData\Model\v3\PubSimple.edmx"); var dte = VsIdeTestHostContext.Dte; var serviceProvider = VsIdeTestHostContext.ServiceProvider; UITestRunner.Execute( () => { EntityDesignArtifact entityDesignArtifact = null; try { var project = dte.CreateProject( TestContext.TestRunDirectory, projectName, DteExtensions.ProjectKind.Executable, DteExtensions.ProjectLanguage.CSharp); var projectItem = dte.AddExistingItem(new FileInfo(modelEdmxFilePath).FullName, project); dte.OpenFile(projectItem.FileNames[0]); entityDesignArtifact = (EntityDesignArtifact) new EFArtifactHelper(EFArtifactHelper.GetEntityDesignModelManager(serviceProvider)) .GetNewOrExistingArtifact(TestUtils.FileName2Uri(projectItem.FileNames[0])); var editingContext = _package.DocumentFrameMgr.EditingContextManager.GetNewOrExistingContext(entityDesignArtifact.Uri); var cpc = new CommandProcessorContext( editingContext, "DiagramTest" + projectName, "DiagramTestTxn" + projectName, entityDesignArtifact); var programDocData = VSHelpers.GetDocData( serviceProvider, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullName), "Program.cs")); Debug.Assert(programDocData != null, "Could not get DocData for program file"); var textLines = VSHelpers.GetVsTextLinesFromDocData(programDocData); Debug.Assert(textLines != null, "Could not get VsTextLines for program DocData"); VsUtils.SetTextForVsTextLines(textLines, string.Format(PubSimpleProgramText, projectName)); test(entityDesignArtifact, cpc, programDocData); } catch (Exception ex) { TestContext.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); throw; } finally { if (entityDesignArtifact != null) { entityDesignArtifact.Dispose(); } dte.CloseSolution(false); } }); }
private void OnInvokedDynamicItem(object sender, EventArgs e) { DynamicCommand invokedCommand = (DynamicCommand)sender; var commandConfig = this.configParser.Commands.Find(c => c.Title.Equals(invokedCommand.Text)); var currentProjectPath = VSHelpers.GetCurrentProjectPath(); var extentionPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.GetType().Assembly.Location); var exePath = Path.Combine(extentionPath, Constants.CLIFolderName, Constants.CLIName); var fileInfo = new FileInfo(exePath); if (!fileInfo.Exists) { string message = "File 'sf.exe' does not exist!"; VSHelpers.ShowErrorMessage(this, message, commandConfig.Title); return; } var args = String.Format("{0}", commandConfig.Name); // get arguments var dialog = new InputDialog(commandConfig); if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true) { for (int i = 0; i < dialog.ResponseText.Count; i++) { var input = dialog.ResponseText[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input) || input.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) > 0) { string message = string.Format("Invalid argument: {0}!", commandConfig.Args[i]); VSHelpers.ShowErrorMessage(this, message, commandConfig.Title); return; } // response is argument, else - response is option if (i < commandConfig.Args.Count) { args = String.Format("{0} \"{1}\"", args, input); } else { var optionIndex = i - commandConfig.Args.Count; args = String.Format("{0} {1} \"{2}\"", args, commandConfig.Options[optionIndex].Name, input); } } args = String.Format("{0} -r \"{1}\"", args, currentProjectPath); var process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = fileInfo.Name; process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = fileInfo.DirectoryName; process.StartInfo.Arguments = args; process.Start(); } }
private void SetFonts() { var shellFont = VSHelpers.GetVSFont(this); // get the font used for dialogs and tool windows if (shellFont != null) { _containerControl.Font = shellFont; _treeControl.Font = shellFont; } }
public void StartListening() { _observable = _eventAggregator.GetEvent <ConnectionChangedEvent>().Subscribe(ConnectionChanged); _themeObs = Observable .FromEvent <ThemeChangedEventHandler, ThemeChangedEventArgs>(handler => VSColorTheme.ThemeChanged += handler, handler => VSColorTheme.ThemeChanged -= handler) .Subscribe(args => { CurrentTheme = ConvertToTheme(VSHelpers.DetectTheme()); _eventAggregator.Publish(new ThemeChangedEvent(CurrentTheme)); }); }
public WizardPageBase(ModelBuilderWizardForm wizard, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) : base(wizard) { _wizard = wizard; // Set the default font to VS shell font. var vsFont = VSHelpers.GetVSFont(serviceProvider); if (vsFont != null) { Font = vsFont; } }
public CustomZoomDialog() { InitializeComponent(); // Set the default font to VS shell font. var vsFont = VSHelpers.GetVSFont(Services.ServiceProvider); if (vsFont != null) { Font = vsFont; } }
internal Project GetProjectForArtifactSet() { Project project = null; string documentPath = null; var artifact = this.GetEntityDesignArtifact(); if (artifact != null) { documentPath = artifact.Uri.LocalPath; project = VSHelpers.GetProjectForDocument(documentPath, PackageManager.Package); } return(project); }
internal bool IsReadOnlyCodeGenerationStrategy() { if (TypedEFElement.Artifact.SchemaVersion < EntityFrameworkVersion.Version3 || UseLegacyProvider) { return(false); } var originalPath = TypedEFElement.Artifact.Uri.LocalPath; var project = VSHelpers.GetProjectForDocument(originalPath, Services.ServiceProvider); var entityFrameworkAssemblyVersion = VsUtils.GetInstalledEntityFrameworkAssemblyVersion(project); return(entityFrameworkAssemblyVersion != null && entityFrameworkAssemblyVersion >= RuntimeVersion.Version6); }
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(OleMenuCmdEventArgs e) { using var _ = LogUserAction(UserTask.CreateFromRightClickMenu); await Package.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(Package.DisposalToken); var(success, fileName) = EditorConfigFileGenerator.TryAddFileToSolution(); Assert(success, "Unable to add the editorconfig file to the solution"); if (success) { VSHelpers.OpenFile(fileName); } }
internal static void RemoveSyncedProject(VSHelpers.Projects.ProjectBase project) { mSyncedProjects.Remove(project); }
internal static void AddSyncedProject(VSHelpers.Projects.ProjectBase vsp) { mSyncedProjects.Add(vsp); PluginManager.ReactToSyncedProjectLoad(vsp); }