コード例 #1
 private long QueryRec(int i, VInt2 p, long radius, Agent agent, VRect r)
     if (this.nodes[i].child00 == i)
         for (Agent agent2 = this.nodes[i].linkedList; agent2 != null; agent2 = agent2.next)
             long num = agent.InsertAgentNeighbour(agent2, radius * radius);
             if (num < radius * radius)
                 radius = (long)IntMath.Sqrt(num);
         VInt2 center = r.center;
         if ((long)p.x - radius < (long)center.x)
             if ((long)p.y - radius < (long)center.y)
                 radius = this.QueryRec(this.nodes[i].child00, p, radius, agent, VRect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, r.yMin, center.x, center.y));
             if ((long)p.y + radius > (long)center.y)
                 radius = this.QueryRec(this.nodes[i].child01, p, radius, agent, VRect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, center.y, center.x, r.yMax));
         if ((long)p.x + radius > (long)center.x)
             if ((long)p.y - radius < (long)center.y)
                 radius = this.QueryRec(this.nodes[i].child10, p, radius, agent, VRect.MinMaxRect(center.x, r.yMin, r.xMax, center.y));
             if ((long)p.y + radius > (long)center.y)
                 radius = this.QueryRec(this.nodes[i].child11, p, radius, agent, VRect.MinMaxRect(center.x, center.y, r.xMax, r.yMax));
コード例 #2
 private void BuildQuadtree()
     if (this.agents.Count > 0)
         VRect r = VRect.MinMaxRect(this.agents[0].position.x, this.agents[0].position.y, this.agents[0].position.x, this.agents[0].position.y);
         for (int i = 1; i < this.agents.Count; i++)
             VInt3 position = this.agents[i].position;
             int   left     = Mathf.Min(r.xMin, position.x);
             int   top      = Mathf.Min(r.yMin, position.z);
             int   right    = Mathf.Max(r.xMax, position.x);
             r = VRect.MinMaxRect(left, top, right, Mathf.Max(r.yMax, position.z));
         for (int j = 0; j < this.agents.Count; j++)
コード例 #3
ファイル: RVOQuadtree.cs プロジェクト: end1220/PathFinding
        private long QueryRec(int i, Int2 p, long radius, Agent agent, VRect r)
            if (this.nodes[i].child00 == i)
                for (Agent agent2 = this.nodes[i].linkedList; agent2 != null; agent2 = agent2.next)
                    long a = agent.InsertAgentNeighbour(agent2, radius * radius);
                    if (a < (radius * radius))
                        radius = IntMath.Sqrt(a);
            Int2 center = r.center;

            if ((p.x - radius) < center.x)
                if ((p.y - radius) < center.y)
                    radius = this.QueryRec(this.nodes[i].child00, p, radius, agent, VRect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, r.yMin, center.x, center.y));
                if ((p.y + radius) > center.y)
                    radius = this.QueryRec(this.nodes[i].child01, p, radius, agent, VRect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, center.y, center.x, r.yMax));
            if ((p.x + radius) > center.x)
                if ((p.y - radius) < center.y)
                    radius = this.QueryRec(this.nodes[i].child10, p, radius, agent, VRect.MinMaxRect(center.x, r.yMin, r.xMax, center.y));
                if ((p.y + radius) > center.y)
                    radius = this.QueryRec(this.nodes[i].child11, p, radius, agent, VRect.MinMaxRect(center.x, center.y, r.xMax, r.yMax));
コード例 #4
 // Token: 0x06001102 RID: 4354 RVA: 0x0005A498 File Offset: 0x00058698
 public bool Overlaps(VRect other)
     return(other.xMax > this.xMin && other.xMin < this.xMax && other.yMax > this.yMin && other.yMin < this.yMax);
コード例 #5
 public bool Overlaps(VRect other)
     return((((other.xMax > this.xMin) && (other.xMin < this.xMax)) && (other.yMax > this.yMin)) && (other.yMin < this.yMax));
コード例 #6
        public PlanData ExtractPlanData(PlanSetup pln)
            ///////////////// Not original code by Amir, implemented from ExportPlanData (Yildirim Mutaf). Although, slight adjustments have been made.
            p1.ImageDate      = pln.StructureSet.Image.CreationDateTime.Value.ToString("g");
            p1.ImageId        = pln.StructureSet.Image.Id;
            p1.NumberOfImages = pln.StructureSet.Image.ZSize;
            p1.ImageResX      = pln.StructureSet.Image.XRes;
            p1.ImageResY      = pln.StructureSet.Image.YRes;
            p1.ImageResZ      = pln.StructureSet.Image.ZRes;
            p1.ContourId      = pln.StructureSet.Id;

            // RX INFORMATION
            RTPrescription rx = pln.RTPrescription;

            p1.PhysicianFullName = "NA";
            p1.RxSite            = "NA";
            p1.RxTechnique       = "NA";
            p1.RxSequence        = "NA";
            p1.RxNotes           = "";
            p1.RxTargets         = "";

            p1.Energy = "";

            if (rx != null)
                p1.PhysicianFullName = rx.HistoryUserDisplayName;
                p1.RxSite            = rx.Site;
                p1.RxTechnique       = rx.Technique;
                p1.RxSequence        = rx.PhaseType;
                p1.RxNotes           = rx.Notes;
                p1.RxGating          = rx.Gating;

                IEnumerable <RTPrescriptionTarget> targets = rx.Targets;
                foreach (RTPrescriptionTarget trgt in targets)
                    p1.RxTargets += trgt.TargetId + "; ";

                //IEnumerable<string> ens = rx.Energies;
                //foreach (string en in ens)
                //    DATA.Energy += en + "; ";
                // rx is null. set a flag to capture this.
            p1.PlanOrientation = Enum.GetName(typeof(PatientOrientation), pln.TreatmentOrientation);
            p1.UseGating       = pln.UseGating;

            // FIELD INFORMATION
            IEnumerable <Beam> bms = pln.Beams;
            int    nbms            = 0;
            double Total_MU        = 0.0;
            //string enEnergyMode = "";
            double iso_X = 0.0, iso_Y = 0.0, iso_Z = 0.0;

            p1.MLCType        = "";
            p1.ToleranceTable = "";
            p1.BolusId        = "";
            p1.MachineId      = "";

            // bool SRS = false;
            p1.UseCouchKick   = false;
            p1.UseJawTracking = false;
            List <string> energies = new List <string>();

            foreach (Beam b in bms)
                if (!b.IsSetupField)

                    Total_MU += b.Meterset.Value;

                    p1.MLCType        = Enum.GetName(typeof(MLCPlanType), b.MLCPlanType);
                    p1.MachineId      = b.TreatmentUnit.Id;
                    p1.ToleranceTable = b.ToleranceTableLabel;

                    List <double> x1jaws = new List <double>();
                    List <double> x2jaws = new List <double>();
                    List <double> y1jaws = new List <double>();
                    List <double> y2jaws = new List <double>();
                    // this is field specific

                    ControlPointCollection ctrl_colls = b.ControlPoints;
                    foreach (ControlPoint ctrl in ctrl_colls)
                        VRect <double> jaws = ctrl.JawPositions;
                    // this is field specific
                    double meanX1 = x1jaws.Average();
                    double meanX2 = x2jaws.Average();
                    double meanY1 = y1jaws.Average();
                    double meanY2 = y2jaws.Average();

                    double minX1 = x1jaws.Min();
                    double minX2 = x2jaws.Min();
                    double minY1 = y1jaws.Min();
                    double minY2 = y2jaws.Min();

                    double maxX1 = x1jaws.Max();
                    double maxX2 = x2jaws.Max();
                    double maxY1 = y1jaws.Max();
                    double maxY2 = y2jaws.Max();

                    if (Math.Abs(maxX1 - minX1) > 0.01 || Math.Abs(maxX2 - minX2) > 0.01 || Math.Abs(maxY1 - minY1) > 0.01 || Math.Abs(maxY2 - minY2) > 0.01)
                        p1.UseJawTracking = true;

                    if (!p1.UseCouchKick && b.ControlPoints.First().PatientSupportAngle != 0.0)
                        p1.UseCouchKick = true;

                    // this is field specific
                    double delta_X = (b.IsocenterPosition.x - pln.StructureSet.Image.UserOrigin.x) / 10.0;
                    double delta_Y = (b.IsocenterPosition.y - pln.StructureSet.Image.UserOrigin.y) / 10.0;
                    double delta_Z = (b.IsocenterPosition.z - pln.StructureSet.Image.UserOrigin.z) / 10.0;
                    iso_X = delta_X;
                    iso_Y = delta_Y;
                    iso_Z = delta_Z;

                    if (b.Boluses.Any()) // this is field specific
                        p1.BolusId = b.Boluses.First().Id;

            foreach (var en in energies.Distinct())
                p1.Energy += en + "; ";

            if (p1.Energy.IndexOf('E') >= 0)
                p1.EnergyMode = "Electron";
            else if (p1.Energy.IndexOf('X') >= 0)
                p1.EnergyMode = "Photon";
                p1.EnergyMode = "Unknown";

            p1.NumberOfFields = nbms;

            p1.TotalMu = Total_MU;
            p1.IsoX    = iso_X;
            p1.IsoY    = iso_Y;
            p1.IsoZ    = iso_Z;

            p1.IsoXstr = Math.Round(iso_X, 2).ToString();
            p1.IsoYstr = Math.Round(iso_Y, 2).ToString();
            p1.IsoZstr = Math.Round(iso_Z, 2).ToString();

            p1.UseShifts = false;
            if (Math.Abs(iso_X) > 0.009 || Math.Abs(iso_Y) > 0.009 || Math.Abs(iso_Z) > 0.009)
                p1.UseShifts = true;

            p1.DoseAlgorithm  = "";
            p1.DoseGridSizeCM = "";
            p1.DoseMax3D      = 0.0;
            p1.DoseResX       = 0.0;
            p1.DoseResY       = 0.0;
            p1.DoseResZ       = 0.0;

            p1.TargetVolume      = pln.TargetVolumeID;
            p1.NumberOfFractions = pln.NumberOfFractions.Value;
            p1.FractionDose      = pln.PlannedDosePerFraction.Dose;
            p1.TotalDose         = pln.TotalDose.Dose;
            p1.PlanNormalization = pln.PlanNormalizationValue;
            p1.PrimaryRefPoint   = pln.PrimaryReferencePoint.Id;

            Dose dose = pln.Dose;

            if (dose != null)
                p1.DoseMax3D = dose.DoseMax3D.Dose;
                p1.DoseResX  = dose.XRes;
                p1.DoseResY  = dose.YRes;
                p1.DoseResZ  = dose.ZRes;

                switch (p1.EnergyMode)
                case "Photon":
                    p1.DoseAlgorithm = pln.PhotonCalculationModel;

                case "Electron":
                    p1.DoseAlgorithm = pln.ElectronCalculationModel;

                p1.DoseIsNull = true;

コード例 #7
        public String CompareControlPoints(Beam b1, Beam b2, string DELIM)
        {// only do this if the number of control points are the same.
            String r       = "";
            float  epsilon = (float)0.001;
            //List<double> x1jaws = new List<double>();
            //List<double> x2jaws = new List<double>();
            //List<double> y1jaws = new List<double>();
            //List<double> y2jaws = new List<double>();

            List <double> CollAngle1 = new List <double>();
            List <double> CollAngle2 = new List <double>();

            ControlPointCollection ctrl_colls1 = b1.ControlPoints;
            ControlPointCollection ctrl_colls2 = b2.ControlPoints;
            double MU1 = b1.Meterset.Value;
            double MU2 = b2.Meterset.Value;

            int           nctrls          = ctrl_colls1.Count();
            int           MLCDiffTally    = 0;
            List <double> DeltaMU         = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaCol        = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> CouchAngle1     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> CouchAngle2     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaCouchAngle = new List <double>(nctrls);

            List <double> DeltaJawsX1 = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaJawsX2 = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaJawsY1 = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaJawsY2 = new List <double>(nctrls);

            List <double> DeltaMUs = new List <double>(nctrls);

            List <double> CouchVrt1     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> CouchVrt2     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaCouchVrt = new List <double>(nctrls);

            List <double> CouchLng1     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> CouchLng2     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaCouchLng = new List <double>(nctrls);

            List <double> CouchLat1     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> CouchLat2     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaCouchLat = new List <double>(nctrls);

            for (int i = 1; i <= nctrls - 1; i++)
                ControlPoint ctrl1  = ctrl_colls1[i];
                ControlPoint ctrl2  = ctrl_colls2[i];
                double       segMU1 = MU1 * (ctrl1.MetersetWeight - ctrl_colls1[i - 1].MetersetWeight);
                double       segMU2 = MU2 * (ctrl2.MetersetWeight - ctrl_colls2[i - 1].MetersetWeight);

                DeltaMU.Add(segMU1 - segMU2);

                DeltaCol.Add(ctrl1.CollimatorAngle - ctrl2.CollimatorAngle);

                DeltaCouchAngle.Add(ctrl1.PatientSupportAngle - ctrl2.PatientSupportAngle);

                DeltaCouchVrt.Add(ctrl1.TableTopVerticalPosition - ctrl2.TableTopVerticalPosition);

                DeltaCouchLng.Add(ctrl1.TableTopLongitudinalPosition - ctrl2.TableTopLongitudinalPosition);

                DeltaCouchLat.Add(ctrl1.TableTopLateralPosition - ctrl2.TableTopLateralPosition);

                MLCDiffTally += CompareMLCSequences(ctrl1, ctrl2);

                //DeltaLeafs.Add(ctrl1.LeafPositions[0,0] - ctrl2.LeafPositions[0,0]);

                VRect <double> jaws1 = ctrl1.JawPositions;
                VRect <double> jaws2 = ctrl2.JawPositions;

                DeltaJawsX1.Add((jaws1.X1 - jaws2.X1) / 10);
                DeltaJawsX2.Add((jaws1.X2 - jaws2.X2) / 10);
                DeltaJawsY1.Add((jaws1.Y1 - jaws2.Y1) / 10);
                DeltaJawsY2.Add((jaws1.Y2 - jaws2.Y2) / 10);
            r += ShowCPDifference(DeltaMU, "MU", epsilon, DELIM);

            r += ReturnCPParameterComparison(CollAngle1, CollAngle2, DeltaCol, "Collimator angle", DELIM);
            r += ReturnCPParameterComparison(CouchAngle1, CouchAngle2, DeltaCouchAngle, "Couch angle", DELIM);
            r += ReturnCPParameterComparison(CouchVrt1, CouchVrt2, DeltaCouchVrt, "Couch Vrt", DELIM);
            r += ReturnCPParameterComparison(CouchLng1, CouchLng2, DeltaCouchLng, "Couch Lng", DELIM);
            r += ReturnCPParameterComparison(CouchLat1, CouchLat2, DeltaCouchLat, "Couch Lat", DELIM);

            if (MLCDiffTally > 0)
                r += "Check - Differences found among leaf positions: " + MLCDiffTally + " different leaf pairs found. " + DELIM;
                r += "OK - All control points show the same leaf positions" + DELIM;

            r += ShowCPDifference(DeltaJawsX1, "X1 jaw", epsilon, DELIM);
            r += ShowCPDifference(DeltaJawsX2, "X2 jaw", epsilon, DELIM);
            r += ShowCPDifference(DeltaJawsY1, "Y1 jaw", epsilon, DELIM);

            DELIM = (Environment.NewLine).PadRight(10);
            r    += ShowCPDifference(DeltaJawsY2, "Y2 jaw", epsilon, DELIM);

コード例 #8
 public void SetBounds(VRect r)
     this.bounds = r;
コード例 #9
        // SCR_CalcRefdef
        // Must be called whenever vid changes
        // Internal use only
        private void CalcRefdef( )
            Host.Screen.FullUpdate = 0; // force a background redraw
            _VidDef.recalc_refdef  = false;

            // force the status bar to redraw
            Host.Hud.Changed( );

            // bound viewsize
            if (Host.Cvars.ViewSize.Get <Single>( ) < 30)
                Host.CVars.Set("viewsize", 30f);
            if (Host.Cvars.ViewSize.Get <Single>( ) > 120)
                Host.CVars.Set("viewsize", 120f);

            // bound field of view
            if (Host.Cvars.Fov.Get <Single>( ) < 10)
                Host.CVars.Set("fov", 10f);
            if (Host.Cvars.Fov.Get <Single>( ) > 170)
                Host.CVars.Set("fov", 170f);

            // intermission is always full screen
            Single size;

            if (Host.Client.cl.intermission > 0)
                size = 120;
                size = Host.Cvars.ViewSize.Get <Single>( );

            if (size >= 120)
                Host.Hud.Lines = 0; // no status bar at all
            else if (size >= 110)
                Host.Hud.Lines = 24; // no inventory
                Host.Hud.Lines = 24 + 16 + 8;

            var full = false;

            if (Host.Cvars.ViewSize.Get <Single>( ) >= 100.0)
                full = true;
                size = 100.0f;
                size = Host.Cvars.ViewSize.Get <Single>( );

            if (Host.Client.cl.intermission > 0)
                full           = true;
                size           = 100;
                Host.Hud.Lines = 0;
            size /= 100.0f;

            var h = _VidDef.height - Host.Hud.Lines;

            var rdef = Host.RenderContext.RefDef;

            rdef.vrect.width = ( Int32 )(_VidDef.width * size);
            if (rdef.vrect.width < 96)
                size             = 96.0f / rdef.vrect.width;
                rdef.vrect.width = 96;  // min for icons

            rdef.vrect.height = ( Int32 )(_VidDef.height * size);
            if (rdef.vrect.height > _VidDef.height - Host.Hud.Lines)
                rdef.vrect.height = _VidDef.height - Host.Hud.Lines;
            if (rdef.vrect.height > _VidDef.height)
                rdef.vrect.height = _VidDef.height;
            rdef.vrect.x = (_VidDef.width - rdef.vrect.width) / 2;
            if (full)
                rdef.vrect.y = 0;
                rdef.vrect.y = (h - rdef.vrect.height) / 2;

            rdef.fov_x = Host.Cvars.Fov.Get <Single>( );
            rdef.fov_y = CalcFov(rdef.fov_x, rdef.vrect.width, rdef.vrect.height);

            _VRect = rdef.vrect;
コード例 #10
        public void Insert(Agent agent)
            int   num = 0;
            VRect r   = this.bounds;
            VInt2 xz  = agent.position.xz;

            agent.next     = null;
            this.maxRadius = IntMath.Max((long)agent.radius.i, this.maxRadius);
            int num2 = 0;

            while (true)
                if (this.nodes[num].child00 == num)
                    if (this.nodes[num].count < 15 || num2 > 10)
                    RVOQuadtree.Node node = this.nodes[num];
                    node.child00    = this.GetNodeIndex();
                    node.child01    = this.GetNodeIndex();
                    node.child10    = this.GetNodeIndex();
                    node.child11    = this.GetNodeIndex();
                    this.nodes[num] = node;
                    this.nodes[num].Distribute(this.nodes, r);
                if (this.nodes[num].child00 != num)
                    VInt2 center = r.center;
                    if (xz.x > center.x)
                        if (xz.y > center.y)
                            num = this.nodes[num].child11;
                            r   = VRect.MinMaxRect(center.x, center.y, r.xMax, r.yMax);
                            num = this.nodes[num].child10;
                            r   = VRect.MinMaxRect(center.x, r.yMin, r.xMax, center.y);
                    else if (xz.y > center.y)
                        num = this.nodes[num].child01;
                        r   = VRect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, center.y, center.x, r.yMax);
                        num = this.nodes[num].child00;
                        r   = VRect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, r.yMin, center.x, center.y);
            RVOQuadtree.Node[] array = this.nodes;
            int num3 = num;

            array[num3].count = array[num3].count + 1;
コード例 #11
ファイル: BeamParameters.cs プロジェクト: zoulianmp/ESAPIX
        public void SetJawPositions(VRect <double> positions)
            var local = this;

            X.Instance.CurrentContext.Thread.Invoke(() => { local._client.SetJawPositions(positions); });
コード例 #12
        public void SetupFieldsPerformUpdates()

            ExternalPlanSetup plan = _context.PlanSetup as ExternalPlanSetup;
            Beam           beam    = plan.Beams.FirstOrDefault();
            VRect <double> jaws    = new VRect <double>(-50, -50, 50, 50);
            ExternalBeamMachineParameters machineParams = new ExternalBeamMachineParameters(beam.TreatmentUnit.Id, beam.EnergyModeDisplayName, beam.DoseRate, "STATIC", "");

            int ap, pa, rtLat, ltLat;

            switch (PatientOrientation)
            case "HeadFirstSupine":
                ap    = 0;
                pa    = 180;
                rtLat = 270;
                ltLat = 90;

            case "FeetFirstSupine":
                ap    = 0;
                pa    = 180;
                rtLat = 90;
                ltLat = 270;

            case "HeadFirstProne":
                ap    = 180;
                pa    = 0;
                rtLat = 90;
                ltLat = 270;

            case "FeetFirstProne":
                ap    = 180;
                pa    = 0;
                rtLat = 270;
                ltLat = 90;

                ap    = 0;
                pa    = 180;
                rtLat = 270;
                ltLat = 90;

            if (!MvKvPairFlag)
                if (CbctFlag)
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, 0, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = _cbctName;
                if (ApFlag)
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, ap, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = _apName;
                if (PaFlag)
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, pa, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = _paName;
                if (RtLatFlag)
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, rtLat, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = _rtLatName;
                if (LtLatFlag)
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, ltLat, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = _ltLatName;
                if (CbctFlag)
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, 0, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = _cbctName;
                if (ApFlag)
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, ap, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = $"{_apName} {Suffix1}";
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, ap, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = $"{_apName} {Suffix2}";
                if (PaFlag)
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, pa, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = $"{_paName} {Suffix1}";
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, pa, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = $"{_paName} {Suffix2}";
                if (RtLatFlag)
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, rtLat, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = $"{_rtLatName} {Suffix1}";
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, rtLat, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = $"{_rtLatName} {Suffix2}";
                if (LtLatFlag)
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, ltLat, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = $"{_ltLatName} {Suffix1}";
                    plan.AddSetupBeam(machineParams, jaws, 0, ltLat, 0, beam.IsocenterPosition).Id = $"{_ltLatName} {Suffix2}";

            log.Info("Setup Fields");
コード例 #13
            //public void QueryRec(int i, Rect r)
            public void QueryRec(int i, VRect r)
                // Determine the radius that we need to search to take all agents into account
                // Note: the second agentRadius usage should actually be the radius of the other agents, not this agent
                // but for performance reasons and for simplicity we assume that agents have approximately the same radius.
                // Thus an agent with a very small radius may in some cases detect an agent with a very large radius too late
                // however this effect should be minor.
                var radius = System.Math.Min(System.Math.Max((nodes[i].maxSpeed + speed) * timeHorizon, agentRadius) + agentRadius, maxRadius);

                if (nodes[i].child00 == i)
                    // Leaf node
                    for (Agent a = nodes[i].linkedList; a != null; a = a.next)
                        //float v = agent.InsertAgentNeighbour(a, radius * radius);
                        long v = agent.InsertAgentNeighbour(a, (int)(radius * radius));
                        // Limit the search if the agent has hit the max number of nearby agents threshold
                        if (v < maxRadius * maxRadius)
                            //maxRadius = Mathf.Sqrt(v);
                            maxRadius = IntMath.Sqrt(v);
                    // Not a leaf node
                    //Vector2 c = r.center;
                    VInt2 c = r.center;
                    if (p.x - radius < c.x)
                        if (p.y - radius < c.y)
                            //QueryRec(nodes[i].child00, Rect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, r.yMin, c.x, c.y));
                            QueryRec(nodes[i].child00, VRect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, r.yMin, c.x, c.y));
                            radius = System.Math.Min(radius, maxRadius);
                        if (p.y + radius > c.y)
                            //QueryRec(nodes[i].child01, Rect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, c.y, c.x, r.yMax));
                            QueryRec(nodes[i].child01, VRect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, c.y, c.x, r.yMax));
                            radius = System.Math.Min(radius, maxRadius);

                    if (p.x + radius > c.x)
                        if (p.y - radius < c.y)
                            //QueryRec(nodes[i].child10, Rect.MinMaxRect(c.x, r.yMin, r.xMax, c.y));
                            QueryRec(nodes[i].child10, VRect.MinMaxRect(c.x, r.yMin, r.xMax, c.y));
                            radius = System.Math.Min(radius, maxRadius);
                        if (p.y + radius > c.y)
                            //QueryRec(nodes[i].child11, Rect.MinMaxRect(c.x, c.y, r.xMax, r.yMax));
                            QueryRec(nodes[i].child11, VRect.MinMaxRect(c.x, c.y, r.xMax, r.yMax));
コード例 #14
        /** Add a new agent to the tree.
         * \warning Agents must not be added multiple times to the same tree
        public void Insert(Agent agent)
            int i = 0;

            /*Rect r = bounds;
             * Vector2 p = new Vector2(agent.position.x, agent.position.y);*/
            VRect r = bounds;
            VInt2 p = new VInt2(agent.position.x, agent.position.y);

            agent.next = null;

            //maxRadius = System.Math.Max(agent.radius, maxRadius);
            maxRadius = System.Math.Max((int)agent.radius, maxRadius);

            int depth = 0;

            while (true)

                if (nodes[i].child00 == i)
                    // Leaf node. Break at depth 10 in case lots of agents ( > LeafSize ) are in the same spot
                    if (nodes[i].count < LeafSize || depth > 10)
                        // Split
                        Node node = nodes[i];
                        node.child00 = GetNodeIndex();
                        node.child01 = GetNodeIndex();
                        node.child10 = GetNodeIndex();
                        node.child11 = GetNodeIndex();
                        nodes[i]     = node;

                        nodes[i].Distribute(nodes, r);
                // Note, no else
                if (nodes[i].child00 != i)
                    // Not a leaf node
                    //Vector2 c = r.center;
                    VInt2 c = r.center;
                    if (p.x > c.x)
                        if (p.y > c.y)
                            i = nodes[i].child11;
                            //r = Rect.MinMaxRect(c.x, c.y, r.xMax, r.yMax);
                            r = VRect.MinMaxRect(c.x, c.y, r.xMax, r.yMax);
                            i = nodes[i].child10;
                            //r = Rect.MinMaxRect(c.x, r.yMin, r.xMax, c.y);
                            r = VRect.MinMaxRect(c.x, r.yMin, r.xMax, c.y);
                        if (p.y > c.y)
                            i = nodes[i].child01;
                            //r = Rect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, c.y, c.x, r.yMax);
                            r = VRect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, c.y, c.x, r.yMax);
                            i = nodes[i].child00;
                            //r = Rect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, r.yMin, c.x, c.y);
                            r = VRect.MinMaxRect(r.xMin, r.yMin, c.x, c.y);
コード例 #15
 //public void SetBounds(Rect r)
 public void SetBounds(VRect r)
     bounds = r;
コード例 #16
        public static void BeamMaker(ref ExternalPlanSetup plan, StructureSet ss, double prescriptionDose, Tuple <string, string, bool> beamParams)
            //First check if beams already exist
            foreach (Beam beam in plan.Beams.ToList())
            string treatmentCenter = beamParams.Item1;
            string treatmentArea   = beamParams.Item2;
            string beamName        = "";
            int    doseRate        = 600;

            //Get the right beam name
            if (treatmentCenter == "BC Cancer - Surrey")
                beamName = "fv" + treatmentArea.Replace(" ", "") + "TB";
                beamName = beamName.ToUpper();
                doseRate = 400;
            else if (treatmentCenter == "BC Cancer - Vancouver")
                beamName = "Va" + treatmentArea.Replace(" ", "");

            //need to create two arc beams, and make sure they fit to PTVs.
            ExternalBeamMachineParameters ebmp = new ExternalBeamMachineParameters(beamName, "6X", doseRate, "ARC", null);
            //First need to find the isocentre, which will be in the main PTV

            //find all the ptvs
            List <Structure> ptvs     = new List <Structure>();
            List <Structure> mainPTVs = new List <Structure>();

            foreach (Structure structure in ss.Structures)
                if (structure.Name.ToLower().Contains("ptv"))
                    if (StringOperations.FindPTVNumber(structure.Name) == prescriptionDose / 100)
                    //Check if receiving prescription dose
            //Check if it's receiving the prescription dose. If so, set isocentre here. If there is more than
            //One receiving the prescription dose, set at the average between the two.
            VVector isocentre;

            if (mainPTVs.Count > 0)
                double x = 0;
                double y = 0;
                double z = 0;
                //Find average x,y,z
                for (int i = 0; i < mainPTVs.Count; i++)
                    x += Math.Round(mainPTVs[i].CenterPoint.x / 10.0f) * 10.0f / mainPTVs.Count;
                    y += Math.Round(mainPTVs[i].CenterPoint.y / 10.0f) * 10.0f / mainPTVs.Count;
                    z += Math.Round(mainPTVs[i].CenterPoint.z / 10.0f) * 10.0f / mainPTVs.Count;
                isocentre = new VVector(x, y, z);
                isocentre = new VVector(0, 0, 0);
            //Create two VMAT beams

            //First get the right jaw dimensions:
            VRect <double> jaws1 = FitJawsToTarget(isocentre, plan, ptvs, 30, 0);
            VRect <double> jaws2 = FitJawsToTarget(isocentre, plan, ptvs, 330, 0);
            Beam           vmat1 = plan.AddArcBeam(ebmp, jaws1, 30, 180.1, 179.9, GantryDirection.Clockwise, 0, isocentre);
            Beam           vmat2 = plan.AddArcBeam(ebmp, jaws2, 330, 179.9, 180.1, GantryDirection.CounterClockwise, 0, isocentre);

            vmat1.Id = "PC_vmat1";
            vmat2.Id = "PC_vmat2";