protected void saveInstanceToShortcutGUI(Instance i, bool httpLink = false) { var sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); var filename = i.WorldId; var idWithoutWorldId = i.IdWithoutWorldId; if (httpLink) { filename = "web-" + filename; } if (idWithoutWorldId != "") { filename += "-"; filename += idWithoutWorldId; } filename += ".lnk"; sfd.FileName = filename; sfd.Filter = "Link (*.lnk)|*.lnk|All files (*.*)|*.*"; sfd.Title = "Save Instance"; if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } VRChat.SaveInstanceToShortcut(i, sfd.FileName, httpLink); }
public static void Main(string[] Args) { List <Visit> visitHistory = new List <Visit>(); // Arguments List <string> userSelectedLogFiles = new List <string>(); List <string> ignoreWorldIds = new List <string>(); string vrcInviteMePath = FindInPath("vrc-invite-me.exe"); bool ignorePublic = false, noDialog = false, killVRC = false, noGUI = false, quickSave = false, quickSaveHTTP = false, inviteMe = false; int ignoreByTimeMins = 0, index = 0; Match match; Regex ignoreWorldsArgRegex = new Regex(@"\A--ignore-worlds=wrld_.+(,wrld_.+)?\z"); Regex ignoreByTimeRegex = new Regex(@"\A--ignore-by-time=\d+\z"); Regex indexRegex = new Regex(@"\A--index=\d+\z"); /*\ |*| Parse arguments \*/ foreach (string arg in Args) { if (arg == "--quick-save") { quickSave = true; continue; } if (arg == "--quick-save-http") { quickSaveHTTP = true; continue; } if (arg == "--no-gui") { noGUI = true; continue; } if (arg == "--kill-vrc") { killVRC = true; continue; } if (arg == "--ignore-public") { ignorePublic = true; continue; } if (arg == "--no-dialog") { noDialog = true; continue; } if (arg == "--invite-me") { inviteMe = true; continue; } match = indexRegex.Match(arg); if (match.Success) { index = int.Parse(arg.Split('=')[1]); continue; } match = ignoreWorldsArgRegex.Match(arg); if (match.Success) { foreach (string world in arg.Split('=')[1].Split(',')) { ignoreWorldIds.Add(world); } continue; } match = ignoreByTimeRegex.Match(arg); if (match.Success) { ignoreByTimeMins = int.Parse(arg.Split('=')[1]); continue; } if (!File.Exists(arg)) { showMessage( "Unknown option or invalid file.: " + arg, noGUI && noDialog ); return; } userSelectedLogFiles.Add(arg); } if (inviteMe && vrcInviteMePath == null) { showMessage("Failed to find vrc-invite-me.exe", noGUI && noDialog); return; } if (quickSave && quickSaveHTTP) { showMessage( "The combination of --quick-save and --quick-save-http cannot be used.", noGUI && noDialog ); return; } /*\ |*| Read logfiles |*| (Find logfiles by AppData if userSelectedLogFiles is empty) \*/ if (userSelectedLogFiles.Any()) { foreach (string filepath in userSelectedLogFiles) { using ( FileStream stream = new FileStream( filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite ) ) { readLogfile(stream, visitHistory); } } } else { IEnumerable <FileInfo> logfiles = getLogFiles(); if (logfiles == null) { showMessage("Failed to lookup VRChat log directory.", noGUI && noDialog); return; } if (!logfiles.Any()) { showMessage("Could not find VRChat log.", noGUI && noDialog); return; } foreach (FileInfo logfile in logfiles) { using ( FileStream stream = logfile.Open( FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite ) ) { readLogfile(stream, visitHistory); } } } /*\ |*| Filter and Sort \*/ DateTime compDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(ignoreByTimeMins * -1); List <Visit> sortedVisitHistory = visitHistory.Where( v => ( !ignorePublic || ( v.Instance.Permission != Permission.Public && v.Instance.Permission != Permission.PublicWithIdentifier && v.Instance.Permission != Permission.Unknown ) ) && ( ignoreByTimeMins == 0 || compDate < v.DateTime ) && !ignoreWorldIds.Contains(v.Instance.WorldId) ).OrderByDescending( v => v.DateTime ).ToList(); if (!sortedVisitHistory.Any()) { showMessage("Could not find visits from VRChat log.", noGUI && noDialog); return; } /*\ |*| Action \*/ if (noGUI) { if (index >= sortedVisitHistory.Count) { showMessage("Out of bounds index: " + index.ToString(), noDialog); return; } var v = sortedVisitHistory[index]; var i = v.Instance; if (quickSave || quickSaveHTTP) { string saveDir = Path.GetDirectoryName( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location ) + @"\saves"; try { if (!Directory.Exists(saveDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveDir); } } catch (Exception e) { showMessage( "[QuickSave] Make Directory:\n" + e.Message, noDialog ); throw e; } string instanceString = i.WorldId; string idWithoutWorldId = i.IdWithoutWorldId; if (idWithoutWorldId != "") { instanceString += "-"; instanceString += idWithoutWorldId; } var existsLinks = new DirectoryInfo(saveDir).EnumerateFiles( quickSaveHTTP ? "web-*.lnk" : "*.lnk" ); foreach (FileInfo link in existsLinks) { if (quickSave && link.Name.StartsWith("web-")) { continue; } if (link.Name.EndsWith(instanceString + ".lnk")) { File.SetLastWriteTime(link.FullName, DateTime.Now); return; } } string filepath = string.Format( @"{0}\{3}{1}{2}.lnk", saveDir, v.DateTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd-hhmmss-"), instanceString, quickSaveHTTP ? "web-" : string.Empty ); try { VRChat.SaveInstanceToShortcut(i, filepath, quickSaveHTTP); } catch (Exception e) { showMessage( "[QuickSave] Create Shortcut:\n" + e.Message, noDialog ); throw e; } } else if (inviteMe) { if (VRChat.InviteMe(i, vrcInviteMePath) != 0) { showMessage( "Check your vrc-invite-me.exe settings", noDialog ); } } else { VRChat.Launch(i, killVRC); } } else { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run( new MainForm(sortedVisitHistory, killVRC, vrcInviteMePath) ); } }