protected void UpdateRotateDir(VInt3 targetDir, int dt) { ActorRoot actor =; if (targetDir != { actor.ObjLinker.SetForward(targetDir,; if (!actor.ActorControl.GetNoAbilityFlag(ObjAbilityType.ObjAbility_MoveRotate)) { actor.forward = targetDir; if (actor.InCamera) { Vector3 forward = this.Parent.gameObject.transform.forward; Vector3 vector2 = (Vector3)targetDir; vector2.y = 0f; forward.y = 0f; VFactor factor = VInt3.AngleInt(targetDir, VInt3.forward); int num = (targetDir.x * VInt3.forward.z) - (VInt3.forward.x * targetDir.z); if (num < 0) { factor = VFactor.twoPi - factor; } Quaternion to = Quaternion.AngleAxis(factor.single * 57.29578f, Vector3.up); actor.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(actor.rotation, to, (this.Parent.RotateSpeed * dt) * 0.001f); } } } }
public void Update(ActorRoot _parent) { if (!this.childActorRoot) { return; } VInt3 vInt = _parent.location + this.translation; if (this.translation.x != 0 || this.translation.z != 0) { VInt3 forward = VInt3.forward; VFactor vFactor = VInt3.AngleInt(_parent.forward, forward); int num = _parent.forward.x * forward.z - forward.x * _parent.forward.z; if (num < 0) { vFactor = VFactor.twoPi - vFactor; } VInt3 vInt2 = this.translation.RotateY(ref vFactor); vInt = _parent.location + vInt2.NormalizeTo(this.distance.i); vInt.y += this.translation.y; } this.childActorRoot.get_handle().location = vInt; this.childActorRoot.get_handle().forward = _parent.forward; this.UpdateMoveDelta(vInt); }
public void CustumLateUpdate() { if (this.myRenderer != null && this.ActorObj != null) { bool isVisible = this.myRenderer.isVisible; if (isVisible != this.ActorObj.InCamera) { this.ActorObj.InCamera = isVisible; if (this.ActorObj.InCamera) { if (this.ActorObj.isMovable) { this.oldLocation = this.ActorObj.location; this.myTransform.position = (Vector3)this.ActorObj.location; } if (this.ActorObj.isRotatable) { VInt3 forward = this.ActorObj.forward; VFactor b = VInt3.AngleInt(forward, VInt3.forward); int num = forward.x * VInt3.forward.z - VInt3.forward.x * forward.z; if (num < 0) { b = VFactor.twoPi - b; } this.tarRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(b.single * 57.29578f, Vector3.up); this.myTransform.rotation = this.tarRotation; } } } } }
private void LateUpdate() { if (((this.myRenderer != null) && (this.ActorObj != null)) && (this.myRenderer.isVisible != this.ActorObj.InCamera)) { this.ActorObj.InCamera = this.myRenderer.isVisible; if (this.ActorObj.InCamera) { if (this.ActorObj.isMovable) { this.oldLocation = this.ActorObj.location; base.gameObject.transform.position = (Vector3)this.ActorObj.location; } if (this.ActorObj.isRotatable) { VFactor factor = VInt3.AngleInt(this.ActorObj.forward, VInt3.forward); int num = (this.ActorObj.forward.x * VInt3.forward.z) - (VInt3.forward.x * this.ActorObj.forward.z); if (num < 0) { factor = VFactor.twoPi - factor; } this.tarRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(factor.single * 57.29578f, Vector3.up); base.gameObject.transform.rotation = this.tarRotation; } } } }
public void CustumLateUpdate() { if (this.myRenderer != null && this.ActorObj != null) { bool isVisible = this.myRenderer.isVisible; if (isVisible != this.ActorObj.InCamera) { this.ActorObj.InCamera = isVisible; if (this.ActorObj.InCamera) { if (this.ActorObj.isMovable) { this.oldLocation = this.ActorObj.location; this.myTransform.position = (Vector3)this.ActorObj.location; } if (this.ActorObj.isRotatable) { VInt3 forward = this.ActorObj.forward; VFactor vFactor = VInt3.AngleInt(forward, VInt3.forward); int arg_CE_0 = forward.x; VInt3 forward2 = VInt3.forward; int arg_E5_0 = arg_CE_0 * forward2.z; VInt3 forward3 = VInt3.forward; int num = arg_E5_0 - forward3.x * forward.z; if (num < 0) { vFactor = VFactor.twoPi - vFactor; } this.tarRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(vFactor.get_single() * 57.29578f, Vector3.up); this.myTransform.rotation = this.tarRotation; } } } } }
protected void UpdateRotateDir(VInt3 targetDir, int dt) { ActorRoot actor =; if (targetDir == { return; } actor.ObjLinker.SetForward(targetDir,; if (actor.ActorControl.GetNoAbilityFlag(ObjAbilityType.ObjAbility_MoveRotate)) { return; } actor.forward = targetDir; if (actor.InCamera) { Vector3 forward =; ((Vector3)targetDir).y = 0f; forward.y = 0f; VFactor vFactor = VInt3.AngleInt(targetDir, VInt3.forward); int arg_B8_0 = targetDir.x; VInt3 forward2 = VInt3.forward; int arg_CF_0 = arg_B8_0 * forward2.z; VInt3 forward3 = VInt3.forward; int num = arg_CF_0 - forward3.x * targetDir.z; if (num < 0) { vFactor = VFactor.twoPi - vFactor; } Quaternion to = Quaternion.AngleAxis(vFactor.get_single() * 57.29578f, Vector3.up); actor.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(actor.rotation, to, (float)(this.Parent.RotateSpeed * dt) * 0.001f); } }
protected void UpdateRotateDir(VInt3 targetDir, int dt) { ActorRoot actor =; if (targetDir == { return; } actor.ObjLinker.SetForward(targetDir,; if (actor.ActorControl.GetNoAbilityFlag(ObjAbilityType.ObjAbility_MoveRotate)) { return; } actor.forward = targetDir; if (actor.InCamera) { Vector3 forward =; ((Vector3)targetDir).y = 0f; forward.y = 0f; VFactor b = VInt3.AngleInt(targetDir, VInt3.forward); int num = targetDir.x * VInt3.forward.z - VInt3.forward.x * targetDir.z; if (num < 0) { b = VFactor.twoPi - b; } Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(b.single * 57.29578f, Vector3.up); actor.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(actor.rotation, quaternion, (float)(this.Parent.RotateSpeed * dt) * 0.001f); } }
public override void Process(Action _action, Track _track, int _localTime) { if (!this.actorTarget) { return; } int num = _localTime - this.lastTime; this.lastTime = _localTime; if (this.actorTarget.get_handle().ActorControl.curMoveCommand != null) { FrameCommand <MoveDirectionCommand> frameCommand = (FrameCommand <MoveDirectionCommand>) this.actorTarget.get_handle().ActorControl.curMoveCommand; VInt3 vInt = this.actorTarget.get_handle().forward; VInt3 right = VInt3.right; this.destDir = right.RotateY((int)frameCommand.cmdData.Degree); if (this.destDir != vInt) { this.bNeedRotate = true; this.curRotateSpd = this.rotateSpeed; int num2 = this.destDir.x * vInt.z - vInt.x * this.destDir.z; if (num2 == 0) { int num3 = VInt3.Dot(this.destDir, vInt); if (num3 >= 0) { return; } this.curRotateSpd = this.rotateSpeed; } else if (num2 < 0) { this.curRotateSpd = -this.rotateSpeed; } VFactor vFactor = VInt3.AngleInt(this.destDir, vInt); VFactor vFactor2 = VFactor.pi * (long)num * (long)this.curRotateSpd / 180L / 1000L; if (vFactor <= vFactor2) { vInt = vInt.RotateY(ref vFactor); this.bNeedRotate = false; } else { vInt = vInt.RotateY(ref vFactor2); } this.actorTarget.get_handle().MovementComponent.SetRotate(vInt, true); } } else { this.destDir = this.actorTarget.get_handle().forward; this.bNeedRotate = false; this.curRotateSpd = 0; } base.Process(_action, _track, _localTime); }
public void SetForward(VInt3 InDir, int nSeq) { if (!this.bNeedLerp || !this.ActorObj.InCamera) { return; } bool flag = false; if (this.nPreMoveSeq < 0 || nSeq < 0 || nSeq == this.nPreMoveSeq) { flag = true; } else if (nSeq > this.nPreMoveSeq) { byte b = (byte)nSeq; byte b2 = (byte)this.nPreMoveSeq; b -= 128; b2 -= 128; flag = (b < b2); } if (flag) { this.moveForward = ((Vector3)InDir).normalized; VInt3 vInt; if (this.ActorObj.ActorControl != null && this.ActorObj.ActorControl.CanRotate) { vInt = (VInt3)this.moveForward; } else { vInt = this.ActorObj.forward; } VFactor vFactor = VInt3.AngleInt(vInt, VInt3.forward); int arg_F3_0 = vInt.x; VInt3 forward = VInt3.forward; int arg_10A_0 = arg_F3_0 * forward.z; VInt3 forward2 = VInt3.forward; int num = arg_10A_0 - forward2.x * vInt.z; if (num < 0) { vFactor = VFactor.twoPi - vFactor; } this.tarRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(vFactor.get_single() * 57.29578f, Vector3.up); } }
private bool TargetMoveDirectionFilter(ref PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> soucreActor, ref PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> targetActor) { if (!this.bFilterMoveDirection || !soucreActor || !targetActor || this.Angle <= 0) { return(false); } VInt3 vInt = soucreActor.get_handle().location - targetActor.get_handle().location; VInt3 forward = targetActor.get_handle().forward; if (vInt.get_magnitude() == 0 || forward.get_magnitude() == 0) { return(false); } VFactor vFactor = VInt3.AngleInt(vInt, forward); VFactor vFactor2 = VFactor.pi * (long)(this.Angle / 2) / 180L; return(vFactor > vFactor2); }
private bool TargetMoveDirectionFilter(ref PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> sourceActor, ref PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> targetActor) { if (!this.bFilterMoveDirection || !sourceActor || !targetActor || this.Angle <= 0) { return(false); } VInt3 lhs = sourceActor.handle.location - targetActor.handle.location; VInt3 forward = targetActor.handle.forward; if (lhs.magnitude == 0 || forward.magnitude == 0) { return(false); } VFactor a = VInt3.AngleInt(lhs, forward); VFactor b = VFactor.pi * (long)(this.Angle / 2) / 180L; return(a > b); }
public void Update(ActorRoot _parent) { VInt3 num = _parent.location + this.translation; if ((this.translation.x != 0) || (this.translation.z != 0)) { VInt3 forward = VInt3.forward; VFactor radians = VInt3.AngleInt(_parent.forward, forward); int num4 = (_parent.forward.x * forward.z) - (forward.x * _parent.forward.z); if (num4 < 0) { radians = VFactor.twoPi - radians; } VInt3 num2 = this.translation.RotateY(ref radians); num = _parent.location + num2.NormalizeTo(this.distance.i); num.y += this.translation.y; } this.childActorRoot.handle.location = num; this.childActorRoot.handle.forward = _parent.forward; }
public void SetForward(VInt3 InDir, int nSeq) { if (!this.bNeedLerp || !this.ActorObj.InCamera) { return; } bool flag = false; if (this.nPreMoveSeq < 0 || nSeq < 0 || nSeq == this.nPreMoveSeq) { flag = true; } else if (nSeq > this.nPreMoveSeq) { byte b = (byte)nSeq; byte b2 = (byte)this.nPreMoveSeq; b -= 128; b2 -= 128; flag = (b < b2); } if (flag) { this.moveForward = ((Vector3)InDir).normalized; VInt3 lhs; if (this.ActorObj.ActorControl != null && this.ActorObj.ActorControl.CanRotate) { lhs = (VInt3)this.moveForward; } else { lhs = this.ActorObj.forward; } VFactor b3 = VInt3.AngleInt(lhs, VInt3.forward); int num = lhs.x * VInt3.forward.z - VInt3.forward.x * lhs.z; if (num < 0) { b3 = VFactor.twoPi - b3; } this.tarRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(b3.single * 57.29578f, Vector3.up); } }
public void SetForward(VInt3 InDir, int nSeq) { if (this.bNeedLerp && this.ActorObj.InCamera) { bool flag = false; if (((this.nPreMoveSeq < 0) || (nSeq < 0)) || (nSeq == this.nPreMoveSeq)) { flag = true; } else if (nSeq > this.nPreMoveSeq) { byte num = (byte)nSeq; byte nPreMoveSeq = (byte)this.nPreMoveSeq; num = (byte)(num - 0x80); nPreMoveSeq = (byte)(nPreMoveSeq - 0x80); flag = num < nPreMoveSeq; } if (flag) { VInt3 moveForward; Vector3 vector = (Vector3)InDir; this.moveForward = vector.normalized; if ((this.ActorObj.ActorControl != null) && this.ActorObj.ActorControl.CanRotate) { moveForward = (VInt3)this.moveForward; } else { moveForward = this.ActorObj.forward; } VFactor factor = VInt3.AngleInt(moveForward, VInt3.forward); int num4 = (moveForward.x * VInt3.forward.z) - (VInt3.forward.x * moveForward.z); if (num4 < 0) { factor = VFactor.twoPi - factor; } this.tarRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(factor.single * 57.29578f, Vector3.up); } } }