static void Main(string[] args) { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Unicode; EventManager = new EventManager(); TickThread = new CTick(); InputThread = new VInput(); //Starts the input manager thread InputThread.Start(); //Start the ticks trigger thread TickThread.Start(); //Starts a new game CGame.NewGame(); string[] soundFile = Directory.GetFiles(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyMusic), "*.wav"); System.Media.SoundPlayer sp = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); //Infinite loop for the game while (true) { foreach (string music in soundFile) { sp.SoundLocation = music; sp.PlaySync(); } } }
private void HorizontalCalc() { // Get button input from controller (name 'buttonLeft') if (VInput.GetButton(player1, "buttonLeft")) { print("Player: " + player1 + " pressed Left"); // Turn car left horizontal += -horizontalAdd; horizontal = Mathf.Clamp(horizontal - horizontalAdd, -1f, 0); } // Get button input from controller (name 'buttonRight') else if (VInput.GetButton(player1, "buttonRight")) { print("Player: " + player1 + " pressed Right"); // Turn car right horizontal = Mathf.Clamp(horizontal + horizontalAdd, 0, 1f); } else if (horizontal > 0) { horizontal = Mathf.Clamp(horizontal - horizontalAdd, -1f, 0); } else if (horizontal < 0) { horizontal = Mathf.Clamp(horizontal + horizontalSlow, horizontal, 0); } }
/// <summary> Maps key input to events </summary> RlEvent handleVKey(VKey key, VInput input) { var entity =; var dir = entity.get <Body>().facing; switch (key) { case VKey.Select: return(PlayerCommands.onSelectKeyPressed(entity, this.gameCtx)); case VKey.Cancel: // this.cradle.push(new MenuControl(this.god, new InvMenu(this.god, this.context.controlled.get<Inventory>()))); break; case VKey.Ground: break; case VKey.RestATurn: break; default: break; } return(null); }
private void Update() { if (isStarting) { StartCoroutine(UIWait()); } else { //if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) rhythm.CheckRhythm(); VInput.Update(Time.unscaledDeltaTime); StateAndUI(); } //if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) //{ // Debug.Log("a1"); // if (uIState != UIState.credit_m) // { // Debug.Log("a2"); // Debug.Log(; // CreditOn(); // uIState = UIState.credit_m; // StartCoroutine("CreditChecker"); // } // else{ // StopCoroutine("CreditChecker"); // CreditOff(); // //credit_Ani.Rebind(); // 애니메이터 초기화 // uIState =; // } //} }
public void Set(int w, int h) { GL.ClearColor(System.Drawing.Color.AliceBlue); GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); AppInfo.W = w; AppInfo.H = h; AppInfo.RW = w; AppInfo.RH = h; AppInfo.Full = false; AppInfo.App = "GLApp"; VImport.RegDefaults(); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { VInput.MB[i] = false; } VPen.InitDraw(); VInput.InitInput(); Vivid.Sound.VSoundSys.Init(); GL.Viewport(0, 0, w, h); GL.Scissor(0, 0, w, h); GL.Disable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.Disable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GL.Enable(EnableCap.CullFace); GL.CullFace(CullFaceMode.Back); GL.Disable(EnableCap.StencilTest); GL.Disable(EnableCap.ScissorTest); GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.DepthRange(0, 1); GL.ClearDepth(1.0f); GL.DepthFunc(DepthFunction.Less); // UI.UISys.ActiveUI.OnResize(Width, Height); VPen.SetProj(0, 0, w, h); }
private void VerticalCalc() { // Get button input from controller (name 'buttonUp') if (VInput.GetButton(player0, "buttonUp")) { print("Player: " + player0 + " pressed Up"); // Move car up rb.AddForce(transform.up * speedForce); } // Get button input from controller (name 'buttonDown') else if (VInput.GetButton(player0, "buttonDown")) { print("Player: " + player0 + " pressed Down"); // Move car down if (rb.velocity.y > -4f) { rb.AddForce(transform.up * -speedForce); } } else if (vertical > 0) { vertical += speedForce; } else if (vertical < 0) { vertical = Mathf.Clamp(vertical + rb.drag, vertical, 0); } }
public void GetCommand() { var input = VInput.GetArgs(); if (input.Length == 0) { return; //Don't process 0 args } var commandName = input[0]; var args = ArraysUtility.SubArray(input, 1); //FIND ALIASES var command = CurrentCommands.FirstOrDefault(command => command.Aliases.Any(alias => alias == commandName.ToLower())); if (command != null) { Attempt(command, args); return; } //FIND NAME var commandList = StringsUtility.Match(commandName, CurrentCommands); if (commandList.Count == 0) { new GameError($"No commands starting with \"{commandName}\" found!").Write(); } else if (commandList.Count > 1) { VConsole.WriteLine($"Commands starting with \"{commandName}\":"); new TextList <Command>(commandList).Write(); } else { Attempt(commandList[0], args); } }
public override void Render() { pa = pa + 3; px = (float)Math.Cos((double)MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(pa)) * 250; pz = (float)Math.Sin((double)MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(pa)) * 250; if (VInput.KeyIn(OpenTK.Input.Key.W)) { c1.Move(new Vector3(0, 0, -1), Space.Local); } if (VInput.KeyIn(OpenTK.Input.Key.A)) { c1.Move(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), Space.Local); } if (VInput.KeyIn(OpenTK.Input.Key.D)) { c1.Move(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), Space.Local); } if (VInput.KeyIn(OpenTK.Input.Key.S)) { c1.Move(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), Space.Local); } if (first) { lx = VInput.MX; ly = VInput.MY; first = false; } x = VInput.MX - lx; y = VInput.MY - ly; lx = VInput.MX; ly = VInput.MY; if (Math.Abs(x) > 15) { x = 0; } if (Math.Abs(y) > 15) { y = 0; } //if (VInput.KeyIn(OpenTK.Input.Key.Space)) // { // c1.LookAt(Vector3.Zero); l1.Diff = new Vector3(5, 5, 5); e1.Turn(new Vector3(y * 0.6f, x * 0.6f, 0), Space.Local); // } //c1.Turn(new Vector3(y, x, 0), Space.Local); //1.Rot(new Vector3(x,y,z), Space.Local); l1.Pos(new Vector3(px, 80, pz), Space.Local); //Console.WriteLine("Render!"); // VPen.Rect(20, 20, 200, 200); // sg.Render(); // ER.Render(); PR.Render(); }
public override void DrawState() { int move = 8; if (VInput.KeyIn(OpenTK.Input.Key.ShiftLeft)) { move = 12; } if (VInput.KeyIn(OpenTK.Input.Key.W)) { cam1.Move(new OpenTK.Vector3(0, 0, -move), Space.Local); } if (VInput.KeyIn(OpenTK.Input.Key.A)) { cam1.Move(new OpenTK.Vector3(-move, 0, 0), Space.Local); } if (VInput.KeyIn(OpenTK.Input.Key.D)) { cam1.Move(new OpenTK.Vector3(move, 0, 0), Space.Local); } if (VInput.KeyIn(OpenTK.Input.Key.S)) { cam1.Move(new OpenTK.Vector3(0, 0, move), Space.Local); } if (VInput.MB[0]) { light1.LocalPos = cam1.LocalPos; } int xd, yd; if (firstd) { lx = VInput.MX; ly = VInput.MY; firstd = false; } xd = VInput.MX - lx; yd = VInput.MY - ly; lx = VInput.MX; ly = VInput.MY; cam1.Turn(new OpenTK.Vector3(yd, xd, 0), Space.Local); scene3d.Render(); UI.Render(); }
public Switch update(VInput input) { bool isDown = input.isKeyDown(this.key); if (isDown && this.isOff) { this.isOn = true; return(Switch.TurnOn); } if (!isDown && this.isOn) { this.isOn = false; return(Switch.TurnOff); } return(Switch.NoChange); }
/// <summary> Maybe dispatches a sub routine to the input </summary> RlEvent handleInput(VInput input) { var top = input.consumeTopPressedIgnoring(VKey.Dia, VKey.Dir, VKey.AxisKey); if (top.isKey) { return(this.handleVKey(top.asKey, input)); } else if (input.isDirDown) { // XXX: HACK to avoid walking to block at the same frame again input.vDir.clearBuf(); return(this.handleDir(input.dirDown)); } else { return(null); } }
public VApp(string app, int width, int height, bool full) : base(width, height, OpenTK.Graphics.GraphicsMode.Default, app, full ? GameWindowFlags.Fullscreen : GameWindowFlags.Default, DisplayDevice.Default, 4, 5, OpenTK.Graphics.GraphicsContextFlags.ForwardCompatible) { Link = this; _Title = app; AppInfo.W = width; AppInfo.H = height; AppInfo.RW = width; AppInfo.RH = height; AppInfo.Full = full; AppInfo.App = app; VImport.RegDefaults(); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { VInput.MB[i] = false; } VPen.InitDraw(); VInput.InitInput(); Vivid.Sound.VSoundSys.Init(); }
/// <summary> /// 'MonoBehaviour.Update()' method from Unity /// Update is called every frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled. /// </summary> private void Update() { // Get button input from controller (name 'buttonUp') if (VInput.GetButton(playerNumber, "buttonUp")) { // Move racket up if (transform.position.y < 4f) { transform.Translate(0f, 0.1f * speed, 0f); } } // Get button input from controller (name 'buttonDown') if (VInput.GetButton(playerNumber, "buttonDown")) { // Move racket down if (transform.position.y > -4f) { transform.Translate(0f, -0.1f * speed, 0f); } } }
/// <summary> Updates input mode and maybe creates directional modification for the player controllerd </summary> RlEvent updateModes(VInput input) { this.diaMode.update(input); var result = this.dirMode.update(input); if (result != KeyMode.Switch.TurnOn) { return(null); } if (PlayerControl.findOnlyNeighbor(, this.gameCtx) is Entity neighbor) { var entity =; var dir = Dir9.fromVec2i(neighbor.get <Body>().pos - entity.get <Body>().pos); return(RlEv.DirChange.smooth(entity, dir).noConsumeTurn()); } else { return(null); } }
public override void KeyAdd(Key k, bool shift) { if (k == Key.Minus) { if (shift) { Add("_"); } else { Add("-"); } } if (k == Key.Plus) { if (shift) { Add("+"); } else { Add("="); } } if (k == Key.Comma) { if (shift) { Add("<"); } else { Add(","); } } if (k == Key.Period) { if (shift) { Add(">"); } else { Add("."); } } if (k == Key.Space) { Add(" "); return; } if (k == Key.Tab) { Add(" "); return; } if (VInput.TextKey(k)) { string cs = k.ToString(); if (cs.Contains("Number")) { string ac = cs.Substring(6, 1); if (shift) { switch (int.Parse(ac)) { case 1: ac = "!"; break; case 2: ac = "@"; break; case 3: ac = "#"; break; case 4: ac = "$"; break; case 5: ac = "%"; break; case 6: ac = "^"; break; case 7: ac = "&"; break; case 8: ac = "*"; break; case 9: ac = "("; break; case 0: ac = ")"; break; } Add(ac); return; } else { Add(ac); } return; } if (shift) { Add(k.ToString().ToUpper()); } else { Add(k.ToString().ToLower()); } } }
public override void DrawState() { bool RenderDarkLogo() { VPen.Rect(0, 0, StarApp.W, StarApp.H, LogoTex, new OpenTK.Vector4(LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha)); return(PresentLogo); } bool RenderPresLogo() { VPen.Rect(0, 0, StarApp.W, StarApp.H, this.PresTex, new OpenTK.Vector4(LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha)); return(GameLogo); } bool RenderGameLogo() { //Console.WriteLine("Rendering!"); VPen.Rect(0, 0, StarApp.W, StarApp.H, GameTex, new OpenTK.Vector4(LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha)); return(ToMenu); } void DoMenu() { LogoAlpha = 0.0f; ms.Stop(); StarApp.PushState(new MainMenuState()); } bool CheckInput() { if (ToMenu) { return(true); } if (VInput.MB[0]) { return(true); } if (VInput.KeyIn(OpenTK.Input.Key.Enter) || VInput.KeyIn(OpenTK.Input.Key.Space)) { return(true); } return(false); } //Logics.Do(TestDo); Graphics.When(CheckInput, DoMenu, null); Graphics.Flow(null, RenderDarkLogo); Graphics.Flow(null, RenderPresLogo); Graphics.Flow(null, RenderGameLogo); Graphics.SmartUpdate(); return; void DarkLogo() { VPen.Rect(0, 0, StarApp.W, StarApp.H, LogoTex, new OpenTK.Vector4(LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha)); } bool DarkLogoUntil() { return(PresentLogo); } void PresLogo() { VPen.Rect(0, 0, StarApp.W, StarApp.H, LogoTex, new OpenTK.Vector4(LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha, LogoAlpha)); } bool PresentLogoUntil() { return(ReboundLogo); } void DoPresent() { Graphics.Do(PresLogo, PresentLogoUntil); } Graphics.Do(DarkLogo, DarkLogoUntil, DoPresent); Graphics.InternalUpdate(); }
/// <summary> /// 'MonoBehaviour.Update()' method from Unity /// Update is called every frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled. /// </summary> private void Update() { // Switch through the possible player colors (left) if (VInput.GetButtonDown(playerId, "colorChangeLeft")) { if (currentColor == PlayerColors.Red) { currentColor = PlayerColors.Black; } else { currentColor--; } ApplyColor(currentColor); } // Switch through the possible player colors (right) if (VInput.GetButtonDown(playerId, "colorChangeRight")) { if (currentColor == PlayerColors.Black) { currentColor = PlayerColors.Red; } else { currentColor++; } ApplyColor(currentColor); } // Toggle this players ready state if (VInput.GetButtonDown(playerId, "submitButton")) { // Get the Volplane player object from this player VPlayer thisDevice = GetPlayer(playerId); if (!IsReady) { // This player is ready! // Hide elements for choosing colors and indicate that the player is ready thisDevice.HideElement("colorChangeLeft"); thisDevice.HideElement("colorChangeRight"); thisDevice.HideElement("colorText"); thisDevice.ChangeElementText("infoText", "Waiting for game to start..."); thisDevice.ChangeElementText("submitButton", "Cancel"); if (playerText != null) { playerText.text = GetPlayer(playerId).Nickname + "\n(Ready)"; } IsReady = true; // Try to start the game by calling the lobbys 'StartGame()' method GameObject.FindWithTag("Lobby").GetComponent <Lobby>().StartGame(); } else { // This player is still not ready after all... // Give the player ability to choose its color again thisDevice.ShowElement("colorChangeLeft"); thisDevice.ShowElement("colorChangeRight"); thisDevice.ShowElement("colorText"); thisDevice.ChangeElementText("infoText", "Choose your color!"); thisDevice.ChangeElementText("submitButton", "Ready"); if (playerText != null) { playerText.text = GetPlayer(playerId).Nickname + "\n(Waiting)"; } IsReady = false; } } // Players can move when game starts // -> the element 'joystick' lies on the game view transform.Translate(new Vector3( VInput.GetAxis(playerId, "joystick", VInput.Axis.Horizontal), 0f, VInput.GetAxis(playerId, "joystick", VInput.Axis.Vertical) ).normalized * 0.1f); }
protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyboardKeyEventArgs e) { VInput.SetKey(e.Key, false); }
protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyboardKeyEventArgs e) { VInput.SetKey(e.Key, true); }
public WaitForInput(VInput input, VKey[] keys) { this.input = input; this.keys = keys; }
public virtual bool OnUpdate() { if (this.WidOpen == false) { return(false); } for (int wi = Sub.Count - 1; wi > -1; wi--) { UIWidget w = Sub[wi]; if (w.OnUpdate()) { return(true); } } if (UISys.Active != null) { if (UISys.Active is UIWidgets.UIDragZone) { UISys.ActiveWindow = UISys.Active.Top as UIWidgets.UIWindow; } } if (UISys.Active == null) { UISys.IsKeyIn = false; } if (UISys.Active == this) { if (VInput.AnyKey()) { if (UISys.IsKeyIn == false) { UISys.IsKeyIn = true; UISys.KeyIn = VInput.KeyIn(); UISys.LastStroke = Environment.TickCount; UISys.NextStroke = UISys.LastStroke + UISys.FirstStrokeWait; UISys.Active.KeyIn(UISys.KeyIn, VInput.IsShiftIn()); if (UISys.KeyIn == OpenTK.Input.Key.BackSpace) { this.KeyBackSpace(); } else if (UISys.KeyIn == OpenTK.Input.Key.Tab) { if (UISys.Active == this) { int ci = 0; foreach (var w in UISys.Active.Top.Sub) { if (w == UISys.Active) { break; } ci++; } UISys.Active.OnDeactivate(); if (ci < UISys.Active.Top.Sub.Count - 1) { UISys.Active = UISys.Active.Top.Sub[ci + 1]; UISys.Active.OnActivate(); } else { UISys.Active = UISys.Active.Top.Sub[0]; UISys.Active.OnActivate(); } } } else if (UISys.KeyIn == OpenTK.Input.Key.Delete) { this.KeyDel(); } else if (UISys.KeyIn == OpenTK.Input.Key.Left) { this.KeyLeft(); } else if (UISys.KeyIn == OpenTK.Input.Key.Right) { this.KeyRight(); } else { this.KeyAdd(UISys.KeyIn, VInput.IsShiftIn()); } } else { if (VInput.KeyIn() == UISys.KeyIn) { if (Environment.TickCount >= (UISys.NextStroke)) { UISys.LastStroke = Environment.TickCount; UISys.NextStroke = UISys.LastStroke + UISys.NextStrokeWait; if (UISys.KeyIn == OpenTK.Input.Key.BackSpace) { KeyBackSpace(); } else if (UISys.KeyIn == OpenTK.Input.Key.Delete) { this.KeyDel(); } else if (UISys.KeyIn == OpenTK.Input.Key.Left) { this.KeyLeft(); } else if (UISys.KeyIn == OpenTK.Input.Key.Right) { this.KeyRight(); } else { if (VInput.IsShiftIn()) { KeyAdd(UISys.KeyIn, true); } else { KeyAdd(UISys.KeyIn, false); } } } } else { this.KeyUp(UISys.KeyIn, VInput.IsShiftIn()); UISys.IsKeyIn = true; UISys.KeyIn = VInput.KeyIn(); UISys.LastStroke = Environment.TickCount; UISys.NextStroke = UISys.LastStroke + UISys.FirstStrokeWait; UISys.Active.KeyIn(UISys.KeyIn, VInput.IsShiftIn()); if (UISys.KeyIn == OpenTK.Input.Key.BackSpace) { KeyDel(); } else if (UISys.KeyIn == OpenTK.Input.Key.Left) { this.KeyLeft(); } else if (UISys.KeyIn == OpenTK.Input.Key.Right) { this.KeyRight(); } else { if (VInput.IsShiftIn()) { KeyAdd(UISys.KeyIn, true); } else { KeyAdd(UISys.KeyIn, false); } } } } } else { UISys.IsKeyIn = false; } } if (InBounds()) { if (UISys.Over == this) { this.OnHover(); } if (UISys.Over == null) { UISys.Over = this; this.OnEnter(); } if (UISys.Over != null && UISys.Over != this) { UISys.Over.OnLeave(); UISys.Over = this; UISys.Over.OnEnter(); } } else { if (UISys.Over == this && UISys.Pressed != this) { UISys.Over.OnLeave(); UISys.Over = null; } } if (VInput.MB[0] == false && UISys.Lock == true) { UISys.Lock = false; } if (VInput.MB[0] && UISys.Lock == false) { if (UISys.Over != null) { if (UISys.Over == this) { if (UISys.Active != this) { if (UISys.Active != null) { if (UISys.IsKeyIn) { UISys.Active.KeyUp(UISys.KeyIn, VInput.IsShiftIn()); UISys.IsKeyIn = false; } UISys.Active.OnDeactivate(); } UISys.IsKeyIn = false; UISys.Active = this; this.OnActivate(); UISys.Lock = true; foreach (var p in Patches) { if (VInput.MX >= p.X) { if (VInput.MY >= p.Y) { if (VInput.MX <= (p.X + p.W)) { if (VInput.MY <= (p.Y + p.H)) { p.Action(); } } } } } } } } else { } } if (InBounds()) { if (VInput.MB[0]) { if (UISys.Pressed == null) { OnMouseDown(UIMouseButton.Left); UISys.Pressed = this; foreach (var p in Patches) { if (VInput.MX >= p.X) { if (VInput.MY >= p.Y) { if (VInput.MX <= (p.X + p.W)) { if (VInput.MY <= (p.Y + p.H)) { p.Action(); } } } } } } } else { if (UISys.Pressed == this) { OnMouseUp(UIMouseButton.Left); UISys.Pressed = null; } } } else { if (VInput.MB[0] == false) { if (UISys.Pressed == this) { UISys.Pressed.OnMouseUp(UIMouseButton.Left); UISys.Pressed = null; } } if (UISys.Pressed != null) { // UISys.Pressed.OnMouseUp(UIMouseButton.Left); //UISys.Pressed = null; } } //this.Update(); if (UISys.Over == this || UISys.Pressed == this) { return(true); } return(false); }