private int PasteBlocks(VFXViewController viewController, Node[] blocks, VFXContext targetModelContext, int targetIndex, List <VFXBlockController> blocksInTheSameOrder = null) { newControllers.Clear(); m_NodesInTheSameOrder = new VFXNodeID[blocks.Length]; int cpt = 0; foreach (var block in blocks) { Node blk = block; VFXBlock newBlock = PasteAndInitializeNode <VFXBlock>(viewController,,, ref blk); newBlock.enabled = (blk.flags & Node.Flags.Enabled) == Node.Flags.Enabled; if (targetModelContext.AcceptChild(newBlock, targetIndex)) { m_NodesInTheSameOrder[cpt] = new VFXNodeID(newBlock, 0); targetModelContext.AddChild(newBlock, targetIndex, false); // only notify once after all blocks have been added targetIndex++; } ++cpt; } targetModelContext.Invalidate(VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kStructureChanged); var targetContextController = viewController.GetRootNodeController(targetModelContext, 0) as VFXContextController; targetContextController.ApplyChanges(); if (blocksInTheSameOrder != null) { blocksInTheSameOrder.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_NodesInTheSameOrder.Length; ++i) { blocksInTheSameOrder.Add(m_NodesInTheSameOrder[i].model != null ? targetContextController.blockControllers.First(t => t.model == m_NodesInTheSameOrder[i].model as VFXBlock) : null); } } return(targetIndex); }
static void PasteBlocks(VFXView view, Data copyData) { var selectedContexts = view.selection.OfType <VFXContextUI>(); var selectedBlocks = view.selection.OfType <VFXBlockUI>(); VFXBlockUI targetBlock = null; VFXContextUI targetContext = null; if (selectedBlocks.Count() > 0) { targetBlock = selectedBlocks.OrderByDescending(t => t.context.controller.model.GetIndex(t.controller.model)).First(); targetContext = targetBlock.context; } else if (selectedContexts.Count() == 1) { targetContext = selectedContexts.First(); } else { Debug.LogError(m_BlockPasteError.text); return; } VFXContext targetModelContext = targetContext.controller.model; int targetIndex = -1; if (targetBlock != null) { targetIndex = targetModelContext.GetIndex(targetBlock.controller.model) + 1; } var newBlocks = new HashSet <VFXBlock>(); foreach (var block in copyData.blocks) { if (targetModelContext.AcceptChild(block, targetIndex)) { newBlocks.Add(block); foreach (var slot in block.inputSlots) { slot.UnlinkAll(true, false); } foreach (var slot in block.outputSlots) { slot.UnlinkAll(true, false); } targetModelContext.AddChild(block, targetIndex, false); // only notify once after all blocks have been added } } targetModelContext.Invalidate(VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kStructureChanged); // Create all ui based on model view.controller.LightApplyChanges(); view.ClearSelection(); foreach (var uiBlock in targetContext.Query().OfType <VFXBlockUI>().Where(t => newBlocks.Contains(t.controller.model)).ToList()) { view.AddToSelection(uiBlock); } }
void PasteBlocks(VFXView view, ref SerializableGraph serializableGraph) { var selectedContexts = view.selection.OfType <VFXContextUI>(); var selectedBlocks = view.selection.OfType <VFXBlockUI>(); VFXBlockUI targetBlock = null; VFXContextUI targetContext = null; if (selectedBlocks.Count() > 0) { targetBlock = selectedBlocks.OrderByDescending(t => t.context.controller.model.GetIndex(t.controller.model)).First(); targetContext = targetBlock.context; } else if (selectedContexts.Count() == 1) { targetContext = selectedContexts.First(); } else { Debug.LogError(m_BlockPasteError.text); return; } VFXContext targetModelContext = targetContext.controller.model; int targetIndex = -1; if (targetBlock != null) { targetIndex = targetModelContext.GetIndex(targetBlock.controller.model) + 1; } var newBlocks = new HashSet <VFXBlock>(); newControllers.Clear(); foreach (var block in serializableGraph.operatorsOrBlocks) { Node blk = block; VFXBlock newBlock = PasteAndInitializeNode <VFXBlock>(view.controller, ref blk); if (targetModelContext.AcceptChild(newBlock, targetIndex)) { newBlocks.Add(newBlock); targetModelContext.AddChild(newBlock, targetIndex, false); // only notify once after all blocks have been added targetIndex++; } } targetModelContext.Invalidate(VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kStructureChanged); //TODO fill infos.indexToController for when external links will be optionally copied. view.ClearSelection(); foreach (var uiBlock in targetContext.Query().OfType <VFXBlockUI>().Where(t => newBlocks.Contains(t.controller.model)).ToList()) { view.AddToSelection(uiBlock); } }