public UpdateForm(VERSION v) { InitializeComponent(); this.v = v; this.textBox1.Text = v.Description; this.label2.Text = String.Format("현재 버젼 : {0:0.0.0} 새로운 버젼 : {1:0.0.0}", MainForm.VERSION, v.Version); }
public MinMax(VERSION version, IGameRules <GAME_BOARD, GAME_MOVE_DESCRIPTION> rules, int max_depth = 0) { this.version = version; this.rules = rules; this.max_depth = max_depth; useSmartDepth = max_depth == USE_SMART_DEPTH; }
/// <summary> /// create a challenge packet. This packet contains CHALLENGE_MESSAGE. The CHALLENGE_MESSAGE defines an NTLM /// challenge message that is sent from the server to the client. The CHALLENGE_MESSAGE is used by the server /// to challenge the client to prove its identity. /// </summary> /// <param name="negotiateFlags">The client sets flags to indicate options it supports.</param> /// <param name="version"> /// This structure is used for debugging purposes only. In normal (non-debugging) protocol messages, it is /// ignored and does not affect the NTLM message processing. /// </param> /// <param name="serverChallenge">contains the NTLM challenge. The challenge is a 64-bit nonce.</param> /// <param name="targetName"> /// TargetName contains the name of the server authentication realm, and MUST be expressed in the negotiated /// character set. A server that is a member of a domain returns the domain of which it is a member, and a /// server that is not a member of a domain returns the server name. This param can be null. /// </param> /// <param name="targetInfo"> /// TargetInfo contains a sequence of AV_PAIR structures.This param can be null. /// </param> /// <returns>the NlmpChallengePacket</returns> /// <noException></noException> public NlmpChallengePacket CreateChallengePacket( NegotiateTypes negotiateFlags, VERSION version, ulong serverChallenge, string targetName, ICollection<AV_PAIR> targetInfo ) { NlmpChallengePacket packet = new NlmpChallengePacket(); packet.SetNegotiateFlags(negotiateFlags); if (NlmpUtility.IsVersionRequired(negotiateFlags)) { packet.SetVersion(version); } packet.SetServerChallenge(serverChallenge); if (NlmpUtility.IsDomainType(negotiateFlags) || NlmpUtility.IsServerType(negotiateFlags)) { packet.SetTargetName(targetName); } // generate bytes of targetinfo byte[] targetInfoBytes = NlmpUtility.AvPairCollectionGetBytes(targetInfo); // initialize targetinfofield packet.SetTargetInfo(targetInfoBytes); return packet; }
private void btnLuuThongTin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //connectionString = string.Format("Data Source = {0}; Initial Catalog = {1}; ", txtTenServer.Text, cboDatabase.Text); //if (cboKieuXacThuc.SelectedIndex == 0) // connectionString += "Integrated Security = True; "; //else // connectionString += string.Format("User Id = {0}; Password = {1}; ", txtTenDangNhap.Text, txtMatKhau.Text); //GlobalSettings.ConnectionString = connectionString; //GlobalSettings.ServerName = txtTenServer.Text; //GlobalSettings.ServerCatalog = cboDatabase.Text; //GlobalSettings.SaveDatabaseConnection(); LuuLaiCauHinhFileConfig(); //luu lai duong dan cap nhat CDSL VERSION _version = VersionLogic.Select(); _version.AppLink = txtUpdateVersionLink.Text; if (VersionLogic.Update(_version)) { O2S_Common.Utilities.ThongBao.frmThongBao frmthongbao = new O2S_Common.Utilities.ThongBao.frmThongBao(Base.ThongBaoLable.CO_LOI_XAY_RA); frmthongbao.Show(); } }
public MainWindow(VERSION version) { InitializeComponent(); this.WindowStyle = System.Windows.WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow; this.ResizeMode = System.Windows.ResizeMode.NoResize; mVersion = version; }
private IRestRequest CreateAuthenticatedRequest(Method requestType, string resource, object requestParameters, object requestBody, bool nativeAPI = false) { SortedDictionary <string, string> queryParams = GetObjectProperties(requestParameters); int timeNow = (int)((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds); queryParams.Add("auth_key", this._appKey); queryParams.Add("auth_timestamp", timeNow.ToString()); queryParams.Add("auth_version", "1.0"); if (requestBody != null) { JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); var bodyDataJson = serializer.Serialize(requestBody); var bodyMD5 = CryptoHelper.GetMd5Hash(bodyDataJson); queryParams.Add("body_md5", bodyMD5); } string queryString = string.Empty; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> parameter in queryParams) { queryString += parameter.Key + "=" + parameter.Value + "&"; } queryString = queryString.TrimEnd('&'); resource = resource.TrimStart('/'); string path; if (!nativeAPI) { path = string.Format("/apps/{0}/{1}", this._appId, resource); } else { path = string.Format("/{0}/{1}/apps/{2}/{3}", _options.Notification_Prefix, _options.Notificaiton_Version, this._appId, resource); } string authToSign = String.Format( Enum.GetName(requestType.GetType(), requestType) + "\n{0}\n{1}", path, queryString); var authSignature = CryptoHelper.GetHmac256(_appSecret, authToSign); var requestUrl = path + "?" + queryString + "&auth_signature=" + authSignature; var request = new RestRequest(requestUrl); request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json; request.Method = requestType; request.AddBody(requestBody); request.AddHeader("Pusher-Library-Name", LIBRARY_NAME); request.AddHeader("Pusher-Library-Version", VERSION.ToString(3)); return(request); }
private void KiemTraVaCopyFileLaucherNew() { try { VERSION dataversion = BusinessLogic.VersionLogic.Select(); if (dataversion != null) { CopyFolder_CheckSum(dataversion.AppLink, Environment.CurrentDirectory); } } catch (Exception ex) { O2S_Common.Logging.LogSystem.Error(ex); } }
private void LoadCauHinhUpdateVersion() { try { VERSION _version = VersionLogic.Select(); if (_version != null) { txtUpdateVersionLink.Text = _version.AppLink; } } catch (Exception ex) { O2S_Common.Logging.LogSystem.Warn(ex); } }
public static bool Insert(VERSION _version) { try { Database.VERSIONs.InsertOnSubmit(_version); Database.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (System.Exception ex) { return(false); O2S_Common.Logging.LogSystem.Error(ex); } }
public GoogleTranslator(string queryTerm, VERSION version, LANGUAGE languageFrom, LANGUAGE languageTo, string key) { _q = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(queryTerm); _v = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(EnumStringUtil.GetStringValue(version)); _langPair = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(EnumStringUtil.GetStringValue(languageFrom) + "|" + EnumStringUtil.GetStringValue(languageTo)); _key = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(key); string encodedRequestUrlFragment = string.Format("?v={0}&q={1}&langpair={2}&key={3}", _v, _q, _langPair, _key); _requestUrl = EnumStringUtil.GetStringValue(BASEURL.TRANSLATE) + encodedRequestUrlFragment; GetTranslation(); }
private void DoUpdate() { UpdateChecker updateChecker = new UpdateChecker(AppName); VERSION NewistVersion = updateChecker.Get(); if (!NewistVersion.SUCCEED) { MessageBox.Show("업데이트를 확인할 수 없습니다!", "에러", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (NewistVersion.Version > CurrentVersion) { if (MessageBox.Show("업데이트 하시겠습니까?", "업데이트", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(NewistVersion.DownloadLink); isUpdating = true; } } }
public string ConvertToISBN13(string input) { // Sanitize input var sanitized = Recognizer.SanitizeISBN(input); // Try to determine the ISBN Version used VERSION version = Recognizer.RecognizeISBN(sanitized); // Throw if unable to determine (likely malformed string) if (version == VERSION.INVALID) { throw new FormatException($"Invalid ISBN Format for {input} detected!"); } var isbn = (version == VERSION.ISBN13 ? sanitized : Converter.ConvertISBN10ToISBN13(sanitized)); return(isbn); }
private void KiemTraTonTaiVaInsertLinkVersion() { try { VERSION _version = VersionLogic.Select(); if (_version == null) { VERSION _versionInsert = new VERSION() { AppVersion = "", //AppLink = txtUpdateVersionLink.Text, AppType = 0, }; VersionLogic.Insert(_version); } } catch (Exception ex) { O2S_Common.Logging.LogSystem.Warn(ex); } }
public PCATTableRoutine(ConnectionInfo info, VERSION ver) { mVersion = ver; try { mConnInfo = info; if (mVersion == VERSION.MANAGER || mVersion == VERSION.CLIENT) { initMySQL(); } } catch (MySqlException e) { if (e.Number == 1042) { throw e; } } }
public static bool Update(VERSION _version) { try { var temp = (from p in Database.VERSIONs select p).Single(); temp.AppVersion = _version.AppVersion; temp.AppLink = _version.AppLink; //temp.AppResults = _version.AppResults; temp.AppMD5Hash = _version.AppMD5Hash; temp.SqlVersion = _version.SqlVersion; temp.SqlResults = _version.SqlResults; Database.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (System.Exception ex) { return(false); O2S_Common.Logging.LogSystem.Error(ex); } }
public static MessageClass Packer(VERSION version) { return(new Builder(version.GetCode())); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the isbn. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The input.</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="System.FormatException"> /// </exception> public string ConvertISBN(string input) { // Sanitize input var sanitized = Recognizer.SanitizeISBN(input); // Try to determine the ISBN Version used VERSION version = Recognizer.RecognizeISBN(sanitized); // Throw if unable to determine (likely malformed string) if (version == VERSION.INVALID) { throw new FormatException($"Invalid ISBN Format for {input} detected!"); } // Throw if the ISBN contains invalid characters if (!(version == VERSION.ISBN10 ? Spec.IsISBN10SpecCompliant(sanitized) : Spec.IsISBN13SpecCompliant(sanitized))) { throw new FormatException($"{input} is not spec compliant!"); } // Throw if checksum calculated is not the one in the ISBN (malformed/incorrect ISBN) var checksum = (version == VERSION.ISBN10 ? Spec.CalculateChecksum10(sanitized) : Spec.CalculateChecksum13(sanitized)); if (checksum != sanitized[sanitized.Length - 1]) { throw new FormatException( $"Checksum mismatch for {input}! It should be {checksum.ToString().ToUpper()}!"); } var isbn = (version == VERSION.ISBN10 ? Converter.ConvertISBN10ToISBN13(sanitized) : Converter.ConvertISBN13ToISBN10(sanitized)); // Check if input already contains separation (and thus can simply copied) if (input.Contains("-") || input.Contains(" ")) { // Remove the prefix and the first separator if it exists if (version == VERSION.ISBN13) { input = input.Substring(Spec.PREFIX.Length + 1); } var separator = "-"; // Check if '-' or ' ' are used for separation if (input.Contains(" ")) { separator = " "; } // Place the separators into the new string while (input.Contains(separator)) { var index = input.IndexOf(separator); isbn = isbn.Insert((version == VERSION.ISBN10 ? Spec.PREFIX.Length : 0) + index, "-"); input = input.Substring(0, index) + "+" + input.Substring(index + 1); } // We also need to hyphenate the prefix if it exists // This and the check above are inverted since we need to modify the target ISBN version if (version == VERSION.ISBN10) { isbn = isbn.Insert(Spec.PREFIX.Length, "-"); } } else { isbn = HyphenateISBN(isbn); } return(isbn); }
/// <summary> /// set the version /// </summary> /// <param name="version">the new version</param> public abstract void SetVersion( VERSION version );
/// <summary> /// set the version /// </summary> /// <param name="version">the new version</param> public override void SetVersion( VERSION version ) { payload.Version = version; }
private void NewVersionReleased(VERSION v) { UpdateForm uf = new UpdateForm(v); uf.ShowDialog(); }
/// <summary> /// this function create a negotiate packet. /// client send the negotiate packet to server to indicate the supported capabilities. /// in connection-oriented mode, this is the first packet that client send to server. /// </summary> /// <param name="negotiateFlags">this flags indicates the capabilities that client supports.</param> /// <param name="version"> /// This structure is used for debugging purposes only. In normal (non-debugging) protocol messages, it is /// ignored and does not affect the NTLM message processing. /// </param> /// <param name="domainName"> /// DomainName contains the name of the client authentication domain that MUST be encoded using the OEM /// character set. This param can not be null. /// </param> /// <param name="workstationName"> /// WorkstationName contains the name of the client machine that MUST be encoded using the OEM character /// set. Otherwise, this data is not present. This param can not be null. /// </param> /// <returns>the negotiate packet</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">domainName must not be null</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">workstationName must not be null</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// when version is required, the domainName and workstationName must be string.Empty /// </exception> public NlmpNegotiatePacket CreateNegotiatePacket( NegotiateTypes negotiateFlags, VERSION version, string domainName, string workstationName ) { if (NlmpUtility.IsConnectionless(negotiateFlags)) { throw new NotSupportedException("NEGOTIATE message is not supported under Connectionless mode."); } if (domainName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("domainName"); } if (workstationName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("workstationName"); } #region Parameter validation if (NlmpUtility.IsVersionRequired(negotiateFlags)) { if (domainName.Length != 0) { throw new ArgumentException( "when version is required, the domainName should be string.Empty!", "domainName"); } if (workstationName.Length != 0) { throw new ArgumentException( "when version is required, the workstationName should be string.Empty!", "workstationName"); } } else { if (NlmpUtility.IsDomainNameSupplied(negotiateFlags) && domainName.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException( "when version is not required, the domainName should not be string.Empty!", "domainName"); } if (NlmpUtility.IsWorkstationSupplied(negotiateFlags) && workstationName.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException( "when version is not required, the workstationName should not be string.Empty!", "workstationName"); } } #endregion NlmpNegotiatePacket packet = new NlmpNegotiatePacket(); packet.SetNegotiateFlags(negotiateFlags); if (NlmpUtility.IsVersionRequired(negotiateFlags)) { packet.SetVersion(version); } else { if (NlmpUtility.IsDomainNameSupplied(negotiateFlags)) { packet.SetDomainName(domainName); } if (NlmpUtility.IsWorkstationSupplied(negotiateFlags)) { packet.SetWorkstationName(workstationName); } } return packet; }
/// <summary> /// this function create an authenticate packet. /// after client received the challenge packet from server, client create an authenticate packet to server. /// the authenticate packet contains the authentication information of user that is generated by the credential /// of user. /// this function does not set the mic field of packet. it must be set manually if need. /// </summary> /// <param name="negotiateFlags">this flags indicates the capabilities that client supports.</param> /// <param name="version"> /// This structure is used for debugging purposes only. In normal (non-debugging) protocol messages, it is /// ignored and does not affect the NTLM message processing. /// </param> /// <param name="lmChallengeResponse"> /// An LM_RESPONSE or LMv2_RESPONSE structure that contains the computed LM response to the challenge. If /// NTLM v2 authentication is configured, LmChallengeResponse MUST be an LMv2_RESPONSE structure. Otherwise, /// it MUST be an LM_RESPONSE structure. /// </param> /// <param name="ntChallengeResponse"> /// An NTLM_RESPONSE or NTLMv2_RESPONSE structure that contains the computed NT response to the challenge. /// If NTLM v2 authentication is configured, NtChallengeResponse MUST be an NTLMv2_RESPONSE. Otherwise, it /// MUST be an NTLM_RESPONSE structure. /// </param> /// <param name="domainName"> /// The domain or computer name hosting the user account. DomainName MUST be encoded in the negotiated /// character set. This param can not be null. /// </param> /// <param name="userName"> /// The name of the user to be authenticated. UserName MUST be encoded in the negotiated character set. This /// param can not be null. /// </param> /// <param name="workstation"> /// The name of the computer to which the user is logged on. Workstation MUST be encoded in the negotiated /// character set. This param can not be null. /// </param> /// <param name="encryptedRandomSessionKey"> /// The client's encrypted random session key. This param can be null. /// </param> /// <returns>the authenticate packet</returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"> /// when LM is using, the ntChallengeResponse should be null! /// </exception> public NlmpAuthenticatePacket CreateAuthenticatePacket( NegotiateTypes negotiateFlags, VERSION version, byte[] lmChallengeResponse, byte[] ntChallengeResponse, string domainName, string userName, string workstation, byte[] encryptedRandomSessionKey ) { #region Parameter check if (domainName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("domainName"); } if (userName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("userName"); } if (workstation == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("workstation"); } if (NlmpUtility.IsLm(negotiateFlags) && ntChallengeResponse != null) { throw new ArgumentException( "when LM is using, the ntChallengeResponse should be null!", "ntChallengeResponse"); } #endregion NlmpAuthenticatePacket packet = new NlmpAuthenticatePacket(); // update flags packet.SetNegotiateFlags(negotiateFlags); // if version required, update version if (NlmpUtility.IsVersionRequired(negotiateFlags)) { packet.SetVersion(version); } // update domain name packet.SetDomainName(domainName); // update user name packet.SetUserName(userName); // if version required, update workstation if (NlmpUtility.IsVersionRequired(negotiateFlags)) { packet.SetWorkstation(workstation); } // update lmChallengeResponse packet.SetLmChallengeResponse(lmChallengeResponse); // update ntChallengeResponse packet.SetNtChallengeResponse(ntChallengeResponse); // update encryptedRandomSessionKey packet.SetEncryptedRandomSessionKey(encryptedRandomSessionKey); return packet; }
private void LoadVersionAndState() { //NOT USED ANYMORE STATE currentState = state; VERSION currentVersion = version; WTM_ACTIVITY currentActivity = activity; string currentTestplan = string.Empty; //Check if Wtm is open mainHWnd = AppManipulation.FindWindowByClassName("WindowsForms10.Window.8.app3"); //Set version if (mainHWnd != IntPtr.Zero) { wtmHwnd = AppManipulation.FindWindowByWindowName("E6567C Agilent cdma2000/IS-95/AMPS/1xEV-DO Wireless Test Manager"); if (wtmHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { version = VERSION.AGILENT_E6567; } if (wtmHwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { wtmHwnd = AppManipulation.FindWindowByWindowName("Agilent E6567D cdma2000/IS-95/AMPS/1xEV-DO/LTE Wireless Test Manager"); if (wtmHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { version = VERSION.AGILENT_E6567; } } if (wtmHwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { wtmHwnd = AppManipulation.FindWindowByWindowName("Agilent E6567E cdma2000/IS-95/AMPS/1xEV-DO/LTE Wireless Test Manager"); if (wtmHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { version = VERSION.AGILENT_E6567; } } if (wtmHwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { wtmHwnd = AppManipulation.FindWindowByWindowName("Agilent E6560C cdma2000/IS-95/AMPS Wireless Test Manager"); if (wtmHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { version = VERSION.AGILENT_E6560; } } if (wtmHwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { wtmHwnd = AppManipulation.FindWindowByWindowName("Agilent E6568C WCDMA/GSM/GPRS/EGPRS Wireless Test Manager"); if (wtmHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { version = VERSION.AGILENT_E6568; } } if (wtmHwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { wtmHwnd = AppManipulation.FindWindowByWindowName("Agilent E6568E WCDMA/GSM/GPRS/EGPRS/LTE Wireless Test Manager"); if (wtmHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { version = VERSION.AGILENT_E6568; } } } else { wtmHwnd = AppManipulation.FindWindowByWindowName("PoST- 8924C/E & E8285A CDMA Mobile Tests"); mainHWnd = wtmHwnd; if (wtmHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { version = VERSION.POST_E8285; } } //Set state if (mainHWnd != IntPtr.Zero) { if (wtmHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { state = STATE.OPEN; } else { state = STATE.OPENING; } } else { state = STATE.CLOSED; } //Set current wtm activity if (mainHWnd != IntPtr.Zero && state == STATE.OPEN && version != VERSION.NONE) { if (version != VERSION.POST_E8285) { try { #region Set the activity for the Wtm versions if (this.gettingStatus) { if (!AppManipulation.IsWindowMinimized(wtmHwnd)) { //Get all the handlers for all the Wtm versions int ContainerCount = AppManipulation.FindChildWindowCountByClassName(mainHWnd, "WindowsForms10.Window.8.app3"); if (ContainerCount > 0) { ContainerCount = (ContainerCount > 30) ? 30 : ContainerCount; activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.NONE; string[] captions; bool somethingFound = false; for (int j = ContainerCount - 3; j < ContainerCount; j++) { IntPtr statusContainer = AppManipulation.FindChildWindowByClassNameByIndex(mainHWnd, "WindowsForms10.Window.8.app3", j);//27 if (statusContainer != IntPtr.Zero) { int count = AppManipulation.FindChildWindowCountByClassName(statusContainer, "WindowsForms10.msctls_statusbar32.app3");//6 o 7 for (int i = 6; i < count; i++) { IntPtr statusPtr = AppManipulation.FindChildWindowByClassNameByIndex(statusContainer, "WindowsForms10.msctls_statusbar32.app3", i); if (statusPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { Valutech.IO.StatusBar status = new Valutech.IO.StatusBar(statusPtr); captions = status.Captions; if (captions.Length > 1) { string statusText = captions[1]; if (statusText != string.Empty) { somethingFound = true; if (activity == WTM_ACTIVITY.NONE) { if (statusText == " ") { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.FIRST_TIME_START; } Regex regex = new Regex("Performing CDMAVoiceQuality . . .|Performing GSMMobileInitiatedCall . . ."); if (regex.IsMatch(statusText)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.CHECKING_VOICE_QUALITY; } regex = new Regex("Performing CDMAPage . . ."); if (regex.IsMatch(statusText)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.PERFORMING_CDMA_PAGE; } regex = new Regex("Performing WCDMAOrigination . . ."); if (regex.IsMatch(statusText)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.PERFORMING_CDMA_PAGE; } regex = new Regex("Passed = [0-9]{1,}[ ]{1,}Failed = [0-9]{1,}|Test Plan Aborted"); if (regex.IsMatch(statusText)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.TEST_FINISHED; } } } } } } } } if (somethingFound && activity == WTM_ACTIVITY.NONE) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.TESTING; } } //Get the testplan directly from window int comboboxCount = AppManipulation.FindChildWindowCountByClassName(mainHWnd, "WindowsForms10.COMBOBOX.app3"); if (comboboxCount > 0) { IntPtr comboBoxItem = IntPtr.Zero; int windowsNumber = 15; while (comboBoxItem == IntPtr.Zero && windowsNumber < 18) { comboBoxItem = AppManipulation.FindChildWindowByClassNameByIndex(mainHWnd, "WindowsForms10.COMBOBOX.app3", windowsNumber); currentTestplan = AppManipulation.GetText(comboBoxItem); windowsNumber++; } } } } else { //AppManipulation.WriteInNotepad("Not getting status"); } #endregion } catch { } } else { try { #region Set the activity for the 8285 equipment IntPtr statusContainer = AppManipulation.FindWindowByWindowName("PoST Operator Instructions"); if (statusContainer != IntPtr.Zero) { IntPtr statusPtr = AppManipulation.FindChildWindowByClassName(statusContainer, "RichTextWndClass"); if (statusPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { string caption = AppManipulation.GetText(statusPtr); if (caption != String.Empty) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.PERFORMING_CDMA_PAGE; Regex regex = new Regex("Waiting for operator to answer call"); if (regex.IsMatch(caption)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.WAITING_TO_ANSWER_CALL; } regex = new Regex("Speak into the phone"); if (regex.IsMatch(caption)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.CHECKING_VOICE_QUALITY; } } } } else { if (currentActivity != WTM_ACTIVITY.WAITING_TO_ANSWER_CALL) { GetBtnHwnds(); if (stopBtnHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { if (AppManipulation.IsWindowVisible(stopBtnHwnd)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.TESTING; } else { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.TEST_FINISHED; } } } else { activity = currentActivity; } } #endregion } catch { } } } else { stopBtnHwnd = IntPtr.Zero; runBtnHwnd = IntPtr.Zero; } //Send events depending on the change if (currentState != state) { if (StateChanged != null) { StateChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } if (currentActivity != activity) { if (ActivityChanged != null) { ActivityChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } if (currentVersion != version) { if (VersionChanged != null) { VersionChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } if (currentTestplan != testplan && currentState == STATE.OPEN && !currentTestplan.Contains("Data terminal ready:") && currentTestplan != string.Empty) { testplan = currentTestplan; if (TestplanChanged != null) { TestplanChanged(testplan); } } }
static void Main() { XORCISMEntities model = new XORCISMEntities(); // model.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; model.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; int iVocabularyCYBOXID = 0; // 11; string sCYBOXVersion = "2.1"; //HARDCODED TODO #region vocabularycybox try { iVocabularyCYBOXID = model.VOCABULARY.Where(o => o.VocabularyName == "CYBOX" && o.VocabularyVersion == sCYBOXVersion).Select(o => o.VocabularyID).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (iVocabularyCYBOXID <= 0) { try { VOCABULARY oVocabulary = new VOCABULARY(); oVocabulary.CreatedDate = DateTimeOffset.Now; oVocabulary.VocabularyName = "CYBOX"; //HARDCODED oVocabulary.VocabularyVersion = sCYBOXVersion; model.VOCABULARY.Add(oVocabulary); model.SaveChanges(); iVocabularyCYBOXID = oVocabulary.VocabularyID; Console.WriteLine("DEBUG iVocabularyCYBOXID=" + iVocabularyCYBOXID); } catch (Exception ex) { } } #endregion vocabularycybox XmlDocument doc; doc = new XmlDocument(); //TODO: download the file doc.Load(@"C:\nvdcve\cybox_default_vocabularies.xsd"); //HARDCODED //TODO: Validate XSD XmlNamespaceManager mgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); mgr.AddNamespace("xs", ""); XmlNodeList nodes1; nodes1 = doc.SelectNodes("/xs:schema/xs:simpleType", mgr); Console.WriteLine(nodes1.Count); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes1) //enumeration { //Console.WriteLine("DEBUG node.Name="+node.Name); string sNodeName = node.Attributes["name"].InnerText; Console.WriteLine(sNodeName); if (sNodeName.Contains("Enum-")) //HARDCODED { bool bEnumerationProcessed = false; //Get the EnumerationName and Version //ActionNameEnum-1.1 string[] words = sNodeName.Split('-'); string sEnumerationName = words[0]; string sEnumerationVersion = words[1]; //Check if we have this EnumerationVersion in the database //First check the Version #region version XORCISMModel.VERSION oVersion; int iVersionID = 0; try { iVersionID = model.VERSION.FirstOrDefault(o => o.VersionValue == sEnumerationVersion).VersionID; } catch (Exception ex) { } if (iVersionID <= 0) { oVersion = new VERSION(); oVersion.VersionValue = sEnumerationVersion; oVersion.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.VERSION.Add(oVersion); model.SaveChanges(); iVersionID = oVersion.VersionID; } else { //Update VERSION } #endregion version #region enumerationversion XORCISMModel.ENUMERATIONVERSION oEnumerationVersion; int iEnumerationVersionID = 0; try { iEnumerationVersionID = model.ENUMERATIONVERSION.FirstOrDefault(o => o.EnumerationName == sEnumerationName && o.VersionID == iVersionID).EnumerationVersionID; } catch (Exception ex) { } if (iEnumerationVersionID <= 0) { oEnumerationVersion = new ENUMERATIONVERSION(); oEnumerationVersion.EnumerationName = sEnumerationName; oEnumerationVersion.VersionID = iVersionID; oEnumerationVersion.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.ENUMERATIONVERSION.Add(oEnumerationVersion); model.SaveChanges(); iEnumerationVersionID = oEnumerationVersion.EnumerationVersionID; } else { //Update ENUMERATIONVERSION } #endregion enumerationversion //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ActionTypeEnum")) //HARDCODED { #region actiontype foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") //HARDCODED { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.ACTIONTYPE myActionType; myActionType = model.ACTIONTYPE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ActionTypeName == sEnumerationValue && o.EnumerationVersionID == iEnumerationVersionID);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myActionType == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new ACTIONTYPE " + sEnumerationValue); myActionType = new ACTIONTYPE(); myActionType.ActionTypeName = sEnumerationValue; myActionType.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; myActionType.EnumerationVersionID = iEnumerationVersionID; model.ACTIONTYPE.Add(myActionType); model.SaveChanges(); } else { //Update ACTIONTYPE } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") //HARDCODED { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG documentation=" + node4.InnerText); myActionType.ActionTypeDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion actiontype bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ActionNameEnum")) { #region actionname foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.ACTIONNAME myActionName; myActionName = model.ACTIONNAME.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ActionNameName == sEnumerationValue && o.EnumerationVersionID == iEnumerationVersionID);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myActionName == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new ACTIONNAME " + sEnumerationValue); myActionName = new ACTIONNAME(); myActionName.ActionNameName = sEnumerationValue; myActionName.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; myActionName.EnumerationVersionID = iEnumerationVersionID; model.ACTIONNAME.Add(myActionName); model.SaveChanges(); } else { //Update ACTIONNAME } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG documentation=" + node4.InnerText); myActionName.ActionNameDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion actionname bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ActionArgumentNameEnum")) { #region actionargument foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.ACTIONARGUMENTNAME myActionArgumentName; myActionArgumentName = model.ACTIONARGUMENTNAME.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ActionArgumentNameName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myActionArgumentName == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new ACTIONARGUMENTNAME " + sEnumerationValue); myActionArgumentName = new ACTIONARGUMENTNAME(); myActionArgumentName.ActionArgumentNameName = sEnumerationValue; myActionArgumentName.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.ACTIONARGUMENTNAME.Add(myActionArgumentName); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myActionArgumentName.ActionArgumentNameDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion actionargument bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ActionObjectAssociationTypeEnum")) { #region actionobjectassociation foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.ACTIONOBJECTASSOCIATIONTYPE myActionObjectAssociationType; myActionObjectAssociationType = model.ACTIONOBJECTASSOCIATIONTYPE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ActionObjectAssociationTypeName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myActionObjectAssociationType == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new ACTIONOBJECTASSOCIATIONTYPE " + sEnumerationValue); myActionObjectAssociationType = new ACTIONOBJECTASSOCIATIONTYPE(); myActionObjectAssociationType.ActionObjectAssociationTypeName = sEnumerationValue; myActionObjectAssociationType.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.ACTIONOBJECTASSOCIATIONTYPE.Add(myActionObjectAssociationType); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myActionObjectAssociationType.ActionObjectAssociationTypeDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion actionobjectassociation bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ActionRelationshipTypeEnum")) { #region actionrelationtype foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.ACTIONRELATIONSHIPTYPE myActionRelationshipType; myActionRelationshipType = model.ACTIONRELATIONSHIPTYPE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ActionRelationshipTypeName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myActionRelationshipType == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new ACTIONRELATIONSHIPTYPE " + sEnumerationValue); myActionRelationshipType = new ACTIONRELATIONSHIPTYPE(); myActionRelationshipType.ActionRelationshipTypeName = sEnumerationValue; myActionRelationshipType.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.ACTIONRELATIONSHIPTYPE.Add(myActionRelationshipType); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myActionRelationshipType.ActionRelationshipTypeDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion actionrelationtype bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("EventTypeEnum")) { #region eventtype foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.EVENTTYPE myEventType; myEventType = model.EVENTTYPE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.EventTypeName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myEventType == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new EVENTTYPE " + sEnumerationValue); myEventType = new EVENTTYPE(); myEventType.EventTypeName = sEnumerationValue; myEventType.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.EVENTTYPE.Add(myEventType); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myEventType.EventTypeDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion eventtype bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ObjectRelationshipEnum")) { #region objectrelation foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.OBJECTRELATIONSHIP myObjectRelationship; myObjectRelationship = model.OBJECTRELATIONSHIP.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ObjectRelationshipName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myObjectRelationship == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new OBJECTRELATIONSHIP " + sEnumerationValue); myObjectRelationship = new OBJECTRELATIONSHIP(); myObjectRelationship.ObjectRelationshipName = sEnumerationValue; myObjectRelationship.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.OBJECTRELATIONSHIP.Add(myObjectRelationship); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myObjectRelationship.ObjectRelationshipDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion objectrelation bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ObjectStateEnum")) { #region objectstate foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.OBJECTSTATE myObjectState; myObjectState = model.OBJECTSTATE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ObjectStateName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myObjectState == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new OBJECTSTATE " + sEnumerationValue); myObjectState = new OBJECTSTATE(); myObjectState.ObjectStateName = sEnumerationValue; myObjectState.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.OBJECTSTATE.Add(myObjectState); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myObjectState.ObjectStateDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion objectstate bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("CharacterEncodingEnum")) { #region characterencoding foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.CHARACTERENCODING myCharacterEncoding; myCharacterEncoding = model.CHARACTERENCODING.FirstOrDefault(o => o.CharacterEncodingName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myCharacterEncoding == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new CHARACTERENCODING " + sEnumerationValue); myCharacterEncoding = new CHARACTERENCODING(); myCharacterEncoding.CharacterEncodingName = sEnumerationValue; myCharacterEncoding.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.CHARACTERENCODING.Add(myCharacterEncoding); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myCharacterEncoding.CharacterEncodingDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion characterencoding bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("InformationSourceTypeEnum")) { #region infosourcetype foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.INFORMATIONSOURCETYPE myInformationSourceType; myInformationSourceType = model.INFORMATIONSOURCETYPE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.InformationSourceTypeName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myInformationSourceType == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new INFORMATIONSOURCETYPE " + sEnumerationValue); myInformationSourceType = new INFORMATIONSOURCETYPE(); myInformationSourceType.InformationSourceTypeName = sEnumerationValue; myInformationSourceType.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.INFORMATIONSOURCETYPE.Add(myInformationSourceType); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myInformationSourceType.InformationSourceTypeDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion infosourcetype bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("HashNameEnum")) { #region hashname foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.HASHNAME myHashName; myHashName = model.HASHNAME.FirstOrDefault(o => o.HashingAlgorithmName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myHashName == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new HASHNAME " + sEnumerationValue); myHashName = new HASHNAME(); myHashName.HashingAlgorithmName = sEnumerationValue; myHashName.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.HASHNAME.Add(myHashName); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myHashName.HashingAlgorithmDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion hashname bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ToolTypeEnum")) { #region tooltype foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.TOOLTYPE myToolType; myToolType = model.TOOLTYPE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ToolTypeName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myToolType == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new TOOLTYPE " + sEnumerationValue); myToolType = new TOOLTYPE(); myToolType.ToolTypeName = sEnumerationValue; myToolType.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.TOOLTYPE.Add(myToolType); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myToolType.ToolTypeDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion tooltype bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** if (!bEnumerationProcessed) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR Missing Code for " + sNodeName); //sCurrentEnum = ""; } } } //Application.EnableVisualStyles(); //Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //Application.Run(new Form1()); }
public PCATTableRoutine(String dbPath) { mVersion = VERSION.STANDALONE; InitSQLite(dbPath); }
/// <summary> /// set the version /// </summary> /// <param name="version">the new version</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Reserved of VERSION must be 0!</exception> public override void SetVersion( VERSION version ) { if (version.Reserved.Reserved1 != 0 || version.Reserved.Reserved2 != 0 || version.Reserved.Reserved3 != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Reserved of VERSION must be 0!", "version"); } }
private void LoadVersionAndState() { STATE currentState = state; VERSION currentVersion = version; WTM_ACTIVITY currentActivity = activity; string currentTestplan = testplan; //Check if Wtm is open mainHWnd = AppManipulation.FindWindowByClassName("WindowsForms10.Window.8.app3"); //Set version if (mainHWnd != IntPtr.Zero) { string wName = AppManipulation.GetWindowName(mainHWnd); wtmHwnd = mainHWnd; if (wName.IndexOf("E6560") > -1) { version = VERSION.AGILENT_E6560; } else if (wName.IndexOf("E6567") > -1) { version = VERSION.AGILENT_E6567; } else if (wName.IndexOf("E6568") > -1) { version = VERSION.AGILENT_E6568; } //Get the testplan directly from window bool next = false; foreach (IntPtr hWnd in AppManipulation.GetChildWindows(mainHWnd)) { if (next == true) { if (currentState == STATE.OPEN) { this.testplan = AppManipulation.GetText(hWnd); } next = false; } if (AppManipulation.GetText(hWnd).IndexOf("DUT serial number") > -1) { next = true; } } } else { wtmHwnd = AppManipulation.FindWindowByWindowName("PoST- 8924C/E & E8285A CDMA Mobile Tests"); mainHWnd = wtmHwnd; if (wtmHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { version = VERSION.POST_E8285; } } //Set state if (mainHWnd != IntPtr.Zero) { if (wtmHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { state = STATE.OPEN; } else { state = STATE.OPENING; } } else { state = STATE.CLOSED; } //Set current wtm activity if (mainHWnd != IntPtr.Zero && state == STATE.OPEN && version != VERSION.NONE) { if (version != VERSION.POST_E8285) { try { #region Set the activity for the Wtm versions if (this.gettingStatus) { if (!AppManipulation.IsWindowMinimized(wtmHwnd)) { //Get all the handlers for all the Wtm versions int ContainerCount = AppManipulation.FindChildWindowCountByClassName(mainHWnd, "WindowsForms10.Window.8.app3"); if (ContainerCount > 0) { ContainerCount = (ContainerCount > 30) ? 30 : ContainerCount; activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.NONE; string[] captions; bool somethingFound = false; for (int j = ContainerCount - 3; j < ContainerCount; j++) { IntPtr statusContainer = AppManipulation.FindChildWindowByClassNameByIndex(mainHWnd, "WindowsForms10.Window.8.app3", j);//27 if (statusContainer != IntPtr.Zero) { int count = AppManipulation.FindChildWindowCountByClassName(statusContainer, "WindowsForms10.msctls_statusbar32.app3");//6 o 7 for (int i = 6; i < count; i++) { IntPtr statusPtr = AppManipulation.FindChildWindowByClassNameByIndex(statusContainer, "WindowsForms10.msctls_statusbar32.app3", i); if (statusPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { Valutech.IO.StatusBar status = new Valutech.IO.StatusBar(statusPtr); captions = status.Captions; if (captions.Length > 1) { string statusText = captions[1]; if (statusText != string.Empty) { somethingFound = true; if (activity == WTM_ACTIVITY.NONE) { if (statusText == " ") { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.FIRST_TIME_START; } Regex regex = new Regex("Performing CDMAVoiceQuality . . .|Performing GSMMobileInitiatedCall . . ."); if (regex.IsMatch(statusText)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.CHECKING_VOICE_QUALITY; } regex = new Regex("Performing CDMAPage . . ."); if (regex.IsMatch(statusText)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.PERFORMING_CDMA_PAGE; } regex = new Regex("Performing WCDMAOrigination . . ."); if (regex.IsMatch(statusText)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.PERFORMING_CDMA_PAGE; } regex = new Regex("Passed = [0-9]{1,}[ ]{1,}Failed = [0-9]{1,}|Test Plan Aborted"); if (regex.IsMatch(statusText)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.TEST_FINISHED; } } } } } } } } if ((somethingFound && activity == WTM_ACTIVITY.NONE)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.TESTING; } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Not getting status"); } #endregion } catch { } } else { try { #region Set the activity for the 8285 equipment IntPtr statusContainer = AppManipulation.FindWindowByWindowName("PoST Operator Instructions"); if (statusContainer != IntPtr.Zero) { IntPtr statusPtr = AppManipulation.FindChildWindowByClassName(statusContainer, "RichTextWndClass"); if (statusPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { string caption = AppManipulation.GetText(statusPtr); if (caption != String.Empty) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.PERFORMING_CDMA_PAGE; Regex regex = new Regex("Waiting for operator to answer call"); if (regex.IsMatch(caption)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.WAITING_TO_ANSWER_CALL; } regex = new Regex("Speak into the phone"); if (regex.IsMatch(caption)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.CHECKING_VOICE_QUALITY; } } } } else { if (currentActivity != WTM_ACTIVITY.WAITING_TO_ANSWER_CALL) { GetBtnHwnds(); if (stopBtnHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { if (AppManipulation.IsWindowVisible(stopBtnHwnd)) { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.TESTING; } else { activity = WTM_ACTIVITY.TEST_FINISHED; } } } else { activity = currentActivity; } } #endregion } catch { } } } else { stopBtnHwnd = IntPtr.Zero; runBtnHwnd = IntPtr.Zero; dutSerialNumberHwnd = IntPtr.Zero; } //Send events depending on the change if (currentState != state) { if (StateChanged != null) { StateChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } if (state == STATE.OPEN) { this.model = GetModelInUse(); if (ModelInUseChanged != null) { ModelInUseChanged(this.model); } } } if (currentActivity != activity) { if (ActivityChanged != null) { ActivityChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } if (currentVersion != version) { if (VersionChanged != null) { VersionChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } if (currentTestplan != this.testplan && currentState == STATE.OPEN) { if (TestplanChanged != null) { TestplanChanged(this.testplan); } } }