public static VCam Create(string url, GameObject o) { var s = InputSourceProvider.Create(url, o); var cam = new VCam(s); return(cam); }
public void BindVcam(VCam vcam, VCamView view, Rect rect) { var source = (InputSource)vcam.source; var surface = source.CreateSurface(rect); VCamIViewDictionary[vcam] = view; view.SetSurface(surface); source.Begin(); }
private void Awake() { VCam = GetComponent <CinemachineVirtualCamera>(); UnityCamera = Camera.main; POVComponent = VCam.GetCinemachineComponent <CinemachinePOV>(); horizontalAxisName = POVComponent.m_HorizontalAxis.m_InputAxisName; verticalAxisName = POVComponent.m_VerticalAxis.m_InputAxisName; // Disable POV Module or we might start partially in the wrong state. TogglePOV(false); }
private void InitGame() { healthText = GameObject.Find("HealthText").GetComponent <TMP_Text>(); lifeChanged = GameObject.Find("LifeChanged").GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); coinsText = GameObject.Find("CoinsText").GetComponent <TMP_Text>(); coinsChanged = GameObject.Find("CoinChanged").GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); vCam = FindObjectOfType <VCam>(); SetHealthText(); _ = StartCoroutine(LastGroundedPosition()); winScreen = GameObject.Find("WinScreen"); winScreen.SetActive(false); }
void Awake() { if (Instance != null) { Destroy(this.gameObject); return; } Instance = this; GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); vCam = GetComponent <CinemachineVirtualCamera>(); confiner = GetComponent <CinemachineConfiner>(); princess = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Transform>(); }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); sword.SetActive(false); jumps = numJumps; //set the number of extra jumps, currently at 1. (double jump) controls = new PlayerControls(); controls.Gameplay.Move.performed += ctx => move = ctx.ReadValue <float>(); controls.Gameplay.Move.canceled += ctx => move = 0; controls.Gameplay.Jump.performed += ctx => Jump(); controls.Gameplay.Jump.canceled += ctx => CancelJump(); controls.Gameplay.Dash.performed += ctx => Dash(); controls.Gameplay.Attack.performed += ctx => Attack(); vCam = FindObjectOfType <VCam>(); controls.Gameplay.LookDown.performed += ctx => LookDown(); controls.Gameplay.LookDown.canceled += ctx => ResetCamera(); healthText = GameObject.Find("HealthText").GetComponent <TMP_Text>(); lifeChanged = GameObject.Find("LifeChanged").GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); coinsText = GameObject.Find("CoinsText").GetComponent <TMP_Text>(); coinsChanged = GameObject.Find("CoinChanged").GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); healthText.text = maxLives + ""; _ = StartCoroutine(LastGroundedPosition()); startingTime = DateTime.Now; winScreen = GameObject.Find("WinScreen"); winScreen.SetActive(false); }
public bool GetVcamByView(IView view, ref VCam vcam) { if (!VCamIViewDictionary.ContainsValue(view)) { return(false); } foreach (var kp in VCamIViewDictionary) { if (kp.Value == view) { vcam = kp.Key; return(true); } } return(false); }
public void LoadConfig() { config = new Configuration(System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "config/StreamSetting.ini")); if (config == null) { SetDefaultConfig(); return; } foreach (var key in config["Input"]) { if (key.KeyName.Contains("url")) { InputSource source = new InputSource(key.Value); source.CreateSurface(new Rect(1, 1, 1, 1)); VCam v = new VCam(source); Add(v); } } }
public override void InitState() { VAssImpImp.IPath = "c:/med/"; ER = new VEnvRenderer(512, 512); PR = new VPostProcessRenderer(512, 512); // PR.Add(new VPPBlur()); sg = new VSceneGraph(); PR.Scene = sg; ER.Scene = sg; e1 = VImport.ImportNode("c:/Media/dwarf2.b3d"); //file of 3d model to load. e1.LocalScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); var m1 = new VMaterial(); m1.TCol = new VTex2D("c:/Media/tex1_c.png", LoadMethod.Single); // texture to load m1.TEnv = VTextureUtil.LoadCubeMap("c:/Media/cm1.png.cube"); // cubemap to load. use cubeconvert to convert. //m2.TEnv = ER.FB.Cube; var ee = e1 as VSceneEntity; //var ee2 = e2 as VSceneEntity; //building project atm. SetMat(ee, m1); // SetMat(ee2, m2); sg.Add(e1); // sg.Add(e2); c1 = new VCam(); sg.Add(c1); l1 = new VLight(); l1.Pos(new Vector3(0, 40, 0), Space.Local); c1.Pos(new Vector3(0, 0, 300), Space.Local); c1.LookAt(Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); sg.Add(l1); //e1.Pos(new Vector3(0, -30, 0), Space.Local); // e2.Pos(new Vector3(0, 20, 0), Space.Local); }
public IView GetViewByVcam(VCam cam) { return(VCamIViewDictionary[cam]); }
public void Add(VCam v) { Cam.Add(v); }
private void Start() { vCam = FindObjectOfType <VCam>(); }
private VCam m_VCamScript; // VirtualCameraのスクリプト // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { // 生成されたオクトのクローンのスクリプト m_OctoScript = GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerCharacter").GetComponent <OctoStartMove>(); m_VCamScript = GameObject.FindWithTag("VCamera").GetComponentInChildren <VCam>(); }
public VCamController(VCam c) { cam = c; }