コード例 #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        DBConnection obj = new DBConnection();
        DataTable    dt  = new DataTable();

        if (Request.QueryString["cityID"] != null)
                cityID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["cityID"]);
            catch (Exception)

            dt = VADBCommander.CityTourList(cityID.ToString());
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                region        = dt.Rows[0]["region"].ToString();
                country       = dt.Rows[0]["country"].ToString();
                stateprovince = dt.Rows[0]["stateprovince"].ToString();
                city          = dt.Rows[0]["city"].ToString();
                stateID       = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["StateID"]);
                countryid     = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["countryid"]);
        catch (Exception ex) { lblInfo22.Text = ex.ToString(); }
        finally { obj.CloseConnection(); }

        CitiesAdapter = CommonFunctions.PrepareAdapter(CommonFunctions.GetConnection(), String.Format(STR_SELECTCitiesFROMCitiesWHERECitiesStateProvinceID), SqlDbType.Int);

        string STR_SELECTPropertiesInfo = "select Cities.City, Tours.*, StateProvinces.StateProvince, Countries.Country, Countries.id as countryid,  " +
                                          "Regions.Region, StateProvinces.id as StateID from Cities inner join  " +
                                          "StateProvinces on Cities.stateprovinceid=StateProvinces.id  " +
                                          "inner join Countries on Countries.id=StateProvinces.Countryid  " +
                                          "inner join Regions on Regions.id=Countries.Regionid " +
                                          "inner join Tours on Tours.CityID=Cities.ID " +
                                          "where cities.id=@CityID";

        PropertiesAdapter = CommonFunctions.PrepareAdapter(CommonFunctions.GetConnection(), String.Format(STR_SELECTPropertiesInfo), SqlDbType.Int);

        AmenitiesAdapter = CommonFunctions.PrepareAdapter(CommonFunctions.GetConnection(), "SELECT Amenities.ID, Amenity," +
                                                          " PropertiesAmenities.PropertyID " +
                                                          "FROM Amenities INNER JOIN PropertiesAmenities ON Amenities.ID = PropertiesAmenities.AmenityID" +
                                                          " INNER JOIN Properties ON PropertiesAmenities.PropertyID = Properties.ID " +
                                                          " INNER JOIN Cities ON Properties.CityID = Cities.ID " +
                                                          " INNER JOIN Counties ON Cities.ID = Counties.CityID " +
                                                          "WHERE (Properties.IfFinished = 1) AND (Properties.IfApproved = 1) AND (Counties.county = @countyID)" +
                                                          " AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Auctions WHERE PropertyID = Properties.ID) AND (Amenities.Amenity NOT IN" +
                                                          " ('Lake Front', 'Beach Front', 'River Front', 'Seaside', 'Ski In Ski Out', 'TV', 'VCR', 'CD Player'))",

        LocationAdapter = CommonFunctions.PrepareAdapter(CommonFunctions.GetConnection(), "select Cities.City, Cities.ID as CityID, StateProvinces.StateProvince, Countries.Country, Countries.id as countryid, " +
                                                         "Regions.Region, StateProvinces.id as StateID from Cities inner join " +
                                                         "StateProvinces on Cities.stateprovinceid=StateProvinces.id " +
                                                         "inner join Countries on Countries.id=StateProvinces.Countryid " +
                                                         "inner join Regions on Regions.id=Countries.Regionid " +
                                                         "where cities.id=@CityID",

        HtmlHead head = Page.Header;

        HtmlMeta keywords    = new HtmlMeta();
        HtmlMeta description = new HtmlMeta();


        if (!IsPostBack)
            //DBConnection obj = new DBConnection();
            //DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            string vText = "Vacations-abroad.com is a directory of " + city + " vacation rentals and privately owned " +
                           city + " holiday accommodation. Our holiday rentals include vacation homes, holiday villas, vacation condos, holiday " +
                           "apartments, holiday cottages, vacation cabins, B&Bs, Hotels, Resorts, Guesthouses in " +
                           city + " " + stateprovince;

            List <string> vList        = new List <string>();
            DataTable     dt1          = new DataTable();
            DataTable     dtCategories = new DataTable();
            DBConnection  objR         = new DBConnection();
                DataFunctions objF = new DataFunctions();
                dt1                       = VADBCommander.ListApprovedToursByCity(cityID.ToString());
                Session["dt"]             = dt1;
                State_datagrid.DataSource = dt1;

                //add cities to right column

                SqlDataReader reader;
                DataTable     dtR = new DataTable();

                string vCountyID = "";

                //if county assoc
                dtR = VADBCommander.CountyListByCityID(cityID.ToString());

                if (dtR.Rows.Count > 0)
                    vCountyID = dtR.Rows[0]["countyid"].ToString();

                    rtCounties.InnerHtml = dtR.Rows[0]["county"].ToString() + " Cities";
                    rtLowerHd.InnerHtml  = stateprovince + " Counties";

                    dtR = VADBCommander.CityListByCountyID(vCountyID);
                    foreach (DataRow row in dtR.Rows)
                        string temp = CommonFunctions.GetSiteAddress() + "/" + country +
                                      "/" + stateprovince + "/" + row["city"].ToString() + "/default.aspx";
                        temp = temp.ToLower();
                        temp = temp.Replace(' ', '_');

                        divCitiesRt.InnerHtml += "<a href=\"" + temp + "\">" + row["city"].ToString().Replace(" ", "&nbsp;") + "</a>, ";
                    divCitiesRt.InnerHtml = divCitiesRt.InnerHtml.Remove(divCitiesRt.InnerHtml.Length - 2, 2);

                    dtR = objR.spGetRightSideCounties(stateID);

                    if (dtR.Rows.Count > 0)
                        DataTable dtTooltip = VADBCommander.CityAndCountiesByStateID(stateID.ToString());

                        foreach (DataRow row in dtR.Rows)
                            string temp = CommonFunctions.GetSiteAddress() + "/" +
                                          stateprovince + "/Holiday-Rentals/" + row["county"].ToString() + "-Vacation_Rentals/default.aspx";
                            temp = temp.ToLower();
                            temp = temp.Replace(' ', '_');
                            //county tooltip
                            dtTooltip.DefaultView.RowFilter = "CountyName='" + row["county"].ToString() + "'";
                            if (dtTooltip.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows.Count > 0)
                                rtLower.InnerHtml += "<a onmouseover=\"Tip('";
                                foreach (DataRow rowCnty in dtTooltip.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows)
                                    rtLower.InnerHtml += "<a href=\\'" + CommonFunctions.GetSiteAddress().ToLower() +
                                                         "/" + country.ToLower().Replace(" ", "_") + "/" +
                                                         stateprovince.ToLower().Replace(" ", "_") + "/" + rowCnty["city"].ToString().ToLower().Replace(" ", "_") + "/default.aspx\\' target=\\'_self\\'>" +
                                                         rowCnty["city"].ToString() + "</a>, ";
                                rtLower.InnerHtml  = rtLower.InnerHtml.Remove(rtLower.InnerHtml.Length - 2, 2);
                                rtLower.InnerHtml += "', WIDTH, 150, SHADOW, false, OPACITY, 90, BGCOLOR, '#ede9ed', BORDERCOLOR, '#ede9ed', FONTCOLOR, '#474747', CLICKSTICKY, true, CLICKCLOSE, true, FONTSIZE, '12px', FONTFACE, 'Arial', CLOSEBTN, false, STICKY, true, OFFSETX, 10, PADDING, 5, OFFSETY, 0)\"";

                                rtLower.InnerHtml += " <a href=\"" + temp + "\">" + row["county"].ToString().Replace(" ", "&nbsp;") + "</a>, ";
                                //county tooltip
                        rtLower.InnerHtml = rtLower.InnerHtml.Remove(rtLower.InnerHtml.Length - 2, 2);
                    //if county assoc

                    rtCounties.InnerHtml = stateprovince + " Cities";
                    rtLowerHd.InnerHtml  = country + " States";

                    reader = objR.ExecuteRecordSetArtificial("SELECT Cities.* FROM Cities WHERE (Cities.StateProvinceID = " + stateID + ") AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM Properties WHERE (Properties.IfFinished = 1) AND (Properties.IfApproved = 1) AND (Properties.CityID = Cities.ID)  AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Auctions WHERE PropertyID = Properties.ID)) ORDER BY City");
                    while (reader.Read())
                        if (reader["City"] is string)
                            string temp = CommonFunctions.GetSiteAddress() + "/" + country +
                                          "/" + stateprovince + "/" + reader["city"].ToString() + "/default.aspx";
                            temp = temp.ToLower();
                            temp = temp.Replace(' ', '_');

                            divCitiesRt.InnerHtml += "<a href=\"" + temp + "\">" + reader["city"].ToString().Replace(" ", "&nbsp;") + "</a>, ";
                    divCitiesRt.InnerHtml = divCitiesRt.InnerHtml.Remove(divCitiesRt.InnerHtml.Length - 2, 2);

                    DataTable dtCountries = objR.spStateProvByCountries(countryid);
                    foreach (DataRow row in dtCountries.Rows)
                        if (row["stateprovince"] is string)
                            string temp = CommonFunctions.GetSiteAddress() + "/" + country + "/" + row["stateprovince"].ToString() + "/default.aspx";
                            temp = temp.ToLower();
                            temp = temp.Replace(' ', '_');

                            rtLower.InnerHtml += "<a href=\"" + temp + "\">" + row["stateprovince"].ToString().Replace(" ", "&nbsp;") + "</a>, ";
                    if (rtLower.InnerHtml.Length > 2)
                        rtLower.InnerHtml = rtLower.InnerHtml.Remove(rtLower.InnerHtml.Length - 2, 2);
            catch (Exception ex) { lblInfo22.Text = ex.Message + ":22"; }
        Session["city"]    = city;
        Session["state"]   = stateprovince;
        Session["country"] = country;
        ((System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image)Master.FindControl("Logo")).AlternateText = "Vacations-Abroad.com";
        Page.Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<link href='/css/StyleSheetBig4.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></script>"));