コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// DO NOT USE: Working on, where every texture is grabbed from the object
        /// </summary>
        public static void ExportTextureFromAMesh(MeshRenderer meshRenderer, string materialFolder, string fullTextureFolder)
            // 1. Need to copy the texture to the new path

            // Go through all materials in the mesh renderer and export them as some materials

            int length = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials.Length;

            for (int materialIndex = 0; materialIndex < length; materialIndex++)
                Material currentMaterial = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials[materialIndex];
                Shader   shader          = currentMaterial.shader;

                int propertyCount = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount(shader);

                // Copies all the textures to the file
                for (int i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++)
                    ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType propType = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyType(shader, i);
                    if (propType == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.TexEnv)
                        Texture texture = currentMaterial.GetTexture(ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName(shader, i));

                        if (texture != null)
                            string texturePath           = UtiltiesHiFi.GetAssetPathFolder() + AssetDatabase.GetAssetOrScenePath(texture);
                            string newTextureName        = UtiltiesHiFi.GetFileName(texturePath);
                            string newTexturePathAndName = fullTextureFolder + newTextureName;
                            File.Copy(texturePath, newTexturePathAndName);
コード例 #2
        private static bool SerializeOneTexture(
            GameObject gameObj,
            string newPath,
            Material material,
            string materialName,
            int materialId,
            bool copyTextures,
            string unityExtension,
            string textureType,
            out string objects,
            out string connections)
            string texturesFolderName             = @"/Textures/";
            string texturesFolderNameNoFrontSlash = @"Textures/";

            texturesFolderName             = "";
            texturesFolderNameNoFrontSlash = "";

            StringBuilder objectsSb     = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder connectionsSb = new StringBuilder();

            Texture texture = material.GetTexture(unityExtension);

            if (texture == null)
                objects     = "";
                connections = "";

            string originalAssetPath       = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texture);
            string fullDataFolderPath      = Application.dataPath;
            string textureFilePathFullName = originalAssetPath;
            string textureName             = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(originalAssetPath);
            string textureExtension        = Path.GetExtension(originalAssetPath);

            // TODO - We have to change this to relative to the file being exported
//			if(copyTextures)
                textureFilePathFullName = UtiltiesHiFi.GetFolderFromPath(newPath) + texturesFolderNameNoFrontSlash + textureName + unityExtension + textureExtension;

            // copy the textures to the new folder went want to copy it to
            string fullOriginalPath = UtiltiesHiFi.GetAssetPathFolder() + originalAssetPath;

            if (Directory.Exists(UtiltiesHiFi.GetFolderFromPath(newPath) + texturesFolderName) == false)
                Directory.CreateDirectory(UtiltiesHiFi.GetFolderFromPath(newPath) + texturesFolderName);

            // TODO - prevent overwrites of different files
            File.Copy(fullOriginalPath, textureFilePathFullName, true);

            long textureReference = HighFidelityFBXExporter.GetRandomFBXId();

            // TODO - test out different reference names to get one that doesn't load a _MainTex when importing.

            objectsSb.AppendLine("\tTexture: " + textureReference + ", \"Texture::" + materialName + unityExtension + "\", \"\" {");
            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\tType: \"TextureVideoClip\"");
            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\tVersion: 202");
            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\tTextureName: \"Texture::" + materialName + unityExtension + "\"");
            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\tProperties70:  {");
            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\t\tP: \"CurrentTextureBlendMode\", \"enum\", \"\", \"\",0");
            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\t\tP: \"UVSet\", \"KString\", \"\", \"\", \"map1\"");
            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\t\tP: \"UseMaterial\", \"bool\", \"\", \"\",1");
            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\tMedia: \"Video::" + materialName + unityExtension + "\"");

            // Sets the absolute path for the copied texture
            objectsSb.Append("\t\tFileName: \"");

            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\tRelativeFilename: \"" + texturesFolderNameNoFrontSlash + textureName + unityExtension + textureExtension + "\"");

            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\tModelUVTranslation: 0,0");         // TODO: Figure out how to get the UV translation into here
            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\tModelUVScaling: 1,1");             // TODO: Figure out how to get the UV scaling into here
            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\tTexture_Alpha_Source: \"None\"");  // TODO: Add alpha source here if the file is a cutout.
            objectsSb.AppendLine("\t\tCropping: 0,0,0,0");

            connectionsSb.AppendLine("\t;Texture::" + textureName + ", Material::" + materialName + "\"");
            connectionsSb.AppendLine("\tC: \"OP\"," + textureReference + "," + materialId + ", \"" + textureType + "\"");


            objects     = objectsSb.ToString();
            connections = connectionsSb.ToString();
