public void Distance() { var board = new Utils.Object("First.ScoreBoard"); board.AssertMethod("Distance", typeof(int)); Assert.That(board.Method("Distance").Invoke(), Is.EqualTo(0), "When both players have zero points, the distance should be zero"); board.Method("PointToPlayer1").Invoke(); Assert.That(board.Method("Distance").Invoke(), Is.EqualTo(1), "The distance between scores is not correctly calculated"); board.Method("PointToPlayer1").Invoke(); Assert.That(board.Method("Distance").Invoke(), Is.EqualTo(2), "The distance between scores is not correctly calculated"); board.Method("PointToPlayer2").Invoke(); Assert.That(board.Method("Distance").Invoke(), Is.EqualTo(1), "The distance between scores is not correctly calculated"); board.Method("PointToPlayer2").Invoke(); Assert.That(board.Method("Distance").Invoke(), Is.EqualTo(0), "The distance between scores is not correctly calculated"); board.Method("PointToPlayer2").Invoke(); Assert.That(board.Method("Distance").Invoke(), Is.EqualTo(1), "The distance between scores is not correctly calculated"); board.Method("PointToPlayer2").Invoke(); Assert.That(board.Method("Distance").Invoke(), Is.EqualTo(2), "The distance between scores is not correctly calculated"); }
public void TestOefening2() { Utils.Object Obj = new Utils.Object("First.Oefenreeks1"); Obj.AssertClass(); Obj.AssertMethod(First.Program.ISPOS, typeof(bool), new Type[] { typeof(float) }); Assert.That(Obj.Method(First.Program.ISPOS, typeof(float)).Invoke(5.67f), Is.True, "Getallen groter dan nul zijn positief"); Assert.That(Obj.Method(First.Program.ISPOS, typeof(float)).Invoke(-12f), Is.False, "Negatieve getallen zijn kleiner dan null"); }
public void TestOefening5() { Utils.Object Obj = new Utils.Object("First.Oefenreeks1"); Obj.AssertClass(); Obj.AssertMethod(First.Program.OPPRH, typeof(float), new Type[] { typeof(float), typeof(float) }); Assert.That(Obj.Method(First.Program.OPPRH, new Type[] { typeof(float), typeof(float) }).Invoke(new object[] { 4.1f, 5f }), Is.EqualTo(20.5f).Within(.0005), "Foute Berekening"); Assert.That(Obj.Method(First.Program.OPPRH, new Type[] { typeof(float), typeof(float) }).Invoke(new object[] { 1.1f, 3.4f }), Is.EqualTo(3.74f).Within(.0005), "Foute Berekening"); }
public void TestOefening4() { Utils.Object Obj = new Utils.Object("First.Oefenreeks1"); Obj.AssertClass(); Obj.AssertMethod(First.Program.OPPRH, typeof(int), new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) }); Assert.That(Obj.Method(First.Program.OPPRH, new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) }).Invoke(new object[] { 4, 5 }), Is.EqualTo(20), "Foute Berekening"); Assert.That(Obj.Method(First.Program.OPPRH, new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) }).Invoke(new object[] { 14, 10 }), Is.EqualTo(140), "Foute Berekening"); }
public void IsPlayer2Winning() { var board = new Utils.Object("First.ScoreBoard"); board.AssertMethod("IsPlayer2Winning", typeof(bool)); Assert.That(board.Method("IsPlayer2Winning").Invoke(), Is.False, "Player 2 should not be winning when both scores are zero"); board.Method("PointToPlayer2").Invoke(); Assert.That(board.Method("IsPlayer2Winning").Invoke(), Is.True, "Player 2 should be winning when she has more points"); }
public void TestOefening10() { Utils.Object Obj = new Utils.Object("First.Oefenreeks1"); Obj.AssertClass(); Obj.AssertMethod(First.Program.DECR, typeof(void), new Type[] { typeof(int[]), typeof(int) }); int[] arr = { 5, 6, 7, 8 }; int[] arr2 = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; Obj.Method(First.Program.DECR, new Type[] { typeof(int[]), typeof(int) }).Invoke(new object[] { arr, 5 }); Assert.That(ArraysAreEqual(arr, arr2), Is.True, "De verlaging is niet correct"); }
public void PointToPlayer2() { var board = new Utils.Object("First.ScoreBoard"); board.AssertMethod("PointToPlayer2", typeof(void)); board.Method("PointToPlayer2").Invoke(); Assert.That(board.Prop("Player2Score").Get(), Is.EqualTo(1), "PointToPlayer1 verhoogt het aantal punten niet met 1"); board.Method("PointToPlayer2").Invoke(); Assert.That(board.Prop("Player2Score").Get(), Is.EqualTo(2), "PointToPlayer1 verhoogt het aantal punten niet met 1"); }
public void Reset() { var board = new Utils.Object("First.ScoreBoard"); board.AssertMethod("Reset", typeof(void)); // increase scores board.Method("PointToPlayer1").Invoke(); board.Method("PointToPlayer2").Invoke(); // reset and check if all are zero board.Method("Reset").Invoke(); Assert.That(board.Prop("Player1Score")?.Get(), Is.EqualTo(0), "Reset does not reset all scores"); Assert.That(board.Prop("Player2Score")?.Get(), Is.EqualTo(0), "Reset does not reset all scores"); }
public void Age() { var person = new Utils.Object("First.Person"); if (person.AssertClass()) { person.AssertMethod("Age", typeof(int)); } Random gen = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { DateTime start = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); int range = (DateTime.Today - start).Days; var myDate = start.AddDays(gen.Next(range)); person.Prop("DateOfBirth")?.Set(myDate); int expectedAge = (DateTime.Now.Year - myDate.Year) - 1; if (DateTime.Now.Month > myDate.Month) { expectedAge++; } else if (DateTime.Now.Month == myDate.Month && DateTime.Now.Day >= myDate.Day) { expectedAge++; } var calculatedAge = (int)person.Method("Age")?.Invoke(); Assert.That(calculatedAge, Is.EqualTo(expectedAge), "De berekening van de leeftijd is niet juist"); if (calculatedAge != expectedAge) { break; // no need to continue after an error } } }