public ActionResult DocClassification(HttpPostedFileBase file) { DocClassification docCls = new DocClassification(); try { String physicalPath = ""; if (file.ContentLength > 0) { String fileHashName = (DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff") + file.FileName; physicalPath = DecodePath( Path.Combine( UtilityOperations.GetServerMapPath( UtilityOperations.GetDCEDockerRootPath()) + "\\_temp", Path.GetFileName(fileHashName))); file.SaveAs(physicalPath); String varet = (new DocumentsOperations()).IdentifyDocumentType(physicalPath); FileInfo uploadedFile = new FileInfo(physicalPath); docCls.DocClassifiedOutcome += "<input hidden id=\"UploadedFileName\" value=\"" + uploadedFile.Name + "\"/>"; docCls.DocClassifiedOutcome += "<span>File Name : " + (uploadedFile.Name).Substring(18) + "</span><br/>"; docCls.DocClassifiedOutcome += "<span>Document Type : " + varet + "</span><br/>"; docCls.DocClassifiedOutcome += "<span>File Uploaded @ : " + uploadedFile.CreationTime + "</span><br/>"; } else { docCls.DocClassifiedMsg = "Error - Please attach the file ..."; } } catch (Exception ex) { docCls.DocClassifiedMsg = "Error - File upload failed! " + ex.Message; } return(View(docCls)); }
public JsonResult UploadTemplate() { String retJsonMsg = String.Empty; foreach (String file in Request.Files) { var fileContent = Request.Files[file]; var docType = Request.Form["DocType"]; var docDesc = Request.Form["DocDesc"]; var skipPages = Request.Form["SkipPages"]; List <int> pagesToSkill = new List <int>(); if (skipPages.Length > 0) { List <String> skippages = skipPages.Split(',').ToList(); foreach (String skip in skippages) { int number; bool retInt = int.TryParse(skip, out number); if (retInt) { pagesToSkill.Add(number); } else { retJsonMsg = "ERROR - Skip page value [" + skip + "] is not a number!"; break; } } } if (fileContent != null && fileContent.ContentLength > 0 && String.IsNullOrEmpty(retJsonMsg)) { String virtualPath = UtilityOperations.GetDCEDockerRootPath(); String physicalPath = DecodePath(Path.Combine(UtilityOperations.GetServerMapPath(virtualPath), Path.GetFileName(fileContent.FileName))); String userName = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name; DocumentsOperations docOps = new DocumentsOperations(); if (docOps.GetFileByVirtualPath(virtualPath + "/" + fileContent.FileName) == null) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(UtilityOperations.GetServerMapPath(virtualPath)); fileContent.SaveAs(physicalPath); docOps.InsertFileEncodeFileName(fileContent.FileName, virtualPath + "/" + fileContent.FileName, "_DCEDockerFile", docDesc, userName, false); DCEOperations dceOps = new DCEOperations(); dceOps.InsertTemplate(virtualPath + "/" + fileContent.FileName, docType, docDesc, userName); List <String> retStrArr = GetPDFContents(physicalPath, pagesToSkill); dceOps.InsertOCRContents(fileContent.FileName, retStrArr[0], retStrArr[1]); } else { retJsonMsg = "ERROR - The file already eixsts."; } } } return(new JsonResult() { Data = retJsonMsg }); }