//Index page for the Admin Role public ActionResult Index() { var objUtilities = new Utilities.Utilities(); AdminViewModel model = objUtilities.GetStudentsAndTeachersList(); return(View(model)); }
//Index page for the Student Role public ActionResult StudentHome(int studentId) { var objUtilities = new Utilities.Utilities(); StudentViewModel model = objUtilities.GetCourseGrades(studentId); model.StudentId = studentId; model.Name = objUtilities.GetStudentName(studentId); return(View(model)); }
//Index page for the Teacher Role public ActionResult TeacherHome(int courseId) { var objUtilities = new Utilities.Utilities(); var model = objUtilities.GetStudentsList(); model.CourseId = courseId; model.Name = objUtilities.GetTeacherName(courseId); return(View(model)); }
public bool SaveVideo(string path, SaveMode mode) { if (mode == SaveMode.SaveToPhotoGallery) { return(natcamprofessional.CallStatic <bool>("saveVideo", path, (int)mode)); } Util.LogError("SaveVideo API only supports saving to gallery"); return(false); }
public bool SaveVideo(string path, SaveMode mode) { if (mode == SaveMode.SaveToPhotoGallery) { return(SaveVideo(path, (int)mode)); } Util.LogError("SaveVideo API only supports saving to gallery"); return(false); }
public void OnPost() { Utilities.Utilities registro = new Utilities.Utilities(); Usuario usu = new Usuario(); usu.Nombre = Nombre; usu.NickName = Nickname; usu.Correo = Correo; usu.Contraseña = Contraseña; registro.HacerRegistroUsuario(usu); }
public ActionResult AddStudent(AddStudentModel model, string returnUrl) { var objUtilities = new Utilities.Utilities(); bool validateInsertTeacherRecord = objUtilities.InsertStudentRecord(model); if (validateInsertTeacherRecord) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } ModelState.AddModelError("", "UserName or StudentId Already exists."); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl) { var objUtilities = new Utilities.Utilities(); var validateAdminLogin = objUtilities.ValidateAdminLogin(model); if (validateAdminLogin) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login attempt."); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult AssignGrades(AssignGradeModel model, int CourseId) { var objUtilities = new Utilities.Utilities(); var validateAssignGrade = objUtilities.AssignGrade(model); if (validateAssignGrade) { return(RedirectToAction("TeacherHome", "Home", new { courseId = CourseId })); } ModelState.AddModelError("", "Enter Valid StudentId."); return(View()); }
public ActionResult TeacherLogin(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl) { var objUtilities = new Utilities.Utilities(); var validateTeacherLogin = objUtilities.ValidateTeacherLogin(model); if (validateTeacherLogin) { var courseIdTaughtByTeacher = objUtilities.FetchCourseIdTaughtByTeacher(model.Username); return(RedirectToAction("TeacherHome", "Home", new { courseId = courseIdTaughtByTeacher })); } ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login attempt."); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult StudentLogin(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl) { var objUtilities = new Utilities.Utilities(); var validateStudentLogin = objUtilities.ValidateStudentLogin(model); if (validateStudentLogin) { var currentStudentId = objUtilities.FetchStudentId(model.Username); return(RedirectToAction("StudentHome", "Home", new { studentId = currentStudentId })); } ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login attempt."); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Register(RegisterViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var objUtilities = new Utilities.Utilities(); var result = objUtilities.RegisterAdmin(model); if (result) { return(RedirectToAction("RegisterSuccess", "Home")); } } return(View(model)); }
public AccountController( UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, SignInManager <ApplicationUser> signInManager, IEmailSender emailSender, ILogger <AccountController> logger, AppSettings appSettings, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor) { _userManager = userManager; _signInManager = signInManager; _emailSender = emailSender; _logger = logger; _appSettings = appSettings; _utilities = new Utilities.Utilities(appSettings, httpContextAccessor); }
protected override void SavePhoto(byte[] png, SaveMode mode, int callback) { if (png == null) { return; } SetAlbumName(AlbumName); int size = Marshal.SizeOf(png[0]) * png.Length; IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size); try { Marshal.Copy(png, 0, ptr, png.Length); SavePhoto(ptr, unchecked ((UIntPtr)(uint)size), (int)mode, callback); } catch (Exception e) { Util.LogError("Failed to save photo with exception: " + e.Message); } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr); } }
public void PreviewBuffer(out IntPtr ptr, out int width, out int height, out int size) { ptr = IntPtr.Zero; width = height = size = 0; AndroidJavaObject jRet = pro.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("previewBuffer"); if (jRet.GetRawObject().ToInt32() != 0) { long[] res = AndroidJNIHelper.ConvertFromJNIArray <long[]>(jRet.GetRawObject()); ptr = (IntPtr)res[0]; width = (int)res[1]; height = (int)res[2]; size = (int)res[3]; } else { Util.LogError("Failed to get preview buffer"); } }
private void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Utilities.Utilities ut = new Utilities.Utilities(); if (!(tbLoc.Text.Equals("Enter Location")) || !(tbDest.Text.Equals("Enter Destination")) || !(startLoc.getReady() == 0) || !(destLoc.getReady() == 0)) { string confirm = "Are you are heading from " + tbLoc.Text + " to " + tbDest.Text + "?"; if (Sense.SenseMessageBox.Show(confirm, "Confirm Request", Sense.SenseMessageBox.SenseMessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { //send request through sms if (ut.sendRequest(tbLoc.Text, tbDest.Text)) { string str = "Your request has been sent to the TaxiShare system."; if (Sense.SenseMessageBox.Show(str, "Request Confirmed", Sense.SenseMessageBox.SenseMessageBoxButtons.OK) == DialogResult.OK) { this.Dispose(); this.Close(); } } else { string str = "Your request has failed. Click OK to go back to the main menu."; if (Sense.SenseMessageBox.Show(str, "Request Failed", Sense.SenseMessageBox.SenseMessageBoxButtons.OK) == DialogResult.OK) { this.Dispose(); this.Close(); } } } } else { string str = "Please complete the request before confirming."; if (Sense.SenseMessageBox.Show(str, "Request Failed", Sense.SenseMessageBox.SenseMessageBoxButtons.OK) == DialogResult.OK) { } } }
protected static void OnBarcode(float x, float y, float w, float h, long timestamp, IntPtr supplement, IntPtr data, int len, int format) { if (data == IntPtr.Zero) { Util.LogError("Detected barcode string does not exist"); return; } string code = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(data, len); if (code == null) { Util.LogError("Detected barcode string is null"); return; } object[] _supplement = null; if (supplement != IntPtr.Zero) { ; // Unimplemented } instance.dispatch.Dispatch(() => { if (instance.onMetadata != null) { instance.onMetadata(new Barcode(x, y, w, h, timestamp, _supplement, code, format)); } }); }
public int GetExposureMode(int camera) { Util.LogError("Exposure mode is not supported on legacy"); return(0); }
public float MaxZoomRatio(int camera) { Util.LogError("Zoom is not supported on legacy"); return(1f); }
public float GetExposure(int camera) { Util.LogError("Exposure is not supported on legacy"); return(0f); }
public bool IsTorchSupported(int camera) { Util.LogError("Torch is not supported on legacy"); return(false); }
public float VerticalFOV(int camera) { Util.LogError("Field of view is not supported on legacy"); return(0f); }
public void SetTorch(int camera, int state) { Util.LogError("Torch is not supported on legacy"); }
public void SetZoom(int camera, float ratio) { Util.LogError("Zoom is not supported on legacy"); }
public void SetFlash(int camera, int state) { Util.LogError("Flash is not supported on legacy"); }
public void SetFocusMode(int camera, int state) { Util.LogError("Focus mode is not supported on legacy"); }
public AWSRequests(string fileName) { UploadFileName = fileName; DownloadFileName = fileName; util = new Utilities.Utilities(); }
public S3FileDelivery(string filePath, string folderName) { UploadFileName = filePath; FolderName = folderName; util = new Utilities.Utilities(); }
public S3FileDelivery() { util = new Utilities.Utilities(); }
public S3FileDelivery(string filePath) { UploadFileName = filePath; DownloadFileName = filePath; util = new Utilities.Utilities(); }
public void SetExposure(int camera, float bias) { Util.LogError("Exposure is not supported on legacy"); }
public void SetPhotoResolution(int camera, int width, int height) { Util.LogError("Photo resolution is not supported on legacy"); }
public void SetExposureMode(int camera, int state) { Util.LogError("Exposure mode is not supported on legacy"); }
public GamesController(AppSettings appSettings, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor) { _appSettings = appSettings; _httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor; _utilities = new Utilities.Utilities(appSettings, httpContextAccessor); }
public void SetFocus(int camera, float x, float y) { Util.LogError("Focus is not supported on legacy"); }