コード例 #1
    protected void CreateAccountSubmit_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //check for competitors
        Hashtable State = (Hashtable)HttpRuntime.Cache[Session.SessionID];
        string address = EmailTextBox.Text.ToLower();
        string bad_domains = Server.MapPath(".") + @"\App_Data\BadDomains.txt";
        string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(bad_domains);
        foreach(string line in lines)
            if (address.EndsWith(line))
                MessageLabel.Text = "An email has been sent to you to complete your registration. Please follow the directions in the email.";

        Util util = new Util();
        DB db = new DB();

        Label Error = new Label();
        StringBuilder err = new StringBuilder();
        string username = UsernameBox.Text.Trim().ToLower();
        if (!Check.ValidateUsername(Error, username))
            err.Append(Error.Text.Clone() + "<BR>");
            string query = "SELECT username FROM customers WHERE username='******'";
            string prev_username = db.ViziAppsExecuteScalar(State,query);
            if (username == prev_username)
               /* query = "SELECT password FROM customers WHERE username='******'";
                string password = db.ViziAppsExecuteScalar(State, query);
                if(password != PasswordTextBox.Text)*/
                     err.Append("The " + username + " account already exists.<BR>");
            if (address.Length> 0 && address.ToLower() != "*****@*****.**") //for every email not for testing
                query = "SELECT email FROM customers WHERE email='" + address + "'";
                string email = db.ViziAppsExecuteScalar(State, query);
                if (email == this.EmailTextBox.Text)
                    err.Append("An account already exists with the same email.<BR>");
        if (!Check.ValidatePassword(Error, PasswordTextBox.Text))
            err.Append("Enter Password: "******"<BR>");
        if (!Check.ValidateEmail(Error, EmailTextBox.Text))
            err.Append(Error.Text.Clone() + "<BR>");
        if (PasswordTextBox.Text != ConfirmPasswordBox.Text)
            err.Append("The password and confirming password do not match. Try again.<BR>");
        if (!Check.ValidateName(Error,FirstNameTextBox.Text))
            err.Append("Enter First Name: " + Error.Text.Clone() + "<BR>");
        if (!Check.ValidateName(Error, LastNameTextBox.Text))
            err.Append("Enter Last Name: " + Error.Text.Clone() + "<BR>");

        string phone = PhoneTextBox.Text.Trim ();
        if (PhoneTextBox.Text.Length > 0) //optional field
            if (!Check.ValidatePhone(Error, PhoneTextBox.Text))
                err.Append("Enter a valid phone number: " + Error.Text.Clone() + "<BR>");
        if (err.Length > 0)
            MessageLabel.Text = "The following input(s) are required:<BR>" + err.ToString();

            string account_type = "type=viziapps;"; //set default for now
            string security_question = "";
            string security_answer = "";

            string customer_id = util.CreateMobiFlexAccount(State, username, PasswordTextBox.Text.Trim(), security_question, security_answer, FirstNameTextBox.Text.Trim(), LastNameTextBox.Text.Trim(),
                    EmailTextBox.Text.ToLower().Trim(), phone, account_type, ReferralSourceList.SelectedValue,AppToBuild.Text, "inactive");

            string email_template_path = Server.MapPath(".") + @"\templates\EmailValidation.txt";
            string url =   HttpRuntime.Cache["PublicViziAppsUrl"].ToString() + "/ValidateEmail.aspx?id=" + customer_id;
            string from =   HttpRuntime.Cache["TechSupportEmail"].ToString();
            string body = File.ReadAllText(email_template_path)
                    .Replace("[NAME]", FirstNameTextBox.Text.Trim())

            Email email = new Email();
            string status = email.SendEmail(State, from, EmailTextBox.Text, "", "", "ViziApps Registration", body, "",true);
            if (status.IndexOf("OK") >= 0)
                MessageLabel.Text = "An email has been sent to you to complete your registration. Please follow the directions in the email.";
                MessageLabel.Text = status;
                //problem with email : delete account
                string sql = "DELETE FROM customers WHERE username='******'";
                db.ViziAppsExecuteNonQuery(State, sql);
        catch (Exception ex)
            util.LogError(State, ex);
            MessageLabel.Text = ex.Message + ": " + ex.StackTrace;