private void OnWorkshopAssetLoaded(SoundEffect sfx, Util.Maybe <string> result) { if (result.IsEmpty()) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Failed to load SFX {0} ({1}) from steam workshop {2}: {3}",,, sfx.content.steamWorkshopId, result.GetErrorMessage() ?? "(no error message)"); // TODO: Retry? Warn user? return; } string directory = result.Value; string wavFilePath = Path.Combine(directory, "audio.wav"); string oggFilePath = Path.Combine(directory, "audio.ogg"); if (File.Exists(wavFilePath)) { StartCoroutine(LoadAudioClip(sfx, wavFilePath, AudioType.WAV)); } else if (File.Exists(oggFilePath)) { StartCoroutine(LoadAudioClip(sfx, oggFilePath, AudioType.OGGVORBIS)); } else { Debug.LogError($"Could not find WAV or OGG file inside {directory}"); } }
public Util.Maybe <TReturn> CallBehaviorUseMethod <TArgs, TReturn>(string useId, string actorId, string methodName, TArgs args) { using (Util.Profile("CallBehaviorUseMethod")) { var request = new CallBehaviorUseMethodRequest <TArgs> { actorId = actorId, useId = useId, methodName = methodName, args = args }; Util.Maybe <CallBehaviorUseMethodResponse <TReturn> > response = voosEngine.CommunicateWithAgent <CallBehaviorUseMethodRequest <TArgs>, CallBehaviorUseMethodResponse <TReturn> >(request); if (response.IsEmpty()) { return(Util.Maybe <TReturn> .CreateEmpty()); } else { return(Util.Maybe <TReturn> .CreateWith(response.Get().returnValue)); } } }
void GetWorkshopHandler(Util.Maybe <WorkshopItem> maybeItem, System.Action <Util.Maybe <string> > onComplete, System.Action <float> onProgress, System.Action <WorkshopItem> handleItem) { if (maybeItem.IsEmpty()) { onComplete(Util.Maybe <string> .CreateError(maybeItem.GetErrorMessage())); } else { var item = maybeItem.Value; if (!item.IsInstalled) { // The only way we know how to install something is to subscribe to it.. SteamWorkshopMain.Instance.Subscribe(item, args => { handleItem?.Invoke(item); StartCoroutine(DownloadRoutine(item, onComplete, onProgress)); }); } else { Debug.Assert(item.InstalledLocalFolder != null, $"Workshop item was IsInstalled but LocalFolder was null?"); onComplete(Util.Maybe <string> .CreateWith(maybeItem.Value.InstalledLocalFolder)); } } }
private void FetchCardStatus() { lastCardStatus = new RuntimeCardStatus(); if (IsAssignmentValid()) { Util.Maybe <RuntimeCardStatus> maybeStatus = this.assignment.GetAssignedBehavior(). CallScriptFunction <int, RuntimeCardStatus>("getCardStatus", 0); if (!maybeStatus.IsEmpty()) { lastCardStatus = maybeStatus.Get(); } } else { lastCardStatus = new RuntimeCardStatus(); } // Fill in with defaults for nulls or empty strings: lastCardStatus.title = string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastCardStatus.title) ? card.GetTitle() : lastCardStatus.title; lastCardStatus.description = string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastCardStatus.description) ? card.GetDescription() : lastCardStatus.description; lastCardStatus.debugText = string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastCardStatus.debugText) ? "(No debug text)" : lastCardStatus.debugText; // For the error message, if there is a legacy getCardErrorMessage function in the card, use it: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastCardStatus.errorMessage)) { lastCardStatus.errorMessage = GetCardErrorMessage_LEGACY() ?? ""; } }
private void OnFinishSelectionForWorkshop(IEnumerable <string> result, Util.Maybe <ulong> workshopId) { if (result.Count() == 0) { return; } uploadDialog.Open(result, workshopId); }
public void Open(IEnumerable <string> pack, Util.Maybe <ulong> workshopId) { Open(workshopId); this.pack = pack; if (!workshopId.IsEmpty()) { BehaviorSystem.SavedCardPack existingPack = behaviorSystem.GetCardPack(workshopId.Get()); nameField.text = existingPack.workshopName; descField.text = existingPack.workshopDesc; } }
void OnUploadComplete(string name, Util.Maybe <ulong> maybeId, string id) { if (maybeId.IsEmpty()) { popups.Show("Error uploading file to Steam Workshop:\n" + maybeId.GetErrorMessage(), "OK", () => { }); DestroyImportFeedback(id); return; } terrainManager.AddCustomStyle(maybeId.Value, () => DestroyImportFeedback(id)); }
protected void Open(Util.Maybe <ulong> workshopId) { this.workshopId = workshopId; nameField.text = ""; descField.text = ""; nameRequiredText.gameObject.SetActive(false); descRequiredText.gameObject.SetActive(false); finishedMessage.gameObject.SetActive(false); visitButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); uploadButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); gameObject.SetActive(true); }
void OnWorkshopUploadComplete(Util.Maybe <ulong> result) { pleaseWait.SetActive(false); if (result.IsEmpty()) { // Error. popups.Show("Failed to upload image to Steam Workshop. " + result.GetErrorMessage(), "OK", () => { }); return; } popups.Show("Image uploaded successfully.", "OK", () => { }); LoadPreviewImage("sw:" + result.Get()); ulong steamWorkshopId = result.Get(); // Import image into the Image System and get its ID. currentImageId = imageSystem.ImportImageFromUrl("sw:" + steamWorkshopId); }
private void OnUploadComplete(string name, string desc, Util.Maybe <ulong> result) { uploadProgressGetter = null; if (result.GetErrorMessage() != null) { finishedMessage.text = result.GetErrorMessage(); } else { string url = $"{result.Get()}"; finishedMessage.text = "Finished uploading! (Note: takes about 15 minutes to show up for other players)"; visitButton.onClick.AddListener(() => Application.OpenURL(url)); visitButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); OnUploadSuccess(result.Get()); } }
void OnWorkshopFetchComplete(string url, Util.Maybe <string> workshopResult) { PendingRequest request; if (!pendingRequests.TryGetValue(url, out request)) { // Definitely weird, but not fatal. Debug.LogError("Fetched workshop image has no corresponding request: " + url); return; } pendingRequests.Remove(url); if (workshopResult.IsEmpty()) { // Failed. Debug.LogError("Failed to fetch image from Steam Workshop URL " + url + ". Error: " + workshopResult.GetErrorMessage()); SetColorsAndTexture(request.targetImages, Color.magenta); CallCallbacks(request.callbacks, url, false); return; } string directory = workshopResult.Get(); string pngFilePath = Path.Combine(directory, "image.png"); string jpgFilePath = Path.Combine(directory, "image.jpg"); string filePath = File.Exists(pngFilePath) ? pngFilePath : File.Exists(jpgFilePath) ? jpgFilePath : null; if (filePath == null) { Debug.LogError("Steam workshop image has no image.png or image.jpg in it: " + url); SetColorsAndTexture(request.targetImages, Color.yellow); CallCallbacks(request.callbacks, url, false); return; } Texture2D tex = Util.ReadPngToTexture(filePath); if (tex == null) { Debug.LogError("Failed to convert steam workshop image to texture: " + url); SetColorsAndTexture(request.targetImages,; CallCallbacks(request.callbacks, url, false); return; } loadedTextures[url] = tex; SetColorsAndTexture(request.targetImages, Color.white, tex); CallCallbacks(request.callbacks, url, true); }
void OnSoundUploadComplete(string name, Util.Maybe <ulong> result, string id) { Util.Tuple <ProgressItemUI, WorkshopAssetSource.GetUploadProgress> tuple = importingListItems[id]; importingListItems.Remove(id); Destroy(tuple.first.gameObject); if (result.IsEmpty()) { popups.Show("Error uploading sound to Steam Workshop:\n" + result.GetErrorMessage(), "OK", () => { }); return; } SoundEffect soundEffect = new SoundEffect( id, name, SoundEffectContent.NewWithSteamWorkshopId(result.Value)); soundEffectSystem.PutSoundEffect(soundEffect); // TODO: maybe immediately open the just-created sound effect? }
public void Open(ActorPrefab actorPrefab, Util.Maybe <ulong> workshopId) { Open(workshopId); SceneActorLibrary.SavedActorPacks actorPacks = sceneActorLibrary.GetActorPacks(); this.actorPrefab = actorPrefab; thumbnailImage.texture = actorPrefab.GetThumbnail(); if (!workshopId.IsEmpty()) { SceneActorLibrary.SavedActorPack existingPack = sceneActorLibrary.GetActorPack(workshopId.Get()); nameField.text = existingPack.workshopName; descField.text = existingPack.workshopDesc; } else { nameField.text = actorPrefab.GetLabel(); descField.text = actorPrefab.GetDescription(); } }
public string GetBehaviorPropertiesJson(string behaviorUri) { var request = new GetBehaviorPropertiesRequest(); request.behaviorUri = behaviorUri; if (!SyncBehaviorIfNeeded(behaviorUri)) { Util.LogError($"GetBehaviorPropertiesJson failed for {behaviorUri} because it did not compile."); return(null); } Util.Maybe <GetBehaviorPropertiesResponse> response = voosEngine.CommunicateWithAgent <GetBehaviorPropertiesRequest, GetBehaviorPropertiesResponse>(request); if (response.IsEmpty()) { Util.LogError($"GetBehaviorPropertiesJson failed for behavior URI {behaviorUri}"); return(null); } else { return(response.Get().propsJson); } }
// This syncs everything except the behavior sources void SyncDatabase() { if (currentBatchName != null) { // Wait for end of batch before sync'ing. return; } using (Util.Profile("SyncDatabase")) { UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest(); request.jsonObject = db.Save(); Util.Maybe <UpdateResponse> maybeResponse = voosEngine.CommunicateWithAgent <UpdateRequest, UpdateResponse>(request); if (maybeResponse.IsEmpty()) { throw new System.Exception("Failed to sync behavior database. Cannot proceed."); } brainIdsHandlingCollisions.Clear(); brainIdsHandlingCollisions.AddRange(maybeResponse.Value.brainsHandlingCollisions); onBrainsHandlingCollisionsChanged?.Invoke(); } }
void StartSelection(System.Action <IEnumerable <string> > selectionFinishedCallback, Util.Maybe <ulong> workshopId) { BehaviorSystem.SavedCardPack pack = null; if (!workshopId.IsEmpty()) { pack = behaviorSystem.GetCardPack(workshopId.Get()); } this.selection = new Selection(selectionFinishedCallback); cardLibraryUI.selectionModePrompt.SetActive(true); foreach (GameObject containerObj in cardContainerObjects) { StartSelectionForContainerObj(containerObj, pack); } }