private void ResetForm(bool IsNew, bool lstEnabled, bool txtClear, bool btnNewUserEnabled, bool btnDeleteEnabled, bool focusList) { lst_users.Enabled = lstEnabled; if (txtClear) { txt_name.ClearAndFocus(); txt_login_name.Clear(); txt_name.Clear(); txt_nic.Clear(); txt_password.Clear(); txt_retype_pwd.Clear(); } SelectedID = 0; btn_create.Enabled = btnNewUserEnabled; btn_delete.Enabled = btnDeleteEnabled; IsNewRecord = IsNew; if (focusList) { lst_users_SelectedIndexChanged(this, new EventArgs()); } UserWithPasswordValidation.Reset(this); UserValidation.Reset(this); }
private void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!IsNewRecord && !hasAccessUpdate) { ApplicationUtilities.ShowMessage(UniversalEnum.MessageTypes.Error, "You have no save rights.", "Access Denied"); return; } using (DataTable Table = new BL_User().selectUsage(new ML_User { Key = (SelectedID == 0 ? null : (int?)SelectedID), LoginId = txt_login_name.Text })) { if (IsNewRecord) { //New record - insert if (UserWithPasswordValidation.Validate() && UserValidation.Validate()) { if (Table.Rows.Count < 1) { new BL_User().insert(new ML_User() { LoginId = txt_login_name.Text.Trim(), Name = txt_name.Text.Trim(), NIC = txt_nic.Text.Trim(), Password = (txt_password.IsEmpty() ? null : txt_password.Text), UserAccessTypeKey = (int)cbo_user_access_type.EditValue, UserKey = UniversalVariables.UserKey, UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now.GetFormattedDateString(UniversalVariables.MySQLDateFormat) }); LastUser = txt_name.Text; BindUser(); ResetForm(false, true, true, hasAccessInsert, hasAccessDelete, true); SetPrevious(); } else { ApplicationUtilities.ShowMessage(UniversalEnum.MessageTypes.Error, "The entered user login name is already in the database. Please re-check!", "Error"); } } else { ApplicationUtilities.ShowMessage(UniversalEnum.MessageTypes.Exclamation, "None of the values can be null / invalid. Please re-check!", "Error!"); } } else { //Update if (UserValidation.Validate() && SelectedID > 0) { if (Table.Rows.Count <= 1) { bool IsPasswordReset; if (txt_password.IsNotEmpty()) { IsPasswordReset = UserWithPasswordValidation.Validate(); if (!IsPasswordReset) { return; } } else { IsPasswordReset = false; } new BL_User().update(new ML_User { LoginId = txt_login_name.Text.Trim(), Name = txt_name.Text.Trim(), NIC = txt_nic.Text.Trim(), UserAccessTypeKey = Convert.ToInt32(cbo_user_access_type.EditValue), UserKey = UniversalVariables.UserKey, Key = SelectedID, Password = IsPasswordReset ? (txt_password.IsEmpty() ? null : txt_password.Text) : null, UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now.GetFormattedDateString(UniversalVariables.MySQLDateFormat) }); LastUser = txt_name.Text.Trim(); BindUser(); ResetForm(false, true, true, hasAccessInsert, hasAccessDelete, true); SetPrevious(); } else { ApplicationUtilities.ShowMessage(UniversalEnum.MessageTypes.Error, "The entered user login name is already in the database. Please re-check!", "Error"); } } else { ApplicationUtilities.ShowMessage(UniversalEnum.MessageTypes.Error, "None of the values can be null / invalid. Please re-check!", "Error"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AuditFactory.AuditLog(ex); ApplicationUtilities.ShowMessage(UniversalEnum.MessageTypes.Error, ex.Message); } }
private void ManageUsers_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserWithPasswordValidation.SetValidationRule(txt_password, new CustomPasswordValidationRule()); FormDirty = false; }