コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Index()
            var users   = new List <UserInfo>();
            var userIds = _db.Verifications.Select(x => x.UserId).Distinct().ToList();

            for (var i = 0; i < userIds.Count(); i++)
                var userInfo = new UserInfo {
                    UserId = userIds[i]
                userInfo.VerifiedCount   = _db.Verifications.Count(x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId && x.QuestionnaireId == 1 && x.ItemVerified);
                userInfo.UnverifiedCount = _db.Verifications.Count(x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId && x.QuestionnaireId == 1 && x.ItemVerified == false);

                userInfo.Editable = !_db.Verifications.Any(
                    x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId && x.QuestionnaireId == 1 && x.Editable == false);

                var firstOrDefault = _udb.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userInfo.UserId.ToString());
                if (firstOrDefault != null)
                    userInfo.UserName = firstOrDefault.UserName;
                var responses = _db.Responses.Where(x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId && x.QCategoryName.ToUpper().Contains("PERSONAL"));

                var orDefault = responses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.QuestionText.ToUpper().Contains("FIRST"));
                if (orDefault != null)
                    userInfo.FirstName = orDefault.ResponseItem;
                var response = responses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.QuestionText.ToUpper().Contains("LAST"));
                if (response != null)
                    userInfo.LastName = response.ResponseItem;


            var usersVerified   = users.Where(x => x.UnverifiedCount == 0);
            var usersUnverified = users.Where(x => x.UnverifiedCount != 0);

            var userVerifications = new UserVerifications();

            userVerifications.UsersVerified   = usersVerified.ToList();
            userVerifications.UsersUnverified = usersUnverified.ToList();

コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Index(RegisterExternalLoginModel mReg, string Command, int id = 0)
            if (Command == "MonthlyReport")
                // get all user responses
                var responses = _db.Responses
                                .Where(w => w.QuestionnaireId == 1)
                                .Select(r => new
                    userId           = r.UserId,
                    questionText     = r.QuestionText,
                    questionResponse = r.ResponseItem

                // get all user final levels
                var finalLevels = _db.UserLevels
                                  .Select(s => new
                    userId             = s.UserId,
                    finalStepLevel     = s.FinalStepLevel,
                    finalStepLevelDate = s.FinalStepLevelDate

                // get distinct user ids
                var distinctIds = responses.Select(s => s.userId).Distinct();

                // create spreadsheet, add worksheet, name columns
                ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage();
                var          ws1 = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Users");
                ws1.Cells[1, 1].Value  = "First Name";
                ws1.Cells[1, 2].Value  = "Last Name";
                ws1.Cells[1, 3].Value  = "EMail";
                ws1.Cells[1, 4].Value  = "Home Address";
                ws1.Cells[1, 5].Value  = "City";
                ws1.Cells[1, 6].Value  = "State";
                ws1.Cells[1, 7].Value  = "Zip";
                ws1.Cells[1, 8].Value  = "Highest Edu";
                ws1.Cells[1, 9].Value  = "EC Provider";
                ws1.Cells[1, 10].Value = "T/TA Provider";
                ws1.Cells[1, 11].Value = "Credentials";
                ws1.Cells[1, 12].Value = "Verified";
                ws1.Cells[1, 13].Value = "Final Level";

                // set spreadsheet start row
                var XLStartRow = 2;

                // set column list
                var columnList = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>();
                columnList.Add("First Name");
                columnList.Add("Last Name");
                columnList.Add("Home Address");
                columnList.Add("Highest Level of Education");
                columnList.Add("Career Pathways");
                columnList.Add("TA Provider");

                // for each user create a row in spreadsheet
                foreach (var d_id in distinctIds)
                    // fill first n columns of spreadsheet
                    for (int col = 0; col < columnList.Count; col++)
                        var temp = columnList[col];
                        if (responses.Any(x => x.userId == d_id && x.questionText.ToLower().Contains(columnList[col].ToString().ToLower())))
                            ws1.Cells[XLStartRow, col + 1].Value = responses.Where(x => x.userId == d_id && x.questionText.ToLower().Contains(columnList[col].ToString().ToLower())).FirstOrDefault().questionResponse;
                            ws1.Cells[XLStartRow, col + 1].Value = "NA";
                    XLStartRow = XLStartRow + 1;

                    // fill credentials column of spreadsheet
                    var credentialList = "";
                    if (responses.Any(a => a.userId == d_id && a.questionText.ToLower().Contains("credential") && a.questionText.ToLower().Contains("type")))
                        var credentials = responses.Where(c => c.userId == d_id && c.questionText.ToLower().Contains("credential") && c.questionText.ToLower().Contains("type"));
                        foreach (var c in credentials)
                            credentialList += c.questionResponse + ",";
                        // eliminate final comma
                        if (credentialList.Length > 1)
                            credentialList = credentialList.Substring(0, credentialList.Length - 1);
                    ws1.Cells[XLStartRow, 11].Value = credentialList;

                    // fill "verified" and "final level" columns of spreadsheet
                    if (finalLevels.Any(x => x.userId == d_id))
                        ws1.Cells[XLStartRow, 12].Value = "Yes";
                        ws1.Cells[XLStartRow, 13].Value = finalLevels.Where(x => x.userId == d_id).FirstOrDefault().finalStepLevel;
                        ws1.Cells[XLStartRow, 12].Value = "No";

                // download spreadsheet
                var stream = new MemoryStream();
                string fileName    = "Monthly_Report.xlsx";
                string contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
                stream.Position = 0;
                return(File(stream, contentType, fileName));

            if (Command == "ExportAllData")
                var responses = _db.Responses
                                .Select(r => new
                    userId           = r.UserId,
                    qCategoryId      = r.QCategoryId,
                    qCategoryName    = r.QCategoryName,
                    questionText     = r.QuestionText,
                    questionResponse = r.ResponseItem

                var userLevels = _db.UserLevels
                                 .Select(r => new
                    userId         = r.UserId,
                    finalStepLevel = r.FinalStepLevel

                var verifications = _db.Verifications
                                    .Select(r => new
                    userId        = r.UserId,
                    itemInfo      = r.ItemInfo,
                    itemStepLevel = r.ItemStepLevel,
                    itemverified  = r.ItemVerified

                ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage();

                var ws1 = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Responses");
                ws1.Cells[1, 1].Value = "UserId";
                ws1.Cells[1, 2].Value = "QCategoryId";
                ws1.Cells[1, 3].Value = "QCategoryName";
                ws1.Cells[1, 4].Value = "QuestionText";
                ws1.Cells[1, 5].Value = "QuestionResponse";
                for (int x = 0; x < responses.Count; x++)
                    ws1.Cells[x + 2, 1].Value = responses[x].userId;
                    ws1.Cells[x + 2, 2].Value = responses[x].qCategoryId;
                    ws1.Cells[x + 2, 3].Value = responses[x].qCategoryName;
                    ws1.Cells[x + 2, 4].Value = responses[x].questionText;
                    ws1.Cells[x + 2, 5].Value = responses[x].questionResponse;

                var ws2 = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("UserLevels");
                ws2.Cells[1, 1].Value = "UserId";
                ws2.Cells[1, 2].Value = "FinalStepLevel";
                for (int x = 0; x < userLevels.Count; x++)
                    ws2.Cells[x + 2, 1].Value = userLevels[x].userId;
                    ws2.Cells[x + 2, 2].Value = userLevels[x].finalStepLevel;

                var ws3 = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Verifications");
                ws3.Cells[1, 1].Value = "UserId";
                ws3.Cells[1, 2].Value = "ItemInfo";
                ws3.Cells[1, 3].Value = "ItemStepLevel";
                ws3.Cells[1, 4].Value = "ItemVerified";
                for (int x = 0; x < verifications.Count; x++)
                    ws3.Cells[x + 2, 1].Value = verifications[x].userId;
                    ws3.Cells[x + 2, 2].Value = verifications[x].itemInfo;
                    ws3.Cells[x + 2, 3].Value = verifications[x].itemStepLevel;
                    ws3.Cells[x + 2, 4].Value = verifications[x].itemverified;

                var stream = new MemoryStream();

                string fileName    = "myfilename.xlsx";
                string contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";

                stream.Position = 0;
                return(File(stream, contentType, fileName));

            if (Command == "VerificationsReport")
                var users   = new List <UserInfo>();
                var userIds = _db.Verifications.Select(x => x.UserId).Distinct().ToList();
                for (var i = 0; i < userIds.Count(); i++)
                    var userInfo = new UserInfo {
                        UserId = userIds[i]
                    userInfo.VerifiedCount   = _db.Verifications.Count(x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId && x.QuestionnaireId == 1 && x.ItemVerified);
                    userInfo.UnverifiedCount = _db.Verifications.Count(x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId && x.QuestionnaireId == 1 && x.ItemVerified == false);

                    userInfo.Editable = !_db.Verifications.Any(
                        x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId && x.QuestionnaireId == 1 && x.Editable == false);

                    var firstOrDefault = _udb.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId);
                    if (firstOrDefault != null)
                        userInfo.UserName = firstOrDefault.UserName;
                    var responses = _db.Responses.Where(x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId && x.QCategoryName.ToUpper().Contains("PERSONAL"));

                    var orDefault = responses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.QuestionText.ToUpper().Contains("FIRST NAME"));
                    if (orDefault != null)
                        userInfo.FirstName = orDefault.ResponseItem;
                    var response = responses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.QuestionText.ToUpper().Contains("LAST NAME"));
                    if (response != null)
                        userInfo.LastName = response.ResponseItem;


                var usersVerified   = users.Where(x => x.UnverifiedCount == 0);
                var usersUnverified = users.Where(x => x.UnverifiedCount != 0);

                var userVerifications = new UserVerifications();
                userVerifications.UsersVerified   = usersVerified.ToList();
                userVerifications.UsersUnverified = usersUnverified.ToList();

                var tableHtml = "<html><head></head><body><table>";
                tableHtml += "<tr><td colspan=4><h1>User Verification Status</h1></td></tr>";
                tableHtml += "<tr><td colspan=4><h2>Unverified Users</h2></td></tr>";
                tableHtml += "<tr><th>First Name</th><th>Last Name</th><th>Username</th><th>Status</th></tr>";
                foreach (var user in usersUnverified)
                    tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.FirstName + "</td>";
                    tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.LastName + "</td>";
                    tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.UserName + "</td>";
                    tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.VerifiedCount + "/" + user.UnverifiedCount + "</td>";
                tableHtml += "<tr><td colspan=4><h2>Verified Users</h2></td></tr>";
                tableHtml += "<tr><th>First Name</th><th>Last Name</th><th>Username</th><th>Status</th></tr>";
                foreach (var user in usersVerified)
                    tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.FirstName + "</td>";
                    tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.LastName + "</td>";
                    tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.UserName + "</td>";
                    tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.VerifiedCount + "/" + user.UnverifiedCount + "</td>";
                tableHtml += "</table></body></html>";

                tableToPdf(this, new EventArgs(), tableHtml);

コード例 #3
        public ActionResult Index(RegisterExternalLoginModel mReg, string Command, int id = 0)
            var users   = new List <UserInfo>();
            var userIds = _db.Verifications.Select(x => x.UserId).Distinct().ToList();

            for (var i = 0; i < userIds.Count(); i++)
                var userInfo = new UserInfo {
                    UserId = userIds[i]
                userInfo.VerifiedCount   = _db.Verifications.Count(x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId && x.QuestionnaireId == 1 && x.ItemVerified);
                userInfo.UnverifiedCount = _db.Verifications.Count(x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId && x.QuestionnaireId == 1 && x.ItemVerified == false);

                userInfo.Editable = !_db.Verifications.Any(
                    x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId && x.QuestionnaireId == 1 && x.Editable == false);

                var firstOrDefault = _udb.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId);
                if (firstOrDefault != null)
                    userInfo.UserName = firstOrDefault.UserName;
                var responses = _db.Responses.Where(x => x.UserId == userInfo.UserId && x.QCategoryName.ToUpper().Contains("PERSONAL"));

                var orDefault = responses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.QuestionText.ToUpper().Contains("FIRST NAME"));
                if (orDefault != null)
                    userInfo.FirstName = orDefault.ResponseItem;
                var response = responses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.QuestionText.ToUpper().Contains("LAST NAME"));
                if (response != null)
                    userInfo.LastName = response.ResponseItem;


            var usersVerified   = users.Where(x => x.UnverifiedCount == 0);
            var usersUnverified = users.Where(x => x.UnverifiedCount != 0);

            var userVerifications = new UserVerifications();

            userVerifications.UsersVerified   = usersVerified.ToList();
            userVerifications.UsersUnverified = usersUnverified.ToList();

            var tableHtml = "<html><head></head><body><table>";

            tableHtml += "<tr><td colspan=4><h1>User Verification Status</h1></td></tr>";
            tableHtml += "<tr><td colspan=4><h2>Unverified Users</h2></td></tr>";
            tableHtml += "<tr><th>First Name</th><th>Last Name</th><th>Username</th><th>Status</th></tr>";
            foreach (var user in usersUnverified)
                tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.FirstName + "</td>";
                tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.LastName + "</td>";
                tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.UserName + "</td>";
                tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.VerifiedCount + "/" + user.UnverifiedCount + "</td>";
            tableHtml += "<tr><td colspan=4><h2>Verified Users</h2></td></tr>";
            tableHtml += "<tr><th>First Name</th><th>Last Name</th><th>Username</th><th>Status</th></tr>";
            foreach (var user in usersVerified)
                tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.FirstName + "</td>";
                tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.LastName + "</td>";
                tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.UserName + "</td>";
                tableHtml += "<tr><td>" + user.VerifiedCount + "/" + user.UnverifiedCount + "</td>";
            tableHtml += "</table></body></html>";

            tableToPdf(this, new EventArgs(), tableHtml);