public ActionResult Index() { PublicUserModel loginUser = this.GetLoginUser(); UserTaskStat stat = userTaskBll.Get_UserTask_Stat(loginUser.UserID); ViewBag.UserName = loginUser.Name; ViewBag.Portrait = loginUser.Portrait; return(View(stat)); }
public UserTaskStat Get_UserTask_Stat(int userId) { DbCommand cmd = GetStoredProcCommand("P_UserTask_Stat"); AddInParameter(cmd, "@userId", DbType.Int32, userId); DataSet ds = ExecuteDataSet(cmd); UserTaskStat userTaskStat = new UserTaskStat(); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { userTaskStat.CompleteCount = To <int>(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0], "CompleteCount"); userTaskStat.PointsCount = To <int>(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0], "PointsCount"); userTaskStat.UserPoints = To <int>(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0], "UserPoints"); } return(userTaskStat); }
public ApiResponse GetTask(int type = 0) { int userId = GetCurrentUserId(); List <UserTaskModel> taskList = new List <UserTaskModel>(); if (type == 0) //未完成 { taskList = userTaskLog.GetNoCompleteTask(userId); } else if (type == 1) //已完成 { taskList = userTaskLog.GetCompleteTask(userId); } UserTaskStat stat = userTaskLog.Get_UserTask_Stat(userId); var result = new { stat.PointsCount, stat.UserPoints, stat.CompleteCount, TaskList = taskList.IsNoNull() ? taskList.Where(o => o.AppUrl != null && o.AppUrl != "").Select(p => new { p.TaskId, p.TaskName, p.TaskDescription, p.Points, TaskType = p.Type, CurNum = p.TaskStatus > 0 ? 1 : 0, MaxNum = 1, p.AppUrl }) : null }; return(new ApiResponse(Metas.SUCCESS, result)); }