public static UserSkillModel ToModel(this UserSkill userSkill, IMediaService mediaService, MediaSettings mediaSettings, IWorkContext workContext, IStoreContext storeContext, ICustomerService customerService, ICustomerProfileViewService customerProfileViewService, ICustomerProfileService customerProfileService, IPictureService pictureService, UrlHelper url, IWebHelper webHelper, bool onlySkillData = false, bool firstMediaOnly = false, bool withNextAndPreviousMedia = false, bool withSocialInfo = false) { var entityMedias = mediaService.GetEntityMedia <UserSkill>(userSkill.Id, null, count: int.MaxValue).ToList(); var customer = onlySkillData ? null : customerService.GetCustomerById(userSkill.UserId); var model = new UserSkillModel() { DisplayOrder = userSkill.Skill.DisplayOrder, SkillName = userSkill.Skill.Name, UserSkillId = userSkill.Id, Id = userSkill.SkillId, User = onlySkillData ? null : customer.ToPublicModel(workContext, customerProfileViewService, customerProfileService, pictureService, mediaSettings, url), Media = entityMedias.Take(firstMediaOnly ? 1 : 15) .ToList() .Select( x => x.ToModel <UserSkill>(userSkill.Id, mediaService, mediaSettings, workContext, storeContext, customerService, customerProfileService, customerProfileViewService, pictureService, url, webHelper)) .ToList(), TotalMediaCount = entityMedias.Count, TotalPictureCount = entityMedias.Count(x => x.MediaType == MediaType.Image), TotalVideoCount = entityMedias.Count(x => x.MediaType == MediaType.Video), ExternalUrl = userSkill.ExternalUrl, Description = userSkill.Description, SeName = userSkill.Skill.GetSeName(workContext.WorkingLanguage.Id, true, false) }; return(model); }
public void AddUserSkill(Category skill, Server.Model.User.User user) { try { if (skill.Id == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(skill.Code)) { if (Exists(skill, it => it.Code.Equals(skill.Code))) { skill = Db.Set <Category>().Single(it => it.Code.Equals(skill.Code)); } else { Db.Set <Category>().Add(skill); } } var userSkill = new UserSkill { UserId = user.Id, SkillId = skill.Id }; Db.Set <UserSkill>().Add(userSkill); Db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogEventManager.Logger.Error(ex.Message, ex); throw; } }
private void SliderUserSkill_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double> e) { //Code for the slider Slider s = (Slider)sender; string userSkill; switch (e.NewValue) { case double d when(e.NewValue >= 0 && e.NewValue <= 1): { s.Value = 1.0; userSkill = "Beginner"; s.ToolTip = userSkill; this.lblUserSkill.Content = $"How would you describe your knowledge of computers? {userSkill}"; this.Skill = UserSkill.Beginner; break; } case double d when(e.NewValue > 1 && e.NewValue <= 2): { s.Value = 2.0; userSkill = "Advanced"; s.ToolTip = userSkill; this.lblUserSkill.Content = $"How would you describe your knowledge of computers? {userSkill}"; this.Skill = UserSkill.Advanced; break; } } }
public static UserSkillModel ToModel(this UserSkill userSkill, IMediaService mediaService, MediaSettings mediaSettings, GeneralSettings generalSettings, bool onlySkillData = false, bool firstMediaOnly = false, bool withNextAndPreviousMedia = false, bool withSocialInfo = false) { var entityMedias = mediaService.GetEntityMedia <UserSkill>(userSkill.Id, null, count: int.MaxValue).ToList(); var model = new UserSkillModel() { DisplayOrder = userSkill.Skill.DisplayOrder, Name = userSkill.Skill.Name, UserSkillId = userSkill.Id, Id = userSkill.SkillId, User = onlySkillData ? null : userSkill.User.ToModel(mediaService, mediaSettings), Media = entityMedias.Take(firstMediaOnly ? 1 : 15) .ToList() .Select( x => x.ToModel <UserSkill>(userSkill.Id, mediaService, mediaSettings, generalSettings, withNextAndPreviousMedia: withNextAndPreviousMedia, withSocialInfo: withSocialInfo, avoidMediaTypeForNextAndPreviousMedia: true)) .ToList(), TotalMediaCount = entityMedias.Count, TotalPictureCount = entityMedias.Count(x => x.MediaType == MediaType.Image), TotalVideoCount = entityMedias.Count(x => x.MediaType == MediaType.Video), ExternalUrl = userSkill.ExternalUrl, Description = userSkill.Description, SeName = userSkill.Skill.GetPermalink().ToString() }; return(model); }
public ActionResult updateSkills(int userID, string SkillsTitle, string yearExp, string monthExp) { try { UserProjectdetailsEntity sessId = new UserProjectdetailsEntity(); // int userID = sessId.User_ID; string yearMonth = yearExp + "." + monthExp; EvolutyzCornerDataEntities evolutyzData = new EvolutyzCornerDataEntities(); UserSkill skills = evolutyzData.UserSkills.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Usr_UserId == userID); skills.SkillId = Convert.ToInt32(SkillsTitle); skills.Experience = yearMonth; int response = evolutyzData.SaveChanges(); if (response > 0) { return(Json("Data Updated Successfully", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json("Updation Failed and Please Try Again!!", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void Seed() { var skill1 = new Skill { Id = 1, SkillName = "Java" }; var skill2 = new Skill { Id = 2, SkillName = "C#" }; this.skills = new List <Skill>() { skill1, skill2 }; var userSkill1 = new UserSkill { UserId = "1", Skill = skill1 }; var userSkill2 = new UserSkill { UserId = "1", Skill = skill2 }; this.userSkills = new List <UserSkill>() { userSkill1, userSkill2 }; }
public ActionResult DeleteSkills(int id) { try { UserProjectdetailsEntity sessId = new UserProjectdetailsEntity(); int userID = sessId.User_ID; EvolutyzCornerDataEntities evolutyzData = new EvolutyzCornerDataEntities(); UserSkill skills = evolutyzData.UserSkills.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Usr_UserId == id); if (userID == id) { evolutyzData.UserSkills.Remove(skills); evolutyzData.SaveChanges(); return(Json("Removed Successfully", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json("Deletion Failed and Please Try Again", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public ActionResult AddSkill([FromBody] AddSkillViewModel skill) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { String id = ""; String talentId = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id) ? _userAppContext.CurrentUserId : id; var addSkill = new UserSkill { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), UserId = _userAppContext.CurrentUserId, Skill = skill.Name, ExperienceLevel = skill.Level, IsDeleted = false }; var result = _userRepository.GetByIdAsync(talentId).Result; result.Skills.Add(addSkill); _userRepository.Update(result); return(Json(new { Success = true })); } return(Json(new { Success = false })); } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(new { Success = false, e.Message })); } }
public IActionResult UpdateOrCreate([FromBody] UserSkillDto userSkill) { UserSkill skillEntity = this.mapper.Map <UserSkill>(userSkill); this.service.Update(skillEntity); return(this.Ok(skillEntity)); }
public PetSkillDatabase(string folder, string language) { StreamReader reader; try { reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(folder, $"skills\\pets-skills-{language}.tsv"))); } catch { return; } while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { continue; } var values = line.Split('\t'); var petName = values[0]; var skillId = int.Parse(values[1]); var skillName = values[2]; var skill = new UserSkill(skillId, PlayerClass.Common, petName, skillName, null); if (!_petSkilldata.ContainsKey(petName)) { _petSkilldata[petName] = new List <UserSkill>(); } _petSkilldata[petName].Add(skill); } }
public AboutUserModel UserInfo(int userId) { User user = this.repository.FirstOrDefault <User>(x => x.Id == userId); if (user != null) { UserModel userModel = new UserModel(); userModel.Id = user.Id; userModel.Email = user.UserEmail; userModel.Birthdate = user.UserBirthdate; userModel.RoleId = user.RoleId; var userMaterial = this.repository.Where <CompletedUserMaterial>(x => x.Id == userId); var materials = this.repository.Join <CompletedUserMaterial, Material, int, Material>(userMaterial, x => true, cum => cum.MaterialId, m => m.Id, (cum, m) => m); var skills = this.repository.Join <Material, Skill, int, Skill>(materials, x => true, m => m.SkillId, s => s.Id, (m, s) => s).GroupBy(x => x.SkillName).Select(x => x.FirstOrDefault()).ToList(); UserSkill userSkill = this.repository.FirstOrDefault <UserSkill>(x => x.Id == userId); return(new AboutUserModel { UserModel = userModel, Skills = skills, TotalUserSkill = userSkill }); } return(null); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,UserId,SkillName,SkillDescritpion,SelfRating,Current")] UserSkill userSkill) { if (id != userSkill.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(userSkill); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!UserSkillExists(userSkill.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(userSkill)); }
public string updateSkills(string SkillsTitle, string yearExp, string monthExp, int userskillid) { try { UserProjectdetailsEntity sessId = new UserProjectdetailsEntity(); int userID = sessId.User_ID; int skillid = Convert.ToInt32(SkillsTitle); string yearMonth = yearExp + "." + monthExp; EvolutyzCornerDataEntities evolutyzData = new EvolutyzCornerDataEntities(); UserSkill skillcheck = evolutyzData.Set <UserSkill>().Where(s => (s.SkillId == skillid && s.Usr_UserId == userID && s.Is_Deleted == false && s.Usr_SkillId != userskillid)).FirstOrDefault <UserSkill>(); if (skillcheck != null) { return("Skill Already Exist"); } UserSkill skills = evolutyzData.UserSkills.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Usr_SkillId == userskillid); skills.SkillId = Convert.ToInt32(SkillsTitle); skills.Experience = yearMonth; int response = evolutyzData.SaveChanges(); if (response > 0) { return("Data Updated Successfully"); } else { return("Try Again!!"); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
private void Seed() { var projectSkill1 = new ProjectSkill { ProjectId = 1, SkillId = 1 }; var projectSkill2 = new ProjectSkill { ProjectId = 2, SkillId = 2 }; this._projectSkillRepository.Insert(projectSkill1); this._projectSkillRepository.Insert(projectSkill2); var userSkill1 = new UserSkill { UserId = "1", SkillId = 1 }; var userSkill2 = new UserSkill { UserId = "2", SkillId = 2 }; this._userSkillRepository.Insert(userSkill1); this._userSkillRepository.Insert(userSkill2); this._skillRepository.Insert(new Skill { Id = 1, SkillName = "Java", Users = new List <UserSkill> { userSkill1 } }); this._skillRepository.Insert(new Skill { Id = 2, SkillName = "C++", Projects = new List <ProjectSkill> { projectSkill1 } }); }
public ActionResult HandleRating(int eventId, int userId, int skillId, IEnumerable <RatingToSendVM> ratings) { var userToRate = Context.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId); var user = UserHelper.GetCurrentDbUser(Context); var userSkill = userToRate.UserSkills.Where(s => s.Skill.Id == skillId).FirstOrDefault(); //Adding the rating to the database. if (userSkill == null) { userSkill = new UserSkill { Skill = Context.Skills.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == skillId) }; userToRate.UserSkills.Add(userSkill); } foreach (var rating in ratings) { userSkill.Ratings.Add(new Rating { Mark = rating.Rating, RatedAt = DateTime.Now, RatedBy = user, Comment = rating.Comment, }); } Context.SaveChanges(); return(View("RateTeamMembers", new { state = "success" })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,SkillId,ApplicationUserId")] UserSkill userSkill) { if (id != userSkill.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(userSkill); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!UserSkillExists(userSkill.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } var skillsList = _context.Skills .Where(e => string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.ApplicationUserId)); ViewData["SkillId"] = new SelectList(skillsList, "Id", "Name", userSkill.SkillId); return(View(userSkill)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutUserSkill(int id, UserSkill userSkill) { if (id != userSkill.UserId) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(userSkill).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!UserSkillExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <bool> AddSkill(SkillToAddDto skillToAdd) { var skill = await _context.Skills.FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.SkillName == skillToAdd.SkillName); if (skill == null) { var newSkill = new Skill(); newSkill.SkillName = skillToAdd.SkillName; this.Add <Skill>(newSkill); await SaveAll(); skill = await _context.Skills.FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.SkillName == skillToAdd.SkillName); } var userSkill = await _context.UserSkills.FirstOrDefaultAsync(us => us.UserId == skillToAdd.UserId && us.SkillId == skill.SkillId); if (userSkill != null) { return(false); } var newUserSkill = new UserSkill(); newUserSkill.SkillId = skill.SkillId; newUserSkill.UserId = skillToAdd.UserId; newUserSkill.Score = skillToAdd.SkillScore; this.Add <UserSkill>(newUserSkill); return(await this.SaveAll()); }
public bool PostUserSkills(string UserId, int[] skills) { try { if (skills != null) { List <UserSkill> newSkills = new List <UserSkill>(); foreach (int x in skills) { var cur = new UserSkill(); cur.UserId = UserId; cur.SkillId = x; newSkills.Add(cur); } foreach (UserSkill temp in newSkills) { if (this._userSkillRepository.Insert(temp) == null) { return(false); } } if (this._userSkillRepository.Save() == 0) { return(false); } } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Failed to create a new project: " + e.Message); } }
public async Task <bool> AddNewSkill(AddSkillViewModel skill) { try { var userId = _userAppContext.CurrentUserId; User userProfile = await _userRepository.GetByIdAsync(userId); if (userProfile == null) { return(false); } var newSkill = new UserSkill { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), IsDeleted = false, UserId = userId }; UpdateSkillFromView(skill, newSkill); userProfile.Skills.Add(newSkill); await _userRepository.Update(userProfile); return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public UserSkill AddUserSkill(UserSkill userSkill) { var userSkillId = _repo.Add(this.ConvertUserSkillToListItem(userSkill), ListNames.USER_SKILLS_LIST).Id; userSkill.Id = userSkillId; return(userSkill); }
private void InitializeUserSkillRepositoryData() { UserSkill = new UserSkill { Id = 1, UserId = 1, SkillId = 1 }; UserSkills = new UserSkill[] { UserSkill, new UserSkill { Id = 2, UserId = 1, SkillId = 2 }, new UserSkill { Id = 3, UserId = 2, SkillId = 2 } }; }
public IActionResult EditKeahlian(CreateSkill model) { var getSkill = _context.skillcategorymapping.Where(m => m.IdMember == model.IdMember).ToList(); foreach (var item in getSkill) { var deleteSkill = _context.skillcategorymapping.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == item.Id); _context.skillcategorymapping.Remove(deleteSkill); _context.SaveChanges(); } var Parent = new UserSkill { IdCategory = model.ParentSkill, IdMember = model.IdMember, Status = "Parent" }; _context.skillcategorymapping.Add(Parent); _context.SaveChanges(); foreach (var item in model.ChildSkill) { var Child = new UserSkill { IdCategory = item, IdMember = model.IdMember, Status = "Child" }; _context.skillcategorymapping.Add(Child); _context.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Keahlian", "Profile", new { Id = model.IdMember })); }
private ListItem ConvertUserSkillToListItemUpdate(int id, UserSkill userSkill) { var list = _repo.GetClientContext().Web.Lists.GetByTitle(ListNames.USER_SKILLS_LIST); ListItem newItem = list.GetItemById(id); var lookupValuesActionPoints = new List <FieldLookupValue>(); foreach (UserActionPoint element in userSkill.ActionPoints) { lookupValuesActionPoints.Add(new FieldLookupValue { LookupId = element.Id }); } var lookupValuesSubSkills = new List <FieldLookupValue>(); foreach (UserSkill element in userSkill.SubSkills) { lookupValuesSubSkills.Add(new FieldLookupValue { LookupId = element.Id }); } newItem[SiteColumnNames.TITLE] = userSkill.Title; newItem[SiteColumnNames.DESCRIPTION] = userSkill.Description; newItem[SiteColumnNames.USERSUBSKILLS] = lookupValuesSubSkills; newItem[SiteColumnNames.USERACTIONPOINTS] = lookupValuesActionPoints; newItem[SiteColumnNames.LEVEL] = userSkill.Level; newItem[SiteColumnNames.STATUS] = userSkill.Status.Value; newItem.Update(); return(newItem); }
public ActionResult SubmitRating(RateVM vm) { //Gets the user and skill that needs to be rated. var userToRate = Context.Users.GetById(vm.UserToRateId); var skillToRate = Context.Skills.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == vm.SkillToRateId); var userSkill = userToRate.UserSkills.Where(s => s.Skill.Id == skillToRate.Id).FirstOrDefault(); //Adding the rating to the database. if (userSkill == null) { userSkill = new UserSkill { Skill = skillToRate }; userToRate.UserSkills.Add(userSkill); } userSkill.Ratings.Add(new Rating { Mark = vm.Rating, RatedAt = DateTime.Now, RatedBy = UserHelper.GetCurrentDbUser(Context), Comment = vm.RateComment }); Context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Group")); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { UserSkill userSkill = db.UserSkills.Find(id); db.UserSkills.Remove(userSkill); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <int> Handle(UserSkillCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var userSkill = new UserSkill(request.IdUser, request.IdSkill); await _userSkillRepository.AddAsync(userSkill); return(userSkill.Id); }
public void UserSkill_ParentId_Is_Null_By_Default() { //Arrange UserSkill userSkill = new UserSkill(); //Assert Assert.IsTrue(userSkill.ParentId == null); }
private static SkillDto ConvertSkill(UserSkill userSkill) { var skill = userSkill.Skill; var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <Skill, SkillDto>()); var mapper = new Mapper(config); return(mapper.Map <Skill, SkillDto>(skill)); }
public void Setup(UserSkill addSkill) { userSkill = addSkill; title.text = Skill.Title; img.gameObject.SetActive(true); img.sprite = Skill.Icon; CoolDownHandler(); }
public static string AddUserSkill(string[] Skills, string[] LanuagesKnown) { UserProfileInfo userProfileInfo = new UserProfileInfo(); string message = Constant.CONST_SKILL_INFORMATION_FAILURE; if (SessionWrapper.LoggedUser == null) { return(message = Constant.SESSION_EXPIRE); } int count = 0; try { UserSkill userSkill = new UserSkill(); userSkill.UserId = SessionWrapper.LoggedUser.UserId; userSkill.UserAdditionalSkills = new List <UserAdditionalSkill>(); UserAdditionalSkill userAdditional; while (count < Skills.Length) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Skills[count])) { userAdditional = new UserAdditionalSkill(); userAdditional.Skill = Skills[count].Trim(); userSkill.UserAdditionalSkills.Add(userAdditional); } count++; } userSkill.UserLanuagesKnowns = new List <UserLanuagesKnown>(); UserLanuagesKnown userLanguages; count = 0; while (count < LanuagesKnown.Length) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LanuagesKnown[count])) { userLanguages = new UserLanuagesKnown(); userLanguages.Lanuage = LanuagesKnown[count].Trim(); userSkill.UserLanuagesKnowns.Add(userLanguages); } count++; } userProfileInfo = UserSkillHelper.SaveUserSkill(userSkill); } catch { } if (userProfileInfo.IsFirstRecord) { message = Constant.CONST_SKILL_ADD_SUCCESS; } else { message = Constant.CONST_SKILL_SUCCESS; } return(message); }
private static void CreateUserSkill(UserSkill userSkill, string color, Technology technology) { userSkill.Color = color; userSkill.Name = technology.Name; userSkill.Percentage = technology.Percentage; userSkill.Extension = technology.Extension; userSkill.Categories = technology.Categories; userSkill.Width = (int)( technology.Percentage * 3 ); }
void OnEnable() { enterTime = Time.time; var userSkillName = blackboard.GetStringVar("SkillName").Value; userSkill = UserSkillMgr.Instance.GetSkill(userSkillName); var skillInfo = userSkill.Skill; CharAnimCtrl.Play(skillInfo.AnimationClipName, userSkill.Duration, ()=>{ SendEvent("Finish"); }); }
public void UserSkill_ParentId_May_Be_Null() { //Arrange UserSkill userSkill = new UserSkill(); //Act userSkill.ParentId = null; //Assert Assert.IsNull(userSkill.ParentId); }
public void UserSkill_Has_A_Parent_Id() { //Arrange UserSkill userSkill = new UserSkill(); //Act Guid parentId = Guid.NewGuid(); userSkill.ParentId = parentId; //Assert Assert.AreEqual(parentId, userSkill.ParentId); }
public void UserSkill_ParentId_May_Be_Changed() { UserSkill userSkill = new UserSkill(); Guid parentId = Guid.NewGuid(); userSkill.ParentId = parentId; Assert.AreEqual(parentId, userSkill.ParentId); Guid parentId2 = Guid.NewGuid(); userSkill.ParentId = parentId2; Assert.AreEqual(parentId2, userSkill.ParentId); }
public void UserSkill_Has_A_List_Of_Child_User_Skills() { //Arrange UserSkill userSkill = new UserSkill(); userSkill.Children.Add(new UserSkill() { SkillId = 5}); userSkill.Children.Add(new UserSkill() { SkillId = 6 }); userSkill.Children.Add(new UserSkill() { SkillId = 7 }); userSkill.Children.Add(new UserSkill() { SkillId = 8 }); userSkill.Children.Add(new UserSkill() { SkillId = 9 }); //Act //Assert for (int i = 5; i < 10; i++) { Assert.That(userSkill.Children.Any(x => x.SkillId == i)); } }
public ActionResult DoAction(SkillProfile skillProfile, string selectedAction, Guid[] selectedItems, string rootId) { switch (selectedAction.ToUpper()) { case "MOVE": #region Get List of skills to display from the root UserSkill rootSkillToDisplay = null; Guid displayRootId; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootId) && Guid.TryParse(rootId, out displayRootId)) { rootSkillToDisplay = skillProfile.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == displayRootId); rootSkillToDisplay.Children.AddRange(skillProfile.FindAll(s => s.ParentId == displayRootId)); } else { rootSkillToDisplay = new UserSkill(); var childSkills = skillProfile.FindAll(s => s.ParentId == null || s.ParentId == Guid.Empty); rootSkillToDisplay.Children.AddRange(childSkills); } #endregion #region Construct ViewModel with list of skills to display and selected skills to move _moveSkillViewModel = new MoveSkillViewModel {Root = rootSkillToDisplay, SelectedItems = selectedItems}; #endregion return RedirectToAction("Move"); case "DELETE": // return delete view to confirm deletion //foreach (Guid guid in selectedItems) //{ // skillProfile.RemoveAll(s => s.Id.Equals(guid)); //} break; } return View("YourProfile", new SkillProfileViewModelBase { SkillProfile = skillProfile }); }
public UserSkillViewModelItem(UserSkill userSkill, SkillProfile skillProfile) { UserSkill = userSkill; SkillProfile = skillProfile; }
public void User_SkillId_May_Not_Be_Changed() { UserSkill userSkill = new UserSkill(); Type t = userSkill.GetType(); PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty("Id"); Assert.IsNull(pi.GetSetMethod()); }
public void User_Skill_Cannot_Be_A_Child_Of_Itself() { //Arrange UserSkill userSkill = new UserSkill(); //Act //Assert Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => userSkill.ParentId = userSkill.Id); }
private UserSkill GetUserSkillFrom(int index) { string color = string.Empty; var technology = UserData.ByTechnologies[index]; color = GetColor(index, color); var userSkill = new UserSkill(); CreateUserSkill(userSkill, color, technology); return userSkill; }
public void New_User_Skill_Gets_Auto_Generated_Id() { UserSkill userSkill = new UserSkill(); Assert.AreNotEqual(Guid.Empty, userSkill.Id); }
private void LoadUserSkills() { var skills = new List<UserSkill>(); var otherSkills = new UserSkill(); otherSkills.Name = "Other"; for ( int index = 0; index < UserData.ByTechnologies.Count; index++ ) { if ( UserData.ByTechnologies[index].Name == "Other" ) otherSkills.Percentage += UserData.ByTechnologies[index].Percentage; else skills.Add(GetUserSkillFrom(index)); } skills.Add(otherSkills); skills = skills.OrderByDescending(s => s.Percentage).Where(s => s.Percentage > 0).Take(5).ToList(); UserSkills = skills; }