public static async Task <dynamic> ChangeMemberStatus(string adminId, string uid, string status) { UserAppMemberSet s = new UserAppMemberSet(); if (!(from d in s.MemberStatusValues where d == status select d).Any()) { return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("0b8472f8e1a556b4c90b516e2df1917b", "Status '{0}' is not known."), status) } } ; CallContext cctx = Cntx; try { UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); UserSet us = new UserSet(); var admin = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, adminId); if (admin.ID == uid) { return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("0bdf4ebe91cd037e986f8260069292be", "You shouldn't lock yourself out.") } } ; User u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, uid); if (u.Status != us.StatusValues[0]) { return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("b13fb15f7b82c3438ee9e09ae6a5ba2a", "The user is locked globally. It can not be changed in a particular application.") } } ; var maxadmp = await GetMaxPriority(adminId); var maxup = await GetMaxPriority(uid); if (maxadmp.Major < maxup.Major || maxadmp.Major == maxup.Major && maxadmp.Minor < maxup.Minor) { return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("0452f93e5e52c7eae26c4fac7aa2d5d7", "Denined! Your role level: {0} is less than the requested one."), maxadmp.Major.ToString() + "/" + maxadmp.Minor), newpwd = "" } } ; UserAppMemberServiceProxy umsrv = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy(); UserAppMember um = await umsrv.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, ApplicationContext.App.ID, uid); if (um == null) { return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("65318cf0e6b4b76ee9ec91f92405cbb8", "Member not found!") } } ; um.MemberStatus = status; um.LastStatusChange = DateTime.UtcNow; await umsrv.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cctx, s, new UserAppMember[] { um }); return(new { ok = true, msg = "" }); } catch (Exception e) { return(new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("49dfe380301a10e682f1b3bc09136542", "Exception: {0}"), e.Message) }); } }
public static async Task ChangeAccountInfo(string id, ApplicationUser user) { var cntx = Cntx; UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, id); if (u == null) { return; } u.FirstName = user.FirstName; u.LastName = user.LastName; if (u.IsFirstNameModified || u.IsLastNameModified) { await usvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserSet(), new User[] { u }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Email)) { UserAppMemberServiceProxy mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy(); var mb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, ApplicationContext.App.ID, id); if (mb != null) { mb.Email = user.Email; if (mb.IsEmailModified) { await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { mb }); } } } }
public static async Task<RolePriority> GetMaxPriority(string uid) { UserServiceProxy usrv = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usrv.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(Cntx, uid); if (u == null) return new RolePriority { Major = -1, Minor = -1 }; return await GetMaxPriority(u); }
public static async Task <dynamic> ResetUserPassword(string adminId, string id) { CallContext cctx = Cntx; try { UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, id); if (u == null) { return(""); } var admin = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, adminId); var maxadmp = await GetMaxPriority(adminId); var maxup = await GetMaxPriority(id); if (maxadmp.Major < maxup.Major || maxadmp.Major == maxup.Major && maxadmp.Minor < maxup.Minor) { return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("0452f93e5e52c7eae26c4fac7aa2d5d7", "Denined! Your role level: {0} is less than the requested one."), maxadmp.Major.ToString() + "/" + maxadmp.Minor), newpwd = "" } } ; UserStore <ApplicationUser> store = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(); PasswordGenerator pgen = new PasswordGenerator(); var pwd = pgen.Generate(); while (!pgen.Validate(pwd)) { pwd = pgen.Generate(); } u.Password = store.HashPassword(pwd); if (u.IsPasswordModified) { u.LastPasswordChangedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; await usvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cctx, new UserSet(), new User[] { u }); } return(new { ok = true, msg = "", newpwd = pwd }); } catch (Exception e) { return(new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("49dfe380301a10e682f1b3bc09136542", "Exception: {0}"), e.Message) }); } }
public static async Task <ConnectionStatus> UserCancelInteraction(string noticeHubId, string hubId, string peerId, string userId, string connectId, string languages) { var cntx = Cntx; MemberCallbackServiceProxy mbcsvc = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy(); ConnectionStatus status = new ConnectionStatus(); var notifier = await mbcsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, "System", noticeHubId, AppId, peerId); if (notifier != null && notifier.ConnectionID != null && !notifier.IsDisconnected) { status.peerNotifier = notifier; status.status = PeerStatus.Notifiable; } UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId); var mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy(); var peerMb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, AppId, peerId); MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy ntsvc = new MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy(); var ntype = await ntsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, 3); var peerCb = await mbcsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, hubId, AppId, peerId); string title = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("cdc8520b5121c757e6eb79e098d6baef", "{0} cancelled chatting invitation.", peerMb.AcceptLanguages), u.Username); if (peerCb == null || peerCb.ConnectionID == null || peerCb.IsDisconnected) { MemberNotification n = new MemberNotification { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Title = title, CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow, PriorityLevel = 0, ReadCount = 0, ApplicationID = AppId, TypeID = 3, UserID = peerId }; n.NoticeMsg = "{ \"peerId\": \"" + userId + "\", \"peer\": \"" + u.Username + "\", \"connectId\": \"" + connectId + "\", \"msg\": \"" + title + "\", \"isCancel\": true, \"isDisconnect\": false }"; n.IsNoticeDataLoaded = true; MemberNotificationServiceProxy nsvc = new MemberNotificationServiceProxy(); var r = await nsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new MemberNotificationSet(), new MemberNotification[] { n }); status.noticeType = ntype.TypeName; status.noticeMsg = "{ \"peerId\": \"" + userId + "\", \"peer\": \"" + u.Username + "\", \"connectId\": \"" + connectId + "\", \"msg\": \"" + title + "\", \"isCancel\": true, \"isDisconnect\": false }"; status.noticeRecId = r.ChangedEntities[0].UpdatedItem.ID; } else { status.noticeMsg = "{ \"peerId\": \"" + userId + "\", \"peer\": \"" + u.Username + "\", \"connectId\": \"" + connectId + "\", \"msg\": \"" + title + "\", \"isCancel\": true, \"isDisconnect\": true }"; } status.peer = peerCb; return(status); }
public static async Task <OperationResult> RemoveUserFromRole(string adminId, string uid, int rid) { OperationResult OpResult = new OperationResult(); var maxp = await MemberAdminContext.GetMaxPriority(adminId); var cntx = Cntx; UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, uid); if (u == null) { OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("b66098049404e4de1356242e8aa6444a", "User \"{0}\" is not found."), uid) }; return(OpResult); } UsersInRoleServiceProxy uirsvc = new UsersInRoleServiceProxy(); var uir = await uirsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, rid, u.ID); if (uir == null) { OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("78257cace857db766d54e6568d7f912b", "The user is not in this role.") }; return(OpResult); } uir.RoleRef = await uirsvc.MaterializeRoleRefAsync(cntx, uir); if (maxp.Major < uir.RoleRef.RolePriority || maxp.Major == uir.RoleRef.RolePriority && uir.SubPriority > maxp.Major) { OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("0437b5660f17723dc29c3fa7e08e08a0", "Removing more priviledged role is not authorized.") }; return(OpResult); } await uirsvc.DeleteEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UsersInRoleSet(), new UsersInRole[] { uir }); uir.UserID = u.ID; uir.RoleID = rid; await AddUserRoleHistory(uir, UserRoleOperations.Deleted); UserAppMemberServiceProxy mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy(); var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, AppId, uid); OpResult.Result = new { ok = true, msg = "", available = new { id = rid, name = uir.RoleRef.RoleName, path = uir.RoleRef.DistinctString, op = true } }; OpResult.notices = new SimpleMessage[] { new SimpleMessage { TypeId = 1, Title = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("9708d527fbbf0d9752fc2c741615fb58", "Your role: [{0}] is removed.", memb.AcceptLanguages), uir.RoleRef.DistinctString), Data = "{ id=\"" + rid + "\", type=\"role\", name=\"" + uir.RoleRef.DistinctString + "\" }" } }; return(OpResult); }
public static async Task <RolePriority> GetMaxPriority(string uid) { UserServiceProxy usrv = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usrv.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(Cntx, uid); if (u == null) { return new RolePriority { Major = -1, Minor = -1 } } ; return(await GetMaxPriority(u)); }
public static async Task ChangeAccountInfo(string id, ApplicationUser user) { var cntx = Cntx; UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, id); if (u == null) return; u.FirstName = user.FirstName; u.LastName = user.LastName; if (u.IsFirstNameModified || u.IsLastNameModified) await usvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserSet(), new User[] { u }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Email)) { UserAppMemberServiceProxy mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy(); var mb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, ApplicationContext.App.ID, id); if (mb != null) { mb.Email = user.Email; if (mb.IsEmailModified) await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { mb }); } } }
public async Task <ActionResult> ChangeAccountInfo(string returnUrl, ManageMessageId?message) { ViewBag.StatusMessage = message == ManageMessageId.ChangePasswordSuccess ? ResourceUtils.GetString("9bc75a1c6d94e70e8b96d8d59115c0c0", "Your password has been changed.") : message == ManageMessageId.SetPasswordSuccess ? ResourceUtils.GetString("9ad4e391b8ba2faf5177dcfa6dcee143", "Your password has been set.") : message == ManageMessageId.RemoveLoginSuccess ? ResourceUtils.GetString("9d813b903dbe8155105d3b5c4e6a04ed", "The external login was removed.") : message == ManageMessageId.Error ? ResourceUtils.GetString("c69732cc923305ac0684ac8fc05a4bcb", "An error has occurred.") : ""; ViewBag.HasLocalPassword = HasPassword(); ViewBag.ReturnUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl) ? Url.Action("ChangeAccountInfo") : returnUrl; ChangeAccountInfoModel model = new ChangeAccountInfoModel(); UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var cntx = Startup.ClientContext.CreateCopy(); cntx.DirectDataAccess = true; var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, User.Identity.GetUserId()); model.FirstName = u.FirstName; model.LastName = u.LastName; var ci = User.Identity as System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity; model.Email = (from d in ci.Claims where d.Type == Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimTypes.Email select d.Value).SingleOrDefault(); return(View(model)); }
public static async Task <OperationResult> AddUserToRole(string adminId, string uid, int rid) { OperationResult OpResult = new OperationResult(); var maxp = await MemberAdminContext.GetMaxPriority(adminId); RoleServiceProxy rsvc = new RoleServiceProxy(); UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var cntx = Cntx; var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, uid); if (u == null) { OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("b66098049404e4de1356242e8aa6444a", "User \"{0}\" is not found."), uid) }; return(OpResult); } var uroles = await usvc.MaterializeAllRolesAsync(cntx, u); if (DBAutoCleanupRoles) { // prevent polution List <Role> higherroles = new List <Role>(); foreach (var ur in uroles) { var pr = ur; if (pr.ID == rid) { higherroles.Add(ur); } while (pr.ParentID != null) { pr.UpperRef = await rsvc.MaterializeUpperRefAsync(cntx, pr); pr = pr.UpperRef; if (pr.ID == rid) { higherroles.Add(ur); break; } } } if (higherroles.Count > 0) { string rolesstr = ""; foreach (var hr in higherroles) { rolesstr += (rolesstr == "" ? "" : ", ") + hr.DistinctString; } string errorfmt = ResourceUtils.GetString("43558b5deaec392b9461d28d4e753687", "Operation denied: the user already has this or more specific roles: '{0}'! Try to remove them before adding present one."); OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(errorfmt, rolesstr) }; return(OpResult); } } var r = await rsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, rid); if (r == null) { OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("db2a3d7bc44d36a9ebeaa0d562c4cd21", "The role is not found.") }; return(OpResult); } else if (r.RolePriority > maxp.Major) { OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("67729f0f407d1ea57f28b43235b3e5f6", "Adding more priviledged role is not authorized.") }; return(OpResult); } List <SimpleMessage> notices = new List <SimpleMessage>(); var uir = new UsersInRole(); List <Role> removed = new List <Role>(); if (DBAutoCleanupRoles) { // clean up: find more general roles to remove. var p = r; while (p.ParentID != null) { p.UpperRef = await rsvc.MaterializeUpperRefAsync(cntx, p); p = p.UpperRef; foreach (var ur in uroles) { if (ur.ID == p.ID) { if (!(from d in removed where d.ID == p.ID select d).Any()) { removed.Add(p); } } } } } uir.IsPersisted = false; uir.UserID = u.ID; uir.RoleID = rid; uir.SubPriority = 0; uir.AssignDate = DateTime.UtcNow; uir.LastModified = uir.AssignDate; uir.AdminID = adminId; UsersInRoleServiceProxy uirsvc = new UsersInRoleServiceProxy(); await uirsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UsersInRoleSet(), new UsersInRole[] { uir }); UserAppMemberServiceProxy mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy(); var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, AppId, uid); notices.Add(new SimpleMessage { TypeId = 1, Title = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("38015f8af3e032dfd803758dd2bde917", "New role: [{0}] is added.", memb.AcceptLanguages), r.DistinctString), Data = "{ id=\"" + r.ID + "\", type=\"role\", name=\"" + r.DistinctString + "\" }" }); var _r = new { id = rid, uid = u.ID, name = r.RoleName, path = r.DistinctString, level = uir.SubPriority, op = true }; List <dynamic> _removed = new List <dynamic>(); if (removed.Count > 0) { List <UsersInRole> l = new List <UsersInRole>(); foreach (var rmv in removed) { var x = uirsvc.LoadEntityByKey(Cntx, rmv.ID, u.ID); l.Add(x); _removed.Add(new { id = rmv.ID, name = rmv.RoleName, path = rmv.DistinctString, op = maxp.Major >= rmv.RolePriority }); } await uirsvc.DeleteEntitiesAsync(Cntx, new UsersInRoleSet(), l.ToArray()); foreach (var _rrmv in removed) { notices.Add(new SimpleMessage { TypeId = 1, Title = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("9708d527fbbf0d9752fc2c741615fb58", "Your role: [{0}] is removed.", memb.AcceptLanguages), _rrmv.DistinctString), Data = "{ id=\"" + _rrmv.ID + "\", type=\"role\", name=\"" + _rrmv.DistinctString + "\" }" }); } } await AddUserRoleHistory(uir, UserRoleOperations.Added); OpResult.Result = new { ok = true, msg = "", added = _r, removed = _removed.ToArray() }; OpResult.notices = notices.ToArray(); return(OpResult); }
public static async Task<OperationResult> RemoveUserFromRole(string adminId, string uid, int rid) { OperationResult OpResult = new OperationResult(); var maxp = await MemberAdminContext.GetMaxPriority(adminId); var cntx = Cntx; UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, uid); if (u == null) { OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("b66098049404e4de1356242e8aa6444a", "User \"{0}\" is not found."), uid) }; return OpResult; } UsersInRoleServiceProxy uirsvc = new UsersInRoleServiceProxy(); var uir = await uirsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, rid, u.ID); if (uir == null) { OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("78257cace857db766d54e6568d7f912b", "The user is not in this role.") }; return OpResult; } uir.RoleRef = await uirsvc.MaterializeRoleRefAsync(cntx, uir); if (maxp.Major < uir.RoleRef.RolePriority || maxp.Major == uir.RoleRef.RolePriority && uir.SubPriority > maxp.Major) { OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("0437b5660f17723dc29c3fa7e08e08a0", "Removing more priviledged role is not authorized.") }; return OpResult; } await uirsvc.DeleteEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UsersInRoleSet(), new UsersInRole[] { uir }); uir.UserID = u.ID; uir.RoleID = rid; await AddUserRoleHistory(uir, UserRoleOperations.Deleted); UserAppMemberServiceProxy mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy(); var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, AppId, uid); OpResult.Result = new { ok = true, msg = "", available = new { id = rid, name = uir.RoleRef.RoleName, path = uir.RoleRef.DistinctString, op = true } }; OpResult.notices = new SimpleMessage[] { new SimpleMessage { TypeId = 1, Title = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("9708d527fbbf0d9752fc2c741615fb58", "Your role: [{0}] is removed.", memb.AcceptLanguages), uir.RoleRef.DistinctString), Data = "{ id=\"" + rid + "\", type=\"role\", name=\"" + uir.RoleRef.DistinctString + "\" }" } }; return OpResult; }
public static async Task<OperationResult> AddUserToRole(string adminId, string uid, int rid) { OperationResult OpResult = new OperationResult(); var maxp = await MemberAdminContext.GetMaxPriority(adminId); RoleServiceProxy rsvc = new RoleServiceProxy(); UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var cntx = Cntx; var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, uid); if (u == null) { OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("b66098049404e4de1356242e8aa6444a", "User \"{0}\" is not found."), uid) }; return OpResult; } var uroles = await usvc.MaterializeAllRolesAsync(cntx, u); if (DBAutoCleanupRoles) { // prevent polution List<Role> higherroles = new List<Role>(); foreach (var ur in uroles) { var pr = ur; if (pr.ID == rid) higherroles.Add(ur); while (pr.ParentID != null) { pr.UpperRef = await rsvc.MaterializeUpperRefAsync(cntx, pr); pr = pr.UpperRef; if (pr.ID == rid) { higherroles.Add(ur); break; } } } if (higherroles.Count > 0) { string rolesstr = ""; foreach (var hr in higherroles) rolesstr += (rolesstr == "" ? "" : ", ") + hr.DistinctString; string errorfmt = ResourceUtils.GetString("43558b5deaec392b9461d28d4e753687", "Operation denied: the user already has this or more specific roles: '{0}'! Try to remove them before adding present one."); OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(errorfmt, rolesstr) }; return OpResult; } } var r = await rsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, rid); if (r == null) { OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("db2a3d7bc44d36a9ebeaa0d562c4cd21", "The role is not found.") }; return OpResult; } else if (r.RolePriority > maxp.Major) { OpResult.Result = new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("67729f0f407d1ea57f28b43235b3e5f6", "Adding more priviledged role is not authorized.") }; return OpResult; } List<SimpleMessage> notices = new List<SimpleMessage>(); var uir = new UsersInRole(); List<Role> removed = new List<Role>(); if (DBAutoCleanupRoles) { // clean up: find more general roles to remove. var p = r; while (p.ParentID != null) { p.UpperRef = await rsvc.MaterializeUpperRefAsync(cntx, p); p = p.UpperRef; foreach (var ur in uroles) { if (ur.ID == p.ID) { if (!(from d in removed where d.ID == p.ID select d).Any()) removed.Add(p); } } } } uir.IsPersisted = false; uir.UserID = u.ID; uir.RoleID = rid; uir.SubPriority = 0; uir.AssignDate = DateTime.UtcNow; uir.LastModified = uir.AssignDate; uir.AdminID = adminId; UsersInRoleServiceProxy uirsvc = new UsersInRoleServiceProxy(); await uirsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UsersInRoleSet(), new UsersInRole[] { uir }); UserAppMemberServiceProxy mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy(); var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, AppId, uid); notices.Add(new SimpleMessage { TypeId = 1, Title = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("38015f8af3e032dfd803758dd2bde917", "New role: [{0}] is added.", memb.AcceptLanguages), r.DistinctString), Data = "{ id=\"" + r.ID + "\", type=\"role\", name=\"" + r.DistinctString + "\" }" }); var _r = new { id = rid, uid = u.ID, name = r.RoleName, path = r.DistinctString, level = uir.SubPriority, op = true }; List<dynamic> _removed = new List<dynamic>(); if (removed.Count > 0) { List<UsersInRole> l = new List<UsersInRole>(); foreach (var rmv in removed) { var x = uirsvc.LoadEntityByKey(Cntx, rmv.ID, u.ID); l.Add(x); _removed.Add(new { id = rmv.ID, name = rmv.RoleName, path = rmv.DistinctString, op = maxp.Major >= rmv.RolePriority }); } await uirsvc.DeleteEntitiesAsync(Cntx, new UsersInRoleSet(), l.ToArray()); foreach (var _rrmv in removed) notices.Add(new SimpleMessage { TypeId = 1, Title = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("9708d527fbbf0d9752fc2c741615fb58", "Your role: [{0}] is removed.", memb.AcceptLanguages), _rrmv.DistinctString), Data = "{ id=\"" + _rrmv.ID + "\", type=\"role\", name=\"" + _rrmv.DistinctString + "\" }" }); } await AddUserRoleHistory(uir, UserRoleOperations.Added); OpResult.Result = new { ok = true, msg = "", added = _r, removed = _removed.ToArray() }; OpResult.notices = notices.ToArray(); return OpResult; }
public static async Task<ConnectionStatus> UserConnected(string noticeHubId, string hubId, string peerId, string userId, string connectId, string languages) { var mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy(); var cntx = Cntx; cntx.AcceptLanguages = languages; var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, AppId, userId, null, null); if (memb != null) { memb.StartAutoUpdating = true; memb.LastActivityDate = DateTime.UtcNow; memb.AcceptLanguages = languages; List<MemberCallback> callbacks; if (memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks == null) callbacks = new List<MemberCallback>(); else callbacks = new List<MemberCallback>(memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks); var cbk = (from d in callbacks where d.HubID == hubId && d.ChannelID == peerId select d).SingleOrDefault(); if (cbk == null) { cbk = new MemberCallback { ApplicationID = AppId, UserID = userId, HubID = hubId, ChannelID = peerId, ConnectionID = connectId, IsDisconnected = false, LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow }; } else { // it is very important to turn this on, otherwise the property will not be marked as modified. // and the service will not save the change! cbk.StartAutoUpdating = true; cbk.ConnectionID = connectId; cbk.IsDisconnected = false; cbk.LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow; } memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks = new MemberCallback[] { cbk }; await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { memb }); UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId); memb.UserRef = u; var peerMb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, AppId, peerId); ConnectionStatus status = new ConnectionStatus(); = cbk; MemberCallbackServiceProxy mbcsvc = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy(); UserAssociationServiceProxy uasvc = new UserAssociationServiceProxy(); var peerCb = await mbcsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, hubId, AppId, peerId); if (peerCb == null || peerCb.ConnectionID == null || peerCb.IsDisconnected) { UserAssociation utop = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, peerId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId); MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy ntsvc = new MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy(); var ntype = await ntsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, ApplicationContext.PrivateChatNoticeTypeId); var notifier = await mbcsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, "System", noticeHubId, AppId, peerId); if (notifier != null && notifier.ConnectionID != null && !notifier.IsDisconnected) { if (utop != null && utop.NoMessages != null && utop.NoMessages == true) { status.status = PeerStatus.InBlackList; } else if (utop != null && utop.DoNotNotify != null && utop.DoNotNotify == true) { status.status = PeerStatus.DoNotDisturb; } else if (utop != null && utop.NotifyButBlock != null && utop.NotifyButBlock == true) { status.peerNotifier = notifier; status.status = PeerStatus.NotifyButBlock; } else { status.peerNotifier = notifier; status.status = PeerStatus.Notifiable; } } else { if (utop == null || utop.NoMessages == null || utop.NoMessages == false) status.status = PeerStatus.LeaveMessage; } MemberNotification n = new MemberNotification { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Title = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("20dc5913998d0e9ed01360475e46a0f9", "{0} invites you to chat, is waiting ...", peerMb.AcceptLanguages), ""), CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow, PriorityLevel = 0, ReadCount = 0, ApplicationID = AppId, TypeID = ApplicationContext.PrivateChatNoticeTypeId, UserID = peerId }; bool hasIcon = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(memb.IconMime); n.NoticeMsg = "{ \"peerId\": \"" + userId + "\", \"peer\": \"" + u.Username + "\", \"connectId\": \"" + connectId + "\", \"hasIcon\": " + (hasIcon ? "true" : "false") + ", \"msg\": \"" + n.Title + "\", \"isCancel\": false, "; if (utop != null && utop.NoMessages != null && utop.NoMessages == true) n.NoticeMsg += "\"noMessages\": true, "; else n.NoticeMsg += "\"noMessages\": false, "; if (utop != null && utop.DoNotNotify != null && utop.DoNotNotify == true) n.NoticeMsg += "\"notDisturb\": true, "; else n.NoticeMsg += "\"notDisturb\": false, "; if (utop != null && utop.NotifyButBlock != null && utop.NotifyButBlock == true) n.NoticeMsg += "\"keepNotified\": true }"; else n.NoticeMsg += "\"keepNotified\": false }"; n.IsNoticeDataLoaded = true; MemberNotificationServiceProxy nsvc = new MemberNotificationServiceProxy(); var r = await nsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new MemberNotificationSet(), new MemberNotification[] { n }); status.noticeType = ntype.TypeName; status.noticeMsg = n.NoticeMsg; status.noticeRecId = r.ChangedEntities[0].UpdatedItem.ID; } else { DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; UserAssociation utop = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, peerId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId); if (utop == null) { utop = new UserAssociation { TypeID = ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId, FromUserID = userId, ToUserID = peerId, CreateDate = dt, AssocCount = 1, LastAssoc = dt, InteractCount = 0, Votes = 0 }; } else utop.AssocCount++; UserAssociation ptou = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId, userId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId); if (ptou == null) { ptou = new UserAssociation { TypeID = ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId, FromUserID = peerId, ToUserID = userId, CreateDate = dt, AssocCount = 1, LastAssoc = dt, InteractCount = 0, Votes = 0 }; } else ptou.AssocCount++; await uasvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAssociationSet(), new UserAssociation[] { utop, ptou }); status.status = PeerStatus.Connected; } if (peerCb != null) peerCb.UserAppMemberRef = peerMb; status.peer = peerCb; return status; } return null; }
public static async Task<ConnectionStatus> UserCancelInteraction(string noticeHubId, string hubId, string peerId, string userId, string connectId, string languages) { var cntx = Cntx; MemberCallbackServiceProxy mbcsvc = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy(); ConnectionStatus status = new ConnectionStatus(); var notifier = await mbcsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, "System", noticeHubId, AppId, peerId); if (notifier != null && notifier.ConnectionID != null && !notifier.IsDisconnected) { status.peerNotifier = notifier; status.status = PeerStatus.Notifiable; } UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId); var mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy(); var peerMb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, AppId, peerId); MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy ntsvc = new MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy(); var ntype = await ntsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, 3); var peerCb = await mbcsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, hubId, AppId, peerId); string title = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("cdc8520b5121c757e6eb79e098d6baef", "{0} cancelled chatting invitation.", peerMb.AcceptLanguages), u.Username); if (peerCb == null || peerCb.ConnectionID == null || peerCb.IsDisconnected) { MemberNotification n = new MemberNotification { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Title = title, CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow, PriorityLevel = 0, ReadCount = 0, ApplicationID = AppId, TypeID = 3, UserID = peerId }; n.NoticeMsg = "{ \"peerId\": \"" + userId + "\", \"peer\": \"" + u.Username + "\", \"connectId\": \"" + connectId + "\", \"msg\": \"" + title + "\", \"isCancel\": true, \"isDisconnect\": false }"; n.IsNoticeDataLoaded = true; MemberNotificationServiceProxy nsvc = new MemberNotificationServiceProxy(); var r = await nsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new MemberNotificationSet(), new MemberNotification[] { n }); status.noticeType = ntype.TypeName; status.noticeMsg = "{ \"peerId\": \"" + userId + "\", \"peer\": \"" + u.Username + "\", \"connectId\": \"" + connectId + "\", \"msg\": \"" + title + "\", \"isCancel\": true, \"isDisconnect\": false }"; status.noticeRecId = r.ChangedEntities[0].UpdatedItem.ID; } else { status.noticeMsg = "{ \"peerId\": \"" + userId + "\", \"peer\": \"" + u.Username + "\", \"connectId\": \"" + connectId + "\", \"msg\": \"" + title + "\", \"isCancel\": true, \"isDisconnect\": true }"; } status.peer = peerCb; return status; }
public static async Task<PeerShotMessage> UpdateUserMessage(string chatHubId, string userId, string peerId, string msgId, string message) { var cntx = Cntx; UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId); var peer = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId); ShortMessageServiceProxy msvc = new ShortMessageServiceProxy(); PeerShotMessage m = new PeerShotMessage(); ShortMessage msg = await msvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, msgId); if (msg == null || msg.FromID != userId || msg.ToID != peerId) return null; var now = DateTime.UtcNow; msg.MsgText = message; msg.LastModified = now; var r = await msvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new ShortMessageSet(), new ShortMessage[] { msg }); var _msg = r.ChangedEntities[0].UpdatedItem; _msg.User_FromID = u; m.msg = GetJsonMessage(_msg, userId, peer, false); UserAssociationServiceProxy uasvc = new UserAssociationServiceProxy(); var utop = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, peerId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId); if (utop != null) { utop.InteractCount = utop.InteractCount == null ? 1 : utop.InteractCount + 1; utop.LastInteract = DateTime.UtcNow; await uasvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAssociationSet(), new UserAssociation[] { utop }); } MembershipPlusServiceProxy svc = new MembershipPlusServiceProxy(); DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-ApplicationContext.OnlineUserInactiveTime); MemberCallbackServiceProxy mcbsvc = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy(); var qexpr = new QueryExpresion(); qexpr.OrderTks = new List<QToken>(new QToken[] { new QToken { TkName = "UserID" }, new QToken { TkName = "asc" } }); qexpr.FilterTks = new List<QToken>(new QToken[] { new QToken { TkName = "HubID == \"" + chatHubId + "\" && ChannelID == \"" + userId + "\" && ConnectionID is not null && IsDisconnected == false" }, new QToken { TkName = "&&" }, new QToken { TkName = "ApplicationID == \"" + AppId + "\" && UserID == \"" + peerId + "\"" }, new QToken { TkName = "&&" }, new QToken { TkName = "UserAppMemberRef.LastActivityDate > " + svc.FormatRepoDateTime(dt) } }); MemberCallbackServiceProxy cbsv = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy(); m.peer = (await cbsv.QueryDatabaseAsync(cntx, new MemberCallbackSet(), qexpr)).SingleOrDefault(); return m; }
public static async Task<dynamic> ResetUserPassword(string adminId, string id) { CallContext cctx = Cntx; try { UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, id); if (u == null) return ""; var admin = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, adminId); var maxadmp = await GetMaxPriority(adminId); var maxup = await GetMaxPriority(id); if (maxadmp.Major < maxup.Major || maxadmp.Major == maxup.Major && maxadmp.Minor < maxup.Minor) return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("0452f93e5e52c7eae26c4fac7aa2d5d7", "Denined! Your role level: {0} is less than the requested one."), maxadmp.Major.ToString() + "/" + maxadmp.Minor), newpwd = "" }; UserStore<ApplicationUser> store = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(); PasswordGenerator pgen = new PasswordGenerator(); var pwd = pgen.Generate(); while (!pgen.Validate(pwd)) pwd = pgen.Generate(); u.Password = store.HashPassword(pwd); if (u.IsPasswordModified) { u.LastPasswordChangedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; await usvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cctx, new UserSet(), new User[] { u }); } return new { ok = true, msg = "", newpwd = pwd }; } catch (Exception e) { return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("49dfe380301a10e682f1b3bc09136542", "Exception: {0}"), e.Message) }; } }
public static async Task <ConnectionStatus> UserConnected(string noticeHubId, string hubId, string peerId, string userId, string connectId, string languages) { var mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy(); var cntx = Cntx; cntx.AcceptLanguages = languages; var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, AppId, userId, null, null); if (memb != null) { memb.StartAutoUpdating = true; memb.LastActivityDate = DateTime.UtcNow; memb.AcceptLanguages = languages; List <MemberCallback> callbacks; if (memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks == null) { callbacks = new List <MemberCallback>(); } else { callbacks = new List <MemberCallback>(memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks); } var cbk = (from d in callbacks where d.HubID == hubId && d.ChannelID == peerId select d).SingleOrDefault(); if (cbk == null) { cbk = new MemberCallback { ApplicationID = AppId, UserID = userId, HubID = hubId, ChannelID = peerId, ConnectionID = connectId, IsDisconnected = false, LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow }; } else { // it is very important to turn this on, otherwise the property will not be marked as modified. // and the service will not save the change! cbk.StartAutoUpdating = true; cbk.ConnectionID = connectId; cbk.IsDisconnected = false; cbk.LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow; } memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks = new MemberCallback[] { cbk }; await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { memb }); UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId); memb.UserRef = u; var peerMb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, AppId, peerId); ConnectionStatus status = new ConnectionStatus(); = cbk; MemberCallbackServiceProxy mbcsvc = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy(); var peerCb = await mbcsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, hubId, AppId, peerId); if (peerCb == null || peerCb.ConnectionID == null || peerCb.IsDisconnected) { MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy ntsvc = new MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy(); var ntype = await ntsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, 3); var notifier = await mbcsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, "System", noticeHubId, AppId, peerId); if (notifier != null && notifier.ConnectionID != null && !notifier.IsDisconnected) { status.peerNotifier = notifier; status.status = PeerStatus.Notifiable; } MemberNotification n = new MemberNotification { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Title = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("20dc5913998d0e9ed01360475e46a0f9", "{0} invites you to chat, is waiting ...", peerMb.AcceptLanguages), u.Username), CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow, PriorityLevel = 0, ReadCount = 0, ApplicationID = AppId, TypeID = 3, UserID = peerId }; n.NoticeMsg = "{ \"peerId\": \"" + userId + "\", \"peer\": \"" + u.Username + "\", \"connectId\": \"" + connectId + "\", \"msg\": \"" + n.Title + "\", \"isCancel\": false }"; n.IsNoticeDataLoaded = true; MemberNotificationServiceProxy nsvc = new MemberNotificationServiceProxy(); var r = await nsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new MemberNotificationSet(), new MemberNotification[] { n }); status.noticeType = ntype.TypeName; status.noticeMsg = "{ \"peerId\": \"" + userId + "\", \"peer\": \"" + u.Username + "\", \"connectId\": \"" + connectId + "\", \"msg\": \"" + n.Title + "\", \"isCancel\": false }"; status.noticeRecId = r.ChangedEntities[0].UpdatedItem.ID; } else { UserAssociationServiceProxy uasvc = new UserAssociationServiceProxy(); UserAssociation utop = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, peerId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId); DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; if (utop == null) { utop = new UserAssociation { TypeID = ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId, FromUserID = userId, ToUserID = peerId, CreateDate = dt, AssocCount = 1, LastAssoc = dt, InteractCount = 0, Votes = 0 }; } else { utop.AssocCount++; } UserAssociation ptou = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId, userId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId); if (ptou == null) { ptou = new UserAssociation { TypeID = ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId, FromUserID = peerId, ToUserID = userId, CreateDate = dt, AssocCount = 1, LastAssoc = dt, InteractCount = 0, Votes = 0 }; } else { ptou.AssocCount++; } await uasvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAssociationSet(), new UserAssociation[] { utop, ptou }); status.status = PeerStatus.Connected; } if (peerCb != null) { peerCb.UserAppMemberRef = peerMb; } status.peer = peerCb; return(status); } return(null); }
public static async Task <ShotMessageNotice> UpdateUserMessage(string noticeHubId, string chatHubId, string userId, string groupId, string msgId, string message) { var cntx = Cntx; UserGroupServiceProxy gsvc = new UserGroupServiceProxy(); var g = await gsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, groupId); ShortMessageServiceProxy msvc = new ShortMessageServiceProxy(); var msg = await msvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, msgId); if (msg == null || msg.FromID != userId) { return(null); } if (msg.MsgText == message) { return(null); } var now = DateTime.UtcNow; msg.MsgTitle = GetLeadText(message); msg.MsgText = message; msg.LastModified = now; await msvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new ShortMessageSet(), new ShortMessage[] { msg }); UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId); msg.User_FromID = u; UserGroupMemberServiceProxy gmsvc = new UserGroupMemberServiceProxy(); var cond = new UserGroupMemberSetConstraints { UserGroupIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData <string> { KeyValue = groupId } }; var qexpr = new QueryExpresion(); qexpr.OrderTks = new List <QToken>(new QToken[] { new QToken { TkName = "UserID" } }); qexpr.FilterTks = new List <QToken>(new QToken[] { new QToken { TkName = "SubscribedTo is not null && SubscribedTo == true" } }); var gmbs = await gmsvc.ConstraintQueryAsync(cntx, new UserGroupMemberSet(), cond, qexpr); List <MemberNotification> notices = new List <MemberNotification>(); List <MemberCallback> noteCbks = new List <MemberCallback>(); MemberCallbackServiceProxy mcbsvc = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy(); string noticeMsg = "Group message by " + u.Username + " updated in " + g.DistinctString; MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy ntsvc = new MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy(); var ntype = await ntsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, ApplicationContext.NewMessageNoticeTypeId); foreach (var m in gmbs) { if (m.ActivityNotification.HasValue && m.ActivityNotification.Value) { var cb = await mcbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, groupId, noticeHubId, AppId, m.UserID); if (cb.ConnectionID != null && !cb.IsDisconnected) { cb.UserAppMemberRef = await mcbsvc.MaterializeUserAppMemberRefAsync(cntx, cb); noteCbks.Add(cb); } } notices.Add(new MemberNotification { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Title = noticeMsg, CreatedDate = now, PriorityLevel = 0, ReadCount = 0, ApplicationID = AppId, TypeID = ApplicationContext.NewMessageNoticeTypeId, UserID = userId }); } var peers = await ListConnectIds(chatHubId, groupId); List <ShortMessageAudience> laud = new List <ShortMessageAudience>(); foreach (var peer in peers) { if (peer.UserID != userId) { var a = new ShortMessageAudience { MsgID = msg.ID, UserID = peer.UserID, VoteCount = 0 }; laud.Add(a); } } if (laud.Count > 0) { ShortMessageAudienceServiceProxy audsvc = new ShortMessageAudienceServiceProxy(); await audsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new ShortMessageAudienceSet(), laud.ToArray()); } if (notices.Count > 0) { MemberNotificationServiceProxy nsvc = new MemberNotificationServiceProxy(); await nsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new MemberNotificationSet(), notices.ToArray()); } return(new ShotMessageNotice { msg = GetJsonMessage(msg, userId, g, false), brief = noticeMsg, categ = ntype, peers = peers, callbacks = noteCbks }); }
public static async Task LeaveUserMessage(string chatHubId, string userId, string peerId, string replyId, string message) { var cntx = Cntx; UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId); var peer = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId); ShortMessageServiceProxy msvc = new ShortMessageServiceProxy(); PeerShotMessage m = new PeerShotMessage(); var now = DateTime.UtcNow; ShortMessage msg = new ShortMessage { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ApplicationID = AppId, TypeID = ApplicationContext.ChatShortMsgTypeId, GroupID = null, FromID = userId, ToID = peerId, ReplyToID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(replyId) ? null : replyId, CreatedDate = now, LastModified = now, MsgText = message, IsNotReceived = true }; await msvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new ShortMessageSet(), new ShortMessage[] { msg }); UserAssociationServiceProxy uasvc = new UserAssociationServiceProxy(); DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; List <UserAssociation> lass = new List <UserAssociation>(); UserAssociation utop = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, peerId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId); if (utop == null) { utop = new UserAssociation { TypeID = ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId, FromUserID = userId, ToUserID = peerId, CreateDate = dt, AssocCount = 0, LastAssoc = dt, InteractCount = 1, Votes = 0 }; } else { utop.InteractCount++; } lass.Add(utop); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(replyId)) { UserAssociation ptou = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId, userId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId); if (ptou == null) { ptou = new UserAssociation { TypeID = ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId, FromUserID = peerId, ToUserID = userId, CreateDate = dt, AssocCount = 0, LastAssoc = dt, InteractCount = 0, Votes = 0 }; } else { ptou.InteractCount++; } lass.Add(ptou); } await uasvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAssociationSet(), lass.ToArray()); }
public static async Task<dynamic> RemoveUserFromRole(string adminId, string uid, int rid) { var maxp = await MemberAdminContext.GetMaxPriority(adminId); UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(Cntx, uid); if (u == null) return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("b66098049404e4de1356242e8aa6444a", "User \"{0}\" is not found."), uid) }; UsersInRoleServiceProxy uirsvc = new UsersInRoleServiceProxy(); var uir = await uirsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(Cntx, rid, u.ID); if (uir == null) return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("78257cace857db766d54e6568d7f912b", "The user is not in this role.") }; uir.RoleRef = await uirsvc.MaterializeRoleRefAsync(Cntx, uir); if (maxp.Major < uir.RoleRef.RolePriority || maxp.Major == uir.RoleRef.RolePriority && uir.SubPriority > maxp.Major) return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("0437b5660f17723dc29c3fa7e08e08a0", "Removing more priviledged role is not authorized.") }; await uirsvc.DeleteEntitiesAsync(Cntx, new UsersInRoleSet(), new UsersInRole[] { uir }); uir.UserID = u.ID; uir.RoleID = rid; await AddUserRoleHistory(uir, UserRoleOperations.Deleted); return new { ok = true, msg = "", available = new { id = rid, name = uir.RoleRef.RoleName, path = uir.RoleRef.DistinctString, op = true } }; }
public static async Task<string[]> LoadMessages(string peerId, string userId, int maxMessages, bool dialog) { var svc = new MembershipPlusServiceProxy(); var usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var msgsvc = new ShortMessageServiceProxy(); var cntx = Cntx; var peer = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId); DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-InitMsgTimeWindow); var cond = new ShortMessageSetConstraints { ApplicationIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<string> { KeyValue = AppId }, TypeIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<int> { KeyValue = 1 }, GroupIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<string> { KeyValue = null } }; var qexpr = new QueryExpresion(); qexpr.OrderTks = new List<QToken>(new QToken[] { new QToken { TkName = "CreatedDate" }, new QToken { TkName = "desc" } }); // ToIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<string> { KeyValue = peerId }, qexpr.FilterTks = new List<QToken>(new QToken[] { new QToken { TkName = "( FromID == \"" + peerId + "\" && ToID == \"" + userId + "\" || FromID == \"" + userId + "\" && ToID == \"" + peerId + "\" ) && CreatedDate > " + svc.FormatRepoDateTime(dt) } }); if (dialog) { qexpr.FilterTks.Add(new QToken { TkName = " && ReplyToID is null" }); } var msgs = (await msgsvc.ConstraintQueryLimitedAsync(cntx, new ShortMessageSet(), cond, qexpr, maxMessages)).ToArray(); List<string> jsonMsgs = new List<string>(); if (msgs.Length > 0) { for (int i = msgs.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { EntitySetType[] excludes; if (dialog) { excludes = new EntitySetType[] { EntitySetType.UserGroup, //EntitySetType.ShortMessageAudience, EntitySetType.ShortMessageAttachment }; } else { excludes = new EntitySetType[] { EntitySetType.UserGroup, //EntitySetType.ShortMessageAudience, EntitySetType.ShortMessageAttachment, EntitySetType.ShortMessage }; } msgs[i] = await msgsvc.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, msgs[i].ID, excludes, null); jsonMsgs.Add(GetJsonMessage(msgs[i], userId, peer, dialog)); } } return jsonMsgs.ToArray(); }
public static async Task <PeerShotMessage> AddUserMessage(string chatHubId, string userId, string peerId, string replyId, string message, bool record) { var cntx = Cntx; UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId); var peer = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId); ShortMessageServiceProxy msvc = new ShortMessageServiceProxy(); PeerShotMessage m = new PeerShotMessage(); var now = DateTime.UtcNow; ShortMessage msg = new ShortMessage { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ApplicationID = AppId, TypeID = 1, GroupID = null, FromID = userId, ToID = peerId, ReplyToID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(replyId) ? null : replyId, CreatedDate = now, LastModified = now, MsgText = message }; if (record) { var r = await msvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new ShortMessageSet(), new ShortMessage[] { msg }); var _msg = r.ChangedEntities[0].UpdatedItem; _msg.User_FromID = u; m.msg = GetJsonMessage(_msg, userId, peer, false); } else { msg.User_FromID = u; m.msg = GetJsonMessage(msg, userId, peer, false); } UserAssociationServiceProxy uasvc = new UserAssociationServiceProxy(); var utop = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, peerId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId); if (utop != null) { utop.InteractCount = utop.InteractCount == null ? 1 : utop.InteractCount + 1; utop.LastInteract = DateTime.UtcNow; await uasvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAssociationSet(), new UserAssociation[] { utop }); } MembershipPlusServiceProxy svc = new MembershipPlusServiceProxy(); DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-ApplicationContext.OnlineUserInactiveTime); MemberCallbackServiceProxy mcbsvc = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy(); var qexpr = new QueryExpresion(); qexpr.OrderTks = new List <QToken>(new QToken[] { new QToken { TkName = "UserID" }, new QToken { TkName = "asc" } }); qexpr.FilterTks = new List <QToken>(new QToken[] { new QToken { TkName = "HubID == \"" + chatHubId + "\" && ChannelID == \"" + userId + "\" && ConnectionID is not null && IsDisconnected == false" }, new QToken { TkName = "&&" }, new QToken { TkName = "ApplicationID == \"" + AppId + "\" && UserID == \"" + peerId + "\"" }, new QToken { TkName = "&&" }, new QToken { TkName = "UserAppMemberRef.LastActivityDate > " + svc.FormatRepoDateTime(dt) } }); MemberCallbackServiceProxy cbsv = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy(); m.peer = (await cbsv.QueryDatabaseAsync(cntx, new MemberCallbackSet(), qexpr)).SingleOrDefault(); return(m); }
public static async Task<dynamic> ChangeMemberStatus(string adminId, string uid, string status) { UserAppMemberSet s = new UserAppMemberSet(); if (!(from d in s.MemberStatusValues where d == status select d).Any()) return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("0b8472f8e1a556b4c90b516e2df1917b", "Status '{0}' is not known."), status) }; CallContext cctx = Cntx; try { UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); UserSet us = new UserSet(); var admin = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, adminId); if (admin.ID == uid) return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("0bdf4ebe91cd037e986f8260069292be", "You shouldn't lock yourself out.") }; User u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, uid); if (u.Status != us.StatusValues[0]) return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("b13fb15f7b82c3438ee9e09ae6a5ba2a", "The user is locked globally. It can not be changed in a particular application.") }; var maxadmp = await GetMaxPriority(adminId); var maxup = await GetMaxPriority(uid); if (maxadmp.Major < maxup.Major || maxadmp.Major == maxup.Major && maxadmp.Minor < maxup.Minor) return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("0452f93e5e52c7eae26c4fac7aa2d5d7", "Denined! Your role level: {0} is less than the requested one."), maxadmp.Major.ToString() + "/" + maxadmp.Minor), newpwd = "" }; UserAppMemberServiceProxy umsrv = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy(); UserAppMember um = await umsrv.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, ApplicationContext.App.ID, uid); if (um == null) return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("65318cf0e6b4b76ee9ec91f92405cbb8", "Member not found!") }; um.MemberStatus = status; um.LastStatusChange = DateTime.UtcNow; await umsrv.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cctx, s, new UserAppMember[] { um }); return new { ok = true, msg = "" }; } catch (Exception e) { return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("49dfe380301a10e682f1b3bc09136542", "Exception: {0}"), e.Message) }; } }
public static async Task <string[]> LoadMessages(string peerId, string userId, int maxMessages, bool dialog) { var svc = new MembershipPlusServiceProxy(); var usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var msgsvc = new ShortMessageServiceProxy(); var cntx = Cntx; var peer = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId); DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-InitMsgTimeWindow); var cond = new ShortMessageSetConstraints { ApplicationIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData <string> { KeyValue = AppId }, TypeIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData <int> { KeyValue = 1 }, GroupIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData <string> { KeyValue = null } }; var qexpr = new QueryExpresion(); qexpr.OrderTks = new List <QToken>(new QToken[] { new QToken { TkName = "CreatedDate" }, new QToken { TkName = "desc" } }); // ToIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<string> { KeyValue = peerId }, qexpr.FilterTks = new List <QToken>(new QToken[] { new QToken { TkName = "( FromID == \"" + peerId + "\" && ToID == \"" + userId + "\" || FromID == \"" + userId + "\" && ToID == \"" + peerId + "\" ) && CreatedDate > " + svc.FormatRepoDateTime(dt) } }); if (dialog) { qexpr.FilterTks.Add(new QToken { TkName = " && ReplyToID is null" }); } var msgs = (await msgsvc.ConstraintQueryLimitedAsync(cntx, new ShortMessageSet(), cond, qexpr, maxMessages)).ToArray(); List <string> jsonMsgs = new List <string>(); if (msgs.Length > 0) { for (int i = msgs.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { EntitySetType[] excludes; if (dialog) { excludes = new EntitySetType[] { EntitySetType.UserGroup, //EntitySetType.ShortMessageAudience, EntitySetType.ShortMessageAttachment }; } else { excludes = new EntitySetType[] { EntitySetType.UserGroup, //EntitySetType.ShortMessageAudience, EntitySetType.ShortMessageAttachment, EntitySetType.ShortMessage }; } msgs[i] = await msgsvc.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, msgs[i].ID, excludes, null); jsonMsgs.Add(GetJsonMessage(msgs[i], userId, peer, dialog)); } } return(jsonMsgs.ToArray()); }
public static async Task LeaveUserMessage(string chatHubId, string userId, string peerId, string replyId, string message) { var cntx = Cntx; UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId); var peer = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId); ShortMessageServiceProxy msvc = new ShortMessageServiceProxy(); PeerShotMessage m = new PeerShotMessage(); var now = DateTime.UtcNow; ShortMessage msg = new ShortMessage { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ApplicationID = AppId, TypeID = 1, GroupID = null, FromID = userId, ToID = peerId, ReplyToID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(replyId) ? null : replyId, CreatedDate = now, LastModified = now, MsgText = message, IsNotReceived = true }; await msvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new ShortMessageSet(), new ShortMessage[] { msg }); UserAssociationServiceProxy uasvc = new UserAssociationServiceProxy(); DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; List<UserAssociation> lass = new List<UserAssociation>(); UserAssociation utop = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, peerId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId); if (utop == null) { utop = new UserAssociation { TypeID = ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId, FromUserID = userId, ToUserID = peerId, CreateDate = dt, AssocCount = 0, LastAssoc = dt, InteractCount = 1, Votes = 0 }; } else utop.InteractCount++; lass.Add(utop); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(replyId)) { UserAssociation ptou = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId, userId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId); if (ptou == null) { ptou = new UserAssociation { TypeID = ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId, FromUserID = peerId, ToUserID = userId, CreateDate = dt, AssocCount = 0, LastAssoc = dt, InteractCount = 0, Votes = 0 }; } else ptou.InteractCount++; lass.Add(ptou); } await uasvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAssociationSet(), lass.ToArray()); }
public async Task<ActionResult> ChangeAccountInfo(string returnUrl, ManageMessageId? message) { ViewBag.StatusMessage = message == ManageMessageId.ChangePasswordSuccess ? ResourceUtils.GetString("9bc75a1c6d94e70e8b96d8d59115c0c0", "Your password has been changed.") : message == ManageMessageId.SetPasswordSuccess ? ResourceUtils.GetString("9ad4e391b8ba2faf5177dcfa6dcee143", "Your password has been set.") : message == ManageMessageId.RemoveLoginSuccess ? ResourceUtils.GetString("9d813b903dbe8155105d3b5c4e6a04ed", "The external login was removed.") : message == ManageMessageId.Error ? ResourceUtils.GetString("c69732cc923305ac0684ac8fc05a4bcb", "An error has occurred.") : ""; ViewBag.HasLocalPassword = HasPassword(); ViewBag.ReturnUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl) ? Url.Action("ChangeAccountInfo") : returnUrl; ChangeAccountInfoModel model = new ChangeAccountInfoModel(); UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var cntx = Startup.ClientContext.CreateCopy(); cntx.DirectDataAccess = true; var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, User.Identity.GetUserId()); model.FirstName = u.FirstName; model.LastName = u.LastName; var ci = User.Identity as System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity; model.Email = (from d in ci.Claims where d.Type == Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimTypes.Email select d.Value).SingleOrDefault(); return View(model); }
public static async Task<ShotMessageNotice> UpdateUserMessage(string noticeHubId, string chatHubId, string userId, string groupId, string msgId, string message) { var cntx = Cntx; UserGroupServiceProxy gsvc = new UserGroupServiceProxy(); var g = await gsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, groupId); ShortMessageServiceProxy msvc = new ShortMessageServiceProxy(); var msg = await msvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, msgId); if (msg == null || msg.FromID != userId) return null; if (msg.MsgText == message) return null; var now = DateTime.UtcNow; msg.MsgTitle = GetLeadText(message); msg.MsgText = message; msg.LastModified = now; await msvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new ShortMessageSet(), new ShortMessage[] { msg }); UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy(); var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId); msg.User_FromID = u; UserGroupMemberServiceProxy gmsvc = new UserGroupMemberServiceProxy(); var cond = new UserGroupMemberSetConstraints { UserGroupIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<string> { KeyValue = groupId } }; var qexpr = new QueryExpresion(); qexpr.OrderTks = new List<QToken>(new QToken[] { new QToken { TkName = "UserID" } }); qexpr.FilterTks = new List<QToken>(new QToken[] { new QToken { TkName = "SubscribedTo is not null && SubscribedTo == true" } }); var gmbs = await gmsvc.ConstraintQueryAsync(cntx, new UserGroupMemberSet(), cond, qexpr); List<MemberNotification> notices = new List<MemberNotification>(); List<MemberCallback> noteCbks = new List<MemberCallback>(); MemberCallbackServiceProxy mcbsvc = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy(); string noticeMsg = "Group message by " + u.Username + " updated in " + g.DistinctString; MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy ntsvc = new MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy(); var ntype = await ntsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, ApplicationContext.NewMessageNoticeTypeId); foreach (var m in gmbs) { if (m.ActivityNotification.HasValue && m.ActivityNotification.Value) { var cb = await mcbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, groupId, noticeHubId, AppId, m.UserID); if (cb.ConnectionID != null && !cb.IsDisconnected) { cb.UserAppMemberRef = await mcbsvc.MaterializeUserAppMemberRefAsync(cntx, cb); noteCbks.Add(cb); } } notices.Add(new MemberNotification { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Title = noticeMsg, CreatedDate = now, PriorityLevel = 0, ReadCount = 0, ApplicationID = AppId, TypeID = ApplicationContext.NewMessageNoticeTypeId, UserID = userId }); } var peers = await ListConnectIds(chatHubId, groupId); List<ShortMessageAudience> laud = new List<ShortMessageAudience>(); foreach (var peer in peers) { if (peer.UserID != userId) { var a = new ShortMessageAudience { MsgID = msg.ID, UserID = peer.UserID, VoteCount = 0 }; laud.Add(a); } } if (laud.Count > 0) { ShortMessageAudienceServiceProxy audsvc = new ShortMessageAudienceServiceProxy(); await audsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new ShortMessageAudienceSet(), laud.ToArray()); } if (notices.Count > 0) { MemberNotificationServiceProxy nsvc = new MemberNotificationServiceProxy(); await nsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new MemberNotificationSet(), notices.ToArray()); } return new ShotMessageNotice { msg = GetJsonMessage(msg, userId, g, false), brief = noticeMsg, categ = ntype, peers = peers, callbacks = noteCbks }; }