コード例 #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> PutUserSelection([FromRoute] long id, [FromBody] UserSelection userSelection)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            if (id != userSelection.UserSelectionId)

            _context.Entry(userSelection).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!UserSelectionExists(id))

コード例 #2
 public void AddItems(UserSelection userSelection, IEnumerable <TemplateInfo> templates, Func <TemplateInfo, string> getName)
     foreach (var template in templates)
         AddItem(userSelection, template, getName);
コード例 #3
        protected async Task AddRightClickTemplatesAsync(string destinationPath, IEnumerable <ITemplateInfo> rightClickTemplates, string projectName, string projectType, string framework, string platform, string language)
            // Add new items
            foreach (var item in rightClickTemplates)
                GenContext.Current = new FakeContextProvider
                    ProjectName          = projectName,
                    DestinationPath      = destinationPath,
                    GenerationOutputPath = GenContext.GetTempGenerationPath(projectName),

                var context = new UserSelectionContext(language, platform)
                    ProjectType       = projectType,
                    FrontEndFramework = framework,

                var newUserSelection = new UserSelection(context)
                    HomeName           = string.Empty,
                    ItemGenerationType = ItemGenerationType.GenerateAndMerge,

                var templateInfo = GenContext.ToolBox.Repo.GetTemplateInfo(item, context);

                _fixture.AddItem(newUserSelection, templateInfo, BaseGenAndBuildFixture.GetDefaultName);

                await NewItemGenController.Instance.UnsafeGenerateNewItemAsync(item.GetTemplateType(), newUserSelection);

コード例 #4
        public void RebuildLicenses_AddRemovePage()
            var licenses = new List <SummaryLicenseViewModel>();

            licenses.Add(new SummaryLicenseViewModel(new TemplateLicense()
                Text = "TestLicense", Url = "Test"

            var userSelection = new UserSelection()
                ProjectType = "SplitView",
                Framework   = "MVVMLight",
                HomeName    = "Main"

            userSelection.Pages.Add(("Main", _fixture.Repository.Get(t => t.Identity == "wts.Page.Blank").FirstOrDefault()));
            userSelection.Features.Add(("SettingStorage", _fixture.Repository.Get(t => t.Identity == "wts.Feat.SettingsStorage").FirstOrDefault()));

            LicensesService.RebuildLicenses(userSelection, licenses);

            Assert.True(licenses.Count == 3);
            Assert.False(licenses.Any(l => l.Text == "TestLicense"));
            Assert.True(licenses.Any(l => l.Text == "MVVM Light"));
            Assert.True(licenses.Any(l => l.Text == "Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp"));
            Assert.True(licenses.Any(l => l.Text == "Newtonsoft.Json"));
コード例 #5
        public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary <string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
                if (runKind == WizardRunKind.AsNewProject || runKind == WizardRunKind.AsMultiProject)
                    _replacementsDictionary = replacementsDictionary;

                    GenContext.Current = this;

                    _userSelection = NewProjectGenController.Instance.GetUserSelection(GenContext.CurrentLanguage);
            catch (WizardBackoutException)
                var projectDirectory  = replacementsDictionary["$destinationdirectory$"];
                var solutionDirectory = replacementsDictionary["$solutiondirectory$"];

                if (GenContext.ToolBox.Repo.SyncInProgress)

                CleanupDirectories(projectDirectory, solutionDirectory);

コード例 #6
        protected void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UserSelection       newSelection = populateSelectionParameters();
            UserDAL             newUserDal   = new UserDAL();
            IList <Entity.User> users        = newUserDal.GetUsers(newSelection);

            if (users.Count > 50000)
                lblError.Text = "Your selection criterion returns more than 50000 records. Please redefine the criterions.";
            gvUsers.DataSource = users;
            gvUsers.PageIndex  = 0;
            if (users.Count > 10)
                lblResult.Text = string.Format("Showing result(s) 1-10 of {0}", users.Count.ToString());
            else if (users.Count > 0)
                lblResult.Text = string.Format("Showing result(s) 1-{0} of {0}", users.Count.ToString());
                lblResult.Text = string.Empty;
コード例 #7
        public async void GenerateEmptyProject(string projectType, string framework, string language)

            var projectTemplate = _fixture.Templates
                                  .FirstOrDefault(t => t.GetTemplateType() == TemplateType.Project &&
                                                  t.GetProjectTypeList().Contains(projectType) &&
            var projectName = $"{projectType}{framework}";

            ProjectName = projectName;
            OutputPath  = Path.Combine(_fixture.TestProjectsPath, projectName, projectName);

            var userSelection = new UserSelection
                Framework   = framework,
                ProjectType = projectType,
                HomeName    = "Main",
                Language    = language

            AddLayoutItems(userSelection, projectTemplate);

            await GenController.UnsafeGenerateAsync(userSelection);

            //Build solution
            var outputPath = Path.Combine(_fixture.TestProjectsPath, projectName);
            var result     = BuildSolution(projectName, outputPath);

            Assert.True(result.exitCode.Equals(0), $"Solution {projectTemplate.Name} was not built successfully. {Environment.NewLine}Errors found: {GetErrorLines(result.outputFile)}.{Environment.NewLine}Please see {Path.GetFullPath(result.outputFile)} for more details.");

            Directory.Delete(outputPath, true);
コード例 #8
        public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary <string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
            var solutionDirectory = replacementsDictionary["$solutiondirectory$"];

                if (runKind == WizardRunKind.AsNewProject || runKind == WizardRunKind.AsMultiProject)
                    _replacementsDictionary = replacementsDictionary;

                    GenContext.Current = this;

                    _userSelection = NewProjectGenController.Instance.GetUserSelection();
            catch (WizardBackoutException)
                if (Directory.Exists(solutionDirectory))
                    Directory.Delete(solutionDirectory, true);

コード例 #9
 private bool AlreadyAdded(UserSelection userSelection, TemplateInfo item)
     return(userSelection.Pages.Any(p => p.TemplateId == item.TemplateId) ||
            userSelection.Features.Any(f => f.TemplateId == item.TemplateId) ||
            userSelection.Services.Any(f => f.TemplateId == item.TemplateId) ||
            userSelection.Testing.Any(f => f.TemplateId == item.TemplateId));
コード例 #10
        private void SendTelemetry(WizardTypeEnum wizardType, UserSelection userSelection)
            if (userSelection is null)

            WizardActionEnum wizardAction;

            switch (userSelection.ItemGenerationType)
            case ItemGenerationType.Generate:
                wizardAction = WizardActionEnum.GenerateItem;

            case ItemGenerationType.GenerateAndMerge:
                wizardAction = WizardActionEnum.GenerateAndMergeItem;

                wizardAction = WizardActionEnum.GenerateProject;

            SendTelemetryWizardComplete(wizardType, wizardAction);
コード例 #11
        private void btn_UserSelect_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            UserSelection userSelect = new UserSelection();

        } //btn_Login_Click
コード例 #12
 private async Task AddTemplateAsync(TemplateInfoViewModel selectedTemplate)
     if (!selectedTemplate.Disabled && selectedTemplate.CanBeAdded)
         await UserSelection.AddAsync(TemplateOrigin.UserSelection, selectedTemplate);
コード例 #13
 private void OnFrameworkSelected()
     UserSelection.Initialize(ProjectType.Selected.Name, Framework.Selected.Name, Language);
     WizardStatus.IsLoading = false;
コード例 #14
        public override bool IsSelectionEnabled(MetadataType metadataType)
            bool result = false;

            if (!UserSelection.HasItemsAddedByUser)
                result = true;
                var vm             = new QuestionDialogViewModel(metadataType);
                var questionDialog = new QuestionDialogWindow(vm);

                if (vm.Result == DialogResult.Accept)
                    result = true;
                    result = false;

            if (result == true)

コード例 #15
        public override UserSelection CreateUserSelection()
            var userSelection = new UserSelection()
                Framework   = ConfigFramework,
                ProjectType = ConfigProjectType,
                HomeName    = string.Empty
            var template = GetActiveTemplate();

            if (template != null)
                var dependencies = GenComposer.GetAllDependencies(template.Template, ConfigFramework);


                AddTemplate(userSelection, NewItemSetup.ItemName, template.Template, ConfigTemplateType);

                foreach (var dependencyTemplate in dependencies)
                    AddTemplate(userSelection, dependencyTemplate.GetDefaultName(), dependencyTemplate, dependencyTemplate.GetTemplateType());
コード例 #16
        protected void btnShowReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            EmailContentDAL newContentDal = new EmailContentDAL();
            UserSelection   newSelection  = new UserSelection();
            EmailContent    emailContent  = newContentDal.GetEmailContentByID(BatchID, out newSelection);

            if (newSelection != null)
            if (emailContent != null)
            EmailDeliveryDAL      newDal = new EmailDeliveryDAL();
            IList <EmailDelivery> emails = newDal.GetSendEmail(BatchID);

            gvEmailSend.PageIndex  = 0;
            gvEmailSend.DataSource = emails;
            if (emails.Count > 10)
                lblResult.Text = string.Format("Showing result(s) 1-10 of {0}", emails.Count.ToString());
            else if (emails.Count > 0)
                lblResult.Text = string.Format("Showing result(s) 1-{0} of {0}", emails.Count.ToString());
                lblResult.Text = string.Empty;
コード例 #17
        public override bool IsSelectionEnabled(MetadataType metadataType)
            bool result = false;

            if (!UserSelection.HasItemsAddedByUser)
                result = true;
                var vm             = new QuestionDialogViewModel(metadataType);
                var questionDialog = new QuestionDialogWindow(vm);
                questionDialog.Owner = WizardShell.Current;

                if (vm.Result == DialogResult.Accept)
                    result = true;
                    result = false;

            if (result == true)
                StepsViewModels.Values.ToList().ForEach(vm => vm.ResetTemplatesCount());

コード例 #18
        private UserSelection GetUserSelection()
            var userSelection = new UserSelection(ConfigProjectType, ConfigFramework, Language);

            userSelection.Add((TemplateSelection.Name, TemplateSelection.Template));
コード例 #19
        private void OnCompositionTool()
            var compositionTool = new CompositionToolWindow(UserSelection.GetUserSelection());

            compositionTool.Owner = WizardShell.Current;
コード例 #20
        private void conttrail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UserSelection userSelection = new UserSelection();

コード例 #21
        public UserSelection SetupProject(string projectType, string framework, string language, Func <ITemplateInfo, string> getName = null)
            var userSelection = new UserSelection
                Framework   = framework,
                ProjectType = projectType,
                Language    = language,

            var layouts = GenComposer.GetLayoutTemplates(userSelection.ProjectType, userSelection.Framework);

            foreach (var item in layouts)
                if (getName != null)
                    AddItem(userSelection, item.Template, getName);
                    AddItem(userSelection, item.Layout.Name, item.Template);

            userSelection.HomeName = userSelection.Pages.FirstOrDefault().name;

コード例 #22
        public void AddItem(UserSelection userSelection, string itemName, ITemplateInfo template)
            switch (template.GetTemplateType())
            case TemplateType.Page:
                userSelection.Pages.Add((itemName, template));

            case TemplateType.Feature:
                userSelection.Features.Add((itemName, template));


            var dependencies = GenComposer.GetAllDependencies(template, userSelection.Framework);

            foreach (var item in dependencies)
                if (!AlreadyAdded(userSelection, item))
                    AddItem(userSelection, item.GetDefaultName(), item);
コード例 #23
        public async void GenerateEmptyProject(string name, string framework, string projId)
            var projectTemplate = GenerationTestsFixture.Templates.Where(t => t.Identity == projId).FirstOrDefault();
            var projectName     = $"{name}{framework}";

            using (var context = GenContext.CreateNew(projectName, Path.Combine(_fixture.TestProjectsPath, projectName, projectName)))
                var userSelection = new UserSelection
                    Framework   = framework,
                    ProjectType = projectTemplate.GetProjectType(),

                AddLayoutItems(userSelection, projectTemplate);

                await GenController.UnsafeGenerateAsync(userSelection);

                //Build solution
                var outputPath = Path.Combine(_fixture.TestProjectsPath, projectName);
                var result     = BuildSolution(projectName, outputPath);

                Assert.True(result.exitCode.Equals(0), $"Solution {projectTemplate.Name} was not built successfully. {Environment.NewLine}Errors found: {GetErrorLines(result.outputFile)}.{Environment.NewLine}Please see {Path.GetFullPath(result.outputFile)} for more details.");

                Directory.Delete(outputPath, true);
コード例 #24
        public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary <string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
                if (runKind == WizardRunKind.AsNewProject || runKind == WizardRunKind.AsMultiProject)
                    _replacementsDictionary = replacementsDictionary;

                    GenContext.Current = this;

                    _userSelection = WizardLauncher.Instance.StartNewProject(_replacementsDictionary["$wts.platform$"], GenContext.CurrentLanguage, new VSStyleValuesProvider());
            catch (WizardBackoutException)
                var projectDirectory  = replacementsDictionary["$destinationdirectory$"];
                var solutionDirectory = replacementsDictionary["$solutiondirectory$"];

                if (GenContext.ToolBox.Repo.SyncInProgress)


コード例 #25
        public void Compose_BasicGeneration()
            GenContext.Current = new TestContextProvider()
                DestinationPath = string.Empty,
                ProjectName     = "TestProject",

            var context = new UserSelectionContext(ProgrammingLanguages.CSharp, "test")
                ProjectType       = "pt1",
                FrontEndFramework = "fx1",

            var userSelection = new UserSelection(context)
                HomeName = "TestHome",

            userSelection.Add(new UserSelectionItem()
                Name = "Main", TemplateId = "Microsoft.Templates.Test.PageTemplate.CSharp"
            }, TemplateType.Page);

            var genQueue = GenComposer.Compose(userSelection);

            AssertBasicParameters(genQueue, context);
コード例 #26
        public void Compose_GenerationWithPropertyBag()
            GenContext.Current = new TestContextProvider()
                DestinationPath = string.Empty,
                ProjectName     = "TestProject",

            var context = new UserSelectionContext(ProgrammingLanguages.CSharp, "test")
                ProjectType       = "pt1",
                FrontEndFramework = "fx4",

            context.PropertyBag.Add("pb1", "value1");

            var userSelection = new UserSelection(context)
                HomeName = "TestHome",

            userSelection.Add(new UserSelectionItem()
                Name = "MainPage", TemplateId = "Microsoft.Templates.Test.PageTemplatePropertyBag.CSharp"
            }, TemplateType.Page);

            var genQueue = GenComposer.Compose(userSelection);

            AssertBasicParameters(genQueue, context);

            var property = new KeyValuePair <string, string>("wts.generation.pb1", "value1");

            Assert.True(genQueue.Where(g => g.Name == "ProjectTemplatePropertyBag").All(g => g.Parameters.Contains(property)));
コード例 #27
        public async void GenerateAllPagesAndFeaturesRandomNames(string projectType, string framework)
            var targetProjectTemplate = GenerationTestsFixture.Templates.FirstOrDefault(t => t.GetTemplateType() == TemplateType.Project && t.GetProjectTypeList().Contains(projectType) && t.GetFrameworkList().Contains(framework) && !t.GetIsHidden());
            var projectName           = $"{projectType}{framework}AllRandom";

            ProjectName = projectName;
            OutputPath  = Path.Combine(_fixture.TestProjectsPath, projectName, projectName);

            var userSelection = new UserSelection
                Framework   = framework,
                ProjectType = projectType,
                HomeName    = "Main"

            AddLayoutItems(userSelection, targetProjectTemplate);
            AddItems(userSelection, GetTemplates(framework, TemplateType.Page), GetRandomName);
            AddItems(userSelection, GetTemplates(framework, TemplateType.Feature), GetRandomName);

            await GenController.UnsafeGenerateAsync(userSelection);

            //Build solution
            var outputPath = Path.Combine(_fixture.TestProjectsPath, projectName);
            var result     = BuildSolution(projectName, outputPath);

            Assert.True(result.exitCode.Equals(0), $"Solution {targetProjectTemplate.Name} was not built successfully. {Environment.NewLine}Errors found: {GetErrorLines(result.outputFile)}.{Environment.NewLine}Please see {Path.GetFullPath(result.outputFile)} for more details.");

            Directory.Delete(outputPath, true);
コード例 #28
 private void AddTemplate(TemplateInfoViewModel selectedTemplate)
     if (selectedTemplate.MultipleInstance || !UserSelection.IsTemplateAdded(selectedTemplate))
         UserSelection.Add(TemplateOrigin.UserSelection, selectedTemplate);
コード例 #29
 private async Task AddTemplateAsync(TemplateInfoViewModel selectedTemplate)
     if (selectedTemplate.MultipleInstance || !UserSelection.IsTemplateAdded(selectedTemplate))
         await UserSelection.AddAsync(TemplateOrigin.UserSelection, selectedTemplate);
コード例 #30
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("UserId,FullName,ObjectName,Description,Reuse,Reduce,Recycle,Photo,Ecoscore,EcoscoreId")] UserSelection userSelection)
            if (id != userSelection.UserId)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!UserSelectionExists(userSelection.UserId))
            ViewData["EcoscoreId"] = new SelectList(_context.EcoScore.OrderBy(c => c.EcoscoreId), "EcoscoreId", "EcoscoreId", userSelection.EcoscoreId);
            ViewData["objectName"] = new SelectList(_context.EcoScore, "objectName", "objectName", userSelection.ObjectName);
コード例 #31
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Area Level using user selection's indicator,time and area nids 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userSelection"></param>
        /// <param name="showAllAreaLevel">If True all area level will returned and user selection is not considered  </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetAreaLevelByUserselection(UserSelection.UserSelection userSelection, bool showAllAreaLevel)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder SbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            // If available area level will be returned . Indicator, timeperiod and area selection in userselection is not considered for filtering
            if (showAllAreaLevel)
                SbQuery.Append("SELECT DISTINCT AL." + Area_Level.AreaLevelName + ",AL." + Area_Level.AreaLevel + " FROM " + TablesName.AreaLevel + " AL");
                // selected Area level considering selected area in user selection
                if (userSelection.AreaNIds.Length > 0)
                    SbQuery.Append("SELECT DISTINCT AL." + Area_Level.AreaLevelName + ", AL." + Area_Level.AreaLevel + " FROM " + TablesName.AreaLevel + " AL, ");
                    SbQuery.Append(TablesName.Area + " A ");

                    // Where claues
                    SbQuery.Append(" WHERE AL." + Area_Level.AreaLevel + "=A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaLevel + " AND A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + " in (" + userSelection.AreaNIds + ")");

                // Selected area levels using area nid in data table
                    SbQuery.Append("SELECT DISTINCT AL." + Area_Level.AreaLevelName + ", AL." + Area_Level.AreaLevel + " FROM " + TablesName.AreaLevel + " AL,  ");
                    SbQuery.Append(TablesName.Area + " A, " + TablesName.Data + " D");

                    //-- Include Indicator_Unit_Subgroup in FROM clause in case  ShowIUS = false (Join on basis of indicatorNId)
                    if (userSelection.IndicatorNIds.Length > 0 && userSelection.ShowIUS == false)
                        SbQuery.Append(", " + TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " IUS");

                    SbQuery.Append(" WHERE AL." + Area_Level.AreaLevel + "=A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaLevel + " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + "=A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId);

                    // If user selection has indicator then filter out only those data in data table where IUSNid match with selected indicators
                    if (userSelection.IndicatorNIds.Length > 0)
                        if (userSelection.ShowIUS)
                            SbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " in (" + userSelection.IndicatorNIds + ")");
                            SbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + "=D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " AND IUS." + Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " in (" + userSelection.IndicatorNIds + ")");

                    if (userSelection.TimePeriodNIds.Length > 0)
                        SbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + " in (" + userSelection.TimePeriodNIds + ")");
            RetVal = SbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #32
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get auto selected AreaNId, DataNId, IUSNId, TimeperiodNId and TimePeriod
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userSelection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetAutoSelectedIUSTimePeriodArea(UserSelection.UserSelection userSelection)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
                RetVal = "SELECT D." + DIColumns.Data.DataNId + ",D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + ",D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + ",D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId;
                RetVal += ",T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriod;

                RetVal += " FROM " + this.TablesName.Data + " D," + this.TablesName.TimePeriod + " T";
                RetVal += " WHERE D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + " = T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelection.IndicatorNIds))
                    RetVal += " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " IN (" + userSelection.IndicatorNIds + ")";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelection.IndicatorNIds))
                    RetVal += " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " IN (" + userSelection.IndicatorNIds + ")";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelection.AreaNIds))
                    RetVal += " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " IN (" + userSelection.AreaNIds + ")";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelection.TimePeriodNIds))
                    RetVal += " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + " IN (" + userSelection.TimePeriodNIds + ")";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelection.SourceNIds))
                    RetVal += " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + " IN (" + userSelection.SourceNIds + ")";
            catch (Exception)
            return RetVal;
コード例 #33
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Indicator details(NId,Name,Global,GId)fitered on the bais of selections in user selection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userselection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetIndicatorList(UserSelection.UserSelection userselection)
            string retval = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            // Select Clause : select Ind NId, Name,GLobal and GId
            sbQuery.Append("SELECT DISTINCT I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGlobal + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGId);

            // From Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " IC," + this.TablesName.Data + " D,");
            sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " IUS," + this.TablesName.Indicator + " I,");
            sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.Area + " A," + this.TablesName.TimePeriod + " T ");

            // Where Clause
            sbQuery.Append("WHERE IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " = I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " = IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + "AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + " = D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId);
            sbQuery.Append("AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + "=T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " =A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId);

            // Adding user selection selections in where clause
            if (userselection.IndicatorNIds.Length > 0)
                //If show IUS then match userselection selected nid  with IUSNIds
                if (userselection.ShowIUS)
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " in (" + userselection.IndicatorNIds + ")");
                    //If show IUS then match userselection selected nid  with IndicatorNIds
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " in (" + userselection.IndicatorNIds + ") ");

            // If area in found in user selection include them in query where clause
            if (userselection.AreaNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + " in (" + userselection.AreaNIds + ")");

            // If timeperiod in found in user selection include them in query where clause
            if (userselection.TimePeriodNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + " in (" + userselection.TimePeriodNIds + ")");

            //// If fiter is applied for notes. Consider notes filter
            //if ((userselection.DataViewFilters.CommentFilter) && userselection.DataViewFilters.CommentDataNIds.Length > 0)
            //    sbQuery.Append(" AND D.Data_NId IN (" + userselection.DataViewFilters.CommentDataNIds + ")");

            // Return query
            retval = sbQuery.ToString();
            return retval;
コード例 #34
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Unit details(NId,Name,Global,GId)fitered on the bais of selections in user selection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userselection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public String GetUnitList(UserSelection.UserSelection userselection)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            sbQuery.Append("SELECT DISTINCT ");
            if (userselection.DataViewFilters.ShowUnitByIndicator)

                // Include indicator columns
                sbQuery.Append("I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + ", U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGlobal + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + ",");
                // Get unit Nid
                sbQuery.Append("U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId);

            //_Query &= ",U.Unit_Name, U.Unit_Global, U.Unit_GId"
            sbQuery.Append("U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitName + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitGlobal + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitGId);

            //From clause
            sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " IC," + this.TablesName.Data + " D,");
            sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.SubgroupVals + " S," + this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " IUS,");
            sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.Unit + " U," + this.TablesName.Indicator + " I,");
            sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.Area + " A," + this.TablesName.TimePeriod + " T ");

            // where clause
            sbQuery.Append("WHERE S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId + " = IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.SubgroupValNId + " AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.UnitNId + " = U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId + " And ");
            sbQuery.Append("IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " = I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + " AND D.");
            sbQuery.Append(DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " = IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + "= D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + "=T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " =A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId);
            // If indicator in found in user selection include them in query where clause
            if (userselection.IndicatorNIds.Length > 0)
                if (userselection.ShowIUS)
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " in (" + userselection.IndicatorNIds + ")");
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " in (" + userselection.IndicatorNIds + ") ");

            // If area in found in user selection include them in query where clause
            if (userselection.AreaNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + " in (" + userselection.AreaNIds + ")");

            // If timeperiod in found in user selection include them in query where clause
            if (userselection.TimePeriodNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + " in (" + userselection.TimePeriodNIds + ")");

            //// If fiter is applied for notes. Consider notes filter
            //if ((userselection.DataViewFilters.CommentFilter) && userselection.DataViewFilters.CommentDataNIds.Length > 0)
            //    sbQuery.Append(" AND D.Data_NId IN (" + userselection.DataViewFilters.CommentDataNIds + ")");
            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #35
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get indicator and subgroup details based on userselection and show IUS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="showSubgroup"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public String Indicator_Subgroup_Selected(Boolean showSubgroup, UserSelection.UserSelection userSelection, DIServerType serverType)
            String RetVal;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();
            // If show subgroup, then get subgroup information
            if (showSubgroup)
                // Select Ind NId,Name,Ind_Global,SubgroupValNId,SubgroupVal,subgroupVal_Global, IUSNID
                sbQuery.Append("SELECT DISTINCT I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGlobal);
                sbQuery.Append(", S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId + ", S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + ", S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGlobal + ", IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId);
                sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " IC," + this.TablesName.Data + " D,");
                sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.SubgroupVals + " S," + this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " IUS,");
                sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.Indicator + " I, " + this.TablesName.Area + " A, " + this.TablesName.TimePeriod + " T");
                sbQuery.Append(" WHERE D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " = IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " AND  D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + "= T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " =A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + "=IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId);
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " =I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + " AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.SubgroupValNId + " =S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId);

                // If Subgroup deleted
                if (userSelection.DataViewFilters.DeletedSubgroupNIds.Length > 0)
                    if (userSelection.DataViewFilters.ShowSubgroupByIndicator)

                        sbQuery.Append(" AND " + TypeCastToString("IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId, serverType) + " +'_' + ");
                        sbQuery.Append(TypeCastToString("IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.SubgroupValNId, serverType));
                        sbQuery.Append(" NOT IN (" + userSelection.DataViewFilters.DeletedSubgroupNIds + ")");
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.SubgroupValNId + " NOT IN (" + userSelection.DataViewFilters.DeletedSubgroupNIds + ")");
                sbQuery.Append("SELECT DISTINCT I.Indicator_NId,I.Indicator_Name, I.Indicator_Global");
                sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " IC," + this.TablesName.Data + " D,");
                sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " IUS,");
                sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.Indicator + " I, " + this.TablesName.Area + " A," + this.TablesName.TimePeriod + " T");
                sbQuery.Append(" WHERE D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " = IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + " =T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " =A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + "=IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId);
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + "=I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId);

            //'*** Filters for dataview  Indicator-Time-Area

            //If user selection have indicator NId then include them in filter criteria of where clause
            if (userSelection.IndicatorNIds.Length > 0)
                if (userSelection.ShowIUS)
                    // Match  userselection indicatorNIds are matched with IUSNId
                    //_Query &= " AND D.IUSNID in (" & .Indicators & ")"
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " in (" + userSelection.IndicatorNIds + ")");
                    // Match  userselection indicatorNIds are matched with IndicatorNId
                    //_Query &= " AND IUS.Indicator_Nid in (" & .Indicators & ") "
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " in (" + userSelection.IndicatorNIds + ") ");
            // Include selected Area in Search
            if (userSelection.AreaNIds.Length > 0)
                // Match for selected NIds in Data table
                //_Query &= " AND D.Area_NId in (" & .Areas & ")"
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " in (" + userSelection.AreaNIds + ")");
            if (userSelection.TimePeriodNIds.Length > 0)
                //_Query &= " AND D.Timeperiod_NId in (" & .Time & ")"
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + " in (" + userSelection.TimePeriodNIds + ")");

            // -- Append order by clause
            sbQuery.Append(" ORDER BY I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName);
            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #36
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        public string GetPresentationData(UserSelection.UserSelection UserSelection, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIServerType DIServerType)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();
            string sDataViewBasicQuery = string.Empty;

            // Get DataView Basic Query
            sDataViewBasicQuery = GetGenericSelectFromWhereClause();

            // Indicator Filters
            if (UserSelection.IndicatorNIds.Length > 0)
                if (UserSelection.ShowIUS == true)
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " IN (" + UserSelection.IndicatorNIds + ")");
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " IN (" + UserSelection.IndicatorNIds + ") ");
            // Time Period Filters
            if (UserSelection.TimePeriodNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + " IN (" + UserSelection.TimePeriodNIds + ")");
            // Area Filters
            if (UserSelection.AreaNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + " IN (" + UserSelection.AreaNIds + ")");

            // Dataview Filters
            sbQuery.Append(UserSelection.DataViewFilters.SQL_GetDataViewFilters(DIServerType, false));

            RetVal = sDataViewBasicQuery + sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #37
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Source details(sourceNId,Name,Global,recomendedSource) fitered on the bais of selections in user selection
        /// If userselection contain ShowSourceByIUS then include indicator unit and subgroup columns
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userselection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public String GetSourceList(UserSelection.UserSelection userselection)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            sbQuery.Append("SELECT DISTINCT ");

            // if ShowSourceByIUS then include indicator , unit and subgroup
            if (userselection.DataViewFilters.ShowSourceByIUS)
                // Include indicator,unit,subgroup columns
                sbQuery.Append("D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + ", D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGlobal + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + ",");
                sbQuery.Append(" U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitName + ", S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + ", U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitGlobal + ", S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGlobal);
                // Get Source Nid from data table
                sbQuery.Append("D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId);
            // Add other source information from ic Table(ICName,global and recomended source)
            sbQuery.Append(",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal + ",ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.RecommendedSource);

            // From Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " IC," + this.TablesName.Data + " D,");
            sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.SubgroupVals + " S," + this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " IUS,");
            sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.Unit + " U," + this.TablesName.Indicator + " I,");
            sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.Area + " A," + this.TablesName.TimePeriod + " T,");
            sbQuery.Append(this.TablesName.IndicatorClassificationsIUS + " ICIUS ");

            //Where clause
            sbQuery.Append("WHERE S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId + " = IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.SubgroupValNId + " AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.UnitNId + " = U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId + " And ");
            sbQuery.Append(" IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " = I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + " AND D.");
            sbQuery.Append(DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " = IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + "AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + "= D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId);
            sbQuery.Append("AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + "=T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " =A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId);
            sbQuery.Append("AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + "=ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId + " AND ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICNId + "=IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICNId);

            // If indicator in found in user selection include them in query where clause
            if (userselection.IndicatorNIds.Length > 0)
                if (userselection.ShowIUS)
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " in (" + userselection.IndicatorNIds + ")");
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " in (" + userselection.IndicatorNIds + ") ");

            // If area in found in user selection include them in query where clause
            if (userselection.AreaNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + " in (" + userselection.AreaNIds + ")");

            // If timeperiod in found in user selection include them in query where clause
            if (userselection.TimePeriodNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + " in (" + userselection.TimePeriodNIds + ")");

            //// If fiter is applied for notes. Consider notes filter
            //if ((userselection.DataViewFilters.CommentFilter) && userselection.DataViewFilters.CommentDataNIds.Length > 0)
            //    sbQuery.Append(" AND D.Data_NId IN (" + userselection.DataViewFilters.CommentDataNIds + ")");

            // Return query
            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #38
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets DISTINCT INdicator_Name, Unit_Name, SubgroupVal for which Data exists in DataBase, applying filter of userSelection's I, U, S, A, T, Source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userSelections">userSelection object</param>
        /// <returns>SQl query.</returns>
        public string GetAutoDistinctIUS(UserSelection.UserSelection userSelections)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;

            RetVal = "SELECT Distinct I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGlobal + ", U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitName + ", U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitGlobal + ", S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + ", S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGlobal + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + ", U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId + ", S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId + ", IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId +
            " FROM (" + this.TablesName.SubgroupVals + " AS S INNER JOIN (" + this.TablesName.Unit + " AS U INNER JOIN (" + this.TablesName.Indicator + " AS I INNER JOIN " + this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " AS IUS ON I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + " = IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + ") ON U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId + " = IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.UnitNId + ") ON S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId + " = IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.SubgroupValNId + ") INNER JOIN " + this.TablesName.Data + " AS D ON IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " = D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId +
            " Where 1 = 1";

            // Check if Userselection.ShowIUS is true
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelections.IndicatorNIds) & (userSelections.ShowIUS))
                RetVal += " AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " IN (" + userSelections.IndicatorNIds + ")";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelections.IndicatorNIds))
                    RetVal += " AND I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + " IN (" + userSelections.IndicatorNIds + ")";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelections.UnitNIds))
                    RetVal += " AND (U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId + " ) IN (" + userSelections.UnitNIds + ")";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelections.SubgroupValNIds))
                    RetVal += " AND (S." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId + ") IN (" + userSelections.SubgroupValNIds + ")";

            // TimePeriod NID filter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelections.TimePeriodNIds))
                RetVal += " AND (D." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + ") IN (" + userSelections.TimePeriodNIds + ")";

            // AreaNid filter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelections.AreaNIds))
                RetVal += " AND (D." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + ") IN (" + userSelections.AreaNIds + ")";

            // Source NID filter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelections.SourceNIds))
                RetVal += " AND (D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + ") IN (" + userSelections.SourceNIds + ")";

            return RetVal;
コード例 #39
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets records form data table based on User selection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="UserSelection">an instance of User selection object</param>
 /// <param name="fieldSelection">NId, Name, Light, Heavy</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string GetDataByIUSTimePeriodAreaSource(UserSelection.UserSelection UserSelection, FieldSelection fieldSelection)
     string RetVal = string.Empty;
     RetVal = GetDataNIDs(UserSelection.IndicatorNIds, UserSelection.TimePeriodNIds, UserSelection.AreaNIds, UserSelection.SourceNIds, UserSelection.ShowIUS, fieldSelection, false);
     return RetVal;
コード例 #40
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets records form data table based on User selection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="UserSelection">an instance of User selection object</param>
 /// <param name="DIServerType">Server type required for database specific syntax like concat etc.</param>
 /// <param name="dataNIds">
 /// Comma delimited datanids which may be blank. 
 /// If datanid is provided then filter is applied on the basis datanids instead of indicatornid + timeperiodnids + areanids
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>Sql query text</returns>
 public string GetDataNIDByIUSTimePeriodAreaSource(UserSelection.UserSelection UserSelection, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIServerType DIServerType, string dataNIds)
     string RetVal = string.Empty;
     RetVal = GetDataIUSSourceNIDByUserSelection(UserSelection, FieldSelection.NId, DIServerType, dataNIds);
     return RetVal;
コード例 #41
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get auto selected timeperiods between from and to time periods. if toTimeperiod is empty, it will return Timperiods greater then fromTimeperiods
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromTimperiod"></param>
        /// <param name="toTimeperiod"></param>
        /// <param name="userSelection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetAutoSelectedTimePeriodsRange(string fromTimperiod, string toTimeperiod, UserSelection.UserSelection userSelection)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;

                RetVal = " SELECT DISTINCT T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + ",T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriod;
                RetVal += " FROM " + this.TablesName.TimePeriod + " T," + this.TablesName.Data + " D";

                RetVal += " WHERE T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + " = D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelection.IndicatorNIds))
                    if (userSelection.ShowIUS)
                        RetVal += " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " IN (" + userSelection.IndicatorNIds + ")";
                        RetVal += " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IndicatorNId + " IN (" + userSelection.IndicatorNIds + ")";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelection.AreaNIds))
                    RetVal += " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " IN (" + userSelection.AreaNIds + ")";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelection.SourceNIds))
                    RetVal += " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + " IN (" + userSelection.SourceNIds + ")";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toTimeperiod))
                    RetVal += " AND T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriod + " BETWEEN '" + fromTimperiod + "' and '" + toTimeperiod + "'";
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromTimperiod))
                    RetVal += " AND T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriod + " >= '" + fromTimperiod + "'";
            catch (Exception)

            return RetVal;
コード例 #42
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets records form data table based on User selection
        /// </summary>
        ///<param name="UserSelection">an instance of User selection object</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">NId, Name, Light, Heavy</param>
        /// <param name="DIServerType">Server type required for database specific syntax like concat etc.</param>
        /// <param name="dataNIds">
        /// Comma delimited datanids which may be blank. 
        /// If datanid is provided then filter is applied on the basis datanids instead of indicatornid + timeperiodnids + areanids
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetDataIUSSourceNIDByUserSelection(UserSelection.UserSelection UserSelection, FieldSelection fieldSelection, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIServerType DIServerType, string dataNIds)
            // --------- sDataNIDs (Length > 0 then apply Filters) ---------
            // -- sDataNIDs will have comma seperated Data NIDs only when this function is being used to Apply Filters on the already created Data View
            // -- In such a case sDataNIDs will hold all the DataNIDs of the created DataView
            // -- 1. Will be used with Filters only
            // -- 2. If sDataNIDs is not blank then it means that this function is being used to set Filters
            // -- 3. TIME PERIOD Table - Will require a Check for MRD filter also - In this Case Time Period Table will be used
            // -- 4. In this Case no Filters on Area, Time and Indicator
            // -- SPECIAL CASE
            // -- With too many DataNIDs, the Query might fail - Maximum limit set to 60,000 length
            // -- In such a scenario, sDataNIDs filter will not be used and the Filters for Area, Time and Indicator will be used
            // -- Also MRD will be applied if applicable

            string RetVal = string.Empty;

            string indicatorNIds = UserSelection.IndicatorNIds;
            string timePeriodNIds = UserSelection.TimePeriodNIds;
            string areaNIds = UserSelection.AreaNIds;
            string sourceNIds = UserSelection.SourceNIds;
            bool showIUS = UserSelection.ShowIUS;
            bool UseIUSTable = false;
            int iDataNIDLen = dataNIds.Length;
            int iMaxDataNIdLen = 60000;

            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            // SELECT Clause

            switch (fieldSelection)
                case FieldSelection.NId:
                    sbQuery.Append("SELECT D." + DIColumns.Data.DataNId + ", D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + ", D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + ", D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + ", D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId);

                    // Use TimePeriod Table (Check comments on top - MRD case)
                    if (iDataNIDLen > 0 && UserSelection.DataViewFilters.MostRecentData)
                        // Check comments on top - MRD case
                        sbQuery.Append(", T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriod);

                case FieldSelection.Name:
                    sbQuery.Append("SELECT I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitName + ",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + ",T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriod + ",A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaName + ",D." + DIColumns.Data.DataValue + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName);
                case FieldSelection.Light:
                    sbQuery.Append("SELECT IUS." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + ",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + ",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitName + ",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId + ",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + ",T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + ",T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriod + ",A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + ",A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaName + ",D." + DIColumns.Data.DataValue + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName);
                case FieldSelection.Heavy:

            // FROM Clause
            switch (fieldSelection)
                case FieldSelection.NId:
                    sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.Data + " AS D");

                    // Filters on - Unit and Subgroup
                    if (UserSelection.DataViewFilters.DeletedSubgroupNIds.Length > 0 || UserSelection.DataViewFilters.DeletedUnitNIds.Length > 0)
                        // -- DataView - If Filtered by Unit or Subgroup
                        // -- Use IUS Table in this case
                        UseIUSTable = true;

                    // Use IUS Table
                    if (UseIUSTable)
                        sbQuery.Append(", " + this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " AS IUS ");
                    // Use Time Period Table
                    if (iDataNIDLen > 0 && UserSelection.DataViewFilters.MostRecentData)
                        // Check comments on top
                        sbQuery.Append(", " + this.TablesName.TimePeriod + " AS T ");


                case FieldSelection.Name:
                case FieldSelection.Light:
                case FieldSelection.Heavy:


            // WHERE Clause
            switch (fieldSelection)
                case FieldSelection.NId:
                    sbQuery.Append(" WHERE 1=1 ");

                    if (UseIUSTable)
                        // Join between IUS and Data Table
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + "=IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId);

                    // Use Time Period Table - MRD Filter
                    if (iDataNIDLen > 0 && UserSelection.DataViewFilters.MostRecentData)
                        // Check comments on top  - MRD Filter
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + "=T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId);

                case FieldSelection.Name:
                case FieldSelection.Light:
                case FieldSelection.Heavy:

            // Filters on Area, Indicator and Time Period
            if (iDataNIDLen == 0 || iDataNIDLen > iMaxDataNIdLen)
                // Area
                if (areaNIds.Trim().Length > 0)
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " IN (" + areaNIds + ")");

                // Indicator
                if (indicatorNIds.Trim().Length > 0)
                    if (showIUS == false)
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IndicatorNId + " IN (" + indicatorNIds + ") ");
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " IN (" + indicatorNIds + ")");

                // Time Period
                if (timePeriodNIds.Trim().Length > 0)
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + " IN (" + timePeriodNIds + ")");

                // Source
                if (sourceNIds.Trim().Length > 0)
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + " IN (" + sourceNIds + ")");
                // IF the length of sDataNIDs > 0 then apply filter on DataNIDs
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.DataNId + " IN (" + dataNIds + ")");

            // ---------------------------------------------
            // --------- Filters - DataView ---------  Exclude Deleted Data Point filters as they will be part of main dataview
            // ---------------------------------------------
            if (UserSelection.DataViewFilters.MostRecentData == true)
                // For MRD case Deleted records should be discarded ie filter clause for deleted record should be considered
                sbQuery.Append(UserSelection.DataViewFilters.SQL_GetDataViewFilters(DIServerType, false));
                // For other case Deleted records should be part of dataview ie filter clause for deleted record should be excluded
                sbQuery.Append(UserSelection.DataViewFilters.SQL_GetDataViewFilters(DIServerType, true));

            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;