コード例 #1
        public EditUserRoleModule()
            // add an after hook to send the user to access denied if they are NOT admin
            After += context =>
                if (context.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
                    context.Response = Response.AsRedirect("/denied");

            this.RequiresAnyClaim(new[] { "admin" });

            // show the edit user form
            Get["/EditUserRole/{Guid}"] = parameters =>

                // get the user row to be edit and send it to the View
                var userRow = UserDatabase.GetUserByGuid(parameters.Guid);

                // get the users role guid and put into the model
                var urGuid = UserDatabase.GetRoleGuidForUser(parameters.Guid);
                userRow.RoleGuid = urGuid.RoleGuid;

                return(View["Views/User/EditUserRole", userRow]);
            Post["/EditUserRole/{Guid}"] = parameters =>
                var model = new Users();
                var email = (string)Request.Form.Email;

                string r = null;

                    // create an instance of the RolesInsert and fill the data
                    var ur = new UserRolesInsert {
                        RoleGuid = model.RoleGuid, UserGuid = model.Guid

                    // open db and clear out old role and add new
                    var db = Database.Open();

                    r = "<strong>Success:</strong> " +
                        "user: <em>" + email +
                        "</em> role was updated.  <a href=\"/users \"> return to users</a> ";
                catch (Exception e)
                    r = "<strong>Error:</strong> " +
                        " guid: something went wrong and the update failed!: " + e + " <a href=\"/users \"> return to users</a> ";

コード例 #2
        public AddUserModule()
            // add an after hook to send the user to access denied if they are NOT admin
            After += context =>
                if (context.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
                    context.Response = this.Response.AsRedirect("/denied");
            this.RequiresAnyClaim(new[] { "admin" });

            // show the add user form
            Get["/adduser"] = _ =>

            // receive the posted add form data

            Post["/adduser"] = parameters =>
                // create an instance of the expected model and bind it to this (the posted form)
                var model = new Users();

                var db = Database.Open(); // open db with Simple.Data

                // check if username/email already exists
                int uCount = Database.Open().Users.GetCount(db.Users.Email == Request.Form.Email);
                if (uCount > 0)
                    return(Response.AsJson("<strong>Error:</strong> The email already exists and cannot be used!"));

                // get the pwd because it is not going in the table and therefore NOT in the model
                var pwd = (string)Request.Form.Password;

                // create the BCrypt hash + salt
                // use default, increase WORK FACTOR to make more secure. Note that this will slow down user create a great deal and
                // you will want to put some kind of AJAX processing gif on the page
                var theSalt = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.GenerateSalt();

                var theHash = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(pwd, theSalt);
                // nb: pwd is NOT saved in the DB, only the hash

                model.Guid          = Guid.NewGuid();
                model.CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                model.LastUpdated   = DateTime.Now;
                model.LastUpdatedBy = Context.CurrentUser.UserName;
                model.Hash          = theHash;


                // Create a UserRole row and insert that
                var UserRoles = new UserRolesInsert();
                UserRoles.RoleGuid = model.RoleGuid;
                UserRoles.UserGuid = model.Guid;


                return(Response.AsJson("<strong>Success:</strong> user <em>" + model.Email + "</em> was added."));