public List <HoldCargoViewModel> Match(List <HoldCargo> _holdcargo) { List <HoldCargoViewModel> _results = new List <HoldCargoViewModel>(); PackageNumberBL _packageNumberService = new PackageNumberBL(); StatusBL status = new StatusBL(); ReasonBL reason = new ReasonBL(); UserRoleBL user = new UserRoleBL(); ShipmentBL shipmentService = new ShipmentBL(); List <Shipment> shipList = shipmentService.GetAll(); UserStore _userService = new UserStore(); foreach (HoldCargo holdCargo in _holdcargo) { HoldCargoViewModel model = new HoldCargoViewModel(); //string _airwaybill = _packageNumberService.GetAll().Find(x => x.PackageNo == holdCargo.Cargo).Shipment.AirwayBillNo; HoldCargoViewModel isExist = _results.Find(x => x.AirwayBillNo == holdCargo.AirwayBillNo); if (isExist != null) { } else { model.Date = holdCargo.HoldCargoDate; model.AirwayBillNo = holdCargo.AirwayBillNo; Shipment ship = shipList.Find(x => x.AirwayBillNo == holdCargo.AirwayBillNo); if (ship != null) { model.Shipper = ship.Shipper.FullName; model.Consignee = ship.Consignee.FullName; model.Address = ship.Consignee.Address1; model.PaymentMode = ship.PaymentMode.PaymentModeName; model.ServiceMode = ship.ServiceMode.ServiceModeName; model.Status = status.GetById(holdCargo.StatusID).StatusName; // status.GetAll().Find(x => x.StatusID == holdCargo.StatusID).StatusName; model.Reason = reason.GetById(holdCargo.ReasonID).ReasonName; // .Find(x => x.ReasonID == holdCargo.ReasonID).ReasonName; model.EndorseBy = holdCargo.Endorsedby; //model.ScannedBy = user.GetActiveRoles().Find(x => x.RoleId == AppUser.User.UserId).RoleName; //model.ScannedBy = holdCargo.User.Employee.FullName; model.ScannedBy = "N/A"; string employee = _userService.FindById(holdCargo.CreatedBy).Employee.FullName; if (employee != "") { model.ScannedBy = employee; } //model.PreparedBy = user.GetAllUsers().Find(x => x.UserId == shi) model.Aging = Math.Round((DateTime.Now - holdCargo.HoldCargoDate).TotalDays, 2); model.Branch = holdCargo.User.Employee.AssignedToArea.City.BranchCorpOffice.BranchCorpOfficeName; _results.Add(model); } } } return(_results); }
public ActionResult Login(UserModel user) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { bool IsValidUser = new UserRoleBL().ValidateUser(user.UserName, user.Password); if (IsValidUser) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.UserName, false); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } } ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid Username or Password"); return(View()); }
private void CreateSideMenu() { var session = new SLLITPage(); var menu = new UserRoleBL().GetMenuByUserID(session.CurrentUserID); string html = ""; liItems.InnerHtml = String.Empty; var tempHtml = string.Empty; var finalHtml = string.Empty; var currentRoleName = string.Empty; finalHtml += "<!-- DOC: To remove the sidebar toggler from the sidebar you just need to completely remove the below 'sidebar-toggler-wrapper' LI element -->"; finalHtml += "<li class='sidebar-toggler-wrapper'>"; finalHtml += " <!-- BEGIN SIDEBAR TOGGLER BUTTON -->"; finalHtml += " <div class='sidebar-toggler'>"; finalHtml += " </div>"; finalHtml += " <!-- END SIDEBAR TOGGLER BUTTON -->"; finalHtml += "</li>"; finalHtml += "<li class='start active'>"; finalHtml += " <a href='" + ResolveUrl("~/Default.aspx") + "'>"; finalHtml += " <i class='icon-home'></i>"; finalHtml += " <span class='title'>Home</span>"; finalHtml += " <span class='selected'></span>"; finalHtml += " </a>"; finalHtml += "</li>"; foreach (var item in menu) { if (currentRoleName == string.Empty)//first case { currentRoleName = item.RoleName; finalHtml += "<li>"; finalHtml += " <a href='javascript:;'>"; finalHtml += " <i class='fa " + item.RoleIcon + "'></i>"; finalHtml += " <span class='title'>" + item.RoleName + "</span>"; finalHtml += " <span class='arrow '></span>"; finalHtml += " </a>"; finalHtml += "<ul class='sub-menu'>"; } if (currentRoleName != item.RoleName)//if role changes { currentRoleName = item.RoleName; finalHtml += tempHtml; finalHtml += " </ul>"; finalHtml += " </li>"; finalHtml += "<li>"; finalHtml += " <a href='javascript:;'>"; finalHtml += " <i class='fa " + item.RoleIcon + "'></i>"; finalHtml += " <span class='title'>" + item.RoleName + "</span>"; finalHtml += " <span class='arrow '></span>"; finalHtml += " </a>"; finalHtml += "<ul class='sub-menu'>"; tempHtml = string.Empty; } tempHtml += " <li><a href='" + ResolveUrl(item.MenuHomePage) + "'>" + item.MenuDisplayName + "</a></li>"; } finalHtml += tempHtml; finalHtml += " </ul>"; finalHtml += "</li>"; liItems.InnerHtml = finalHtml; }