void Start() { var pref = new UserPreference("bongteng16", "くわ", "sometoken1234", "{\"meat\":5, \"fish\":3}"); pref.Save(); var pref2 = new UserPreference("bongteng", "わわ", "anothertoken456", "{}"); pref.Save(); pref2.Print(); }
private void importFromDirectoryToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DB.SuspendTreeUpdates(); var path = UserPreference.Lookup("bulk_import_folder"); FolderBrowserDialog dlg = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (Directory.Exists(path)) { dlg.SelectedPath = path; } if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { UserPreference.Save("bulk_import_folder", dlg.SelectedPath); BulkImportForm f = new BulkImportForm(); f.ImportClick += delegate { BulkImportDirectory.Import(DB, f.SelectedPath, f.Filter, f.RegexFilter); }; f.SelectedPath = dlg.SelectedPath; f.ShowDialog(); DatabaseChanged(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { DB.ResumeTreeUpdates(); } }
private void OpenClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Performance p = new Performance(); OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog(); fd.DefaultExt = "*.pdb"; fd.Filter = "Pisces database (*.pdb)|*.pdb"; if (fd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { explorer1.Open(fd.FileName); DatabaseChanged(); } UserPreference.Save("fileName", fd.FileName); p.Report("done reading " + fd.FileName); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
public static void ShowStatus(string status, bool showAllways = false) { var lines = status.Split('\n'); foreach (var item in lines) { Logger.WriteLine(item); } if (UserPreference.Lookup("HideStatusDialog") != "True" || showAllways) { var f = new FormStatus(); f.Lines = lines; f.ShowDialog(); if (f.HideDialogNextTime) { UserPreference.Save("HideStatusDialog", "True"); } else { UserPreference.Save("HideStatusDialog", "False"); } } }
IEnumerator SetQuestions() { for (int i = 0; i < QuestionCount; i++) { SetTwoCategory(ref LeftButton, ref RightButton, i); while (currentChoice == CategoryChoice.No) { yield return(null); } AddCategoryScore(currentChoice); ResetProperty(); yield return(null); } string json = Json.Serialize(categoryDatabase.categoryDictionary); Debug.Log(json); PlayerPrefs.SetString("LikeJson", json); UserPreference userPreference = new UserPreference(UserData.userData.userId, UserData.userData.userName, UserData.userData.userAccessToken, json); userPreference.Save(); SceneManager.LoadScene("Send"); }
private void addPiscesDatabase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Performance p = new Performance(); OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog(); fd.DefaultExt = "*.pdb"; fd.Filter = "Pisces database (*.pdb)|*.pdb"; if (fd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { SQLiteServer svr = new SQLiteServer(fd.FileName); TimeSeriesDatabase db = new TimeSeriesDatabase(svr, false); DB.InsertDatabase(CurrentFolder, db); DatabaseChanged(); } UserPreference.Save("fileName", fd.FileName); p.Report("done reading " + fd.FileName); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
private void buttonOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserPreference.Save("SaveToVMS", SaveToVMS.ToString()); if (checkBoxDependencies.Enabled) { UserPreference.Save("ComputeDependencies", ComputeDependencies.ToString()); } }
private void OpenFile(string fileName) { this.textBoxExcelFileName.Text = fileName; InitilizeSpreadsheet(); xls.Open(fileName); runForecast1.Reload(xls); UserPreference.Save("FileName", fileName); }
private void RefreshClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (this.comboBoxInputs.Text.IndexOf(":") == 0) { return; } UserPreference.Save("Inputs" + m_db.ToString(), this.comboBoxInputs.Text); this.dragPoint1.Active = false; Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; timeSeriesSpreadsheet1.Clear(); Application.DoEvents(); try { dataTable = this.GetTimeSeries(); dataTable.AcceptChanges(); dataTable.RowChanged += new DataRowChangeEventHandler(dataTable_RowChanged); Logger.WriteLine(UserPreference.Lookup("HydrometServer"), "ui"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); Logger.WriteLine("error reading data from " + UserPreference.Lookup("HydrometServer") + " " + ex.ToString(), "ui"); Logger.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } finally { Cursor = Cursors.Default; } if (dataTable == null) { return; } Logger.WriteLine(dataTable.Rows.Count + " rows of data read", "ui"); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { dataTable.WriteXml(originalDataXmlFilename, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema); } Graph(); SetupUsgsLink(); timeSeriesSpreadsheet1.SetDataTable(dataTable, m_db, true); timeSeriesSpreadsheet1.AutoFlagDayFiles = UserPreference.Lookup("AutoFlagDayFiles") == "True"; //this.comboBoxEditSeries.Items.Clear(); //this.comboBoxEditSeries.Items.Add("None"); //for(int i=0; i<tChart1.Series.Count; i++) //{ // string columnName = tChart1.Series[i].Title; // this.comboBoxEditSeries.Items.Add(columnName); //} //this.comboBoxEditSeries.SelectedIndex =0; }
private void ReadFile(string filename) { labelFileName.Text = filename; if (!File.Exists(filename)) { return; } comboBoxInputs.Items.Clear(); comboBoxInputs.Items.AddRange(File.ReadAllLines(filename)); labelFileName.Text = filename; UserPreference.Save(m_db.ToString() + "FileName", filename); }
private void buttonOk_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { s_password = this.textBoxPass.Text; mpoll_password = this.textBoxPassMpoll.Text; UserPreference.Save("UserName", this.textBoxUser.Text); //UserPreference.Save("BuildCropCharts", checkBoxCropCharts.Checked.ToString()); //UserPreference.Save("ComputeET",checkBoxET.Checked.ToString()); UserPreference.Save("RunArchiver", checkBoxArchiver.Checked.ToString()); //UserPreference.Save("SendToWeb", checkBoxWeb.Checked.ToString()); Close(); this.CancelClicked = false; }
private void NewDatabaseClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog fd = new SaveFileDialog(); fd.Title = "Create a new Database"; fd.DefaultExt = "*.pdb"; fd.Filter = "Pisces database (*.pdb)|*.pdb"; if (fd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { explorer1.Open(fd.FileName, true); DatabaseChanged(); UserPreference.Save("fileName", fd.FileName); } }
private void save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!dbList.Contains(this.comboBox1.Text)) { string val = comboBox1.Text; if (this.comboBox1.SelectedItem != null) { val = comboBox1.Text; } dbList.Insert(0, val); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } credentials.Save(comboBox1.Text.Trim(), textBoxPassword.Text); UserPreference.Save("SelectedDatabaseServer", comboBox1.Text.Trim()); }
public void SaveUserPref() { if (!Ready) { return; } UserPreference.Save("HideStatusDialog", this.checkBoxHideStatus.Checked.ToString()); UserPreference.Save("Admin", this.checkBoxAdmin.Checked.ToString()); UserPreference.Save("EnableComputations", this.checkBoxCompute.Checked.ToString()); //UserPreference.Save("AgrimetCalculations", this.checkBoxAgrimet.Checked.ToString()); UserPreference.Save("MultipleYAxis", this.checkBoxMultipleYAxis.Checked.ToString()); UserPreference.Save("AutoFlagDayFiles", this.checkBoxAutoFlagDayfiles.Checked.ToString()); var pw = textBoxDbPassword.Text; UserPreference.Save("timeseries_database_password", StringCipher.Encrypt(pw, "")); }
private void SaveToUserPref() { if (this.radioButtonPnHydromet.Checked) { UserPreference.Save("HydrometServer", HydrometHost.PN.ToString()); } else if (this.radioButtonBoiseLinux.Checked) { UserPreference.Save("HydrometServer", HydrometHost.PNLinux.ToString()); } else if (this.radioButtonYakHydromet.Checked) { UserPreference.Save("HydrometServer", HydrometHost.Yakima.ToString()); } else if (this.radioButtonGP.Checked) { UserPreference.Save("HydrometServer", HydrometHost.GreatPlains.ToString()); } }
private void SaveToUserPref() { if (this.radioButtonPnHydromet.Checked) { UserPreference.Save("HydrometServer", HydrometHost.PN.ToString()); } else if (this.radioButtonBoiseLinux.Checked) { UserPreference.Save("HydrometServer", HydrometHost.PNLinux.ToString()); } else if (this.radioButtonYakHydromet.Checked) { UserPreference.Save("HydrometServer", HydrometHost.Yakima.ToString()); } else if (this.radioButtonGP.Checked) { UserPreference.Save("HydrometServer", HydrometHost.GreatPlains.ToString()); } else if (this.radioButtonLocal.Checked) { UserPreference.Save("HydrometServer", HydrometHost.LocalSource.ToString()); } else if (this.radioButtonYakLinux.Checked) { UserPreference.Save("HydrometServer", HydrometHost.YakimaLinux.ToString()); } UserPreference.Save("TimeSeriesDatabaseName", this.textBoxDbName.Text); }
private void buttonRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { timeSeriesGraph1.AnnotationOnMouseMove = checkBoxAnnotate.Checked; Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Application.DoEvents(); string pcode = DeterminePcode(); timeSeriesGraph1.Clear(); string cbtt = comboBoxCbtt.Text.Trim(); if (cbtt.Trim() == "" || pcode.Trim() == "") { return; } UserPreference.Save("Snowgg->cbtt", cbtt); UserPreference.Save("Snowgg->pcode", comboBoxPcode.Text.Trim()); int[] waterYears = this.yearSelector1.SelectedYears; var server = HydrometInfoUtility.HydrometServerFromPreferences(); var range = monthRangePicker1.MonthDayRange; Series s = new HydrometDailySeries(cbtt, pcode, server); var sl = new SeriesList(); sl.Add(s); var wyList = PiscesAnalysis.WaterYears(sl, waterYears, false, 10, true); AddStatistics(wyList); if (checkBoxGP.Checked) { GPAverage(cbtt, server, range, wyList); } var mp = ReadMpollData(pcode, cbtt); mp.RemoveMissing(); if (mp.Count > 0) { wyList.Add(mp); } // remove months outside selected range var list = FilterBySelectedRange(range, wyList); this.timeSeriesGraph1.AnalysisType = AnalysisType.WaterYears; this.timeSeriesGraph1.Series = list; this.timeSeriesGraph1.Title = HydrometInfoUtility.LookupSiteDescription(cbtt) + " Elevation:" + HydrometInfoUtility.LookupElevation(cbtt); this.timeSeriesGraph1.Draw(true); timeSeriesGraph1.GraphSettings = GetGraphSettings(); } finally { Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
/// <summary> /// graphs data in dataTable /// </summary> void Graph() { UserPreference.Save("ShowPoints", this.checkBoxShowPoints.Checked.ToString()); tChart1.Text = ""; if (dataTable == null) { return; } Console.WriteLine("graph()"); tChart1.Series.Clear(); tChart1.Zoom.Undo(); int sz = dataTable.Columns.Count; if (sz == 2 || (sz == 3 && m_db == TimeInterval.Irregular) || (sz == 3 && m_db == TimeInterval.Monthly)) // single graph series. { this.tChart1.Legend.Visible = false; } else { this.tChart1.Legend.Visible = true; } string subTitle = ""; this.tChart1.Header.Text = GetHeaderTitle(out subTitle); this.tChart1.SubHeader.Visible = false; if (subTitle.Trim() != "") { this.tChart1.SubHeader.Text = subTitle; this.tChart1.SubHeader.Visible = true; } int increment = 1; if (m_db == TimeInterval.Irregular || m_db == TimeInterval.Monthly) { increment = 2; } tChart1.Axes.Custom.RemoveAll(); tChart1.Panel.MarginLeft = 3; tChart1.Axes.Left.Title.Text = ""; tChart1.Axes.Right.Title.Text = ""; tChart1.Axes.Bottom.Labels.DateTimeFormat = "MM/dd"; for (int i = 1; i < sz; i += increment) { try { string columnName = dataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName; double avg = AverageOfColumn(dataTable, columnName); Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Line series = MakeSeries(dataTable, columnName, avg); series.VertAxis = Steema.TeeChart.Styles.VerticalAxis.Left; series.Pointer.Visible = this.checkBoxShowPoints.Checked; var tokens = TextFile.Split(columnName); string pcode = ""; string cbtt = ""; if (tokens.Length == 2) { cbtt = tokens[0].Trim(); pcode = tokens[1].Trim(); } string units = LookupUnits(pcode); if (UserPreference.Lookup("MultipleYAxis") == "True") { TChartDataLoader.SetupMultiLeftAxis(tChart1, series, units); } else { TChartDataLoader.SetupAxisLeftRight(tChart1, series, units); } /* //if (i == 1) * //{ * // vertLabel1 = Hydromet.LookupMcfPcodeDescription(cbtt, pcode); * // tChart1.Axes.Left.Title.Text = vertLabel1; * // firstPcode = pcode; * //} * //else * //{ // determine if we should use right vertical axis. * // if (firstPcode.ToLower().Trim() != pcode.Trim().ToLower()) * // { * // series.VertAxis = Steema.TeeChart.Styles.VerticalAxis.Right; * // } * //} */ tChart1.Series.Add(series); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString() + " series index " + i); Logger.WriteLine(e.ToString(), "ui"); } if (tChart1.Series.Count > 0) { dragPoint1.Series = tChart1[0]; dragPoint1.Active = true; } else { dragPoint1.Active = false; } } //tChart1.Zoom.ZoomPercent(94); this.comboBoxEditSeries_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); }
private void buttonRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { timeSeriesGraph1.AnnotationOnMouseMove = checkBoxAnnotate.Checked; Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Application.DoEvents(); string pcodeOrig = DeterminePcode(); timeSeriesGraph1.Clear(); string cbttOrig = comboBoxCbtt.Text.Trim(); string cbtt = cbttOrig, pcode = pcodeOrig; var seriesList = new List <string>(); if ((cbttOrig.Trim() == "" || pcodeOrig.Trim() == "") && textBoxMultiple.Text == "") { return; } else { if (!checkBoxUseList.Checked) { UserPreference.Save("Snowgg->cbtt", cbttOrig); UserPreference.Save("Snowgg->pcode", comboBoxPcode.Text.Trim()); seriesList.Add(cbttOrig + "_" + pcodeOrig); } else { var seriesItems = textBoxMultiple.Text.Split(','); foreach (string item in seriesItems) { if (item.Trim().Split(' ').Length == 2) { seriesList.Add(item.Trim().Split(' ')[0] + "_" + item.Trim().Split(' ')[1]); } } } } int[] waterYears = this.yearSelector1.SelectedYears; SeriesList finalSeriesCollection = new SeriesList(); foreach (string series in seriesList) { cbtt = series.Split('_')[0]; comboBoxCbtt.Text = cbtt; pcode = series.Split('_')[1]; comboBoxPcode.Text = pcode; var server = HydrometInfoUtility.HydrometServerFromPreferences(); var range = monthRangePicker1.MonthDayRange; Series s = new HydrometDailySeries(cbtt, pcode, server); var sl = new SeriesList(); sl.Add(s); var wyList = PiscesAnalysis.WaterYears(sl, waterYears, false, 10, true); foreach (var item in wyList) { item.Name = cbtt + " " + pcode; } wyList = ApplyDeltas(wyList, waterYears); AddStatistics(wyList); if (checkBoxGP.Checked) { GPAverage(cbtt, server, range, wyList); } var mp = ReadMpollData(pcode, cbtt); mp.RemoveMissing(); if (mp.Count > 0) { wyList.Add(mp); } // remove months outside selected range var list = FilterBySelectedRange(range, wyList); finalSeriesCollection.Add(list); } // Set series line colors var uniqueSeriesNames = new List <string>(); var uniqueSeriesColors = new List <string>(); int colorCounter = 0; foreach (var item in finalSeriesCollection) { // set line color by year which is identified in the legendtext field if (!uniqueSeriesNames.Contains(item.Appearance.LegendText) && !item.Appearance.LegendText.Contains("%") && !item.Appearance.LegendText.Contains("avg") && !item.Appearance.LegendText.Contains("max") && !item.Appearance.LegendText.Contains("min")) { uniqueSeriesNames.Add(item.Appearance.LegendText);//.Name); uniqueSeriesColors.Add(snowGgColors[colorCounter]); colorCounter = (colorCounter + 1) % snowGgColors.Count; } } foreach (var item in finalSeriesCollection) { try { int colIdx = uniqueSeriesNames.IndexOf(item.Appearance.LegendText);//.Name); item.Appearance.Color = uniqueSeriesColors[colIdx]; } catch { item.Appearance.Color = "Black"; } } this.timeSeriesGraph1.AnalysisType = AnalysisType.WaterYears; this.timeSeriesGraph1.Series = finalSeriesCollection; if (seriesList.Count == 1) { this.timeSeriesGraph1.Title = HydrometInfoUtility.LookupSiteDescription(cbtt) + " Elevation:" + HydrometInfoUtility.LookupElevation(pcode); } //timeSeriesGraph1.GraphSettings = GetGraphSettings(); this.timeSeriesGraph1.Draw(true); comboBoxCbtt.Text = cbttOrig; comboBoxPcode.Text = pcodeOrig; timeSeriesGraph1.GraphSettings = GetGraphSettings(); } finally { Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
private void buttonRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { timeSeriesGraph1.AnnotationOnMouseMove = checkBoxAnnotate.Checked; timeSeriesGraph1.AnnotationDateShift = !cySelected; Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Application.DoEvents(); string pcodeOrig = DeterminePcode(); timeSeriesGraph1.Clear(); string cbttOrig = comboBoxCbtt.Text.Trim(); string cbtt = cbttOrig, pcode = pcodeOrig; var seriesList = new List <string>(); if ((cbttOrig.Trim() == "" || pcodeOrig.Trim() == "") && textBoxMultiple.Text == "") { return; } else { if (!checkBoxUseList.Checked) { UserPreference.Save("Snowgg->cbtt", cbttOrig); UserPreference.Save("Snowgg->pcode", comboBoxPcode.Text.Trim()); seriesList.Add(cbttOrig + "_" + pcodeOrig); } else { var seriesItems = textBoxMultiple.Text.Split(','); foreach (string item in seriesItems) { if (item.Trim().Split(' ').Length == 2) { seriesList.Add(item.Trim().Split(' ')[0] + "_" + item.Trim().Split(' ')[1]); } } } } int[] waterYears = this.yearSelector1.SelectedYears; SeriesList finalSeriesCollection = new SeriesList(); foreach (string series in seriesList) { cbtt = series.Split('_')[0]; comboBoxCbtt.Text = cbtt; pcode = series.Split('_')[1]; comboBoxPcode.Text = pcode; var server = HydrometInfoUtility.HydrometServerFromPreferences(); var range = monthRangePicker1.MonthDayRange; Series s; if (this.checkBoxUseInstant.Checked) { s = new HydrometInstantSeries(cbtt, pcode, server); } else { s = new HydrometDailySeries(cbtt, pcode, server); } var sl = new SeriesList(); sl.Add(s); // get wy data var wyList = new SeriesList(); if (cySelected) { wyList = PiscesAnalysis.WaterYears(sl, waterYears, false, 1, true); } else { wyList = PiscesAnalysis.WaterYears(sl, waterYears, false, 10, true); } foreach (Series item in wyList) { item.Name = cbtt + " " + pcode; // remove missing data points var missingItems = item.Table.Select("value = 998877"); foreach (var row in missingItems) { item.RemoveAt(item.IndexOf(Convert.ToDateTime(row.ItemArray[0]))); } } // apply deltas and add stats if toggled wyList = ApplyDeltas(wyList, waterYears); AddStatistics(wyList); if (checkBoxGP.Checked) { GPAverage(cbtt, server, range, wyList); } // remove months outside selected range var list = FilterBySelectedRange(range, wyList); finalSeriesCollection.Add(list); } // Set series line colors var uniqueSeriesNames = new List <string>(); var uniqueSeriesColors = new List <string>(); int colorCounter = 0; foreach (var item in finalSeriesCollection) { // set line color by year which is identified in the legendtext field if (!uniqueSeriesNames.Contains(item.Appearance.LegendText) && !item.Appearance.LegendText.Contains("%") && !item.Appearance.LegendText.Contains("avg") && !item.Appearance.LegendText.Contains("max") && !item.Appearance.LegendText.Contains("min")) { uniqueSeriesNames.Add(item.Appearance.LegendText);//.Name); uniqueSeriesColors.Add(snowGgColors[colorCounter]); colorCounter = (colorCounter + 1) % snowGgColors.Count; } } foreach (var item in finalSeriesCollection) { try { int colIdx = uniqueSeriesNames.IndexOf(item.Appearance.LegendText);//.Name); item.Appearance.Color = uniqueSeriesColors[colIdx]; } catch { item.Appearance.Color = "SlateGray"; //System.Drawing.KnownColor.SlateGray } } this.timeSeriesGraph1.AnalysisType = AnalysisType.WaterYears; this.timeSeriesGraph1.Series = finalSeriesCollection; if (seriesList.Count == 1) { this.timeSeriesGraph1.Title = HydrometInfoUtility.LookupSiteDescription(cbtt) + " Elevation:" + HydrometInfoUtility.LookupElevation(cbtt); } //timeSeriesGraph1.GraphSettings = GetGraphSettings(); this.timeSeriesGraph1.Draw(true); comboBoxCbtt.Text = cbttOrig; comboBoxPcode.Text = pcodeOrig; timeSeriesGraph1.GraphSettings = GetGraphSettings(); this.dataGridView1.DataSource = this.timeSeriesGraph1.Series.ToDataTable(true); this.dataGridView1.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "MMM-d"; this.linkLabelReport.Visible = true; } finally { Cursor = Cursors.Default; dataQueried = true; } }