bool Save(bool prompt) { UserObject uo2; if (!IsValidCalcField()) { return(false); } if (!GetCalcFieldForm()) { return(false); } if (prompt) { uo2 = UserObjectSaveDialog.Show("Save Calculated Field Definition", UoIn); if (uo2 == null) { return(false); } } else { uo2 = UoIn.Clone(); } if (!UserObjectUtil.UserHasWriteAccess(uo2)) { // is the user authorized to save this? MessageBoxMx.ShowError("You are not authorized to save this calculated field"); return(false); } SessionManager.DisplayStatusMessage("Saving calculated field..."); string content = CalcField.Serialize(); uo2.Content = content; //need the name of the folder to which the object will be saved MetaTreeNode targetFolder = UserObjectTree.GetValidUserObjectTypeFolder(uo2); if (targetFolder == null) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Failed to save your calculated field."); return(false); } UserObjectDao.Write(uo2); string tName = "CALCFIELD_" + uo2.Id.ToString(); QbUtil.UpdateMetaTableCollection(tName); MainMenuControl.UpdateMruList(tName); string title = "Edit Calculated Field - " + uo2.Name; Text = title; UoIn = uo2.Clone(); // now becomes input object SessionManager.DisplayStatusMessage(""); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Setup the form /// </summary> void Setup() { // Temporary surrogates for current and other temp lists that gets added to the preferred project TempNodes = new List <MetaTreeNode>(); foreach (TempCidList tcl in SS.I.TempCidLists) { UserObject uo = new UserObject(UserObjectType.CnList); uo.ParentFolder = SS.I.PreferredProjectId; uo.ParentFolderType = (uo.ParentFolder.ToUpper().StartsWith("FOLDER_")) ? FolderTypeEnum.User : FolderTypeEnum.System; uo.Id = tcl.Id; uo.Name = "*" + tcl.Name; uo.AccessLevel = UserObjectAccess.Private; uo.Count = tcl.Count; MetaTreeNode mtn = UserObjectTree.GetValidUserObjectTypeFolder(uo); mtn = UserObjectTree.AddObjectToTree(uo); ParentFolder = uo.ParentFolder; TempNodes.Add(mtn); } ListTree1.FillTree(UserObjectType.CnList); ListTree2.FillTree(UserObjectType.CnList); StatusMessage.Caption = ""; return; }
/// <summary> /// Change the owner of a UserObject /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string ChangeOwner( int objId, string newOwner) { newOwner = newOwner.ToUpper(); UserObject uo = UserObjectDao.ReadHeader(objId); if (uo == null) { return("User object not found: " + objId); } if (uo.Owner == newOwner) { return("This user object is already owned by " + newOwner); } if (!Security.IsAdministrator(SS.I.UserName) && Lex.Ne(uo.Owner, SS.I.UserName)) { return("You're not authorized to change the owner of this user object"); } if (!Security.CanLogon(newOwner)) { return("Not a valid userId: " + newOwner); } UserInfo ui = Security.GetUserInfo(newOwner); string msg = "Are you sure you want to transfer ownership of " + Lex.AddDoubleQuotes(uo.Name) + "\n" + "to " + ui.FullName + "?"; DialogResult dr = MessageBoxMx.Show(msg, "Change Owner", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr != DialogResult.Yes) { return(""); } UserObject uo2 = uo.Clone(); uo2.Owner = newOwner; UserObjectTree.GetValidUserObjectTypeFolder(uo2); // set valid parent folder Permissions.UpdateAclForNewOwner(uo2, uo.Owner, newOwner); // Set the ACL to give us r/w access uo2.Content = "ChangeOwner"; // indicate changing owner if (UserObjectDao.ReadHeader(uo2) != null) { return("A user object with that name already exists for the specified new user"); } UserObjectDao.UpdateHeader(uo2, false, false); if (Data.InterfaceRefs.IUserObjectIUD != null) { Data.InterfaceRefs.IUserObjectIUD.UserObjectDeleted(uo); // remove from view } string newOwnerName = SecurityUtil.GetPersonNameReversed(newOwner); return("Ownership of \"" + uo2.Name + "\" has been changed to " + newOwnerName); }
/// <summary> /// Save the SpotfireLink UserObject /// </summary> /// <param name="prompt"></param> /// <returns></returns> bool Save(bool prompt) { UserObject uo2; if (!IsValidSpotfireLink()) { return(false); } if (!GetSpotfireLinkForm()) { return(false); } if (prompt) { uo2 = UserObjectSaveDialog.Show("Save Spotfire link Definition", UoIn); if (uo2 == null) { return(false); } } else { uo2 = UoIn.Clone(); } uo2.Content = SpotfireViewProps.Serialize(); if (!UserObjectUtil.UserHasWriteAccess(uo2)) { // is the user authorized to save this? MessageBoxMx.ShowError("You are not authorized to save this Spotfire link"); return(false); } SessionManager.DisplayStatusMessage("Saving Spotfire link..."); //need the name of the folder to which the object will be saved MetaTreeNode targetFolder = UserObjectTree.GetValidUserObjectTypeFolder(uo2); if (targetFolder == null) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Failed to save your Spotfire link."); return(false); } UserObjectDao.Write(uo2); MainMenuControl.UpdateMruList(uo2.InternalName); string title = "Edit Spotfire Link - " + uo2.Name; Text = title; UoIn = uo2.Clone(); // now becomes input object SessionManager.DisplayStatusMessage(""); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Create an annotation table given its metatable and user object /// </summary> /// <param name="mt"></param> /// <param name="uo"></param> public static void CreateAnnotationTable( MetaTable mt, UserObject uo) { uo.Type = UserObjectType.Annotation; // be sure type is set uo.Content = mt.Serialize(); // serialize the metatable to the user object UserObjectTree.GetValidUserObjectTypeFolder(uo); UserObjectDao.Write(uo); // write the user object MetaTableCollection.UpdateGlobally(mt); // update map with modified metatable return; }
/// <summary> /// Save the specified list object /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static UserObject SaveList( CidList list, string caption, bool saveToTempList, string tempListName) { UserObject uo = null; String name, txt; uo = new UserObject(UserObjectType.CnList); if (saveToTempList) { if (Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(tempListName)) { tempListName = InputBoxMx.Show("Enter the name of the temporary list to be saved to:", caption); } if (Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(tempListName)) { return(null); } uo.Owner = SS.I.UserName; uo.ParentFolder = UserObject.TempFolderName; uo.Name = tempListName; } else { uo = UserObjectSaveDialog.Show(caption, uo); // save to permanent list } if (uo == null) { return(null); } if (!uo.IsTempObject) // assign valid folder unless current list { UserObjectTree.GetValidUserObjectTypeFolder(uo); } SessionManager.DisplayStatusMessage("Saving List " + uo.Name + "..."); list.UserObject = uo; int rc = Write(list); MainMenuControl.UpdateMruList(uo.InternalName); SessionManager.DisplayStatusMessage(""); return(uo); }
/// <summary> /// Create an annotation table from a DataTable /// </summary> /// <param name="fullyQualifiedName">Fully qualified name to assign to table</param> /// <param name="dataTable">DataTable containing table definition & data</param> /// <param name="showProgress">Display dialog box showing progress of creation</param> /// <returns>Internal name assigned to annotation table (ANNOTATION_12345)</returns> public static MetaTable CreateAnnotationTable( string fullyQualifiedName, DataTable dataTable, bool showProgress) { List <AnnotationVo> voList = new List <AnnotationVo>(); AnnotationVo avo; if (dataTable == null) { DebugMx.ArgException("DataTable is null"); } if (dataTable.Columns.Count == 0) { DebugMx.ArgException("No DataColumns are defined"); } if (dataTable.Columns[0].DataType != typeof(CompoundId)) { DebugMx.ArgException("The first column must be of type CompoundId"); } if (showProgress) { Progress.Show("Creating annotation table..."); } AnnotationDao aDao = new AnnotationDao(); UserObject auo = UserObjectUtil.ParseInternalUserObjectName(fullyQualifiedName); auo.Type = UserObjectType.Annotation; UserObjectTree.GetValidUserObjectTypeFolder(auo); UserObject auo2 = UserObjectDao.Read(auo); // see if there already MetaTable oldMt = null; if (auo2 == null) // get new identifier { auo.Id = UserObjectDao.GetNextId(); // id to store table under } else // reuse identifier { auo.Id = auo2.Id; // copy it over aDao.DeleteTable(auo.Id); // delete any existing data string oldMtName = "ANNOTATION_" + auo2.Id; oldMt = MetaTableCollection.Get(oldMtName); } MetaTable mt = new MetaTable(); mt.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.Annotation; mt.Name = "ANNOTATION_" + auo.Id; // name table by uo mt.Label = auo.Name; mt.Code = auo.Id.ToString(); // code for the metatable int mtCode = auo.Id; if (dataTable.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("ParentTableName")) { mt.Parent = MetaTableCollection.Get((string)dataTable.ExtendedProperties["ParentTableName"]); } foreach (DataColumn dc in dataTable.Columns) { MetaColumn mc = new MetaColumn(); mc.MetaTable = mt; mc.Name = dc.ColumnName; MetaColumn oldMc = null; if (oldMt != null) { oldMc = oldMt.GetMetaColumnByName(mc.Name); // see if column name exists } if (oldMc != null && oldMc.ResultCode != "") // use any existing code { mc.ResultCode = oldMc.ResultCode; } else { mc.ResultCode = aDao.GetNextIdLong().ToString(); } if (dc.Caption != null) { mc.Label = dc.Caption; } else { mc.Label = mc.Name; } if (dc.DataType == typeof(CompoundId)) { mc.DataType = MetaColumnType.CompoundId; if (dc.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("StorageType") && dc.ExtendedProperties["StorageType"] is MetaColumnType && ((MetaColumnType)dc.ExtendedProperties["StorageType"]) == MetaColumnType.String) { mc.ColumnMap = "EXT_CMPND_ID_TXT"; // text column } else { mc.ColumnMap = "EXT_CMPND_ID_NBR"; // numeric column otherwise } } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(int) || dc.DataType == typeof(Int16) || dc.DataType == typeof(Int32)) { mc.DataType = MetaColumnType.Integer; } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(float) || dc.DataType == typeof(double)) { mc.DataType = MetaColumnType.Number; } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(QualifiedNumber)) { mc.DataType = MetaColumnType.QualifiedNo; } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(string)) { mc.DataType = MetaColumnType.String; } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(DateTime)) { mc.DataType = MetaColumnType.Date; } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(MoleculeMx)) { mc.DataType = MetaColumnType.Structure; } else { throw new Exception("Invalid data type " + dc.DataType.ToString()); } if (dc.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("DisplayLevel")) { mc.InitialSelection = (ColumnSelectionEnum)dc.ExtendedProperties["DisplayLevel"]; } if (dc.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("DisplayWidth")) { mc.Width = (float)dc.ExtendedProperties["DisplayWidth"]; } if (dc.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("DisplayFormat")) { mc.Format = (ColumnFormatEnum)dc.ExtendedProperties["DisplayFormat"]; } if (dc.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("Decimals")) { mc.Decimals = (int)dc.ExtendedProperties["Decimals"]; } mt.MetaColumns.Add(mc); } ToolHelper.CreateAnnotationTable(mt, auo); aDao.BeginTransaction(); // insert all data in single transaction if (showProgress) { Progress.Show("Writing data to annotation table..."); } int t1 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds(); int writeCount = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows) { if (dr.IsNull(0)) { continue; // shouldn't happen } string key = dr[0].ToString(); key = CompoundId.NormalizeForDatabase(key, mt.Root); long rslt_grp_id = aDao.GetNextIdLong(); for (int ci = 1; ci < dataTable.Columns.Count; ci++) // do columns after key { if (dr.IsNull(ci)) { continue; } DataColumn dc = dataTable.Columns[ci]; MetaColumn mc = mt.MetaColumns[ci]; int mcCode = Int32.Parse(mc.ResultCode); avo = new AnnotationVo(); avo.rslt_grp_id = rslt_grp_id; // keep row together if (dc.DataType == typeof(CompoundId)) // shouldn't happen since key processed already { avo.rslt_val_txt = dr[ci].ToString(); } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(int) || dc.DataType == typeof(Int16) || dc.DataType == typeof(Int32) || dc.DataType == typeof(float) || dc.DataType == typeof(double)) { avo.rslt_val_nbr = (double)dr[ci]; } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(QualifiedNumber)) { QualifiedNumber qn = (QualifiedNumber)dr[ci]; avo.rslt_val_nbr = qn.NumberValue; avo.rslt_val_prfx_txt = qn.Qualifier; avo.rslt_val_txt = qn.TextValue; avo.dc_lnk = qn.Hyperlink; } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(string)) { avo.rslt_val_txt = dr[ci].ToString(); } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(DateTime)) { avo.rslt_val_dt = (DateTime)dr[ci]; } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(MoleculeMx)) { avo.rslt_val_txt = dr[ci].ToString(); } AddAnnotationVoToList(avo, key, mtCode, mcCode, voList); } writeCount++; if (Progress.CancelRequested) // check for cancel { aDao.Commit(); aDao.Insert(voList); voList.Clear(); aDao.Commit(); aDao.Dispose(); if (showProgress) { Progress.Hide(); } MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Writing of annotation table cancelled."); return(null); } int t2 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds(); if (showProgress && t2 - t1 >= 1000) { t1 = t2; Progress.Show("Writing data to annotation table " + writeCount.ToString() + " of " + dataTable.Rows.Count.ToString() + " ..."); aDao.Insert(voList); voList.Clear(); aDao.Commit(); } } aDao.Insert(voList); voList.Clear(); aDao.Commit(); aDao.Dispose(); if (showProgress) { Progress.Hide(); } return(mt); // return metatable name }
/// <summary> /// Right-click commands on objects in a tree /// </summary> /// <param name="command">The command to process</param> /// <param name="mtn">MetaTreeNode</param> /// <param name="uo">Any associated user object</param> /// <param name="ctc">ContentsTreeControl</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ProcessCommonRightClickObjectMenuCommands( string command, MetaTreeNode mtn, UserObject[] uoArray, ContentsTreeControl ctc) { UserObject uo2; string txt; UserObject uo = null; if (uoArray != null && uoArray.Length == 1) { uo = uoArray[0]; } //if (mtn == null) //{ // MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Operation is not allowed for this Database Contents node."); // return true; //} if (Lex.Eq(command, "Cut")) { CopyCutDelete(command, uoArray, ctc, true, true); } else if (Lex.Eq(command, "Copy")) { CopyCutDelete(command, uoArray, ctc, true, false); } else if (Lex.Eq(command, "Paste")) { try { txt = Clipboard.GetText(); //uo2 = UserObject.Deserialize(txt); uoArray = Deserialize(txt); if (uoArray == null) { throw new Exception("Not a UserObject"); } //if (uo2 == null) throw new Exception("Not a UserObject"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("The clipboard does not contain a recognized user objects"); return(true); } foreach (var userObject in uoArray) { Progress.Show("Pasting " + userObject.Name + "...", UmlautMobius.String, false); Permissions.UpdateAclForNewOwner(userObject, userObject.Owner, SS.I.UserName); // fixup the ACL for the new owner userObject.Owner = SS.I.UserName; userObject.ParentFolder = mtn.Name; mtn = UserObjectTree.GetValidUserObjectTypeFolder(userObject); for (int ci = 0; ; ci++) // find a name that's not used { UserObject uo3 = UserObjectDao.ReadHeader(userObject); if (uo3 == null) { break; } if (ci == 0) { userObject.Name = "Copy of " + userObject.Name; } else if (ci == 1) { userObject.Name = Lex.Replace(userObject.Name, "Copy of ", "Copy (2) of "); } else { userObject.Name = Lex.Replace(userObject.Name, "Copy (" + ci + ") of ", "Copy (" + (ci + 1) + ") of "); } } UserObject userObjectFinal = null; if (UserObjectDao.ReadHeader(userObject.Id) != null) // create a deep clone if orignal object exists { userObjectFinal = DeepClone(userObject); } if (userObjectFinal == null) { userObjectFinal = userObject; } UserObjectDao.Write(userObjectFinal, userObjectFinal.Id); // write using the current id Progress.Hide(); } //if (ctc != null) // need to update form directly? // UserObjectTree.RefreshSubtreeInTreeControl(uo2, ctc); } else if (Lex.Eq(command, "Delete")) { CopyCutDelete(command, uoArray, ctc, false, true); } else if (Lex.Eq(command, "Rename")) { if (!UserHasWriteAccess(uo)) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("You are not authorized to rename " + uo.Name); return(true); } string newName = InputBoxMx.Show("Enter the new name for " + uo.Name, "Rename", uo.Name); if (newName == null || newName == "" || newName == uo.Name) { return(true); } if (!IsValidUserObjectName(newName)) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("The name " + newName + " is not valid."); return(true); } uo2 = uo.Clone(); uo2.Name = newName; uo2.Id = 0; // clear Id so not looked up by id if (!Lex.Eq(newName, uo.Name) && UserObjectDao.ReadHeader(uo2) != null) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError(newName + " already exists."); return(true); } uo2.Id = uo.Id; UserObjectDao.UpdateHeader(uo2); if (ctc != null) { UserObjectTree.UpdateObjectInTreeControl(uo, uo2, ctc); } } else if (Lex.Eq(command, "MakePublic") || Lex.Eq(command, "MakePrivate")) { UserObjectAccess newAccess; MetaTreeNode objFolder; if (!UserHasWriteAccess(uo)) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("You are not authorized to make " + uo.Name + ((Lex.Eq(command, "MakePublic")) ? " public" : " private")); return(true); } if (Lex.Eq(command, "MakePublic")) { if (uo.ParentFolder == "DEFAULT_FOLDER") { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Items in the Default Folder cannot be made public"); return(true); } else { //check the folder id parentage to ensure that the current folder isn't a subfolder of the default folder if (UserObjectTree.FolderNodes.ContainsKey(uo.ParentFolder)) { objFolder = UserObjectTree.FolderNodes[uo.ParentFolder]; while (objFolder != null) { if (objFolder.Target == "DEFAULT_FOLDER") { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Items in the Default Folder cannot be made public"); return(true); } objFolder = objFolder.Parent; } } else { throw new Exception("Failed to recognize the folder that this object is in!"); } } newAccess = UserObjectAccess.Public; } else { //user folders cannot be made private if they contain public children if (uo.Type == UserObjectType.Folder) { objFolder = UserObjectTree.BuildNode(uo); if (UserObjectTree.FolderNodes.ContainsKey(objFolder.Target)) { objFolder = UserObjectTree.FolderNodes[objFolder.Target]; for (int i = 0; i < objFolder.Nodes.Count; i++) { MetaTreeNode currentChild = (MetaTreeNode)objFolder.Nodes[i]; } } } newAccess = UserObjectAccess.Private; } uo2 = UserObjectDao.Read(uo); if (uo2 == null) { return(true); } if (uo2.AccessLevel == newAccess) { return(true); // no change } uo2.AccessLevel = newAccess; UserObjectDao.UpdateHeader(uo2); if (ctc != null) // need to update form directly? { UserObjectTree.RefreshSubtreeInTreeControl(uo2, ctc); } return(true); } else if (Lex.Eq(command, "ChangeOwner")) { string newOwner = InputBoxMx.Show("Enter the user name of the person to transfer ownership of " + Lex.AddDoubleQuotes(uo.Name) + " to:", "Change Owner", ""); if (Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(newOwner)) { return(true); } string result = UserObjectUtil.ChangeOwner(uo.Id, newOwner); if (!Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { MessageBoxMx.Show(result); } return(true); } else if (Lex.Eq(command, "Permissions")) // set object permissions { PermissionsDialog.Show(uo); return(true); } else if (Lex.Eq(command, "ViewSource")) { uo = UserObjectDao.Read(uo); if (uo == null) { return(true); } string ext = ".txt"; // default extension if (uo.Type == UserObjectType.Query || uo.Type == UserObjectType.Annotation) { ext = ".xml"; } string cFile = ClientDirs.TempDir + @"\Source" + ext; StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(cFile); sw.Write(uo.Content); sw.Close(); SystemUtil.StartProcess(cFile); // show it } else { return(false); // command not recognized } return(true); // command recognized and processed }
/// <summary> /// Search button clicked, process input /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> DialogResult ProcessInput() { CidList cidList = null; StreamReader structureFileReader = null; string qid; // query identifier, compoundId, file name or sdFile key value QueryManager qm; DataTableMx dt; DataColumn dc; DataRowMx dr; //object[] dr; // if using Qe DialogResult dlgRslt = DialogResult.OK; Query q = null; QueryTable qt = null; QueryColumn simScoreQc, structQc; // query column containing latest query settings MetaTable mt = null; MetaColumn keyMc = null, structMc = null, dbSetMc = null, simScoreMc = null, mc; MetaColumnType storageType; string txt, tok; if (DatabasesToSearch.Text == "") { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Databases to search must be defined."); DatabasesToSearch.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } // Get list of databases string[] dba = DatabasesToSearch.Text.Split(','); List <MetaTable> tables = new List <MetaTable>(); foreach (string dbLabel0 in dba) { string dbLabel = dbLabel0.Trim(); RootTable dbInfo = RootTable.GetFromTableLabel(dbLabel); if (dbInfo == null) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Can't find database " + DatabasesToSearch.Text); DatabasesToSearch.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } mt = MetaTableCollection.Get(dbInfo.MetaTableName); if (mt == null) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Unable to locate parent structure table for database: " + DatabasesToSearch.Text); DatabasesToSearch.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } if (dbSetMc == null) { dbSetMc = mt.DatabaseListMetaColumn; } tables.Add(mt); } if (dbSetMc == null) { throw new Exception("\"Databases\" metacolumn not found for any of the databases to search"); } // Validate other form values RetrieveStructures = RetrieveMatchingStructures.Checked; bool fromList = FromList.Checked; int listCidsRead = 0; int inputQueryCount = -1; if (fromList) // using list, validate list name { if (SavedListUo == null) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Compound list must be defined."); ListName.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } cidList = CidListCommand.Read(SavedListUo); if (cidList == null) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Error reading list."); ListName.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } inputQueryCount = cidList.Count; } else // Using SdFile, validate SdFile name { StructureFile = FileName.Text; if (StructureFile == "") { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("File must be defined."); FileName.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } try { structureFileReader = new StreamReader(StructureFile); structureFileReader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Can't read file: " + Lex.Dq(StructureFile)); FileName.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } keyField = KeyField.Text; // get key, blank to use name in 1st line inputQueryCount = -1; // don't know how many queries unless we read the file (todo?) } tok = ResultsName.Text.Trim(); // name to store results under if (tok == "") { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("A name for the results must be provided."); ResultsName.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } if (SubStruct.Checked) { Psc.SearchType = StructureSearchType.Substructure; } else if (Full.Checked) { Psc.SearchType = StructureSearchType.FullStructure; } else if (Similarity.Checked) { Psc.SearchType = StructureSearchType.MolSim; } else { throw new Exception("Unrecognized search type"); } // Write initial log entries SearchCount++; string logFileName = ClientDirs.DefaultMobiusUserDocumentsFolder + @"\Multistructure Search " + SearchCount + ".txt"; if (!UIMisc.CanWriteFileToDefaultDir(logFileName)) { return(DialogResult.Cancel); } LogStream = new StreamWriter(logFileName); if (ResultsUo == null) { ResultsUo = new UserObject(UserObjectType.Annotation); } ResultsUo.Name = tok; UserObjectTree.GetValidUserObjectTypeFolder(ResultsUo); DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; WriteToLog("Multiple " + Psc.SearchType + " Search"); WriteToLog("Databases: " + DatabasesToSearch.Text); WriteToLog("Date: " + startTime); if (fromList) { WriteToLog("Input List: " + SavedListUo.Name); } else { WriteToLog("Input Structure File: " + StructureFile); } WriteToLog("Output List: " + ResultsUo.Name); WriteToLog("Log File: " + logFileName); WriteToLog(""); WriteToLog("Query, Match, Score"); int queryCount = 0; int matchAtLeastOneCount = 0; MoleculeMx queryStructure = null; // current structure being searched CidList matchList = new CidList(); List <MatchData> matchData = new List <MatchData>(); if (FromFile.Checked) // open SdFile as required { structureFileReader = new StreamReader(StructureFile); } // Search of structures one at a time while (true) { if (fromList) // get next structure from list { if (listCidsRead >= cidList.Count) { break; } qid = cidList[listCidsRead].Cid; listCidsRead++; if (qid.Trim() == "") { continue; } if (qid.ToLower().IndexOf(".mol") > 0 || qid.ToLower().IndexOf(".skc") > 0) { // file reference if (!File.Exists(qid)) { continue; } if (qid.ToLower().IndexOf(".mol") > 0) { queryStructure = MoleculeMx.ReadMolfile(qid); } else { queryStructure = MoleculeMx.ReadSketchFile(qid); } } else { queryStructure = MoleculeUtil.SelectMoleculeForCid(qid); } if (queryStructure == null || queryStructure.AtomCount == 0) { continue; // oops } } else // get next structure from input file { qid = null; if (StructureFile.ToLower().EndsWith(".sdf")) { List <SdFileField> fList = SdFileDao.Read(structureFileReader); if (fList == null) // end of sdFile { structureFileReader.Close(); break; } if (fList.Count == 0) { continue; } queryStructure = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, fList[0].Data); if (queryStructure == null || queryStructure.AtomCount == 0) { continue; } if (keyField != "") // key field specified? { qid = SdFileDao.GetDataField(fList, keyField); } else // get name from 1st line of molfile { string molFile = fList[0].Data; int i1 = molFile.IndexOf("\n"); if (i1 == 0) { qid = ""; } else { qid = molFile.Substring(0, i1).Trim(); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qid)) { qid = SdFileDao.GetDataField(fList, "compound_id"); } } else // assume smiles file { string smiles = structureFileReader.ReadLine(); if (smiles == null) // end of sdFile { structureFileReader.Close(); break; } smiles = smiles.Trim(); if (smiles.Length == 0) { continue; } int i1 = smiles.IndexOf(","); // get any preceeding queryId if (i1 < 0) { i1 = smiles.IndexOf("\t"); } if (i1 >= 0) { qid = smiles.Substring(0, i1).Trim(); smiles = smiles.Substring(i1 + 1).Trim(); } queryStructure = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Smiles, smiles); if (queryStructure == null || queryStructure.AtomCount == 0) { continue; } } if (qid == null || qid.Trim() == "") { qid = (queryCount + 1).ToString(); // be sure we have a query id } } queryCount++; // count the query if (queryStructure == null || queryStructure.AtomCount == 0) { WriteToLog("Error converting specific structure " + queryCount.ToString() + ", " + qid); continue; } queryStructure.RemoveStructureCaption(); // remove any Mobius-added caption Psc.Molecule = queryStructure; string msg = "Searching Structure: " + queryCount.ToString(); if (inputQueryCount > 0) { msg += " of " + inputQueryCount.ToString(); } msg += "\n" + "Structures with one or more matches: " + matchAtLeastOneCount.ToString() + "\n" + "Total Matches: " + matchList.Count.ToString(); Progress.Show(msg); // Do the search over the list of databases for (int ti = 0; ti < tables.Count; ti++) { mt = tables[ti]; q = new Query(); // build basic query //q.SingleStepExecution = true; // do in single step (doesn't currently return sim score) q.ShowStereoComments = false; qt = new QueryTable(mt); q.AddQueryTable(qt); qt.SelectKeyOnly(); // start selecting desired cols keyMc = mt.KeyMetaColumn; structMc = mt.FirstStructureMetaColumn; structQc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(structMc.Name); structQc.Selected = RetrieveStructures; dbSetMc = mt.DatabaseListMetaColumn; if (dbSetMc == null) { throw new Exception("\"Databases\" metacolumn not found for table: " + mt.Label); } QueryColumn dbSetQc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(dbSetMc.Name); dbSetQc.Selected = true; // select the database name RootTable root = RootTable.GetFromTableName(mt.Name); txt = " in (" + root.Label + ")"; dbSetQc.Criteria = dbSetMc.Name + txt; dbSetQc.CriteriaDisplay = txt; simScoreMc = mt.SimilarityScoreMetaColumn; simScoreQc = null; if (simScoreMc != null) // get sim score if it exists { simScoreQc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(simScoreMc.Name); simScoreQc.Selected = true; // return sim score } Psc.QueryColumn = structQc; ParsedStructureCriteria psc2 = AdjustSearchForSmallWorldAsNeeded(Psc); psc2.ConvertToQueryColumnCriteria(structQc); // format the QC for the structure search DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now; //QueryEngine qe = new QueryEngine(); //qe.NextRowsMin = 1000; // minimum number of rows to prefetch //qe.NextRowsMax = -1; // maximum number of rows to prefetch //qe.NextRowsMaxTime = 10000; // max time in milliseconds for next fetch //qe.ExecuteQuery(q); qm = new QueryManager(); try { dlgRslt = qm.ExecuteQuery(ref q); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToLog("Error searching structure: " + ex.Message + ", " + queryCount.ToString() + ", " + qid); continue; } if (dlgRslt != DialogResult.OK) { return(dlgRslt); } double executeTime = TimeOfDay.Delta(ref t0); int offset = qm.DataTableManager.KeyValueVoPos + 1; //int offset = 0; // for QE int keyPos = offset++; int strPos = RetrieveStructures ? offset++ : -1; int dbPos = offset++; int simPos = offset++; int fetchCnt = 0; while (true) { dr = qm.NextRow(); //dr = qe.NextRow(); // for Qe if (dr == null) { break; } fetchCnt++; if (fetchCnt == 1) { matchAtLeastOneCount++; // number of queries that have at least one match } MatchData md = new MatchData(); md.Qno = queryCount; md.Qid = qid; if (RetrieveStructures) { md.Qstr = "Chime=" + queryStructure.GetChimeString(); } CompoundId cid = CompoundId.ConvertTo(dr[keyPos]); md.Mid = cid.Value; if (RetrieveStructures) { MoleculeMx ms = MoleculeMx.ConvertTo(dr[strPos]); if (!NullValue.IsNull(ms)) { md.Mstr = "Chime=" + ms.GetChimeString(); } } StringMx db = StringMx.ConvertTo(dr[dbPos]); if (!NullValue.IsNull(db)) { md.Db = db.Value; } if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim) { NumberMx nex = NumberMx.ConvertTo(dr[simPos]); if (!NullValue.IsNull(nex)) { md.Score = nex.Value; } } if (matchList.Contains(cid.Value)) // already have compound id as match for other query? { if (Psc.SearchType != StructureSearchType.MolSim) { continue; // if similarity search see if more similar } CidListElement le = matchList.Get(cid.Value); // reference current score if (le.Tag > md.Score) { continue; // only replace if more similar } matchList.Remove(le.Cid); // remove from list for (int mi = 0; mi < matchData.Count; mi++) // remove from data { if (matchData[mi].Mid == md.Mid) { matchData.RemoveAt(mi); break; } } } matchList.Add(md.Mid); matchList.Get(md.Mid).Tag = md.Score; // keep score in list matchData.Add(md); // add to results txt = md.Qid + ", " + md.Mid + ", " + md.Score.ToString(); WriteToLog(txt); } // Fetch result loop double fetchTime = TimeOfDay.Delta(ref t0); } // DB loop if (Progress.CancelRequested) { Progress.Hide(); MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Search cancelled."); try { LogStream.Close(); } catch { } return(DialogResult.Cancel); } } // key loop CidListCommand.WriteCurrentList(matchList); // write the list of numbers UsageDao.LogEvent("MultipleStructSearch"); txt = "=== Multiple structure search complete ===\r\n\r\n" + "Structures Searched: " + queryCount.ToString() + "\r\n"; txt += "Structures with one or more matches: " + matchAtLeastOneCount.ToString() + "\r\n" + "Total Matches: " + matchList.Count.ToString() + "\r\n"; TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime); ts = new TimeSpan(ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds); txt += "Total Time: " + ts + "\r\n\r\n"; WriteToLog("\r\n" + txt); try { LogStream.Close(); } catch { } if (matchList.Count == 0) { Progress.Hide(); MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No matches have been found."); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } tok = "Matching compound ids"; if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim) { tok = "Similar compound ids"; } txt += tok + " have been written to the current list: " + ResultsUo.Name + "\n" + "Log file written to: " + logFileName + "\n\n" + "Do you want to view the match results?"; DialogResult dRslt = MessageBoxMx.Show(txt, "Multiple Structure Search", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dRslt == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(DialogResult.Cancel); } else if (dRslt == DialogResult.No) // show log { SystemUtil.StartProcess(logFileName); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } // Display results Progress.Show("Formatting results..."); mt = new MetaTable(); mt.Name = "MULTSTRUCTSEARCH_" + SearchCount; mt.Label = "Multiple Structure Search " + SearchCount; mt.TableMap = "Mobius.Tools.MultStructSearch"; // plugin id mt.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.NoSql; ColumnSelectionEnum structureColumnSelection = RetrieveStructures ? ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected : ColumnSelectionEnum.Unselected; keyMc = keyMc.Clone(); keyMc.Name = "MatchingCid"; keyMc.Label = "Matching Compound Id"; mt.AddMetaColumn(keyMc); structMc = structMc.Clone(); structMc.Name = "MatchingStructure"; structMc.Label = "Matching Structure"; structMc.InitialSelection = structureColumnSelection; mt.AddMetaColumn(structMc); dbSetMc = dbSetMc.Clone(); dbSetMc.Name = "Database"; mt.AddMetaColumn(dbSetMc); //if (DatabasesToSearch.Text.Contains(",")) dbSetMc.InitialSelection = ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected; mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("Molsimilarity", "Similarity Search Score", MetaColumnType.Number, ColumnSelectionEnum.Unselected, 10); if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim) { mc.InitialSelection = ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected; } mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("QueryNo", "Query Number", MetaColumnType.Integer); //mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("QueryMatchNo", "Query Match Number", MetaColumnType.Integer); mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("QueryId", "Query Id", MetaColumnType.String); mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("QueryStructure", "Query Structure", MetaColumnType.Structure); mc.InitialSelection = structureColumnSelection; q = ToolHelper.InitEmbeddedDataToolQuery(mt); dt = q.ResultsDataTable as DataTableMx; for (int mi = 0; mi < matchData.Count; mi++) { MatchData md = matchData[mi]; dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[qt.Alias + ".MatchingCid"] = new CompoundId(md.Mid); if (RetrieveStructures) { dr[qt.Alias + ".MatchingStructure"] = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Chime, md.Mstr); } dr[qt.Alias + ".Database"] = new StringMx(md.Db); if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim) { dr[qt.Alias + ".Molsimilarity"] = new NumberMx(md.Score); } dr[qt.Alias + ".QueryNo"] = new NumberMx(md.Qno); dr[qt.Alias + ".QueryId"] = new StringMx(md.Qid); if (RetrieveStructures) { dr[qt.Alias + ".QueryStructure"] = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Chime, md.Qstr); } dt.Rows.Add(dr); } ToolHelper.DisplayData(q, dt, true); Progress.Hide(); return(DialogResult.OK); }
/// <summary> /// Save/SaveAs the list /// </summary> /// <param name="saveAs">SaveAs under another list name</param> /// <param name="saveAsTempList">Save as a temp list</param> /// <param name="tempListName">Temp list name to save under, prompt if null</param> /// <returns></returns> bool Save( bool saveAs, bool saveAsTempList, string tempListName) { if (!ValidateList()) { return(false); // Validate the list if requested } // Get list name if needed & check that user can modify it if (saveAs || CidList.UserObject.Id == 0) { CidList.UserObject.Id = 0; // assign new id if (saveAsTempList) { if (tempListName == null) // prompt for name { tempListName = CidListCommand.PromptForNewTempListName(); if (tempListName == null) { return(false); } } CidList.UserObject = new UserObject(UserObjectType.CnList); CidList.UserObject.ParentFolder = UserObject.TempFolderName; CidList.UserObject.Name = tempListName; CidList.UserObject.Owner = SS.I.UserName; } else // save as permanent list { UserObject existingUo = CidList.UserObject; if (CidList.UserObject.Id == 0) { existingUo = new UserObject(UserObjectType.CnList); } UserObject listUo = UserObjectSaveDialog.Show("Save As", existingUo); if (listUo == null) { return(false); } CidList.UserObject = listUo; } } if (!UserObjectUtil.UserHasWriteAccess(CidList.UserObject)) { // is the user authorized to save this list? MessageBoxMx.ShowError("You are not authorized to save this list"); return(false); } // Write out the list DisplayStatusMsg("Saving list..."); if (CidList.UserObject.HasDefinedParentFolder) { MetaTreeNode targetFolder = UserObjectTree.GetValidUserObjectTypeFolder(CidList.UserObject); if (targetFolder == null) { // shouldn't happen MessageBoxMx.ShowError("The list could not be saved because the folder it was in no longer exists. Please try SaveAs instead."); return(false); } } GetNormalizedListFromControl(CidList); if (!CidList.UserObject.IsCurrentObject) // normal list? { CidListCommand.Write(CidList); } else // special processing for current list { SessionManager.LockResultsKeys = true; // avoid possible overwrite of ResultsKeys if in single step query int rc = CidListCommand.Write(CidList); List <string> curListString = CidListCommand.ReadCurrentListLocal().ToStringList(); SessionManager.CurrentResultKeys = curListString; SessionManager.DisplayCurrentCount(); SessionManager.LockResultsKeys = false; } //string cFile = SS.I.ClientDefaultDir + @"\Previous.lst" //if (UIMisc.CanWriteFileToDefaultDir(cFile)) //{ // StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(cFile); // save copy to disk // sw.Write(CidList.UserObject.Content); // sw.Close(); //} int cncnt = CidList.Count; DisplayStatusMsg("List saved"); Before = CidListCtl.Text; string tok = UserObjectUtil.GetName(ListName); Text = "Edit List - [" + CidList.UserObject.Name + "]"; return(true); }