コード例 #1
        public IActionResult Put([FromBody] ControllerViewModel model)
            //Перевіряємо модель
            if (model == null || !ModelState.IsValid)
                return(StatusCode(500, new InternalServerError("Data is incorrect!")));
            var controller = _context.Controllers.Where(p => p.MAC == model.MAC).FirstOrDefault();

            if (controller != null)
                return(StatusCode(500, new InternalServerError("Controller is already exists")));
            if (model.MAC.Length != 12)
                return(StatusCode(500, new InternalServerError("MAC address must has 12 symbols!")));
            //Беремо айді користувача з токену
            var user = User.GetUser(_context);

            if (user == null)
                return(Unauthorized(new UnauthorizedError()));
            //Створюємо контролер
            controller = model.Adapt <Data.Models.Controller>();
            controller.InstalledDate = DateTime.Now;
            controller.PublicKey     = "jak to bedzie pracowac, pliz ktos wie?";
            //Створюємо UserHasController
            var userHasController = new UserHasController();

            userHasController.ControllerId = controller.Id;
            userHasController.UserId       = user.Id;
            userHasController.IsAdmin      = true;
            //Зберігаємо зміни
            //Створюємо віртуальний пристрій
            var device = new Device
                Name         = "Notification",
                Pin          = 0,
                MAC          = null,
                Status       = true,
                ControllerId = controller.Id,
                DeviceTypeId = _context.DeviceTypes.Where(p => p.TypeName == "Virtual").FirstOrDefault().Id,

            //Ствоюємо UserasDevice
            var userHasDevice = new UserHasDevice
                DeviceId = device.Id,
                UsersHaveControllerId = userHasController.Id

            //Повертаємо створений контролер як резльтат
            return(new JsonResult(controller.Adapt <ControllerViewModel>()));
コード例 #2
        public IActionResult Put([FromBody] DeviceViewModel model)
            if (model == null)
                return(StatusCode(500, new InternalServerError()));

            if (model.MAC != null && model.MAC.Length != 12)
                return(StatusCode(500, new InternalServerError("MAС address must be 12 characters long!")));

            var user = User.GetUser(_context);

            var userHasController = _context
                                    .Where(p => p.ControllerId == model.ControllerId)
                                    .Where(p => p.UserId == user.Id)

            if (userHasController == null || !userHasController.IsAdmin)
                return(Unauthorized(new UnauthorizedError()));

            var devicesWithCommonMacAddress = _context
                                              .Where(p => p.ControllerId == userHasController.ControllerId)
                                              .Where(p => p.MAC != null && p.MAC == model.MAC);

            if (devicesWithCommonMacAddress.Any())
                return(StatusCode(500, new InternalServerError("Mac Address is already exists!")));

            var devicesWithCommonPin = _context
                                       .Where(p => p.ControllerId == userHasController.ControllerId)
                                       .Where(p => p.Pin != 0 && p.Pin == model.Pin);

            var sensorsWithCommonPin = _context
                                       .Where(p => p.ControllerId == userHasController.ControllerId)
                                       .Where(p => p.Pin != 0 && p.Pin == model.Pin);

            if (devicesWithCommonPin.Any() || sensorsWithCommonPin.Any())
                return(StatusCode(500, new InternalServerError("Pin is already taken!")));

            var device = new Device()
                Name         = model.Name,
                DeviceTypeId = model.DeviceTypeId,
                Pin          = model.Pin,
                MAC          = model.MAC,
                ControllerId = model.ControllerId,
                Status       = model.Status


            var userHasDevice = new UserHasDevice
                UsersHaveControllerId = userHasController.Id,
                DeviceId = device.Id



            device.DeviceType = _context.DeviceTypes.Find(device.DeviceTypeId);

            return(Json(device.Adapt <DeviceViewModel>()));
コード例 #3
        public IActionResult AccessDevice([FromBody] DeviceAccessViewModel model)
            var user = User.GetUser(_context);

            var device = _context.Devices.Find(model.DeviceId);

            if (device == null)
                return(NotFound(new NotFoundError("Device not found!")));

            var accessUser = _context
                             .Where(p => p.Email == model.UserName || p.UserName == model.UserName)

            if (accessUser == null)
                return(NotFound(new NotFoundError("A user with such login or email does not exist.")));

            var userHasController = _context.UserHasControllers
                                    .Where(p => p.ControllerId == device.ControllerId)
                                    .Where(p => p.UserId == user.Id)
                                    .Where(p => p.IsAdmin)

            if (userHasController == null)
                return(Unauthorized(new UnauthorizedError()));

            var accessUserHasController = _context.UserHasControllers
                                          .Where(p => p.ControllerId == device.ControllerId)
                                          .Where(p => p.UserId == accessUser.Id)

            if (accessUserHasController == null)
                return(Unauthorized(new UnauthorizedError("User hasn`t access to your controller!")));

            var userHasDevice = _context
                                .Where(p => p.DeviceId == device.Id)
                                .Where(p => p.UsersHaveControllerId == accessUserHasController.Id)

            if (userHasDevice != null)
                return(StatusCode(500, new InternalServerError("User have been alerady added")));

            var accessUserHasDevice = new UserHasDevice
                DeviceId = device.Id,
                UsersHaveControllerId = accessUserHasController.Id

            accessUserHasDevice.UserHasController      = _context.UserHasControllers.Find(accessUserHasDevice.UsersHaveControllerId);
            accessUserHasDevice.UserHasController.User = _context.Users.Find(accessUserHasDevice.UserHasController.UserId);

            return(Json(accessUserHasDevice.Adapt <UserHasDeviceViewModel>()));