コード例 #1
        //Update Customer on BrainTree with Payment Method Request
        public string UpdateCustomerWithNewCardDuplicateCheck(UserCreditCards model)
            bool DuplicateBool = false;

            bool.TryParse(ConfigService.DuplicatePaymentMethod, out DuplicateBool);

            bool VerifyBool = false;

            bool.TryParse(ConfigService.VerifyCard, out VerifyBool);

            PaymentMethodRequest request = new PaymentMethodRequest
                CustomerId         = model.UserId,
                PaymentMethodNonce = model.ExternalCardIdNonce,
                Options            = new PaymentMethodOptionsRequest
                    FailOnDuplicatePaymentMethod = DuplicateBool,
                    VerifyCard = VerifyBool

            Result <PaymentMethod> result = _Gateway.PaymentMethod.Create(request);

            bool isSuccessful = result.IsSuccess();

            if (isSuccessful == false)
                throw new System.ArgumentException(result.Message);

コード例 #2
        //BrainTree Customer Creation for maybe if GUEST wants to become member before Checkout.
        public bool CreateCustomerTransaction(CustomerPaymentRequest model)
            //get user id with currentuserId
            string gotUserId = UserService.GetCurrentUserId();

            model.UserId = gotUserId;

            //Grab email from UserProfileService
            UserProfile userObject = _UserProfileService.GetUserById(model.UserId);

            string userEmail = userObject.Email;

            //Add the new card nonce & info into credit cards table
            UserCreditCards CardModel = new UserCreditCards();

            CardModel.UserId = model.UserId;
            CardModel.ExternalCardIdNonce = model.ExternalCardIdNonce;
            CardModel.Last4DigitsCC       = model.Last4DigitsCC;
            CardModel.CardType            = model.CardType;
            CreditCardService NewCardService = new CreditCardService();


            int currentTransactionId = 0;

            //Post first Transaction log before result
            currentTransactionId = _TransactionLogService.BillingTransactionInsert(model);

            bool DuplicateBool = false;

            bool.TryParse(ConfigService.DuplicatePaymentMethod, out DuplicateBool);

            bool VerifyBool = false;

            bool.TryParse(ConfigService.VerifyCard, out VerifyBool);

            //create transaction and create customer in braintree system
            //***NEED TO ADD THE JOB_ID AS WELL LATER***
            TransactionRequest request = new TransactionRequest
                Amount             = model.ItemCost,
                PaymentMethodNonce = model.ExternalCardIdNonce,
                Customer           = new CustomerRequest
                    Id        = model.UserId,
                    FirstName = model.FirstName,
                    LastName  = model.LastName,
                    Email     = userEmail,

                    CreditCard = new CreditCardRequest
                        Options = new CreditCardOptionsRequest
                            FailOnDuplicatePaymentMethod = DuplicateBool,
                            VerifyCard = VerifyBool
                Options = new TransactionOptionsRequest
                    SubmitForSettlement   = true,
                    StoreInVaultOnSuccess = true,
            Result <Transaction> result = _Gateway.Transaction.Sale(request);

            //serialize the whole result object for backup purposes
            var transactionJson = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result);

            //Instantiate values into Transaction Log Model
            BillingTransactionLog LogModel = new BillingTransactionLog();

            LogModel.Id          = currentTransactionId;
            LogModel.RawResponse = transactionJson;

            //if else for whether the payment was successful or not
            if (result.Message == null && result.Errors == null)
                //Instatiate Success Values
                LogModel.AmountConfirmed    = result.Target.Amount;
                LogModel.TransactionId      = result.Target.Id;
                LogModel.CardExpirationDate = result.Target.CreditCard.ExpirationDate;
                LogModel.CardLastFour       = result.Target.CreditCard.LastFour;

                ActivityLogRequest Activity = new ActivityLogRequest();

                Activity.ActivityType = ActivityTypeId.MadePayment;

                _ActivityLogService.InsertActivityToLog(model.UserId, Activity);

                //Instatiate Error Values
                LogModel.ErrorCode = result.Message;

                bool response = _TransactionLogService.TransactionLogUpdateError(LogModel);
                throw new System.ArgumentException(result.Message, "CreditCard");