コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the score for level.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='user'>
    /// User to set the new information.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='level'>
    /// Level.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='scoreToSubmit'>
    /// Score to submit. -1 if you dont save/overwrite the current score
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='starsToSubmit'>
    /// Stars to submit. -1 if you dont save/overwrite the current stars
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='onResultNewRecord'>
    /// On result new record.
    /// </param>
    public void SetScoreForLevel(UserCloud user, int level, int scoreToSubmit, int starsToSubmit, System.Action <UserHasReachedNewRecordDelegateEventArgs> onResultNewRecord = null, bool forceSaveInCloud = true)
        if (DisableICloud)
            ContinueWithSetScoreForLevel(user, level, scoreToSubmit, starsToSubmit, onResultNewRecord, forceSaveInCloud);

        ContinueWithSetScoreForLevel(user, level, scoreToSubmit, starsToSubmit, null, false);

        // First at all, merge user info or download from Cloud
        if (CurrentCloudUser != null)
            this.MergeUsers(result =>
                ContinueWithSetScoreForLevel(user, level, scoreToSubmit, starsToSubmit, onResultNewRecord, forceSaveInCloud);
            // Download User from cloud and Merge data with local user
            this.LoadUserFromCloud(result =>
                ContinueWithSetScoreForLevel(user, level, scoreToSubmit, starsToSubmit, onResultNewRecord, forceSaveInCloud);
コード例 #2
    void onAskGiftSuccess(string jsonData)
        enabled = true;

        Debug.Log("Send High Score Cache Service Success");

        Dictionary <string, object> data = jsonData.dictionaryFromJson();

        if (data.ContainsKey("reward"))
            int rewardValue = Convert.ToInt32(data["reward"]);

            UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.UserGoldCoins += rewardValue;

            GameObject TipObj   = GameObject.Find("MFP Gift Panel Portrait/Tip1");
            UILabel    tipLabel = TipObj.GetComponent <UILabel>();
            tipLabel.text = Language.Get("GIFT_SUCCESS_TIP") + "+" + rewardValue.ToString() + Language.Get("MFP_MALL_TAB_DIAMOND");

            PopupMessage.Show(Language.Get("GIFT_SUCCESS_TIP") + "+" + rewardValue.ToString() + Language.Get("MFP_MALL_TAB_DIAMOND"));
            GameObject TipObj   = GameObject.Find("MFP Gift Panel Portrait/Tip1");
            UILabel    tipLabel = TipObj.GetComponent <UILabel>();
            tipLabel.text = Language.Get("TIP_INVALID_GIFT_CODE");
コード例 #3
    public void onLoginFinished(string jsonData)
        Dictionary <string, object> rootDict = jsonData.dictionaryFromJson();

        if (rootDict != null && Convert.ToInt32(rootDict["errno"]) == 0)                // success. no error
            Debug.Log("360 Login Success");
            bool isOk = parseLoginResult(jsonData);
            Debug.Log("Parse 360 information. Status = " + isOk.ToString());
            if (isOk)
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt(KEY_360, 1);                 // set a flag that user already use 360 login

                string userCacheFile = UserCloud.GetPath(FILE_LOGIN_CACHE);
                saveTextToFile(userCacheFile, jsonData);
            Debug.Log("360 Login Fail");

            string userCacheFile  = UserCloud.GetPath(FILE_LOGIN_CACHE);
            string cachedJsonData = loadTextFromFile(userCacheFile);
            bool   isOK           = parseLoginResult(cachedJsonData);
            Debug.Log("Try load 360 information from cache. Status = " + isOK.ToString());
コード例 #4
    void OnPurchaseSuccess(string id)
        purchasing = false;

        InAppPurchasesSystem.OnPurchaseSuccess -= OnPurchaseSuccess;
        InAppPurchasesSystem.OnPurchaseFail    -= OnPurchaseFail;
        InAppPurchasesSystem.OnPurchaseCancel  -= OnPurchaseFail;

        InAppProduct product = InAppPurchasesSystem.Instance.GetProduct(id);

        if (product != null)
                        #if UNITY_ANDROID
            AnalyticsBinding.LogEventPaymentAction(product.currencyCode, InAppPurchasesSystem.locale, "-" + product.price, id, 1, "lives_refill",
                                                   "consumable", "", LoadLevelButton.lastUnlockedLevel);
            float price;
            if (!float.TryParse(product.price, out price))
                price = 0.99f;

            AnalyticsBinding.LogEventPaymentAction(product.currencyCode, InAppPurchasesSystem.locale, -price, id, 1, "lives_refill", "consumable", "", LoadLevelButton.lastUnlockedLevel);

//		PlayerPrefs.SetInt(LivesSystem.livesKey, LivesSystem.maxLives);
//		PlayerPrefs.Save();
        UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.NumsLiveLeft = LivesSystem.maxLives;
        LivesSystem.instance.Lives = LivesSystem.maxLives;

コード例 #5
    public void onGetFriendFinished(string jsonData)
        Debug.Log("360 SDK Friends: \n" + jsonData);

        Dictionary <string, object> rootDict = jsonData.dictionaryFromJson();

        if (rootDict != null && Convert.ToInt32(rootDict["errno"]) == 0)                // success. no error
            Debug.Log("360 Get Friend Success");
            bool isOk = parseUserFriendResult(jsonData);
            Debug.Log("Parse 360 Friend. Status = " + isOk.ToString());
            if (isOk)
                string cacheFile = UserCloud.GetPath(FILE_FRIEND_CACHE);
                saveTextToFile(cacheFile, jsonData);
            Debug.Log("360 Get Friend Fail");

            string cacheFile      = UserCloud.GetPath(FILE_FRIEND_CACHE);
            string cachedJsonData = loadTextFromFile(cacheFile);
            bool   isOK           = parseUserFriendResult(cachedJsonData);
            Debug.Log("Try load 360 Friend from cache. Status = " + isOK.ToString());
コード例 #6
        public object Delete(CloudCombinationResultDTO cloudCombination)
            UserCloud cloud = _uow.UserCloud.Find(x => x.Id == cloudCombination.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            cloud.IsActive = false;
            return(new { message = "Konfiguracija uspjesno obrisana" });
コード例 #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the stars for level.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>
    /// The stars for level. -1 if Player doesn't that level
    /// </returns>
    /// <param name='user'>
    /// User to set the stars.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='level'>
    /// Level.
    /// </param>
    public int GetStarsForLevel(UserCloud user, int level)
        //Debug.Log("Geting stars" + user.FinishedLevels);
        if (!user.FinishedLevels.ContainsKey(level.ToString()))
        Dictionary <string, object> infoLevel = (Dictionary <string, object>)user.FinishedLevels[level.ToString()];

コード例 #8
    public void UpdateButtonStatus()
        if (UserManagerCloud.Instance == null)

        //lastUnlockedLevel = User.CurrentUser.LastFinishedLvl == maxLevels ? User.CurrentUser.LastFinishedLvl : User.CurrentUser.LastFinishedLvl + 1;
        UserCloud currentUser = UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser;

        lastUnlockedLevel = currentUser.LastFinishedLvl == maxLevels ? currentUser.LastFinishedLvl : currentUser.LastFinishedLvl + 1;

        if (stars != null)

        if (levelIdx == maxLevels + 1 && maxLevels == lastUnlockedLevel && UserManagerCloud.Instance.GetScoreForLevel(lastUnlockedLevel) > 0)
        else if (levelIdx > lastUnlockedLevel)
            //wenming modify 如果级别关卡大于上次解锁的关卡,则不显示
//			gameObject.SetActive(false); //TODO TALIN: DECOMMENT THIS

//		gameObject.SetActive(true); //TODO TALIN: AND THIS!

        if (Match3BoardRenderer.levelIdx == levelIdx)

        if (levelIdx == lastUnlockedLevel)
            lastButton = this;
//			Debug.Log("LAST UNLOCKED BUTTON: " + name + " " + transform.parent.name);
            CompanionsManager.Instance.UpdateAvatarPosition(transform.localPosition, userAvatarPos);
            if (newUnlockedLevel || Match3BoardRenderer.levelIdx == 0)
        else if (newUnlockedLevel && levelIdx == lastUnlockedLevel - 1)
            CompanionsManager.Instance.UpdateOldAvatarPosition(transform.localPosition, userAvatarPos);
コード例 #9
        public List <UserCloud> SelectUserClouds(int userId)
            string query = "SELECT * FROM user_clouds WHERE user_id = " + userId + ";";

            List <UserCloud> cloudList = new List <UserCloud>();

            //Create Command
            if (this.OpenConnection() == true)
                MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, connection);
                //Create a data reader and Execute the command
                MySqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                //Read the data and store them in the list
                while (dataReader.Read()) //TODO: gives only one row? or entire list?
                    UserCloud userCloud = new UserCloud();

                    //TODO: Add token expiration to this
                    userCloud.User_id           = Int32.Parse(dataReader["user_id"] + "");
                    userCloud.Cloud_id          = Int32.Parse(dataReader["cloud_id"] + "");
                    userCloud.Cloud_token       = dataReader["cloud_token"].ToString();
                    userCloud.Refresh_token     = dataReader["refresh_token"].ToString();
                    userCloud.Custom_cloud_name = dataReader["custom_cloud_name"].ToString();


                //close Data Reader

                //close Connection

                //return list to be displayed
                if (cloudList.Count != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("No userCloud found");
                Console.WriteLine("Server connection not open");
コード例 #10
    public void AddItems(int count)
        Debug.Log("Add items: " + count);
        itemCount          += count;
        twinItem.itemCount += count;

        if (!temporaryItem)
            if (itemPrefab.GetComponent <Snowball>() != null)
                UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.SnowBall = itemCount;
                //	TokensSystem.Instance.snowballs = itemCount;
                if (count < 0)
                    BIModel.Instance.addConsumeData(ItemModel.SNOW_BALL, Match3BoardRenderer.levelIdx);
            else if (itemPrefab.GetComponent <Hourglass>() != null)
                UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.Hourglass = itemCount;
                //	TokensSystem.Instance.hourglasses = itemCount;
                if (count < 0)
                    BIModel.Instance.addConsumeData(ItemModel.HOUR_GLASS, Match3BoardRenderer.levelIdx);
            else if (itemPrefab.GetComponent <IcePick>() != null)
                UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.IcePick = itemCount;
                //	TokensSystem.Instance.icePicks = itemCount;
                if (count < 0)
                    BIModel.Instance.addConsumeData(ItemModel.ICE_PICK, Match3BoardRenderer.levelIdx);
                UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.MagicPower = itemCount;
                //	TokensSystem.Instance.itemTokens = itemCount;
                if (count < 0)
                    BIModel.Instance.addConsumeData(ItemModel.MAGIC_POWER, Match3BoardRenderer.levelIdx);
            Debug.Log("Saved items");
コード例 #11
 public void addDiamond(string productId)
     foreach (DiamondProductData diamondProduct in ItemModel.Instance.diamondProducts)
         if (diamondProduct.productID == productId)
             UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.UserGoldCoins += diamondProduct.diamondNum;
             // Update user.data
             Debug.Log("Purchase has success," + diamondProduct.diamondNum + " diamonds added!");
             BIModel.Instance.addOrderData(diamondProduct.price, diamondProduct.diamondNum);
コード例 #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves the data to disk.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='onResultSave'>
    /// Info with result of Save.
    /// </param>
    public bool SaveDataToDisk(System.Action <ResultSave> onResultSave = null)
        bool result = UserCloud.Serialize(FILE_NAME_LOCAL);

        if (result && onResultSave != null)
        else if (!result && onResultSave != null)

コード例 #13
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the score and stars for level.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='user'>
    /// User.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='level'>
    /// Level.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='score'>
    /// Score.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='stars'>
    /// Stars.
    /// </param>
    public void GetScoreAndStarsForLevel(UserCloud user, int level, out int score, out int stars)
        score = -1;
        stars = -1;
        if (!user.FinishedLevels.ContainsKey(level.ToString()))

        Dictionary <string, object> infoLevel = (Dictionary <string, object>)user.FinishedLevels[level.ToString()];

        //Debug.Log("GetScore And Stars: " + Convert.ToInt32(infoLevel["score"]));
        score = Convert.ToInt32(infoLevel["score"]);
        stars = Convert.ToInt32(infoLevel["stars"]);
コード例 #14
     * 支付完成后 回调的
     * 根据返回的码来确定支付是否成功:
     * 返回值格式为支付状态|额度|其他信息, 比如1|1| 表示购买2元支付成功
     * 支付状态定义如下:
     * 0:none
     * 1:success;
     * 2:failed
     * 3:cancelled
     * 支付额度定义如下:
     * 1  2元  20钻
     * 2  6元  65钻
     * 3  10元 110钻
     * 4  15元  170钻
    public void onBillingResult(string result)
        Debug.Log("#################  BillingResult=" + result);
        Debug.Log("onBillingResult=" + result);
        string[] results = result.Split('|');

        string paynum = results [1].ToString();
        int    coin   = getGoldCoinByNum(paynum);

        if (BillingResult.CANCELLED.Equals(results [0]))
            //	ExitWithUI ();
            // todo 给予玩家反馈
            Debug.Log(" wenming MFPBillingAndroid onBillingResult CANCEL:" + paynum.ToString());
            BiService.log("MFPBillingAndroid onBillingResult CANCEL:" + paynum.ToString());
        else if (BillingResult.SUCCESS.Equals(results [0]))
            // todo 给予玩家反馈

            UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.UserGoldCoins += coin;

            Debug.Log(" wenming MFPBillingAndroid onBillingResult SUCCESS:" + paynum.ToString());

            BIModel.Instance.addOrderData(getPriceByNum(paynum), coin);
        else if (BillingResult.FAILED.Equals(results [0]))
            // todo 给予玩家反馈
            Debug.Log(" wenming MFPBillingAndroid onBillingResult FAILED:" + paynum.ToString());

            BiService.log("MFPBillingAndroid onBillingResult FAILED:" + paynum.ToString());
            // todo 给予玩家反馈
            Debug.Log(" wenming MFPBillingAndroid onBillingResult EXCEPTION:" + paynum.ToString());
            BiService.log("MFPBillingAndroid onBillingResult EXCEPTION:" + paynum.ToString());
コード例 #15
    void OnClick()
        if (LivesSystem.instance.Lives < LivesSystem.maxLives)
            if (UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.UserGoldCoins >= 20)
                // refill energy
                UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.UserGoldCoins -= 20;

//				PlayerPrefs.SetInt(LivesSystem.livesKey, LivesSystem.maxLives);
//				PlayerPrefs.Save();
                UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.NumsLiveLeft = LivesSystem.maxLives;
                LivesSystem.instance.Lives = LivesSystem.maxLives;

                BIModel.Instance.addPurchaseData("Lives", LivesSystem.maxLives, 20);
                buyLivePanelFsm.SendEvent("NGUI / ON CLICK");
                // go to mall

                MallTab mallTab = GameObject.Find("MallTabButton2").gameObject.GetComponent <MallTab>();

                buyLivePanelFsm.SendEvent("Other Panel");

         * if (purchasing) {
         *      return;
         * }
         * purchasing = true;
         * InAppPurchasesSystem.OnPurchaseSuccess += OnPurchaseSuccess;
         * InAppPurchasesSystem.OnPurchaseFail += OnPurchaseFail;
         * InAppPurchasesSystem.OnPurchaseCancel += OnPurchaseFail;
         * InAppPurchasesSystem.Instance.PurchaseProduct(InAppPurchasesSystem.InAppPurchase.Lives);
コード例 #16
        public object Save(CloudCombinationResultDTO cloudCombination)
            UserCloud userCloud = new UserCloud();

            userCloud.UserInput  = JsonSerializer.Serialize(cloudCombination.CloudCombinationInput);
            userCloud.User       = _uow.Users.Get(cloudCombination.UserId);
            userCloud.CloudDbSQL = cloudCombination.CloudCombinationResult.CloudDbSQL != null?_uow.CloudDbSQL.Get(cloudCombination.CloudCombinationResult.CloudDbSQL.Id) : null;

            userCloud.CloudFunction = cloudCombination.CloudCombinationResult.CloudFunction != null?_uow.CloudFunction.Get(cloudCombination.CloudCombinationResult.CloudFunction.Id) : null;

            userCloud.CloudStorage = cloudCombination.CloudCombinationResult.CloudStorage != null?_uow.CloudStorage.Get(cloudCombination.CloudCombinationResult.CloudStorage.Id) : null;

            userCloud.CloudVM = cloudCombination.CloudCombinationResult.CloudVM != null?_uow.CloudVM.Get(cloudCombination.CloudCombinationResult.CloudVM.Id) : null;

            userCloud.IsActive = true;
            userCloud.Name     = cloudCombination.Name;

            return(new { message = "Combination succesfully saved" });
コード例 #17
    void Update()
        if (lives >= maxLives)
        long time = TimeSeconds();

        /*if (lastUpdateTime != 0 && (time - lastUpdateTime) > 60)
         * {
         *      waitTime = time;
         *      return;
         * }
        if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(timeModifyKey, 0) != 0 && PlayerPrefs.GetInt("cheat", 0) == 0)
            Debug.Log("[LivesSystem] time changed. Reset waitTime!");
            waitTime = time;
            UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.LivesTime = waitTime;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt(timeModifyKey, 0);

//		Debug.Log("[LivesSystem] time: " + time+", lastUpdateTime: " + lastUpdateTime);
        lastUpdateTime = time;
        if (time - waitTime >= lifeRefillTime)
            while (lives < maxLives && time - waitTime >= lifeRefillTime)
                waitTime += lifeRefillTime;
                Debug.Log("[LivesSystem] Lives added!");
        else if (time - waitTime < 0)
            waitTime = time;
コード例 #18
    public static void SaveLivesAndNotify(int _lives, long _waitTime, bool notifications = true)
        Exception e = new Exception();

        Debug.Log("[LivesSystem] " + e.ToString());
        Debug.Log("[LivesSystem] set UserCloud numsLiveLeft: " + _lives);
        UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.NumsLiveLeft = _lives;
        UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.LivesTime    = _waitTime;
//		PlayerPrefs.SetInt(livesKey, _lives);
//		PlayerPrefs.SetString(livesTimeKey, _waitTime.ToString());
        if (notifications)

            if (_lives < maxLives)
                long showTime = lifeRefillTime * (maxLives - _lives) - (TimeSeconds() - _waitTime);
                NativeMessagesSystem.ScheduleNotification(Language.Get("LIVES_NOTIFICATION_TITLE"), Language.Get("LIVES_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE"), showTime);
コード例 #19
    public bool buyItem(ItemProductData productData)
        bool isOK = true;

        int userDiamondNum = UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.UserGoldCoins;

        if (userDiamondNum >= productData.diamondNum)
            UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.UserGoldCoins -= productData.diamondNum;

            if (productData.itemName == ICE_PICK)
                UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.IcePick += productData.itemNum;
            else if (productData.itemName == MAGIC_POWER)
                UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.MagicPower += productData.itemNum;
            else if (productData.itemName == SNOW_BALL)
                UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.SnowBall += productData.itemNum;
            else if (productData.itemName == HOUR_GLASS)
                UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.Hourglass += productData.itemNum;

            // Update user.data

            BIModel.Instance.addPurchaseData(productData.itemName, productData.itemNum, productData.diamondNum);
コード例 #20
        public CloudCombinationResultDTO ChangeName(CloudCombinationResultDTO cloudComb)
            UserCloud item = _uow.UserCloud.Find(x => x.Id == cloudComb.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            item.Name = cloudComb.Name;

            CloudCombinationResultDTO temp = new CloudCombinationResultDTO();
            CloudCombinationDTO       cloudCombinationInput  = new CloudCombinationDTO();
            CloudCombinationDTO       cloudCombinationResult = new CloudCombinationDTO();

            cloudCombinationInput = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <CloudCombinationDTO>(item.UserInput);
            if (item.CloudDbSQL != null)
                cloudCombinationResult.CloudDbSQL = item.CloudDbSQL;
            if (item.CloudFunction != null)
                cloudCombinationResult.CloudFunction = item.CloudFunction;
            if (item.CloudStorage != null)
                cloudCombinationResult.CloudStorage = item.CloudStorage;
            if (item.CloudVM != null)
                cloudCombinationResult.CloudVM = item.CloudVM;

            temp.CloudCombinationInput  = cloudCombinationInput;
            temp.CloudCombinationResult = cloudCombinationResult;
            temp.UserId = cloudComb.UserId;
            temp.Name   = item.Name;
            temp.Id     = item.Id;

コード例 #21
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        instance = this;

        lifeRefillTime = TweaksSystem.Instance.intValues["LifeRefillTime"];

        //TODO TALIN: very easy to modify this property by the user if it's stored in playerprefs (save to binary file?)
//		Lives = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(livesKey, maxLives);

        Lives = UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.NumsLiveLeft;

        Debug.LogWarning("[LivesSystem]Loaded lives: " + lives);
        long time = TimeSeconds();

//		waitTime = System.Math.Min(long.Parse(PlayerPrefs.GetString(livesTimeKey, time.ToString())), time);
        waitTime = UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.LivesTime == 0 ? time : UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.LivesTime;

        //TODO: user modify time to get live. will not charge live.
        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(timeModifyKey))
            Debug.Log("[LivesSystem]The time of system has been modified!!" + PlayerPrefs.GetInt(timeModifyKey));
            Debug.Log("[LivesSystem]Cannot get the timeModify flag!");

        if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(timeModifyKey, 0) != 0 && PlayerPrefs.GetInt("cheat", 0) == 0)
            waitTime = TimeSeconds();
            UserManagerCloud.Instance.CurrentUser.LivesTime = waitTime;
            // Update user.data
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt(timeModifyKey, 0);
コード例 #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Merges the users and save the info in Local File and Cloud File. Previously, User from Cloud must be initialized
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='onResult'>
    /// On result.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='args'>
    /// Arguments.
    /// </param>
    private void MergeUsers(System.Action <UserCloudDownloadDelegateEventArgs> onResult = null)
        bool isDirty = false;

        Debug.Log("- MergeUser 1");
        UserCloudDownloadDelegateEventArgs args = new UserCloudDownloadDelegateEventArgs();

        if (CurrentCloudUser == null)
            Debug.Log("- MergeUser 2");
            args.Result  = false;
            args.Message = "MergeUser: User from cloud must be initialized before the Merge";
            args.Error   = "User from Cloud was not initialized";
            RaiseUserHasBeenDownloaded(args, onResult);

        //Updating Levels
        int levelsInCloudUser = CurrentCloudUser.LastFinishedLvl;
        int levelsInLocalUser = CurrentUser.LastFinishedLvl;

        Debug.Log("- MergeUser - UserLocal had Level: " + levelsInLocalUser);
        Debug.Log("- MergeUser - UserCloud had Level: " + levelsInCloudUser);
        if (levelsInCloudUser > levelsInLocalUser)
            CurrentUser.LastFinishedLvl = levelsInCloudUser;
            isDirty = true;

        for (int i = 1; i <= CurrentUser.LastFinishedLvl; i++)
            int scoreForLocalUser;
            int scoreForCloudUser;

            int starsForLocalUser;
            int starsForCloudUser;
            this.GetScoreAndStarsForLevel(CurrentCloudUser, i, out scoreForCloudUser, out starsForCloudUser);
            this.GetScoreAndStarsForLevel(CurrentUser, i, out scoreForLocalUser, out starsForLocalUser);

            int winnerScore = scoreForCloudUser > scoreForLocalUser ? scoreForCloudUser : scoreForLocalUser;
            int winnerStars = starsForCloudUser > starsForLocalUser ? starsForCloudUser : starsForLocalUser;

            if (winnerScore != scoreForLocalUser || winnerStars != starsForLocalUser)
                this.ContinueWithSetScoreForLevel(CurrentUser, i, winnerScore, winnerStars, null, false, i == CurrentUser.LastFinishedLvl);

            if (scoreForCloudUser < scoreForLocalUser || starsForCloudUser < starsForLocalUser)
                isDirty = true;
        Debug.Log("- MergeUser 4");
        //Updating Coins
        if (CurrentCloudUser.UserGoldCoins > CurrentUser.UserGoldCoins)
            CurrentUser.UserGoldCoins = CurrentCloudUser.UserGoldCoins;
        else if (CurrentCloudUser.UserGoldCoins < CurrentUser.UserGoldCoins)
            isDirty = true;

        if (CurrentCloudUser.UserSilverCoins > CurrentUser.UserSilverCoins)
            CurrentUser.UserSilverCoins = CurrentCloudUser.UserSilverCoins;
        else if (CurrentCloudUser.UserSilverCoins < CurrentUser.UserSilverCoins)
            isDirty = true;

        //Updating Lives
//		if (CurrentCloudUser.NumsLiveLeft > CurrentUser.NumsLiveLeft)
//		{
//			isDirty = true;
//			CurrentUser.NumsLiveLeft = CurrentCloudUser.NumsLiveLeft;
//		}

        //Once finished Merging, both instance must be the same
        CurrentCloudUser = CurrentUser;

        //Raise the event
        args.Error   = string.Empty;
        args.Message = "MergeUser: User has been downloaded";
        args.Result  = true;
        RaiseUserHasBeenDownloaded(args, onResult);

        if (onResult != null)

//		IsUserInit = true;

        Debug.Log(" - MergeUser. Level: " + CurrentUser.LastFinishedLvl);

        bool isPossibleToSaveInCloud = this.SaveDataToDisk();

        if (isDirty && isPossibleToSaveInCloud)
コード例 #23
    private IEnumerator DownloadFromCloudByCheckingConflicts(System.Action <UserCloudDownloadDelegateEventArgs> onResul = null)
        JCloudDocumentOperation operation;

        // Let's check file for conflict first
        operation = JCloudDocument.FileHasConflictVersions(FILE_NAME_CLOUD);

        while (operation.finished == false)
            yield return(null);            // Wait for 1 frame
        // Look for error -- if any, handle & stop coroutine here -- ignore cloud unvailable as it simply means conflicts are not handled
        if (operation.error.HasValue && operation.error.Value != JCloudDocumentError.CloudUnavailable)
            HandleDocumentError(operation.error.Value, onResul);
            yield break;

        // Did looking for conflict trigger a result?
        if (((bool?)operation.result).HasValue && (bool)operation.result == true)
            // We have conflicts -- sort them out
            operation = JCloudDocument.FileFetchAllVersions(FILE_NAME_CLOUD);
            while (operation.finished == false)
                yield return(null);

            // Look for error -- if any, handle & stop coroutine here
            if (operation.error.HasValue)
                HandleDocumentError(operation.error.Value, onResul);
                yield break;

            // Get conflict versions
            JCloudDocumentVersions versions = (JCloudDocumentVersions)operation.result;

            // We will now attempt to pick the "best" version (e.g. most progress) -- you could offer UI
            UserCloud temporalUser;
            int       lastLevelTemporalUser = -1;
            byte[]    bestVersionIdentifier = null;
            foreach (JCloudDocumentVersionMetadata metadata in versions.versionsMetadata)
                // Read version bytes
                operation = JCloudDocument.FileReadVersionBytes(FILE_NAME_CLOUD, metadata.uniqueIdentifier);
                while (operation.finished == false)
                    yield return(null);

                // Look for error -- if any, handle & stop coroutine here
                if (operation.error.HasValue)
                    HandleDocumentError(operation.error.Value, onResul);
                    yield break;

                // Pick best version
                temporalUser = UserCloud.Deserialize((byte[])operation.result);

                if (temporalUser == null)

                if (temporalUser.LastFinishedLvl > lastLevelTemporalUser)
                    lastLevelTemporalUser = temporalUser.LastFinishedLvl;
                    bestVersionIdentifier = metadata.uniqueIdentifier;

            // At that point we should have the best version
            if (bestVersionIdentifier != null)
                // Pick it as current version
                operation = JCloudDocument.FilePickVersion(FILE_NAME_CLOUD, bestVersionIdentifier, versions.versionsHash);
                while (operation.finished == false)
                    yield return(null);

                // Look for error -- if any, handle & stop coroutine here
                if (operation.error.HasValue)
                    HandleDocumentError(operation.error.Value, onResul);
                    yield break;

        // At that point conflicts have been cleared -- wait for file reading
        operation = JCloudDocument.FileReadAllBytes(FILE_NAME_CLOUD);
        while (operation.finished == false)
            yield return(null);            // Wait for 1 frame
        // Look for error -- if any, handle & stop coroutine here
        if (operation.error.HasValue)
            HandleDocumentError(operation.error.Value, onResul);
            yield break;

        byte[] bytes = operation.result as byte[];
        if (bytes != null)
            //Save iCloud info in Memory. Then, merge information with local user data
            Debug.Log("- LoadUserFromCloud OK");
            CurrentCloudUser = UserCloud.Deserialize(bytes);

#if UNITY_ANDROID && !disableGoogleCloud
        byte[] googleCloudDataBytes = null;

        if (CanUseGoogleCloud())
            while (!PlayGameServices.isSignedIn() && googleCloudTryingToLogin)
                yield return(null);                // Wait for n frames until googleCloudTryingToLogin was setted to FALSE

            if (!PlayGameServices.isSignedIn() && !googleCloudTryingToLogin)
                HandleDocumentError(JCloudDocumentError.CloudUnavailable, onResul);
                yield break;

            Debug.Log("[UserManagerCloud] DownloadFromCloudByCheckingConflicts(): Downloading user data from cloud...");
            PlayGameServices.loadCloudDataForKey(0, false);

            // Wait a maximum of 6 seconds to retrieve google cloud data
            float timeLeftToWait = 6f;
            float lastTime       = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
            while (googleCloudData == null && timeLeftToWait > 0f)
                timeLeftToWait -= Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastTime;
                lastTime        = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

                yield return(null);                // Wait for n frames until googleCloudData was setted in loadCloudDataForKeyFailedEvent or loadCloudDataForKeySucceededEvent

            if (googleCloudData == "ERROR" || googleCloudData == null)
                HandleDocumentError(JCloudDocumentError.DocumentNotFound, onResul);
                yield break;

            Debug.Log("[UserManagerCloud] There is google cloud data : " + googleCloudData.Length);

                googleCloudDataBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(googleCloudData);
                Debug.Log("[UserManagerCloud] Cloud data size: " + googleCloudDataBytes.Length);
            catch (Exception)
                Debug.LogWarning("[UserManagerCloud] Failed to decode android cloud data: " + googleCloudData);
        CurrentCloudUser = UserCloud.Deserialize(googleCloudDataBytes);

        //Free memory
        googleCloudData = null;
        yield break;
コード例 #24
    private IEnumerator SaveInCloud(System.Action <UserCloudUploadedDelegateEventArgs> onResultSave = null)
        Debug.Log("Saving in the Cloud");
        UserCloudUploadedDelegateEventArgs args = new UserCloudUploadedDelegateEventArgs();
        bool isPossibleSaveInCloud = true;

        byte[] bytes = null;
        string errorReadingLocalData = string.Empty;

            bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(UserCloud.GetPath(FILE_NAME_LOCAL));
            Debug.Log("[UserManagerCloud] Loaded local file user data: " + UserCloud.GetPath(FILE_NAME_LOCAL));
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.LogWarning("[SaveInCloud] Error reading local user data file...");
            isPossibleSaveInCloud = false;
            errorReadingLocalData = ex.Message;

        if (isPossibleSaveInCloud == false)
            Debug.LogWarning("Exception reading local user before save it: " + errorReadingLocalData);
            args.Error   = errorReadingLocalData;
            args.Message = "There was an error saving to iCloud";
            args.Result  = false;
            args.SaveIn  = ResultSave.NotSaved;
            RaiseUserHasBeenUploaded(args, onResultSave);

            yield break;

        JCloudDocumentOperation op = JCloudDocument.FileWriteAllBytes(FILE_NAME_CLOUD, bytes);

        while (op.finished == false)
            Debug.Log("[SaveInCloud] Writting user data to cloud: " + op.progress);
            yield return(null);
        if (op.error.HasValue)
            string res = "";
            switch (op.error.Value)
            case JCloudDocumentError.PluginError:
            case JCloudDocumentError.NativeError:
            case JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments:                     // Look out for this one as it means you passed invalid path
                // Offer the user to retry
                res = "An error ocurred while saving text file. please retry.";
                Debug.LogWarning("[SaveInCloud] " + res);

            case JCloudDocumentError.DocumentNotFound:
                res = "There is no file present on this device. Create a new text file.";
                Debug.LogWarning("[SaveInCloud] " + res);

            case JCloudDocumentError.DownloadTimeout:
                // Offer the user to retry
                res = "Could not download user cloud file. Please retry.";
                Debug.LogWarning("[SaveInCloud] " + res);

            default:                     // We should never get there

            Debug.LogWarning("[SaveInCloud] " + op.error.Value);
            args.Error     = res;
            args.Message   = "There was an error saving to iCloud";
            args.Result    = false;
            args.ErrorType = op.error.Value;
            args.SaveIn    = ResultSave.NotSaved;
            RaiseUserHasBeenUploaded(args, onResultSave);
            // OK
            Debug.Log("[SaveInCloud] Saved user file in cloud " + bytes.Length + " bytes");
            args.Error   = string.Empty;
            args.Message = "Saved in iCloud";
            args.Result  = true;
            args.SaveIn  = ResultSave.Cloud;

            Debug.Log("[SaveInCloud] - SaveUser. Level: " + CurrentUser.LastFinishedLvl);

            RaiseUserHasBeenUploaded(args, onResultSave);

        yield break;

//		byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(UserCloud.GetPath(FILE_NAME_LOCAL));
//		JCloudDocument.FileWriteAllBytes(FILE_NAME_CLOUD, bytes);
////		UserCloudUploadedDelegateEventArgs args = new UserCloudUploadedDelegateEventArgs();
////		if (onResultSave != null)
////			onResultSave(ResultSave.Cloud);
//		Debug.Log("Save File in Cloud " + bytes.Length);
//		yield break;
#elif UNITY_ANDROID && !disableGoogleCloud
        if (CanUseGoogleCloud())
            while (!PlayGameServices.isSignedIn() && googleCloudTryingToLogin)
                yield return(null);

            if (PlayGameServices.isSignedIn() && !googleCloudTryingToLogin)
                string strUserData = null;
                    strUserData = System.Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                    Debug.Log("[UserManagerCloud] Saving to Google Cloud services: " + bytes.Length + " bytes");
                catch (Exception)
                    Debug.LogWarning("[UserManagerCloud] Failed to encode user raw bytes to string. Size: " + bytes.Length + " bytes");

                if (strUserData != null)
                    PlayGameServices.setStateData(strUserData, 0);

        yield break;
コード例 #25
    private void  ContinueWithSetScoreForLevel(UserCloud user, int level, int scoreToSubmit, int starsToSubmit, System.Action <UserHasReachedNewRecordDelegateEventArgs> onResultNewRecord = null, bool forceSaveInCloud = true, bool saveToDisk = true)
        Dictionary <string, object> infoLevel;
        int  currentScore        = this.GetScoreForLevel(user, level);
        int  currentStars        = this.GetStarsForLevel(user, level);
        bool isNeededUpdateScore = false;
        bool isNeededUpdateStars = false;

        if (currentScore < scoreToSubmit)
            isNeededUpdateScore = true;
        if (currentStars < starsToSubmit)
            isNeededUpdateStars = true;

        //Save the score
        if (scoreToSubmit > -1 && isNeededUpdateScore)
            if (user.FinishedLevels.ContainsKey(level.ToString()))
                infoLevel          = (Dictionary <string, object>)user.FinishedLevels[level.ToString()];
                infoLevel["score"] = scoreToSubmit;
                infoLevel          = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                infoLevel["score"] = scoreToSubmit;
                infoLevel["stars"] = 0;
                user.FinishedLevels.Add(level.ToString(), infoLevel);

            // [JianYu]: cache high score data, send them to server some time
            HighScoreModel.Instance.updateHighScoreCache(level, scoreToSubmit);
        //Save the stars
        if (starsToSubmit > -1 && isNeededUpdateStars)
            if (user.FinishedLevels.ContainsKey(level.ToString()))
                infoLevel          = (Dictionary <string, object>)user.FinishedLevels[level.ToString()];
                infoLevel["stars"] = starsToSubmit;
                infoLevel          = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                infoLevel["score"] = 0;
                infoLevel["stars"] = starsToSubmit;
                user.FinishedLevels.Add(level.ToString(), infoLevel);

        if (level > CurrentUser.LastFinishedLvl)
            // wenming update data to 360
            UserSNSManager.Instance.UploadData("360", level.ToString());
            CurrentUser.LastFinishedLvl = level;

        if (saveToDisk)
            Debug.Log("Saving scores to disk");
            bool isPossibleToSaveInCloud = true;
            isPossibleToSaveInCloud = this.SaveDataToDisk();

            if (forceSaveInCloud && !DisableICloud && isPossibleToSaveInCloud)

        UserHasReachedNewRecordDelegateEventArgs e = new UserHasReachedNewRecordDelegateEventArgs();

        if (isNeededUpdateScore || isNeededUpdateStars)
            e.Level  = level;
            e.Score  = scoreToSubmit;
            e.Result = RecordType.Stars;
            if (isNeededUpdateScore && isNeededUpdateStars)
                e.Result = RecordType.ScoreAndStars;
            else if (isNeededUpdateScore)
                e.Result = RecordType.Score;
            e.Message = "User has reached a new record";
            e.Level   = level;
            e.Score   = scoreToSubmit;
            e.Result  = RecordType.None;
            e.Message = "User has not reached a new record";
        RaiseUserHasReachedNewRecord(e, onResultNewRecord);

        //Debug.Log("SetScoreForLevel -> Score: " + scoreToSubmit + " for level: " + level);
コード例 #26
    public static UserCloud Deserialize(byte[] data = null)
        bool detailedLog = true;

        Stream str = null;
//		CryptoStream crStream = null;
        BinaryReader readStream = null;

            UserCloud nUser = new UserCloud();

//			float timeStart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            if (data == null)
                string path = GetPath(UserManagerCloud.FILE_NAME_LOCAL);
                Debug.Log("Load user data from local file: " + path);

                if (!File.Exists(path))
                str = File.OpenRead(path);
                str = new MemoryStream(data);
                Debug.Log("Load user data from data! ");

//			DESCryptoServiceProvider cryptic = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();
//			cryptic.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
//			cryptic.Key = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(TweaksSystem.CRYPTO_KEY);
//			crStream = new CryptoStream(str, cryptic.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Read);
//			using (readStream = new BinaryReader(crStream))
            using (readStream = new BinaryReader(str))
                float versionFile = readStream.ReadSingle();
                if (detailedLog)
                    Debug.Log("File version " + versionFile);

                /*if (versionFile < USER_DATA_VERSION)
                 * {
                 *      Debug.LogWarning("[Deserialize] Trying to load older user data file!");
                 *      if (data != null)
                 *      {
                 *              return nUser;
                 *      }
                 *      return null;
                 * }*/

                nUser.UserGoldCoins = readStream.ReadInt32();
                //	nUser.UserGoldCoins = 1000;
                if (detailedLog)
                    Debug.Log("Gold coins " + nUser.UserGoldCoins);

                nUser.UserSilverCoins = readStream.ReadInt32();
                if (detailedLog)
                    Debug.Log("Silver coins " + nUser.UserSilverCoins);

                nUser.NumsLiveLeft = readStream.ReadInt32();
                if (detailedLog)
                    Debug.Log("Lives left " + nUser.NumsLiveLeft);

                nUser.LastFinishedLvl = readStream.ReadInt32();
                if (detailedLog)
                    Debug.Log("Last finished level " + nUser.LastFinishedLvl);

                Dictionary <string, object> levels = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                int countLevels = readStream.ReadInt32();
                if (detailedLog)
                    Debug.Log("Finished levels count " + countLevels);

                for (int i = 0; i < countLevels; i++)
                    string keyLevel = readStream.ReadString();
                    if (detailedLog)
                        Debug.Log("Level key: " + keyLevel);

                    Dictionary <string, object> levelInfo = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    int countLevelInfo = readStream.ReadInt32();
                    if (detailedLog)
                        Debug.Log("Level dict count: " + countLevelInfo);

                    for (int j = 0; j < countLevelInfo; j++)
                        string keyLevelInfo = readStream.ReadString();
                        if (detailedLog)
                            Debug.Log("Level info key: " + keyLevelInfo);

                        int valueLevelInfo = readStream.ReadInt32();
                        if (detailedLog)
                            Debug.Log("Level info value: " + valueLevelInfo);

                        levelInfo.Add(keyLevelInfo, valueLevelInfo);

                    levels.Add(keyLevel, levelInfo);
                nUser.FinishedLevels = levels;

                // [JianYu]: add codes for loading items
                nUser.SnowBall   = readStream.ReadInt32();
                nUser.Hourglass  = readStream.ReadInt32();
                nUser.IcePick    = readStream.ReadInt32();
                nUser.MagicPower = readStream.ReadInt32();

                nUser.UpdateAt = new DateTime(readStream.ReadInt64());
                if (detailedLog)
                    Debug.Log("Ticks: " + nUser.UpdateAt.Ticks);
                if (versionFile > 3.0f)
                    string md5Data = readStream.ReadString();
                    // Create a StringComparer an compare the hashes.
                    StringComparer comparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
                    nUser.MaxLives  = readStream.ReadInt32();
                    nUser.LivesTime = long.Parse(readStream.ReadString());
                    if (0 != comparer.Compare(md5Data, nUser.md5Data))
                        nUser = null;
                        LivesSystem.maxLives = nUser.MaxLives;
                    nUser.NumsLiveLeft = 5;                     //PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Lives", 5);

//			float durationTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - timeStart;
//			Debug.Log(" =>Ecrypt Deserialization Time: " + durationTime * 1000);

        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.LogWarning(e.Message + "\nUser Data saved in disk was corrupted. One or more fields were added.");

            if (detailedLog)
                Debug.Log("[Deserialize] Closing possible open streams...");

            if (readStream != null)
                if (detailedLog)
                    Debug.Log("Closing readStream stream...");

//			if (crStream != null)
//			{
//				Debug.Log("Closing crStream stream...");
//				crStream.Close();
//			}

            if (str != null)
                if (detailedLog)
                    Debug.Log("Closing str stream...");
コード例 #27
	public static UserCloud Deserialize(byte[] data = null)
		bool detailedLog = true;
		Stream str = null;
//		CryptoStream crStream = null;
		BinaryReader readStream = null;
			UserCloud nUser = new UserCloud();
//			float timeStart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
			if (data == null)
				string path = GetPath(UserManagerCloud.FILE_NAME_LOCAL);
				Debug.Log("Load user data from local file: " + path);
				if (!File.Exists(path))
					return null;
				str = File.OpenRead(path);
				str = new MemoryStream(data);
				Debug.Log("Load user data from data! ");

//			DESCryptoServiceProvider cryptic = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();
//			cryptic.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
//			cryptic.Key = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(TweaksSystem.CRYPTO_KEY);
//			crStream = new CryptoStream(str, cryptic.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Read);
//			using (readStream = new BinaryReader(crStream))
			using (readStream = new BinaryReader(str))
				float versionFile = readStream.ReadSingle();
				if (detailedLog) {
					Debug.Log("File version " + versionFile);
				/*if (versionFile < USER_DATA_VERSION)
					Debug.LogWarning("[Deserialize] Trying to load older user data file!");
					if (data != null)
						return nUser;
					return null;
				nUser.UserGoldCoins = readStream.ReadInt32();
			//	nUser.UserGoldCoins = 1000;
				if (detailedLog) {
					Debug.Log("Gold coins " + nUser.UserGoldCoins);
				nUser.UserSilverCoins = readStream.ReadInt32();
				if (detailedLog) {
					Debug.Log("Silver coins " + nUser.UserSilverCoins);
				nUser.NumsLiveLeft = readStream.ReadInt32();
				if (detailedLog) {
					Debug.Log("Lives left " + nUser.NumsLiveLeft);
				nUser.LastFinishedLvl = readStream.ReadInt32();
				if (detailedLog) {
					Debug.Log("Last finished level " + nUser.LastFinishedLvl);
				Dictionary<string, object> levels = new Dictionary<string, object>();
				int countLevels = readStream.ReadInt32();
				if (detailedLog) {
					Debug.Log("Finished levels count " + countLevels);
				for (int i = 0; i < countLevels; i++)
					string keyLevel = readStream.ReadString();
					if (detailedLog) {
						Debug.Log("Level key: " + keyLevel);
					Dictionary<string, object> levelInfo = new Dictionary<string, object>();
					int countLevelInfo = readStream.ReadInt32();
					if (detailedLog) {
						Debug.Log("Level dict count: " + countLevelInfo);
					for (int j = 0; j < countLevelInfo; j++)
						string keyLevelInfo = readStream.ReadString();
						if (detailedLog) {
							Debug.Log("Level info key: " + keyLevelInfo);
						int valueLevelInfo = readStream.ReadInt32();
						if (detailedLog) {
							Debug.Log("Level info value: " + valueLevelInfo);
						levelInfo.Add(keyLevelInfo, valueLevelInfo);
					levels.Add(keyLevel, levelInfo);
				nUser.FinishedLevels = levels;
				// [JianYu]: add codes for loading items
				nUser.SnowBall = readStream.ReadInt32();
				nUser.Hourglass = readStream.ReadInt32();
				nUser.IcePick = readStream.ReadInt32();
				nUser.MagicPower = readStream.ReadInt32();
				nUser.UpdateAt = new DateTime(readStream.ReadInt64());
				if (detailedLog) {
					Debug.Log("Ticks: " + nUser.UpdateAt.Ticks);
				if (versionFile > 3.0f)
					string md5Data = readStream.ReadString();
					// Create a StringComparer an compare the hashes.
			        StringComparer comparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
					nUser.MaxLives = readStream.ReadInt32();
					nUser.LivesTime = long.Parse(readStream.ReadString());
			        if (0 != comparer.Compare(md5Data, nUser.md5Data) )
			            nUser = null;
						LivesSystem.maxLives = nUser.MaxLives;
					nUser.NumsLiveLeft = 5; //PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Lives", 5);
//			float durationTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - timeStart;
//			Debug.Log(" =>Ecrypt Deserialization Time: " + durationTime * 1000);
			return nUser;
		catch (Exception e)
			Debug.LogWarning(e.Message + "\nUser Data saved in disk was corrupted. One or more fields were added.");
			return null;
			if (detailedLog) {
				Debug.Log("[Deserialize] Closing possible open streams...");
			if (readStream != null)
				if (detailedLog) {
					Debug.Log("Closing readStream stream...");
//			if (crStream != null)
//			{
//				Debug.Log("Closing crStream stream...");
//				crStream.Close();
//			}
			if (str != null)
				if (detailedLog) {
					Debug.Log("Closing str stream...");