コード例 #1
        //This method allow the current logged in user to change the only academic year
        //while school remains same, the logged in user can't change school for current user
        //only the admin can do
        public ActionResult UserChangeAcademicYear()
            //This the context that is used by Microsoft default security system that comes 
            // along MVC project templates
            var Db = new ApplicationDbContext();
            //get the the logged user's userid, can't call this method in LINQ query
            //gives error's can't use expression inside Linq query
            string userid = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            //This is the object/table that stores the preferences of each user on the system
            //like school and academicyear, for which the system will allow the user to add edit the data 
            // and print reports
            var userprefer = Db.UserPreferences.Where(a => a.UserID == userid).Select(x => new { x.SchoolRefID, x.AcademicYearRefID }).FirstOrDefault();
            //Create a refrence to view model for UserChangeAcademicyear view
            var model = new UserChangeAcademicYearVM();

            // Populate the model School Id reference
            model.SchoolRefID = userprefer.SchoolRefID;

            //get school name for view readonly(display purpose) 
            //normal system users can only change academic year

            var schoolname = Db.Schools.AsNoTracking().Where(s => s.SchoolID == userprefer.SchoolRefID).Select(x => new { x.SchoolName }).FirstOrDefault();

            //populate schoolname to model
            model.SchoolName = schoolname.SchoolName;

            //Populate the view bag Dictionary with the dbset query
            //the query only gets the two columns required for the dropdown populate(one is academic year id and display year)
            //with a where condition to get only acamedic years only for a particular school
            ViewBag.AcademicYearID = new SelectList(Db.AcademicYears.AsNoTracking().Where(a => a.SchoolRefID == userprefer.SchoolRefID).Select(x => new { x.AcademicYearID, x.DisplayYear }), "AcademicYearID", "DisplayYear", userprefer.AcademicYearRefID);

            //Send model to view
            return View(model);

コード例 #2
        public async Task<ActionResult> UserChangeAcademicYear(UserChangeAcademicYearVM vmodel)
            var dbcontext = new ApplicationDbContext();
            string userid = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                // Create a object with partial fields of Userpreference(UP) object
                var UPAcademicyearupdate = new UserPreference()
                    UserID = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                    AcademicYearRefID = vmodel.AcademicYearID
                    dbcontext.Entry(UPAcademicyearupdate).Property("AcademicYearRefID").IsModified = true;
                    await dbcontext.SaveChangesAsync();

                    return RedirectToAction("StudentCurrentYearIndex", "Student");

            ViewBag.AcademicYearID = new SelectList(dbcontext.AcademicYears.AsNoTracking().Where(a => a.SchoolRefID == vmodel.SchoolRefID).Select(x => new { x.AcademicYearID, x.DisplayYear }), "AcademicYearID", "DisplayYear", vmodel.AcademicYearID);
            return View(vmodel);
