private void PullTransactions() { MemberId upstream; try { upstream = _selectionStrategy.bestUpstreamDatabase(); } catch (UpstreamDatabaseSelectionException e) { _log.warn("Could not find upstream database from which to pull.", e); return; } StoreId localStoreId = _localDatabase.storeId(); bool moreToPull = true; int batchCount = 1; while (moreToPull) { moreToPull = PullAndApplyBatchOfTransactions(upstream, localStoreId, batchCount); batchCount++; } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void start() throws, org.neo4j.causalclustering.catchup.storecopy.DatabaseShutdownException public override void Start() { bool syncedWithUpstream = false; Org.Neo4j.causalclustering.helper.TimeoutStrategy_Timeout timeout = _timeoutStrategy.newTimeout(); int attempt = 0; while (!syncedWithUpstream) { attempt++; MemberId source = null; try { source = _selectionStrategy.bestUpstreamDatabase(); SyncStoreWithUpstream(source); syncedWithUpstream = true; } catch (UpstreamDatabaseSelectionException) { _lastIssue = IssueOf("finding upstream member", attempt); _debugLog.warn(_lastIssue); } catch (StoreCopyFailedException) { _lastIssue = IssueOf(format("copying store files from %s", source), attempt); _debugLog.warn(_lastIssue); } catch (StoreIdDownloadFailedException) { _lastIssue = IssueOf(format("getting store id from %s", source), attempt); _debugLog.warn(_lastIssue); } catch (TopologyLookupException) { _lastIssue = IssueOf(format("getting address of %s", source), attempt); _debugLog.warn(_lastIssue); } try { Thread.Sleep(timeout.Millis); timeout.Increment(); } catch (InterruptedException) { Thread.interrupted(); _lastIssue = "Interrupted while trying to start read replica"; _debugLog.warn(_lastIssue); break; } } if (!syncedWithUpstream) { _userLog.error(_lastIssue); throw new Exception(_lastIssue); } try { _localDatabase.start(); _txPulling.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Before public void before() throws Throwable //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void Before() { when(_idStore.LastCommittedTransactionId).thenReturn(BASE_TX_ID); when(_strategyPipeline.bestUpstreamDatabase()).thenReturn(_coreMemberId); }