public ActionResult Upload(FormCollection form) { if (Request.Files.Count == 0) { //Request.Files.Count 文件数为0上传不成功 return View(); } var file = Request.Files[0]; if (file.ContentLength == 0) { //文件大小大(以字节为单位)为0时,做一些操作 return View(); } else { //文件大小不为0 HttpPostedFileBase fileData = Request.Files[0]; //保存成自己的文件全路径,newfile就是你上传后保存的文件, //服务器上的UpLoadFile文件夹必须有读写权限 // file.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(@"Upload")); UploadHelper helper = new UploadHelper("Http://"); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileData.FileName);// 原始文件名称 byte[] buffer = new byte[fileData.InputStream.Length + 1]; // 上传文件字节数组大小 fileData.InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); // 把上传文件的大小放入 buffer里 var re= helper.Post("apptest", "", fileName, buffer); return Content(re.FileId); } return View(); }
public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file) { try { if (file != null) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); if (extension.Equals(".xlsx")) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; string filePath = "TransactionData"; string format = dt.ToString(); format = format.Replace('/', '_'); format = format.Replace(':', '_'); format = format.Replace(' ', '_'); filePath += "_" + format + ".xlsx"; string finalFilePath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/" + filePath); file.SaveAs(finalFilePath); UploadHelper objHelper = new UploadHelper(repository); IList<Transaction> lstData = new List<Transaction>(); DataSet dsTransactions = objHelper.ReadExcelFile(finalFilePath); DataView dvTransactions = dsTransactions.Tables[0].DefaultView; if (dvTransactions.ToTable().Rows.Count > 0) { dvTransactions.RowFilter = "Error = ''"; foreach (DataRow dr in dvTransactions.ToTable().Rows) { lstData.Add(new Transaction { Account = Convert.ToString(dr[Constants.Account]), Description = Convert.ToString(dr[Constants.Description]), CurrencyCode = Convert.ToString(dr[Constants.Currency]), Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(dr[Constants.Amount]) }); } repository.SaveTransaction(lstData); ViewBag.UploadMsg = dvTransactions.ToTable().Rows.Count + " row(s) have been saved successfully."; } else { ViewBag.UploadMsg = "No valid data to be uploaded."; } return View("Index", dsTransactions); } else { ViewBag.Error = "Invalid File Format " + extension + " Valid File Format allowed is .xlsx"; return View("Index"); } } else { ViewBag.Error = "Please select an excel file to upload"; return View("Index"); } } catch(Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = "Error occurred while processing your request"; return View("Index"); } }
public PixelPushingMode(BrowserLinkConnection connection) { ExtensionByConnection[connection] = this; _uploadHelper = new UploadHelper(); _connection = connection; Settings.BrowserLinkOptions.SettingsUpdated += (sender, args) => _ignoreList = null; }
public UnusedCssExtension(BrowserLinkConnection connection) { ExtensionByConnection[connection] = this; _uploadHelper = new UploadHelper(); _connection = connection; UnusedCssOptions.SettingsUpdated += InstallIgnorePatterns; }
public void FileUp(FormCollection form) { HttpContextBase context = this.HttpContext; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //上传配置 String pathbase = Url.Content("~/Uploads/Files/"); //保存路径 string[] filetype = { ".rar", ".doc", ".docx", ".zip", ".pdf", ".txt", ".swf", ".wmv" }; //文件允许格式 int size = 100; //文件大小限制,单位MB,同时在web.config里配置环境默认为100MB //上传文件 Hashtable info = new Hashtable(); UploadHelper up = new UploadHelper(); info = up.upFile(context, pathbase, filetype, size); //获取上传状态 context.Response.Write("{'state':'" + info["state"] + "','url':'" + info["url"] + "','fileType':'" + info["currentType"] + "','original':'" + info["originalName"] + "'}"); //向浏览器返回数据json数据 }
private ActionResult PrepareFileResult(IReport report, string ext, bool download, byte[] renderedBytes, ReportRegistry.Report reportInfo) { string fileDownloadName; var customFileName = report as ICustomFileName; if (customFileName != null) fileDownloadName = customFileName.GetFileName(); else fileDownloadName = (reportInfo.Title ?? reportInfo.Key) + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHss"); fileDownloadName += "." + ext; if (download) { return new FileContentResult(renderedBytes, "application/octet-stream") { FileDownloadName = fileDownloadName }; } Response.Headers["Content-Disposition"] = "inline;filename=" + System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(fileDownloadName); return File(renderedBytes, UploadHelper.GetMimeType(fileDownloadName)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ProductImageID,Name,IsMainImage,ImageUrl,ProductID")] ProductImage productImage) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var files = HttpContext.Request.Form.Files; foreach (var image in files) { if (image != null && image.Length > 0) { var file = image; if (file.Length > 0) { try { UploadHelper helper = new UploadHelper(_environment); var names = await helper.FileUploadAsync(file, "images/store", true); productImage.ImageUrl = names.Filename; productImage.Name = names.Name; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } } } _context.Add(productImage); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Redirect("/Admin/Products/Details?id=" + productImage.ProductID)); } ViewData["ProductID"] = new SelectList(_context.Products, "ProductID", "ProductID", productImage.ProductID); return(View(productImage)); }
public ActionResult Remove(string[] fileNames, string documentId) { // The parameter of the Remove action must be called "fileNames" if (fileNames != null) { foreach (var fullName in fileNames) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(fullName); UploadHelper.DeleteFile(documentId, fileName); //var physicalPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"), fileName); //// bbnrrf TODO: Verify user permissions //if (System.IO.File.Exists(physicalPath)) { // // The files are not actually removed in this demo // // System.IO.File.Delete(physicalPath); //} } } // Return an empty string to signify success return(Content("")); }
public ActionResult ICO(int type) { ResultInfo ri = new ResultInfo(); HttpPostedFileBase upfile = Request.Files["file"]; if (upfile == null) { ri.Msg = "请选择要上传的文件"; } else { string fullPath = string.Empty; switch (type) { case 1: fullPath = "/favicon.ico"; break; case 2: fullPath = "/Content/U/Site/levelname.png"; break; case 3: fullPath = "/Content/U/Site/onlylevelname.png"; break; case 4: fullPath = "/Content/U/Site/master.png"; break; } int maxlength = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigHelper.AppSettings("UploadFileMax"));//最大上传大小/M if (upfile.ContentLength > maxlength * 1024 * 1024) { ri.Msg = "上传文件最大只能是{0}M".FormatWith(maxlength); } else { upfile.SaveAs(UploadHelper.GetMapPath(fullPath)); ri.Ok = true; } } return(Result(ri)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "TicketId")] TicketAttachment ticketAttachment, string attachmentTitle, string attachmentDescription, HttpPostedFileBase attachment) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { ticketAttachment.Title = attachmentTitle; ticketAttachment.Description = attachmentDescription; ticketAttachment.Created = DateTime.Now; ticketAttachment.UserId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); if (UploadHelper.IsValidAttachment(attachment)) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(attachment.FileName); attachment.SaveAs(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/"), fileName)); ticketAttachment.AttachmentUrl = "/Uploads/" + fileName; } db.TicketAttachments.Add(ticketAttachment); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.TicketId = new SelectList(db.Tickets, "Id", "OwnerUserId", ticketAttachment.TicketId); return(View(ticketAttachment)); }
private static async void OnMyTimedEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { try { Console.WriteLine("On timer event"); DateTime nowDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime(); // Check that we are well connected if (Client != null && Client.IsConnected && UserId != 0) { if (ChannelId != null && ChannelId.Count > 0) { TLAbsDialogs = await Client.GetUserDialogsAsync(); foreach (TLAbsMessage tLAbsMessage in ((TLDialogs)TLAbsDialogs).Messages.Where(x => x is TLMessage message && TimeUnixTOWindows(message.Date, true) >= nowDateTime.AddMilliseconds(-(TimerIntervalInMs - 1)))) { ((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Message = CalculOffset(((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Message); if (((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).ToId is TLPeerUser tLPeerUser) { // Personal Chat Do Not Forward! } else if (((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).ToId is TLPeerChannel channel0 && ((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).ReplyToMsgId != null) { int crtChannelId = channel0.ChannelId; if (crtChannelId != MyChanId && ChannelId.ContainsKey(crtChannelId)) { Console.WriteLine("ReplyChannelId " + ((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).ReplyToMsgId); await ReplyMessage((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage); } } else if (((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).ToId is TLPeerChat chat && ((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).ReplyToMsgId != null) { Console.WriteLine("ReplyChatId " + ((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).ReplyToMsgId); await ReplyMessage((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage); } else if (((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).ToId is TLPeerChannel channel && ((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).ReplyToMsgId == null) { int crtChannelId = channel.ChannelId; if (crtChannelId != MyChanId && ChannelId.ContainsKey(crtChannelId)) { Console.WriteLine("New Message Channel " + ChannelId[crtChannelId][0] + " \n" + ((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Message); if (ChannelId.ContainsKey(crtChannelId)) { if (((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Message != "") { if (((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Message.ToLower().StartsWith("tp") || ((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Message.ToLower().StartsWith("sl")) { TLChannelMessages historyFromSourceCanal = (TLChannelMessages)await Client.GetHistoryAsync(new TLInputPeerChannel() { ChannelId = channel.ChannelId, AccessHash = (long)ChannelId[channel.ChannelId][1] }); List <TLAbsMessage> tLMessageList = historyFromSourceCanal.Messages.ToList().Where(x => x is TLMessage tL).ToList(); List <TLMessage> orderedtLMessageList = tLMessageList.Cast <TLMessage>().OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).ToList(); string newMessage = CalculOffset(orderedtLMessageList[1].Message + "\n" + ((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Message); if (orderedtLMessageList[1].Message.ToLower().Contains("sell") && !orderedtLMessageList[1].Message.ToLower().Contains("sl")) { await Client.SendMessageAsync(new TLInputPeerChannel() { ChannelId = MyChanId, AccessHash = AccessHash }, newMessage); } else if (orderedtLMessageList[1].Message.ToLower().Contains("vente") && !orderedtLMessageList[1].Message.ToLower().Contains("sl")) { await Client.SendMessageAsync(new TLInputPeerChannel() { ChannelId = MyChanId, AccessHash = AccessHash }, newMessage); } else if (orderedtLMessageList[1].Message.ToLower().Contains("buy") && !orderedtLMessageList[1].Message.ToLower().Contains("sl")) { await Client.SendMessageAsync(new TLInputPeerChannel() { ChannelId = MyChanId, AccessHash = AccessHash }, newMessage); } else if (orderedtLMessageList[1].Message.ToLower().Contains("achat") && !orderedtLMessageList[1].Message.ToLower().Contains("sl")) { await Client.SendMessageAsync(new TLInputPeerChannel() { ChannelId = MyChanId, AccessHash = AccessHash }, newMessage); } } else { await Client.SendMessageAsync(new TLInputPeerChannel() { ChannelId = MyChanId, AccessHash = AccessHash }, ((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Message); } } else if (((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Media != null) { if (((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Media.GetType().ToString() == "TeleSharp.TL.TLMessageMediaPhoto") { TLMessageMediaPhoto tLMessageMediaPhoto = (TLMessageMediaPhoto)((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Media; TLPhoto tLPhoto = (TLPhoto)tLMessageMediaPhoto.Photo; TLPhotoSize tLPhotoSize = tLPhoto.Sizes.ToList().OfType <TLPhotoSize>().Last(); TLFileLocation tLFileLocation = (TLFileLocation)tLPhotoSize.Location; TLAbsInputFileLocation tLAbsInputFileLocation = new TLInputFileLocation() { LocalId = tLFileLocation.LocalId, Secret = tLFileLocation.Secret, VolumeId = tLFileLocation.VolumeId }; TLInputFileLocation TLInputFileLocation = tLAbsInputFileLocation as TLInputFileLocation; TLFile buffer = await Client.GetFile(TLInputFileLocation, 1024 * 512); TLInputFile fileResult = (TLInputFile)await UploadHelper.UploadFile(Client, "", new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(buffer.Bytes))); await Client.SendUploadedPhoto(new TLInputPeerChannel() { ChannelId = MyChanId, AccessHash = AccessHash }, fileResult, tLMessageMediaPhoto.Caption); } else if (((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Media.GetType().ToString() == "TeleSharp.TL.TLMessageMediaDocument") { TLMessageMediaDocument tLMessageMediaDocument = (TLMessageMediaDocument)((TLMessage)tLAbsMessage).Media; TLDocument tLDocument = (TLDocument)tLMessageMediaDocument.Document; TLVector <TLAbsDocumentAttribute> tLAbsDocumentAttributes = tLDocument.Attributes; TLInputDocumentFileLocation tLInputDocumentFileLocation = new TLInputDocumentFileLocation() { AccessHash = tLDocument.AccessHash, Id = tLDocument.Id, Version = tLDocument.Version, }; TLFile buffer = await Client.GetFile(tLInputDocumentFileLocation, 1024 * 512); TLInputFile fileResult = (TLInputFile)await UploadHelper.UploadFile(Client, ((TLDocumentAttributeFilename)tLAbsDocumentAttributes[0]).FileName, new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(buffer.Bytes))); await Client.SendUploadedDocument(new TLInputPeerChannel() { ChannelId = MyChanId, AccessHash = AccessHash }, fileResult, tLMessageMediaDocument.Caption, tLDocument.MimeType, tLAbsDocumentAttributes); } } } } } } }
public ExcelImportResponse ExcelImport(IUnitOfWork uow, ExcelImportRequest request) { request.CheckNotNull(); Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(request.FileName, "filename"); UploadHelper.CheckFileNameSecurity(request.FileName); if (!request.FileName.StartsWith("temporary/")) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("filename"); } ExcelPackage ep = new ExcelPackage(); using (var fs = new FileStream(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(request.FileName), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) ep.Load(fs); var rowF = RowsRow.Fields; var proj = ProjectorsRow.Fields; var phas = PhasesRow.Fields; var clie = ClientsRow.Fields; var part = PartsRow.Fields; var response = new ExcelImportResponse(); response.ErrorList = new List <string>(); var worksheet = ep.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; for (var row = 2; row <= worksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { try { var rowReaded = uow.Connection.TryFirst <RowsRow>(q => q .Select(rowF.RowId) .Where( rowF.ClientName == Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value ?? "") && rowF.ClassifierNumber == Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value ?? 0) && rowF.Number == Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value ?? 0))); if (rowReaded == null) { rowReaded = new RowsRow { } } ; else { // avoid assignment errors rowReaded.TrackWithChecks = false; } var projectorName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(projectorName)) { var project = uow.Connection.TryFirst <ProjectorsRow>(q => q .Select(proj.ProjectorId) .Where(proj.Name == projectorName)); if (project == null) { project = new ProjectorsRow { Name = projectorName }; var phaseId = Convert.ToInt32(uow.Connection.InsertAndGetID(project)); rowReaded.ProjectorId = phaseId; } else { rowReaded.ProjectorId = project.ProjectorId.Value; } } else { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ", Projector Name can't be empty"); continue; } var phaseName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 10].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(phaseName)) { var phase = uow.Connection.TryFirst <PhasesRow>(q => q .Select(phas.PhaseId) .Where(phas.Name == phaseName)); if (phase == null) { phase = new PhasesRow { Name = phaseName }; var phaseId = Convert.ToInt32(uow.Connection.InsertAndGetID(phase)); rowReaded.PhaseId = phaseId; } else { rowReaded.PhaseId = phase.PhaseId.Value; } } else { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ", Phase Name can't be empty"); continue; } var clientName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientName)) { var client = uow.Connection.TryFirst <ClientsRow>(q => q .Select(clie.ClientsId) .Where(clie.Name == clientName)); if (client == null) { client = new ClientsRow { Name = clientName }; var clientId = Convert.ToInt32(uow.Connection.InsertAndGetID(client)); rowReaded.ClientId = clientId; } else { rowReaded.ClientId = client.ClientsId.Value; } } else { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ", Client Name can't be empty"); continue; } var partName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 9].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(partName)) { var parts = uow.Connection.TryFirst <PartsRow>(q => q .Select(part.PartId) .Where(part.Name == partName)); if (parts == null) { parts = new PartsRow() { Name = partName }; var partId = Convert.ToInt32(uow.Connection.InsertAndGetID(parts)); rowReaded.PartId = partId; } else { rowReaded.PartId = parts.PartId.Value; } } else { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ", Part Name can't be empty"); continue; } rowReaded.ClassifierNumber = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value ?? 0); rowReaded.Number = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value ?? 0); rowReaded.Object = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 5].Value ?? ""); rowReaded.SubObject = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Value ?? ""); rowReaded.Date = DateTime.Parse(worksheet.Cells[row, 8].Value.ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("bg-BG")); rowReaded.FoldersCount = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 11].Value ?? ""); if (rowReaded.RowId == null) { new MyRepository().Create(uow, new SaveRequest <MyRow> { Entity = rowReaded }); response.Inserted = response.Inserted + 1; } else { new MyRepository().Update(uow, new SaveRequest <MyRow> { Entity = rowReaded, EntityId = rowReaded.RowId.Value }); response.Updated = response.Updated + 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { response.ErrorList.Add("Exception on Row " + row + ": " + ex.Message); } } return(response); }
public ActionResult UploadImage() { string filePath = "/Upload/ProductPhoto/Original/" + RequestHelper.DateNow.ToString("yyyyMM") + "/"; if (FileHelper.SafeFullDirectoryName(filePath)) { try { //上传文件 UploadHelper upload = new UploadHelper(); upload.Path = "/Upload/ProductPhoto/Original/" + RequestHelper.DateNow.ToString("yyyyMM") + "/"; upload.FileType = ShopConfig.ReadConfigInfo().UploadFile; upload.FileNameType = FileNameType.Guid; upload.MaxWidth = ShopConfig.ReadConfigInfo().AllImageWidth; //整站图片压缩开启后的压缩宽度 upload.AllImageIsNail = ShopConfig.ReadConfigInfo().AllImageIsNail; //整站图片压缩开关 int needNail = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("NeedNail"); if (needNail <= 0) { upload.AllImageIsNail = 0; //如果页面传值不压缩图片,以页面传值为准; } int curMaxWidth = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("CurMaxWidth"); //页面传值最大宽度 if (curMaxWidth > 0) { upload.AllImageIsNail = 1; upload.MaxWidth = curMaxWidth;//如果有页面传值设置图片最大宽度,以页面传值为准 } FileInfo file = null; int waterType = ShopConfig.ReadConfigInfo().WaterType; //前台上传图片不打水印直接保存 file = upload.SaveAs(); //生成处理 string originalFile = upload.Path + file.Name; string otherFile = string.Empty; string makeFile = string.Empty; Dictionary <int, int> dic = new Dictionary <int, int>(); if (!dic.ContainsKey(75)) { dic.Add(75, 75); //后台商品图集默认使用尺寸(如果不存在则手动添加) } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> de in dic) { makeFile = originalFile.Replace("Original", de.Key + "-" + de.Value); otherFile += makeFile + "|"; ImageHelper.MakeThumbnailImage(ServerHelper.MapPath(originalFile), ServerHelper.MapPath(makeFile), Convert.ToInt32(de.Key), Convert.ToInt32(de.Value), ThumbnailType.AllFix); } otherFile = otherFile.Substring(0, otherFile.Length - 1); int proStyle = RequestHelper.GetForm <int>("proStyle"); if (proStyle < 0) { proStyle = 0; } int pcid = RequestHelper.GetForm <int>("pcid"); ProductPhotoInfo productPhoto = new ProductPhotoInfo(); productPhoto.ProductId = pcid; productPhoto.ImageUrl = originalFile; productPhoto.ProStyle = proStyle; productPhoto.OrderId = 0; ProductPhotoBLL.Add(productPhoto); return(Content("ok|" + originalFile.Replace("Original", "75-75"))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Content(ex.Message)); } } else { return(Content(ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("ErrorPathName"))); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> EMailSend([Bind("OrderID, Email, Subject, Message, Attachments")] OrderEmailViewModel orderEmail) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { OrderViewModel vm = null; BankAcccount bank = null; if (orderEmail.OrderID == null) { return(NotFound()); } else { vm = await GetOrderViewModel(orderEmail.OrderID); bank = await _context.BankAcccounts.FirstOrDefaultAsync(); string bill = $"<h2>Hallo Frau/Herr {vm.CutomerLastName},</h2>" + $"<p>noch einmal vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf.</p>" + $"<p>Bitte überweisen Sie den Gesamtbetrag von <b>{Math.Round(vm.Total, 2)} €</b> innerhalb von 7 Tagen unter Angabe der Rechungsnummer:<br/>" + $"<b>{orderEmail.Message}</b><br />" + $"auf das folgende Konto:</p>" + $"<br />" + $"<p>Kontoinhaber:<b> {bank.AccountOwner}</b><br />" + $"IBAN: <b>{bank.Iban}</b><br />" + $"SWIFT-BIC: <b>{bank.SwiftBic}</b><br />" + $"Bank: <b>{bank.Institute}</b></p><br />"; bill += $"<hr /><h3>Rechungsdetails</h3>" + $"<p>Ihre Bestellung vom {vm.OrderDate.ToShortDateString()}</p>"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vm.FreeText)) { bill += $"<p>Ihre Angaben zur Bestellung: <b>{vm.FreeText}</b></p>"; } bill += $"<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" height=\"15%\" width=\"75%\"><tr><th>Position</th><th>Artikel-Nr.</th><th>Artikelname</th><th>Menge</th><th>Betrag</th></tr>"; foreach (var item in vm.OderLines) { bill += $"<tr><td align=\"center\">{item.Position}</td>" + $"<td align=\"center\">{item.ProductNumber}</td>" + $"<td align=\"center\">{item.ProductName}</td>" + $"<td align=\"center\">{Math.Round(item.OrderQuantity, 2)} {item.OrderUnit}</td>" + $"<td align=\"center\">{Math.Round(item.OrderLineTotal,2)} €</td></tr>"; } bill += $"</table><br />" + $"<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" height=\"5%\" width=\"85%\">" + $"<tr>" + $"<td align=\"right\" colspan=\"4\">Versand, {vm.ShippingPriceName}:</td>" + $"<td>{Math.Round(vm.ShippingPriceAtOrder,2)} €</td></tr>" + $"<tr>" + $"<td align=\"right\" colspan=\"4\">Gesamtbetrag:</td><td>{Math.Round(vm.Total,2)} €</td></tr>" + $"</table>" + $"<br />" + $"<p>Die Lieferfrist beginnt mit der Zahlungsanweisung.</p>" + $"<br />" + $"<p>Viele Grüße,</p><p>Petra Buron</p><br />"; var attachments = new List <string>(); var files = HttpContext.Request.Form.Files; if (files != null && files.Count > 0) { //var file = files.First(); var helper = new UploadHelper(_environment); var todel = new List <string>(); foreach (var file in files) { var fnames = await helper.FileUploadAsync(file, "files", false); todel.Add(fnames.Filename); attachments.Add(fnames.Filename); } foreach (string file in todel) { helper.DeleteFile("files", file); } } var agb = await _context.ShopFiles.SingleAsync(s => s.ShopFileType == Enums.ShopFileTypeEnum.AGB); var wiederruf = await _context.ShopFiles.SingleAsync(s => s.ShopFileType == Enums.ShopFileTypeEnum.WRB); var datenschutz = await _context.ShopFiles.SingleAsync(s => s.ShopFileType == Enums.ShopFileTypeEnum.DSK); attachments.Add(agb.Filename); attachments.Add(wiederruf.Filename); attachments.Add(datenschutz.Filename); await _emailSender.SendEmailWithAttachmentsAsync(orderEmail.Email, orderEmail.Subject, bill, attachments); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } } return(View(orderEmail)); }
private void DeleteOldFile(FilesToDelete filesToDelete, string oldFilename) { if (!oldFilename.IsEmptyOrNull()) { var actualOldFile = (attr.SubFolder.IsEmptyOrNull() ? "" : (attr.SubFolder + "/")) + oldFilename; filesToDelete.RegisterOldFile(actualOldFile); if (attr.CopyToHistory) { var oldFilePath = UploadHelper.ToPath(actualOldFile); string date = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMM", Invariants.DateTimeFormat); string historyFile = "history/" + date + "/" + Path.GetFileName(oldFilePath); if (File.Exists(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(oldFilePath))) { UploadHelper.CopyFileAndRelated(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(oldFilePath), UploadHelper.DbFilePath(historyFile), overwrite: true); } } } }
public ExcelImportResponse ExcelImport(IUnitOfWork uow, ExcelImportRequest request) { request.CheckNotNull(); Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(request.FileName, "Filename"); UploadHelper.CheckFileNameSecurity(request.FileName); if (!request.FileName.StartsWith("temporary/")) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("filename"); } ExcelPackage ep = new ExcelPackage(); using (var fs = new FileStream(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(request.FileName), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) ep.Load(fs); var c = CategoryRow.Fields; var t = CategoryTypeRow.Fields; var response = new ExcelImportResponse(); response.ErrorList = new List <string>(); var worksheet = ep.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; for (var row = 2; row <= worksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { try { var categoryName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value ?? ""); if (categoryName.IsTrimmedEmpty()) { continue; } var category = uow.Connection.TryFirst <CategoryRow>(q => q .Select(c.CategoryID) .Where(c.CategoryName == categoryName)); if (category == null) { category = new CategoryRow { CategoryName = categoryName } } ; else { category.TrackWithChecks = false; } #region Type var typeName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 1].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(typeName)) { var type = uow.Connection.TryFirst <CategoryTypeRow>(q => q .Select(t.CategoryTypeID) .Where(t.CategoryType == typeName)); if (type == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row" + row + ": Category with name '" + typeName + "' is not found!"); continue; } category.CategoryTypeID = Convert.ToInt16(type.CategoryTypeID.Value); } else { category.CategoryTypeID = null; } #endregion Type category.CategoryCode = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value ?? ""); category.Description = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value ?? ""); if (category.CategoryID == null) { new CategoryRepository().Create(uow, new SaveWithLocalizationRequest <MyRow> { Entity = category }); response.Inserted = response.Inserted + 1; } else { new CategoryRepository().Update(uow, new SaveWithLocalizationRequest <MyRow> { Entity = category, EntityId = category.CategoryID.Value }); response.Updated = response.Updated + 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { response.ErrorList.Add("Exception on Row " + row + ": " + ex.Message); } } return(response); }
public ExcelImportResponse ExcelImport(IUnitOfWork uow, ExcelImportRequest request) { request.CheckNotNull(); Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(request.FileName, "filename"); UploadHelper.CheckFileNameSecurity(request.FileName); if (!request.FileName.StartsWith("temporary/")) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("filename"); } ExcelPackage ep = new ExcelPackage(); using (var fs = new FileStream(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(request.FileName), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) ep.Load(fs); var p = ProductRow.Fields; var s = SupplierRow.Fields; var c = CategoryRow.Fields; var response = new ExcelImportResponse(); response.ErrorList = new List <string>(); var worksheet = ep.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; for (var row = 2; row <= worksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { try { var productName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 1].Value ?? ""); if (productName.IsTrimmedEmpty()) { continue; } var product = uow.Connection.TryFirst <ProductRow>(q => q .Select(p.ProductID) .Where(p.ProductName == productName)); if (product == null) { product = new ProductRow { ProductName = productName } } ; else { // avoid assignment errors product.TrackWithChecks = false; } var supplierName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(supplierName)) { var supplier = uow.Connection.TryFirst <SupplierRow>(q => q .Select(s.SupplierID) .Where(s.CompanyName == supplierName)); if (supplier == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ": Supplier with name '" + supplierName + "' is not found!"); continue; } product.SupplierID = supplier.SupplierID.Value; } else { product.SupplierID = null; } var categoryName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(categoryName)) { var category = uow.Connection.TryFirst <CategoryRow>(q => q .Select(c.CategoryID) .Where(c.CategoryName == categoryName)); if (category == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ": Category with name '" + categoryName + "' is not found!"); continue; } product.CategoryID = category.CategoryID.Value; } else { product.CategoryID = null; } product.QuantityPerUnit = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value ?? ""); product.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(worksheet.Cells[row, 5].Value ?? 0); product.UnitsInStock = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Value ?? 0); product.UnitsOnOrder = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value ?? 0); product.ReorderLevel = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 8].Value ?? 0); if (product.ProductID == null) { new ProductRepository().Create(uow, new SaveRequest <MyRow> { Entity = product }); response.Inserted = response.Inserted + 1; } else { new ProductRepository().Update(uow, new SaveRequest <MyRow> { Entity = product, EntityId = product.ProductID.Value }); response.Updated = response.Updated + 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { response.ErrorList.Add("Exception on Row " + row + ": " + ex.Message); } } return(response); }
public void addItems(UploadItemVO obj) { uploadDetail.uploading_FileCountLabel.Text = "正在上传" + uploadHelper.voList.Count + "个文档"; Panel gb1 = new Panel(); gb1.Width = 260; gb1.Height = 40; gb1.Left = 38; PictureBox filePic = new PictureBox(); //filePic.Image = Image.FromFile(@"../../Resources/images/word.png"); //filePic.Image = global::GovDocSearch.Properties.Resources.word_24; filePic.Image = UploadHelper.getImage(obj.fileExtension); filePic.Width = 40; filePic.Height = 40; Label fileName = new Label(); fileName.Text = obj.fileName; fileName.Width = 200; fileName.Left = 50; Label fileSize = new Label(); fileSize.Font = new Font("微软雅黑", 9, fileName.Font.Style); fileSize.Text = Helper.ByteConvertGBMBKB(obj.fileSize); fileSize.Top = 25; fileSize.Left = 51; gb1.Controls.Add(filePic); gb1.Controls.Add(fileName); gb1.Controls.Add(fileSize); Controls.Add(gb1); //Controls.Add(timeLabel); ProgressBar pbar = new ProgressBar(); pbar.Top = 6; //pbar.BackColor = Color.Gray; pbar.ForeColor = Color.Blue; pbar.Width = 150; pbar.Left = 300; pbar.Maximum = comps.vo.maximum; pbar.Minimum = comps.vo.minimum; Controls.Add(pbar); Label labelProgressBar = new Label(); labelProgressBar.Top = 6; labelProgressBar.Width = 65; //labelProgressBar.BackColor = Color.Transparent; labelProgressBar.ForeColor = Color.Red; labelProgressBar.Left = 470; //labelProgressBar.Visible = false; //labelProgressBar.Text = comps.vo.minimum.ToString() + "%"; Controls.Add(labelProgressBar); Label fileStatus = new Label(); Label fileStatusTip = new Label(); //fileStatus.Font = new Font("微软雅黑",9); fileStatus.Text = "上传中"; fileStatus.Width = 150; fileStatus.Top = 6; fileStatus.Left = 547; fileStatusTip.Font = new Font("微软雅黑", 9); fileStatusTip.Visible = false; fileStatusTip.Text = ""; fileStatusTip.Width = 170; fileStatusTip.Top = 20; fileStatusTip.Left = 542; Controls.Add(fileStatus); Controls.Add(fileStatusTip); FlowLayoutPanel gb2 = new FlowLayoutPanel(); //TableLayoutPanel gb2 = new TableLayoutPanel(); //gb2.ColumnCount = 3; //gb2.RowCount = 1; gb2.Top = 5; gb2.Left = 715; gb2.Width = 60; //gb2.Width = 72; //gb2.Height = 24; //foreach (ColumnStyle cs in gb2.ColumnStyles) //{ // cs.Width = 24; //} PictureBox start = new PictureBox(); start.Width = 18; start.Height = 18; //start.Image = Image.FromFile(@"../../Resources/images/start.png"); start.Image = global::GovDocSearch.Properties.Resources.start; start.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; start.MouseClick += OnStartMouseClick; start.Visible = false; ToolTip startTip = new ToolTip(); startTip.SetToolTip(start, "开始上传"); PictureBox pause = new PictureBox(); pause.Width = 18; pause.Height = 18; //pause.Image = Image.FromFile(@"../../Resources/images/pause.png"); pause.Image = global::GovDocSearch.Properties.Resources.pause; pause.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; ToolTip pauseTip = new ToolTip(); pauseTip.SetToolTip(pause, "暂停上传"); pause.MouseClick += OnPauseMouseClick; PictureBox del = new PictureBox(); del.Width = 18; del.Height = 18; //del.Image = Image.FromFile(@"../../Resources/images/del.png"); del.Image = global::GovDocSearch.Properties.Resources.del; del.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; ToolTip delTip = new ToolTip(); delTip.SetToolTip(del, "删除"); del.MouseClick += OnDelMouseClick; gb2.Controls.Add(start); gb2.Controls.Add(pause); gb2.Controls.Add(del); //gb2.Controls.Add(start, 0, 0); //gb2.Controls.Add(pause, 1, 0); //gb2.Controls.Add(del, 2, 0); Controls.Add(gb2); comps.progressBar = pbar; comps.fileStatus = fileStatus; comps.fileStatusTip = fileStatusTip; comps.btnPanel = gb2; comps.start = start; comps.pause = pause; comps.del = del; // comps.labelProgressBar = labelProgressBar; }
private WfContent SaveAttachment(string parentPath, Attachment attachment, bool overwrite) { var parent = Node.LoadNode(parentPath); if (parent == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Cannot create content because parent does not exist. Path: " + parentPath); } var fileAttachment = attachment as FileAttachment; var name = fileAttachment.Name; // check existing file var node = Node.LoadNode(RepositoryPath.Combine(parentPath, name)); var contentTypeName = UploadHelper.GetContentType(name, parentPath) ?? "File"; File file; if (node == null) { // file does not exist, create new one file = CreateAttachment.CreateFileContent(contentTypeName, parent, name); if (file == null) { return(null); } } else { // file exists if (overwrite) { // overwrite it, so we open it file = node as File; // node exists and it is not a file -> delete it and create a new one if (file == null) { node.ForceDelete(); file = CreateAttachment.CreateFileContent(contentTypeName, parent, name); if (file == null) { return(null); } } file.Name = name; } else { // do not overwrite it file = CreateAttachment.CreateFileContent(contentTypeName, parent, name); if (file == null) { return(null); } file.AllowIncrementalNaming = true; } } file.DisableObserver(typeof(WorkflowNotificationObserver)); try { // also saves the content ExchangeHelper.SetAttachment(file, fileAttachment); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteException(e); } return(new WfContent(file)); }
public ExcelImportResponse ExcelImport(IUnitOfWork uow, ExcelImportRequest request) { request.CheckNotNull(); Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(request.FileName, "filename"); UploadHelper.CheckFileNameSecurity(request.FileName); if (!request.FileName.StartsWith("temporary/")) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("filename"); } ExcelPackage ep = new ExcelPackage(); using (var fs = new FileStream(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(request.FileName), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) ep.Load(fs); var m = MobileTeamRow.Fields; var d = DistrictRow.Fields; var r = RoundRow.Fields; var usr = Administration.Entities.UserRow.Fields; var response = new ExcelImportResponse(); response.ErrorList = new List <string>(); var worksheet = ep.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; for (var row = 3; row <= worksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { try { var roundName1 = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value ?? ""); var provName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value ?? ""); var districtName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value ?? ""); if (districtName.IsTrimmedEmpty()) { continue; } var mobileteam = uow.Connection.TryFirst <MobileTeamRow>(q => q .Select(m.MobileTeamId) .Where(m.DistrictDcode == districtName & m.RoundName == roundName1 & m.Province == provName)); if (mobileteam == null) { mobileteam = new MobileTeamRow { Province = provName, DistrictDcode = districtName, RoundName = roundName1 } } ; else { // avoid assignment errors mobileteam.TrackWithChecks = false; } var dName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dName)) { var district = uow.Connection.TryFirst <DistrictRow>(q => q .Select(d.DistrictId) .Where(d.Dcode == dName & d.Pname == provName)); if (district == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ": District with name '" + districtName + "' is not found!"); continue; } mobileteam.DistrictId = district.DistrictId.Value; } else { mobileteam.DistrictId = null; } var roundName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roundName)) { var round = uow.Connection.TryFirst <RoundRow>(q => q .Select(r.RoundId) .Where(r.RoundName == roundName)); if (round == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ": Round with name '" + roundName + "' is not found!"); continue; } mobileteam.RoundId = round.RoundId.Value; } else { mobileteam.RoundId = null; } mobileteam.Nomads = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 5].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.Gypsis = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.BlueMosque = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.IDPs = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 8].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.Returnees = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 9].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.Kindergarden = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 10].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.Madrasa = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 11].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.EPICenters = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 12].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.BusStation = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 13].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.Prison = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 14].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.MobileTeams = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 15].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.CheckPost = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 16].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.PrivateClinics = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 17].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.Daramsal = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 18].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.HotelGuestHouses = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 19].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.Crosborder = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 20].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.School = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 21].Value ?? 0); mobileteam.Others = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 22].Value ?? 0); var user = User.Identity.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user)) { var Users = uow.Connection.TryFirst <Administration.Entities.UserRow>(q => q .Select(usr.TenantId) .Where(usr.Username == user)); if (Users == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ": TenantID with name '" + Users + "' is not found!"); continue; } mobileteam.TenantId = Users.TenantId.Value; } else { mobileteam.TenantId = null; } if (mobileteam.MobileTeamId == null) { new MobileTeamRepository().Create(uow, new SaveRequest <MyRow> { Entity = mobileteam }); response.Inserted = response.Inserted + 1; } else { new MobileTeamRepository().Update(uow, new SaveRequest <MyRow> { Entity = mobileteam, EntityId = mobileteam.MobileTeamId.Value }); response.Updated = response.Updated + 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { response.ErrorList.Add("Exception on Row " + row + ": " + ex.Message); } } return(response); }
public bool HandleUploadedFile(int BookingId, ENums.UploadXMLType uploadXMLType, ArrayList RecordList) { UploadHelper uploadHelper = new UploadHelper(); return(uploadHelper.HandleUploadedFile(BookingId, uploadXMLType, RecordList)); }
public PixelPushingMode(BrowserLinkConnection connection) { ExtensionByConnection[connection] = this; _uploadHelper = new UploadHelper(); _connection = connection; }
/// <summary> /// 涂鸦上传 /// </summary> public void ScrawlImgUp() { HttpContextBase context = this.HttpContext; context.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; string action = context.Request["action"]; if (action == "tmpImg") { //上传配置 string pathbase = Url.Content("~/Uploads/Temps/"); //保存路径 int size = 2; //文件大小限制,单位mb //文件大小限制,单位KB string[] filetype = { ".gif", ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp" }; //文件允许格式 //上传图片 Hashtable info = new Hashtable(); UploadHelper up = new UploadHelper(); info = up.upFile(context, pathbase, filetype, size); //获取上传状态 context.Response.Write("<script>parent.ue_callback('" + info["url"] + "','" + info["state"] + "')</script>");//回调函数 } else { string pathbase = Url.Content("~/Uploads/Images/"); //保存路径 string tmpPath = Url.Content("~/Uploads/Temps/"); //临时图片目录 //上传图片 Hashtable info = new Hashtable(); UploadHelper up = new UploadHelper(); info = up.upScrawl(context, pathbase, tmpPath, context.Request["content"]); //获取上传状态 //向浏览器返回json数据 context.Response.Write("{'url':'" + info["url"] + "',state:'" + info["state"] + "'}"); } }
/// <summary> /// 图片上传 /// </summary> public void ImageUp(FormCollection form) { HttpContextBase context = this.HttpContext; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //上传配置 String pathbase = Url.Content("~/Uploads/Images/"); //保存路径 string[] filetype = { ".gif", ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp" }; ; //文件允许格式 int size = 20; //文件大小限制,单位MB,同时在web.config里配置环境默认为20MB //上传图片 Hashtable info = new Hashtable(); UploadHelper up = new UploadHelper(); info = up.upFile(context, pathbase, filetype, size); //获取上传状态 string title = up.getOtherInfo(context, "pictitle"); //获取图片描述 string oriName = up.getOtherInfo(context, "fileName"); //获取原始文件名 context.Response.Write("{'url':'" + info["url"] + "','title':'" + title + "','original':'" + oriName + "','state':'" + info["state"] + "'}"); //向浏览器返回数据json数据 }
public HomeController(ServiceAWSDynamoDb service, ServiceAWSS3 serviceS3, UploadHelper helper) { this.serviceDynamo = service; this.ServiceS3 = serviceS3; this.uploadhelper = helper; }
public ContentInfo(string path, Node parent, TransformerContext xsltOptions) { try { _metaDataPath = path; _attachments = new List <string>(); string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); _name = Path.GetFileName(path); string extension = Path.GetExtension(_name); if (extension.ToLower() == ".content") { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); FileIsHidden = (fileInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden; _xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); _xmlDoc.Load(path); // start of xml transformation if (xsltOptions != null && xsltOptions.IsValid) { using (MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream()) { using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(output, xsltOptions.XsltOutputSettings)) { xsltOptions.XsltTransformer.Transform(_xmlDoc, xsltOptions.XsltArgList, writer); output.Position = 0; _xmlDoc.Load(output); } } } // end of xml transformation XmlNode nameNode = _xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ContentMetaData/ContentName"); _name = nameNode == null?Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_name) : nameNode.InnerText; var deleteAttr = _xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes["delete"]; if (deleteAttr != null && deleteAttr.Value == "true") { this.Delete = true; } else { this.Delete = false; _contentTypeName = _xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ContentMetaData/ContentType").InnerText; ClearPermissions = _xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ContentMetaData/Permissions/Clear") != null; HasBreakPermissions = _xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ContentMetaData/Permissions/Break") != null; HasPermissions = _xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/ContentMetaData/Permissions/Identity").Count > 0; HasAspect = _xmlDoc.SelectNodes("ContentMetaData/Fields/Aspects").Count > 0; // /ContentMetaData/Properties/*/@attachment foreach (XmlAttribute attachmentAttr in _xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/ContentMetaData/Fields/*/@attachment")) { string attachment = attachmentAttr.Value; _attachments.Add(attachment); bool isFolder = Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(directoryName, attachment)); if (isFolder) { if (_isFolder) { throw new ApplicationException(String.Concat("Two or more attachment folder is not enabled. ContentName: ", _name)); } _isFolder = true; _childrenFolder = Path.Combine(directoryName, attachment); } } //-- default attachment var defaultAttachmentPath = Path.Combine(directoryName, _name); if (!_attachments.Contains(_name)) { string[] paths; if (Directory.Exists(defaultAttachmentPath)) { paths = new string[] { defaultAttachmentPath } } ; else { paths = new string[0]; } //string[] paths = Directory.GetDirectories(directoryName, _name); if (paths.Length == 1) { if (_isFolder) { throw new ApplicationException(String.Concat("Two or more attachment folder is not enabled. ContentName: ", _name)); } _isFolder = true; _childrenFolder = defaultAttachmentPath; _attachments.Add(_name); } else { if (System.IO.File.Exists(defaultAttachmentPath)) { _attachments.Add(_name); } } } } //if (deleteAttr != null && deleteAttr.Value == "true") } else { _isFolder = Directory.Exists(path); if (_isFolder) { var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path); FileIsHidden = (dirInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden; ContentTypeIsInferredFolder = true; _contentTypeName = GetParentAllowedContentTypeName(path, parent, "Folder"); _childrenFolder = path; // start of xml transformation - for possible contentname conversion if (xsltOptions != null && xsltOptions.IsValid) { using (MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream()) { using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(output, xsltOptions.XsltOutputSettings)) { var processXml = new XmlDocument(); processXml.LoadXml(String.Format("<ContentMetaData><ContentName>{0}</ContentName></ContentMetaData>", _name)); xsltOptions.XsltTransformer.Transform(processXml, xsltOptions.XsltArgList, writer); output.Position = 0; processXml.Load(output); XmlNode nameNode = processXml.SelectSingleNode("/ContentMetaData/ContentName"); _name = nameNode == null?Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_name) : nameNode.InnerText; } } } // end of xml transformation } else { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); FileIsHidden = (fileInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden; ContentTypeIsInferredFile = true; _xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); _contentTypeName = UploadHelper.GetContentType(path, parent.Path) ?? GetParentAllowedContentTypeName(path, parent, "File"); // modified for possible contentname conversion var contentMetaData = String.Concat("<ContentMetaData><ContentType>{0}</ContentType><ContentName>{1}</ContentName><Fields><Binary attachment='", _name.Replace("'", "'"), "' /></Fields></ContentMetaData>"); _xmlDoc.LoadXml(String.Format(contentMetaData, _contentTypeName, _name)); // start of xml transformation - for possible contentname conversion if (xsltOptions != null && xsltOptions.IsValid) { using (MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream()) { using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(output, xsltOptions.XsltOutputSettings)) { xsltOptions.XsltTransformer.Transform(_xmlDoc, xsltOptions.XsltArgList, writer); output.Position = 0; _xmlDoc.Load(output); XmlNode nameNode = _xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ContentMetaData/ContentName"); _name = nameNode == null?Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_name) : nameNode.InnerText; } } } // end of xml transformation _attachments.Add(_name); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("Cannot create a ContentInfo. Path: " + path, e); } }
public ExcelImportResponse ExcelImport(IUnitOfWork uow, ExcelImportRequest request) { request.CheckNotNull(); Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(request.FileName, "filename"); UploadHelper.CheckFileNameSecurity(request.FileName); if (!request.FileName.StartsWith("temporary/")) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("filename"); } ExcelPackage ep = new ExcelPackage(); using (var fs = new FileStream(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(request.FileName), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) ep.Load(fs); var TempVitA = TempVitaminARow.Fields; var d = DistrictRow.Fields; var r = RoundRow.Fields; var usr = Administration.Entities.UserRow.Fields; var clc = ClusterRow.Fields; var prov = ProvinceRow.Fields; var response = new ExcelImportResponse(); response.ErrorList = new List <string>(); var worksheet = ep.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; for (var row = 3; row <= worksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { try { var roundName1 = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value ?? ""); var districtName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value ?? ""); var clusterName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 5].Value ?? ""); var provName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value ?? ""); if (districtName.IsTrimmedEmpty()) { continue; } var TempA = uow.Connection.TryFirst <TempVitaminARow>(q => q .Select(TempVitA.TempVitaminAId) .Where(TempVitA.DistrictName == districtName & TempVitA.RoundName == roundName1 & TempVitA.ClusterName == clusterName & TempVitA.ProvinceName == provName)); if (TempA == null) { TempA = new TempVitaminARow { DistrictName = districtName, RoundName = roundName1, ClusterName = clusterName, ProvinceName = provName } } ; else { // avoid assignment errors TempA.TrackWithChecks = false; } var roundName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roundName)) { var round = uow.Connection.TryFirst <RoundRow>(q => q .Select(r.RoundId) .Where(r.RoundName == roundName)); if (round == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ": Round with name '" + roundName + "' is not found!"); continue; } TempA.RoundId = round.RoundId.Value; } else { TempA.RoundId = null; } var dName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dName)) { var district = uow.Connection.TryFirst <DistrictRow>(q => q .Select(d.DistrictId) .Where(d.Dcode == dName & d.Pname == provName)); if (dName == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ": District with name '" + dName + "' is not found!"); continue; } TempA.DistrictId = district.DistrictId.Value; } else { TempA.DistrictId = null; } var Cluster = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 5].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cluster)) { var round = uow.Connection.TryFirst <ClusterRow>(q => q .Select(clc.ClusterId) .Where(clc.DistrictDcode == districtName & clc.Cname == Cluster)); if (Cluster == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ": Cluster with name '" + Cluster + "' is not found!"); continue; } TempA.ClusterId = round.ClusterId.Value; } else { TempA.ClusterId = null; } var Province = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Province)) { var round = uow.Connection.TryFirst <ProvinceRow>(q => q .Select(prov.ProvinceId) .Where(prov.Pname == Province)); if (TempA == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ": Province with name '" + Province + "' is not found!"); continue; } TempA.ProvinceId = round.ProvinceId.Value; } else { TempA.ProvinceId = null; } TempA.TargetU5Cases = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Value ?? 0); TempA.D1VitADist = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value ?? 0); TempA.D1VitAUse = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 8].Value ?? 0); TempA.D1C611Months = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 9].Value ?? 0);; TempA.D1C1259Months = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 10].Value ?? 0); TempA.D2VitADist = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 11].Value ?? 0); TempA.D2VitAUse = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 12].Value ?? 0); TempA.D2C611Months = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 13].Value ?? 0); TempA.D2C1259Months = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 14].Value ?? 0); TempA.D3VitADist = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 15].Value ?? 0); TempA.D3VitAUse = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 16].Value ?? 0); TempA.D3C611Months = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 17].Value ?? 0); TempA.D3C1259Months = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 18].Value ?? 0); TempA.D5VitADist = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 19].Value ?? 0); TempA.D5VitAUse = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 20].Value ?? 0); TempA.D5C611Months = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 21].Value ?? 0); TempA.D5C1259Months = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cells[row, 22].Value ?? 0); TempA.PemtremtManager = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 23].Value ?? ""); var user = User.Identity.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user)) { var Users = uow.Connection.TryFirst <Administration.Entities.UserRow>(q => q .Select(usr.TenantId) .Where(usr.Username == user)); if (Users == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row " + row + ": TenantID with name '" + Users + "' is not found!"); continue; } TempA.TenantId = Users.TenantId.Value; } else { TempA.TenantId = null; } if (TempA.TempVitaminAId == null) { new TempVitaminARepository().Create(uow, new SaveRequest <MyRow> { Entity = TempA }); response.Inserted = response.Inserted + 1; } else { new TempVitaminARepository().Update(uow, new SaveRequest <MyRow> { Entity = TempA, EntityId = TempA.TempVitaminAId.Value }); response.Updated = response.Updated + 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { response.ErrorList.Add("Exception on Row " + row + ": " + ex.Message); } } return(response); }
public override void OnBeforeSave(ISaveRequestHandler handler) { var filesToDelete = new FilesToDelete(); UploadHelper.RegisterFilesToDelete(handler.UnitOfWork, filesToDelete); handler.StateBag[this.GetType().FullName + "_FilesToDelete"] = filesToDelete; var filename = (StringField)(handler.Row.FindField(this.fileNameField) ?? handler.Row.FindFieldByPropertyName(fileNameField)); var oldFilename = handler.IsCreate ? null : filename[handler.Old]; var newFilename = filename[handler.Row] = filename[handler.Row].TrimToNull(); if (oldFilename.IsTrimmedSame(newFilename)) { filename[handler.Row] = oldFilename; return; } if (!oldFilename.IsEmptyOrNull()) { var actualOldFile = ((subFolder != null && !storeSubFolderInDB) ? (subFolder + "/") : "") + oldFilename; filesToDelete.RegisterOldFile(actualOldFile); if (copyFileToHistory) { var oldFilePath = UploadHelper.ToPath(actualOldFile); string date = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMM", Invariants.DateTimeFormat); string historyFile = "history/" + date + "/" + Path.GetFileName(oldFilePath); if (File.Exists(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(oldFilePath))) { UploadHelper.CopyFileAndRelated(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(oldFilePath), UploadHelper.DbFilePath(historyFile), overwrite: true); } } } if (newFilename == null) { if (oldFilename.IsTrimmedEmpty()) { return; } filename[handler.Row] = null; return; } if (!newFilename.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("temporary/")) { throw new InvalidOperationException("For security reasons, only temporary files can be used in uploads!"); } if (handler.IsUpdate) { var copyResult = CopyTemporaryFile(handler, filesToDelete); filename[handler.Row] = copyResult.DbFileName; } }
public ExcelImportResponse ExcelImport(IUnitOfWork uow, ExcelImportRequest request) { request.CheckNotNull(); Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(request.FileName, "filename"); UploadHelper.CheckFileNameSecurity(request.FileName); if (!request.FileName.StartsWith("temporary/")) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("filename"); } ExcelPackage ep = new ExcelPackage(); using (var fs = new FileStream(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(request.FileName), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) ep.Load(fs); var w = WaresRow.Fields; var c = CategoryRow.Fields; var m = MeasureRow.Fields; var cp = CounterpartyRow.Fields; var response = new ExcelImportResponse(); response.ErrorList = new List <string>(); var worksheet = ep.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; for (var row = 2; row <= worksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { try { var waresName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value ?? ""); if (waresName.IsTrimmedEmpty()) { continue; } var wares = uow.Connection.TryFirst <WaresRow>(q => q .Select(w.WaresID) .Where(w.WaresName == waresName)); if (wares == null) { wares = new WaresRow { WaresName = waresName } } ; else { wares.TrackWithChecks = false; } #region Category var categoryName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(categoryName)) { var category = uow.Connection.TryFirst <CategoryRow>(q => q .Select(c.CategoryID) .Where(c.CategoryName == categoryName)); if (category == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row" + row + ": Category with name '" + categoryName + "' is not found!"); continue; } wares.CategoryID = category.CategoryID.Value; } else { wares.CategoryID = null; } #endregion Category #region Measure var measureName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measureName)) { var measure = uow.Connection.TryFirst <MeasureRow>(q => q .Select(m.MeasureID) .Where(m.MeasureName == measureName)); if (measure == null) { response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row" + row + ": Measure with name '" + measureName + "' is not found!"); continue; } wares.MeasureID = measure.MeasureID.Value; } else { wares.MeasureID = null; } #endregion Measure #region Counterparty //var counterpartyName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 13].Value ?? 0); //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(counterpartyName)) //{ // var counterparty = uow.Connection.TryFirst<CounterpartyRow>(q => q // .Select(cp.CounterpartyID) // .Where(cp.CompanyName == counterpartyName)); // if(counterparty == null) // { // response.ErrorList.Add("Error On Row" + row + ": Counterparty with name '" + // counterpartyName + "' is not found!"); // continue; // } // wares.CounterpartyID = counterparty.CounterpartyID.ToString(); //} //else //{ // wares.CounterpartyID = null; //} #endregion Counterparty wares.WaresCode = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 1].Value ?? ""); wares.WaresBarcode = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value ?? ""); wares.WaresLabel = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value ?? ""); wares.Discontinued = Convert.ToBoolean(worksheet.Cells[row, 5].Value ?? ""); wares.QuantityPerUnit = Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cells[row, 8].Value ?? ""); wares.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(worksheet.Cells[row, 9].Value ?? 0); wares.UnitsInStock = Convert.ToDecimal(worksheet.Cells[row, 10].Value ?? 0); wares.UnitsOnOrder = Convert.ToDecimal(worksheet.Cells[row, 11].Value ?? 0); wares.CounterpartyID = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 12].Value ?? 0); if (wares.WaresID == null) { new WaresRepository().Create(uow, new SaveWithLocalizationRequest <MyRow> { Entity = wares }); response.Inserted = response.Inserted + 1; } else { new WaresRepository().Update(uow, new SaveWithLocalizationRequest <MyRow> { Entity = wares, EntityId = wares.WaresID.Value }); response.Updated = response.Updated + 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { response.ErrorList.Add("Exception on Row " + row + ": " + ex.Message); } } return(response); }
private void CreateFile(string fileName, Node parentNode) { string realFileName = fileName; _handler.Context.Response.StatusCode = 201; // created if ((parentNode == null) || !(parentNode is IFolder)) { _handler.Context.Response.StatusCode = 403; _handler.Context.Response.Flush(); return; } try { // search for contents referring to this binary foreach (Node existingNode in ((IFolder)parentNode).Children) { if (SetBinaryAttachment(existingNode, realFileName)) { return; } } // special filetype, referred in web.config string contentType = UploadHelper.GetContentType(realFileName, parentNode.Path); if (contentType != null) { WebDavProvider.Current.AssertCreateContent(parentNode.Path, fileName, contentType); var nodeType = ActiveSchema.NodeTypes[contentType]; var specialFile = nodeType.CreateInstance(parentNode) as IFile; if (specialFile == null) { _handler.Context.Response.StatusCode = 405; } else { var specialNode = (Node)specialFile; if (specialNode.NodeType.IsInstaceOfOrDerivedFrom("Page")) { throw new NotSupportedException("Creating or ediding a Page through Webdav is not supported."); } specialFile.Binary = new BinaryData(); specialNode.Name = fileName; SetBinaryStream(specialNode, _handler.Context.Request.InputStream, FILEPROPERTYNAME, realFileName); } return; } WebDavProvider.Current.AssertCreateContent(parentNode.Path, fileName, typeof(SN.File).Name); // general file var fileContent = Content.CreateNew(typeof(SN.File).Name, parentNode, fileName); var fileNode = (SN.File)fileContent.ContentHandler; fileNode.Binary = new BinaryData(); SetBinaryStream(fileNode, _handler.Context.Request.InputStream, FILEPROPERTYNAME, realFileName); } catch (SecurityException e) // logged { SnLog.WriteException(e); _handler.Context.Response.StatusCode = 403; } catch (SenseNetSecurityException ee) // logged { SnLog.WriteException(ee); _handler.Context.Response.StatusCode = 403; } return; }
public IActionResult UploadIntroduction(IntroductionDTO introduction) { _loggerManager.Info($"UploadIntroduction was requested"); var files = HttpContext.Request.Form.Files; if (files == null || files.Count != 1) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, sharedResource.manageIntroductionInvalidFile); _loggerManager.Warn($"UploadIntroduction : A file is invalid"); return(View("Introduction", introduction)); } //validates step's index if (!_planRepository.GetStepList().Contains(introduction.Step)) { _loggerManager.Warn($"UploadIntroduction : Step index is wrong"); return(BadRequest()); } var uploadlimit = int.Parse(_settingRepository.Get(Settings.FileUploadLimit)); if (!ValidationHelper.ValidateFileSize(files[0], uploadlimit)) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, sharedResource.manageIntroductionFileLimitError); _loggerManager.Warn($"UploadIntroduction : A file exceed a limit"); return(View("Introduction", introduction)); } var userId = HttpContext.GetUserId(); //upload a file in wwwroot directory var uploadRelPath = UploadHelper.Upload(files[0]); //creates a new file record var fileDto = _fileRepository.CreateNewFile(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(files[0].FileName), Path.GetExtension(files[0].FileName), uploadRelPath, userId); //boolean that determines a result for updating of an introduction var result = false; if (fileDto != null)//A file record created, updates an introduction record { _loggerManager.Info($"UploadIntroduction : A file was created"); //takes an older video version var oldVideo = _planRepository.GetIntroduction(introduction.Step)?.Video; //updaates an introduction for a step result = _planRepository.UpdateIntroduction(introduction.Step, fileDto.Id, userId); if (result && oldVideo != null)//If a update was succeessful and the introduction had a video before, deletes an older video { //a result boolean bool oldFileDelete; //Deletes corresponding record in a repository and corresponding file in a directory, If any fails a result boolean is false oldFileDelete = UploadHelper.Delete(oldVideo.Path); oldFileDelete = _fileRepository.Delete(oldVideo.Id) && oldFileDelete; if (oldFileDelete) { _loggerManager.Warn($"UploadIntroduction : An old file was deleted"); } else { _loggerManager.Warn($"UploadIntroduction : An old file was not deleted"); } } } if (!result) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, sharedResource.manageServerError); _loggerManager.Warn($"UploadIntroduction was unable to update"); return(View("Introduction", introduction)); } else { _loggerManager.Info($"UploadIntroduction successfully updated"); } return(RedirectToAction("GetIntroduction", new { stepIndex = introduction.Step })); }
public ContentInfo(string path) { try { _metaDataPath = path; _attachments = new List <string>(); string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); _name = Path.GetFileName(path); string extension = Path.GetExtension(_name); if (extension.ToLower() == ".content") { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); FileIsHidden = (fileInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden; _xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); _xmlDoc.Load(path); XmlNode nameNode = _xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ContentMetaData/ContentName"); _name = nameNode == null?Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_name) : nameNode.InnerText; _contentTypeName = _xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ContentMetaData/ContentType").InnerText; ClearPermissions = _xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ContentMetaData/Permissions/Clear") != null; HasBreakPermissions = _xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ContentMetaData/Permissions/Break") != null; HasPermissions = _xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/ContentMetaData/Permissions/Identity").Count > 0; // /ContentMetaData/Properties/*/@attachment foreach (XmlAttribute attachmentAttr in _xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/ContentMetaData/Fields/*/@attachment")) { string attachment = attachmentAttr.Value; _attachments.Add(attachment); bool isFolder = Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(directoryName, attachment)); if (isFolder) { if (_isFolder) { throw new ApplicationException(String.Concat("Two or more attachment folder is not enabled. ContentName: ", _name)); } _isFolder = true; _childrenFolder = Path.Combine(directoryName, attachment); } } //-- default attachment var defaultAttachmentPath = Path.Combine(directoryName, _name); if (!_attachments.Contains(_name)) { string[] paths; if (Directory.Exists(defaultAttachmentPath)) { paths = new string[] { defaultAttachmentPath } } ; else { paths = new string[0]; } //string[] paths = Directory.GetDirectories(directoryName, _name); if (paths.Length == 1) { if (_isFolder) { throw new ApplicationException(String.Concat("Two or more attachment folder is not enabled. ContentName: ", _name)); } _isFolder = true; _childrenFolder = defaultAttachmentPath; _attachments.Add(_name); } else { if (System.IO.File.Exists(defaultAttachmentPath)) { _attachments.Add(_name); } } } } else { _isFolder = Directory.Exists(path); if (_isFolder) { var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path); FileIsHidden = (dirInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden; _contentTypeName = "Folder"; _childrenFolder = path; } else { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); FileIsHidden = (fileInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden; _xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); _contentTypeName = UploadHelper.GetContentType(path, null) ?? "File"; var contentMetaData = String.Concat("<ContentMetaData><ContentType>{0}</ContentType><Fields><Binary attachment='", _name.Replace("'", "'"), "' /></Fields></ContentMetaData>"); _xmlDoc.LoadXml(String.Format(contentMetaData, _contentTypeName)); _attachments.Add(_name); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("Cannot create a ContentInfo. Path: " + path, e); } }
private ServiceResponse HandleUploadRequest(HttpContextBase context) { if (context.Request.Form.Files.Count != 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("files"); } var file = context.Request.Form.Files[0]; if (file == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("file"); } if (file.FileName.IsEmptyOrNull()) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filename"); } var processor = new UploadProcessor { ThumbWidth = 128, ThumbHeight = 96 }; if (processor.ProcessStream(file.OpenReadStream(), Path.GetExtension(file.FileName))) { var temporaryFile = "temporary/" + Path.GetFileName(processor.FilePath); using (var sw = new StreamWriter(System.IO.File.OpenWrite(Path.ChangeExtension(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(temporaryFile), ".orig")))) sw.WriteLine(file.FileName); return(new UploadResponse() { TemporaryFile = temporaryFile, Size = processor.FileSize, IsImage = processor.IsImage, Width = processor.ImageWidth, Height = processor.ImageHeight }); } else { return(new UploadResponse() { Error = new ServiceError() { Code = "Exception", Message = processor.ErrorMessage } }); } }
/// <summary> /// 下载导入标签模板 /// </summary> public void DownLoadTemplate() { UploadHelper.ExportExcel("PushLabelTemplate.xls", "PushLabelTemplate.xls"); }
public bool ActivateFor(Row row) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, Target)) { return(false); } attr = Target.GetAttribute <ImageUploadEditorAttribute>(); if (attr == null || attr.DisableDefaultBehavior || attr.EditorType != "ImageUpload") { return(false); } if (!(Target is StringField)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format( "Field '{0}' on row type '{1}' has a UploadEditor attribute but it is not a String field!", Target.PropertyName ?? Target.Name, row.GetType().FullName)); } if (!(row is IIdRow)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format( "Field '{0}' on row type '{1}' has a UploadEditor attribute but Row type doesn't implement IIdRow!", Target.PropertyName ?? Target.Name, row.GetType().FullName)); } if (!attr.OriginalNameProperty.IsEmptyOrNull()) { var originalNameField = row.FindFieldByPropertyName(attr.OriginalNameProperty) ?? row.FindField(attr.OriginalNameProperty); if (ReferenceEquals(null, originalNameField)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format( "Field '{0}' on row type '{1}' has a UploadEditor attribute but " + "a field with OriginalNameProperty '{2}' is not found!", Target.PropertyName ?? Target.Name, row.GetType().FullName, attr.OriginalNameProperty)); } this.originalNameField = (StringField)originalNameField; } var format = attr.FilenameFormat; if (format == null) { format = row.GetType().Name; if (format.EndsWith("Row")) { format = format.Substring(0, format.Length - 3); } format += "/~"; } this.fileNameFormat = format.Replace("~", SplittedFormat); this.replaceFields = ParseReplaceFields(fileNameFormat, row, Target); this.uploadHelper = new UploadHelper((attr.SubFolder.IsEmptyOrNull() ? "" : (attr.SubFolder + "/")) + (this.fileNameFormat)); return(true); }
public override void OnBeforeSave(ISaveRequestHandler handler) { var field = (StringField)(handler.Row.FindField(this.filesField) ?? handler.Row.FindFieldByPropertyName(filesField)); if (!handler.Row.IsAssigned(field)) { return; } var oldFilesJSON = (handler.IsCreate ? null : field[handler.Old]).TrimToNull(); var newFilesJSON = field[handler.Row] = field[handler.Row].TrimToNull(); if (oldFilesJSON.IsTrimmedSame(newFilesJSON)) { field[handler.Row] = oldFilesJSON; return; } var oldFileList = ParseAndValidate(oldFilesJSON, "oldFiles"); var newFileList = ParseAndValidate(newFilesJSON, "newFiles"); var filesToDelete = new FilesToDelete(); UploadHelper.RegisterFilesToDelete(handler.UnitOfWork, filesToDelete); handler.StateBag[this.GetType().FullName + "_FilesToDelete"] = filesToDelete; foreach (var file in oldFileList) { var filename = file.Filename.Trim(); if (newFileList.Any(x => String.Compare(x.Filename.Trim(), filename, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)) { continue; } var actualOldFile = ((subFolder != null && !storeSubFolderInDB) ? (subFolder + "/") : "") + filename; filesToDelete.RegisterOldFile(actualOldFile); if (copyFilesToHistory) { var oldFilePath = UploadHelper.ToPath(actualOldFile); string date = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMM", Invariants.DateTimeFormat); string historyFile = "history/" + date + "/" + Path.GetFileName(oldFilePath); if (File.Exists(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(oldFilePath))) { UploadHelper.CopyFileAndRelated(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(oldFilePath), UploadHelper.DbFilePath(historyFile), overwrite: true); } } } if (newFileList.IsEmptyOrNull()) { field[handler.Row] = null; return; } if (handler.IsUpdate) { field[handler.Row] = CopyTemporaryFiles(handler, oldFileList, newFileList, filesToDelete); } }
public static void CheckUploadedImageAndCreateThumbs(ImageUploadEditorAttribute attr, ref string temporaryFile) { ImageCheckResult[] supportedFormats = null; if (!attr.AllowNonImage) { supportedFormats = new ImageCheckResult[] { ImageCheckResult.JPEGImage, ImageCheckResult.GIFImage, ImageCheckResult.PNGImage } } ; UploadHelper.CheckFileNameSecurity(temporaryFile); var checker = new ImageChecker(); checker.MinWidth = attr.MinWidth; checker.MaxWidth = attr.MaxWidth; checker.MinHeight = attr.MinHeight; checker.MaxHeight = attr.MaxHeight; checker.MaxDataSize = attr.MaxSize; Image image = null; try { var temporaryPath = UploadHelper.DbFilePath(temporaryFile); using (var fs = new FileStream(temporaryPath, FileMode.Open)) { if (attr.MinSize != 0 && fs.Length < attr.MinSize) { throw new ValidationError(String.Format(Texts.Controls.ImageUpload.UploadFileTooSmall, UploadHelper.FileSizeDisplay(attr.MinSize))); } if (attr.MaxSize != 0 && fs.Length > attr.MaxSize) { throw new ValidationError(String.Format(Texts.Controls.ImageUpload.UploadFileTooBig, UploadHelper.FileSizeDisplay(attr.MaxSize))); } ImageCheckResult result; if (Path.GetExtension(temporaryFile).ToLowerInvariant() == ".swf") { result = ImageCheckResult.FlashMovie; // validate swf file somehow! } else { result = checker.CheckStream(fs, true, out image); } if (result == ImageCheckResult.InvalidImage && attr.AllowNonImage) { return; } if (result > ImageCheckResult.UnsupportedFormat || (supportedFormats != null && Array.IndexOf(supportedFormats, result) < 0)) { string error = checker.FormatErrorMessage(result); throw new ValidationError(error); } if (result >= ImageCheckResult.FlashMovie) { return; } string basePath = UploadHelper.TemporaryPath; string baseFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetFileName(temporaryPath)); TemporaryFileHelper.PurgeDirectoryDefault(basePath); if ((attr.ScaleWidth > 0 || attr.ScaleHeight > 0) && ((attr.ScaleWidth > 0 && (attr.ScaleSmaller || checker.Width > attr.ScaleWidth)) || (attr.ScaleHeight > 0 && (attr.ScaleSmaller || checker.Height > attr.ScaleHeight)))) { using (Image scaledImage = ThumbnailGenerator.Generate( image, attr.ScaleWidth, attr.ScaleHeight, attr.ScaleMode, Color.Empty)) { temporaryFile = baseFile + ".jpg"; fs.Close(); scaledImage.Save(Path.Combine(basePath, temporaryFile), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); temporaryFile = "temporary/" + temporaryFile; } } var thumbSizes = attr.ThumbSizes.TrimToNull(); if (thumbSizes == null) { return; } foreach (var sizeStr in thumbSizes.Replace(";", ",").Split(new char[] { ',' })) { var dims = sizeStr.ToLowerInvariant().Split(new char[] { 'x' }); int w, h; if (dims.Length != 2 || !Int32.TryParse(dims[0], out w) || !Int32.TryParse(dims[1], out h) || w < 0 || h < 0 || (w == 0 && h == 0)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("thumbSizes"); } using (Image thumbImage = ThumbnailGenerator.Generate(image, w, h, attr.ThumbMode, Color.Empty)) { string thumbFile = Path.Combine(basePath, baseFile + "_t" + w.ToInvariant() + "x" + h.ToInvariant() + ".jpg"); thumbImage.Save(thumbFile); } } } } finally { if (image != null) { image.Dispose(); } } } }
public ExcelImportResponse TeacherExcelImport(IUnitOfWork uow, ExcelImportRequest request) { request.CheckNotNull(); Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(request.FileName, "filename"); UploadHelper.CheckFileNameSecurity(request.FileName); if (!request.FileName.StartsWith("temporary/")) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("filename"); } ExcelPackage ep = new ExcelPackage(); using (var fs = new FileStream(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(request.FileName), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) ep.Load(fs); var t = MyRow.Fields; var b = TextbookRow.Fields; var c = CourseRow.Fields; var response = new ExcelImportResponse(); response.ErrorList = new List <string>(); var worksheet = ep.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; for (var row = 2; row <= worksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { try { //TeacherWholeData var batchId = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value ?? ""); if (batchId.IsTrimmedEmpty()) { continue; } var declaration = uow.Connection.TryFirst <MyRow>(q1 => q1 .Select(t.DeclarationId) .Where(t.DeclarationId == -1)); if (declaration == null) { declaration = new MyRow { BatchId = batchId }; } else { declaration.TrackWithChecks = false; } //Textbook var textbookID = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 12].Value ?? ""); if (textbookID.IsTrimmedEmpty()) { continue; } var textbook = uow.Connection.TryFirst <TextbookRow>(q => q .Select(b.TextbookNum2) .Where(b.TextbookId == textbookID)); if (textbook == null) { textbook = new TextbookRow { TextbookId = textbookID }; } else { textbook.TrackWithChecks = false; } textbook.TextbookName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 13].Value ?? ""); textbook.Author = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 14].Value ?? ""); textbook.Isbn = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 15].Value ?? ""); textbook.Press = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 16].Value ?? ""); textbook.Edition = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 17].Value ?? ""); textbook.PrintingCount = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 18].Value ?? ""); textbook.TextbookType = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 19].Value ?? ""); textbook.Price = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 20].Value ?? ""); textbook.IsSelfCompile = Convert.ToString("0"); if (textbook.TextbookNum2 == null) { new TextbookRepository().Create(uow, new SaveRequest <TextbookRow> { Entity = textbook }); } else { new TextbookRepository().Update(uow, new SaveRequest <TextbookRow> { Entity = textbook, EntityId = textbook.TextbookNum2.Value }); } //Course var courseId = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 8].Value ?? ""); if (courseId.IsTrimmedEmpty()) { continue; } var course = uow.Connection.TryFirst <CourseRow>(q => q .Select(c.CourseNum) .Where(c.CourseId == courseId)); if (course == null) { course = new CourseRow { CourseId = courseId }; } else { course.TrackWithChecks = false; } course.CourseCode = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 10].Value ?? "空"); course.CourseName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 11].Value ?? ""); if (course.CourseNum == null) { new CourseRepository().Create(uow, new SaveRequest <CourseRow> { Entity = course }); } else { new CourseRepository().Update(uow, new SaveRequest <CourseRow> { Entity = course, EntityId = course.CourseNum.Value }); } declaration.TermCode = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 1].Value ?? ""); declaration.TermName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value ?? ""); declaration.SchoolId = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value ?? ""); declaration.SchoolName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 5].Value ?? ""); declaration.DepartmentId = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Value ?? ""); declaration.DepartmentName = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value ?? ""); declaration.EducationalType = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 9].Value ?? ""); declaration.ApprovedAmount = Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cells[row, 21].Value ?? 0); declaration.Priority = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 22].Value ?? ""); declaration.Phone = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 23].Value ?? ""); declaration.Remarks = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 24].Value ?? ""); declaration.CheckState = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 25].Value ?? ""); declaration.DataSign = Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[row, 26].Value ?? ""); declaration.CourseNum = course.CourseNum.Value; declaration.TextbookNum2 = textbook.TextbookNum2.Value; if (declaration.DeclarationId == null) { new TeacherWholeDataRepository().Create(uow, new SaveRequest <MyRow> { Entity = declaration }); response.Inserted = response.Inserted + 1; } else { new TeacherWholeDataRepository().Update(uow, new SaveRequest <MyRow> { Entity = declaration, EntityId = declaration.DeclarationId.Value }); response.Updated = response.Updated + 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { response.ErrorList.Add("Exception on Row " + row + ": " + ex.Message); } } return(response); }