コード例 #1
 public UpdateReviewViewModel(UpdateReview window, Review criticism)
     _currentCriticism = criticism;
     _criticismWindow  = window;
     allCritics        = _dALCritic.AllCritics();
     _critic           = _currentCriticism.Critic.Name + " " + _currentCriticism.Critic.Surname;
コード例 #2
        private void UpdateCriticismExecute()
            UpdateReview update = new UpdateReview(Criticism);

            Criticisms = _dALReview.AllReviews();
コード例 #3
        public void Update(Review dbEntity, UpdateReview entity)
            dbEntity.Content = entity.Content;
            dbEntity.Month   = entity.Month;
            dbEntity.Date    = DateUtility.SqlFormattedDateTime();

コード例 #4
        public void UpdateReview_ReturnsTrue()
            var dal           = new ReviewsDAL(new Conn().AWSconnstring());
            var review        = dal.GetAllReviews().FirstOrDefault();
            var updatedReview = new UpdateReview
                ReviewId   = review.ReviewId,
                ReviewText = "my updated text"
            bool updated = dal.UpdateReview(updatedReview).IsSuccessful;

コード例 #5
        public void UpdateTest_SuccessReturnsOK()
            var RC = new ReviewsController(connection);

            var review = new UpdateReview();

            review.ReviewId   = 1;
            review.ReviewText = "Please update this review. the restaurant is great";

            var result = RC.Put(review);

            Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(result);
コード例 #6
        public IActionResult Put([FromBody] UpdateReview updateReview)
            var dal = new ReviewsDAL(connection.AWSconnstring()).UpdateReview(updateReview);

            if (dal.IsSuccessful)
                return(StatusCode(304, dal.toreturn));
コード例 #7
        public void UpdateReview_ReviewTextShouldBeALeastTwoWords()
            var sut = new UpdateReview
                ReviewText = "hello"

            var testText = sut.IsValidReviewText();

            Assert.False(testText, "should be false");
コード例 #8
        public IActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody] UpdateReview review)
            if (review == null)
                return(BadRequest("Review is null."));
            Review reviewToUpdate = _dataRepository.Get(id);

            if (reviewToUpdate == null)
                return(NotFound("The Review record couldn't be found."));
            _dataRepository.Update(reviewToUpdate, review);
コード例 #9
        // GET: Review/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            UpdateReview ViewModel = new UpdateReview();

            string url = "ReviewData/FindReview" + id;
            HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(url).Result;

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                ReviewDto SelectedREview = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ReviewDto>().Result;
                ViewModel.Review = SelectedREview;
コード例 #10
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateReview(int id, [FromBody] UpdateReview updateDTO)
                if (id != updateDTO.ReviewId)

                var userId    = HttpContext.User.FindFirst("http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/objectidentifier").Value;
                var nameClaim = HttpContext.User.FindFirst("name").Value;

                int    indexOfSpace = nameClaim.IndexOf(" ");
                string firstLetter  = nameClaim.Substring(0, 1);
                string lastName     = nameClaim.Substring(indexOfSpace + 1, nameClaim.Length - (indexOfSpace + 1));
                string name         = firstLetter + " " + lastName;

                var entity = await _reviewService.FindAsync(id);

                if (entity == null)
                    return(BadRequest(new ValidationErrorResponse(new ValidationErrorModel(null, "Beer does not exist in the database"))));

                if (entity.UserId != userId)

                _mapper.Map(updateDTO, entity);
                entity.UserId = userId;
                entity.Name   = name;
                var updatedEntity = _reviewService.Update(entity);
                var view          = _mapper.Map <ViewReview>(updatedEntity);
コード例 #11
        public (bool IsSuccessful, UpdateReview toreturn) UpdateReview(UpdateReview updateReview)
            UpdateReview toreturn = new UpdateReview();
            bool         IsSuccessful;

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionstring))
                    SqlCommand updateReviewCmd = new SqlCommand($"UPDATE Reviews SET ReviewText = @reviewText WHERE ReviewId = @id;", conn);
                    updateReviewCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", updateReview.ReviewId);
                    updateReviewCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reviewText", updateReview.ReviewText);
                    IsSuccessful = true;
                IsSuccessful = false;
            return(IsSuccessful, toreturn);
コード例 #12
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateNewContact(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            [Queue("error-notification")] IAsyncCollector <string> errors,
            [Queue("existing-contact-update-review")] IAsyncCollector <string> updateReviewQueue,
            [Queue("installations-to-be-created")] IAsyncCollector <string> installationsAwaitingCreationQueue,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("CreateNewCrmContact triggered");

            // Test mode can be turned on by passing ?test, or by running from localhost
            // It will use the Hubspot sandbox via a hapikey override, and return a Contact with a hard-coded crmid=2001
            var test   = req.Query["test"];
            var isTest = test.Count > 0;

            if (req.Host.Host == "localhost")
                isTest = true;

            // Instantiate our convenient wrapper for the error-log queue
            var errQ = new ErrorQueueLogger(errors, "CrmUpdateHandler", nameof(CrmContactCreator));

            string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestBody))
                errQ.LogError("Request body is not empty");
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Empty Request Body"));

            // For a while, it will be handy to keep a record of the original JSON in the log files, in
            // case we need to track and fix systemic failures that lay undetected for a while.

            dynamic userdata = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);

            // Test
            //userdata.contact.crmid = 99;
            //var dbg = new StringContent(userdata.ToString());

            // If body is empty or not JSON, just return
            if (userdata == null)
                log.LogWarning("Contact information was empty or not JSON");
                errQ.LogError("Contact information was empty or not JSON");
                return(new OkResult());

            string leadStatus = userdata?.leadStatus;

            string firstname     = userdata?.contact?.firstname;
            string lastname      = userdata?.contact?.lastname;
            string preferredName = userdata?.contact?.firstname;   // initialise the preferred name as the first name
            string email         = userdata?.contact?.email;
            string phone         = userdata?.contact?.phone;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(phone))
                phone = userdata?.contact?.mobilephone;

            string installStreetAddress1 = userdata?.installAddress?.street;
            string installStreetAddress2 = userdata?.installAddress?.unit;
            string installCity           = userdata?.installAddress?.suburb;
            string installState          = userdata?.installAddress?.state;
            string installPostcode       = userdata?.installAddress?.postcode;

            string propertyOwnership = userdata?.property?.propertyOwnership; // "owner" or
            string propertyType      = userdata?.property?.propertyType;      // "business" or
            string abn = userdata?.property?.abn;

            string customerStreetAddress1 = userdata?.signatories?.signer1?.address?.street;
            string customerStreetAddress2 = userdata?.signatories?.signer1?.address?.unit;
            string customerCity           = userdata?.signatories?.signer1?.address?.suburb;
            string customerState          = userdata?.signatories?.signer1?.address?.state;
            string customerPostcode       = userdata?.signatories?.signer1?.address?.postcode;

            string mortgageStatus = userdata?.mortgage?.mortgageStatus; // "yes" / "no"
            string bankName       = userdata?.mortgage?.bankName;       // user-selected bank from the dropdown. Drawn from a Blob which in turns is generated by the Flow called "When BankContactDetails change => update bank-dropdown JSON"
            string bankOther      = userdata?.mortgage?.bankOther;      // if user selected "Other" from the dropdown, this is what they entered
            //string bankBranch = userdata?.mortgage?.bankBranch;   // we don't collect bank branch. That comes from BankContactDetails

            const bool installationRecordExists = true; // inhibit the creation of an Installation record.

            log.LogInformation($"Creating {firstname} {lastname} as {email} {(isTest ? "in test database" : string.Empty)}");

            var crmAccessResult = await this._hubSpotAdapter.CreateHubspotContactAsync(

            // Some failures aren't really failures
            if (crmAccessResult.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
                // A Conflict is not unexpected. However, we can't blindly overwrite existing contact details when we don't know anything
                // about the intentions of the caller. The changes must be Approved by a human.
                // To facilitate the Approval process, we take the original data packet (which has enough information for both a HubSpot
                // contact and an Installation record) and supplement it with a list of changes, which the Approval flow can use to present
                // a nice(ish) UI to the approver. After approval, the packet can then continue to flow (via queues) to process that create
                // installations and effect changes to hubspot contacts

                var orig = crmAccessResult.Payload;
                //var changeList = new List<UpdateReviewChange>();

                // The changelist must serialise to 'nice' JSON. No nulls, else Flow can't parse it.
                var updateReview = new UpdateReview();
                updateReview.AddChange("First", orig.firstName ?? "", firstname ?? "");
                updateReview.AddChange("Last", orig.lastName ?? "", lastname ?? "");
                updateReview.AddChange("Phone", orig.phone ?? "", phone ?? "");
                updateReview.AddChange("Street Address", orig.streetAddress ?? "", (customerStreetAddress1 + " " + customerStreetAddress2).Trim());
                updateReview.AddChange("City", orig.city ?? "", customerCity ?? "");
                updateReview.AddChange("State", orig.state ?? "", customerState ?? "");
                updateReview.AddChange("Postcode", orig.postcode ?? "", customerPostcode ?? "");

                var newLeadStatus = HubspotAdapter.ResolveLeadStatus(leadStatus);
                updateReview.AddChange("Lead status", orig.leadStatus ?? "", newLeadStatus ?? "");

                // Mimic the installation-inhib logic in the original contact-creation code.
                if (newLeadStatus == "READY_TO_ENGAGE")
                    if (orig.leadStatus == "INTERESTED")
                        // We need to inhibit the creation of an Installation record if this approval goes ahead, to prevent a race condition
                        updateReview.AddChange("installationrecordexists", "", "true");

                // TODO: Call an installation-details web-service to get these details

                var installAddress = HubspotAdapter.AssembleCustomerAddress(
                    (installStreetAddress1 + " " + installStreetAddress2).Trim(),

                // TODO: more...including Installation fields...
                updateReview.AddChange("Install Address", "", installAddress ?? "");      // TODO
                updateReview.AddChange("propertyOwnership", "", propertyOwnership ?? ""); // TODO
                updateReview.AddChange("propertyType", "", propertyType ?? "");           // TODO
                updateReview.AddChange("ABN", "", abn ?? "");                             // TODO

                updateReview.AddChange("mortgageStatus", "", mortgageStatus ?? "");       // TODO

                var newBankName = (bankName == "Other") ? bankOther : bankName;
                updateReview.AddChange("bankName", "", newBankName ?? "");  // TODO

                userdata.changes = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.FromObject(updateReview.Changes);

                // Prepare the original 'Join' data packet for re-use as an Installation if a
                // human approves the changes. And set an 'updatePermitted' flag that signals
                // to the receiving process that the data has been through a human review, and
                // it's OK to update the Installation if it exists already.
                userdata.contact.crmid   = crmAccessResult.Payload.contactId;
                userdata.sendContract    = true;
                userdata.updatePermitted = true;    // if it passes human approval, then it's OK to update the Installation

                string updateReviewPackage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userdata);
                log.LogInformation("For the 'existing-contact-update-review' queue:\n" + updateReviewPackage);

                // Queue the submission for human approval
                await updateReviewQueue.AddAsync(updateReviewPackage);

                // Control now passes to the Flow called on contact-update-review message, where the changes are approved or rejected
                return((ActionResult) new OkResult());
            else if (crmAccessResult.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                // This is a real failure. We cannot continue.
                log.LogError($"Error {crmAccessResult.StatusCode} creating HubSpot contact: {crmAccessResult.ErrorMessage}");
                errQ.LogError("Error " + crmAccessResult.StatusCode + " creating HubSpot contact: " + crmAccessResult.ErrorMessage);
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult(crmAccessResult.ErrorMessage));

            log.LogInformation($"{firstname} {lastname} ({email}) created as {crmAccessResult.Payload.contactId}");

            // Now we must create an Installations record by placing a job on the 'installations-to-be-created' queue
            // The structure we place on this queue is the same structure as we receive in this method, with the addition of
            //      (1) the contract.crmid property
            //      (2) a 'sendContract' flag that tells the Installation-creator to send a contract when the Installation record is created
            // NB: 'updatePermitted' is NOT set, because it would be a big surprise worthy of a big error to find an existing
            // Installation in the absence of a HubSpot contact record
            userdata.contact.crmid = crmAccessResult.Payload.contactId;
            userdata.sendContract  = true;

            // Place the augmented join-up data-packet on the queue. It will be picked up by the 'DequeueInstallationsForCreation' function in the
            // PlicoInstallationsHandler solution.
            var msg = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userdata);
            await installationsAwaitingCreationQueue.AddAsync(msg);

            return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(crmAccessResult.Payload));
コード例 #13
        public async Task <ActionResult> UpdateReview([FromBody] UpdateReview data, string productSKU)
                var checkData = MH.CheckForDatas("ProductSKU", productSKU, null, null, "ProductDB", "Product");
                if (checkData != null)
                    var objectId = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <Product>(checkData).Id;
                    var filter   = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Eq("_id", objectId);

                    var           reviews     = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <Product>(MH.CheckForDatas("_id", objectId, null, null, "ProductDB", "Product")).ProductReviews;
                    List <Review> reviewList  = new List <Review>();
                    Review[]      reviewArray = new Review[reviews.Length];
                    int           i           = 0;
                    if (reviews.Length == 0)
                        return(BadRequest(new ResponseData
                            Code = "401",
                            Message = "No reviews found"
                        foreach (var review in reviews)
                            if (review.Id == data.Id)
                                review.Approved = data.Approved;
                            reviewArray[i] = review;
                    var result = reviewList.FindAll(x => x.Id == data.Id);
                    if (result.Count == 0)
                        return(BadRequest(new ResponseData
                            Code = "402",
                            Message = "No reviews with id '" + data.Id + "' is found"
                    var updateReview = await MH.UpdateSingleObject(filter, "ProductDB", "Product", Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("ProductReviews", reviewArray));

                    var    updatedReviews  = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <Product>(MH.CheckForDatas("_id", objectId, null, null, "ProductDB", "Product")).ProductReviews;
                    double numberOfReviews = 0;
                    double totalRating     = 0;
                    foreach (var review in updatedReviews)
                        if (review.Approved == true)
                            numberOfReviews += 1;
                            totalRating     += review.Rating;
                    double overallRating;
                    if (totalRating > 0)
                        overallRating = totalRating / numberOfReviews;
                        overallRating = 0;
                    var updateRating = await MH.UpdateSingleObject(filter, "ProductDB", "Product", Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("ProductRating", overallRating));

                    return(Ok(new ResponseData
                        Code = "200",
                        Message = "Updated"
                    return(BadRequest(new ResponseData
                        Code = "404",
                        Message = "Product not found"
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggerDataAccess.CreateLog("ProductController", "InsertReview", ex.Message);
                return(BadRequest(new ResponseData
                    Code = "400",
                    Message = "Failed",
                    Data = ex.Message
コード例 #14
ファイル: ReviewAppService.cs プロジェクト: xZemanova/src
        public void Update(UpdateReview input)
            Review output = Mapper.Map <UpdateReview, Review>(input);

コード例 #15
 public void Update(UpdateReview input)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #16
 public void Update(UpdateReview input)
     Review output = Mapper.Map <UpdateReview, Review>(input);