コード例 #1
 private async static Task UpdateProject(ProjectServiceDefinition.ProjectServiceDefinitionClient projectClient)
     var input = new UpdateProjectRequest {
         Id = 1, Name = "UPDATED - CIB Fejlesztés sok pénzért", CustomerId = 2
     var reply = await projectClient.UpdateProjectAsync(input);
コード例 #2
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            UpdateProjectRequest request;

                request = new UpdateProjectRequest
                    WorkspaceId          = WorkspaceId,
                    ProjectKey           = ProjectKey,
                    UpdateProjectDetails = UpdateProjectDetails,
                    OpcRequestId         = OpcRequestId,
                    IfMatch = IfMatch

                response = client.UpdateProject(request).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                WriteOutput(response, response.Project);
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Update an existing project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateProject service method.</param>
        /// <returns>The response from the UpdateProject service method, as returned by Mobile.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.AccountActionRequiredException">
        /// Account Action is required in order to continue the request.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.BadRequestException">
        /// The request cannot be processed because some parameter is not valid or the project
        /// state prevents the operation from being performed.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.InternalFailureException">
        /// The service has encountered an unexpected error condition which prevents it from
        /// servicing the request.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.LimitExceededException">
        /// There are too many AWS Mobile Hub projects in the account or the account has exceeded
        /// the maximum number of resources in some AWS service. You should create another sub-account
        /// using AWS Organizations or remove some resources and retry your request.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.NotFoundException">
        /// No entity can be found with the specified identifier.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.ServiceUnavailableException">
        /// The service is temporarily unavailable. The request should be retried after some
        /// time delay.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.TooManyRequestsException">
        /// Too many requests have been received for this AWS account in too short a time. The
        /// request should be retried after some time delay.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.UnauthorizedException">
        /// Credentials of the caller are insufficient to authorize the request.
        /// </exception>
        /// <seealso href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mobile-2017-07-01/UpdateProject">REST API Reference for UpdateProject Operation</seealso>
        public UpdateProjectResponse UpdateProject(UpdateProjectRequest request)
            var marshaller   = new UpdateProjectRequestMarshaller();
            var unmarshaller = UpdateProjectResponseUnmarshaller.Instance;

            return(Invoke <UpdateProjectRequest, UpdateProjectResponse>(request, marshaller, unmarshaller));
コード例 #4
        public async Task UpdateProjectAsync_NotExistingProject_Should()
            // Arrange
            await this.fixture.ClearFactroInstanceAsync();

            var projectApi = this.fixture.GetService <IProjectApi>();

            var notExistingProjectId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var updatedTitle         = $"{BaseTestFixture.TestPrefix}{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}";
            var updateProjectRequest = new UpdateProjectRequest
                Title = updatedTitle,

            // Act
            Func <Task> act = async() => await projectApi.UpdateProjectAsync(notExistingProjectId, updateProjectRequest);

            // Assert
            await act.Should().ThrowAsync <FactroApiException>();

            using (new AssertionScope())
                var projects = (await this.fixture.GetProjectsAsync(projectApi)).ToList();

                projects.Should().NotContain(project => project.Id == notExistingProjectId);

            await this.fixture.ClearFactroInstanceAsync();
コード例 #5
        public IActionResult Put([FromBody] UpdateProjectRequest updateProjectRequest)
            var project = new Project
                Id          = updateProjectRequest.Id,
                Name        = updateProjectRequest.Name,
                Description = updateProjectRequest.Description,
                IsDone      = updateProjectRequest.IsDone

            var updated = _projectService.UpdateProject(project);

            if (updated)
                var getProjectResponse = new GetProjectResponse
                    Id          = project.Id,
                    Name        = project.Name,
                    Description = project.Description,
                    IsDone      = project.IsDone


コード例 #6
        public async Task UpdateProjectAsync_ValidUpdate_ShouldUpdateProject()
            // Arrange
            await this.fixture.ClearFactroInstanceAsync();

            var projectApi = this.fixture.GetService <IProjectApi>();

            var existingProject = await this.fixture.CreateTestProjectAsync(projectApi);

            var updatedTitle         = $"{BaseTestFixture.TestPrefix}{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}";
            var updateProjectRequest = new UpdateProjectRequest
                Title = updatedTitle,

            var updateProjectResponse = new UpdateProjectResponse();

            // Act
            Func <Task> act = async() => updateProjectResponse = await projectApi.UpdateProjectAsync(existingProject.Id, updateProjectRequest);

            // Assert
            await act.Should().NotThrowAsync();

            using (new AssertionScope())
                var projects = (await this.fixture.GetProjectsAsync(projectApi)).ToList();


                projects.Single(x => x.Id == existingProject.Id).Title.Should().Be(updatedTitle);

            await this.fixture.ClearFactroInstanceAsync();
コード例 #7
        public async Task UpdateProjectAsync_InvalidUpdate_ShouldNotUpdateeProject()
            // Arrange
            await this.fixture.ClearFactroInstanceAsync();

            var projectApi = this.fixture.GetService <IProjectApi>();

            var existingProject = await this.fixture.CreateTestProjectAsync(projectApi);

            var notExistingOfficerId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var updateProjectRequest = new UpdateProjectRequest
                OfficerId = notExistingOfficerId,

            // Act
            Func <Task> act = async() => await projectApi.UpdateProjectAsync(existingProject.Id, updateProjectRequest);

            // Assert
            await act.Should().ThrowAsync <FactroApiException>();

            using (new AssertionScope())
                var projects = (await this.fixture.GetProjectsAsync(projectApi)).ToList();


            await this.fixture.ClearFactroInstanceAsync();
コード例 #8
        public async Task <ProjectResponse> ExecuteAsync(int projectId, UpdateProjectRequest request)
            var project = await Context.Projects.FindAsync(projectId);

            if (project == null)

            // TODO: Use Automapper here.
            project.Name        = request.Name;
            project.Description = request.Description;
            for (int i = 0; i < request.RowVersion.Length; i++)
                project.RowVersion[i] = request.RowVersion[i];

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new ProjectResponse
                Id = project.Id,
                Name = project.Name,
                Description = project.Description,
                RowVersion = project.RowVersion,
                OpenTasksCount = Context.Tasks.Count(t => t.ProjectId == projectId && t.Status != TaskStatus.Completed)
コード例 #9
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateProjectAsync(int projectId, [FromBody] UpdateProjectRequest request, [FromServices] IUpdateProjectCommand command, [FromServices] IGetProjectQuery query)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            string user    = User.Identity.Name;
            var    project = await query.RunAsync(projectId);

                var authorizationResult = await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, project, Operations.Update);

                if (authorizationResult.Succeeded)
                    ProjectResponse response = await command.ExecuteAsync(projectId, request, user);

                    return(response == null
                        ? (IActionResult)NotFound("Project Not Found")
                        : Ok(response));
                return(StatusCode(403, "Вы не можете изменить этот проект!"));
            catch (ProjectLockedException)
                return(BadRequest("В данный момент изменение проекта невозможно!"));
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                return(BadRequest("Ошибка параллелизма!"));
コード例 #10
        internal virtual UpdateProjectResponse UpdateProject(UpdateProjectRequest request)
            var marshaller   = UpdateProjectRequestMarshaller.Instance;
            var unmarshaller = UpdateProjectResponseUnmarshaller.Instance;

            return(Invoke <UpdateProjectRequest, UpdateProjectResponse>(request, marshaller, unmarshaller));
コード例 #11
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateProjectAsync(UpdateProjectRequest request)
            var mappedProject = Mapper.Map <UpdateProjectRequest, Project>(request);
            var project       = await _projectService.UpdateProjectAsync(mappedProject);

コード例 #12
        public async Task <Project> UpdateAsync(long projectId, UpdateProjectRequest request)
            var project = await _projectRepository.GetByIdAsync(projectId);

            var country = await GetCountryAsync(request.CountryCode);

            project.Name           = request.Name;
            project.CountryId      = country.Id;
            project.Category       = (Category)request.Category;
            project.Description    = request.Description;
            project.ContactEmail   = request.ContactEmail;
            project.IcoDate        = request.IcoDate;
            project.Website        = request.Website;
            project.WhitePaperLink = request.WhitePaperLink;
            project.Stage          = (Stage)request.Stage;
            project.Facebook       = request.Facebook;
            project.Reddit         = request.Reddit;
            project.BitcoinTalk    = request.BitcoinTalk;
            project.Telegram       = request.Telegram;
            project.Github         = request.Github;
            project.Medium         = request.Medium;
            project.Twitter        = request.Twitter;
            project.Linkedin       = request.Linkedin;

            UpdateTeamMembers(request.TeamMembers, project);
            await _projectRepository.SaveChangesAsync();

コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UpdateProject operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateProject operation.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">
        ///     A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The task object representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        /// <seealso href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/iot1click-projects-2018-05-14/UpdateProject">REST API Reference for UpdateProject Operation</seealso>
        public virtual Task <UpdateProjectResponse> UpdateProjectAsync(UpdateProjectRequest request, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            var marshaller   = UpdateProjectRequestMarshaller.Instance;
            var unmarshaller = UpdateProjectResponseUnmarshaller.Instance;

            return(InvokeAsync <UpdateProjectRequest, UpdateProjectResponse>(request, marshaller,
                                                                             unmarshaller, cancellationToken));
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UpdateProject operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateProject operation on AmazonMobileClient.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.</param>
        /// <param name="state">A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback
        ///          procedure using the AsyncState property.</param>
        /// <returns>An IAsyncResult that can be used to poll or wait for results, or both; this value is also needed when invoking EndUpdateProject
        ///         operation.</returns>
        /// <seealso href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mobile-2017-07-01/UpdateProject">REST API Reference for UpdateProject Operation</seealso>
        public virtual IAsyncResult BeginUpdateProject(UpdateProjectRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            var marshaller   = UpdateProjectRequestMarshaller.Instance;
            var unmarshaller = UpdateProjectResponseUnmarshaller.Instance;

            return(BeginInvoke <UpdateProjectRequest>(request, marshaller, unmarshaller,
                                                      callback, state));
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Update an existing project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateProject service method.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">
        ///     A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The response from the UpdateProject service method, as returned by Mobile.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.AccountActionRequiredException">
        /// Account Action is required in order to continue the request.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.BadRequestException">
        /// The request cannot be processed because some parameter is not valid or the project
        /// state prevents the operation from being performed.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.InternalFailureException">
        /// The service has encountered an unexpected error condition which prevents it from
        /// servicing the request.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.LimitExceededException">
        /// There are too many AWS Mobile Hub projects in the account or the account has exceeded
        /// the maximum number of resources in some AWS service. You should create another sub-account
        /// using AWS Organizations or remove some resources and retry your request.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.NotFoundException">
        /// No entity can be found with the specified identifier.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.ServiceUnavailableException">
        /// The service is temporarily unavailable. The request should be retried after some
        /// time delay.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.TooManyRequestsException">
        /// Too many requests have been received for this AWS account in too short a time. The
        /// request should be retried after some time delay.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.Mobile.Model.UnauthorizedException">
        /// Credentials of the caller are insufficient to authorize the request.
        /// </exception>
        /// <seealso href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mobile-2017-07-01/UpdateProject">REST API Reference for UpdateProject Operation</seealso>
        public virtual Task <UpdateProjectResponse> UpdateProjectAsync(UpdateProjectRequest request, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            var options = new InvokeOptions();

            options.RequestMarshaller    = UpdateProjectRequestMarshaller.Instance;
            options.ResponseUnmarshaller = UpdateProjectResponseUnmarshaller.Instance;

            return(InvokeAsync <UpdateProjectResponse>(request, options, cancellationToken));
コード例 #16
        internal virtual UpdateProjectResponse UpdateProject(UpdateProjectRequest request)
            var options = new InvokeOptions();

            options.RequestMarshaller    = UpdateProjectRequestMarshaller.Instance;
            options.ResponseUnmarshaller = UpdateProjectResponseUnmarshaller.Instance;

            return(Invoke <UpdateProjectResponse>(request, options));
コード例 #17
        public async Task <IActionResult> Update([FromBody] UpdateProjectRequest request)
            using var session = _documentStore.OpenAsyncSession();
            var user = await _platformAdminUserManager.GetByUniqueIdentifierAsync(User.Identity.Name, session);

            var project = await _projectUpdateManager.Update(request, session, user.Id);

コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UpdateProject operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateProject operation on AmazonMobileClient.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.</param>
        /// <param name="state">A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback
        ///          procedure using the AsyncState property.</param>
        /// <returns>An IAsyncResult that can be used to poll or wait for results, or both; this value is also needed when invoking EndUpdateProject
        ///         operation.</returns>
        /// <seealso href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mobile-2017-07-01/UpdateProject">REST API Reference for UpdateProject Operation</seealso>
        public virtual IAsyncResult BeginUpdateProject(UpdateProjectRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            var options = new InvokeOptions();

            options.RequestMarshaller    = UpdateProjectRequestMarshaller.Instance;
            options.ResponseUnmarshaller = UpdateProjectResponseUnmarshaller.Instance;

            return(BeginInvoke(request, options, callback, state));
コード例 #19
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateExistingProject([FromBody] UpdateProjectRequest request)
            var updateProjectResponse = new UpdateProjectResponse();

            Logger.Info($"Update existing project request is received. Time in UTC: {DateTime.UtcNow}, request: {request.ToJson()}");
            var commandHandlerResponse = await _projectMediator.Send(request);

コード例 #20
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateProjectAsync([FromBody] UpdateProjectRequest request, [FromServices] IUpdateProjectCommand command)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            ProjectResponse response = await command.ExecuteAsync(request);

            return(response == null ? (IActionResult)NotFound() : Ok(response));
コード例 #21
 public async Task UpdateProject([FromRoute] Guid id, [FromBody] UpdateProjectRequest request)
 => await _mediator.Send(new UpdateProjectCommand(
コード例 #22
        public async Task <ProjectAboutResponse> PutAsync(long id, [FromBody] UpdateProjectRequest request)
            if (!await _projectService.IsAuthorizedToEditProjectAsync(id, User.GetUserId()))
                throw new AppErrorException(ErrorCode.UserNotAuthor);

            var project = await _projectService.UpdateAsync(id, request);

コード例 #23
        public IActionResult UpdateProject(Guid id, [FromBody] UpdateProjectRequest req)
            var userId = HttpContext.User.Claims.Single(x => x.Type == "Id").Value;

            var res = _projectService.Update(userId, id, req);

            if (!res.Success)
コード例 #24
        public void UpdateProject(UpdateProjectRequest request)
            var project = new Project
                ProjectId           = request.ProjectId,
                ProjectCollectionId = request.ProjectCollectionId,
                ParentProjectId     = request.ParentProjectId,
                Name = request.Name

コード例 #25
        public async Task <OperationDto> UpdateProject(ProjectDto project, string organization = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var request = new UpdateProjectRequest(organization ?? _options.Value.DefaultOrganization, project);

            request.Headers.Authorization = GetAuthZHeader();

            var response = await SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);

            var operationReferenceDto = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync <OperationDto>(null, cancellationToken);

コード例 #26
    public Result <UpdateProjectResponse> UpdateProject(Guid reference, UpdateProjectRequest request)
        using var session     = _apiDatabase.SessionFactory().OpenSession();
        using var transaction = session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

        var project = session
                      .Query <ProjectRecord>()
                      .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Reference == reference);

        if (project == null)
            return(Result <UpdateProjectResponse> .Failure($"Unable to find project with reference: {reference}."));

        var urlSlugResult = SlugService.FromText(request.Title, request.UrlSlug);

        if (urlSlugResult.IsFailure)
            return(Result <UpdateProjectResponse> .From(urlSlugResult));

        project.Title           = request.Title;
        project.UrlSlug         = urlSlugResult.Value;
        project.StartedAt       = request.StartedAt;
        project.Summary         = request.Summary;
        project.Description     = request.Description;
        project.SourceCodeUrl   = request.SourceCodeUrl;
        project.PreviewImageUrl = request.PreviewImageUrl;
        project.DisplayOrder    = request.DisplayOrder;
        project.ViewUrl         = request.ViewUrl;
        project.Tags            = request.Tags;



        return(Result <UpdateProjectResponse> .Of(new UpdateProjectResponse
            Reference = project.Reference,
            Title = project.Title,
            UrlSlug = project.UrlSlug,
            StartedAt = project.StartedAt,
            Summary = project.Summary,
            Description = project.Description,
            SourceCodeUrl = project.SourceCodeUrl,
            PreviewImageUrl = project.PreviewImageUrl,
            DisplayOrder = project.DisplayOrder,
            CreatedAt = project.CreatedAt,
            ViewUrl = project.ViewUrl,
            Tags = project.Tags
コード例 #27
        public async Task UpdateProjectAsync_InvalidProjectId_ShouldThrowArgumentNullException(string projectId)
            // Arrange
            var projectApi = this.fixture.GetProjectApi();

            var updateProjectRequest = new UpdateProjectRequest();

            // Act
            Func <Task> act = async() => await projectApi.UpdateProjectAsync(projectId, updateProjectRequest);

            // Assert
            await act.Should().ThrowAsync <ArgumentNullException>();
コード例 #28
        public async Task <Project> UpdateProjectAsync(string id, string newName, bool?access, bool?notifications, string newOwnerEmail)
            var req = new UpdateProjectRequest
                Name           = newName,
                Restricted     = access,
                Notification   = notifications,
                OwnerEmailOrId = newOwnerEmail

            var response = await Put <UpdateProjectRequest, Project>($"projects/{id}", req);

コード例 #29
        public ProjectResponse UpdateProjet(UpdateProjectRequest request)
            var projectToUpdate = _unitOfWork.ProjectRepository.GetByID(request.Id);

            projectToUpdate.Name       = request.Name;
            projectToUpdate.CustomerId = request.CustomerId;
            projectToUpdate.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now;
            projectToUpdate.ModifiedBy = 1;


            return(new ProjectResponse {
                Id = projectToUpdate.Id, Name = projectToUpdate.Name, CustomerId = projectToUpdate.CustomerId
コード例 #30
        public async Task <ProjectResponse> ExecuteAsync(int projectId, UpdateProjectRequest request)
            Project project = await _context.Projects.FindAsync(projectId);

            if (project == null)

            project = Mapper.Map <Project>(request);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(Mapper.Map <ProjectResponse>(project));