コード例 #1
        public static UpdateDBResult ConfiguratorSRP2Cart(String SelectedItems, String ERPID, String CartID, String Currency, String Org_ID, String LanguagePack)
            UpdateDBResult         updateresult = new UpdateDBResult();
            List <ConfiguredItems> items        = new List <ConfiguredItems>();

                //Convert items
                items = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ConfiguredItems> >(SelectedItems);
                //Convert language pack
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LanguagePack))
                    LanguagePack = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(LanguagePack);
            catch (Exception ex)
                updateresult.IsUpdated     = false;
                updateresult.ServerMessage = ex.ToString();

                Order _order = new Order();
                _order.Currency    = Currency;
                _order.OrgID       = Org_ID;
                _order.DistChannel = "10";
                _order.Division    = "00";
                if (Org_ID.StartsWith("CN"))
                    var org = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ACNTaxRate"] ?? "cn";
                    if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ACNTaxRate"] != null)
                        _order.Tax = Convert.ToDecimal(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ACNTaxRate"]);
                        _order.Tax = (Decimal)0.16;

                foreach (ConfiguredItems c in items)
                    _order.AddLooseItem(c.name, c.qty);

                _order.SetOrderPartnet(new OrderPartner(ERPID, Org_ID, OrderPartnerType.SoldTo));
                _order.SetOrderPartnet(new OrderPartner(ERPID, Org_ID, OrderPartnerType.ShipTo));
                _order.SetOrderPartnet(new OrderPartner(ERPID, Org_ID, OrderPartnerType.BillTo));
                String _errMsg = String.Empty;
                Advantech.Myadvantech.DataAccess.SAPDAL.SimulateOrder(ref _order, ref _errMsg);

                if (_order != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(_errMsg))
                    //Get current max cart line no.
                    int    line_no = 0;
                    object max     = SqlProvider.dbExecuteScalar("MY", string.Format("select ISNULL(max(line_no), 0) from CART_DETAIL_V2 where cart_id='{0}' and otype=0 ", CartID));
                    if (max != null)
                        int.TryParse(max.ToString(), out line_no);
                    line_no = line_no + 1;

                    //Get SRP part in list
                    var srpItem = _order.LineItems.Where(p => p.PartNumber.ToUpper().StartsWith("SRP-")).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (srpItem == null)
                        updateresult.IsUpdated     = false;
                        updateresult.ServerMessage = "No SRP- item in list";

                    srpItem.LineNumber = line_no;
                    int srpLevel = line_no;
                    _order.LineItems.Insert(0, srpItem);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LanguagePack))
                        SqlProvider.dbExecuteNoQuery("MY", string.Format("DELETE FROM SRP_ORDER_LANGUAGE WHERE Cart_ID = '{0}' AND Line_No = {1}; INSERT INTO SRP_ORDER_LANGUAGE VALUES ('{0}', '{2}', {1}, 'SRP OS {3}');", CartID, srpLevel, srpItem.PartNumber, LanguagePack));

                    foreach (Product p in _order.LineItems)
                        cart_DETAIL_V2 CartDetail = new cart_DETAIL_V2();
                        CartDetail.Cart_Id = CartID;

                        CartDetail.Line_No     = line_no;
                        CartDetail.higherLevel = 0;

                        if (!p.PartNumber.ToUpper().StartsWith("SRP-"))
                            CartDetail.higherLevel = srpLevel;

                        CartDetail.Part_No      = p.PartNumber;
                        CartDetail.Description  = items.Where(i => i.name == p.PartNumber).FirstOrDefault().desc;
                        CartDetail.Qty          = p.Quantity;
                        CartDetail.CustMaterial = "";
                        CartDetail.Ew_Flag      = 0;
                        CartDetail.SatisfyFlag  = 0;
                        CartDetail.QUOTE_ID     = "";

                        CartDetail.otype    = 0;
                        CartDetail.req_date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2);
                        if (CartDetail.Line_No < 100)
                            CartDetail.otype = (int)QuoteItemType.Part;
                        else if (CartDetail.Line_No % 100 == 0 && CartDetail.higherLevel == 0)
                            CartDetail.otype = (int)QuoteItemType.BtosParent;
                        else if (CartDetail.Line_No % 100 > 0 && CartDetail.Line_No > 100)
                            CartDetail.otype = (int)QuoteItemType.BtosPart;
                        CartDetail.due_date = CartDetail.req_date;

                        CartDetail.Delivery_Plant = GetDeliveryPlant(ERPID, Org_ID, CartDetail.Part_No, (QuoteItemType)Enum.Parse(typeof(QuoteItemType), CartDetail.otype.ToString()));

                        // set price according to it's item type
                        if (CartDetail.otype == (int)QuoteItemType.BtosParent)
                            CartDetail.List_Price = 0;
                            CartDetail.Unit_Price = 0;
                            CartDetail.Itp        = 0;
                            CartDetail.List_Price = p.ListPrice;
                            CartDetail.Unit_Price = p.UnitPrice;
                            CartDetail.Itp        = 0;

                        // Get product info from sap_product table
                        DataTable sapproduct_dt = SqlProvider.dbGetDataTable("MY", "select * from sap_product where part_no = '" + p.PartNumber + "'");
                        if (sapproduct_dt != null && sapproduct_dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            CartDetail.Model_No = sapproduct_dt.Rows[0]["Model_No"].ToString();

                        line_no = line_no + 1;
                    updateresult.IsUpdated = true;
                    updateresult.IsUpdated     = false;
                    updateresult.ServerMessage = _errMsg;
            catch (Exception ex)
                updateresult.IsUpdated     = false;
                updateresult.ServerMessage = ex.ToString();
コード例 #2
        public static UpdateDBResult AddProject2Cart(string mainItem, string ERPID, string cartID, string currency, string orgID)
            UpdateDBResult udr = new UpdateDBResult();

                DataTable dt = DataCore.CBOMV2_ConfiguratorDAL.ExpandBOM(mainItem, "TWH1");
                if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    udr.IsUpdated     = false;
                    udr.ServerMessage = "No data";

                DataTable     dt2     = OracleProvider.GetDataTable("SAP_PRD", string.Format("select distinct mast.matnr as Parent_item, stpo.idnrk as child_item, stpo.potx1 as memo from saprdp.mast inner join saprdp.stas  on stas.stlal = mast.stlal AND stas.stlnr = mast.stlnr INNER JOIN saprdp.stpo on stpo.stlkn = stas.stlkn AND stpo.stlnr = stas.stlnr AND stpo.stlty = stas.stlty where stas.LKENZ<>'X' and mast.matnr='{0}'", mainItem));
                List <string> exclude = new List <string>();
                if (dt2 != null && dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt2.Rows)
                        string pn = CBOMV2_EditorDAL.FormatSAPPartNoToNormal(dr["child_item"].ToString().Trim());
                        string m  = dr["memo"].ToString();
                        if ((m.IndexOf("耗材") > -1 || m.IndexOf("客供") > -1) && !exclude.Contains(pn))

                List <ConfiguredItems> items = new List <ConfiguredItems>();
                string prjOriginalPartNo     = mainItem; //保存原始料號 Ex. CM-10A3-T4A719901

                string[] pitem = mainItem.ToString().Split('-');
                if (pitem.Length != 3)
                    udr.IsUpdated     = false;
                    udr.ServerMessage = string.Format("{0} does not have BTO parent item", mainItem);

                mainItem = string.Format("{0}-{1}-BTO", pitem[0], pitem[1]);
                if (CheckItemOrdereable(mainItem, orgID) == false)
                    udr.IsUpdated     = false;
                    udr.ServerMessage = "BTO item can not be sold";

                object          mainItemDesc = SqlProvider.dbExecuteScalar("MY", string.Format("SELECT TOP 1 PRODUCT_DESC FROM SAP_PRODUCT WHERE PART_NO ='{0}'", mainItem));
                ConfiguredItems mi           = new ConfiguredItems();
                mi.name = mainItem;
                mi.desc = mainItemDesc != null?mainItemDesc.ToString() : string.Empty;

                mi.qty      = 1;
                mi.category = prjOriginalPartNo;

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    string pn = CBOMV2_EditorDAL.FormatSAPPartNoToNormal(dr["IDNRK"].ToString().Trim());
                    if (!exclude.Contains(pn))
                        if (CheckItemOrdereable(pn, orgID) == false)
                            udr.IsUpdated     = false;
                            udr.ServerMessage = string.Format("{0} can not be sold", pn);

                        double qty = 1;
                        double.TryParse(dr["MENGE"].ToString().Trim(), out qty);
                        int             q    = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(qty));
                        ConfiguredItems item = new ConfiguredItems();
                        item.name = pn;
                        item.desc = dr["OJTXP"].ToString().Trim();
                        item.qty  = q;

                //ICC 20170731 中科組裝單要在最後附上 assembly part No.- 目前鎖定 AGS-CTOS-SYS-C
                ConfiguredItems ags     = new ConfiguredItems();
                object          agsDesc = SqlProvider.dbExecuteScalar("MY", "SELECT TOP 1 PRODUCT_DESC FROM SAP_PRODUCT WHERE PART_NO ='AGS-CTOS-SYS-C'");
                ags.name = "AGS-CTOS-SYS-C";
                ags.desc = agsDesc != null?agsDesc.ToString() : string.Empty;

                ags.qty = 1;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prjOriginalPartNo))
                    udr.IsUpdated     = false;
                    udr.ServerMessage = "Original part No. is null";

                udr = Configurator2Cart(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(items), ERPID, cartID, currency, orgID, true);

            catch (Exception ex)
                udr.IsUpdated     = false;
                udr.ServerMessage = ex.Message;
コード例 #3
        public static UpdateDBResult Configurator2Cart(String SelectedItems, String ERPID, String CartID, String Currency, String Org_ID, bool isPrj = false)
            UpdateDBResult         updateresult = new UpdateDBResult();
            List <ConfiguredItems> items        = new List <ConfiguredItems>();

                // Remove all items in current cart for ACN
                if (Org_ID.StartsWith("CN"))

                List <ConfiguredItems> toAdditems = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ConfiguredItems> >(SelectedItems);

                if (toAdditems == null || toAdditems.Count == 0)
                    updateresult.IsUpdated     = false;
                    updateresult.ServerMessage = "No item was selected.";

                // Split pipeline items
                foreach (ConfiguredItems c in toAdditems)
                    if (c.name.Contains("|"))
                        //List<String> pipelineitems = c.name.Split('|').ToList();
                        //while (pipelineitems.Count > 0)
                        //    ConfiguredItems newitem = new ConfiguredItems();
                        //    newitem.name = pipelineitems.First();
                        //    newitem.desc = c.desc;
                        //    newitem.qty = c.qty;
                        //    pipelineitems.RemoveAt(0);
                        //    toAdditems.Add(newitem);
                        foreach (var i in c.name.Split('|').ToList())
                            SAP_PRODUCT sp = MyAdvantechDAL.GetSAPProduct(i);

                            ConfiguredItems newitem = new ConfiguredItems();
                            newitem.name        = i;
                            newitem.desc        = (sp != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(sp.PRODUCT_DESC)) ? sp.PRODUCT_DESC : c.desc;
                            newitem.qty         = c.qty;
                            newitem.isLooseItem = c.isLooseItem;
                //if (toAdditems.Count > 0)
                //    items.RemoveAll(d => d.name.Contains("|"));
                //    items.AddRange(toAdditems);

                //ICC 2017/4/7 Add product compatibility check. To make sure all items are not incompatible.
                List <PRODUCT_COMPATIBILITY> pcList = MyAdvantechDAL.GetProductCompatibility(Compatibility.Incompatible);
                foreach (ConfiguredItems c in items)
                    List <ConfiguredItems> copy = new List <ConfiguredItems>(items);
                    Tuple <bool, string> result = CheckCompatibility(c.name, copy.Select(p => p.name).ToList(), pcList);
                    if (result.Item1 == true)
                        updateresult.IsUpdated     = false;
                        updateresult.ServerMessage = string.Format("This part - {0} is {1} with {2}.", c.name, Compatibility.Incompatible.ToString().ToLower(), result.Item2);

                //var _result = "'" + String.Join("','", items) + "'";
            catch (Exception ex)
                updateresult.IsUpdated     = false;
                updateresult.ServerMessage = ex.ToString();

            int NextHigherLevel    = 100;
            var objNextHigherLevel = SqlProvider.dbExecuteScalar("MY", "select max(line_no) from cart_DETAIL_V2 where cart_id = '" + CartID + "' and (otype = 0 or otype = 1)");

            if (objNextHigherLevel != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(objNextHigherLevel.ToString()))
                NextHigherLevel = (Convert.ToInt32(objNextHigherLevel.ToString()) / 100 + 1) * 100;
            int NextLooseItemLineNo    = 1;
            var objNextLooseItemLineNo = SqlProvider.dbExecuteScalar("MY", "select max(line_no) from cart_DETAIL_V2 where cart_id = '" + CartID + "' and otype = 0 ");

            if (objNextLooseItemLineNo != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(objNextLooseItemLineNo.ToString()))
                NextLooseItemLineNo = Convert.ToInt32(objNextLooseItemLineNo.ToString()) + 1;

            if (items.Count > 0)
                    // For ACN, need to split BOTS root name with "/", ex: IPC-510-BTO/P4
                    items.Where(c => c.name.Contains("-BTO/")).ToList().ForEach(c => c.name = c.name.Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]);

                    // Simulate Product List to get price
                    Order _order = new Order();
                    _order.Currency    = Currency;
                    _order.OrgID       = Org_ID;
                    _order.DistChannel = "10";
                    _order.Division    = "00";
                    if (Org_ID.StartsWith("CN"))
                        if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ACNTaxRate"] != null)
                            _order.Tax = Convert.ToDecimal(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ACNTaxRate"]);
                            _order.Tax = (Decimal)0.16;

                    foreach (ConfiguredItems c in items)
                        //Frank 20171222, if part's material is BTO then identify it as BTOS parent item
                        SAP_PRODUCT sap_p = MyAdvantechDAL.GetSAPProduct(c.name);

                        if (Org_ID.Equals("EU80") && c.isLooseItem)
                            _order.AddLooseItem(c.name, SAPDAL.GetPlantByOrg(Org_ID), NextLooseItemLineNo, c.qty);
                        else if (sap_p != null && (sap_p.MATERIAL_GROUP.Equals("BTOS", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || c.name.EndsWith("-BTO", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                            _order.AddBTOSParentItem(c.name, SAPDAL.GetPlantByOrg(Org_ID), NextHigherLevel, c.qty);
                            _order.AddBTOSChildItem(c.name, NextHigherLevel, SAPDAL.GetPlantByOrg(Org_ID), c.qty);
                    _order.SetOrderPartnet(new OrderPartner(ERPID, Org_ID, OrderPartnerType.SoldTo));
                    _order.SetOrderPartnet(new OrderPartner(ERPID, Org_ID, OrderPartnerType.ShipTo));
                    _order.SetOrderPartnet(new OrderPartner(ERPID, Org_ID, OrderPartnerType.BillTo));

                    String _errMsg = String.Empty;
                    Advantech.Myadvantech.DataAccess.SAPDAL.SimulateOrder(ref _order, ref _errMsg);
                    // End order simulation

                    if (_order != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(_errMsg))
                        foreach (Product p in _order.LineItems)
                            cart_DETAIL_V2 CartDetail = new cart_DETAIL_V2();
                            CartDetail.Cart_Id = CartID;

                            if (p.LineItemType == LineItemType.LooseItem)
                                CartDetail.Line_No     = p.LineNumber;
                                CartDetail.higherLevel = 0;
                            else if (p.LineItemType == LineItemType.BTOSParent)
                                CartDetail.Line_No     = NextHigherLevel;
                                CartDetail.higherLevel = 0;
                                CartDetail.Line_No     = p.LineNumber;
                                CartDetail.higherLevel = NextHigherLevel;

                            CartDetail.Part_No     = p.PartNumber;
                            CartDetail.Description = items.Where(i => i.name == p.PartNumber).FirstOrDefault().desc;
                            CartDetail.Qty         = p.Quantity;
                            CartDetail.Ew_Flag     = 0;
                            CartDetail.SatisfyFlag = 0;
                            CartDetail.QUOTE_ID    = "";
                            CartDetail.Category    = items.Where(i => i.name == p.PartNumber).FirstOrDefault().category;

                            //For ACN project, set customer material value = original customer part No.
                            if (isPrj == true && p.LineItemType == LineItemType.BTOSParent && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CartDetail.Category) && CartDetail.Category.ToUpper().StartsWith("CM-"))
                                CartDetail.CustMaterial = CartDetail.Category;
                                CartDetail.CustMaterial = "";

                            CartDetail.otype    = 0;
                            CartDetail.req_date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2);
                            if (CartDetail.Line_No < 100)
                                CartDetail.otype = (int)QuoteItemType.Part;
                            else if (CartDetail.Line_No % 100 == 0 && CartDetail.higherLevel == 0)
                                CartDetail.otype = (int)QuoteItemType.BtosParent;
                            else if (CartDetail.Line_No % 100 > 0 && CartDetail.Line_No > 100)
                                CartDetail.otype = (int)QuoteItemType.BtosPart;
                            CartDetail.due_date = CartDetail.req_date;

                            CartDetail.Delivery_Plant = GetDeliveryPlant(ERPID, Org_ID, CartDetail.Part_No, (QuoteItemType)Enum.Parse(typeof(QuoteItemType), CartDetail.otype.ToString()));

                            // set price according to it's item type
                            if (CartDetail.otype == (int)QuoteItemType.BtosParent)
                                CartDetail.List_Price = 0;
                                CartDetail.Unit_Price = 0;
                                CartDetail.Itp        = 0;
                                CartDetail.List_Price = p.ListPrice;
                                CartDetail.Unit_Price = p.UnitPrice;
                                CartDetail.Itp        = 0;

                            // Get product info from sap_product table
                            DataTable sapproduct_dt = SqlProvider.dbGetDataTable("MY", "select * from sap_product where part_no = '" + p.PartNumber + "'");
                            if (sapproduct_dt != null && sapproduct_dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                CartDetail.Model_No = sapproduct_dt.Rows[0]["Model_No"].ToString();

                        updateresult.IsUpdated = true;
                        updateresult.IsUpdated     = false;
                        updateresult.ServerMessage = _errMsg;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    updateresult.IsUpdated     = false;
                    updateresult.ServerMessage = ex.ToString();
                updateresult.IsUpdated = false;
