public void Can_skip_empty_line() { var places = UoAutomapImporter.Import(string.Empty + Environment.NewLine + "-point of interest: 1542 822 1 Bandita" + Environment.NewLine + "+point of interest: 940 2110 1 brouci i bojovnik"); places.Length.Should().Be(2); }
public void Can_skip_lines_not_starting_with_plus_or_minus() { var places = UoAutomapImporter.Import("3" + Environment.NewLine + "-point of interest: 1542 822 1 Bandita" + Environment.NewLine + "+point of interest: 940 2110 1 brouci i bojovnik"); places.Length.Should().Be(2); }
public void Can_import_line() { var places = UoAutomapImporter.Import("-point of interest: 1542 822 1 Bandita"); places.Length.Should().Be(1); places.First().Type.Should().Be("point of interest"); places.First().X.Should().Be(1542); places.First().Y.Should().Be(822); places.First().Name.Should().Be("Bandita"); }
public void Can_import_multiple_lines() { var places = UoAutomapImporter.Import("-point of interest: 1542 822 1 Bandita" + Environment.NewLine + "-point of interest: 940 2110 1 brouci i bojovnik"); places.Length.Should().Be(2); var secondPlace = places.Skip(1).First(); secondPlace.Name.Should().Be("brouci i bojovnik"); secondPlace.X.Should().Be(940); secondPlace.Y.Should().Be(2110); secondPlace.Type.Should().Be("point of interest"); }
private void OnImportButtonClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Filter = "UOAutomap files (*.map)|*.map"; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { string importedText = File.ReadAllText(openFileDialog.FileName); var importedPlaces = UoAutomapImporter.Import(importedText); var importWindow = new AutomapImportWindow(importedPlaces, this.editPlaceViewModel); importWindow.ShowDialog(); } }