コード例 #1
        public IActionResult Index()
            /* Get user details. */
            var ur = _userRepo.Find(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault();

            var repairCount = _context.RepairFlows.Where(f => f.Status == "?")
                              .Where(f => f.UserId == ur.Id).Count();
            var keepCount = _context.KeepFlows.Where(f => f.Status == "?")
                            .Where(f => f.UserId == ur.Id).Count();

            UnsignCounts v = new UnsignCounts();

            v.RepairCount = repairCount;
            v.KeepCount   = keepCount;

            if (fBrowserIsMobile())
                if (userManager.IsInRole(User, "RepEngineer") == true &&
                    userManager.IsInRole(User, "RepMgr") == false)
                    // go to mobile pages
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Repair", new { Area = "Mobile" }));

コード例 #2
        // GET: Mobile/Repair/
        public ActionResult Index()
            /* Get user details. */
            var ur = _userRepo.Find(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault();

            var repairCount = _context.RepairFlows.Where(f => f.Status == "?")
                              .Where(f => f.UserId == ur.Id).Count();

            UnsignCounts v = new UnsignCounts();

            v.RepairCount = repairCount;
            v.KeepCount   = 0;

コード例 #3
        public IActionResult Index()
            /* Get user details. */
            var ur = _userRepo.Find(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault();
            var BMEDrepairCount = _BMEDcontext.BMEDRepairFlows.Where(f => f.Status == "?")
                                  .Where(f => f.UserId == ur.Id).Count();
            var BMEDkeepCount = _BMEDcontext.BMEDKeepFlows.Where(f => f.Status == "?")
                                .Where(f => f.UserId == ur.Id).Count();
            var BMEDdeliveryCount = _BMEDcontext.DelivFlows.Where(f => f.Status == "?")
                                    .Where(f => f.UserId == ur.Id).Count();
            var BMEDbuyCount = _BMEDcontext.BuyFlows.Where(f => f.Status == "?")
                               .Where(f => f.UserId == ur.Id).Count();

            UnsignCounts v = new UnsignCounts();

            v.BMEDrepCount        = BMEDrepairCount;
            v.BMEDkeepCount       = BMEDkeepCount;
            v.BMEDDeliveryCount   = BMEDdeliveryCount;
            v.BMEDBuyEvalateCount = BMEDbuyCount;

            //if (fBrowserIsMobile())
            //    if (userManager.IsInRole(User, "RepEngineer") == true &&
            //        userManager.IsInRole(User, "RepMgr") == false)
            //    {
            //        // go to mobile pages
            //        return RedirectToAction("Index", "Repair", new { Area = "Mobile" });
            //    }

コード例 #4
        public IActionResult Index()
            /* Get user details. */

            var ur = _userRepo.Find(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault();
            /* Get login user's location. */
            var urLocation = new DepartmentModel(_BMEDcontext).GetUserLocation(ur);
            var rps = _context.BMEDRepairs.Where(r => r.Loc == urLocation);
            var kps = _context.BMEDKeeps.Where(r => r.Loc == urLocation);
            /* 所有尚未指派工程師的案件 */
            var rfs = _context.BMEDRepairFlows.Where(r => r.Status == "?" && r.Cls.Contains("工程師"))
                      .Where(r => r.UserId == 0);

            if (userManager.IsInRole(User, "MedAssetMgr")) //賀康主管不做院區篩選
                rps = _context.BMEDRepairs;
                kps = _context.BMEDKeeps;
            var BMEDrepairCount = rps.Join(_BMEDcontext.BMEDRepairFlows.Where(f => f.Status == "?" && f.UserId == ur.Id), r => r.DocId, rf => rf.DocId,
                                           (r, rf) => new
                repair     = r,
                repairflow = rf
            var BMEDkeepCount = kps.Join(_BMEDcontext.BMEDKeepFlows.Where(f => f.Status == "?" && f.UserId == ur.Id), k => k.DocId, kf => kf.DocId,
                                         (k, kf) => new
                keep     = k,
                keepflow = kf
            var BMEDdeliveryCount = _BMEDcontext.DelivFlows.Where(f => f.Status == "?")
                                    .Where(f => f.UserId == ur.Id).Count();
            var BMEDbuyCount = _BMEDcontext.BuyFlows.Where(f => f.Status == "?")
                               .Where(f => f.UserId == ur.Id).Count();

            var FORMSoutsidebmedCount = _db.OutsideBmedFlows.Where(f => f.Status == "?")
                                        .Where(f => f.UserId == ur.Id).Count();
            var BMEDRepResignCount = _context.BMEDRepairs.Where(r => r.EngId == 0)
                                     .Join(rfs, r => r.DocId, rf => rf.DocId,
                                           (r, rf) => new
                repair = r,
                flow   = rf
                                     .Join(_context.BMEDRepairDtls, r => r.repair.DocId, d => d.DocId,
                                           (r, d) => new
                repair = r.repair,
                flow   = r.flow,
                repdtl = d
                                     .Join(_context.Departments, j => j.repair.AccDpt, d => d.DptId,
                                           (j, d) => new
                repair = j.repair,
                flow   = j.flow,
                repdtl = j.repdtl,
                dpt    = d
                                     .Where(item => item.repair.Loc == urLocation)

            UnsignCounts v = new UnsignCounts();

            v.RepairCount      = BMEDrepairCount;
            v.KeepCount        = BMEDkeepCount;
            v.DeliveryCount    = BMEDdeliveryCount;
            v.BuyEvalateCount  = BMEDbuyCount;
            v.OutsideBmedCount = FORMSoutsidebmedCount;
            v.RepResignCount   = BMEDRepResignCount;

            //if (fBrowserIsMobile())
            //    if (userManager.IsInRole(User, "RepEngineer") == true &&
            //        userManager.IsInRole(User, "RepMgr") == false)
            //    {
            //        // go to mobile pages
            //        return RedirectToAction("Index", "Repair", new { Area = "Mobile" });
            //    }
