コード例 #1
        // Returns whether or not target was changed
        internal static bool FontToIFont(Font source, UnsafeNativeMethods.IFont target) {
            bool changed = false; 

            // we need to go through all the pain of the diff here because
            // it looks like setting them all has different results based on the
            // order and each individual IFont implementor...
            string fontName = target.GetName();
            if (!source.Name.Equals(fontName)) {
                changed = true;

            // [....], Review: this always seems to come back as
            // the point size * 10000 (HIMETRIC?), regardless
            // or ratio or mapping mode, and despite what
            // the documentation says...
            // Either figure out what's going on here or
            // do the process that the windows forms FONT object does here
            // or, worse case, just create another Font object
            // from the handle, but that's pretty heavy...
            float fontSize = (float)target.GetSize() / 10000;

            // size must be in points
            float winformsSize = source.SizeInPoints;
            if (winformsSize != fontSize) {
                target.SetSize((long)(winformsSize * 10000));
                changed = true;

            NativeMethods.LOGFONT logfont = new NativeMethods.LOGFONT();

            try {
            finally {

            short fontWeight = target.GetWeight();
            if (fontWeight != logfont.lfWeight) {
                changed = true;

            bool fontBold = target.GetBold();
            if (fontBold != (logfont.lfWeight >= 700)) {
                target.SetBold(logfont.lfWeight >= 700);
                changed = true;

            bool fontItalic = target.GetItalic();
            if (fontItalic != (0 != logfont.lfItalic)) {
                target.SetItalic(0 != logfont.lfItalic);
                changed = true;

            bool fontUnderline = target.GetUnderline();
            if (fontUnderline != (0 != logfont.lfUnderline)) {
                target.SetUnderline(0 != logfont.lfUnderline);
                changed = true;

            bool fontStrike = target.GetStrikethrough();
            if (fontStrike != (0 != logfont.lfStrikeOut)) {
                target.SetStrikethrough(0 != logfont.lfStrikeOut);
                changed = true;

            short fontCharset = target.GetCharset();
            if (fontCharset != logfont.lfCharSet) {
                changed = true;

            return changed;