static List <UnrealTargetPlatform> GetTargetPlatforms(BuildCommand Command, UnrealTargetPlatform HostPlatform) { List <UnrealTargetPlatform> TargetPlatforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>(); if (!Command.ParseParam("NoTargetPlatforms")) { // Only interested in building for Platforms that support code projects TargetPlatforms = PlatformExports.GetRegisteredPlatforms().Where(x => InstalledPlatformInfo.IsValidPlatform(x, EProjectType.Code)).ToList(); // only build Mac on Mac if (HostPlatform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac && TargetPlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac)) { TargetPlatforms.Remove(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac); } // only build Windows on Windows if (HostPlatform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64 && TargetPlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)) { TargetPlatforms.Remove(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64); TargetPlatforms.Remove(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32); } // build Linux on Windows and Linux if (HostPlatform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64 && HostPlatform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) { if (TargetPlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux)) { TargetPlatforms.Remove(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux); } if (TargetPlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.LinuxAArch64)) { TargetPlatforms.Remove(UnrealTargetPlatform.LinuxAArch64); } } // Remove any platforms that aren't enabled on the command line string TargetPlatformFilter = Command.ParseParamValue("TargetPlatforms", null); if (TargetPlatformFilter != null) { List <UnrealTargetPlatform> NewTargetPlatforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>(); foreach (string TargetPlatformName in TargetPlatformFilter.Split(new char[] { '+' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatform; if (!UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(TargetPlatformName, out TargetPlatform)) { throw new AutomationException("Unknown target platform '{0}' specified on command line", TargetPlatformName); } if (TargetPlatforms.Contains(TargetPlatform)) { NewTargetPlatforms.Add(TargetPlatform); } } TargetPlatforms = NewTargetPlatforms; } } return(TargetPlatforms); }
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader Reader, Type ObjectType, object ExistingValue, JsonSerializer Serializer) { UnrealTargetPlatform Platform; if (!UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse((string)Reader.Value, out Platform)) { return(null); } return(Platform); }
public static UnrealTargetPlatform GetPlatformFromString(string PlatformName) { UnrealTargetPlatform UnrealPlatform; if (UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(PlatformName, out UnrealPlatform)) { return(UnrealPlatform); } throw new AutomationException("Unable convert platform {0} into a valid Unreal Platform", PlatformName); }
private Platform GetPlatformByName(string PlatformName) { UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatform; if (UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(PlatformName, out TargetPlatform)) { return(null); } return(Platform.GetPlatform(TargetPlatform)); }
public override void ExecuteBuild() { // Parse all the arguments string TargetName = ParseRequiredStringParam("Name"); string PlatformName = ParseOptionalStringParam("Platform"); UnrealTargetPlatform Platform; if (UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(PlatformName, out Platform)) { Platform = HostPlatform.Current.HostEditorPlatform; } UnrealTargetConfiguration Configuration = ParseOptionalEnumParam <UnrealTargetConfiguration>("Configuration") ?? UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development; string Architecture = ParseOptionalStringParam("Architecture"); FileReference ProjectFile = ParseOptionalFileReferenceParam("Project"); DirectoryReference ToDir = ParseRequiredDirectoryReferenceParam("To"); // Read the receipt FileReference ReceiptFile = TargetReceipt.GetDefaultPath(DirectoryReference.FromFile(ProjectFile) ?? EngineDirectory, TargetName, Platform, Configuration, Architecture); if (!FileReference.Exists(ReceiptFile)) { throw new AutomationException("Unable to find '{0}'", ReceiptFile); } TargetReceipt Receipt = TargetReceipt.Read(ReceiptFile); // Enumerate all the files we want to move List <FileReference> FilesToMove = new List <FileReference>(); FilesToMove.Add(ReceiptFile); FilesToMove.AddRange(Receipt.BuildProducts.Select(x => x.Path)); // Move all the files to the output folder DirectoryReference.CreateDirectory(ToDir); CommandUtils.DeleteDirectoryContents(ToDir.FullName); foreach (FileReference SourceFile in FilesToMove) { FileReference TargetFile = FileReference.Combine(ToDir, SourceFile.MakeRelativeTo(RootDirectory)); LogInformation("Copying {0} to {1}", SourceFile, TargetFile); CommandUtils.CopyFile(SourceFile.FullName, TargetFile.FullName); } }
public override void ExecuteBuild() { var Build = new UE4Build(this); var Agenda = new UE4Build.BuildAgenda(); var Platform = UnrealBuildTool.UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64; var Configuration = UnrealBuildTool.UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development; var Targets = new List <string>(); foreach (var ObjParam in Params) { var Param = (string)ObjParam; if (!UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(Param, out Platform)) { continue; } UnrealBuildTool.UnrealTargetConfiguration ParseConfiguration; if (Enum.TryParse <UnrealBuildTool.UnrealTargetConfiguration>(Param, true, out ParseConfiguration)) { Configuration = ParseConfiguration; continue; } if (String.Compare("NoXGE", Param, true) != 0 && String.Compare("Clean", Param, true) != 0) { Targets.Add(Param); } } var Clean = ParseParam("Clean"); Agenda.AddTargets(Targets.ToArray(), Platform, Configuration); LogInformation("UBT Buid"); LogInformation("Targets={0}", String.Join(",", Targets)); LogInformation("Platform={0}", Platform); LogInformation("Configuration={0}", Configuration); LogInformation("Clean={0}", Clean); Build.Build(Agenda, InUpdateVersionFiles: false); LogInformation("UBT Completed"); }
protected void SetupDevices(UnrealTargetPlatform DefaultPlatform, UnrealTestOptions Options) { Reservation.ReservationDetails = Options.JobDetails; DevicePool.Instance.SetLocalOptions(Options.TempDir, Options.Parallel > 1, Options.DeviceURL); DevicePool.Instance.AddLocalDevices(10); foreach (var DeviceWithParams in Options.DeviceList) { UnrealTargetPlatform Platform = DefaultPlatform; // see if one of the params is a platform foreach (var Param in DeviceWithParams.AllArguments) { if (UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(Param, out Platform)) { break; } } DevicePool.Instance.AddDevices(Platform, DeviceWithParams.Argument); } }
public override ExitCode Execute() { string[] Arguments = this.Params; ProjectName = ParseParamValue("project", ProjectName); Targets = ParseParamValue("target", Targets); Platforms = ParseParamValue("platform", Platforms); Configurations = ParseParamValue("configuration", Configurations); Clean = ParseParam("clean") || Clean; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Targets)) { throw new AutomationException("No target specified with -target. Use -help to see all options"); } bool NoTools = ParseParam("notools"); IEnumerable <string> TargetList = Targets.Split(new char[] { '+' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); IEnumerable <UnrealTargetConfiguration> ConfigurationList = null; IEnumerable <UnrealTargetPlatform> PlatformList = null; try { ConfigurationList = Configurations.Split(new char[] { '+' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(C => (UnrealTargetConfiguration)Enum.Parse(typeof(UnrealTargetConfiguration), C, true)).ToArray(); } catch (Exception Ex) { LogError("Failed to parse configuration string. {0}", Ex.Message); return(ExitCode.Error_Arguments); } try { PlatformList = Platforms.Split(new char[] { '+' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(C => { UnrealTargetPlatform Platform; if (!UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(C, out Platform)) { throw new AutomationException("No such platform {0}", C); } return(Platform); }).ToArray(); } catch (Exception Ex) { LogError("Failed to parse configuration string. {0}", Ex.Message); return(ExitCode.Error_Arguments); } FileReference ProjectFile = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectName)) { ProjectFile = ProjectUtils.FindProjectFileFromName(ProjectName); if (ProjectFile == null) { throw new AutomationException("Unable to find uproject file for {0}", ProjectName); } string SourceDirectoryName = Path.Combine(ProjectFile.Directory.FullName, "Source"); if (Directory.Exists(SourceDirectoryName)) { IEnumerable <string> TargetScripts = Directory.EnumerateFiles(SourceDirectoryName, "*.Target.cs"); foreach (string TargetName in TargetList) { string TargetScript = TargetScripts.Where(S => S.IndexOf(TargetName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0).FirstOrDefault(); if (TargetScript == null && ( TargetName.Equals("Client", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || TargetName.Equals("Game", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ) ) { // if there's no ProjectGame.Target.cs or ProjectClient.Target.cs then // fallback to Project.Target.cs TargetScript = TargetScripts.Where(S => S.IndexOf(ProjectName + ".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0).FirstOrDefault(); } if (TargetScript == null) { throw new AutomationException("No Target.cs file for target {0} in project {1}", TargetName, ProjectName); } string FullName = Path.GetFileName(TargetScript); TargetNames[TargetName] = Regex.Replace(FullName, ".Target.cs", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } } } else { Log.TraceWarning("No project specified, will build vanilla UE4 binaries"); } // Handle content-only projects or when no project was specified if (TargetNames.Keys.Count == 0) { foreach (string TargetName in TargetList) { TargetNames[TargetName] = string.Format("UE4{0}", TargetName); } } UE4Build Build = new UE4Build(this); UE4Build.BuildAgenda Agenda = new UE4Build.BuildAgenda(); string EditorTarget = TargetList.Where(T => T.EndsWith("Editor", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); IEnumerable <string> OtherTargets = TargetList.Where(T => T != EditorTarget); UnrealTargetPlatform CurrentPlatform = HostPlatform.Current.HostEditorPlatform; if (!NoTools) { Agenda.AddTarget("UnrealHeaderTool", CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, ProjectFile); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EditorTarget) == false) { string TargetName = TargetNames[EditorTarget]; Agenda.AddTarget(TargetName, CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, ProjectFile); if (!NoTools) { Agenda.AddTarget("UnrealPak", CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, ProjectFile); Agenda.AddTarget("ShaderCompileWorker", CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development); Agenda.AddTarget("UnrealLightmass", CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development); Agenda.AddTarget("CrashReportClient", CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping); Agenda.AddTarget("CrashReportClientEditor", CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping); } } foreach (string Target in OtherTargets) { string TargetName = TargetNames[Target]; bool IsServer = Target.EndsWith("Server", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); IEnumerable <UnrealTargetPlatform> PlatformsToBuild = IsServer ? new UnrealTargetPlatform[] { CurrentPlatform } : PlatformList; foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform Platform in PlatformsToBuild) { foreach (UnrealTargetConfiguration Config in ConfigurationList) { Agenda.AddTarget(TargetName, Platform, Config); } } } // Set clean and log foreach (var Target in Agenda.Targets) { if (Clean) { Target.Clean = Clean; } Log.TraceInformation("Will {0}build {1}", Clean ? "clean and " : "", Target); } Build.Build(Agenda, InUpdateVersionFiles: false); return(ExitCode.Success); }
static ConfigInfo GetUnrealConfigFromFileName(string InProjectName, string InName) { ConfigInfo Config = new ConfigInfo(); string ShortName = Regex.Replace(InProjectName, "Game", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (InName.StartsWith("UE4Game", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ShortName = "UE4"; } string AppName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(InName); // A project name may be either something like EngineTest or FortniteGame. // The Game, Client, Server executables will be called // EngineTest, EngineTestClient, EngineTestServer // FortniteGame, FortniteClient, FortniteServer // Or EngineTest-WIn64-Shipping, FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping etc // So we need to search for the project name minus 'Game', with the form, build-type, and platform all optional :( string RegExMatch = string.Format(@"{0}(Game|Client|Server|)(?:-(.+?)-(Debug|Test|Shipping))?", ShortName); // Format should be something like // FortniteClient // FortniteClient-Win64-Test // Match this and break it down to components var NameMatch = Regex.Match(AppName, RegExMatch, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (NameMatch.Success) { string ModuleType = NameMatch.Groups[1].ToString().ToLower(); string PlatformName = NameMatch.Groups[2].ToString(); string ConfigType = NameMatch.Groups[3].ToString(); if (ModuleType.Length == 0 || ModuleType == "game") { // how to express client&server? Config.RoleType = UnrealTargetRole.Client; Config.SharedBuild = true; } else if (ModuleType == "client") { Config.RoleType = UnrealTargetRole.Client; } else if (ModuleType == "server") { Config.RoleType = UnrealTargetRole.Server; } if (ConfigType.Length > 0) { Enum.TryParse(ConfigType, true, out Config.Configuration); } else { Config.Configuration = UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development; // Development has no string } UnrealTargetPlatform Platform; if (PlatformName.Length > 0 && UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(PlatformName, out Platform)) { Config.Platform = Platform; } } return(Config); }
public override void ExecuteBuild() { // Parse the target name string Target = ParseParamValue("Target"); if (Target == null) { throw new AutomationException("Missing -Target=... argument"); } // Parse the platform string PlatformParam = ParseParamValue("Platform"); if (PlatformParam == null) { throw new AutomationException("Missing -Platform=... argument"); } UnrealTargetPlatform Platform; if (!UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(PlatformParam, out Platform)) { throw new AutomationException("Invalid platform '{0}'", PlatformParam); } // Parse the configuration string ConfigurationParam = ParseParamValue("Configuration"); if (ConfigurationParam == null) { throw new AutomationException("Missing -Configuration=... argument"); } UnrealTargetConfiguration Configuration; if (!Enum.TryParse(ConfigurationParam, true, out Configuration)) { throw new AutomationException("Invalid configuration '{0}'", ConfigurationParam); } // Parse the project string Project = ParseParamValue("Project"); if (Project != null && !File.Exists(Project)) { throw new AutomationException("Specified project file '{0}' was not found", Project); } // Parse the architecture string Architecture = ParseParamValue("Architecture"); // Check the receipt exists DirectoryReference ProjectDir = null; if (Project != null) { ProjectDir = new FileReference(Project).Directory; } FileReference ReceiptFile = TargetReceipt.GetDefaultPath(ProjectDir, Target, Platform, Configuration, Architecture); if (!FileReference.Exists(ReceiptFile)) { throw new AutomationException("FortniteEditor receipt not found ({0})", ReceiptFile); } LogInformation("Found {0}", ReceiptFile); }
public Noesis(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target) { Type = ModuleType.External; string NoesisBasePath = Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "NoesisSDK"); string NoesisIncludePath = Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Include"); string NoesisInteractivityIncludePath = Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Src", "Packages", "App", "Interactivity", "Include"); string NoesisMediaElementIncludePath = Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Src", "Packages", "App", "MediaElement", "Include"); // In monolithic builds we don't want the Interactivity and MediaElement functions // dllexported or dllimported from any modules. // That's why we use PublicDefinitions. if (Target.LinkType == TargetLinkType.Monolithic) { PublicDefinitions.Add("NS_APP_INTERACTIVITY_API="); PublicDefinitions.Add("NS_APP_MEDIAELEMENT_API="); } PublicIncludePaths.Add(ModuleDirectory); PublicIncludePaths.Add(NoesisIncludePath); PublicIncludePaths.Add(NoesisInteractivityIncludePath); PublicIncludePaths.Add(NoesisMediaElementIncludePath); if (!Directory.Exists(NoesisBasePath)) { throw new BuildException("Could not find NoesisGUI SDK in " + NoesisBasePath + "."); } if (!Directory.Exists(NoesisIncludePath)) { throw new BuildException("Could not find NoesisGUI SDK Include directory in " + NoesisIncludePath); } PublicSystemIncludePaths.Add(NoesisIncludePath); UnrealTargetPlatform Platform; if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Lib", "windows_x86_64", "Noesis.lib")); string NoesisDllPath = Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Bin", "windows_x86_64", "Noesis.dll"); string NoesisDllTargetPath = Path.Combine("$(BinaryOutputDir)", "Noesis.dll"); RuntimeDependencies.Add(NoesisDllTargetPath, NoesisDllPath, StagedFileType.NonUFS); } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) { string NoesisSoName = ""; string NoesisSoPath = Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Bin", "linux_x86_64", NoesisSoName); PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(NoesisSoPath); string NoesisSoTargetPath = Path.Combine("$(BinaryOutputDir)", NoesisSoName); RuntimeDependencies.Add(NoesisSoTargetPath, NoesisSoPath, StagedFileType.NonUFS); } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Bin", "macos", "Noesis.dylib")); string NoesisDylibPath = Path.Combine("NoesisSDK", "Bin", "macos", "Noesis.dylib"); RuntimeDependencies.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, NoesisDylibPath)); } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS) { PublicDefinitions.Add("NS_STATIC_LIBRARY"); PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Lib", "ios", "libNoesis.a")); PublicFrameworks.Add("CoreText"); } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Bin", "android_arm", "")); PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Bin", "android_arm64", "")); PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Bin", "android_x86", "")); PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Bin", "android_x86_64", "")); string NoesisAplPath = "Noesis_APL.xml"; AdditionalPropertiesForReceipt.Add("AndroidPlugin", Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, NoesisAplPath)); } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.PS4) { PublicDefinitions.Add("NS_STATIC_LIBRARY"); PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Lib", "ps4", "Noesis.a")); } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Lib", "xbox_one", "Noesis.lib")); string NoesisDllPath = Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Bin", "xbox_one", "Noesis.dll"); string NoesisDllTargetPath = Path.Combine("$(BinaryOutputDir)", "Noesis.dll"); RuntimeDependencies.Add(NoesisDllTargetPath, NoesisDllPath, StagedFileType.NonUFS); } else if (UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse("HTML5", out Platform) && Target.Platform == Platform) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(NoesisBasePath, "Bin", "wasm", "Noesis.bc")); } }
public override ExitCode Execute() { string[] Arguments = this.Params; ProjectName = ParseParamValue("project", ProjectName); Targets = ParseParamValue("target", Targets); Platforms = ParseParamValue("platform", Platforms); Configurations = ParseParamValue("configuration", Configurations); Clean = ParseParam("clean") || Clean; NoTools = ParseParam("NoTools") || NoTools; UBTArgs = ParseParamValue("ubtargs", UBTArgs); Preview = ParseParam("preview") || Preview; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Targets)) { throw new AutomationException("No target specified with -target. Use -help to see all options"); } IEnumerable <string> TargetList = Targets.Split(new char[] { '+' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); IEnumerable <UnrealTargetConfiguration> ConfigurationList = null; IEnumerable <UnrealTargetPlatform> PlatformList = null; try { ConfigurationList = Configurations.Split(new char[] { '+' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(C => (UnrealTargetConfiguration)Enum.Parse(typeof(UnrealTargetConfiguration), C, true)).ToArray(); } catch (Exception Ex) { LogError("Failed to parse configuration string. {0}", Ex.Message); return(ExitCode.Error_Arguments); } try { PlatformList = Platforms.Split(new char[] { '+' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(C => { UnrealTargetPlatform Platform; if (!UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(C, out Platform)) { throw new AutomationException("No such platform {0}", C); } return(Platform); }).ToArray(); } catch (Exception Ex) { LogError("Failed to parse configuration string. {0}", Ex.Message); return(ExitCode.Error_Arguments); } FileReference ProjectFile = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectName)) { // find the project ProjectFile = ProjectUtils.FindProjectFileFromName(ProjectName); if (ProjectFile == null) { throw new AutomationException("Unable to find uproject file for {0}", ProjectName); } } IEnumerable <string> BuildTargets = TargetList.Select(T => ProjectTargetFromTarget(T, ProjectFile)).ToArray(); bool ContainsEditor = BuildTargets.Where(T => T.EndsWith("Editor", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Any(); bool SingleBuild = BuildTargets.Count() == 1 && PlatformList.Count() == 1 && ConfigurationList.Count() == 1; if (!SingleBuild || (ContainsEditor && !NoTools)) { UE4Build Build = new UE4Build(this); Build.AlwaysBuildUHT = true; UE4Build.BuildAgenda Agenda = new UE4Build.BuildAgenda(); string EditorTarget = BuildTargets.Where(T => T.EndsWith("Editor", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); IEnumerable <string> OtherTargets = BuildTargets.Where(T => T != EditorTarget); UnrealTargetPlatform CurrentPlatform = HostPlatform.Current.HostEditorPlatform; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EditorTarget) == false) { Agenda.AddTarget(EditorTarget, CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, ProjectFile, UBTArgs); if (!NoTools) { Agenda.AddTarget("UnrealPak", CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, ProjectFile, UBTArgs); Agenda.AddTarget("ShaderCompileWorker", CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, ProjectFile, UBTArgs); Agenda.AddTarget("UnrealLightmass", CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, ProjectFile, UBTArgs); Agenda.AddTarget("CrashReportClient", CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping, ProjectFile, UBTArgs); Agenda.AddTarget("CrashReportClientEditor", CurrentPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping, ProjectFile, UBTArgs); } } foreach (string Target in OtherTargets) { bool IsServer = Target.EndsWith("Server", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); IEnumerable <UnrealTargetPlatform> PlatformsToBuild = IsServer ? new UnrealTargetPlatform[] { CurrentPlatform } : PlatformList; foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform Platform in PlatformsToBuild) { foreach (UnrealTargetConfiguration Config in ConfigurationList) { Agenda.AddTarget(Target, Platform, Config, ProjectFile, UBTArgs); } } } foreach (var Target in Agenda.Targets) { Log.TraceInformation("Will {0}build {1}", Clean ? "clean and " : "", Target); if (Clean) { Target.Clean = Clean; } } if (!Preview) { Build.Build(Agenda, InUpdateVersionFiles: false); } } else { // Get the path to UBT FileReference InstalledUBT = FileReference.Combine(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, "Binaries", "DotNET", "UnrealBuildTool.exe"); UnrealTargetPlatform PlatformToBuild = PlatformList.First(); UnrealTargetConfiguration ConfigToBuild = ConfigurationList.First(); string TargetToBuild = BuildTargets.First(); if (!Preview) { // Compile the editor string CommandLine = CommandUtils.UBTCommandline(ProjectFile, TargetToBuild, PlatformToBuild, ConfigToBuild, UBTArgs); if (Clean) { CommandUtils.RunUBT(CommandUtils.CmdEnv, InstalledUBT.FullName, CommandLine + " -clean"); } CommandUtils.RunUBT(CommandUtils.CmdEnv, InstalledUBT.FullName, CommandLine); } else { Log.TraceInformation("Will {0}build {1} {2} {3}", Clean ? "clean and " : "", TargetToBuild, PlatformToBuild, ConfigToBuild); } } return(ExitCode.Success); }
/// <summary> /// Created a list of device definitions from the passed in reference. Needs work.... /// </summary> /// <param name="InputReference"></param> /// <param name="InLocalTempDir"></param> /// <param name="ObeyConstraints"></param> public void AddDevices(UnrealTargetPlatform DefaultPlatform, string InputReference, bool ObeyConstraints = true) { lock (LockObject) { List <ITargetDevice> NewDevices = new List <ITargetDevice>(); int SlashIndex = InputReference.IndexOf("\\") >= 0 ? InputReference.IndexOf("\\") : InputReference.IndexOf("/"); bool PossibleFileName = InputReference.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) < 0 && (InputReference.IndexOf(":") == -1 || (InputReference.IndexOf(":") == SlashIndex - 1)); // Did they specify a file? if (PossibleFileName && File.Exists(InputReference)) { Gauntlet.Log.Info("Adding devices from {0}", InputReference); List <DeviceDefinition> DeviceDefinitions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DeviceDefinition> >(File.ReadAllText(InputReference)); foreach (DeviceDefinition Def in DeviceDefinitions) { Gauntlet.Log.Info("Adding {0}", Def); // use Legacy field if it exists if (Def.Platform == null) { Def.Platform = Def.Type; } // check for an availability constraint if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Def.Available) == false && ObeyConstraints) { // check whether disabled if (String.Compare(Def.Available, "disabled", true) == 0) { Gauntlet.Log.Info("Skipping {0} due to being disabled", Def.Name); continue; } // availability is specified as a range, e.g 21:00-09:00. Match M = Regex.Match(Def.Available, @"(\d{1,2}:\d\d)\s*-\s*(\d{1,2}:\d\d)"); if (M.Success) { DateTime From, To; if (DateTime.TryParse(M.Groups[1].Value, out From) && DateTime.TryParse(M.Groups[2].Value, out To)) { // these are just times so when parsed will have todays date. If the To time is less than // From (22:00-06:00) time it spans midnight so move it to the next day if (To < From) { To = To.AddDays(1); } // if From is in the future (e.g. it's 01:00 and range is 22:00-08:00) we may be in the previous days window, // so move them both back a day if (From > DateTime.Now) { From = From.AddDays(-1); To = To.AddDays(-1); } if (DateTime.Now < From || DateTime.Now > To) { Gauntlet.Log.Info("Skipping {0} due to availability constraint {1}", Def.Name, Def.Available); continue; } } else { Gauntlet.Log.Warning("Failed to parse availability {0} for {1}", Def.Available, Def.Name); } } } Def.RemoveOnShutdown = true; if (Def.Platform == null) { Def.Platform = DefaultPlatform; } UnprovisionedDevices.Add(Def); } // randomize devices so if there's a bad device st the start so we don't always hit it (or we do if its later) UnprovisionedDevices = UnprovisionedDevices.OrderBy(D => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList(); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(InputReference) == false) { string[] DevicesList = InputReference.Split(','); foreach (string DeviceRef in DevicesList) { // check for <platform>:<address>:<port>|<model>. We pass address:port to device constructor Match M = Regex.Match(DeviceRef, @"(.+?):(.+)"); UnrealTargetPlatform DevicePlatform = DefaultPlatform; string DeviceAddress = DeviceRef; string Model = string.Empty; // when using device service, skip adding local non-desktop devices to pool bool IsDesktop = UnrealBuildTool.Utils.GetPlatformsInClass(UnrealPlatformClass.Desktop).Contains(DevicePlatform); if (!IsDesktop && DeviceRef.Equals("default", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeviceURL)) { continue; } if (M.Success) { if (!UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(M.Groups[1].ToString(), out DevicePlatform)) { throw new AutomationException("platform {0} is not a recognized device type", M.Groups[1].ToString()); } DeviceAddress = M.Groups[2].ToString(); // parse device model if (DeviceAddress.Contains("|")) { string[] Components = DeviceAddress.Split(new char[] { '|' }); DeviceAddress = Components[0]; Model = Components[1]; } } Log.Info("Added device {0}:{1} to pool", DevicePlatform, DeviceAddress); DeviceDefinition Def = new DeviceDefinition(); Def.Address = DeviceAddress; Def.Name = DeviceAddress; Def.Platform = DevicePlatform; Def.Model = Model; UnprovisionedDevices.Add(Def); } } } } }
public override void ExecuteBuild() { // Parse the target list string[] Targets = ParseParamValues("Target"); if (Targets.Length == 0) { throw new AutomationException("No targets specified (eg. -Target=\"UE4Editor Win64 Development\")"); } // Parse the archive path string ArchivePath = ParseParamValue("Archive"); if (ArchivePath != null && (!ArchivePath.StartsWith("//") || ArchivePath.Sum(x => (x == '/')? 1 : 0) < 4)) { throw new AutomationException("Archive path is not a valid depot filename"); } // Parse the stream name string StreamName = ParseParamValue("Stream"); if (StreamName == null && ArchivePath != null) { StreamName = ArchivePath.Substring(0, ArchivePath.IndexOf('/', ArchivePath.IndexOf('/', 2) + 1)); } // Prepare the build agenda UE4Build.BuildAgenda Agenda = new UE4Build.BuildAgenda(); foreach (string Target in Targets) { string[] Tokens = Target.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); UnrealTargetConfiguration Configuration = UnrealTargetConfiguration.Unknown; UnrealTargetPlatform Platform; if (Tokens.Length < 3 || !UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(Tokens[1], out Platform) || !Enum.TryParse(Tokens[2], true, out Configuration)) { throw new AutomationException("Invalid target '{0}' - expected <TargetName> <Platform> <Configuration>"); } Agenda.AddTarget(Tokens[0], Platform, Configuration, InAddArgs: String.Join(" ", Tokens.Skip(3))); } // Build everything UE4Build Builder = new UE4Build(this); Builder.Build(Agenda, InUpdateVersionFiles: ArchivePath != null); // Include the build products for UAT and UBT if required if (ParseParam("WithUAT")) { Builder.AddUATFilesToBuildProducts(); } if (ParseParam("WithUBT")) { Builder.AddUBTFilesToBuildProducts(); } // Archive the build products if (ArchivePath != null) { // Create an output folder string OutputFolder = Path.Combine(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot, "ArchiveForUGS"); Directory.CreateDirectory(OutputFolder); // Create a temp folder for storing stripped PDB files string SymbolsFolder = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "Symbols"); Directory.CreateDirectory(SymbolsFolder); // Get the Windows toolchain Platform WindowsTargetPlatform = Platform.GetPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64); // Figure out all the files for the archive string ZipFileName = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, ""); using (Ionic.Zip.ZipFile Zip = new Ionic.Zip.ZipFile()) { Zip.UseZip64WhenSaving = Ionic.Zip.Zip64Option.AsNecessary; foreach (string BuildProduct in Builder.BuildProductFiles) { if (!File.Exists(BuildProduct)) { throw new AutomationException("Missing build product: {0}", BuildProduct); } if (BuildProduct.EndsWith(".pdb", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string StrippedFileName = CommandUtils.MakeRerootedFilePath(BuildProduct, CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot, SymbolsFolder); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(StrippedFileName)); WindowsTargetPlatform.StripSymbols(new FileReference(BuildProduct), new FileReference(StrippedFileName)); Zip.AddFile(StrippedFileName, Path.GetDirectoryName(CommandUtils.StripBaseDirectory(StrippedFileName, SymbolsFolder))); } else { Zip.AddFile(BuildProduct, Path.GetDirectoryName(CommandUtils.StripBaseDirectory(BuildProduct, CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot))); } } // Create the zip file Console.WriteLine("Writing {0}...", ZipFileName); Zip.Save(ZipFileName); } // Submit it to Perforce if required if (CommandUtils.AllowSubmit) { // Delete any existing clientspec for submitting string ClientName = Environment.MachineName + "_BuildForUGS"; // Create a brand new one P4ClientInfo Client = new P4ClientInfo(); Client.Owner = CommandUtils.P4Env.User; Client.Host = Environment.MachineName; Client.Stream = StreamName; Client.RootPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "Perforce"); Client.Name = ClientName; Client.Options = P4ClientOption.NoAllWrite | P4ClientOption.NoClobber | P4ClientOption.NoCompress | P4ClientOption.Unlocked | P4ClientOption.NoModTime | P4ClientOption.RmDir; Client.LineEnd = P4LineEnd.Local; P4.CreateClient(Client, AllowSpew: false); // Create a new P4 connection for this workspace P4Connection SubmitP4 = new P4Connection(Client.Owner, Client.Name, P4Env.ServerAndPort); SubmitP4.Revert("-k //..."); // Figure out where the zip file has to go in Perforce P4WhereRecord WhereZipFile = SubmitP4.Where(ArchivePath, false).FirstOrDefault(x => !x.bUnmap && x.Path != null); if (WhereZipFile == null) { throw new AutomationException("Couldn't locate {0} in this workspace"); } // Get the latest version of it int NewCL = SubmitP4.CreateChange(Description: String.Format("[CL {0}] Updated binaries", P4Env.Changelist)); SubmitP4.Sync(String.Format("-k \"{0}\"", ArchivePath), AllowSpew: false); CommandUtils.CopyFile(ZipFileName, WhereZipFile.Path); SubmitP4.Add(NewCL, String.Format("\"{0}\"", ArchivePath)); SubmitP4.Edit(NewCL, String.Format("\"{0}\"", ArchivePath)); // Submit it int SubmittedCL; SubmitP4.Submit(NewCL, out SubmittedCL); if (SubmittedCL <= 0) { throw new AutomationException("Submit failed."); } Console.WriteLine("Submitted in changelist {0}", SubmittedCL); } } }
public override void ExecuteBuild() { LogInformation("************************* BuildCommonTools"); List <UnrealTargetPlatform> Platforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>(); // Add all the platforms if specified if (ParseParam("allplatforms")) { Platforms = UnrealTargetPlatform.GetValidPlatforms().ToList(); } else { // Get the list of platform names string[] PlatformNames = ParseParamValue("platforms", BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform.ToString()).Split('+'); // Parse the platforms foreach (string PlatformName in PlatformNames) { UnrealBuildTool.UnrealTargetPlatform Platform; if (!UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(PlatformName, out Platform)) { throw new AutomationException("Unknown platform specified on command line - '{0}' - valid platforms are {1}", PlatformName, String.Join("/", UnrealTargetPlatform.GetValidPlatformNames())); } Platforms.Add(Platform); } } // Get the agenda List <string> ExtraBuildProducts = new List <string>(); UE4Build.BuildAgenda Agenda = MakeAgenda(Platforms.ToArray(), ExtraBuildProducts); // Build everything. We don't want to touch version files for GitHub builds -- these are "programmer builds" and won't have a canonical build version UE4Build Builder = new UE4Build(this); Builder.Build(Agenda, InUpdateVersionFiles: false); // Add UAT and UBT to the build products Builder.AddUATFilesToBuildProducts(); Builder.AddUBTFilesToBuildProducts(); // Add all the extra build products foreach (string ExtraBuildProduct in ExtraBuildProducts) { Builder.AddBuildProduct(ExtraBuildProduct); } // Make sure all the build products exist UE4Build.CheckBuildProducts(Builder.BuildProductFiles); // Write the manifest if needed string ManifestPath = ParseParamValue("manifest"); if (ManifestPath != null) { SortedSet <string> Files = new SortedSet <string>(); foreach (string BuildProductFile in Builder.BuildProductFiles) { Files.Add(BuildProductFile); } File.WriteAllLines(ManifestPath, Files.ToArray()); } }
public Noesis(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target) { Type = ModuleType.External; string NoesisBasePath = ModuleDirectory + "/NoesisSDK/"; string NoesisIncludePath = NoesisBasePath + "Include/"; string NoesisInteractivityIncludePath = NoesisBasePath + "Src/Packages/App/Interactivity/Include/"; PublicIncludePaths.Add(ModuleDirectory); PublicIncludePaths.Add(NoesisIncludePath); PublicIncludePaths.Add(NoesisInteractivityIncludePath); if (!Directory.Exists(NoesisBasePath)) { throw new BuildException("Could not find NoesisGUI SDK in " + NoesisBasePath + "."); } if (!Directory.Exists(NoesisBasePath + "Bin")) { throw new BuildException("Could not find NoesisGUI SDK Bin directory in " + NoesisBasePath + "Bin."); } if (!Directory.Exists(NoesisBasePath + "Include")) { throw new BuildException("Could not find NoesisGUI SDK Include directory in " + NoesisBasePath + "Include."); } if (!Directory.Exists(NoesisBasePath + "Lib")) { throw new BuildException("Could not find NoesisGUI SDK Lib directory in " + NoesisBasePath + "Lib."); } PublicSystemIncludePaths.Add(NoesisIncludePath); UnrealTargetPlatform Platform; if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(NoesisBasePath + "Lib/windows_x86_64/Noesis.lib"); string NoesisDllPath = "/NoesisSDK/Bin/windows_x86_64/Noesis.dll"; string NoesisDllTargetPath = "/Binaries/Win64/Noesis.dll"; if (Target.ProjectFile != null) { CopyNoesisDll(ModuleDirectory + NoesisDllPath, DirectoryReference.FromFile(Target.ProjectFile).ToString() + NoesisDllTargetPath); } CopyNoesisDll(ModuleDirectory + NoesisDllPath, ModuleDirectory + "/../.." + NoesisDllTargetPath); if (System.IO.File.Exists(Target.RelativeEnginePath + NoesisDllTargetPath)) { System.IO.File.Delete(Target.RelativeEnginePath + NoesisDllTargetPath); } if (Target.LinkType == TargetLinkType.Monolithic) { RuntimeDependencies.Add("$(ProjectDir)" + NoesisDllTargetPath); } else { RuntimeDependencies.Add("$(EngineDir)" + NoesisDllTargetPath); } } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(NoesisBasePath + "Bin/osx/Noesis.dylib"); string NoesisDylibPath = "/NoesisSDK/Bin/osx/Noesis.dylib"; RuntimeDependencies.Add(ModuleDirectory + NoesisDylibPath); } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(NoesisBasePath + "Lib/ios/libNoesis.a"); PublicFrameworks.Add("CoreText"); } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(NoesisBasePath + "Bin/android_arm/"); PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(NoesisBasePath + "Bin/android_arm64/"); string NoesisAplPath = "/Noesis_APL.xml"; AdditionalPropertiesForReceipt.Add("AndroidPlugin", ModuleDirectory + NoesisAplPath); } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.PS4) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(NoesisBasePath + "Lib/ps4/Noesis.a"); } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(NoesisBasePath + "Bin/xbox_one/Noesis.lib"); } else if (UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse("HTML5", out Platform) && Target.Platform == Platform) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(NoesisBasePath + "Bin/wasm/Noesis.bc"); } }
public override void ExecuteBuild() { int WorkingCL = -1; if (P4Enabled && AllowSubmit) { string CmdLine = ""; foreach (var Arg in Params) { CmdLine += Arg.ToString() + " "; } WorkingCL = P4.CreateChange(P4Env.Client, String.Format("MegaXGE build from changelist {0} - Params: {1}", P4Env.Changelist, CmdLine)); } LogInformation("************************* MegaXGE"); bool Clean = ParseParam("Clean"); string CleanToolLocation = CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LocalRoot, "Engine", "Build", "Batchfiles", "Clean.bat"); bool ShowProgress = ParseParam("Progress"); var UE4Build = new UE4Build(this); var Agenda = new UE4Build.BuildAgenda(); // we need to always build UHT when we use mega XGE var ProgramTargets = new string[] { "UnrealHeaderTool", }; Agenda.AddTargets(ProgramTargets, UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development); if (Clean) { LogSetProgress(ShowProgress, "Cleaning previous builds..."); foreach (var CurTarget in ProgramTargets) { string Args = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", CurTarget, UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64.ToString(), UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development.ToString()); RunAndLog(CmdEnv, CleanToolLocation, Args); } } LogInformation("*************************"); for (int Arg = 1; Arg < 100; Arg++) { string Parm = String.Format("Target{0}", Arg); string Target = ParseParamValue(Parm, ""); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Target)) { break; } FileReference ProjectFile = null; string ProjectFileParam = ParseParamValue(String.Format("Project{0}", Arg), null); if (ProjectFileParam != null) { ProjectFile = new FileReference(ProjectFileParam); if (!FileReference.Exists(ProjectFile)) { throw new AutomationException("Project file '{0}' could not be found"); } } var Parts = Target.Split(' '); string JustTarget = Parts[0]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(JustTarget)) { throw new AutomationException("BUILD FAILED target option '{0}' not parsed.", Target); } var Targets = JustTarget.Split('|'); if (Targets.Length < 1) { throw new AutomationException("BUILD FAILED target option '{0}' not parsed.", Target); } var Platforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>(); var Configurations = new List <UnrealTargetConfiguration>(); for (int Part = 1; Part < Parts.Length; Part++) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parts[Part])) { var SubParts = Parts[Part].Split('|'); foreach (var SubPart in SubParts) { UnrealTargetPlatform Platform; if (UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(SubPart, out Platform)) { Platforms.Add(Platform); } else { switch (SubPart.ToUpperInvariant()) { case "DEBUG": Configurations.Add(UnrealTargetConfiguration.Debug); break; case "DEBUGGAME": Configurations.Add(UnrealTargetConfiguration.DebugGame); break; case "DEVELOPMENT": Configurations.Add(UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development); break; case "SHIPPING": Configurations.Add(UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping); break; case "TEST": Configurations.Add(UnrealTargetConfiguration.Test); break; default: throw new AutomationException("BUILD FAILED target option {0} not recognized.", SubPart); } } } } } if (Platforms.Count < 1) { Platforms.Add(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64); } if (Configurations.Count < 1) { Configurations.Add(UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development); } foreach (var Platform in Platforms) { foreach (var CurTarget in Targets) { foreach (var Configuration in Configurations) { Agenda.AddTargets(new string[] { CurTarget }, Platform, Configuration, ProjectFile); LogInformation("Target {0} {1} {2}", CurTarget, Platform.ToString(), Configuration.ToString()); if (Clean) { string Args = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", CurTarget, Platform.ToString(), Configuration.ToString()); RunAndLog(CmdEnv, CleanToolLocation, Args); } } } } } LogInformation("*************************"); UE4Build.Build(Agenda, InUpdateVersionFiles: IsBuildMachine, InUseParallelExecutor: ParseParam("useparallelexecutor"), InShowProgress: ShowProgress); // if (WorkingCL > 0) // only move UAT files if we intend to check in some build products // { // UE4Build.CopyUATFilesAndAddToBuildProducts(); // } UE4Build.CheckBuildProducts(UE4Build.BuildProductFiles); if (WorkingCL > 0) { // Sign everything we built CodeSign.SignMultipleIfEXEOrDLL(this, UE4Build.BuildProductFiles); // Open files for add or edit UE4Build.AddBuildProductsToChangelist(WorkingCL, UE4Build.BuildProductFiles); int SubmittedCL; P4.Submit(WorkingCL, out SubmittedCL, true, true); } PrintRunTime(); }
public void ParseParams(string[] InParams) { this.Params = InParams; bool AllThings = ParseParam("all"); bool AllCompile = AllThings | ParseParam("allcompile"); Preview = ParseParam("preview"); DoUE4Tests = AllThings || ParseParam("ue4"); // compilation DoBuildEditorTests = AllCompile | ParseParam("editor"); DoBuildClientTests = AllCompile | ParseParam("client"); DoNoCompileTests = AllCompile | ParseParam("nopcompile"); DoSingleCompileTests = AllCompile | ParseParam("singlecompile"); DoAcceleratedCompileTests = AllCompile | ParseParam("xge") | ParseParam("fastbuild"); DoNoAcceleratedCompileTests = AllCompile | ParseParam("noxge") | ParseParam("nofastbuild"); // cooking DoCookTests = AllThings | ParseParam("cook"); // editor startup tests DoPIETests = AllThings | ParseParam("pie"); // DDC options DDCOptions |= ParseParam("warmddc") ? DDCTaskOptions.WarmDDC : DDCTaskOptions.None; DDCOptions |= ParseParam("hotddc") ? DDCTaskOptions.HotDDC : DDCTaskOptions.None; DDCOptions |= ParseParam("coldddc") ? DDCTaskOptions.ColdDDC : DDCTaskOptions.None; DDCOptions |= ParseParam("noshaderddc") ? DDCTaskOptions.NoShaderDDC : DDCTaskOptions.None; DDCOptions |= ParseParam("noxge") ? DDCTaskOptions.NoXGE : DDCTaskOptions.None; // sanity DoAcceleratedCompileTests = DoAcceleratedCompileTests && BenchmarkBuildTask.SupportsAcceleration; Preview = ParseParam("Preview"); Iterations = ParseParamInt("Iterations", Iterations); TimeBetweenTasks = ParseParamInt("Wait", TimeBetweenTasks); FileName = ParseParamValue("filename", FileName); CookArgs = ParseParamValue("CookArgs", ""); PIEArgs = ParseParamValue("PIEArgs", ""); // Parse the project arg { string ProjectsArg = ParseParamValue("project", null); ProjectsArg = ParseParamValue("projects", ProjectsArg); // Look at the project argument and verify it's a valid uproject if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectsArg)) { ProjectsToTest = ProjectsArg.Split(new[] { '+', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } } // Parse and validate platform list from arguments { string PlatformArg = ParseParamValue("platform", ""); PlatformArg = ParseParamValue("platforms", PlatformArg); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlatformArg)) { List <UnrealTargetPlatform> ClientPlatforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>(); var PlatformList = PlatformArg.Split(new[] { '+', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var Platform in PlatformList) { UnrealTargetPlatform PlatformEnum; if (!UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(Platform, out PlatformEnum)) { throw new AutomationException("{0} is not a valid Unreal Platform", Platform); } ClientPlatforms.Add(PlatformEnum); } PlatformsToTest = ClientPlatforms; } else { PlatformsToTest = new[] { BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform }; } } // parse processor args { string ProcessorArg = ParseParamValue("cores", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProcessorArg)) { var ProcessorList = ProcessorArg.Split(new[] { '+', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); CoresForLocalJobs = ProcessorList.Select(P => Convert.ToInt32(P)); } } // parse ddc args { string Arg = ParseParamValue("ddc", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Arg)) { DCCTypes = Arg.Split(new[] { '+', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } } // parse map args { string Arg = ParseParamValue("map", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Arg)) { MapList = Arg.Split(new[] { '+', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } } }