コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Map a element to its corresponding bits in the array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">The element to be mapped to indexes</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfIndexesRequested">The number of indexes to associate with the element.  If not set,
        /// uses the MaximumBitIndexesPerElement specified in the constructor.</param>
        /// <returns>The array indexes associated with the element.</returns>
        public IEnumerable <int> GetIndexesAssociatedWithAnElement(byte[] element, int?numberOfIndexesRequested = null)
            // Build a set of indexes into the bit array associated with the element
            HashSet <int> indexesIntoBitArray = new HashSet <int>();

            // Determine how many indexes to generate for this element.
            // The lesser of the maximum number supported and the number requested (if provided)
            int numberOfBitIndexesToCreate = Math.Min(HashFunctionsMappingElementsToBitsInTheArray.Length, numberOfIndexesRequested ?? int.MaxValue);

            // Use one hash function to generate each index
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBitIndexesToCreate; i++)
                UniversalHashFunction hashFunction = HashFunctionsMappingElementsToBitsInTheArray[i];
                byte[] valueToHash = ManagedSHA256.Hash(element);
                    // Use the hash function to index into the array of bits
                    int indexIntoBitArray = (int)(hashFunction.Hash(valueToHash) % (uint)Length);
                    if (indexesIntoBitArray.Add(indexIntoBitArray))
                        // Common case: this index points to a bit that is not yet associated with the element
                        // This index can thus represent the i_th bit for this element.
                    // This hash function generated an index to a bit that is already associated with this element.
                    // We'll need to rehash to create an index for the i_th bit that was not already assigned.
                    valueToHash = ManagedSHA256.Hash(valueToHash);
                } while (true);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a filter array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numberOfBitsInArray">The size of the array in bits.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumBitIndexesPerElement">The maximum (and default) number of indexes (bits) in the array to associate with elements.</param>
        /// <param name="initilizeBitsOfArrayAtRandom">If set to true, the bits of the filter array will be set to 0 or 1 at random (indpendently, each with probability 0.5).</param>
        /// <param name="saltForHashFunctions">A salt used to generate the hash functions.
        /// Any two filter arrays generated with the same salt will use the same hash functions.
        /// The salt should be kept secret from attackerse who might try to manipulate the selection of elements,
        /// such as to intentionally cause bit collisions with the array.</param>
        public FilterArray(int numberOfBitsInArray, int maximumBitIndexesPerElement, bool initilizeBitsOfArrayAtRandom,
                           string saltForHashFunctions = "")
            // Align on byte boundary to guarantee no less than numberOfBitsInArray
            int capacityInBytes = (numberOfBitsInArray + 7) / 8;

            // Create hash functions to map elements to indexes in the bit array.
            HashFunctionsMappingElementsToBitsInTheArray = new UniversalHashFunction[maximumBitIndexesPerElement];
            for (int i = 0; i < HashFunctionsMappingElementsToBitsInTheArray.Length; i++)
                HashFunctionsMappingElementsToBitsInTheArray[i] =
                    new UniversalHashFunction(i + ":" + saltForHashFunctions, 64);

            if (initilizeBitsOfArrayAtRandom)
                // Initialize the bit array setting ~half the bits randomly to zero by using the
                // cryptographic random number generator.
                byte[] initialBitValues = new byte[capacityInBytes];
                BitArray = new BitArray(initialBitValues);
                // Start with all bits of the array set to zero.
                BitArray = new BitArray(capacityInBytes * 8);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a hash ring
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">A key used for creating hash functions.  The key must be kept secret
        /// from adversaries that might attempt to perform algorithmic complexity attacks to do such
        /// things as ensuring all the important values that one might hash map to the same member.</param>
        /// <param name="initialMembers">An optional set of members to place onto the ring.</param>
        /// <param name="maxInputLengthInBytesForUniversalHashFunction"></param>
        /// <param name="numberOfPointsOnRingForEachMember"></param>
        public ConsistentHashRing(string key,
                                  IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, TMember> > initialMembers = null,
                                  int maxInputLengthInBytesForUniversalHashFunction            = DefaultMaxInputLengthInBytesForUniversalHashFunction,
                                  int numberOfPointsOnRingForEachMember = DefaultNumberOfPointsOnRingForEachMember)
            _numberOfPointsOnRingForEachMember = numberOfPointsOnRingForEachMember;

            // Initialize empty data types
            _membersKeys    = new HashSet <string>();
            PointsToMembers = new Dictionary <ulong, KeyValuePair <string, TMember> >();
            SortedPoints    = new List <ulong>();

            // Create universal hash functions using the provided key
            _baseHashFunction = new UniversalHashFunction(key, maxInputLengthInBytesForUniversalHashFunction);
            _universalHashFunctionsForEachPoint = new UniversalHashFunction[numberOfPointsOnRingForEachMember];
            for (int i = 0; i < _universalHashFunctionsForEachPoint.Length; i++)
                _universalHashFunctionsForEachPoint[i] = new UniversalHashFunction(key + ":" + i.ToString(), 16);

            // Add the initial members (if their are any)
            if (initialMembers != null)
コード例 #4
        public void UniversalHashTestBias()
            Pseudorandom          pseudo = new Pseudorandom();
            UniversalHashFunction f      = new UniversalHashFunction("Louis Tully as played by Rick Moranis!");
            ulong trials = 100000000;

            ulong[] bitCounts = new ulong[64];

            for (ulong trial = 0; trial < trials; trial++)
                string randomString           = pseudo.GetString(8);
                UInt64 supposedlyUnbiasedBits = f.Hash(randomString, UniversalHashFunction.MaximumNumberOfResultBitsAllowing32BiasedBits);
                for (int bit = 0; bit < bitCounts.Length; bit++)
                    if ((supposedlyUnbiasedBits & (0x8000000000000000ul >> bit)) != 0ul)

            double[] biases = bitCounts.Select(count => ((0.5d - (((double)count) / ((double)trials)))) / 0.5d).ToArray();

            /// The first 32 bits should be unbiased
            for (int bit = 0; bit < 32; bit++)
                double bias    = biases[bit];
                double biasAbs = Math.Abs(bias);
                Assert.True(biasAbs < 0.0005d);
コード例 #5
 public DistributedBinomialLadderFilterClient(int numberOfShards, int defaultHeightOfLadder, IDistributedResponsibilitySet <RemoteHost> shardToHostMapping, string configurationKey, TimeSpan?mininmumCacheFreshnessRequired = null)
     NumberOfShards  = numberOfShards;
     MaxLadderHeight = defaultHeightOfLadder;
     MinimumCacheFreshnessRequired = mininmumCacheFreshnessRequired ?? new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
     CacheOfElementsAtTopOfLadder  = new FixedSizeLruCache <string, DateTime>(2 * NumberOfShards);
     ShardHashFunction             = new UniversalHashFunction(configurationKey);
     ShardToHostMapping            = shardToHostMapping;
コード例 #6
        public MaxWeightHashing(string key,
                                IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, TMemberType> > initialMembers = null)
            _masterKey = key;
            _membersAndTheirHashFunctionsAsArray = null;

            _baseHashFunction = new UniversalHashFunction(key);

            if (initialMembers != null)
コード例 #7
 public DistributedResponsibilitySet(
     string configurationKey,
     int numberOfVirtualNodes,
     int numberOfPhysicalNodesPerVirtualNode,
     IList <string> physicalNodes)
     ConfigurationKey     = configurationKey;
     KeyHash              = new UniversalHashFunction(configurationKey);
     NumberOfVirtualNodes = numberOfVirtualNodes;
     NumberOfPhysicalNodesPerVirtualNode = numberOfPhysicalNodesPerVirtualNode;
     SortedNodeRelationshipScores        = new SortedSet <NodeRelationshipScore>(new NodeRelationshipScoreComparer());
     PhysicalNodeToNodeRelationships     = new Dictionary <string, NodeRelationshipScore[]>();
     PhysicalNodes = new HashSet <string>();
コード例 #8
        public List <TMemberType> FindMembersResponsible(string key, int numberOfUniqueMembersToFind)
            TMemberType[] highestScoringMembers = new TMemberType[numberOfUniqueMembersToFind];
            ulong[]       highestScores         = new ulong[numberOfUniqueMembersToFind];

            UInt32 intermediateHashValue = (UInt32)_baseHashFunction.Hash(key);

            MemberAndItsHashFunction[] localMembersAndTheirHashFunctions =

            foreach (MemberAndItsHashFunction memberAndHash in localMembersAndTheirHashFunctions)
                TMemberType           member       = memberAndHash.Member;
                UniversalHashFunction hashFunction = memberAndHash.HashFunction;
                ulong score = hashFunction.Hash(intermediateHashValue, UniversalHashFunction.MaximumNumberOfResultBitsAllowing32BiasedBits);

                int indexToWriteInto;
                for (indexToWriteInto = numberOfUniqueMembersToFind;
                     indexToWriteInto >= 1 && score > highestScores[indexToWriteInto - 1];

                while (indexToWriteInto < numberOfUniqueMembersToFind)
                    TMemberType evictedMember = highestScoringMembers[indexToWriteInto];
                    ulong       evictedScore  = highestScores[indexToWriteInto];
                    highestScoringMembers[indexToWriteInto] = member;
                    highestScores[indexToWriteInto]         = score;
                    member = evictedMember;
                    score  = evictedScore;

            List <TMemberType> result = new List <TMemberType>(numberOfUniqueMembersToFind);

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUniqueMembersToFind && !highestScoringMembers[i].Equals(default(TMemberType)); i++)

コード例 #9
 protected void AddInsideLock(string physicalNode)
     if (!PhysicalNodeToNodeRelationships.ContainsKey(physicalNode))
         NodeRelationshipScore[] nodeRelationshipScores = new NodeRelationshipScore[NumberOfVirtualNodes];
         UniversalHashFunction   hash = new UniversalHashFunction(ConfigurationKey + physicalNode);
         for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfVirtualNodes; i++)
             nodeRelationshipScores[i].PhysicalNode = physicalNode;
             nodeRelationshipScores[i].VirtualNode  = i;
             nodeRelationshipScores[i].Score        = hash.Hash(i);
     foreach (NodeRelationshipScore nrs in PhysicalNodeToNodeRelationships[physicalNode])
コード例 #10
        public ConsistentHashRing(string key,
                                  IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, TMember> > initialMembers = null,
                                  int maxInputLengthInBytesForUniversalHashFunction            = DefaultMaxInputLengthInBytesForUniversalHashFunction,
                                  int numberOfPointsOnRingForEachMember = DefaultNumberOfPointsOnRingForEachMember)
            _numberOfPointsOnRingForEachMember = numberOfPointsOnRingForEachMember;

            _membersKeys    = new HashSet <string>();
            PointsToMembers = new Dictionary <ulong, KeyValuePair <string, TMember> >();
            SortedPoints    = new List <ulong>();

            _baseHashFunction = new UniversalHashFunction(key, maxInputLengthInBytesForUniversalHashFunction);
            _universalHashFunctionsForEachPoint = new UniversalHashFunction[numberOfPointsOnRingForEachMember];
            for (int i = 0; i < _universalHashFunctionsForEachPoint.Length; i++)
                _universalHashFunctionsForEachPoint[i] = new UniversalHashFunction(key + ":" + i.ToString(), 16);

            if (initialMembers != null)
コード例 #11
        public IEnumerable <int> GetIndexesAssociatedWithAnElement(byte[] element, int?numberOfIndexesRequested = null)
            HashSet <int> indexesIntoBitArray = new HashSet <int>();

            int numberOfBitIndexesToCreate = Math.Min(HashFunctionsMappingElementsToBitsInTheArray.Length, numberOfIndexesRequested ?? int.MaxValue);

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBitIndexesToCreate; i++)
                UniversalHashFunction hashFunction = HashFunctionsMappingElementsToBitsInTheArray[i];
                byte[] valueToHash = ManagedSHA256.Hash(element);
                    int indexIntoBitArray = (int)(hashFunction.Hash(valueToHash) % (uint)Length);
                    if (indexesIntoBitArray.Add(indexIntoBitArray))
                    valueToHash = ManagedSHA256.Hash(valueToHash);
                } while (true);

コード例 #12
        public FilterArray(int numberOfBitsInArray, int maximumBitIndexesPerElement, bool initilizeBitsOfArrayAtRandom,
                           string saltForHashFunctions = "")
            int capacityInBytes = (numberOfBitsInArray + 7) / 8;

            HashFunctionsMappingElementsToBitsInTheArray = new UniversalHashFunction[maximumBitIndexesPerElement];
            for (int i = 0; i < HashFunctionsMappingElementsToBitsInTheArray.Length; i++)
                HashFunctionsMappingElementsToBitsInTheArray[i] =
                    new UniversalHashFunction(i + ":" + saltForHashFunctions, 64);

            if (initilizeBitsOfArrayAtRandom)
                byte[] initialBitValues = new byte[capacityInBytes];
                BitArray = new BitArray(initialBitValues);
                BitArray = new BitArray(capacityInBytes * 8);