protected override void DetectPlatform() { // Set the editor and platform versions #if UNITY_EDITOR // Do not check for recompile if using "Recompile After Finish Playing" mode or Rewired will be disabled and never reinitialize due to a bug in EditorApplication.isCompiling ignoreRecompile = (ScriptChangesDuringPlayOptions)UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.GetInt("ScriptCompilationDuringPlay", 0) == ScriptChangesDuringPlayOptions.RecompileAfterFinishedPlaying; #endif scriptingBackend = ScriptingBackend.Mono; scriptingAPILevel = ScriptingAPILevel.Net20; editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.None; platform = Platform.Unknown; webplayerPlatform = WebplayerPlatform.None; isEditor = false; string deviceName = SystemInfo.deviceName ?? string.Empty; string deviceModel = SystemInfo.deviceModel ?? string.Empty; #if UNITY_EDITOR isEditor = true; editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.Unknown; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.Windows; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_LINUX editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.Linux; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.OSX; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR && REWIRED_DEBUG_MOCK_BUILD_PLAYER Debug.LogWarning("Rewired is mocking the build player in the editor"); isEditor = false; editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.None; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX platform = Platform.OSX; #endif #if UNITY_DASHBOARD_WIDGET #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN platform = Platform.Windows; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_LINUX platform = Platform.Linux; #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID platform = Platform.Android; #if !UNITY_EDITOR // Handle special Android platforms if (CheckDeviceName("OUYA", deviceName, deviceModel)) { platform = Platform.Ouya; } else if (CheckDeviceName("Amazon AFT.*", deviceName, deviceModel)) { platform = Platform.AmazonFireTV; } else if (CheckDeviceName("razer Forge", deviceName, deviceModel)) { #if REWIRED_OUYA && REWIRED_USE_OUYA_SDK_ON_FORGETV platform = Platform.Ouya; #else platform = Platform.RazerForgeTV; #endif } #endif #endif #if UNITY_BLACKBERRY platform = Platform.Blackberry; #endif #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_IOS platform = Platform.iOS; #endif #if UNITY_TVOS platform = Platform.tvOS; #endif #if UNITY_PS3 platform = Platform.PS3; #endif #if UNITY_PS4 platform = Platform.PS4; #endif #if UNITY_PS5 platform = Platform.PS5; #endif #if UNITY_PSP2 platform = Platform.PSVita; #endif #if UNITY_PSM platform = Platform.PSMobile; #endif #if UNITY_XBOX360 platform = Platform.Xbox360; #endif #if UNITY_GAMECORE_XBOXONE platform = Platform.GameCoreXboxOne; #elif UNITY_XBOXONE platform = Platform.XboxOne; #endif #if UNITY_GAMECORE_SCARLETT platform = Platform.GameCoreScarlett; #endif #if UNITY_WII platform = Platform.Wii; #endif #if UNITY_WIIU platform = Platform.WiiU; #endif #if UNITY_N3DS platform = Platform.N3DS; #endif #if UNITY_SWITCH platform = Platform.Switch; #endif #if UNITY_FLASH platform = Platform.Flash; #endif #if UNITY_METRO || UNITY_WSA || UNITY_WSA_8_0 platform = Platform.WindowsAppStore; #endif #if UNITY_WSA_8_1 platform = Platform.Windows81Store; #endif // Windows 8.1 Universal #if UNITY_WINRT_8_1 && !UNITY_WSA_8_1 // this seems to be the only way to detect this platform = Platform.Windows81Store; #endif // Windows Phone overrides Windows Store -- this is not set when doing Universal 8.1 builds #if UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_WP8_1 || UNITY_WP_8 || UNITY_WP_8_1 // documentation error on format of WP8 defines, so include both platform = Platform.WindowsPhone8; #endif #if UNITY_WSA_10_0 platform = Platform.WindowsUWP; #endif #if UNITY_WEBGL platform = Platform.WebGL; #endif #if UNITY_STADIA platform = Platform.Stadia; #endif // Check if Webplayer #if UNITY_WEBPLAYER webplayerPlatform = UnityTools.DetermineWebplayerPlatformType(platform, editorPlatform); // call this BEFORE you change the platform so we still know what base system this is platform = Platform.Webplayer; #endif #if ENABLE_MONO scriptingBackend = ScriptingBackend.Mono; #endif #if ENABLE_DOTNET scriptingBackend = ScriptingBackend.DotNet; #endif #if ENABLE_IL2CPP scriptingBackend = ScriptingBackend.IL2CPP; #endif #if NET_2_0 scriptingAPILevel = ScriptingAPILevel.Net20; #endif #if NET_2_0_SUBSET scriptingAPILevel = ScriptingAPILevel.Net20Subset; #endif #if NET_4_6 scriptingAPILevel = ScriptingAPILevel.Net46; #endif #if NET_STANDARD_2_0 scriptingAPILevel = ScriptingAPILevel.NetStandard20; #endif }
private static void DeterminePlatform() { editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.None; platform = Platform.Unknown; webplayerPlatform = WebplayerPlatform.None; isEditor = false; // Find out the platform #if UNITY_EDITOR isEditor = true; editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.Unknown; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.Windows; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.OSX; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX platform = Platform.OSX; #endif #if UNITY_DASHBOARD_WIDGET #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN platform = Platform.Windows; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_LINUX platform = Platform.Linux; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID platform = Platform.Android; #endif #if UNITY_BLACKBERRY platform = Platform.Blackberry; #endif #if UNITY_WP8 platform = Platform.WindowsPhone8; #endif #if UNITY_IPHONE platform = Platform.iOS; #endif #if UNITY_IOS platform = Platform.iOS; #endif #if UNITY_PS3 platform = Platform.PS3; #endif #if UNITY_PS4 platform = Platform.PS4; #endif #if UNITY_PSP2 platform = Platform.PSVita; #endif #if UNITY_PSM platform = Platform.PSMobile; #endif #if UNITY_XBOX360 platform = Platform.Xbox360; #endif #if UNITY_XBOXONE platform = Platform.XboxOne; #endif #if UNITY_WII platform = Platform.Wii; #endif #if UNITY_WIIU platform = Platform.WiiU; #endif #if UNITY_FLASH platform = Platform.Flash; #endif #if UNITY_METRO platform = Platform.WindowsAppStore; #endif #if UNITY_WINRT #endif #if UNITY_WEBGL platform = Platform.WebGL; #endif // Check if Webplayer #if UNITY_WEBPLAYER webplayerPlatform = UnityTools.DetermineWebplayerPlatformType(platform, editorPlatform); // call this BEFORE you change the platform so we still know what base system this is platform = Platform.Webplayer; #endif }
protected override void DetectPlatform() { // Set the editor and platform versions editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.None; platform = Platform.Unknown; webplayerPlatform = WebplayerPlatform.None; isEditor = false; string deviceName = SystemInfo.deviceName ?? string.Empty; string deviceModel = SystemInfo.deviceModel ?? string.Empty; #if UNITY_EDITOR isEditor = true; editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.Unknown; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.Windows; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.OSX; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX platform = Platform.OSX; #endif #if UNITY_DASHBOARD_WIDGET #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN platform = Platform.Windows; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_LINUX platform = Platform.Linux; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID platform = Platform.Android; #if !UNITY_EDITOR // Handle Ouya platform if (deviceName.Contains("OUYA") || deviceModel.Contains("OUYA")) { platform = Platform.Ouya; } #endif #endif #if UNITY_BLACKBERRY platform = Platform.Blackberry; #endif #if UNITY_WP8 platform = Platform.WindowsPhone8; #endif #if UNITY_IPHONE platform = Platform.iOS; #endif #if UNITY_IOS platform = Platform.iOS; #endif #if UNITY_PS3 platform = Platform.PS3; #endif #if UNITY_PS4 platform = Platform.PS4; #endif #if UNITY_PSP2 platform = Platform.PSVita; #endif #if UNITY_PSM platform = Platform.PSMobile; #endif #if UNITY_XBOX360 platform = Platform.Xbox360; #endif #if UNITY_XBOXONE platform = Platform.XboxOne; #endif #if UNITY_WII platform = Platform.Wii; #endif #if UNITY_WIIU platform = Platform.WiiU; #endif #if UNITY_FLASH platform = Platform.Flash; #endif #if UNITY_METRO platform = Platform.WindowsAppStore; #endif #if UNITY_WINRT #endif #if UNITY_WEBGL platform = Platform.WebGL; #endif // Check if Webplayer #if UNITY_WEBPLAYER webplayerPlatform = UnityTools.DetermineWebplayerPlatformType(platform, editorPlatform); // call this BEFORE you change the platform so we still know what base system this is platform = Platform.Webplayer; #endif }
protected override void DetectPlatform() { // Set the editor and platform versions editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.None; platform = Platform.Unknown; webplayerPlatform = WebplayerPlatform.None; isEditor = false; #if UNITY_EDITOR isEditor = true; editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.Unknown; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.Windows; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.OSX; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX platform = Platform.OSX; #endif #if UNITY_DASHBOARD_WIDGET #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN platform = Platform.Windows; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_LINUX platform = Platform.Linux; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE #endif #if UNITY_WII platform = Platform.Wii; #endif #if UNITY_IPHONE platform = Platform.iOS; #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID platform = Platform.Android; #endif #if UNITY_PS3 platform = Platform.PS3; #endif #if UNITY_XBOX360 platform = Platform.XBox360; #endif #if UNITY_FLASH platform = Platform.Flash; #endif #if UNITY_BLACKBERRY platform = Platform.Blackberry; #endif #if UNITY_WP8 platform = Platform.WindowsPhone8; #endif #if UNITY_METRO platform = Platform.WindowsAppStore; #endif #if UNITY_WINRT #endif // Check if Webplayer #if UNITY_WEBPLAYER webplayerPlatform = UnityTools.DetermineWebplayerPlatformType(platform, editorPlatform); // call this BEFORE you change the platform so we still know what base system this is platform = Platform.Webplayer; #endif }
protected override void DetectPlatform() { // Set the editor and platform versions editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.None; platform = Platform.Unknown; webplayerPlatform = WebplayerPlatform.None; isEditor = false; string deviceName = SystemInfo.deviceName ?? string.Empty; string deviceModel = SystemInfo.deviceModel ?? string.Empty; #if UNITY_EDITOR isEditor = true; editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.Unknown; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.Windows; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_LINUX editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.Linux; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX editorPlatform = EditorPlatform.OSX; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX platform = Platform.OSX; #endif #if UNITY_DASHBOARD_WIDGET #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN platform = Platform.Windows; #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_LINUX platform = Platform.Linux; #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID platform = Platform.Android; #if !UNITY_EDITOR // Handle special Android platforms if (CheckDeviceName("OUYA", deviceName, deviceModel)) { platform = Platform.Ouya; } else if (CheckDeviceName("Amazon AFT.*", deviceName, deviceModel)) { platform = Platform.AmazonFireTV; } else if (CheckDeviceName("razer Forge", deviceName, deviceModel)) { #if REWIRED_OUYA && REWIRED_USE_OUYA_SDK_ON_FORGETV platform = Platform.Ouya; #else platform = Platform.RazerForgeTV; #endif } #endif #endif #if UNITY_BLACKBERRY platform = Platform.Blackberry; #endif #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_IOS platform = Platform.iOS; #endif #if UNITY_TVOS platform = Platform.tvOS; #endif #if UNITY_PS3 platform = Platform.PS3; #endif #if UNITY_PS4 platform = Platform.PS4; #endif #if UNITY_PSP2 platform = Platform.PSVita; #endif #if UNITY_PSM platform = Platform.PSMobile; #endif #if UNITY_XBOX360 platform = Platform.Xbox360; #endif #if UNITY_XBOXONE platform = Platform.XboxOne; #endif #if UNITY_WII platform = Platform.Wii; #endif #if UNITY_WIIU platform = Platform.WiiU; #endif #if UNITY_FLASH platform = Platform.Flash; #endif #if UNITY_METRO || UNITY_WSA || UNITY_WSA_8_0 platform = Platform.WindowsAppStore; #endif #if UNITY_WSA_8_1 platform = Platform.Windows81Store; #endif // Windows 8.1 Universal #if UNITY_WINRT_8_1 && !UNITY_WSA_8_1 // this seems to be the only way to detect this platform = Platform.Windows81Store; #endif // Windows Phone overrides Windows Store -- this is not set when doing Universal 8.1 builds #if UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_WP8_1 || UNITY_WP_8 || UNITY_WP_8_1 // documentation error on format of WP8 defines, so include both platform = Platform.WindowsPhone8; #endif #if UNITY_WSA_10_0 platform = Platform.WindowsUWP; #endif #if UNITY_WEBGL platform = Platform.WebGL; #endif // Check if Webplayer #if UNITY_WEBPLAYER webplayerPlatform = UnityTools.DetermineWebplayerPlatformType(platform, editorPlatform); // call this BEFORE you change the platform so we still know what base system this is platform = Platform.Webplayer; #endif }