public virtual bool PEGI() { "Profile Name: ".edit(80, ref name); #if UNITY_EDITOR string path = PainterCamera.Data.meshesFolderName + "/" + folderName; if (icon.Save.Click("Save To:" + path, 25).nl()) { this.SaveToAssets(path, name); UnityHelperFunctions.RefreshAssetDatabase(); (name + " Saved to " + path).showNotification(); } UnityEngine.Object myType = null; if (pegi.edit(ref myType).nl()) { var msol = (MeshPackagingProfile)(new MeshPackagingProfile().Decode(StuffLoader.LoadTextAsset(myType))); PainterCamera.Data.meshPackagingSolutions.Add(msol); PlaytimePainter.inspectedPainter.selectedMeshProfile = PainterCamera.Data.meshPackagingSolutions.Count - 1; } #endif bool changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < sln.Count; i++) { changed |= sln[i].PEGI().nl(); } return(changed); }
public static void ToAssetByGUID <T>(this string data, ref T val) where T : UnityEngine.Object { var ass = UnityHelperFunctions.GUIDtoAsset <T>(data); if (ass) { val = ass; } }
public override bool BrushConfigPEGI() { bool changed = false; // if (pntr.terrain != null) // "Found the terrain, yey!!".nl(); // changed |= "Test: ".edit(ref testData).nl(); if (changed) { UnityHelperFunctions.SetToDirty(this); } return(changed); }
public static void CheckRefocus() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (refocusOnThis != null) { scipframes--; if (scipframes == 0) { UnityHelperFunctions.FocusOn(refocusOnThis); refocusOnThis = null; scipframes = 3; } } #endif }
public bool PEGI() { bool changed = false; if (dataExplorer.inspectedTag == -1) { this.inspect_Name(); if (Std != null && dataExplorer.tag.Length > 0 && icon.Save.Click("Save To Assets")) { StuffSaver.Save_ToAssets_ByRelativePath(Mgmt.fileFolderHolder, dataExplorer.tag,; UnityHelperFunctions.RefreshAssetDatabase(); }; if (Std != null) { if (dataExplorer.tag.Length == 0) { dataExplorer.tag = Std.ToPEGIstring() + " config"; } "Save To:".edit(50, ref Mgmt.fileFolderHolder); var uobj = Std as UnityEngine.Object; if (uobj && icon.Done.Click("Use the same directory as current object.")) { Mgmt.fileFolderHolder = uobj.GetAssetFolder(); } uobj.clickHighlight();; } "Comment:".editBig(ref comment).nl(); } dataExplorer.Nested_Inspect(); return(changed); }
public void CloseAllButThis(T trg) { trg.enabled = true; GameObject go = trg.gameObject; Component[] cs = go.GetComponents(typeof(Component)); foreach (Component c in cs) { if (c.GetType() != typeof(T)) { UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.SetIsInspectorExpanded(c, false); } } UnityHelperFunctions.FocusOn(null); PlaytimeToolComponent.refocusOnThis = go; }
public override bool PEGI() { bool changed = base.PEGI(); if (!showDebug) { changed |= "Foam".edit(70, ref foamMask).nl(); changed |= "Thickness:".edit(70, ref thickness, 5, 300).nl(); changed |= "Noise:".edit(50, ref noise, 0, 100).nl(); changed |= "Upscale:".edit(50, ref upscale, 1, 64).nl(); changed |= "Wet Area Height:".edit(50, ref wetAreaHeight, 0.1f, 10).nl(); if (changed) { SetFoamDynamics(); UnityHelperFunctions.RepaintViews(); // UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); this.SetToDirty(); } } return(changed); }
public bool PEGI() { bool changed = false; int tmp = index; if ("Index".edit(ref tmp).nl()) { changed = true; ChangeIndexTo(tmp); } changed |= "Emission Color".edit(ref ecol).nl(); changed |= "Brightness".edit(ref brightness).nl(); if (changed) { UnityHelperFunctions.RepaintViews(); } return(changed); }
public bool Inspect <T>(ref T field) where T : UnityEngine.Object { bool changed = name.edit(100, ref field); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (guid != null && icon.Search.Click("Find Object " + componentType + " by guid").nl()) { var obj = UnityHelperFunctions.GUIDtoAsset <T>(guid); if (obj) { field = obj; if (componentType != null && componentType.Length > 0) { var go = obj as GameObject; if (go) { var getScripts = go.GetComponent(componentType) as T; if (getScripts) { field = getScripts; } } } changed = true; } else { (typeof(T).ToString() + " Not found ").showNotification(); } } #endif return(changed); }
public static void DisablePegi() { UnityHelperFunctions.SetDefine("PEGI", false); UnityHelperFunctions.SetDefine("NO_PEGI", true); }
public virtual void GridUpdate(SceneView sceneview) { if (!IsCurrentTool()) { return; } Event e = Event.current; if (e.isMouse) { if (e.button != 0) { return; } L_mouseDwn = (e.type == EventType.MouseDown) && (e.button == 0); L_mouseUp = (e.type == EventType.MouseUp) && (e.button == 0); mousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition; if (Camera.current != null && (mousePosition.x < 0 || mousePosition.y < 0 || mousePosition.x > Camera.current.pixelWidth || mousePosition.y > Camera.current.pixelHeight)) { return; } rayGUI = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(mousePosition); EditorInputManager.raySceneView = rayGUI; } FeedEvents(e); if (e.isMouse || (e.type == EventType.ScrollWheel)) { EditorInputManager.feedMouseEvent(e); } if (e.isMouse) { RaycastHit hit; bool ishit = Physics.Raycast(rayGUI, out hit); T pp = ishit ? hit.transform.GetComponent <T>() : null; bool refocus = OnEditorRayHit(hit, rayGUI); if ((L_mouseDwn) && (e.button == 0) && (refocus) && ishit) { if ((pp != null) && (pp == painter) && (AllowEditing(painter))) { HandleUtility.AddDefaultControl(GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive)); } UnityHelperFunctions.FocusOn(hit.transform.gameObject); } if ((!navigating) && AllowEditing(painter)) { e.Use(); } } }
public override bool PEGI() { bool changed = base.PEGI(); PainterCamera rtp = PainterCamera.Inst; BrushConfig brush = brushConfig; if (!PainterStuff.IsNowPlaytimeAndDisabled) { "Plugins".write_List(rtp.Plugins, ref rtp.browsedPlugin); if ("Find New Plugins".Click()) { rtp.RefreshPlugins(); } if ("Clear Data".Click().nl()) { rtp.DeletePlugins(); rtp.RefreshPlugins(); } } pegi.newLine(); bool gotDefine = UnityHelperFunctions.GetDefine(enablePainterForBuild); if ("Enable Painter for Playtime & Build".toggle(ref gotDefine).nl()) { UnityHelperFunctions.SetDefine(enablePainterForBuild, gotDefine); } if (gotDefine && "Enable PlayTime UI".toggle(ref enablePainterUIonPlay).nl()) { MeshManager.Inst.DisconnectMesh(); } if (!PainterStuff.IsNowPlaytimeAndDisabled) { if (Painter && Painter.meshEditing == false) { if ("More options".toggle(80, ref moreOptions).nl()) { showConfig = false; } "CPU blit repaint delay".nl("Delay for video memory update when painting to Texture2D", 140); changed |= pegi.edit(ref brush.repaintDelay, 0.01f, 0.5f).nl(); changed |= "Don't update mipmaps:".toggle("May increase performance, but your changes may not disaplay if you are far from texture.", 150, ref brush.DontRedoMipmaps).nl(); var id = Painter.ImgData; if (id != null) { changed |= id.PEGI(); } "Disable Non-Mesh Colliders in Play Mode:".toggle(ref disableNonMeshColliderInPlayMode).nl(); } if ("Lists".foldout(ref inspectLists).nl()) { changed |= DatasPEGI(); } "Teaching Notifications".toggle("will show whatever you ae pressing on the screen.", 140, ref ShowTeachingNotifications).nl(); "Save Textures To:".edit(110, ref texturesFolderName).nl(); "_Atlas Textures Sub folder".edit(150, ref atlasFolderName).nl(); "Save Materials To:".edit(110, ref materialsFolderName).nl(); "Save Meshes To:".edit(110, ref meshesFolderName).nl(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (icon.Discord.Click("Join Discord", 64)) { PlaytimePainter.Open_Discord(); } if (icon.Docs.Click("Open Asset Documentation", 64)) { PlaytimePainter.OpenWWW_Documentation(); } if (icon.Email.Click("Report a bug / send suggestion / ask question.", 64)) { PlaytimePainter.Open_Email(); } #endif return(changed); }
// ******************* Component MGMT private void OnEnable() { PainterStuff.applicationIsQuitting = false; Inst = this; if (!Data) { dataHolder = Resources.Load("Painter_Data") as PainterDataAndConfig; } if (meshManager == null) { meshManager = new MeshManager(); } meshManager.OnEnable(); if (Data) { rtcam.cullingMask = 1 << Data.myLayer; } if (PlaytimeToolComponent.enabledTool == null) { if (!Application.isEditor) { #if BUILD_WITH_PAINTER PlaytimeToolComponent.enabledTool = typeof(PlaytimePainter); #else PlaytimeToolComponent.GetPrefs(); #endif } else { PlaytimeToolComponent.GetPrefs(); } } #if UNITY_EDITOR EditorSceneManager.sceneSaving -= BeforeSceneSaved; EditorSceneManager.sceneSaving += BeforeSceneSaved; // Debug.Log("Adding scene saving delegate"); EditorSceneManager.sceneOpening -= OnSceneOpening; EditorSceneManager.sceneOpening += OnSceneOpening; if (defaultMaterial == null) { defaultMaterial = AssetDatabase.GetBuiltinExtraResource <Material>("Default-Material.mat"); } if (defaultMaterial == null) { Debug.Log("Default Material not found."); } isLinearColorSpace = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear; EditorApplication.update -= CombinedUpdate; if (!this.ApplicationIsAboutToEnterPlayMode()) { EditorApplication.update += CombinedUpdate; } if (brushPrefab == null) { GameObject go = Resources.Load("prefabs/RenderCameraBrush") as GameObject; brushPrefab = go.GetComponent <RenderBrush>(); if (brushPrefab == null) { Debug.Log("Couldn't find brush prefab."); } } if (Data) { UnityHelperFunctions.RenamingLayer(Data.myLayer, "Painter Layer"); } #endif if (brushRendy == null) { brushRendy = GetComponentInChildren <RenderBrush>(); if (brushRendy == null) { brushRendy = Instantiate(brushPrefab.gameObject).GetComponent <RenderBrush>(); brushRendy.transform.parent = this.transform; } } if (Data) { brushRendy.gameObject.layer = Data.myLayer; } #if BUILD_WITH_PAINTER || UNITY_EDITOR transform.position = Vector3.up * 3000; if (rtcam == null) { rtcam = GetComponent <Camera>(); if (rtcam == null) { rtcam = gameObject.AddComponent <Camera>(); } } rtcam.orthographic = true; rtcam.orthographicSize = orthoSize; rtcam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Nothing; rtcam.enabled = Application.isPlaying; #if UNITY_EDITOR EditorApplication.update -= CombinedUpdate; if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode == false) { EditorApplication.update += CombinedUpdate; } #endif UpdateBuffersState(); #endif autodisabledBufferTarget = null; RefreshPlugins(); }
public void DestroyRtex() { UnityHelperFunctions.DestroyWhatever(rt); }
public void SetStuff() { Shader.SetGlobalVector("_lightControl", new Vector4(colorBleeding, 0, 0, eyeBrightness)); UnityHelperFunctions.SetKeyword("MODIFY_BRIGHTNESS", modifyBrightness); UnityHelperFunctions.SetKeyword("COLOR_BLEED", colorBleed); }
public override bool ConfigTab_PEGI() { bool changed = false; changed |= "Bleed Colors".toggle(80, ref colorBleed).nl(); if (colorBleed) { changed |= pegi.edit(ref colorBleeding, 0.0001f, 0.3f).nl(); } changed |= "Brightness".toggle(80, ref modifyBrightness).nl(); if (modifyBrightness) { changed |= pegi.edit(ref eyeBrightness, 0.0001f, 8f).nl(); } pegi.toggle(ref showHint, icon.Close, icon.Hint, "Show hint", 35).nl(); if (showHint) { "Is not a postrocess effect. It modifies Global Shader Parameter. Will only be visible on Custom shaders which containt the needed defines.".writeHint(); } bool fog = RenderSettings.fog; if ("Fog".toggle(ref fog).nl()) { RenderSettings.fog = fog; } if (fog) { var col = RenderSettings.fogColor; if ("Color".edit(ref col).nl()) { RenderSettings.fogColor = col; } var mode = RenderSettings.fogMode; if (mode != FogMode.ExponentialSquared) { "Exponential Squared is recommended".writeHint(); } if ("Mode".editEnum(ref mode).nl().nl()) { RenderSettings.fogMode = mode; } float density = RenderSettings.fogDensity; if ("Density".edit(60, ref density, 0f, 0.05f).nl()) { RenderSettings.fogDensity = density; } } if (changed) { UnityHelperFunctions.RepaintViews(); SetStuff(); this.SetToDirty(); } return(changed); }
public bool PEGI(TextureSetForForCombinedMaps sets) { PlaytimePainter p = InspectedPainter;; currentPEGI = this; bool changed = "Name".edit(80, ref name); var path = PainterCamera.Data.texturesFolderName + "/" + folderName; if (icon.Save.Click("Will save to " + path, 25).nl()) { this.SaveToAssets(path, name); UnityHelperFunctions.RefreshAssetDatabase(); (name + " was saved to " + path).showNotification(); } pegi.newLine(); changed |= "Color texture ".toggle(80, ref isColor).nl(); bool usingBumpStrength = false; bool usingColorSelector = false; bool usingGlossMap = false; for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { var ch = channel[c]; changed |= ((ColorChanel)c).getIcon().toggle(ref ch.enabled); if (ch.enabled) { if ((ch.flip ? "inverted" : "+ 0").Click("Copy as is or invert (1-X)")) { ch.flip = !ch.flip; } changed |= ch.Nested_Inspect().nl(); usingBumpStrength |= ch.Role.UsingBumpStrengthSlider(ch.sourceChannel); usingColorSelector |= ch.Role.UsingColorSelector; usingGlossMap |= ch.Role.GetType() == typeof(TextureRole_Gloss); }; } if (usingBumpStrength) { changed |= "Bump Strength".edit(ref bumpStrength).nl(); } if (usingColorSelector) { changed |= "Color".edit(ref fillColor).nl(); } if (usingGlossMap) { if (sets == null || sets.HeightMap != null) { if ("Gloss Mip -= Height Noise".toggle(ref glossNoiseFromHeight).nl()) { changed = true; glossNoiseFromBump = false; } } if ((sets == null || sets.NormalMap != null) && "Gloss Mip -= Normal Noise".toggle(ref glossNoiseFromBump).nl()) { changed = true; glossNoiseFromHeight = false; } if (glossNoiseFromHeight || glossNoiseFromBump) { "Fraction".edit(ref bumpNoiseInGlossFraction, 0f, 40f).nl(); } } if (sets != null) { if ("Combine".Click().nl()) { Combine(sets, p); } if (p != null) { "You will still need to press SAVE in Painter to update original texture.".writeHint(); } } return(changed); }