private void Update() { if (_spriterAnimator == null) { _spriterAnimator = GetComponent <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; _animationList = _spriterAnimator.GetAnimations().ToList(); } if (_collisionState.OnSolidGround) { if (Time.time - _timer > 1.0f) { _controller.SetButtonPressTime(Buttons.MoveRight); _walkingMovementRequest.RequestMovement(Buttons.MoveRight); if (_currentIndex != _previousIndex) { Play(_currentIndex); _previousIndex = _currentIndex; } } } else { _timer = Time.time; } }
private void Update() { // Check if the deployed animation has already played. if (!_deployed) { if (_spriterAnimator == null) { _spriterAnimator = GetComponent <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; _animationList = _spriterAnimator.GetAnimations().ToList(); } // Initially get the sniper's position relative to the camera view _GOpos = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(transform.position); // KEEP CHECKING IF THE SNIPER IS WITHIN THE SCREEN TO ENSURE THE PLAYER SEES THE DEPLOY ANIMATION if (_GOpos.x > 0.1f && _GOpos.x < 0.9f && _GOpos.y > 0.1 && _GOpos.y < 0.9F) { StartCoroutine(DeployDelay()); _deployed = true; } } else { if (_currentIndex != _previousIndex) { Play(_currentIndex); _previousIndex = _currentIndex; } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Weird skip assign workaround. Don't remove this or Alah will punish you if (uAnimator == null) { uAnimator = GetComponent <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; } //Debug.Log("uAnimator.Time = " + uAnimator.Time); if (GameManager.IsPaused == false) { if (GameManager.IsGameStarted == true) { ProcessInput(); } Transition(); AttackAndRetreat(); TransitionBack(); Idle(); } else { } // Debug.Log("State: " + _state); // TestSwapAssets(); }
public UnityAnimator GetAnimator() { if (animator == null) { animator = GetComponent <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; } return(animator); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Weird skip assign workaround if (uAnimator == null) { uAnimator = GetComponent <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; } }
private static string GetAnimation(UnityAnimator animator, int offset) { List <string> animations = animator.GetAnimations().ToList(); int index = animations.IndexOf(animator.CurrentAnimation.Name); index += offset; if (index >= animations.Count) { index = 0; } if (index < 0) { index = animations.Count - 1; } return(animations[index]); }
void Update() { if (animator == null) { animator = FindObjectOfType <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; animator.EventTriggered += e => Debug.Log("Event Triggered. Source: " + animator.CurrentAnimation.Name + ". Value: " + e); } if (GetAxisDownPositive("Vertical")) { PushCharacterMap(); } if (GetAxisDownNegative("Vertical")) { animator.SpriteProvider.PopCharMap(); } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")) { ReverseAnimation(); } if (GetAxisDownPositive("Horizontal")) { Transition(1); } if (GetAxisDownNegative("Horizontal")) { Transition(-1); } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { SwitchAnimation(1); } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2")) { SwitchAnimation(-1); } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Cancel")) { PushCharacterMap(); } float speed = Math.Sign(Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel")) * DeltaSpeed; ChangeAnimationSpeed(speed); animator.Speed = AnimatorSpeed; }
protected UnityAnimator toAnimator(GameObject obj, AnimatorController controller, UnityScene unityScene) { var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(controller); if ("" == path) { return(null); } if (true == unityScene.animatorObj.ContainsKey(path)) { return(unityScene.animatorObj[path]); } UnityAnimator animator = new UnityAnimator(); unityScene.animatorObj.Add(path, animator); Dictionary <string, CurveData> boneObj = new Dictionary <string, CurveData>(); Export.foramtCurveData(boneObj, obj.transform, ""); AnimationClip[] clips = controller.animationClips; int length = clips.Length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { var clip = clips[i]; // animDatas[i] = Export.clipToAnimationData(clips[i],boneObj); var refName = Export.getAnimationPath(clip); var name = Export.getAnimationName(clip); if (false == unityScene.animationDataObj.ContainsKey(refName)) { var data = Export.clipToAnimationData(clip, boneObj); unityScene.animationDataObj.Add(refName, data); } animator.animObjs.Add(name, refName.Replace("assets/", "")); } return(animator); }
private void Update() { if (_animator == null) { _animator = GetComponent <SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; _animator.Play(GetAnimation(1)); } if (_canMove) { if (Time.time - _timer > _landingDuration && _timer != 0.0f) { _animator.Play(GetAnimation(2)); GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); _timer = 0.0f; } _offset = _movingRight ? _GOBox.bounds.max.x : _GOBox.bounds.min.x; _origin =; _hit = Physics2D.Raycast(new Vector2(_offset, _origin.y), _direction, _distance); Debug.DrawRay(new Vector2(_offset, _origin.y), new Vector3(_direction.x * _distance, _direction.y * _distance, 0.0f),; if (Mathf.Abs(_body.velocity.x) <= 1.0f) { _movingRight = _movingRight ? false : true; _walkingSpeed *= -1.0f; _direction.x *= -1.0f; } if (_hit.collider == null) { _movingRight = _movingRight ? false : true; _walkingSpeed *= -1.0f; _direction.x *= -1.0f; } else { _body.MoveRotation(0.0f); } } }
private void Update() { // Keep looking for the animator component unit it is found. if (_animator == null) { _animator = GetComponent <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; if (_activated) { Activate(); } } // If a player has reached a new checkpoint, reset the old checkpoint to a ready state (not a checked state) if (_activated && _GM.SOSaveHandler.CheckpointID != ID) { _activated = false; _animator.Play(GetAnimation(-1)); } }
// Update is called once per frame void HandleAnimation() { if (spriteObject == null) { foreach (Transform child in transform) { if ( == "Ember") { spriteObject = child.gameObject; break; } } } if (animator == null && spriteObject != null) { animator = spriteObject.GetComponent <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; animator.EventTriggered += AudioTriggers; } }
//public PlayerStateMachineAction stateMachineAction; // Use this for initialization void Start() { // Physics body = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); floorContactCounter = 0; freeze = false; // End physics // Graphisms toRight = true; animator = GetComponent <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; // End graphisms // Gameplay jumpCounter = 0; canJump = true; stateMachineMouvementH.SStart(); stateMachineMouvementH.SetPlayer(this); stateMachineMouvementV.SStart(); stateMachineMouvementV.SetPlayer(this); // End gameplay }
bool HandleAnimation() { if (spriteObject == null) { foreach (Transform child in transform) { if ( == "Ember") { spriteObject = child.gameObject; break; } } } if (animator == null && spriteObject != null) { animator = spriteObject.GetComponent <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; animator.AnimationFinished += HandleAnimationTransitions; } //determine statue state if (!PauseManager.Instance.Paused && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Statue" && ( //NOTE: carbon input really needs an "any key" //any face button GamePad.GetState().Pressed(CButton.A) || GamePad.GetState().Pressed(CButton.B) || GamePad.GetState().Pressed(CButton.X) || GamePad.GetState().Pressed(CButton.Y) || //only pressed this loop //any axis Mathf.Abs(GamePad.GetAxis(CAxis.LX)) >= deadZone || Mathf.Abs(GamePad.GetAxis(CAxis.LY)) >= deadZone || Mathf.Abs(GamePad.GetAxis(CAxis.RX)) >= deadZone || Mathf.Abs(GamePad.GetAxis(CAxis.RY)) >= deadZone ) ) { animator.Play("Statue to Idle"); return(false); } if (animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Statue to Idle") { return(false); } //switch from regular animations to transition animations if (animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Straight Jump Rising" && rigidBody.velocity.y <= 0) { animator.Play("Straight Jump Crest"); } if (animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Straight Jump Falling" && rigidBody.velocity.y >= 0) { animator.Play("Straight Jump Landing"); } if (animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Rolling Jump" && grounded) { animator.Play("Straight Jump Landing"); //deliberately reuse this } //start looking up if (animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Idle" && verticalInput < 0 && Mathf.Abs(rigidBody.velocity.x) < 0.0001f) { animator.Play("Idle to Lookup"); } //stop looking up if (animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Lookup" && verticalInput >= 0) { animator.Play("Lookup to Idle"); } //BUGFIX: bouncing off of a wall if (!grounded && !wallHugged && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Wall Slide") { animator.Play("Rolling Jump"); } //if ever simply falling (or attacking) if (!grounded && !wallHugged && rigidBody.velocity.y < 0 && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name != "Straight Jump Crest" && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name != "Straight Jump Turn" && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name != "Rolling Jump Turn" && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name != "Rolling Jump" && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name != "Airborn Upward Slash" && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name != "Airborn Downward Slash" && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name != "Airborn Forward Slash") { animator.Play("Straight Jump Falling"); } //hit a wall if (animator.CurrentAnimation.Name != "Brace on Wall" && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name != "Wall Slide" && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name != "Wall Kick" && wallHugged && !grounded) { animator.Play("Brace on Wall"); } //reach the bottom of a wall-slide (or hit the ground when turning) if ((animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Brace on Wall" || animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Wall Slide" || animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Straight Jump Turn" || animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Rolling Jump Turn") && grounded) { animator.Play("Straight Jump Landing"); } //if bouncing if (animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Straight Jump Landing" && !grounded && rigidBody.velocity.y > 0f) { animator.Play("Begin Rolling Jump"); } //handle bounding box if ( animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Crouch" || animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Idle to Crouch" || animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Rolling Jump" || animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Begin Rolling Jump" || (rigidBody.velocity.y > 0 && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Straight Jump Landing") || animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Brace on Wall" || animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Wall Slide" || animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Wall Kick" ) { //half box if (currentBoxCollider != GetComponents <BoxCollider2D>()[1]) { currentBoxCollider.enabled = false; currentBoxCollider = GetComponents <BoxCollider2D>()[1]; currentBoxCollider.enabled = true; } } else { //full box if (currentBoxCollider != GetComponents <BoxCollider2D>()[0]) { currentBoxCollider.enabled = false; currentBoxCollider = GetComponents <BoxCollider2D>()[0]; currentBoxCollider.enabled = true; } } //peek with the camera CameraController camController = Object.FindObjectOfType <CameraController>(); if (camController.GetPeek() == { if (animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Lookup") { camController.SetPeek(new Vector2(0f, 4f)); } if (animator.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Crouch") { camController.SetPeek(new Vector2(0f, -4f)); } } if (camController.GetPeek() != { if (animator.CurrentAnimation.Name != "Lookup" && animator.CurrentAnimation.Name != "Crouch") { camController.ResetPeek(); } } return(true); }
private void Update() { if (_spriterAnimator == null) { _spriterAnimator = GetComponent <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; _animationList = _spriterAnimator.GetAnimations().ToList(); } _grounded = _collisionState.OnSolidGround; _currentIndex = _shotgunGO.isActiveAndEnabled ? 0 : 23; // Check if the shotgun or the machine gun is active _currentIndex += !_grounded ? 0 : 6; // Check if the player is falling or is on the ground. // If the player is on the ground, check if the player is standing still or running. if (_currentIndex == 6 || _currentIndex == 29) { _currentIndex += _controller.GetButtonPress(Buttons.MoveLeft) || _controller.GetButtonPress(Buttons.MoveRight) ? 6 : 0; } if (_controller.GetButtonPress(Buttons.AimDown) || _controller.GetButtonPress(Buttons.AimLeft) || _controller.GetButtonPress(Buttons.AimRight) || _controller.GetButtonPress(Buttons.AimUp) || _controller.GetButtonPress(Buttons.Shoot)) { switch (_controller.AimDirection) { case 0: case 180: _currentIndex += 3; break; case 45: case 135: _currentIndex += 2; break; case 90: _currentIndex += 1; break; case 270: _currentIndex += 5; break; case 225: case 315: _currentIndex += 4; break; default: _currentIndex += 3; break; } } if (_grounded) { if (_controller.GetButtonPress(Buttons.MoveLeft) && _controller.GetButtonPress(Buttons.AimRight) || _controller.GetButtonPress(Buttons.MoveRight) && _controller.GetButtonPress(Buttons.AimLeft)) { _currentIndex += 5; } } if (_currentIndex != _previousIndex) { Play(_currentIndex); _previousIndex = _currentIndex; } }
void Update() { if (Ember == null) { foreach (Transform child in transform) { if ( == "Ember") { Ember = child.gameObject; break; } } } if (anim == null) { anim = Ember.GetComponent <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; //This event is fired whenever an animation ends. anim.AnimationFinished += animationTransitions; } if (Input.anyKeyDown) { //Advance the animation. if (anim.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Statue") { anim.Play("Statue to Idle"); } else if (anim.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Idle") { switch (mode) { case animationMode.move: anim.Play("Idle to Walk"); mode = animationMode.straightJump; break; case animationMode.straightJump: anim.Play("Begin Straight Jump"); mode = animationMode.rollingJump; break; case animationMode.rollingJump: anim.Play("Begin Rolling Jump"); mode = animationMode.lookUp; break; case animationMode.lookUp: if (!slash) { anim.Play("Grounded Forward Slash"); slash = true; } else { slash = false; anim.Play("Idle to Lookup"); mode = animationMode.lookDown; } break; case animationMode.lookDown: anim.Play("Idle to Crouch"); mode = animationMode.move; break; } } else if (anim.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Walk") { anim.Play("Run"); } else if (anim.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Run") { anim.Play("Idle"); } else if (anim.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Straight Jump Rising") { if (!slash) { anim.Play("Airborn Upward Slash"); slash = true; } else { anim.Play("Straight Jump Crest"); slash = false; } } else if (anim.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Straight Jump Falling" || anim.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Rolling Jump") { if (!slash) { if (anim.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Straight Jump Falling") { anim.Play("Airborn Forward Slash"); } else { anim.Play("Airborn Downward Slash"); } slash = true; } else { anim.Play("Straight Jump Landing"); slash = false; } } else if (anim.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Crouch") { anim.Play("Crouch to Idle"); } else if (anim.CurrentAnimation.Name == "Lookup") { if (!slash) { anim.Play("Grounded Upward Slash"); slash = true; } else { anim.Play("Lookup to Idle"); slash = false; } } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { uAnimator = GetComponent <SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator; Screen.SetResolution(1200, 786, true); }
void Awake() { _animator = new UnityAnimator(GetComponent <Animator>()); _skinnedMeshRenderer = GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); _handAnimation = new HandAnimation(_animator, _skinnedMeshRenderer); }