コード例 #1
        public void SignedDistanceToPoint(string prps, string pns, string ps, double expected)
            var plane = new Plane(UnitVector3D.Parse(pns), Point3D.Parse(prps));
            var p     = Point3D.Parse(ps);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, plane.SignedDistanceTo(p), 1E-6);
コード例 #2
ファイル: PlaneTest.cs プロジェクト: zjarci/mathnet-spatial
        public void Parse(string rootPoint, string unitVector, string pds, string vds)
            var plane = new Plane(Point3D.Parse(rootPoint), UnitVector3D.Parse(unitVector));

            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(Point3D.Parse(pds), plane.RootPoint);
            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(Vector3D.Parse(vds), plane.Normal);
コード例 #3
        public void SignedDistanceToOtherPlane(string prps, string pns, string otherPlaneRootPointString, string otherPlaneNormalString, double expectedValue)
            var plane      = new Plane(UnitVector3D.Parse(pns), Point3D.Parse(prps));
            var otherPlane = new Plane(UnitVector3D.Parse(otherPlaneNormalString), Point3D.Parse(otherPlaneRootPointString));

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, plane.SignedDistanceTo(otherPlane), 1E-6);
コード例 #4
        public void SignedDistanceToRay(string prps, string pns, string rayThroughPointString, string rayDirectionString, double expectedValue)
            var plane      = new Plane(UnitVector3D.Parse(pns), Point3D.Parse(prps));
            var otherPlane = new Ray3D(Point3D.Parse(rayThroughPointString), UnitVector3D.Parse(rayDirectionString));

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, plane.SignedDistanceTo(otherPlane), 1E-6);
コード例 #5
        public void PlaneXml(string rootPoint, string unitVector, string xml)
            var plane  = new Plane(Point3D.Parse(rootPoint), UnitVector3D.Parse(unitVector));
            var result = AssertXml.XmlSerializerRoundTrip(plane, xml);

            Assert.AreEqual(plane, result);
コード例 #6
        public void WGore(double ile)
            UnitVector3D gora = new UnitVector3D(0, 1, 0);

            pozycja -= new Vector3D(gora.X * ile, gora.Y * ile, gora.Z * -ile);
            cel     -= new Vector3D(gora.X * ile, gora.Y * ile, gora.Z * -ile);
コード例 #7
        public void WBok(double ile)
            UnitVector3D prawo = new UnitVector3D(1, 0, 0);

            pozycja -= new Vector3D(prawo.X * ile, prawo.Y * ile, prawo.Z * -ile);
            cel     -= new Vector3D(prawo.X * ile, prawo.Y * ile, prawo.Z * -ile);
コード例 #8
        public void DoPrzodu(double ile)
            UnitVector3D przod = new UnitVector3D(0, 0, 1);

            pozycja -= new Vector3D(przod.X * ile, przod.Y * ile, przod.Z * -ile);
            cel     -= new Vector3D(przod.X * ile, przod.Y * ile, przod.Z * -ile);
コード例 #9
    // window
    public MainWindow() : base(WindowType.Toplevel)
        isInitialized = false;
        random        = new Random();
        // visual
        surface           = new ImageSurface(Format.RGB24, 2000, 2000);
        root.ExposeEvent += (sender, e) => {
            Context gc = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(root.GdkWindow);
            gc.SetSourceSurface(surface, 0, 0);

        // geometry
        double       dx        = Math.Sin(INIT_ROT) * Math.Sin(Y_ANG);
        double       dy        = Math.Cos(Y_ANG);
        double       dz        = Math.Cos(INIT_ROT) * Math.Sin(Y_ANG);
        UnitVector3D norm      = new UnitVector3D(dx, dy, dz);
        Point3D      rootPoint = norm.ScaleBy(INIT_DIST).ToPoint3D();

        proj  = new Plane(rootPoint, norm);
        yAxis = proj.Project(new UnitVector3D(0, 1, 0)).Direction;
        xAxis = yAxis.CrossProduct(norm);
コード例 #10
        public void Orthogonal(string vs)
            Vector3D     v          = Vector3D.Parse(vs);
            UnitVector3D orthogonal = v.Orthogonal;

            Assert.IsTrue(orthogonal.DotProduct(v) < 1e-6);
コード例 #11
        private void ProjectPoint(Point3D pointToProject, Point3D planeRootPoint, UnitVector3D planeNormal, Point3D projectedresult)
            var plane     = new Plane(planeNormal, planeRootPoint);
            var projectOn = plane.Project(pointToProject);

            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(projectedresult, projectOn, float.Epsilon);
コード例 #12
        public void SetToRotateToTest(string vs, string vts, string axisString)
            var          v    = UnitVector3D.Parse(vs);
            var          vt   = UnitVector3D.Parse(vts);
            UnitVector3D?axis = null;

            if (axisString != null)
                axis = UnitVector3D.Parse(axisString);

            CoordinateSystem cs = CoordinateSystem.RotateTo(v, vt, axis);
            var rv = cs.Transform(v);

            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(vt, rv);

            CoordinateSystem invert     = cs.Invert();
            Vector3D         rotateBack = invert.Transform(rv);

            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(v, rotateBack);

            cs         = CoordinateSystem.RotateTo(vt, v, axis);
            rotateBack = cs.Transform(rv);
            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(v, rotateBack);
コード例 #13
        public void PlaneProtoBuf(string rootPoint, string unitVector)
            var plane  = new Plane(Point3D.Parse(rootPoint), UnitVector3D.Parse(unitVector));
            var result = this.ProtobufRoundTrip(plane);

            Assert.AreEqual(plane, result);
コード例 #14
        public void PlaneBinaryFormatter(string rootPoint, string unitVector)
            var plane  = new Plane(Point3D.Parse(rootPoint), UnitVector3D.Parse(unitVector));
            var result = this.BinaryFormmaterRoundTrip(plane);

            Assert.AreEqual(plane, result);
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a rotation matrix about a given Z unit vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zUnitVector">Z unit vector</param>
        /// <param name="angle">Angle of rotation in radians</param>
        /// <returns>Rotation matrix</returns>
        public static Matrix <double> RotationMatrix(UnitVector3D zUnitVector, double angle)
            return(Matrix3D.RotationAroundArbitraryVector(zUnitVector, Angle.FromRadians(angle)));

             * var cos = Math.Cos(angle);
             * var sin = Math.Sin(angle);
             * return new Matrix3D(
             *  cos + Math.Pow(zUnitVector.X, 2) * (1 - cos),
             *  zUnitVector.Y * zUnitVector.X * (1 - cos) + zUnitVector.Z * sin,
             *  zUnitVector.Z * zUnitVector.X * (1 - cos) - zUnitVector.Y * sin,
             *  0,
             *  zUnitVector.X * zUnitVector.Y * (1 - cos) - zUnitVector.Z * sin,
             *  cos + Math.Pow(zUnitVector.Y, 2) * (1 - cos),
             *  zUnitVector.Z * zUnitVector.Y * (1 - cos) + zUnitVector.X * sin,
             *  0,
             *  zUnitVector.X * zUnitVector.Z * (1 - cos) + zUnitVector.Y * sin,
             *  zUnitVector.Y * zUnitVector.Z * (1 - cos) - zUnitVector.X * sin,
             *  cos + Math.Pow(zUnitVector.Z, 2) * (1 - cos),
             *  0,
             *  0, 0, 0, 1
             * );
コード例 #16
        public void XmlRoundtrip()
            var uv  = UnitVector3D.Create(0.2672612419124244, -0.53452248382484879, 0.80178372573727319);
            var xml = "<UnitVector3D X=\"0.2672612419124244\" Y=\"-0.53452248382484879\" Z=\"0.80178372573727319\" />";

            AssertXml.XmlRoundTrips(uv, xml, (expected, actual) => AssertGeometry.AreEqual(expected, actual));
コード例 #17
ファイル: Ray3DTests.cs プロジェクト: zjarci/mathnet-spatial
        public void Parse(string rootPoint, string unitVector, string eps, string evs)
            var ray = new Ray3D(Point3D.Parse(rootPoint), UnitVector3D.Parse(unitVector));

            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(Point3D.Parse(eps), ray.ThroughPoint);
            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(Vector3D.Parse(evs), ray.Direction);
コード例 #18
        public void DirectionsTest(string p1s, string p2s, string evs)
            var l         = LineSegment3D.Parse(p1s, p2s);
            var excpected = UnitVector3D.Parse(evs, tolerance: 1);

            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(excpected, l.Direction);
コード例 #19
        public void Scale(string ivs, double s, string exs)
            var uv = UnitVector3D.Parse(ivs);
            var v  = uv.ScaleBy(s);

            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(Vector3D.Parse(exs), v, float.Epsilon);
コード例 #20
        public void PlaneDataContract(string rootPoint, string unitVector, string xml)
            var plane  = new Plane(Point3D.Parse(rootPoint), UnitVector3D.Parse(unitVector));
            var result = this.DataContractRoundTrip(plane, xml);

            Assert.AreEqual(plane, result);
コード例 #21
        public void DirectionsTest(string p1s, string p2s, string evs)
            Line3D l         = Line3D.Parse(p1s, p2s);
            var    excpected = UnitVector3D.Parse(evs);

            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(excpected, l.Direction);
コード例 #22
        public double GetRoll()  // which unit vector is used to calculate direction?
            double actual_roll = 0;

                UnitVector3D uv = new UnitVector3D(Z.X, Z.Y, Z.Z);
                UnitVector3D u0 = new UnitVector3D(Z.X, 0, Z.Z);

                MathNet.Spatial.Units.Angle angle = uv.AngleTo(u0);

                if (Y.X < 0)
                    actual_roll = -angle.Degrees;
                    actual_roll = angle.Degrees;
            catch (Exception)
コード例 #23
        public double GetPitch()
            double actual_pitch = 0;

                UnitVector3D uv = new UnitVector3D(X.X, X.Y, X.Z);
                UnitVector3D u0 = new UnitVector3D(X.X, 0, X.Z);

                MathNet.Spatial.Units.Angle angle = uv.AngleTo(u0);

                if (X.Y < 0)
                    actual_pitch = -angle.Degrees;
                    actual_pitch = angle.Degrees;
            catch (Exception)
コード例 #24
        public void Ray3DProtoBuf(string ps, string vs, bool asElements)
            var ray    = new Ray3D(Point3D.Parse(ps), UnitVector3D.Parse(vs));
            var result = this.ProtobufRoundTrip(ray);

            Assert.AreEqual(ray, result);
            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(ray, result, 1e-6);
コード例 #25
        public void Ray3DBinaryFormatter(string ps, string vs, bool asElements)
            var ray    = new Ray3D(Point3D.Parse(ps), UnitVector3D.Parse(vs));
            var result = this.BinaryFormmaterRoundTrip(ray);

            Assert.AreEqual(ray, result);
            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(ray, result, 1e-6);
コード例 #26
        internal override void PreInit(HealpixManager man)

            NormalCalm = new UnitVector3D(new UnitVector3D(-1, 0, 0) * Matrix.Transpose());

            KQQaxisTanCotan_traverse = CalcKQQaxisTanCotan_traverse(GetKQQaxis_traverse());
コード例 #27
        public IfcDirection(DatabaseIfc db, Vector3D v) : base(db)
            UnitVector3D unit = v.Normalize();

            mDirectionRatioX = unit.X;
            mDirectionRatioY = unit.Y;
            mDirectionRatioZ = unit.Z;
コード例 #28
        public void Normalize(string vs, string evs)
            var vector   = Vector3D.Parse(vs);
            var uv       = vector.Normalize();
            var expected = UnitVector3D.Parse(evs);

            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(expected, uv, 1E-6);
コード例 #29
 public static void AreEqual(UnitVector3D expected, UnitVector3D actual, double tolerance = 1e-6, string message = "")
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
         message = string.Format("Expected {0} but was {1}", expected, actual);
     Assert.AreEqual(expected.X, actual.X, tolerance, message);
     Assert.AreEqual(expected.Y, actual.Y, tolerance, message);
     Assert.AreEqual(expected.Z, actual.Z, tolerance, message);
コード例 #30
        public void ToString(string vs, string format, string expected, double tolerance)
            var    v      = UnitVector3D.Parse(vs);
            string actual = v.ToString(format);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(v, UnitVector3D.Parse(actual), tolerance);
コード例 #31
        public void Ray3DDataContract(string ps, string vs, bool asElements, string xml)
            var ray    = new Ray3D(Point3D.Parse(ps), UnitVector3D.Parse(vs));
            var result = this.DataContractRoundTrip(ray, xml);

            Assert.AreEqual(ray, result);
            AssertGeometry.AreEqual(ray, result, 1e-6);
コード例 #32
 public Circle3D(Point3D centerPoint, UnitVector3D axis, double radius)
     this.CenterPoint = centerPoint;
     this.Axis = axis;
     this.Radius = radius;
コード例 #33
 public static void AreEqual(Vector3D expected, UnitVector3D actual, double tolerance = 1e-6, string message = "")
     AreEqual(expected, actual.ToVector3D(), tolerance, message);
コード例 #34
        public static Vector<double> solve(
            List<double[]> Vertices, 
            List<int[]> TrianglesVertices, 
            List<double[]> FacetNormals, 
            Vector<double> X, Point3D oRoot, 
            UnitVector3D vDir1, 
            UnitVector3D vDir2)
            UnitVector3D dx, dy, dz;
            dx = new UnitVector3D(new double[] { 1, 0, 0 });
            dy = new UnitVector3D(new double[] { 0, 1, 0 });
            dz = new UnitVector3D(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 });

            UnitVector3D PlaneNormal = vDir1.CrossProduct(vDir2);

            double E = 200 * 10 ^ 6;
            double v = 0.3;
            double h = 1;

            double[,] MatrixK = new double[Vertices.Count * 3, Vertices.Count * 3];
            double[] Vectorq = new double[Vertices.Count * 3];

            double[,] MatrixD = new double[3, 3];
            MatrixD[0, 0] = (E / ((1 + v) * (1 - 2 * v))) * (1 - v);
            MatrixD[0, 1] = (E / ((1 + v) * (1 - 2 * v))) * (v);
            MatrixD[1, 1] = (E / ((1 + v) * (1 - 2 * v))) * (1 - v);
            MatrixD[1, 0] = (E / ((1 + v) * (1 - 2 * v))) * (v);
            MatrixD[2, 2] = (E / ((1 + v) * (1 - 2 * v))) * (1 - v / 2);
            Matrix<double> D = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(MatrixD);

            for (int j = 0; j < TrianglesVertices.Count; j++) {
                int[] tri = TrianglesVertices[j];

                UnitVector3D dx0, dy0, dz0;
                UnitVector3D dxn, dyn, dzn;

                Point3D p1, p2, p3;
                Point3D p10, p20, p30;
                Point3D p1n, p2n, p3n;
                Point3D p11, p21, p31;

                p1 = new Point3D(Vertices[tri[0]]);
                p2 = new Point3D(Vertices[tri[1]]);
                p3 = new Point3D(Vertices[tri[2]]);

                p1n = new Point3D(new double[] { X[tri[0] * 2], X[tri[0] * 2 + 1], 0 });
                p2n = new Point3D(new double[] { X[tri[1] * 2], X[tri[1] * 2 + 1], 0 });
                p3n = new Point3D(new double[] { X[tri[2] * 2], X[tri[2] * 2 + 1], 0 });

                dx0 = new UnitVector3D(p2.X - p1.X, p2.Y - p1.Y, p2.Z - p1.Z);
                dz0 = new UnitVector3D(FacetNormals[j]);
                dy0 = dz0.CrossProduct(dx0);

                dxn = new UnitVector3D(p2n.X - p1n.X, p2n.Y - p1n.Y, p2n.Z - p1n.Z);
                dzn = PlaneNormal;
                dyn = dxn.CrossProduct(dzn);

                p10 = new Point3D(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
                p20 = new Point3D(new double[] { p2.ToVector().DotProduct(dx0.ToVector()) - p1.ToVector().DotProduct(dx0.ToVector()), 0, 0 });
                p30 = new Point3D(new double[] { p3.ToVector().DotProduct(dx0.ToVector()) - p1.ToVector().DotProduct(dx0.ToVector()), p3.ToVector().DotProduct(dy0.ToVector()) - p1.ToVector().DotProduct(dy0.ToVector()), 0 });

                p11 = new Point3D(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
                p21 = new Point3D(new double[] { p2n.ToVector().DotProduct(dxn.ToVector()) - p1n.ToVector().DotProduct(dxn.ToVector()), 0, 0 });
                p31 = new Point3D(new double[] { p3n.ToVector().DotProduct(dxn.ToVector()) - p1n.ToVector().DotProduct(dxn.ToVector()), p3n.ToVector().DotProduct(dyn.ToVector()) - p1n.ToVector().DotProduct(dyn.ToVector()), 0 });

                double[,] Transform = new double[3 * 3, 3 * 3];
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                    Transform[i * 3 + 0, i * 3 + 0] = Math.Cos(dx0.AngleTo(dx).Radians);
                    Transform[i * 3 + 0, i * 3 + 1] = Math.Cos(dx0.AngleTo(dy).Radians);
                    Transform[i * 3 + 0, i * 3 + 2] = Math.Cos(dx0.AngleTo(dz).Radians);

                    Transform[i * 3 + 1, i * 3 + 0] = Math.Cos(dy0.AngleTo(dx).Radians);
                    Transform[i * 3 + 1, i * 3 + 1] = Math.Cos(dy0.AngleTo(dy).Radians);
                    Transform[i * 3 + 1, i * 3 + 2] = Math.Cos(dy0.AngleTo(dz).Radians);

                    Transform[i * 3 + 2, i * 3 + 0] = Math.Cos(dyn.AngleTo(dx).Radians);
                    Transform[i * 3 + 2, i * 3 + 1] = Math.Cos(dyn.AngleTo(dy).Radians);
                    Transform[i * 3 + 2, i * 3 + 2] = Math.Cos(dyn.AngleTo(dz).Radians);

                double A = (p10.X * (p20.Y - p30.Y) + p20.X * (p30.Y - p10.Y) + p30.X * (p10.Y - p20.Y)) / 2;

                double[,] MatrixB = new double[3, 3 * 3];
                MatrixB[0, 0] = (1 / (2 * A)) * (p20.Y - p30.Y);
                MatrixB[1, 1] = (1 / (2 * A)) * (p30.X - p20.X);
                MatrixB[2, 0] = (1 / (2 * A)) * (p30.X - p20.X);
                MatrixB[2, 1] = (1 / (2 * A)) * (p20.Y - p30.Y);

                MatrixB[0, 3] = (1 / (2 * A)) * (p30.Y - p10.Y);
                MatrixB[1, 4] = (1 / (2 * A)) * (p10.X - p30.X);
                MatrixB[2, 3] = (1 / (2 * A)) * (p10.X - p30.X);
                MatrixB[2, 4] = (1 / (2 * A)) * (p30.Y - p10.Y);

                MatrixB[0, 6] = (1 / (2 * A)) * (p10.Y - p20.Y);
                MatrixB[1, 7] = (1 / (2 * A)) * (p20.X - p10.X);
                MatrixB[2, 6] = (1 / (2 * A)) * (p20.X - p10.X);
                MatrixB[2, 7] = (1 / (2 * A)) * (p10.Y - p20.Y);

                Matrix<double> T = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(Transform);
                Matrix<double> B = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(MatrixB);
                Matrix<double> Ke = B.Transpose() * D * B * h * A;
                Ke = T.Transpose() * Ke * T;

                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 3; i2++) {
                        for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++) {
                            for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
                                MatrixK[tri[i1] * 3 + l, tri[i2] * 3 + c] += Ke[i1 * 3 + l, i2 * 3 + c];

                Matrix<double> Temp = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(MatrixK);
                double[] vectorqt = new double[3 * 3];
                vectorqt[0 * 3] += p11.X - p10.X;
                vectorqt[0 * 3 + 1] += p11.Y - p10.Y;

                vectorqt[1 * 3] += p21.X - p20.X;
                vectorqt[1 * 3 + 1] += p21.Y - p20.Y;

                vectorqt[2 * 3] += p31.X - p30.X;
                vectorqt[2 * 3 + 1] += p31.Y - p30.Y;

                Vector<double> qt = Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(vectorqt);
                qt = T.Transpose() * qt * T;
                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
                    for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++) {
                        Vectorq[tri[i1] * 3 + l] -= qt[i1 * 3 + l];
                Vector<double> VTemp = Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(Vectorq);
            Matrix<double> K = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(MatrixK);
            Vector<double> q = Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(Vectorq);
            Vector<double> Fi = K * q;

            double w = 0.5;
            Vector<double> qi = Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(q.ToArray());
            Vector<double> dqi = Vector<double>.Build.Dense(Vertices.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                // Console.WriteLine(dqi);
                dqi = K.Solve(Fi);
                // Console.WriteLine(qi);
                qi = qi + w * dqi;
                // Console.WriteLine(qi);
                //  Console.WriteLine(Fi);
                Fi = K * qi;
                // Console.WriteLine(Fi);
            return qi;
コード例 #35
        public static Vector<double> Solve(List<double[]> Vertices, List<int[]> TrianglesEdges, List<int[]> Edges, List<int> IndiceOfFixedPoints, Point3D oRoot, UnitVector3D vDir1, UnitVector3D vDir2)
            double[,] MatrixA = new double[Edges.Count*2, Vertices.Count * 2];

            for (int i = 0; i < Edges.Count; i++) {
                int[] CurTri = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
                int indexDown0 = -1;
                foreach (int[] t in TrianglesEdges) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                        if (t[j] == i) { indexDown0 = j; break; }
                    if (indexDown0 != -1) { CurTri = t; break; }
                int indexDown1 = indexDown0 - 1;
                if (indexDown1 < 0) indexDown1 = 2;

                int vi0 =0, vi1 = 0, vi2 = 0;
                if (Edges[CurTri[indexDown0]][0]== Edges[CurTri[indexDown1]][0]) {
                    vi0 = Edges[CurTri[indexDown0]][1];
                    vi1= Edges[CurTri[indexDown0]][0];
                    vi2 = Edges[CurTri[indexDown1]][1];
                } else if (Edges[CurTri[indexDown0]][0] == Edges[CurTri[indexDown1]][1]) {
                    vi0 = Edges[CurTri[indexDown0]][1];
                    vi1 = Edges[CurTri[indexDown0]][0];
                    vi2 = Edges[CurTri[indexDown1]][0];
                } else if (Edges[CurTri[indexDown0]][1] == Edges[CurTri[indexDown1]][0]) {
                    vi0 = Edges[CurTri[indexDown0]][0];
                    vi2 = Edges[CurTri[indexDown0]][1];
                    vi1 = Edges[CurTri[indexDown1]][1];
                } else if (Edges[CurTri[indexDown0]][1] == Edges[CurTri[indexDown1]][0]) {
                    vi0 = Edges[CurTri[indexDown0]][0];
                    vi1 = Edges[CurTri[indexDown0]][1];
                    vi2 = Edges[CurTri[indexDown1]][0];

                Point3D vd0, vd1, vd2;
                vd0 = new Point3D(Vertices[vi0]);
                vd1 = new Point3D(Vertices[vi1]);
                vd2 = new Point3D(Vertices[vi2]);

                Line3D lU, lD;
                lU = new Line3D(vd1, vd0);
                lD = new Line3D(vd1, vd2);

                double Ang = lU.Direction.AngleTo(lD.Direction).Radians;
                double Len = lU.Length/ lD.Length ;

                MatrixA[i * 2, vi0 * 2] = 1;
                MatrixA[i * 2, vi0 * 2 + 1] = 0;

                MatrixA[i * 2, vi2 * 2] = -Len * Math.Cos(Ang);
                MatrixA[i * 2, vi2 * 2 + 1] = Len * Math.Sin(Ang);

                MatrixA[i * 2, vi1 * 2] = Len * Math.Cos(Ang) - 1;
                MatrixA[i * 2, vi1 * 2 + 1] = -Len * Math.Sin(Ang);

                MatrixA[i * 2 + 1, vi0 * 2] = 0;
                MatrixA[i * 2 + 1, vi0 * 2 + 1] = 1;

                MatrixA[i * 2 + 1, vi2 * 2] = -Len * Math.Sin(Ang);
                MatrixA[i * 2 + 1, vi2 * 2 + 1] = -Len * Math.Cos(Ang);

                MatrixA[i * 2 + 1, vi1 * 2] = Len * Math.Sin(Ang);
                MatrixA[i* 2 + 1, vi1 * 2 + 1] = Len * Math.Cos(Ang) - 1;

            double[,] MatrixCa = new double[IndiceOfFixedPoints.Count * 2, Vertices.Count * 2];
            double[] VectorR = new double[IndiceOfFixedPoints.Count * 2];

            Plane oPlane = new Plane(vDir1.CrossProduct(vDir2), oRoot);

            for (int i = 0; i < IndiceOfFixedPoints.Count; i++) {
                MatrixCa[i * 2, IndiceOfFixedPoints[i] * 2] = 1;
                VectorR[i * 2] = new Point3D(Vertices[IndiceOfFixedPoints[i]]).ProjectOn(oPlane).X;
                MatrixCa[i * 2 + 1, IndiceOfFixedPoints[i] * 2 + 1] = 1;
                VectorR[i * 2 + 1] = new Point3D(Vertices[IndiceOfFixedPoints[i]]).ProjectOn(oPlane).Y;

            Matrix<double> Ca = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(MatrixCa);
            Vector<double> R = Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(VectorR);
            Matrix<double> A = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(MatrixA);
            double Penalty = 100;

            Matrix<double> Ak = A.Transpose() * A + Penalty * Ca.Transpose() * Ca;
            Vector<double> X = Ak.Solve(Penalty * Ca.Transpose() * R);

            X = Ak.Solve(Penalty * Ca.Transpose() * R);
            bool valid = true;
            if (!valid) {
                var solver = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.Solvers.BiCgStab();
                var preconditioner = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.Solvers.MILU0Preconditioner();
                var iterator = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Solvers.Iterator<double>(
                    new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Solvers.ResidualStopCriterion<double>(1.0e-8),
                    new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Solvers.IterationCountStopCriterion<double>(1000));

                var x = Ak.SolveIterative(Penalty * Ca.Transpose() * R, solver, iterator);
                var status = iterator.Status;
            return X;
コード例 #36
        public void ToDenseVector()
            var l = Math.Sqrt(1 * 1 + 2 * 2 + 3 * 3);

            var uv = new UnitVector3D(1 / l, 2 / l, 3 / l);
            var denseVector = uv.ToVector();
            Assert.AreEqual(3, denseVector.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1 / l, denseVector[0], 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(2 / l, denseVector[1], 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(3 / l, denseVector[2], 1e-6);
コード例 #37
        public void XmlRoundTrips()
            var uv = new UnitVector3D(0.2672612419124244, -0.53452248382484879, 0.80178372573727319);
            var xml = @"<UnitVector3D X=""0.2672612419124244"" Y=""-0.53452248382484879"" Z=""0.80178372573727319"" />";
            var elementXml = @"<UnitVector3D><X>0.2672612419124244</X><Y>-0.53452248382484879</Y><Z>0.80178372573727319</Z></UnitVector3D>";

            AssertXml.XmlRoundTrips(uv, xml, (e, a) => AssertGeometry.AreEqual(e, a));
            var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UnitVector3D));
            var actuals = new[]
                                    UnitVector3D.ReadFrom(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xml))),
                                    (UnitVector3D)serializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(xml)),
                                    (UnitVector3D)serializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(elementXml))
            foreach (var actual in actuals)
                AssertGeometry.AreEqual(uv, actual);
コード例 #38
        public Vector<double> Solve(List<double[]> Vertices, List<int[]> Triangles, List<int> IndiceOfFixedPoints, Point3D oRoot, UnitVector3D vDir1, UnitVector3D vDir2)
            Vector<double> Solution = Vector<double>.Build.Dense(Triangles.Count * 3);

            List<List<int[]>> Wheels = new List<List<int[]>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; i++) {
                List<int> TrianglesWithThisVertice = new List<int>();
                for (int t = 0; t < Triangles.Count; t++) {
                    if (Triangles[t][0] == i || Triangles[t][1] == i || Triangles[t][2] == i) TrianglesWithThisVertice.Add(t);
                int[] SheredEdge = new int[] { 0, 0 };
                int Last = 0;
                int Firt = 0;
                if (Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[0]][0] == i) { SheredEdge = new int[] {i, Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[0]][1] }; }
                else if( Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[0]][1] == i) { SheredEdge = new int[] {i, Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[0]][2] }; }
                else if (Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[0]][2] == i) { SheredEdge = new int[] { i, Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[0]][0] }; }
                List<int[]> WheelEdges = new List<int[]>();
                do {
                    int found=-1 ;
                    for (int t = 0; t < TrianglesWithThisVertice.Count; t++) {
                        if (t != Last) {
                            if (SheredEdge.Contains(Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[t]][0]) && SheredEdge.Contains(Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[t]][1])) {
                                SheredEdge = new int[] { i, Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[t]][2] }; found = t;
                            } else if (SheredEdge.Contains(Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[t]][1]) && SheredEdge.Contains(Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[t]][2])) {
                                SheredEdge = new int[] { i, Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[t]][0] }; found = t;
                            } else if (SheredEdge.Contains(Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[t]][0]) && SheredEdge.Contains(Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[t]][2])) {
                                SheredEdge = new int[] { i, Triangles[TrianglesWithThisVertice[t]][1] }; found = t;
                    if (found != -1) {
                        Last = found;
                        if (Last == Firt) goto ClosedWeel;
                    } else goto Continue;
                } while (true);

            Matrix <double> StiffMatrix = Matrix<double>.Build.Dense(Vertices.Count+ Triangles.Count+ Wheels.Count, Triangles.Count * 3);

            //Vertex consistency ∑ei = 2π −∑αi
            Vector<double> VertexConsistency = Vector<double>.Build.Dense(Vertices.Count + Triangles.Count + Wheels.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; i++) {
                Point3D CurrentVertex = new Point3D(Vertices[i]);
                List<double> Angles = new List<double>();
                foreach (int[] t in Triangles) {
                    int i1 = -1, i2 = 0, i0 = 0;
                    if (t[0] == i) { i1 = 0; } else if (t[1] == i) { i1 = 1; } else if (t[2] == i) { i1 = 2; }
                    if (i1 != -1) {
                        i2 = i1 + 1;
                        if (i2 == 3) i2 = 0;
                        i0 = i1 - 1;
                        if (i0 == -1) i0 = 2;
                        Point3D vd0, vd1, vd2;
                        vd0 = new Point3D(Vertices[t[i0]]);
                        vd1 = new Point3D(Vertices[t[i1]]);
                        vd2 = new Point3D(Vertices[t[i2]]);

                        Line3D lU, lD;
                        lU = new Line3D(vd1, vd0);
                        lD = new Line3D(vd1, vd2);
                VertexConsistency[i] = 2 * Math.PI - Angles.Sum();

            //Triangle Consistency eα +eβ +eγ = π − (α + β + γ)
            Vector<double> TriangleConsistency = Vector<double>.Build.Dense(Vertices.Count + Triangles.Count + Wheels.Count);
            for (int t = 0; t < Triangles.Count; t++) {
                double[] Angles = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                    int i1 = i, i2 = 0, i0 = 0;
                    i2 = i1 + 1;
                    if (i2 == 3) i2 = 0;
                    i0 = i1 - 1;
                    if (i0 == -1) i0 = 2;
                    Point3D vd0, vd1, vd2;
                    vd0 = new Point3D(Vertices[Triangles[t][i0]]);
                    vd1 = new Point3D(Vertices[Triangles[t][i1]]);
                    vd2 = new Point3D(Vertices[Triangles[t][i2]]);

                    Line3D lU, lD;
                    lU = new Line3D(vd1, vd0);
                    lD = new Line3D(vd1, vd2);
                    Angles[i] = lD.Direction.AngleTo(lU.Direction).Radians;
                    StiffMatrix[Vertices.Count + t, t * 3 + i] = 1;
                TriangleConsistency[Vertices.Count + t] = Math.PI - Angles.Sum();

            //Wheel Consistency ∑cot(βi) eβi − cot(γi) eγi =∑log(sinγi) − log(sinβi)
            Vector<double> WheelConsistency = Vector<double>.Build.Dense(Vertices.Count + Triangles.Count + Wheels.Count);
            for (int t = 0; t < Wheels.Count; t++) {
                double cotβi = 0;
                double cotγi = 0;
                double logSinβi = 0;
                double logSinγi = 0;
                double[] Angles = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
                for (int i = 0; i < Wheels[t].Count; i++) {
                    Point3D vd0, vd1, vd2;
                    vd0 = new Point3D(Vertices[Wheels[t][i][0]]);
                    vd1 = new Point3D(Vertices[Wheels[t][i][1]]);
                    int other = i + 1;
                    if (other == Wheels[t].Count) other = 0;
                    vd2 = new Point3D(Vertices[Wheels[t][other][1]]);

                    Line3D lV1, lV2, lOp;
                    lV1 = new Line3D(vd0, vd1);
                    lV2 = new Line3D(vd0, vd2);
                    lOp = new Line3D(vd1, vd2);
                    cotβi += Acot(Math.Abs(lV2.Direction.AngleTo(lOp.Direction).Radians));
                    cotγi += Acot(Math.Abs(lV1.Direction.AngleTo(lOp.Direction).Radians));

                    logSinβi += Math.Log(Math.Sin(Math.Abs(lV2.Direction.AngleTo(lOp.Direction).Radians)));
                    logSinγi += Math.Log(Math.Sin(Math.Abs(lV1.Direction.AngleTo(lOp.Direction).Radians)));

                    StiffMatrix[Vertices.Count + t, t * 3 + i] = 1;
                TriangleConsistency[Vertices.Count + t] = Math.PI - Angles.Sum();

            double[,] MatrixA = new double[Vertices.Count * 2, Vertices.Count * 2];

            for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; i++) {
                int[] CurTri = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
                int indexDown0 = -1;
                foreach (int[] t in Triangles) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                        if (t[j] == i) { indexDown0 = j; break; }
                    if (indexDown0 != -1) { CurTri = t; break; }
                int indexDown1 = indexDown0 - 1;
                if (indexDown1 < 0) indexDown1 = 2;
                int indexDown2 = indexDown1 - 1;
                if (indexDown2 < 0) indexDown2 = 2;

                Point3D vd0, vd1, vd2;
                vd0 = new Point3D(Vertices[CurTri[indexDown0]]);
                vd1 = new Point3D(Vertices[CurTri[indexDown1]]);
                vd2 = new Point3D(Vertices[CurTri[indexDown2]]);

                Line3D lU, lD;
                lU = new Line3D(vd1, vd0);
                lD = new Line3D(vd1, vd2);

                double Ang = -lU.Direction.AngleTo(lD.Direction).Radians;
                double Len = lD.Length / lU.Length;

                MatrixA[CurTri[indexDown0] * 2, CurTri[indexDown0] * 2] = 1;
                MatrixA[CurTri[indexDown0] * 2, CurTri[indexDown0] * 2 + 1] = 0;

                MatrixA[CurTri[indexDown0] * 2, CurTri[indexDown1] * 2] = -Len * Math.Cos(Ang);
                MatrixA[CurTri[indexDown0] * 2, CurTri[indexDown1] * 2 + 1] = Len * Math.Sin(Ang);

                MatrixA[CurTri[indexDown0] * 2, CurTri[indexDown2] * 2] = Len * Math.Cos(Ang) - 1;
                MatrixA[CurTri[indexDown0] * 2, CurTri[indexDown2] * 2 + 1] = -Len * Math.Sin(Ang);

                MatrixA[CurTri[indexDown0] * 2 + 1, CurTri[indexDown0] * 2] = 0;
                MatrixA[CurTri[indexDown0] * 2 + 1, CurTri[indexDown0] * 2 + 1] = 1;

                MatrixA[CurTri[indexDown0] * 2 + 1, CurTri[indexDown1] * 2] = -Len * Math.Sin(Ang);
                MatrixA[CurTri[indexDown0] * 2 + 1, CurTri[indexDown1] * 2 + 1] = -Len * Math.Cos(Ang);

                MatrixA[CurTri[indexDown0] * 2 + 1, CurTri[indexDown2] * 2] = Len * Math.Sin(Ang);
                MatrixA[CurTri[indexDown0] * 2 + 1, CurTri[indexDown2] * 2 + 1] = Len * Math.Cos(Ang) - 1;

            double[,] MatrixCa = new double[IndiceOfFixedPoints.Count * 2, Vertices.Count * 2];
            double[] VectorR = new double[IndiceOfFixedPoints.Count * 2];

            Plane oPlane = new Plane(vDir1.CrossProduct(vDir2), oRoot);

            for (int i = 0; i < IndiceOfFixedPoints.Count; i++) {
                MatrixCa[i * 2, IndiceOfFixedPoints[i] * 2] = 1;
                VectorR[i * 2] = new Point3D(Vertices[IndiceOfFixedPoints[i]]).ProjectOn(oPlane).X;
                MatrixCa[i * 2 + 1, IndiceOfFixedPoints[i] * 2 + 1] = 1;
                VectorR[i * 2 + 1] = new Point3D(Vertices[IndiceOfFixedPoints[i]]).ProjectOn(oPlane).Y;

            Matrix<double> Ca = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(MatrixCa);
            Vector<double> R = Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(VectorR);
            Matrix<double> A = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(MatrixA);
            double Penalty = 1000;

            Matrix<double> Ak = A.Transpose() * A + Penalty * Ca.Transpose() * Ca;
            Vector<double> X = Ak.Solve(Penalty * Ca.Transpose() * R);
            return X;
コード例 #39
        public static Vector<double> solve(
            List<double[]> Vertices,
            List<int[]> TrianglesVertices,
            List<double[]> FacetNormals,
            Vector<double> X, Point3D oRoot,
            UnitVector3D vDir1,
            UnitVector3D vDir2, Mesh M)
            //Method from article -Wang,Smith. Surface flattening based on energy model. Computer-Aided Design (2002) 823-833	

            //Input: P - Set of nodes, in the initial position and N is the number of nodes
            //Output: the final positions of P with E(o) minimized

            //  FOR i = 1 TO n
            //        mi = p / 3 Sum(Ak), where Ak is the area

            //  WHILE (Relative Area difference Es > Permissible accuracy or Relative edge length difference Ec > Permissible accuracy)
            //  AND Variation of E(o) > Permissible percentage €
            //  AND the number of iterations < Permissible number N
            //        FOR i = 1 TO n
            //                Compute Tensile force of Node Pi: Fi = Sum(C * (Dist(PiPj) - Dist(QiQj)))nij where(P - 2D - Q - 3D nij - Vector Pi to Pj)
            //                Compute new position of Pi  qi = qi + dtqi. + dt ^ 2 / 2 qi..where qi.= qi.+ dtqi..and qi..= Fi / mi
            //                Compute Penalty force and aplly to Fpi
            //                Compute new position of Pi  qi = qi + dtqi. + dt ^ 2 / 2 qi..where qi.= qi.+ dtqi..and qi..= Fpi / mi
            //        Compute new Es= Sum(TotalAreaNow - TotalAreaBefore) / TotalAreaNow
            //        Compute new Ec= Sum(TotalLenghtNow - TotalLenghtBefore) / TotalLenghtNow
            //        Compute new E(o)Sum(E(pi)) where E(pi) = 0.5 * Sum(C * (Dist(PiPj) - Dist(QiQj))) ^ 2

            double[] Mass = new double [Vertices.Count];
            int[] MassCounter = new int[Vertices.Count];
            double Permissible = 0.00000001;
            Vector<double> Fi = Vector<double>.Build.Dense(2);
            List<Vector<double>> dqi = new List<Vector<double>>();
            List<Vector<double>> qi = new List<Vector<double>>();
            double LastEc = 0, Ec = 0;
            double LastEs = 0, Es = 0;
            double LastEo = 0, Eo = 0;
            double C = 0.5;
            double ro = 1;
            double t = 0.01;
            int N = 100;
            int Iteration = 0;
            double Total = 0;
            double LastTotal = 0;
            foreach (int[] tri in TrianglesVertices) {
                double A = getArea(Vertices[tri[0]], Vertices[tri[1]], Vertices[tri[2]]);
                double P = getPerimeter(Vertices[tri[0]], Vertices[tri[1]], Vertices[tri[2]]);
                Mass[tri[0]] += ((double)1 / (double)3) * A * ro;
                Mass[tri[1]] += ((double)1 / (double)3) * A * ro;
                Mass[tri[2]] += ((double)1 / (double)3) * A * ro;
                MassCounter[tri[0]] += 1;
                MassCounter[tri[1]] += 1;
                MassCounter[tri[2]] += 1;
                LastEc += A;
                LastEs += P;
            for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; i++) {
                Mass[i] = Mass[i] / MassCounter[i];
                qi.Add(Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(new double[] { X[i * 2], X[i * 2 + 1], 0 }));
                dqi.Add(Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }));
            do {
                Iteration += 1;
                LastEo = Eo;
                Eo = 0;
                Total = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; i++) {
                    Point3D Pi = new Point3D(qi[i][0], qi[i][1], qi[i][2]);
                    Point3D Qi = new Point3D(Vertices[i][0], Vertices[i][1], Vertices[i][2]);
                    Fi = Vector<double>.Build.Dense(3);
                    for (int j = i+1; j < Vertices.Count; j++) {
                        if (i == j) continue;
                        Point3D Pj = new Point3D(qi[j][0], qi[j][1], qi[j][2]);
                        Point3D Qj = new Point3D(Vertices[j][0], Vertices[j][1], Vertices[j][2]);
                        UnitVector3D nij = new UnitVector3D((Pi.ToVector()- Pj.ToVector()).ToArray());
                        Fi += C * ((Pi.DistanceTo(Pj) - Qi.DistanceTo(Qj)) * nij).ToVector();
                        Eo += Math.Pow(C * ((Pi.DistanceTo(Pj) - Qi.DistanceTo(Qj))), 2);
                    Vector<double> ddqi = Fi / Mass[i];
                    dqi[i] += t * ddqi;
                    qi[i] += dqi[i] * t + 0.5 * Math.Pow(t, 2) * ddqi;

                    Total += Math.Abs(qi[i][0] - X[i * 2]);
                    Total += Math.Abs(qi[i][1] - X[i * 2] + 1);
                Console.WriteLine(Total- LastTotal);
                LastTotal = Total;
                LastEc = Ec;
                Ec = 0;
                LastEs = Es;
                Es = 0;
                foreach (int[] tri in TrianglesVertices) {
                    double A = getArea(Vertices[tri[0]], Vertices[tri[1]], Vertices[tri[2]]);
                    double P = getPerimeter(Vertices[tri[0]], Vertices[tri[1]], Vertices[tri[2]]);
                    Ec += A;
                    Es += P;
                if (((Ec - LastEc) / Ec < Permissible || (Es - LastEs) / Es < Permissible)
                    && (Eo - LastEo) / Eo < Permissible
                    && Iteration > N) break;
            } while (true);
            Vector<double> XResult = Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(X.ToArray());

            for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; i++) {
                //Console.WriteLine(qi[i][0] - X[i * 2]);
                Total += Math.Abs(qi[i][0] - X[i * 2]);
                XResult[i * 2] = qi[i][0];
                //Console.WriteLine(qi[i][1] - X[i * 2+1]);
                Total += Math.Abs(qi[i][1] - X[i * 2]+1);
                XResult[i * 2+1] = qi[i][1];
            return XResult;
コード例 #40
 public Circle3D(Point3D p1, Point3D p2, UnitVector3D axis)
     this.CenterPoint = Point3D.MidPoint(p1, p2);
     this.Axis = axis;
     this.Radius = p1.DistanceTo(CenterPoint);
コード例 #41
ファイル: Mesh.cs プロジェクト: JGEsteves89/BlankCalculator
 internal void ComputePlaneofFlattening()
     oRoot = new Point3D(new double[] { oVecPlane[0], oVecPlane[1], oVecPlane[2] });
     vDir1 = new UnitVector3D(new double[] { oVecPlane[3], oVecPlane[4], oVecPlane[5] });
     vDir2 = new UnitVector3D(new double[] { oVecPlane[6], oVecPlane[7], oVecPlane[8] });
コード例 #42
ファイル: PlaneTest.cs プロジェクト: djowatts/mathnet-spatial
 private void ProjectPoint(Point3D pointToProject, Point3D planeRootPoint, UnitVector3D planeNormal, Point3D projectedresult)
     var plane = new Plane(planeNormal, planeRootPoint);
     var projectOn = plane.Project(pointToProject);
     AssertGeometry.AreEqual(projectedresult, projectOn, float.Epsilon);