protected void finish(UnitConversionErrorJSON result) { if (fieldGeneratorType.have_value) { result.setType(fieldGeneratorType.value); fieldGeneratorType.have_value = false; } else if ((!(result.hasType())) && !allow_incomplete) { error("When parsing the object for %what%, the \"Type\" field was missing."); } if (fieldGeneratorInputUnit.have_value) { result.initInputUnit(); int count = fieldGeneratorInputUnit.value.Count; for (int num = 0; num < count; ++num) { result.appendInputUnit(fieldGeneratorInputUnit.value[num]); } fieldGeneratorInputUnit.value.Clear(); fieldGeneratorInputUnit.have_value = false; } if (fieldGeneratorOutputUnit.have_value) { result.initOutputUnit(); int count = fieldGeneratorOutputUnit.value.Count; for (int num = 0; num < count; ++num) { result.appendOutputUnit(fieldGeneratorOutputUnit.value[num]); } fieldGeneratorOutputUnit.value.Clear(); fieldGeneratorOutputUnit.have_value = false; } }
private void fromJSONErrors(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONArrayValue json_array1 = json_value.array_value(); if (json_array1 == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field Errors of UnitConverterInformationNuggetJSON is not an array."); } int count1 = json_array1.componentCount(); if (count1 < 1) { throw new Exception("The value for field Errors of UnitConverterInformationNuggetJSON has too few elements."); } List <UnitConversionErrorJSON> vector_Errors1 = new List <UnitConversionErrorJSON>(count1); for (int num1 = 0; num1 < count1; ++num1) { UnitConversionErrorJSON convert_classy = UnitConversionErrorJSON.from_json(json_array1.component(num1), ignore_extras, true); vector_Errors1.Add(convert_classy); } Debug.Assert(vector_Errors1.Count >= 1); initErrors(); for (int num2 = 0; num2 < vector_Errors1.Count; ++num2) { appendErrors(vector_Errors1[num2]); } for (int num1 = 0; num1 < vector_Errors1.Count; ++num1) { } }
protected override void finish() { UnitConversionErrorJSON result = new UnitConversionErrorJSON(); Debug.Assert(result != null); finish(result); handle_result(result); }
public void appendErrors(UnitConversionErrorJSON to_append) { if (!flagHasErrors) { flagHasErrors = true; storeErrors.Clear(); } Debug.Assert(flagHasErrors); storeErrors.Add(to_append); }
protected override void handle_result(UnitConversionErrorJSON result) { //@@@ Debug.Assert(!have_value); have_value = true; value = result; }
protected abstract void handle_result(UnitConversionErrorJSON new_result);
protected override void handle_result(UnitConversionErrorJSON result) { top.value.Add(result); }