コード例 #1
        private bool TryImmediateSnowUpdate(WeatherSimulationRegion simregion, IServerMapChunk mc, Vec2i chunkCoord, IWorldChunk[] chunksCol)
            UpdateSnowLayerChunk dummy = new UpdateSnowLayerChunk()
                Coords = chunkCoord

            lock (updateSnowLayerQueue)
                if (updateSnowLayerQueue.Contains(dummy))

            double nowTotalHours = ws.api.World.Calendar.TotalHours;

            if (nowTotalHours - simregion.LastUpdateTotalHours > 1) // Lets wait until WeatherSimulationRegion is done updating

            UpdateSnowLayerChunk ch = GetSnowUpdate(simregion, mc, chunkCoord, chunksCol);

            if (ch == null)
                return(true);             // The only path returning null, if we provided a full set of chunksCol, will be where newCount == 0
            if (ch.SetBlocks.Count == 0)

            cuba.SetChunks(chunkCoord, chunksCol);
            processBlockUpdates(mc, ch, cuba);

            lock (updateSnowLayerQueue)
コード例 #2
        public static void TestSimple()
            UniqueQueue <int> queue = new UniqueQueue <int>();

            Assert.AreEqual(queue.Peek(), 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(queue.Dequeue(), 0);
コード例 #3
 public bool IsInUpdateList(MetaDataNode node)
コード例 #4
    private void Update()
        timePassed  += Time.deltaTime;
        timePassed2 += Time.deltaTime;

        if (timePassed2 >= 0.1)
            int count = winds.Count;
            if (count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    if (winds.TryDequeue(out var windyNode))
                        foreach (var pushable in matrix.Get <PushPull>(windyNode.Position, true))
                            float correctedForce = windyNode.WindForce / ( int )pushable.Pushable.Size;
                            if (correctedForce >= AtmosConstants.MinPushForce)
                                if (pushable.Pushable.IsTileSnap)
                                    byte pushes = (byte)Mathf.Clamp((int)correctedForce / 10, 1, 10);
                                    for (byte j = 0; j < pushes; j++)
                                        //converting push to world coords because winddirection is in local coords
                                        pushable.QueuePush((transform.rotation * windyNode.WindDirection.To3Int()).To2Int(), Random.Range(( float )(correctedForce * 0.8), correctedForce));
                                    pushable.Pushable.Nudge(new NudgeInfo
                                        OriginPos      = pushable.Pushable.ServerPosition,
                                        Trajectory     = (Vector2)windyNode.WindDirection,
                                        SpinMode       = SpinMode.None,
                                        SpinMultiplier = 1,
                                        InitialSpeed   = correctedForce,

                        windyNode.WindForce     = 0;
                        windyNode.WindDirection = Vector2Int.zero;

            timePassed2 = 0;

        if (timePassed < 0.5)

        foreach (MetaDataNode node in hotspots.Values.ToArray())
            if (node.Hotspot != null)
                if (node.Hotspot.Process())
                    if (node.Hotspot.Volume > 0.95 * node.GasMix.Volume)
                        for (var i = 0; i < node.Neighbors.Length; i++)
                            MetaDataNode neighbor = node.Neighbors[i];

                            if (neighbor != null)
                                ExposeHotspot(node.Neighbors[i].Position, node.GasMix.Temperature * 0.85f, node.GasMix.Volume / 4);

                    tileChangeManager.UpdateTile(node.Position, TileType.Effects, "Fire");

        //Here we check to see if chemical fog fx needs to be applied, and if so, add them. If not, we remove them
        int addFogCount = addFog.Count;

        if (addFogCount > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < addFogCount; i++)
                if (addFog.TryDequeue(out var addFogNode))
                    if (!hotspots.ContainsKey(addFogNode.Position))                       //Make sure the tile currently isn't on fire. If it is on fire, we don't want to overright the fire effect
                        tileChangeManager.UpdateTile(addFogNode.Position, TileType.Effects, "PlasmaAir");

                    else if (!removeFog.Contains(addFogNode))                       //If the tile is on fire, but there is still plasma on the tile, put this tile back into the queue so we can try again

        //Similar to above, but for removing chemical fog fx
        int removeFogCount = removeFog.Count;

        if (removeFogCount > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < removeFogCount; i++)
                if (removeFog.TryDequeue(out var removeFogNode))
                    if (!hotspots.ContainsKey(removeFogNode.Position))                      //Make sure the tile isn't on fire, as we don't want to delete fire effects here
                        tileChangeManager.RemoveTile(removeFogNode.Position, LayerType.Effects);

                    //If it's on fire, we don't need to do anything else, as the system managing fire will remove all effects from the tile
                    //after the fire burns out

        timePassed = 0;
コード例 #5
        public bool IsSelected(WeaponIndex index)
            WeaponItem item = playerWeapons[index];

            return(selectedWeapons.Contains(index) && !(item.Health == 0 && !item.IsAmmo));
コード例 #6
        public void UpdateSnowLayerOffThread(WeatherSimulationRegion simregion, IServerMapChunk mc, Vec2i chunkPos)
            #region Tyrons brain cloud
            // Trick 1: Each x/z coordinate gets a "snow accum" threshold by using a locational random (murmurhash3). Once that threshold is reached, spawn snow. If its doubled, spawn 2nd layer of snow. => Patchy "fade in" of snow \o/
            // Trick 2: We store a region wide snow accum value for the ground level and the map ceiling level. We can now interpolate between those values for each Y-Coordinate \o/
            // Trick 3: We loop through each x/z block in a separate thread, then hand over "place snow" tasks to the main thread
            // Trick 4: Lets pre-gen 50 random shuffles for every x/z coordinate of a chunk. Loop through the region chunks, check which one is loaded and select one random shuffle from the list, then iterate over every x/z coord

            // Trick 5: Snowed over blocks:
            // - New VSMC util: "Automatically Try to add a snow cover to all horizontal faces"
            // - New Block property: SnowCoverableShape.
            // - Block.OnJsonTesselation adds snow adds cover shape to the sourceMesh!!

            // Trick 6: Turn Cloud Patterns into a "dumb slave system". They are visual information only, so lets make them follow internal mechanisms.
            // - Create a precipitation perlin noise generator. If the precipitation value goes above or below a certain value, we force the cloud pattern system to adapt to a fitting pattern
            // => We gain easy to probe, deterministic precipitation values!!
            // => We gain the ability to do unloaded chunk snow accumulation and unloaded chunk farmland rain-wetness accum

            // Trick 6 v2.0:
            // Rain clouds are simply overlaid onto the normal clouds.

            // Questions:
            // - Q1: When should it hail now?
            // - Q2: How is particle size determined?
            // - Q3: When should there be thunder?
            // - Q4: How to control the precipitation by command?

            // A1/A3: What if we read the slope of precipitation change. If there is a drastic increase of rain fall launch a
            // a. wind + thunder event
            // b. thunder event
            // c. rarely a hail event
            // d. extra rarely thunder + hail event

            // A2: Particle size is determiend by precipitation intensity

            // Trick 7 v2.0
            // - Hail and Thunder are also triggered by a perlin noise generator. That way I don't need to care about event range.

            // A4: /weather setprecip [auto or 0..1]

            // - Q5: How do we overlay rain clouds onto the normal clouds?
            //         Q5a: Will they be hardcoded? Or configurable?
            //         Q5b: How does the overlay work? Lerp?
            //         Q5c: Rain cloud intensity should relate to precip level.
            //         How? Lerp from zero to max rain clouds? Multiple cloud configs and lerp between them?

            // - A5a: Configurable
            //   A5b: Lerp.
            //   A5c: Single max rain cloud config seems sufficient

            // TODO:
            // 1. Rain cloud overlay
            // 2. Snow accum
            // 3. Hail, Thunder perlin noise
            // 4. Done?

            // Idea 8:
            // - F**K the region based weather sim.
            // - Generate clouds patterns like you generate terrain from landforms
            // - Which is grid based indices, neatly abstracted with LerpedIndex2DMap and nicely shaped with domain warping
            // - Give it enough padding to ensure domain warping does not go out of bounds
            // - Every 2-3 minutes regenerate this map in a seperate thread, cloud renderer lerps between old and new map.
            // - Since the basic indices input is grid based, we can cycle those individually through time

            // for a future version
            // Hm. Maybe one noise generator for cloud coverage?
            // => Gain the ability to affect local temperature based on cloud coverage

            // Hm. Or maybe one noise generator for each cloud pattern?
            // => Gain the abillity for small scale and very large scale cloud patterns

            // Maybe even completely ditch per-region simulation?
            // => Gain the ability for migrating weather patterns

            // but then what will determine the cloud pattern?

            // Region-less Concept:
            // Take an LCGRandom. Use xpos and zpos+((int)totalDays) / 5 for coords
            // Iterate over every player
            //  - iterate over a 20x20 chunk area around it (or max view dist + 5 chunks)
            //    - domain warp x/z coords. use those coords to init position seed on lcgrand. get random value
            //    - store in an LerpedWeightedIndex2DMap
            // Iterate over every cloud tile
            //  - read cloud pattern data from the map

            // Snow accum needs to take the existing world information into account, i.e. current snow level
            // We should probably
            // - Store snow accumulation as a float value in mapchunkdata as Dictionary<BlockPos, float>
            // - Every 3 seconds or so, "commit" that snow accum into actual snow layer blocks, i.e. if accum >= 1 then add one snow layer and do accum-=1


            UpdateSnowLayerChunk ch = new UpdateSnowLayerChunk()
                Coords = chunkPos

            // Lets wait until we're done with the current job for this chunk
            if (updateSnowLayerQueue.Contains(ch))

            double nowTotalHours = ws.api.World.Calendar.TotalHours;
            if (nowTotalHours - simregion.LastUpdateTotalHours > 1) // Lets wait until WeatherSimulationRegion is done updating

            byte[] data = mc.GetData("lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours");
            double lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours = data == null ? 0 : SerializerUtil.Deserialize <double>(data);
            double startTotalHours = lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours;

            int reso = WeatherSimulationRegion.snowAccumResolution;

            SnowAccumSnapshot sumsnapshot = new SnowAccumSnapshot()
                //SumTemperatureByRegionCorner = new API.FloatDataMap3D(reso, reso, reso),
                SnowAccumulationByRegionCorner = new API.FloatDataMap3D(reso, reso, reso)
            float[] sumdata = sumsnapshot.SnowAccumulationByRegionCorner.Data;

            if (simregion == null)

            // Can't grow bigger than one full snow block
            float max = ws.GeneralConfig.SnowLayerBlocks.Count + 0.5f;

            int len      = simregion.SnowAccumSnapshots.Length;
            int i        = simregion.SnowAccumSnapshots.Start;
            int newCount = 0;

            lock (WeatherSimulationRegion.lockTest)
                while (len-- > 0)
                    SnowAccumSnapshot hoursnapshot = simregion.SnowAccumSnapshots[i];
                    i = (i + 1) % simregion.SnowAccumSnapshots.Length;

                    if (hoursnapshot == null || lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours >= hoursnapshot.TotalHours)

                    float[] snowaccumdata = hoursnapshot.SnowAccumulationByRegionCorner.Data;
                    for (int j = 0; j < snowaccumdata.Length; j++)
                        sumdata[j] = GameMath.Clamp(sumdata[j] + snowaccumdata[j], -max, max);

                    lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours = Math.Max(lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours, hoursnapshot.TotalHours);

            if (newCount == 0)

            bool ignoreOldAccum = false;
            if (lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours - startTotalHours >= sapi.World.Calendar.DaysPerYear * sapi.World.Calendar.HoursPerDay)
                ignoreOldAccum = true;

            ch = UpdateSnowLayer(sumsnapshot, ignoreOldAccum, mc, chunkPos);

            if (ch != null)
                //Console.WriteLine("{0} snaps used for {1}/{2}", newCount, chunkPos.X, chunkPos.Y);

                ch.LastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours = lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours;
                ch.Coords = chunkPos.Copy();

                lock (updateSnowLayerQueueLock)