コード例 #1
        public async Task Setup()
            // Build Connection to Vault.
            _vault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("AppRoleVault");

            //_vault = new VaultAgentAPI ("AppRoleVault", VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken, true);
            _vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vault.TokenID, _vault);

            _ldapMountName = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("LDAP");

            // Define the engine.
            _ldapAuthEngine = (LdapAuthEngine)_vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_LDAP, "ldap_test", _ldapMountName);

            // Now create the Mount point.
            AuthMethod authMethod = new AuthMethod(_ldapMountName, EnumAuthMethods.LDAP);

            authMethod.Description = "Ldap Test";
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(authMethod), "A10:  Expected the LDAP Backend to have been enabled.");

            // Now build the LDAP Backend.
            _origConfig = _ldapAuthEngine.GetLDAPConfigFromFile(@"C:\a_Dev\Configs\LDAP_Test.json");
            SetLDAPConfig(_ldapMountName, _origConfig);

            // Save the Config.  We do this here so the SetLDAPConfig can be used for multiple engines.
            Assert.True(await _ldapAuthEngine.ConfigureLDAPBackend(_origConfig), "A100:  Expected the LDAP Configuration method to return True");

            // Initialize the LDAP Login Connector.
            _ldapLoginConnector = new LDAPLoginConnector(_vault, _ldapAuthEngine.MountPoint, "Test LDAP Backend");

            // Load the Test Data Object
コード例 #2
ファイル: TestUniqueKeys.cs プロジェクト: SlugEnt/UniqueKeys
        // Validates that the first key has a value of 1 and each subsequent call is increasing by 1.
        public void KeyNumberShouldIncrement_EachCall_Success()
            string defaultPrefix = "Key";

            // We need to simulate the Timeguid logic to derive at the initial key value.
            TimeGuid stGuid = new TimeGuid(DateTime.Now);

            UniqueKeys uniqueKey = new UniqueKeys();
            string     key       = uniqueKey.GetKey();
            string     expKey    = defaultPrefix + stGuid + "1";

                expKey, key,
                "A1:  Expected initial key value was not correct. Note:  On Failures run a second time.  There is a very slight chance that due to a second rollover the values could be different.  Expected: " +
                expKey +
                "   Actual: " +

            // Now generate another key:
            string key2    = uniqueKey.GetKey();
            string expKey2 = defaultPrefix + stGuid + "2";

                expKey2, key2,
                "A2:  Expected initial key value was not correct. Note:  On Failures run a second time.  There is a very slight chance that due to a second rollover the values could be different.  Expected: " +
                expKey +
                "   Actual: " +
コード例 #3
        public async Task AppRoleLoginConnector_Test()
            // PRE-Test

            VaultSystemBackend vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vault.TokenID, _vault);
            string             approleMountName   = _UK.GetKey("AppAuth");

            // Create an AppRole authentication connection.
            AppRoleAuthEngine appRoleAuthEngine = (AppRoleAuthEngine)_vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, "AppRole", approleMountName);

            // Create an Authentication method of App Role.	- This only needs to be done when the Auth method is created.
            AuthMethod am = new AuthMethod(approleMountName, EnumAuthMethods.AppRole);
            bool       rc = await vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(am);

            string  rName = _UK.GetKey("Role");
            AppRole roleA = new AppRole(rName);

            Assert.True(await appRoleAuthEngine.SaveRole(roleA));

            string roleID = await appRoleAuthEngine.ReadRoleID(roleA.Name);

            // Now create the a secret
            AppRoleSecret secret_A = await appRoleAuthEngine.GenerateSecretID(roleA.Name);

            // ACTUAL TEST
            // Create Login Connector
            AppRoleLoginConnector loginConnector = new AppRoleLoginConnector(_vault, approleMountName, "Test AppRole", roleID, secret_A.ID);
            bool result = await loginConnector.Connect(true);

            Assert.IsTrue(result, "A10:  Login Failed");
コード例 #4
ファイル: TestUniqueKeys.cs プロジェクト: SlugEnt/UniqueKeys
        public void RefreshKeyWorks()
            string defaultPrefix = "Key";


            // We need to simulate the Timeguid logic to derive at the initial key value.
            TimeGuid stGuid = new TimeGuid(DateTime.Now);

            UniqueKeys uniqueKey = new UniqueKeys(constantTimeGuid: true);
            string     key       = uniqueKey.GetKey(defaultPrefix);
            string     expKey    = defaultPrefix + uniqueKey.WhatIsKeySeparator + stGuid + uniqueKey.WhatIsIncrementSeparator + "1";

            Assert.AreEqual(expKey, key, "A10:  Expected initial key value was not correct.   Expected: " + expKey + "   Actual: " + key);

            string key2 = uniqueKey.GetKey(defaultPrefix);

            // Now refresh the key.
            string key3 = uniqueKey.RefreshKey(defaultPrefix);

            // Because key3 requested RefreshKey, we should get a new TimeGuid as it would have made the thread sleep for at least 1 second.
            TimeGuid newGuid = new TimeGuid(DateTime.Now);

            Assert.IsTrue(key2.EndsWith(uniqueKey.WhatIsIncrementSeparator + "2"), "A20:  Key2 should have ended with a 2.");
            Assert.IsTrue(key3.EndsWith(newGuid.ToString), "A21:  Key3 should have ended with a 1 as it was called with the RefreshKey.");

            string expKey3 = defaultPrefix + uniqueKey.WhatIsKeySeparator + newGuid;

                expKey3, key3, "A30: Expected key after Refresh was not equal to the value returned by UniqueKeys.  Exp: " + expKey3 + "   Actual:  " + key3);
コード例 #5
ファイル: TestUniqueKeys.cs プロジェクト: SlugEnt/UniqueKeys
        public void KeyIncrementer_Increments_Success()
            string defaultPrefix = "ABC";


            // We need to simulate the Timeguid logic to derive at the initial key value.
            TimeGuid stGuid = new TimeGuid(DateTime.Now);

            UniqueKeys uniqueKey = new UniqueKeys();
            string     key       = uniqueKey.GetKey(defaultPrefix);
            string     expKey    = defaultPrefix + uniqueKey.WhatIsKeySeparator + stGuid;

                expKey, key,
                "A10:  Expected initial key value was not correct. Note:  On Failures run a second time.  There is a very slight chance that due to a second rollover the values could be different.  Expected: " +
                expKey +
                "   Actual: " +

            // Now create 2 more keys.  They should have incrementers attched to them.
            string key2 = uniqueKey.GetKey(defaultPrefix);
            string key3 = uniqueKey.GetKey(defaultPrefix);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(key, key2, "A20:  Expected Key1 and Key2 to be different.");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(key2, key3, "A30:  Expected Key2 and Key3 to be different.");

            Assert.IsTrue(key2.EndsWith(uniqueKey.WhatIsIncrementSeparator + "1"), "A40:  Key2 should have ended with a 1.");
            Assert.IsTrue(key3.EndsWith(uniqueKey.WhatIsIncrementSeparator + "2"), "A50:  Key3 should have ended with a 2.");
コード例 #6
ファイル: TestUniqueKeys.cs プロジェクト: SlugEnt/UniqueKeys
        public void KeyValueSeparator_CanBeSet_Success()
            string defaultPrefix = "ABC";
            string sep           = "^";


            // We need to simulate the Timeguid logic to derive at the initial key value.
            TimeGuid stGuid = new TimeGuid(DateTime.Now);

            // Set separator to be carat.
            UniqueKeys uniqueKey = new UniqueKeys(sep);
            string     key       = uniqueKey.GetKey(defaultPrefix);
            string     expKey    = defaultPrefix + sep + stGuid.ToString;

                expKey, key,
                "A10:  Expected initial key value was not correct. Note:  On Failures run a second time.  There is a very slight chance that due to a second rollover the values could be different.  Expected: " +
                expKey +
                "   Actual: " +
            TestContext.WriteLine("Unique Key Value:    {0}", key);
            TestContext.WriteLine("Expected Key Value:  {0}", expKey);
コード例 #7
ファイル: TestUniqueKeys.cs プロジェクト: SlugEnt/UniqueKeys
        public void RefreshKeyWithUniquePrefix_Success()
            string defaultPrefix = "unique";

            // We need to simulate the Timeguid logic to derive at the initial key value.
            TimeGuid stGuid = new TimeGuid(DateTime.Now);

            UniqueKeys uniqueKey = new UniqueKeys();
            string     key       = uniqueKey.GetKey(defaultPrefix);
            string     expKey    = defaultPrefix + uniqueKey.WhatIsKeySeparator + stGuid.ToString;

                expKey, key,
                "A1:  Expected initial key value was not correct. Note:  On Failures run a second time.  There is a very slight chance that due to a second rollover the values could be different.  Expected: " +
                expKey +
                "   Actual: " +

            // Now get a new key.  Note the TimeGuid portion should be updated and the increment should be updated.
            string   key2    = uniqueKey.RefreshKey(defaultPrefix);
            TimeGuid stGuid2 = new TimeGuid(DateTime.Now);
            string   expKey2 = defaultPrefix + uniqueKey.WhatIsKeySeparator + stGuid2;

                expKey2, key2, "A2: Expected key after Refresh was not equal to the value returned by UniqueKeys.  Exp: " + expKey2 + "   Actual:  " + key2);

            TestContext.WriteLine("Unique Key Value:    {0}", key2);
            TestContext.WriteLine("Expected Key Value:  {0}", expKey2);
コード例 #8
        public async Task VaultAgentTest_OneTimeSetup()
            _uk   = new UniqueKeys();
            name  = _uk.GetKey("vlt");
            vault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault(name);

            //new VaultAgentAPI(name, VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken);
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// This particular test was running consistently 15x slower than any other test.  ~250ms
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task AppRoleBE_UpdateRoleID()
            string  rName = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("Role");
            AppRole ar    = new AppRole(rName);
            bool    rc    = await _appRoleAuthEngine.SaveRole(ar);

            // Now read a Role ID for it.
            string roleID = await _appRoleAuthEngine.ReadRoleID(ar.Name);

            // Update the role ID
            rc = await _appRoleAuthEngine.UpdateAppRoleID(ar.Name, "newDomain");

            string roleIDNew = await _appRoleAuthEngine.ReadRoleID(ar.Name);

            Assert.AreEqual("newDomain", roleIDNew);
            Console.WriteLine("AppRoleBE_UpdateRoleID Finished OK!");
コード例 #10
ファイル: TestUniqueKeys.cs プロジェクト: SlugEnt/UniqueKeys
        public void DefaultKeyPrefix_IsCorrect()
            UniqueKeys uniqueKey = new UniqueKeys();
            string     key       = uniqueKey.GetKey();
            string     prefix    = key.Substring(0, 3);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, prefix.Length, "A1: String prefix was expected to be 3 characters long.");
            Assert.AreEqual("Key", prefix, "A2: Default prefix is expected to be Key");
コード例 #11
ファイル: TestUniqueKeys.cs プロジェクト: SlugEnt/UniqueKeys
        public void StaticTimeGuid_StaysSameThruLifetimeOfUniqueKeyObject()
            string defaultPrefix = "ABC";


            // We need to simulate the Timeguid logic to derive at the initial key value.
            TimeGuid stGuid = new TimeGuid(DateTime.Now);

            //We want a constant TimeGuid
            UniqueKeys uniqueKey = new UniqueKeys(constantTimeGuid: true);
            string     key       = uniqueKey.GetKey(defaultPrefix);
            string     expKey    = defaultPrefix + uniqueKey.WhatIsKeySeparator + stGuid + uniqueKey.WhatIsIncrementSeparator + "1";

                expKey, key,
                "A10:  Expected initial key value was not correct. Note:  On Failures run a second time.  There is a very slight chance that due to a second rollover the values could be different.  Expected: " +
                expKey +
                "   Actual: " +

            // Now lets create 3 more keys with a second between them.  TimeGuid should be same and just the incrementer should be increasing.
            string key2 = uniqueKey.GetKey(defaultPrefix);

            string key3 = uniqueKey.GetKey(defaultPrefix);

            string key4 = uniqueKey.GetKey(defaultPrefix);


            Assert.IsTrue(key2.EndsWith(uniqueKey.WhatIsIncrementSeparator + "2"), "A20:  Key2 should have ended with a 2.");
            Assert.IsTrue(key3.EndsWith(uniqueKey.WhatIsIncrementSeparator + "3"), "A21:  Key3 should have ended with a 3.");
            Assert.IsTrue(key4.EndsWith(uniqueKey.WhatIsIncrementSeparator + "4"), "A22:  Key4 should have ended with a 4.");

            Assert.AreEqual(defaultPrefix + uniqueKey.WhatIsKeySeparator + stGuid + uniqueKey.WhatIsIncrementSeparator + "2", key2,
                            "A50:  key2 is not expected value.");
            Assert.AreEqual(defaultPrefix + uniqueKey.WhatIsKeySeparator + stGuid + uniqueKey.WhatIsIncrementSeparator + "3", key3,
                            "A51:  key3 is not expected value.");
            Assert.AreEqual(defaultPrefix + uniqueKey.WhatIsKeySeparator + stGuid + uniqueKey.WhatIsIncrementSeparator + "4", key4,
                            "A52:  key4 is not expected value.");
コード例 #12
ファイル: VaultSysTests.cs プロジェクト: SlugEnt/VaultAPI
        public async Task Transit_CanEnableTransitBackend()
            // Generate a hopefully small unique name.
            string beName  = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("TranBEN");
            string oldName = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("TranBEO");

            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.SysMountCreate(beName, "transit test backend", EnumSecretBackendTypes.Transit));
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.SysMountCreate(oldName, "transit test backend", EnumSecretBackendTypes.Transit));
コード例 #13
ファイル: TestUniqueKeys.cs プロジェクト: SlugEnt/UniqueKeys
        public void DefaultConstructor_CreatesExpectedKey()
            string key = "ABC";

            // For this test we want to make sure we do not cross a second boundary.  So any time above 700ms we will wait out until the next second hits.
            int millisec = DateTimeOffset.Now.Millisecond;
            int sleepInt = 0;

            if (millisec > 800)
                sleepInt = 1000 - millisec;

            // We will test twice to determine if the TimeGuid is being set correctly.
            UniqueKeys uniqueKeys = new UniqueKeys();
            string     key1       = uniqueKeys.GetKey(key);

            // Now sleep so we can make sure the next call to uniqueKeys will generate a new timeGuid.
            millisec = DateTimeOffset.Now.Millisecond;
            sleepInt = 1000 - millisec + 10;

            // Create another unique key.  The TimeGuid's should be different.
            string key2 = uniqueKeys.GetKey(key);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(key1, key2, "A10:  Expected the keys to be different.");
            Assert.True(key2.StartsWith(key + ":"), "A20:  Expected the generated key to start with ABC:");

            // Now get the TimeGuid parts of the keys
            string [] timeGuidPart1 = key1.Split(":");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, timeGuidPart1.Length, "A30:  Expected the generated key to contain 2 parts.");

            string [] timeGuidPart2 = key2.Split(":");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, timeGuidPart2.Length, "A30:  Expected the generated key to contain 2 parts.");

            Assert.AreNotEqual(timeGuidPart1 [1], timeGuidPart2 [1], "A40:  Expected the TimeGuid part of the keys to be different.");
            Assert.AreEqual(timeGuidPart1 [0], timeGuidPart2 [0], "A50:  Expected the Key part of the keys to be the same.");
コード例 #14
        public async Task ValidateConfigOptions()
            int    maxTTL     = 1800;               // 30min
            int    defaultTTL = 600;                // 10min
            string vis        = "hidden";           // should not show up in ui lists.

            string key  = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("SYSM");
            string desc = "Test Mount DB: " + key + "KeyValue V2";

            VaultSysMountConfig config = new VaultSysMountConfig {
                DefaultLeaseTTL   = defaultTTL.ToString(),
                MaxLeaseTTL       = maxTTL.ToString(),
                VisibilitySetting = vis

            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.SysMountCreate(key, desc, EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, config), "Unable to create Mount with key name: {0}", key);

            // Now read back the mount config data.
            VaultSysMountConfig config2 = await _vaultSystemBackend.SysMountReadConfig(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(config.DefaultLeaseTTL, config2.DefaultLeaseTTL, "Default Lease TTL's are not the same.");
            Assert.AreEqual(config.MaxLeaseTTL, config2.MaxLeaseTTL, "Max Lease TTL's are not the same.");
            Assert.AreEqual(config.VisibilitySetting, config2.VisibilitySetting, "Visibility Settings are not the same.");
コード例 #15
ファイル: SecretBackendTest.cs プロジェクト: SlugEnt/VaultAPI
        public async Task Secret_Init()
            if (_vaultAgentAPI != null)

            // Build Connection to Vault.
            _vaultAgentAPI = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("SecretBackEnd");

            string mountName = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("SEC");

            // Get Connection to Vault System backend
            _systemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vaultAgentAPI.TokenID, _vaultAgentAPI);
            Assert.IsTrue(await _systemBackend.CreateSecretBackendMount(EnumSecretBackendTypes.Secret, mountName, mountName, "Secret V1 Backend"), "A10:  Failed to create Secret Backend");

            _keyValueSecretEngine = (KeyValueSecretEngine)_vaultAgentAPI.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.Secret, mountName, mountName);

//            _keyValueSecretEngine = (KeyValueSecretEngine)await _vaultAgentAPI.CreateSecretBackendMount(EnumSecretBackendTypes.Secret, mountName, mountName, "Secret V1 Backend");

コード例 #16
        public async Task NormalLogin()
            // SETUP

            // We need our own vault since we will be manipulating the token value
            VaultAgentAPI ourVault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TokenTest");

            TokenAuthEngine ourTokenAuthEngine = (TokenAuthEngine)ourVault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_Token);

            // Need a Token Role so we can autogenerate a token
            TokenRole tokenRole = new TokenRole();

            UniqueKeys UK = new UniqueKeys("", "");       // Unique Key generator

            tokenRole.Name = UK.GetKey();
            await ourTokenAuthEngine.SaveTokenRole(tokenRole);

            string           tokenName        = "Name" + tokenRole.Name;
            TokenNewSettings tokenNewSettings = new TokenNewSettings()
                Name          = tokenName,
                NumberOfUses  = 6,
                NoParentToken = true,
                RoleName      = tokenRole.Name

            Token token = await ourTokenAuthEngine.CreateToken(tokenNewSettings);

            Assert.NotNull(token, "A10:  Expected to receive the new token back, instead we received a null value.");

            // Read the token we just created.
            //Token token = await _tokenAuthEngine.GetTokenWithID(tokenID);
            Assert.IsNotNull(token, "A20: No Token returned.  Was expecting one.");

            VaultAgentAPI vault2 = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TokenLoginTest");

            TokenLoginConnector loginConnector = new TokenLoginConnector(vault2, "test");

            loginConnector.TokenId = token.ID;
            Assert.IsTrue(await loginConnector.Connect(), "A30:  Login Failed");
コード例 #17
ファイル: TestUniqueKeys.cs プロジェクト: SlugEnt/UniqueKeys
        public void GetKeyWithUniquePrefix_Success()
            string defaultPrefix = "unique";

            // We need to simulate the Timeguid logic to derive at the initial key value.
            TimeGuid stGuid = new TimeGuid(DateTime.Now);

            UniqueKeys uniqueKey = new UniqueKeys();
            string     key       = uniqueKey.GetKey(defaultPrefix);
            string     expKey    = defaultPrefix + uniqueKey.WhatIsKeySeparator + stGuid.ToString;

                expKey, key,
                "A1:  Expected initial key value was not correct. Note:  On Failures run a second time.  There is a very slight chance that due to a second rollover the values could be different.  Expected: " +
                expKey +
                "   Actual: " +

            TestContext.WriteLine("Unique Key Value:    {0}", key);
            TestContext.WriteLine("Expected Key Value:  {0}", expKey);
コード例 #18
        public async Task RetrieveInvalidTokenFails()
            string tokenID = UK.GetKey("tokH");

            Token token = await _tokenAuthEngine.GetTokenWithID(tokenID);

            Assert.IsNull(token, "M1: Tried to find an unknown token returned a token object.  This is incorrect.");
コード例 #19
        public async Task AppRoleAuthEngineSetup()
            // Build Connection to Vault.
            _vault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("AppRoleVault");

            //_vault = new VaultAgentAPI("AppRoleVault", VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort);  //, VaultServerRef.rootToken,true);
            _vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vault.TokenID, _vault);

            string approleMountName = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("AppAuth");

            // Create an AppRole authentication connection.
            _appRoleAuthEngine = (AppRoleAuthEngine)_vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, "AppRole", approleMountName);

            // Create an Authentication method of App Role.	- This only needs to be done when the Auth method is created.
            AuthMethod am = new AuthMethod(approleMountName, EnumAuthMethods.AppRole);
            bool       rc = await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(am);
コード例 #20
ファイル: PolicyKV2_Tests.cs プロジェクト: SlugEnt/VaultAPI
 /// <summary>
 /// Reusable method that updates the provided secret and then returns the updated version.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="secret"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private async Task <KV2Secret> UpdateSecretRandom(KV2Secret secret)
     secret.Attributes.Add(_uniqueKeys.GetKey("attr"), "val");
     Assert.True(await _rootEng.SaveSecret(secret, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.OnlyOnExistingVersionMatch, secret.Version), "UpdateSecretRandom:  Failed to save correctly.");
     return(await _rootEng.ReadSecret(secret));
コード例 #21
        public async Task Transit_Init()
            if (_vaultAgentAPI != null)

            // Build Connection to Vault.
            _vaultAgentAPI = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TransitSecEng");

            //new VaultAgentAPI("transitVault", VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken, true);

            // Create unique name for the transit Backend we will use to test with.
            string transitMountName = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("TRANsit");

            // Get Connection to Vault System backend
            _systemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vaultAgentAPI.TokenID, _vaultAgentAPI);
            Assert.IsTrue(await _systemBackend.CreateSecretBackendMount(EnumSecretBackendTypes.Transit, transitMountName, transitMountName,
                                                                        "Transit Bckend Testing"), "A10:  Failed to Create the Transit Backend");
            _transitSecretEngine = (TransitSecretEngine)_vaultAgentAPI.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.Transit, transitMountName, transitMountName);

//            _transitSecretEngine =
            //			(TransitSecretEngine) await _vaultAgentAPI.CreateSecretBackendMount(EnumSecretBackendTypes.Transit, transitMountName, transitMountName,
            //		                                                                    "Transit Bckend Testing");
            Assert.NotNull(_transitSecretEngine, "Transit Backend was returned null upon creation.");
コード例 #22
        public async Task Create_Entity_Success()
            string name   = _uniqueKey.GetKey("Entity");
            Entity entity = new Entity(name);

            entity.Metadata.Add("Company", "ACME");
            entity.Metadata.Add("Products", "Dynamite");

            // Now save entity
            Entity rc = await _idEngine.SaveEntity(entity);

            Assert.IsNotNull(rc, "A10:  Expected to receive an Entity object");
            Guid gID = new Guid();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(gID, rc.Id, "A20:  The SaveEntity method should have returned an Entity object with a GUID value.  Instead it is at default - 0.");
            TestContext.WriteLine("Entity Name:   {0}", entity.Name);
            TestContext.WriteLine("Entity ID:     {0}", entity.Id);
コード例 #23
        public async Task SetSimpleLock()
            string id           = _idGenerator.Next().ToString();
            string lockCategory = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("SSL");

            // Set Lock
            Assert.IsTrue(await _locker.SetLock(lockCategory, id, "SetSimple"), "A10:  Lock was not set");